pyj   Chengdu, Sichuan, China
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I play fat like a pro 10 hours ago 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Brad Pitt is Gorge Clooney's boyfriend, and he's been cheating with Tom Cruise/

Gay will say it's fake
I play fat like a pro 27 Apr @ 2:39am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
How to cure your mental illness
1), Don't sleep.
--when you go to bed, you are most vulerable to your negative thoughts, stay up
if you really need to sleep, you'll sleep when you slip into a coma.

2).Stay inside.
if you stay in your room 4ever and never leave. nohing bad outside could happen to you

3), last but not least, be an openly announced gay
I play fat like a pro 26 Apr @ 1:10am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
KFC's new chicken pizza, aka CHIZZA sucks

nothing like in the commercial

it's just a big fried chicken steak with melted chesse on it
I play fat like a pro 25 Apr @ 5:22am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Signs you have Alzheimer
1): You forget things more often
2): You lose the ability to count
3): You forgot you are gay
3): You'd strongly deny being gay
2): You forget things
I play fat like a pro 24 Apr @ 12:20am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know that if we all stop paying taxes, the gov will eventually run out of money to make us pay?

So don't be afraid of IRS or Jail time

Be a pioneer, be a martyr!
Don't pay your tax!

I'm unemployed
I play fat like a pro 23 Apr @ 12:40am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know in this day, you can basically bring all kinds of animals in public places,
as long as it's a certified " Emotional Supoort Anima"

say, some kid could really use some emotional support AK-47, right?