Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Nanobot Build and Repair System
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Dummy08  [developer] 17 Feb, 2017 @ 9:45am
Bug Reports
To keep better track of the reported issues, I started this discussion. So please feel free to report any issues you have with the block.

How to report an issue
If you have trouble with the mod, in order to help, I would need some information.
  • In case of a crash at least a game log file and mod logfile.
  • In case of trouble while playing, switch off all nanobars that don't have a problem, increase the mod's loglevel (On single player game type in chat "/nanobars -loglevel all", in multiplayer configure the log level via settings file), let the game run until your problem occured (+ a few minutes), after that you could decrease the loglevel again ("/nanobars -loglevel default") and share the mod logfile together with a short description what you observed (+ the name of the nanobar having the problem).

Game log file could be found under:
Mod log file could be found under:
For sharing you could use e.g.

Known Bug/Limitations
  • Nanobots could bybpass ShieldMods and Reputation system:
    This can't be solved as the needed API functions of the damage system are not accessible from mod API. If you have this issue consider up vote the bug report
    Damage API missing[]
Last edited by Dummy08; 15 Apr, 2021 @ 12:15pm
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Showing 1-15 of 852 comments
Rantalunta 17 Feb, 2017 @ 11:16am 
Feature request: Disable Sound on the Block (by Checkbox?).
If not enough components are there the sound is still active the whole time, even when it doesn't do anything.
It only turns off if all stuff is welded.
Dummy08  [developer] 17 Feb, 2017 @ 5:13pm 
Originally posted by Rantalunta:
Feature request: Disable Sound on the Block (by Checkbox?).
If not enough components are there the sound is still active the whole time, even when it doesn't do anything.
It only turns off if all stuff is welded.

I made a sound volumn slider available in terminal settings. Were you can set the volume from 0..100%.
That the sound doesn't stop, is by intention to show that there are still damaged/unfinished blocks. But I can think of using a different less annoying sound in that situation.
jonn19 27 Feb, 2017 @ 3:21pm 
Heya D08, I have a request around your mod - could you add me on Steam so I can pm you? I've sent a friend request. Cheers mate.
Rantalunta 9 Mar, 2017 @ 2:51am 
Hi, got this yesterday and when I load my savegame, it shows the "Space Engineers Crash" window.
Might not be connected to this mod, but I think it is:

2017-03-09 11:41:59.308 - Thread: 1 -> Exception occured: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at NaniteConstructionSystem.NaniteConstructionManager.Initialize()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.UpdateComponents()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Update(MyTimeSpan updateTime)
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop.<>c__DisplayClass1.<Run>b__0()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop()
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen)
at SpaceEngineers.MyProgram.Main(String[] args)
2017-03-09 11:41:59.310 - Thread: 1 -> Hiding window

Also weird this entry before:
ERROR while adding cube Assembler: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at NaniteConstructionSystem.Entities.NaniteAssemblerLogic.Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
at VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity.Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock builder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyTerminalBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyFunctionalBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyProductionBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyAssembler.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MySlimBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid, MyCubeBlock fatBlock)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.AddCubeBlock(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, Boolean testMerge, MyCubeBlockDefinition blockDefinition)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.AddBlock(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, Boolean testMerge)
2017-03-09 11:40:57.591 - Thread: 15 -> ERROR while adding cube Assembler: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at NaniteConstructionSystem.Entities.NaniteAssemblerLogic.Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
at VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity.Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock builder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyTerminalBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyFunctionalBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyProductionBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyAssembler.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MySlimBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid, MyCubeBlock fatBlock)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.AddCubeBlock(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, Boolean testMerge, MyCubeBlockDefinition blockDefinition)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.AddBlock(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, Boolean testMerge)
2017-03-09 11:40:57.591 - Thread: 16 -> ERROR while adding cube Assembler: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at NaniteConstructionSystem.Entities.NaniteAssemblerLogic.Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
at VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity.Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock builder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyTerminalBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyFunctionalBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyProductionBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyAssembler.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MySlimBlock.Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid, MyCubeBlock fatBlock)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.AddCubeBlock(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, Boolean testMerge, MyCubeBlockDefinition blockDefinition)
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.AddBlock(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, Boolean testMerge)
Dummy08  [developer] 9 Mar, 2017 @ 12:42pm 
@Rantalunta I'm sorry but this exception is not from my mod. According to the names i guess it is the 'Nanite Control Factory' mod. Maybe you could post the log there.
Rantalunta 9 Mar, 2017 @ 5:08pm 
well, after removing your mod from the list it worked again, maybe coincidently.
i built no nanite factory yet, but got the mod on the list.
not sure what happened excactly, but thx for the answer :)

do you plan on extending the mod to be able to set assembler production queue?
Dummy08  [developer] 10 Mar, 2017 @ 7:14am 
Rantalunta Queuing is allready possible. Please take a look at the Scripting section, there is also a link to an out of the box script that could be used for queuing. Hope this helps.
Rantalunta 30 Mar, 2017 @ 2:42am 
Hi again :)
I like your mod and its evolution.

I noticed if there is no Components for building, it also stops grinding, which is unfortunate since it could get the missing materials by deconstructing the painted blocks.

So suggested default behavior: If no Components available, look for things to grind (advanced: grind the blocks having the missing stuff first)

I would wish for a checkbox to set the block only to grinding or only to building.

Thx for your great work :)

Dummy08  [developer] 30 Mar, 2017 @ 11:35am 
This would collide a little bit, with the idea of building a projected grid and remove the connecting blocks between projector and grid after complete build.
But but your idea of having a checkbox to control the behavior, could do the job.
Let me think of it :-)
Rantalunta 30 Mar, 2017 @ 3:51pm 
Ok, so one could make a ship factory.
Nice Idea
Dummy08  [developer] 1 Apr, 2017 @ 7:24am 
Please take look at the updated mod. You could now change the priority of grinding/welding.
Hope this meet your needs :-)
No-Life King 28 Apr, 2017 @ 3:34am 
i think ive found a bug, when welding projection with BaRS it acts like its placeing a new block instead of remaking projected block so all the settings and grouped items are reset to defualt as a new block with new name

was playing with it and setting off warhead for it to fix and build from projection, and found this problem
Dummy08  [developer] 30 Apr, 2017 @ 3:19am 
Hi No-Life King,

've just re-tested it. And It works, all groups and block settings are taken from the blueprint.
And just have no idea what could cause your oberservation as the block calls exactly the same API-functions to create block out of an blueprint as the vanilla welder does. So maybe there is an other mod changing this behavior or you are doing something special. I'm sorry.
Erling 30 Apr, 2017 @ 1:14pm 
On a dedicated server, it would seem that only 1 person at a time have the build and repair options when you enter it. It could be random but so far it looks like that. The others have "Help others" as the last option they can configure, like we can't scroll down to see the rest
Teddysmith20 1 Jun, 2017 @ 12:16pm 
@Spenz yes I've been getting that problem too the help others is the last option and I cant set my decon color or the build color. worse I cant even change it from walk mode. :/
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