Life is a series of choices between bad, and worse. :kiss_to_you:
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6.6 Hours played
This could have been a phenomenal game.

But it's not.

The forced scarcity of ammo absolutely KILLS this game. You are perpetually, always, no matter what, out of ammo. Enemies take many shots to kill and you are LUCKY to see ammo drop. So you go from barrel to barrel smacking away, bringing the movement to a complete halt, just to get a few more shots. It is as unfun of a design as you can possibly do.

The ammo scarcity ruins this game. If it wasnt so scarce this could be an 8.5/10 easy. With it's current ammo issue i am no longer going to play the game, and give it a 3/10.

REVIEW EDIT - The developer responded to me. It's insultingly belittling. "Have you tried to play the game and use the common mechanics you use from the very tutorial?" is essentially what they are asking. Saying you aren't getting feedback about low ammo is just flat lying. They are trying to mask my review by making it seem like I'm the problem. I'm not. I don't just come here to rip on a game for no reason, and I stated very clearly THAT IM DOING EVERYTHING I CAN TO GET AS MUCH AMMO POSSIBLE AND STILL RUNNING OUT.

Ammo is a problem. Period, done, end of discussion. To say otherwise is lying to make me seem at fault, period. ♥♥♥♥ off.

EDIT AGAIN - you know what, they were so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ insulting and belittling to me that I'm going to expand and make it absolutely crystal clear.

1. You start typically with only a couple spare shots. It's entirely possible to spawn next to a group of enemies and you literally dont have enough shots to start playing the game with any sort of pleasure, because you are out of ammo within literal seconds.
2. Melee takes anywhere from 6-10 swipes to kill almost everything. It's a complete joke.
3. Melee takes multiple swipes to break barrels and chests. For all of them. So clearing a cluster to TRY AND FIND MORE SCARCE AMMO is even a time consuming, painful event in itself.
4. Health drops are so scarce i actually forgot they exist. This was not the original source of my complaint, but hey its also a scarcity problem and you were ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to me, so im including it as another ding.
5. Maximum ammo for heavier weapons is very low (8-12) and can take multiple shots to kill normal enemies. You almost -CANNOT- feasibly carry a shotgun and a rifle at the same time, because you will never have ammo. You have to carry a pistol/normal ammo based weapon or you will never have ammo at all.
6. Bows are a joke. Limited ammo, slow fire rate, low damage. Ok cool.
7. Most weapons are comically innacurate, which also contributes to the extreme ammo scarcity
8. The first boss spawns up to 5 enemies at a time, and killing them only makes him spawn more. Aka you dont have ammo to actually shoot the boss with. If you ignore the adds they swarm you and you die, so you cant do that.
9. If you go in for stealth and the game doesnt register it properly (which happens a lot) congratulations you just put yourself in danger and are now hurt (which is hard to heal thanks to health scarcity) and you will use up ammo like normal anyway. So thats another fun ammo scarcity generator.
10. Most the guns are extremely terrible. Innacurate, slow to reload, low damage, COMICALLY LOW MAX AMMO FOR ALMOST ANYTHING NOT A PISTOL, and you even have the audacity to have a dynamite launcher. Are you kidding me? You get like MAYBE 1 dynamite PER FLOOR. And you want me to carry a dynamite launcher and use one of the precious ammo slots up? Yeah ok.
11. I just reinstalled the game to actually track how much ammo you get. I finished the first level with TWO(2) shotgun ammo and i fired 0 shotgun shells, 5 rifle ammo and i fired 0 rifle shots, 8 arrows and i fired 0 arrows, 1 dynamite and i used none. No ammo issues my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass.

I could go on, but I made my point. Your game has problems, and you are delusional if you think it doesnt.

Edit again - They banned me for spamming and lies in the forum. I posted twice. They hired or used an alt account to make a post that was blatently lying about something easily provable as a lie, and then they removed my reply debunking the claim and banned me. The poster claimed to finish 1-1 with 37 pistol ammo and 18 rifle ammo. Now, anyone that has ever played the game can tell you the max ammo is 30 pistol and 12 rifle without the perk to increase it. Blatently provably false lie. And they banned me for saying as such. My other post never even hit the page and was denied flat out, it was calling them out for their terrible belittling and rude behavior toward me.

They took a very very simple review and turned it into a war. This developer is the worst interaction ive ever had on steam, and I recommend people avoid this game if only for that. Don't support this team.
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9.6 Hours played
What a beautiful game. I love SuperGiantGames. They always know just the right soundtrack and tones to make to accompany a unique set of characters in worlds and scenarios that are utterly brilliant and a joy to explore and experience.

This game started kind of odd, I initially thought it might be just a sports game wrapped in an RPG coat, but as it progressed it became obvious how important the characters and story actually were, and it hooked me into the fate and future of this amazing cast of characters.

I really cant recommend this game enough, when I finished the game I just sat at the end screen in happiness of what I had gone through. That doesnt happen much, and I cant wait to see what their next game might be.
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