Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Nanobot Build and Repair System
23DEATHNUMBER 3 hours ago 
@Abisius any ones you recommenced ? using this on a sever it get stuck welding it self and tired of dealing with it
Anthony AyeDog 4 hours ago 
@ Cave Aye, unfortunately I don't think there's a way to repaint ONLY the armor blocks.

I tried to disable everything but armor pieces in the settings but it still munched on turrets and conveyors. Which, those two things specifically were what I needed intact.
CaveDweller 4 hours ago 
@ Anthony, there is the option to have it break down blocks that are painted a certain colour. The only other option is to have all the blocks broken down
Anthony AyeDog 4 hours ago 
At some point during my current project I misaligned some conveyors and I don't know where. They're buried DEEP in a smallgrid behind tons of light armor blocks.

I've been trying to set BARS to disassemble ONLY the light armor blocks, but it seems to want to break down everything no matter what settings I choose. Any possible solutions for me? Maybe I'm overlooking something.
W1gSplitter 16 Sep @ 10:00pm 
I have recently loaded the companion script for my BnRs that is supposed to queue up components automatically when they are missing. If I click the box 'use the script', my BnR won't weld anything. It appears to queue up the parts (according to the convenient notes from 'Build Info' the blocks are 'to be built') but the parts are not sent to the assembler and the BnR never puts the parts in the 'to be welded' queue. If I turn off the script, everything works fine.

If this issue has been identified already I apologize. I only had time to look through 3 pages of comments before I left mine.

Thank you for a wonderful addition to SE. Have a great day.
Abisius 25 Aug @ 8:06pm 
in either case i would point towards this version of bars beeing absolutly out of date atm and more than a few probs awaiting to be fixed via an update to it, though there are diferent versions of bars out there that are still maintained.
pierce3383 25 Aug @ 5:56pm 
Bug? Feature? Lets say you're a Noobie with NO DLCs. Some one else has set up a Projector with a Blueprint that uses DLCs and a button anyone can use to turn on/off the Projector. You, the Noobie press the button and it all starts building using the Nanobot Build and Repair blocks, then it WILL hang when it gets to a DLC block. You cannot set up a system to print off free vehicles for anyone. You cannot print off a vehicle owned by "Nobody". Faction and DLC rules are enforced at the build level by the Nanobots.
StarAlone¹ (Starry-Kun) 31 Jul @ 4:37pm 
I had just weirdest bug ever. My BnR like randomly lost ownership/belonging to me despite still being connected (didnt play with it, i was doing something else when i started hearing grinding noises) and started grinding my own ship lol I couldnt stop it from doing it, but when i went into settings and forced to transfer again ownership to me, it actually started fixing the ship back agin (rip because didnt build projector yet)

this got me to find that there actually is maintained version so gotta check it out (bellow comements) as its not like its first time it bugged out
DrakoMT 24 Jul @ 4:59am 
Anyone else having issue where you use nanobot you save and then world won't load?
Mettle 23 Jul @ 12:11pm 
This version still is working fine for me and not ignoring anything like safe zones. I also can find it in the build menu, same thing like the last years
GermanGinger 20 Jul @ 2:44pm 
Anyone else having the issue where the BaR is constantly pulling the same items from and sending them back then repeating that over and over again?
SuperDk7 14 Jul @ 5:39am 
This version is buggy and obsolete, but the most subscribed. It ignores shields and safe zones and is too overpowered.
This is the BEST version (and balanced) that we've found and is currently maintained. The page also has a link that allows the block to be built using the original component requirements.
slipcasedrock2 3 Jul @ 11:45am 
Nanobot Build and Repair System - fix for NoOwner blocks, this is the version i use so i can have sub grids that do not get eaten up. there is 2 others but i cant remember there direct names.
"MrHindsight" 3 Jul @ 10:35am 
@slipcasedrock2 What versions?
slipcasedrock2 30 Jun @ 4:19pm 
I don't think this version is going to be updated ever. It has been replaced by other versions.
Hex 30 Jun @ 3:57pm 
how much time will it take to fix the mod ?
Zejan 29 Jun @ 8:57pm 
Im gonna go with that it is broken as of the new update
erik72 22 Jun @ 11:50pm 
BuildandRepair not showing up in any of my new games. Created new world with BuildAndRepair as only mod, can't find it any where.
Mr.Wanaskiwin "Navarone" 15 Jun @ 9:03pm 
@micheal its usually named BuildAndRepair

Also Im not sure if this is still updated but it seems the build and repair system does its job while set to a projection
michaelchehade180 14 Jun @ 5:36pm 
The block isn't available in the build menu.
Grat Dalton 12 Jun @ 9:40pm 
Mod works before & after Signals update. @devih8ers has other issues not related to this Mod.
devilh8ers 6 Jun @ 8:14pm 
Not working after the Signals update. The block isn't available in the build menu.
SVaughan 14 May @ 4:26am 
For all mod future references, the mod in a Workshop folder can be found in its URL. It's the 9 digit number between id= and &tscn. So for this one. Its folder number would be 857053359.
Rexking 13 May @ 5:48pm 
Mod ID: 857053359
Abisius 2 May @ 11:58am 
i woudl say you wil have more luck with that with a more maiontained version, this one is too out of date and shows to many probs that came in with the updates since the last time it got updated.
darkstar48507 2 May @ 10:35am 
will this work with Industrial Overhaul - v1.62?
KelTuze 30 Apr @ 11:51pm 
I haven't played the game in a while, but plan on getting back into it as soon as I get my financial situation straightened out. I wanted to say that the developers of this mod - geniuses of their time, it is quite an impressive mod that could not leave indifferent almost no one.
Abisius 25 Apr @ 2:06am 
this version of it is absolutly out of date with no update in sight and you should ask that again in the comments of a still maintainedversion.
Fandangos 25 Apr @ 1:48am 
Hi, I have a request.
I want to put this mod on my own server, but I want to set a limit on the number of these welders there. But in order to enter it, I would need to know the name of this welder. As it is named in
inside fashion. Could I ask you for that name? Thank you
Vas 6 Apr @ 10:54pm 
Your grind color is off by one point on Value. Its 50, instead of 51, out of sync with ignore color, causing issues with grinding.
Abisius 21 Mar @ 2:04am 
that is probably something beter adressed on a stil maintainned version of bars, this one seems to be no longer maintained as its quite a while sinnce the alst update and also quite a while since @Dummy08 did write and answer on something
Noxalon 20 Mar @ 3:32pm 
What about a transport cargo setting in the janitor mode. select a nearby grid to transfer cargo. would be an awesome feature and super useful. or even make a drain cargo function so you can take cargo from one grid to another assuming both grids have the nanos and are owned by you or in your faction
Manshima 20 Mar @ 5:52am 
I always set grind neutral to off - it WILL start eating your grids if there are any blocks without your ownership, and blocks built from a blueprint sometimes do not have ownership set. I've sat and watched it build-grind-build the same block over and over again.
Abisius 19 Mar @ 1:44pm 
it should repair and build everything on a grid you own, as a landinggear itself is not ownable you would need another block on the grid that you can own for it to start working on it.
though you need to look if its in walk or fly mode. walk mode will only work o nthe grid its placed on and grids on subgrids via rotor or piston. fly mode will work on everything in range that the rest of its settings allows.
Skal 19 Mar @ 12:20pm 
Hi everyone, i see that BaR can't help with landing gears and thereby ships. Is there a way to work around this. All help would be appreciated, thank you!
Abisius 17 Mar @ 4:02pm 
its cause the janitor is by default allowed to grind neutral stuff and as wheels are a subgrid and not directly ownable they count as beeing o na neutral grid and thus it gets grinded away.
workaround is not allowing the janitor to grind neutral stuff.
kylefederoff3 17 Mar @ 3:29pm 
it attacks my rover wheels
SKO85 17 Mar @ 1:06pm 
@DesertFoxAZ: you can try my version:

I also kept the one with original build resources, see link for more info.
DesertFoxAZ 14 Mar @ 3:44pm 
I loved this mod the last time I used it. I was doing Splitsie's Survival Less Likely and had the Assertive Ships and Bases maxed out... I had so many dead attack drones around my base I added this mod to clean up the mess (100s+ dead drones). Although this time (1st time playing in like 2 years) I can not get it to work.
Rotorgeek 9 Mar @ 3:04pm 
@Abisius You are my hero! I never play with that on and it's been a while since I played, much less started a new game.
Abisius 9 Mar @ 8:53am 
do you have the progression system active? if yes than it might be locked behind building another block or not at all avaible because of compatibiltiy probs with the progression system.

also allways possible it a mod conflict or a case of file corruption on either game or modside.
Rotorgeek 9 Mar @ 6:32am 
The B&R mod looks like it's in the mod list and loaded into my save but I don't see it in the list of things that I can build. I used to play with this mod and I just don't see it in the list anymore. Any ideas on how to fix?
Abisius 7 Mar @ 4:26pm 
@Tyo Atrosa
tell bars not to grind neutral/unowned stuff in its janitor settings.
Tyo Atrosa 7 Mar @ 4:15pm 
is there any way I can prevent BaR systems from randomly grinding the wheels off of my vehicles?
Rezun 21 Feb @ 12:16pm 
Can I make the modified version of this mod, so the Build And Repair block would require more expensive components?
TheHellKat 14 Feb @ 2:00am 
You can set it to only build/repair the grid its attached to
[HLC]Wolf_Hunt 13 Feb @ 5:43pm 
Possibly a dumb question but is there any way to limit buildandrepairs to stations only?
3dfxorchid 4 Feb @ 1:05am 
@dummy08, what is the upside, there is no sign or somthing else??
Term 31 Jan @ 11:45am 
what is the "Value" slider used for?
Abisius 17 Jan @ 11:01pm 
that is in case you have a script inside a programmable block that manages your bars.
such a script needs to be searched seperatly inside the workshop or written by yourself.