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10.7 h registradas
I was earnestly surprised and simultaneously a little disappointed by Nekojishi.

I came in with no expectations. I've played a few VNs, enough to have a pretty good grasp on the concepts. They often lean either toward being a game and offering a lot of player choice, or an interactive multi-path story; Nekojishi was a bit different, in that it played out its own story without much player input, and also that it offered an... interesting set of circumstances where you were required to complete specific paths to get specific endings. Some may call it gameful, I could stretch to call it a chore. It was fun, at least.

I managed to get 1/3 of the endings unintentionally while enjoying the story, and 2/3 (GT1-4, CL4, LC1-2) on purpose. At first, I wanted to see how interactive the endings were so I chose what I thought were the best answers, but these choices did not bear much fruit. Nekojishi forces you to replay to find each of the endings, and I feel like there's too much happening in the story and too many choices to have this few endings. If some of the paths were more lenient in your choices, it would be better. Additionally, some of the major plot points always happen regardless of the path you take, and sometimes it feels a little contrived.

I do enjoy however, what the story seems to try and teach. No matter the ending except for the "perfect" one, can you make everyone happy. The three main paths you can take with the characters allude to family (Guardian Tiger), self (Leopard Cat), and responsibility (Clouded Leopard), in my judgement. I saw some people define it slightly differently, but that's what I got out of it. I think the story is interesting enough for these reasons alone, and even if it's not the most believeable story, it's certainly entertaining.

I would recommend this to people that enjoy entertaining stories and mysteries, because after finishing the bad ends for LC I had more than a few questions that drove me to continue playing. If you don't care about the story and are just here for cute furry boys, the story will probably get in the way of that, in my opinion; but I'm not into any of the characters both physically and emotionally, so I can't speak on that. If you hate furries and the entire concept, you might still be able to enjoy the game if you like interesting stories. Otherwise, the story and characters are written well enough for a good few hours of free entertainment.

I would not recommend this if you want a more cookiecutter VN romance experience, and don't want a lot of story or exposition getting in the way of your bear bara ball busting. If you're fine with the story and want some boy butt bumping, you'll need to get the Limited version from their store, but it's clear it was not the focus and the story suffers from it in that version; a lot of exposition and emotional writing is simply wiped out. And even then, there's not much additional content.

Consider supporting the developers by buying the soundtrack or buying their game through their site, due to this overall being a quite high quality release. There are a few continuity, spelling, and grammar issues in the English translation at least, but they are few enough to be ignorable and don't really detract from the overall experience. They are also releasing patches to fix some of these problems.
Publicada el 13 de febrero de 2018. Última edición: 9 de marzo de 2018.
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125.7 h registradas (124.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Should have gone F2P earlier.
Should have released either before or long after Overwatch to avoid brand and playerbase collisions.
Should have had more maps, faster. Should have had better cosmetic content and not just texture swaps.
Should have.

Battleborn is a good game.
Publicada el 24 de julio de 2017.
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465.7 h registradas (425.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Singleplayer has been fully ignored, none of the promised DLCs have come to fruition. If you're buying GTAV for the singleplayer, keep in mind very little of the multiplayer content is available for you to use. Some people brag about getting 100+ hours of gameplay out of just the singleplayer, but that's really only feasible with modding, and Take-Two almost killed that.[gtaforums.com]

So what of online? GTA:O is entirely focused around microtransactions, i.e. selling ingame currency to you via Shark Cards. They do this by restricting the largest sources of income to specific missions and gamemodes that get incredibly repetitive and boring. Grinding for money is inconsistent at best unless you have a solid team to play with often or a lot of time on your hands.

Online DLC—the only DLC that has been released for the game—is incredibly overpriced to the point of being paywalled and requires a lot of time, effort, and money to get even the most basic of fun out of it, despite being marketed as "free" additions to the game.

The combat, races, and other modes are all balanced in the favor of those that can afford the most powerful items, which also happen to be the most expensive.

GTAV has sold over 75+ million copies.

Is this even satire anymore?
Publicada el 18 de junio de 2017. Última edición: 30 de octubre de 2021.
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49.2 h registradas (18.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
It really is something to be experienced.
Publicada el 6 de enero de 2017.
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67.6 h registradas (43.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
After spending a while with the game it's obvious to see it has potential. The environment is fresh and interesting, the story is lighthearted, the gameplay is functionally solid, and the missions are plentiful. If you don't find the base gameplay enjoyable however, what remains will probably not be enough to entice you.

Hover was originally marketed as a modernized take on the Jet Set/Grind Radio series, and it delivers... in a few areas. It has the style and flashy visuals, but the flat textures and blocky models can at times detract from the asthetic rather than add to it. The game has solid, enjoyably floaty controls, where you really have to commit to keep a good line; it doesn't feel much like its inspiration, but I personally enjoy how Hover controls more, so this is not a con for me personally. It has lots of cool gameplay elements, but only with later patches that expanded upon a lot of the existing content did it really feel like they amounted to anything. Overall, Hover tries to do a lot of things, and does most of them... Fine.

That's the problem with the game: it's fine. Just fine. Nothing too spectacular, or overwhelmingly amazing. It has that spark of creativity and you can tell the developers want it to go places, but there just isn't enough content or polish to really draw people in.

For the base price, Hover is a good game. Not great, but definitely worth your time if you enjoy lighthearted speed games. It's the kind of game you can boot up every once in a while and just run around to stave off boredom with.

What would really make the game great is a greater variety of gamemodes. I enjoy gameball and races but why not utilize graffiti more? What about a tag gamemode? PvP graffiti battles (i.e. spraying your friends with paint for points)? That E-cop vs. Gamer gamemode we were teased about during the crowdfunding, cops-and-robbers style? What ever happened to those EMP grenades that were talked about? There is so much more they could be doing and it really makes me wonder what Hover could be with a bigger budget and more developers.
Publicada el 24 de octubre de 2016. Última edición: 12 de junio de 2018.
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6.8 h registradas
If there was a Maybe option for reviews, this would be it. I only recommend this when it's on sale.

Clustertruck is a fun, simple game based on jumping on trucks, and is executed well enough to not suffer from its simplicity. It has good music and a sharp, aesthetically pleasing visual style. However, it suffers from a number of critical issues as of launch:
  • Short campaign, easily beatable in a few hours. One of the most interesting levels in the game is the very last one, mostly because it uses mechanics seen nowhere else in the campaign; the other levels would have benefited from having similar mechanics included.
  • Poor performance on mid-tier and specific high-tier computers; my FPS will either be a smooth 60 or a stuttering 40-50, sometimes dipping as low as 20. This also impacts the control of the game and makes it hard to line up some jumps.
  • Very floaty, spongy physics with weird inertia that feels awkward and unmanageable until you get used to it. Once you get used to it, the controls usually work pretty well.
  • Some upgrades allow for easy completion of the campaign levels in likely unintentional ways, which results in large gaps in time on the leaderboards; I managed to get first place on 7:3 using one of them, and the other legitimate top scores also made use of similar techniques as seen with their ghosts.
  • Speaking of the leaderboards, there's already exploited and cheated times on the leaderboards, with one specific user getting a blazing fast record of 0:00:00 in every campaign level (as seen in the above link).
  • It tries to be a game about speedrunning with a leaderboard, but you can't make strats because everything is based on finnicky, widely varying physics and you can easily get lucky or abuse the physics to beat someone's time. It tries to be a fun party game that you can pick up, play, and laugh at, but there's no multiplayer and there's not enough campaign levels for it to last longer than a few hours unless you play user-created levels.
Again, the game is solid aside from these points and is still pretty fun, but the problems it has really holds it back from its full potential. I would recommend it on sale, maybe $5 or so, but certainly not $15.
Publicada el 30 de septiembre de 2016. Última edición: 30 de septiembre de 2016.
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4.0 h registradas (1.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
you really just have to play it to experience it
there's nothing else like it
it's 99 cents
Publicada el 18 de junio de 2016. Última edición: 18 de junio de 2016.
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0.1 h registradas
Tried to install the game and 10+ GlyphClientApp and GlyphCrashHandler processes started running and dying repeatedly, taking 100% CPU and 1GB memory; would have locked up my system (and almost did) if I hadn't repeatedly killed them.

Even if this is a known or fixable issue this is simply unacceptable and I'm not even going to bother with the game itself.
Publicada el 2 de junio de 2016.
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0.4 h registradas
played it years ago for five minutes or so for the promotional item.
that's all it's worth, if the rest of the reviews are to believed...?
Publicada el 6 de mayo de 2016.
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7.7 h registradas
It's clear Kojima wasn't able to put all the effort he wanted to into this game. It doesn't feel like a Metal Gear game and has been known to disappoint many die-hard returning fans of the series with its light story and forgettable missions. A great concept ruined by Konami's greed.

The story is loose, and in some parts feels completely unfinished. The amazing gameplay could save it but, while it's fun for a while, it ends up being an endless barrage of repetitive, very pointless-feeling open-world missions and microtransactions. If you're looking for a Metal Gear game heavy on story like many of the past titles, or are looking for memorable missions with unique content, you aren't going to find that here.

MGSV feels very slow, but not in the methodical, stealthy way that you would expect from a Metal Gear game or from the legendary Big Boss, but in a "another one of these stupid missions ugh" kind of way. The constant MMO-like grind for new Mother Base staff and unlocks gets old really fast. I feel like the rather polished, solid gameplay mechanics are wasted on such mediocre, repetitive, sometimes utterly boring missions. It worked in Peace Walker because it was a much shorter and smaller game, but it doesn't work here.

Of course, all of that doesn't mean the game is bad, necessarily, but it's just not all it could (or should) be. Just looking at the gameplay, there's loads to do, with tons of unlockable content and interesting gameplay strategies that feel limitess. But that's not very fun to me, and it wasn't what I was wanting in the next Metal Gear game. Also the multiplayer is filled with hackers.

If you aren't a Metal Gear fan and/or really like open-world explorative games with tons of things to do, you'll most likely love MGSV. It's a good game, but it's not a Metal Gear game. Worth a purchase on sale, at least.

Hopefully the newly independant Kojima Productions will give us a great new franchise for us to enjoy, with that classic flair only Hideo can provide.
Publicada el 27 de diciembre de 2015. Última edición: 4 de mayo de 2016.
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