Vincent Tjandera   Indonesia
Indie game Enthusiast, Fiction Advocate/Profic (or to use a less desirable term, "proshipper"), UBI enthusiast. More info in the info box below! especially if you want to add me
Currently In-Game
Spiral Knights
About Me:
You can call me VinTJ/Vin. "TJ" is preferred if you want to be close, but I don't really mind much~

"You added me, why?"
In most cases, I just wanna talk with you shortly regarding something I saw on steam for games I care about, and you don't allow comments on your profile and steam only allows messages between friends or group members. So this is my last resort; adding you directly before starting a chat. Do message me asking for the reason though! (before I forget)

"I wanna add you, what do?"
Leave a comment on my profile saying how you met me and why you wanna be friends! I will consider them all, but more likely to accept if we played together on some game, or if we've interacted before on twitter! I normally WON'T accept friend requests from people who don't leave comments on my profile!

"I met you in Fall Guys and already added you via Epic Social Panel!"
That's great, but I normally won't accept. I like being able to chat with party members and Epic doesn't have chat! So use your steam account, then add me via steam! This also applies for other games!

More About Me:
-is a cis dude :cozybethesda:
-Age: 23 (oh god I'm dying soon :zagshock:)
-Birthday: 17th of February. hoping no one really checks this.
-Currently occupied with: College (Psychology Major), not sure I've made the right choice at this point due to the amount of work and reading, but I DO LIKE psychology and studied Sociology in highschool and really liked it.

Now, who am I as a gamer?

- Mostly plays Indie games, especially story-based / action ones. But a lot of roguelites are among my all-time favorites that you'll see me play every once in a while. Wholesome games also interest me on the account of them being artsy and super creative sometimes and often indie-produced, but it's not like I mind non-wholesome games!

- I don't really have a strong preference to genres of games, but I tend to avoid traditional horror (since I don't like jumpscares) and spec-heavy games since my laptop normally can barely run AAA games released after 2013/2014 . I'd say I'm mostly geared towards action with story being a close 2nd. I now have a decent gaming PC so I'm looking forward to trying some AAAs.

-Games I love are in the Favorite Game Showcase + Game Collector Showcase!
(please feel free to talk about them with me!)
First two pair of showcases has games with stories I liked a lot, while the second pair of showcases has roguelite/arcade/any replayable comfort games!

-I used to often leave serious and helpful game reviews in the past, but sometimes I don't if I wasn't thinking of "what should I say in the review" while playing. I rarely update old reviews so if it's short, I don't intend to analyze it. Also, I try to review every game, BUT I often forget, get distracted, or feel like it's too much work to boot them up, hence my next point:

- Games Backlogger. I have a large backlog (common steam phenomenon, where you buy a lot of games during sale and some gets barely played / unplayed). I want to finish them, but the thought just overwhelms me. Ideally I'd get 100% achievements and review them, but in the end, I repetitively play roguelites. Maybe someday!

- "What should I do if I wanna gift you games?" like that would ever happen lol : so if you plan to suddenly be nice and gift me games, know that there's no guarantee I'll play your gift due to my backlog, unless we talk about it first!
After that, know that there are literally ~1800+ Indie games I care about at this point:
I have 2 tiers of Priority : Wishlist and "Followed" Games. Wishlist normally has ~30-70 games and this means "Ideally I'd buy these games ASAP, they are interesting" . They might get re-ordered whenever, and their order signifies how much I am interested (meaning, the #1 spot on my wishlist is the game I want most, and games on #25-#30 are even possibly replace-able if I find more interesting games) . While "Followed" games are literally every single game that I know exist and I am still interested in, but they are lower priority, and I normally would never buy them yet until I clear up some spot on my wishlist. So basically if you want to gift me a game, it's obviously best to pick from wishlist and if possible, start checking availability/prices from the top/highest game first .

- Regarding steam friends: I rarely add people. Most of my current steam friends exist because we played a Team Fortress 2 match together and had a good chat banter, or more recently, squadding up from a common friend in Fall Guys. But you must know, I do very little to maintain steam friendships . So I'm sorry to everyone I've added or added me if I almost never talk to you / forget who you are! :slimescared:

Finally, what am I like as a person?

- Believes people should be kind. Trolling or pranking is almost always pointless in my eyes. If your friendships often involve these, I don't want to be friends with you. Once in a while is fine but know boundaries :pirate_glug:

- Pro Fiction & 2D loli enthusiast. You have been warned. Fiction does not affect reality. Basically, I believe that whatever you enjoy in fiction is okay as long as it's fiction and you don't do the messed up stuff in real life:nightmareeyes:. This applies to any violence you do in games, whatever characters you ship:necroheart:, or even whatever kinks you have in hentai:dredge_tentacle:! Just be chill about things, and look into stuff you enjoy while avoiding what you don't. That's how to be a normal person :bea:. But if you do want to send me loli doujins go for it! I would be thankful I guess :miriam:.

- UBI Advocate Ally. I believe that we, as humans, have the right of financial security. I would be fine with UBI not existing if the world implements universal shelter, healthcare and sustenance. But in our capitalistic society, those are far-reaching dreams, and UBI is the first compromise, a baby step towards human rights, reducing wealth inequality with proper taxation. Don't let greed come in the way of being human :bard_sing:. You can read more on FAQ!

- Weeb enough to be an outcast, but not weeb enough to be part of the anime community. I haven't even watched the "classics" like Evangelion, or the big stuff like MHA. Never watched Naruto/DbZ as a kid too. casual vtuber fan . Series I do enjoy are Shadow's House, Iruma Kun and the usual One Piece!

- Overall Chill gamer who believe games are art, and you shouldn't be sweaty tryhards who think everything is a zero-sum game when there's a win-win situation :necroshovel:. Looking at you, FG grabbers. :zageyes:

- In the end, I believe infoboxes are not always helpful in letting you know about a person. So if you vibe with me just talk to me! Maybe we could be friends! :aceok:

Twitter: @VincentTj _ _
I use this to discover new games. Just like steam friends, I won't followback if you don't talk to me or I know you!
Artwork Showcase
I'm trying to finish my backlog
Favorite Game
Recent Activity
435 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
2,015 hrs on record
last played on 18 Jun
20 hrs on record
last played on 17 Jun
Fancehh 28 May @ 4:42am 
I just saw the comment you left on my profile and I guess I never left a comment on your account either huh.

You have a good day too my man :lilimok:
VinTJ 22 May @ 9:10pm 
appreciated!! :jennyhappy:

also yeah that'd be nice but no rush lol, I'm sure I'm slightly overselling it and maybe it's just the perfect game for me
kaneggy 22 May @ 7:06pm 
+rep fun person to ♥♥♥♥ talk with :3

Keeper Of Monsters 25 Dec, 2023 @ 5:10pm 
Thank you both for comment - and for Award! :heartg:
And of course - Merry Xmas! And Lambmas too!

P.S. I don't mind people adding me - if they ask me first. :hmm:
But yeah - having comments open makes life easier (and more interesting).
VinTJ 7 Dec, 2023 @ 9:43pm 
fair enough, good to know!
darklinkpower 7 Dec, 2023 @ 2:52pm 
Hey! I randomly found a review of yours while browsing Steam and wanted to add you to see them in the future