Carmelo Baldino   Benevento, Campania, Italy
Porto la luce della speranza nei luoghi dove Bethesda e Bioware hanno lasciato solo macerie.
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4.8 Hours played
It seems like a classic arcade game based only on "gameplay", "challange" and "my ♥♥♥♥ is bigger than yours", but there's a secret meaning here: "Can a line that strikes a rolling tiny cube in Italy, cause an earthquake in Tokyo?"
The answer, my friend, is (blowing in the wind): YES.

This particular "Butterfly Effect" is the real metaphor hidden in this original videogame based on Bogostian philosophy and the Newton's Third Law. There's no separation between interaction and narration, the first is the consequence of the second: you can tell a story through the act of guiding a loop of lines and hitting a rolling tiny cube with a combo between action and equal and opposite reaction.
WTF? Let me explain.

All those lines? -> our opportunities.
All those changes of directions? -> our choices.
All those tiny cubes? -> our targets/goals.
All those epileptic colors, sounds and geometric shapes? -> the combination of consequences.

If you click the mouse button you can change the direction of a line and hit a target that gives you another two new opportunities of hitting another two targets. And so on. But if you fail you miss the target/goal and you need to try again, changing your future/direction.
Don't you find a job (change of directions) for earning bigmoney (the lines) and paying the bill (the tiny rolling cube)? YOU ARE FU***D! (the epileptic colors, sounds, shapes, GAME OVER). Cool.
It's like a "wannabe-RPG" that doesn't need any real RPG-like features, because a real RPG it's only about "choices & consequences" and C&C it's also about "show, don't tell".

So that's it guys: Line/Dash is a Bogostian videogame about C&C that show us the metaphor of the challanges in our life through an original gameplay. The New Tetris.
Bravo. Bis. 7+.

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Matt 15 Jun, 2023 @ 3:20pm 
Mi raccomando dillo a mamma che hai vinto giocando Ryu modern magari ti mette la stellina nel frigorifero
Zane 17 Apr, 2016 @ 6:09pm 
Your bad for a hacker lol. :estusempty:
Seppho 12 Apr, 2015 @ 8:43pm 
}<[_<_._.]: "Noob è morto" (cit. Nietzsche)...."Ma chicazz t'sape?" (cit. io leggendo il tuo nick)
Komerion 10 Apr, 2015 @ 5:29am 
kianalvane 7 Apr, 2015 @ 7:37pm 
Ciao seppho, sono sermor, t'ho chiesto l'amicizia pure qua ! Buona pasqua passata !
hyperionx 31 Dec, 2014 @ 3:13pm 
Buon Anno!