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Évaluations récentes de the Winter Warlock

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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
8.2 h en tout (7.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Rating 10/10

A classic game revived on Steam. Note that you cannot use your serial number from your disks on steam.
Sux for me. I lost the original disks, but I am happy to be playing this again.

Great game for multiplayer and solo if you just want to go at your own pace.
Évaluation publiée le 22 novembre 2018.
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0.1 h en tout
I guess the snowflakes forgot that most steam players on PC use a keyboard and mouse.
I guess it was not important enough for them to include that feature...

Fastest 5 minutes of, LOL play... I ever did.
Évaluation publiée le 29 juin 2018. Dernière modification le 29 juin 2018.
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0.2 h en tout
Review for Deleted Scenes only (Single Player Campaign)

Well, this was fun when it came out, and I played it again just for laughs March 2018. It was still fun, but playing CS-GO several years now, it would be great if Valve can modernize this instead or dumping another useless case on the community. Maybe one day, but to me, this was just fun for one last run through.
Évaluation publiée le 8 mars 2018.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
158.2 h en tout (37.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)

Rating 10/10

OK so usually I wait till I finish the game before I write a review but I believe after playing almost 12 hours straight, I can give it my honest review.


Now a few things to consider. I encountered NO ISSUES with the game what so ever. No bugs, no glitches, no tech problems whatsoever. I play on full screen, 60 fps. The gameplay is extremely smooth. My computer itself is not the best. I can't play the latest DOOM (2016) if that tells you anything.

There are many people posting negative reviews due to bad playing, tech issues and what not, which I am more inclined to believe it may be on their end and not Square Enix's end.

Another thing to consider. If you loved the game and approach this with an open mind, you will enjoy it as I am right now. It's the same game, but it's gonna be different too.

This is a remake, NOT a re-release. It's the same game, with extras. Any youtube video will show you what to expect. Please look at some videos so you get the real idea.

There are many elitists out there right now, viewing this game very negatively. Some don't even actually own the game yet. I mean, the opening whale call offended them becasue it wasn't exactly the same as the SNES version. Their "ELITIST OCD" threw them off the charts. So if you are, or are going to be that kind of guy, then this game will only succeed in frustrating you. I would suggest to get an emulator, or bubble wrap.

So to continue, let's touch on a few things.

You can switch between remake and original at anytime during the game. When a scene changed I paused the game and listened to the new music. It's good, but not great. Being an SoM fan as well, I opted to keep it on Original. New players may like the new music, but I will stand by the fans of the old version, the original is way better. I am extremely thankful that the old music is available.

Voice Acting.
I actually like it. It's not as bad as some people are making it out to be, and if it's really annoying, you can either turn the volume to 0 or just press your button to speed through the text, like in snes. I like it because it brings new life to something I love. Something different. And there is extra banter between the characters that was not in the SNES version. So take it for what it is, have a good chuckle and don't take it so seriously. My favourite voice is Neko. :-)

I love the new layout. It's what you would expect. Again, another thing that breathes new life in the game. With the music and the SFX being the same as well, it still feels like SoM.

Gameplay and Controls
I play only on a mouse and keyboard and I have no problems with controls, fighting, and moving, etc.

The negatives.
Well there isn't anything really except that if you are on Keyboard and Mouse, the options menu could be more user friendly. It is default wasd, so if you are arrow key player like myself, this is confusing when rebinding the keys.

TIP: N is the default "back" button when you are setting up your config, until you actually assign your "back" button to your specific key. AND when you enter your name, there is another button you have to hold down for the cursor to disappear and you have to use your "direction key (arrows or wasd)" to select OK. This is where I believe mouse clickability should come into play. And come into play for player rings.

Difficulty settings
Well there are none and the game is fairly easy. I would sugges Enix to add difficulty modes.

Well I bit the bullet and paid for this with an %18 discount. So I save a few bucks. But I was already hoping and waiting for over a decade for someone to release this game on steam and well, I normally wait for discounts on winter sales and such, but I didn't want to wait another year to save %50

In my opinion, this is basically a successful reboot of an old classic with new feature. Yes there will be changes. Yes people will hate it, but there are also people who will love it. Take the game for what it is and just enjoy it as is. So what if it's not like the original down to a T. It's still the same game and that's what matters.
Évaluation publiée le 17 février 2018. Dernière modification le 17 février 2018.
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12 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
64.0 h en tout (47.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Rating 8.5/10

Well some reviews are comparing this game to Dishonoured. There may be some similarities, but this is not like Dishonoured really.

I bought this with the DLC of the Forsaken and Bank Heist, both extremely good when bought on a discount.
I bought this game as well on the 2017 winter sale.

The game is fun and you prowl through the night of the old city streets. There is your main story line and side quests as well. Thankfully the devs didn't overload with too many side quests, but just enough that it doesn't draw you away from the main story. They are quick and easy and can be done on your way to the next point of our story line. A nice touch cause I feel lots of time can be wasted on redundant side quests (Yes, I am looking at you, Rise of the Tomb Raider)

The game is not relativly short, I would say it's a good length. You can finish anything after the main story is done to get a few additonal achievements.

The graphics are GREAT! You can sure appreciate it when you see the candles, fire and fire embers, and torches that are in the game.

Again, the game is can be slow paced and then can be fast paced. It also depends your playing style. Stealth or not, Kill or avoid totally. It does give a different dynaminc on your apporach.
Évaluation publiée le 27 janvier 2018.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.6 h en tout
Rating 7/10

Well for what it was, it was fun, but very redundant for me. I played for about 30 minutes before I requested a refund. Yes, even on special for Winter Sale 2017. It just wasn't for me.

But I am not saying the game is not good. I can see the potential for younger minded players having fun with it. It's cute, Ill give it that. I believe the controls can be better. Again, it seems like another company that doesn't give the end user key binding options, in which was one of the reasons why I lost interest in the game. Sorry, my right mouse click is my Jump button, not the up arrow.

But it can be a bit challenging but again, it gets repetitive. The same reason why I never went to the end on Super Mario. It's all the same, gets harder, but all the same.

So I would only recommned this game if you want something to kill time or casual play, give this a go.
Évaluation publiée le 8 janvier 2018.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
21.4 h en tout (10.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Rating 8.5/10

Ok Before I give my review on this, there are a couple of things on the DOWN SIDE that should be noted.
First and foremost. Even on the lowest graphics settings, the FPS is not great. I never hit 60 fps during game play and has gone down to as far as 12 FPS. And it's for the whole game, not just a certain part.

Secondly. I don't know why developers are forcing you to play on a keyboard control layout, but you cannot bind any keys ot your mouse or anything. You cannot even bind normal keys. I don't know how many times I went to use the wrong button for something. My USE button for normal things is assigned to something else important and can interfere with your game play. Imagine using mana for no reason and all you want to do is open a door.

So that's the only down side to the game so DEV's, please enable use to key map how WE SEE FIT, not how you see fit.

So now for the real review.

I got this on sale for $5. It's been sitting on my wishlist for quite some time so I decided to get it for the Winter 2017 sale. I tell you, I have no regrets really. The game is a bit linear a bit, but you do have to go off track to get collectables. But what a refreshing way to play other than any other first person shooter.

You get to play a Roman soldier and fight with spears, mounted crossbows, sword and shield, and use some Roman tactics to engage your enemy. A little hint. You get more XP in your executions when the enemy glows blue or yellow.

The scenery is really something great to look at, though I beleive it's the reason why people have FPS problems.

This really was a fun game, even though I did it in 10 hours, it does have some replayabilty for me. So get this on your next sale and check it out.
Évaluation publiée le 3 janvier 2018.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
166.6 h en tout (47.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Rating 9/10

This review is for single player mode only...

Well, what we have here is the second installment from the reboot of Tomb Raider. As fun as I had playing this, I found it to be just like the first one, but with more gameplay action, like now having to collect skins and stuff to make bigger pouches. much like in FarCry 3. Just to give you an idea.

The graphics and scenery are stunning and if you like snow.... well this takes place in Siberia, the coldest place on the planet! So I really enjoyed the game.

The story itself is pretty good. Russians, bad guys, undead or old world warriors...

Only downside, collecting artificats and side quests can eat up alot of time and really slow the story down. But that's subjective anyway.
Évaluation publiée le 5 octobre 2017. Dernière modification le 5 octobre 2017.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
6,249.2 h en tout (5,911.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
.... Gawd it's even worse now. Fatboy needs to put the chocolate bars down and start getting his BS together.

PLEASE READ if you are new. Veteran players need not and already know what I am going to say.

Unless you have played this game for years when it was in it's glory back in the day, this may be good to play now, but even then the game sucks compared to yesteryear. My recommendation. Play VALORANT. Even WarOwl pretty much says Valorant is the CS we should be getting but Fatboy at Valve does not listen.

So here is what you have to deal with

Cheating. Oh yes, LOTS of cheating. Valve has a terrible and overly outdated anti-cheat in place. There have been no updates in several years. Their latest anti cheat update is a message telling people Not to Cheat. I kid you not.

Smurfs. Yup, these malackas appear very often. Valve acknowledges them as a problem but does nothing to help the problem.

Trolls and griefers. I am sure that every game has em, but the amount of internet tough guys is amazing. If they can only play as good as they can dish out insults.

Toxic players. Yup, its pretty sad. See above comment.

Then Valve has their useless updates that do nothing. They make operations that are lame AF. They release cases that you buy and gamble a lot of money only to get a gun worth a few cents. And if you do get a great find in a case, it won't last long value wise as another case will come out shortly after and severely devalue your prized item.

I think Shi'thead finds it amusing to just troll it's clients by putting restrictions on skins and cases as well. You get a case reward from the operation. BOOM, can't sell it for a week. Thanks fatso.

Every now and then there is an update that actually betters the game, but it is extremely rare, like being able to drop nades for teammates. But keep in mind, it took them YEARS to figure that one out. I don't think the intelligence pool at Valve is very high. If it is, it is severely held back by someone who clearly doesn't care and doesn't want to see the game progress forward in a positive way.

The game use to be intensely skill based, but now it has become the complete opposite. Strategy has gone out the window and Instant Gratification is the new norm. What happens next is that these new players have this image of themselves as being gods of destruction by getting EZ kills with EZ guns and EZ wins, that when faced with a more veteran team, they get destroyed on embarrassingly proportions and then they start crying foul and cheats, thus leading some of them to download cheats, because Instant Gratification has been denied.

If you really want to save yourself much unwanted frustration and keep you sanity, Forget this game and play Valorant. Play any other game. This game is dying for real players looking for legit matches to play. The game is only kept alive due to cheaters, smurfs, and the skins market. Take away the skins market and watch this game crash like the Greek economy.
Évaluation publiée le 28 juillet 2017. Dernière modification le 11 mars.
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0.1 h en tout
OK the only NEGATIVE thing I need to say about this is that it doesn't go full screen. Even though there is a "full screen" button, I repeat, it DOES NOT go full screen.

With that said, if you do want full screen, you can go to


You will have to create an account like steam, but it's a big fish games account. It's quite easy.
Once you do that, like I did, you can play the game and have loads of fun.

So if you like Hidden Items games, I would say thus far in the Mystery case files games, they do not dissappoint. I have played Huntsville, Return to RavenHearst, and Prime Suspects and I enjoyed every one of them. Surely a great way to kill some time and looking forward to playing new ones when discounts and specials come on.

Bigfish site seems to always have specials going on there so worth looking into.
Évaluation publiée le 26 juin 2017. Dernière modification le 31 juillet 2017.
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