Tornado Cops Corporation Tornado Cops
Tornado Cops Corporation Tornado Cops
14 December, 2014
United States 
ABOUT Tornado Cops Corporation

Welcome back to the New TCC

Welcome back... to TCC

Good friends of the old TCC there is big news, the year of 2015 will see the re-rebirth of the ever present TCC

Heres a rundown of how things will go.

Nick (Leader of the Group) will return to run the Gmod division of TCC, along with Planetside 2 and JC2 MP.

Spectre8250 (Second in Command) will be running the Air Force Division of JC2 MP. He is also In command of games such as Hearts of Iron, Victoria, DEFCON, Insurgency, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Arma 2, Silent Hunter 4, Battlestations, and Space Engineers.

BlueFireGhost will take control of doing art for higher up members and a squad of a game of his choice. He is also in command of all Sandbox Games (Like JC2, GTA, and Saints Row)

With that I present the new tags
[TCC Leader]: Nick
[TCC 2IC]: Spectre, Blue
(TCC Admiral/Mod) Zildex, DragonBlaze, Aparoid
(TCC) New Recruit tags.
All high ranked tags (Sargent and up) will have player names placed next to them based on the rank. DO NOT upgrade yourself that is a idea made by the game division leaders.

1. Be respectful
2. English is the one and only language we speak, only use English in comms.
3. only follow orders from game division leaders and First Class officers.
4. Invite friends and make us look good, we are supposed to be friendly, make sure to invite people.
5.You must wear your tags when running with the group.
6. ♥♥♥♥ Doc Brown, he is a traitor and a liar, dont go back with him under any circumstance. The first TCC is compromised and stolen.

The New and best TCC
We have some information
We have a Discord Server!
Tornado Cops Corporation reviews
"Just Cause 2, Just Cause 2 Multiplayer, Superman 64, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Duke Nukem Forever, Garry's Mod, E.T For Atari, Godzilla NES, Jesus Simulator 4, Dankey Kang 43 1/2, and The Last of Us"
Here are a few recent reviews by Tornado Cops Corporation
Colonel Cosmos 21 Sep, 2016 @ 6:01pm 
By the way, I'll be removing my alts from this group.
Colonel Cosmos 21 Sep, 2016 @ 6:01pm 
So I tried to escalate things by declaring war on TCC. Then I came back and wanted to do some jobs for TCC, (which I have yet to see any recognition or praise for those jobs), then I went back to testing my theory, which in my opinion was pretty successful in reviving this pretty inactive group, I mean the announcements were updated and more people joined, I mean which one do you think people in this day and age will prefer, the peaceful group that never goes to war, or the group that wars with every other person?
Colonel Cosmos 21 Sep, 2016 @ 6:01pm 
Now I feel like I should give a little resolution or hindsight to what happened. By the way this is John Minefield. Anyway, after the stuff that conspired on Gaveroid's/Hasbo's and the mass amount of corruption that arose from BlueFireGhost, and me being constantly attacked by Nexus (which was apparently formed against TCC and then integrated into TCC), sparked some dislike towards TCC. Anyway, by this point, (late 2015), I formulated a theory, that war and hostilities revives a dead group (which yeah I know sounds crass/insulting, but I mean its sadly true at this point, TCC was barely active).
Bot1 26 Aug, 2016 @ 4:25am 
ben 23 Jun, 2016 @ 9:36am 
Gloobinator 29 May, 2016 @ 3:57pm 
memes my dude