Schizophrenic whose into science fiction/horror/gore films such as Found, Shin Godzilla,Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things. Brian Paulin films: Fetus, Bone Sickness etc. Astron 6 films: Father's Day, Manborg etc. The Green Slime,Night Of The Living Dead. The Corpse Eaters(1974), The Lord's Of Salem, House Of 1,000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, Burial Ground The Nights Of Terror, Dead Eyes Open, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Sherlock Holmes films, Zombie, House By The Cemetery, Kill Bill 1+2, They Call Me Trinity, Death Proof, Planet Terror, Death Race 2000, Death Race 2050, The Dead, Dead Snow, The Video Dead, Videodrome, Last House On Dead End Street, Suspiria, Five Fingers Of Death, Full Metal Jacket, Paths Of Glory, The Evil Dead, Beyond The Door, Mandy, Southbound, V/H/S movie series, Hell House LLC movie series, The Demonic Tapes 1+2, Zero Charisma, Destroy All Neighbors, The Killer(2023) Netflix.

Am also a big fan of television series like The Night Stalker, Night Gallery, The Twilight Zone, The Prisoner, The Magic Garden, The Three Stooges, The Abbott And Costello Show, Addams Family, The Honeymooners, I Love Lucy, The Brady Bunch, My Three Sons, A Family Affair, The Courtship Of Eddie's Father, Babylon 5, Captain Power And The Soldiers Of The Future, Tales From The Darkside, Tales From The Crypt, Friday The 13th The Series, Go Rangers, Raideen, Captain Harlock, Star Blazers, Bubblegum Crisis, Armored Trooper Votoms, Dougram, Robotech, A.D. Police Files, Game Of Thrones, Reaper, True Blood, The Walking Dead, Ash vs Evil Dead. Penny Dreadful, N0S4RA2, Legion,Money Heist, American Horror Stories, Love Sex And Robots,One Punch Man, Yakatori, Resleeved, Altered Carbon, Stranger Things, The Fall Of The House Of Usher (Netflix), Damsel (Netflix), Enola Holmes (Netflix).

Used to read a lot of fantasy/horror/science fiction like Yukio Mishima, Clive Barker,Tanith Lee, Stephen King. One of my favorite writers is Michael Moorcock with his eternal champion series. He also did some cool music.The Bolo series by Keith Laumer. Dan Abnett's Eisenhorn from the Warhammer 40k universe. Battletech novels by Michael A Stackpole/Robert Charrette.

Computer games: The Elder Scrolls, Fallout 3+4, Might And Magic,BLOOD, Phantasmagoria, Legacy Realms Of The Haunting, Cyberstorm,Steel Panthers, Earthsiege, Master Of Orion 2, Civilization, Serious Sam, Mechwarrior, The Perfect General, Empire, Utopia, Powermonger, Battle Isle, Company Of Heroes, DYING LIGHT, Warhammer 40,000 Armageddon, Sanctus Reach, Legend Of Grimrock 1+2, Fall Of The Dungeon Guardians, Dungeon Of The Dragon Knight, Grim Dawn, Divinity Original Sin 1+2, OGRE, BATTLETECH by HBS, Warhammer 40,000 Gladius, Age Of Wonder Planetfall, Hellgate London,Infliction,Silent Hill UNREAL PT DEMO Mod by RadiusGordello, Locked Up, Panzer Corps 2,Frontline Panzer Blitzkrieg!, Kingdom Rush series,No Man's Sky,Fate series,Order Of Battle, Panzer Corps 2, Pathfinder: Wrath of The Righteous, Elex series, Baldur's Gate III, Devour, Dungeon Nightmares II, Farthest Frontier, Total War series, Warhammer 40,000 Battlesector, The Mortuary Assistant, Master Of Magic(2022), Graveyard Shift, New Cycle.

Musical tastes is pretty much everything with a focus on sci-fi/horror like John Foxx,Gary Numan, David Bowie, Siouxsie And the Banshees, Alice Cooper,Argyle Park, Numb,Ulver, Brian Eno, Adam And The Ants,The Cure, Fat Boys, Edith Piaf, The Residents,Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Korn,Run DMC. Moog and movie soundtracks with a horror/sci fi theme.

Am a big Fasa Battletech fan having brought everything that was available for the tabletop game back in the 1980's to the mid 1990's with many a Ral Partha figure brought and painted from The Compleate Strategist in Manhattan. Thank goodness for The Magazine Of Science Fiction And Fantasy where i found a small ad advertising the second edition of the game which i promptly ordered by snail mail and received to my shock with lightning swift timing.
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MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries
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957 Hours played
I have played the tabletop game like crazy for about ten years from the mid 1980s to the mid 90s before getting totally into the video game versions on the Amiga and intel pcs. So for me everything comes across very intuitively as if my brain is hardwired for BATTLETECH. Battles have a eloquent sense of randomness where they can be brutal and challenging one minute and then on another mission it can be a cake walk with some decent income and a bit of salvage.

Add in the economic system where you have to budget employee costs, supply logistics, upkeep, ship and battlemech repairs, battle injuries, negotiating merc contracts, training mechwarriors, interpersonal relationship issues with the crew that may come up etc etc and you have a whole lot of separate interesting game components which come together to immerse yourself in.

For fans who have played the tabletop game fanatically like i have its a dream come true and to have it thirty plus years makes it even more of a treat.

Graphics are stunning with the amazing combat cam its like zooming down on the tabletop version and seeing the varied planetary environments which look like gorgeous science fiction artwork from the 1970s magazine STARLOG pop out into chaotic metal mayhem gaming life.Battlemechs have the deep detail and intricate paint schemes of masterfully crafted minitures as if done by Ral Partha himself. Battlemechs rage alive with limited ammo ballistics and heat inducing energy weapons fire devastating landscape and foe alike. Seeing arms blasted off as myomar bundles and actuators sparkle with electricity dangling from now laser seared orifices is a sensual satisfying sight like no other to behold.

Graphical options include being able to choose your mercenary companies banner of which there are many to choose from. You can also choose different camouflage patterns along with painting your Battlemechs giving a nice personal tabletop minitures touch.

Graphics even have footprints on the ground when the Battlemechs move. Buildings collapse into a dust bowl of rubble as monstrous metal gods crash into them like some GODZILLA mass destruction movie. Battlemechs jump jet across the darkness of night time forests lighting up their paths like some nightmarish Halloween scene of black clad witches on fiery brooms.

Heat buildup and keeping one's Battlemechs standing as a inferno of screaming metal conflict flows all around one is all important as heat can cause internal damage to the Mechwarrior and Battlemech where eventually it can lead to a shutdown where one is a easy target for enemy fire and vice versa if an enemy Battlemech shuts down.

Sound effects are earth shaking devastating as LRM missiles soar across the battlefield ripping into ground vehicle armor like shredded paper. PPC fire is chunky and thumpy hitting with impactful might doing all sorts of havoc on the target's systems. Autocannons fire thunderously shattering Battlemech armor like a wrecking ball into a brick building. Mechwarriors grunt and howl in agony from shrapnel hits as their cockpits take a head shot garanteeing a stay in the med bay if they survive the mission contract. Then there are the many times Mechwarriors will shout in inspiring tones motivating all to fight on improving battlefield moral.

Music is emotionally moving and epic capturing the tone of the BATTLETECH universe with all its political intrigue, treachery and unimaginable bloodshed perfectly with a mix of classical GAME OF THRONES drama and David Van Tiegham futurism.

Nice tutorial where anybody who has played the tabletop game will intuitively know what to do as it plays out.

The game credits are also really well done with plenty of great photos of the Dev team during development of BATTLETECH.

BATTLETECH a stunning dreamy masterpiece of gaming artistic creation. A happy time for BATTLETECH fans is here for all to enjoy.

Thank you very much Jordan Weisman and HBS along with PARADOX for making this dream come true possible as well as all the fans who financially backed this masterpiece during the Kickstarter period.

BATTLETECH, In The 31st Century Life Is Cheap But Battlemechs Are'nt.
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2.6 Hours played
MEN OF WAR II i am definitely enjoying it and love the depth of detail such as every individual soldier having their own inventory and being able to dig trenches of different heights. Digging my first trench i accidentally made it so deep my soldiers could not get out of it ha ha. Being able to zoom in to a sweet up close ground level as well as first person views with increased detail seen is a exquisite sight to behold.

The blood and gore is off the charts and very welcomed. I could not believe when i saw the blood flowing and the body parts flying everywhere sending a visceral adrenaline filled shock to my senses as i suddenly was taken to another level of battlefield realism. Also seeing soldiers dying and or slumping over after being caught in a explosion is very nice. The fast pace at which everything occurs is exhilarating capturing that hectic feel of battle.

The amount of content is also incredible with Battalion Mode, PVP, PVE, the main campaign etc. The reinforcement timer is very well done adding to the tension and tactical thinking where troops have to last and not just thrown into a killing field to be slaughter. The long range combat element is a delight to behold giving that sense of death coming out of nowhere as well as concealment where the more you shoot the more likely you are to be revealed and open to enemy fire unless you periodically stop firing. Things like camouflage can help in staying hidden and in cover for a longer period allowing for an increased fire rate.

As for as comparison to the previous game it is different for sure and much more hectic in a good way without feeling overwhelming while the previous games were a bit more slow paced and stealthy. Many people are calling MEN OF WAR II a hardcore version of COMPANY OF HEROES on steroids. There is also a classical mode i have not yet played which is supposed to be more like the previous games. The Devs are also planning to add a Offline Mode in a upcoming patch which am looking forward to since i only play single player.

Pretty amazing to see two fantastic wargames come in the past two months with HEADQUARTERS WORLD WAR II (turn based) and MEN OF WAR II (real time). Happy days, happy days.

MEN OF WAR II graphics are stunning and a visual joy to behold with sharp detailed models flowing with unit authenticity bringing the heroism and violent battlefield action of a 2024 war game in this incredible renaissance of our gaming hobby.

Music and dialogue hits all the precision pin point tones of audio poetry inspiring wargamers to battle on as artillery screams thundering down with earth shattering death and bodies shredded in a furious fusillade of burning lead give out their last agonizing gasp.

MEN OF WAR II, Buy it! Play it! Embrace a video game battlefield come to THRILLING BOMBASTIC EXPLOSIVE LIFE!!! like no MEN OF WAR game has ever before!!!
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Great anime sequel to the live action original.
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Summary Too Many Voices is a complete dialogue and voiceover enhancement mod that aims to create unique voiceovers for every single unit, announcement and narration piece in the game. All dialogue is an original creation and recorded from scratch by actors
Retune mind and body to resonate at your frequency not of others.
Inspired by the SHUDDER series DEAD WAX.
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Find yourself first, what you love, what turns you on,
and how to be at peace;
Then never settle for anyone who doesn't compliment you,
and give you even more of what you already have.

Mark Anthony
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Hellbishop 4 Jun @ 10:48am 
I used to love staying inside twenty four hours a day 365 days a year partly for the peace and focus it gave me and partly because of my schizophrenia. Once i moved into supportive housing it really changed my life for the better. Now i get out a few times a week sometimes every day even during heatwaves which remind me i may be in my fifties but am still in shape able to go out for hours long walks while making sure to stay hydrated. So yep i don't mind it as much except for the first week or two as the body is adapting.

Definitely a great way to start the month and i have been jumping into the games while the AC keeps me comfortable and healthy. The new pc is incredible as am getting a 100 plus frame rates on games like TOTAL WAR WARHAMMER III at ultra settings.
Killer Rabbit 4 Jun @ 10:23am 
Getting a new gaming rig is a great way to begin the month! Just in time to stay inside and crank up the AC when the hot weather decides to make things uncomfortable outside. Although you probably don’t mind it as much.
Hellbishop 1 Jun @ 2:17pm 
I knew that would get your attention my friend ha ha :steamthumbsup:

Thanks and that i am. Just got a great new home built pc by my brother today so am good for gaming for at least the next five to eight years. May was an awesome month and June has started out with banging cannon fire :admech:
Killer Rabbit 1 Jun @ 9:30am 
We’ll do more than froth ravenously! :lol:

May you have a happy June as well!
Hellbishop 1 Jun @ 8:50am 
HAPPY MONTH OF JUNE ALL! May the kittens purr at your feet and rabid rabbits froth ravenously at your many barbecue picnic delights! :dwarven::Gauntlet_Ham::SF_Sandwich::cherrypie::coffeeTLD:
Hellbishop 25 May @ 7:39am 
When things are hectic and feeling crowded take some time to slow down and enjoy the slower pace of life like someone taking their time as they walk in the park feeling that warm sun and fresh air caressing the senses. Life is not about rushing but enjoying allowing the mind with calm to handle hectic situations with clarity.