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Évaluations récentes de the Winter Warlock

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11 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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81.7 h en tout (73.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game contains BOTH Nazi Zombie Army 1 and 2. So don't buy those two games if you buy the trilogy, you'd just be wasting money like I did. I had to wait for this game to go on discount.

Seeing I never knew about this game, I already had NZA 1 and 2. But I waiting for the trilogy to go on a discount so I can play the third installment because it just wasn't worth it for me at full price.

BUT the graphics are way better in the version than the first two versions.

So let me talk about the first two versions of this game. It you want to see the reviews, just check it out for what I have written about it already.

But I will say this, the multiplayer is much better than the first two. So solid plus on that. Along with even better and creepier graphics, this game is really a lot of fun to play. More so as multiplayer. If you play single player, it's fun but can be a bit challenging even on the lowest of difficulties.

But for why I am writing this review, it's more for the third part of it. Please refer to my other reviews of 1 and 2 on it's respective game site :-)

It does prove to be challenging. I had difficulty finishing it on Cadet. Actually I never finished it. It was too hard and perhaps because the new enemies were really tough to beat. You really do have to play this multiplayer. If not, you will find yourself getting frustrated at what seems to be the simplest of missions, but are easily defeated due to lack of ammo reserves and being stuck in a small space with the horde seige coming for you. Playing multiplayer is easier and better and a lot less bug. Actually, I have not experienced any bugs with multiplayer. So you can play on higher difficulties with customized setting on spawns which makes the game a lot more enjoyable. And trust me on this, you will want to play with friends for the third installment.

The only downside to this game that I am not entirely crazy about. There is no place to play as a sniper like in the regular game. Well except for some safe spots you start in or can find, all the monsters know where you are and come for you. It is too bad that you could not create diversions and sneak around zombies and stuff like that. It sure would have changed the dynamic of the game, especially if the big elite zombies are trying to hunt you down and you have to find a hiding spot or something.

The only other thing and this is just my opinon on it. Too many seige's or hordes. Unlike Left 4 Dead if you tally your wank too long, you will get a horde. But I find it distracts a bit from the game.

But all in all I would give this a definite must play game if you are bored of CS-GO or want a change of pace.

My suggestions to the Dev's for this game.

- Make the game more stealth like.
- Option to play alone or with 3 other bots if you choose not to play multiplayer
- Less seiges if playing alone. Or at least give an option on seige frequency.

Bullet Cam video. If you make a great shot, add a command where you can press an assigned button to save that animation. (would work only on solo play), cause that's where half the fun is!


The MUSIC it totally 80's AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Évaluation publiée le 6 aout 2016. Dernière modification le 31 décembre 2016.
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6 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
156.5 h en tout (124.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Rating 10/10

If you are a Castlevania fan, then this game will not disappoint you. After playing the 30 minute demo I was sold on it. The game play is fantastic and the storyline as usual is amazing. It's not a short game so you do get your money's worth. Sticking true to the 2d version, you play in a 3d realm with new combo combat moves and techniques to keep the game play interesting. Puzzle's have to be solve along the way but in general, this is a great game to own.

The soundtrack is absolutely amazing, the graphics and landscapes are just stunning. You want to just walk around a bit and just enjoy the scenery, it's that good. BONUS points with PATRICK STWART as the Narrator, and ROBERT CARLISLE as Gabrielle, it gives the game a touch of class that just feels right. I am thoroughly impressed and have I don't know what else to say except, play the demo and see for yourself.

I had Deleted my first review of this game (done 2 years ago before this one) and looking back, it didn't it justice. This is my renewed review.
Évaluation publiée le 3 juillet 2016. Dernière modification le 3 aout 2017.
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6 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
111.4 h en tout (31.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This is a SINGLE player, and not a multiplayer review.

Well what can I say, this is a great game. It's not often I will write a review and not finish the game (still playing and will finish it) but it's so bad ass, it really is pretty good for the apparent reboot. The graphics are amazing and the story line is good. It's not a total open world but you can wander about the areas to collect loot and stuff and find hidden things. But eventually you have to move forward for the story to move forward. And you do have the means of back travelling should you have missed items before. Some items you can only get later in the game, so you have to go back anyways.

I have never played any Tomb Raider games before. This is my first Tomb Raider game, and I am very impressed, very pleased with the game play.

It's very addictive to me to play. I am almost done and I have been playing for about 2-3 days. It's a lot of fun to play.

As usual, I bought it on a very good discounted sale.

Évaluation publiée le 27 juin 2016.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
55.2 h en tout (14.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
Rating 10/10

Well this is a best makeover of a game anyone can ask for. Half Life 1 was a great game and Black Mesa just refreshes that fun. It now even looks more consistent with Half Life 2.

With Xen completed now, I can finally play it to the end. Xen looks amazing. I can give it a lengthy review but if you played HL1 already, get ready for the next several levels of awesomeness.
Évaluation publiée le 27 juin 2016. Dernière modification le 26 novembre 2020.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
83.1 h en tout (48.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Ok. Brace yourselves. This game is really really good. I never actually played any Wolfenstein game. Not even the first one. I was playing Doom 1 back then, so to me, Wolfenstein was kinda lame. I know, unfair to do. But I don't know what led me to this game. I may have heard some talk and looked into it. The videos sold me on the idea to buy the game and when the Winter Sale of 2016 hit, it was already on my list.

AMD and/or ATI Video card users may not be able to play unless they update their drivers.
It wasn't working but the update as of May 2016 fixed my problem and was able to play this game.


This game is really well made, well done and the story line is really good. Somewhat like Half-Life 2 but your character does talk. I have already played through it twice in a row (2 story lines, depending on who you choose should live; you will see.)

The action is great right off the bat. No 10 minute intro and long boring scenarios of tedious gameplay before you begin actual game play. You are pretty much seeing action within minutes. AND the great thing is, you are not starting off with crappy weapons and working your way up. YES you get to dual weild rifles in the beginning. Hell, you are at war! But aside from that, you will get some better weapons later on, but nothing big because to keep consistent with the story line, it has to make sense, right?

With that said, the game play is good, there are achievements and treasure hunting to do. I would suggest watching youtube vids. You can if you miss something go back to a chapter, but there IS NO saving slots. so if you go back, you would lose your progress (but not achievements or found items) and continue your game from where you chose to start from. Just finish the game once and then choose the chapters, but you will have to do the game twice for both timelines.

This game is about what would it be like if the Nazi's did win the war. And it's not exactly something you'd want to see come true in real life.
Évaluation publiée le 5 juin 2016.
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39.7 h en tout (37.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
OK so having a lot of fun with the first one, the second one.... is more creepier and scarier.

It's just as great as the first, seeing that it is a continuation, but with more funs stuff.

The levels are more hellish looking and seriously, it really is intense with the new enemies that are added as well as new/same levels.

I have not played this on multiplayer, but I got most of the achievement you can get as a single player.

AGAIN... I don't know why the option is not there to play single player but with 3 bot like in Left 4 Dead.
If there is, then I missed that option.

LOL it can be testing on your nerves on single player late at night with the lights off. (Anyone ever play Slender the Arrival in the dark?)

So great game, great play, and looks like a lot of fun on multiplayer as well.
Évaluation publiée le 1 mars 2016.
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0.0 h en tout
Alrighty! This indeed was a challenge to do. You have 2 achievements to do. Secret Service and Shoot for the Alps.

Secret Service requires you to kill all the enemies in town before you enter the church. So again, stealth and Welrod. Patience is a must. Because you really can't save, if you screw up, you have to start all over again, and believe me, I have been at it for a few days and rage quitting cause there always seems to be an enemy that spots me! There are 13 enemies to clear out and the good news is, when you get to your last enemy, he is tagged by the game automally. So polish him off and get your achievement.

NOTE. You can kill with Welrod on upper body as well. Every kill does not have to be a headshot.

Now once you have got that, you can restart the level, but just finish the map so you can see what you are getting yourself into.

Do the Shoot for the Alps second. Watch youtube vids and everything. I got over 5000 (you only need 4000) meters at the end of the mission. You get the achievement when you finish the mission, not before.

Other than that, this map proved to be a challenge like the other 2 maps, Neudorf Outpost and Landwehr Canal.

Worth the money on a steam discount as always.

Even though this was frustating at times, it was fun when things did go right for me.

I saved at the first save point when I got about 9 kills and I was at the spot to do so.
Évaluation publiée le 20 février 2016.
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3.0 h en tout
Well it's not often that I would give a game a bad rating, but I try to find something good about the game to be postive. I could not with this game. Not even halfway through the 3rd mission, I actually stopped the game and deleted the local content. It really is that bad.

First off, the graphics for the time it was made is sub standard. But I suppose for $4 for the game, what can you expect. Oh wait. I have paid $4 for better games with better graphics. But I could deal with the graphics for what it was. On the first mission, the game seemed ok, like let's just get through this game and dump it at the end.

Stealth is well you can shoot enemies and it can take a few bullets. But if you miss, no matter where you go, it's like the AI has TOTAL auto aim and auto fire on. And this is on the easy difficulty.

This is proabaly a perfect game for kid who wants to learn some basics, but even then, there are much better games. I found myself becoming bored and disinterested really fast with this game as well. It is unfortuante because it looks like it has potential to be a great game, but I have yet to try the next one, and I hope it's not a waste of money and time like this one here.

Do youself a favour. If you are going to spend 3 bucks on a sniper game I would HIGHLY suggest Sniper Elite 1. Wait for the sale on it of course.
Évaluation publiée le 19 février 2016. Dernière modification le 19 février 2016.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
33.7 h en tout (27.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This really was a fun game to play. So Ill vote YES for the most part. The other parts are just nuances Ill get into in a moment.

So you are back in Berlin and it's a Zombie Army you are fighting. There are 5 maps to go through and I can say, this is a pretty EVIL game. Single player is pretty good and you can have up to 4 players in Multiplayer. Unfortunately when you play single player, you are alone. Unlike Left 4 Dead where you have 3 other AI's with you. This would have proved interesting for harder levels. But that's not the case. So that is one of my quirks. Once you get use to the gameplay, it's pretty straight forward. Zombies come at you and no use using stealth for the most parts. It's not going to work. They just come right for you. So keep your hearbeat down for any quick sprints you may need.

The graphics are amazing! You are welcomed into the game with one of the most beautiful creeps scenes ever put on a game. Foggy everywhere and it's NIGHT time for this whole game. So I as usual, bought this on a discount and worth the $5. But one can easily be bored with single player, so let's head to multiplayer.

Multiplayer is GREAT! Harder levels are easier with other live players. I breezed though the elite levels pretty fast. You have the options if you start a server on how many enemies you want 1-4x per person. That means 4 enemies per person if you choose 4x. But this can prove fatal becasue it seems servers are not really reliable and people lose the connection. They do eventually come back in, but sometimes the damage is done. AND I do see issues with delay. I find myself losing bullets fast when I shoot a good shot, but it doesn't register. Again, a few small issues.

The music in the game is incredible. Sort of a 80's sound to it a little bit, but it is suiting to the game. Have a listen if you can.

Hope you enjoy the game

UPDATE on multiplayer and lag.
Well I believe it depends where you are player and where the server is. I have noticed that if I create the server, my lag is gone basically, and even other players don't have a problem.
Évaluation publiée le 15 février 2016. Dernière modification le 5 mars 2016.
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0.0 h en tout
Wow, this map requires incredible patience if you are going for the SILENCE IS GOLDEN achievement. There is NO ROOM for error. One mistake and you have to start all over. Well you start from a save point and I believe there are only 2. One after you eliminate the enemies and then grab the explosives. Hopefully all enemies are dead and after you plant the 3rd explosive is your last save point. Then you have to sneak your way out with stealth and hope you hid the bodies well.

This is a map that has been remade from Sniper Elite 1. Beautiful job! The game play is good and other than not having enough save points, it's a pretty good map for what you want to do if again, you are going for that achievement.

Also if you get to a save point, don't end your game. You will not be able to go back to that save point, you'd have to start ALL OVER again from the beginning. So set aside a couple of hours, or maybe 30 minutes, depending on your skill level and play this map.

Buy this on a discount becasue in my opinon, no map is worth $5-6
Évaluation publiée le 14 février 2016.
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