Κασσάνδρα ☣
Any resemblance to a cursed Trojan priestess of Apollo is purely coincidental
Artwork Showcase
Proshka & Kim (Katsuragi)
About adding me:

If you want to be added just leave a comment, however if I don't know you from anywhere and I didn't meet you in a game or thread or whatever I might not add you. Nothing personal.

Some general Info about me:

My name is Casey.I tend to play team based games the most but I also casually like shooters and strategy games. I like doing achievement hunts. Also I got a YouTube channel in which I tend to upload low effort political meme stuff once in a while so do check it out if it seems like something that might interest you. ☭⚧️

Achievement Milestones

5000th Achievement Milestone: World End (Finish Darkest Dungeon on Stygian) :approved:
100% on Dome Keeper dedicated to Tarek :approved:

Some games I enjoy that you can add me to play with:

-Team Fortress 2 :crate:
-PayDay 2 :dallas:
-Dirty Bomb :EvilPhoenix:
-Civilization 5 :CapitalDome:
-Call of Duty: World at War :jug:
-Left for Dead 1/2 :health:

My all time favorite games:

-Plague Inc
-Spec Ops: The Line
-Age of Empires 3
-Medieval 2/Rome Total War
-Wolfenstein The New Order/ The Old Blood
-Darkest Dungeon
-Dark Souls 3
-Metal Slug 2/X
-This war of mine
-Hotline Miami 1/2
-Madness: Project Nexus
-Call of Duty: World at War
Featured Artwork Showcase
Credit: @annoyingkojika
6 3
Screenshot Showcase
Video Showcase
It's Estro Day fellas
Awards Showcase
Awards Received
Awards Given
Review Showcase
Madness has been my childhood and I was truly hyped about this game and it truly did not dissapoint

In regards to the visuals it looks amazing. I was pretty worried when it was announced that the game will be in 3d, mainly due to the fact that the series is in 2d and it has its own unique style that might be lost in a transition to 3d. I must say that my fears did not come to reality. Madness: Project Nexus is highly stylized with its own unique look and feel.

The story of the main campaign is pretty standard. I did appreciate keeping many characteristics of old characters from the animations while making them more well rounded characters (the Sheriff comes to mind as a perfect example of that practice). Many folks like me who appreciate the lore might be weirded out due to the fact that the game, even though it takes place in the same canon and universe as the series, seems to contain a truckload of inconsistencies, however it is not a big deal. The Arena mode has its own story mode that is far more esoteric and cryptic, revealing much information about the higher forces residing in this world.

Many people complain about the combat and I gotta say, I am not one of them. The combat is the closest thing to a John Wick game I have come across. You got the capability of desposing of countless of enemies while feeling strong enough as to not cower away to avoid harm while also being vunerable enough as for the game to not get boring. I would recommend for everyone to try the "Madness" difficulty after finishing the game on tough since this is the closest one can get to the feel of the animations.

There is A LOT of content in this game. The campaign in my experience is worth replaying at least 2 times and the Arena mode allows for a very rewarding NG+ system that can keep one occupied for hours.

The one thing I have been quite annoyed about is the lack of "Madness" in "Madness: Project Nexus". There is no Improbability Drive and randomness seems to not really occur on any capacity. In the animation one would observe building full of people partying to fall from the sky, the sun itself to get murdered during a fight and a street sign wielding clown bringing Hank back from the death. Madness: Project Nexus doesn't have much Madness into it and that is quite sad. The world is very much your average post-apocalyptic universe with roaming bandits, zombies, mercenaries and the like. Truly a missed opportunity that one.

Overall I couldn't recommend the game more. It has been an amazing experience for me and for anyone who likes action packed John Wick-esque games this is a must.
Recent Activity
39 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
39 hrs on record
last played on 3 Mar
99 hrs on record
last played on 28 Feb
Zandrus 12 Mar, 2024 @ 1:30pm 
Hello, do you mind adding me, we might play some CO-OP COD WAW sometime, I found you by your YT channel
Κασσάνδρα ☣ 24 Feb, 2024 @ 11:27am 
Same avi same username. My account is locked so there is not much use to posting it here.
JJ 24 Feb, 2024 @ 10:36am 
Hmm Idk, what's your @?
Κασσάνδρα ☣ 24 Feb, 2024 @ 10:21am 
Thank you. Do I know you from twitter by any chance?
JJ 24 Feb, 2024 @ 10:12am 
Your comment on This War of Mine and your politics go hard
Κασσάνδρα ☣ 14 Apr, 2023 @ 3:25pm 
Sure thing friend