Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Enclave Reborn Redux
pohatu74  [開發人員] 2023 年 9 月 5 日 下午 1:49
Suggestions for events, focus, and the like. Make note meme Suggestions imma ignore
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目前顯示第 1-15 則留言,共 293
Mefun12 #FixTF2 2023 年 9 月 6 日 下午 11:11 
Okay then, i hope i got corrected. I suggest that "last arguments of president" focus need half/fully completed branch of nuclear forces
pohatu74  [開發人員] 2023 年 9 月 7 日 上午 1:45 
You'll lose ability to nuke Flagstaff

Hello again!
Subatomicsum 2023 年 9 月 8 日 上午 10:13 
Perhaps a decision you can click that causes a Chinese invasion and restarts the great war, because if america can rebuild and reunite why cant the Chinese. as for implementation maybe they invade via Cascadia (from Alaska).
pohatu74  [開發人員] 2023 年 9 月 8 日 下午 2:35 
You are not privy to my several rants on the Discord about China and stuff of the like.

So it would be cruel of me to go off again. So, apologies, no China or off map stuff. I have zero interest in it.

Though I will ask have you seen the Chinese Event chain? Cause they are reunited.
Aegis270 2023 年 9 月 8 日 下午 10:04 
A rework of the civilian power coring would be a fantastic QoL addition. I like the concept of it from the base mod, and how it keeps the Enclave from completely dominating everyone due to coring the entire map and constantly expanding factory count. But the amount of effort I have to put into keeping it going is a pain.

At best, I have to click every single state on the map once. In reality though, I first have to pan through every state, checking to see if I have to install police there to free a building slot. Then click every state. Then check back periodically to see if states that are currently using more slots than even the police introduction can solve have free slots yet. And repeat every single time I conquer a new area. Just doing this for the NCR and Legion alone takes minutes of laboriously searching every single state, and trying to remember exact where the border was.

Might I suggest a conversion to a decision based system? You would fund it with civ factories and money, and it would automatically go around and add civilian power (And thus core) every state that doesn't have it, building slot or not. You could increase or decrease the funding to control how quickly it progresses. You could even have specific events for it, like the inability to build in a certain area until you rebuild a power station/complete a focus/do a decision, or spend weapons to allow the crews to defend the power stations against raids and mutants.

Not only would this seriously reduce the tedium of having to constantly go state by state, but adding more ways for both the player and AI to interact with the system would make it far more interesting than it currently is, and giving you ways to slow down expansion if needed.
pohatu74  [開發人員] 2023 年 9 月 9 日 上午 2:58 
I'm trying to develop a decision for the Police, which should make life much easier.

But I need a month off.
NotTodayWillJ 2023 年 9 月 11 日 上午 5:20 
Armed forces network focus audio was really good, would be even better if audio gets played on the news events itself and the audio be specific to what city had been captured.
pohatu74  [開發人員] 2023 年 9 月 11 日 上午 11:44 
I would like to, but issue I'm having is:

A) that audio was made for something else and they generously allowed me to use it. I'm not too skilled on the audio mixing.

B) I'm having an issue where the events play all at once. Thus you'd get multipl;e audio events playing all at once, and that would be a cacophony
Emperor Lowa 2023 年 9 月 12 日 下午 8:27 
So I was mulling around with the new world MIC stuff, and i had a small thought, you added reliability boosters for the army and airforce, say your "Greasemonkey" and air tech stuff.

No similar thing for navy, arguably the LEAST useful thing right now in OWB but still. Would at the least add a bit of flavor. So maybe a focus after either of the three naval production stratagems that gives a hidden boost for naval hardware like air techs?
pohatu74  [開發人員] 2023 年 9 月 16 日 上午 11:28 
The Navy is, weird, in that regard.

I do add something similar, but it's in the DoD tree, and it's putting Marines on board to increase ship attack.
Saint Jimmy 2023 年 9 月 17 日 上午 9:26 
There should be a button to install police forces in all states. Clicking each one, one by one is very tedious
DeathclawCock 2023 年 9 月 17 日 上午 11:18 
While I know your opinions on the Chinese in the fallout universe, it would still be cool if you could expand on the events relating to them. I would love to have more interaction with them, more discussions on the state of the world... friendly interactions or otherwise. That sort of thing. Would love to see more events in general but particularly of the chinese event chain variety. Reconciling with China and trying to avoid past mistakes that led to the great war is a very interesting prospect to me.
pohatu74  [開發人員] 2023 年 9 月 17 日 上午 11:43 
引用自 Saint Jimmy
There should be a button to install police forces in all states. Clicking each one, one by one is very tedious

Working on that! It's a bit complicated.
pohatu74  [開發人員] 2023 年 9 月 17 日 上午 11:56 
引用自 DeathclawCock
While I know your opinions on the Chinese in the fallout universe, it would still be cool if you could expand on the events relating to them. I would love to have more interaction with them, more discussions on the state of the world... friendly interactions or otherwise. That sort of thing. Would love to see more events in general but particularly of the chinese event chain variety. Reconciling with China and trying to avoid past mistakes that led to the great war is a very interesting prospect to me.

For me, its that kinda interaction, but with the dozens nations that are on the map.

The remnants of the air force at eagle rock, combating cannibals in Oregon, civilization trials in Utah, creating a Psionic Corps in Oklahoma, combating the deadline, dealing with the spread of the Church of Atom, fighting Mlulu, de legioning Arizona, attempting to peacefully re annex Texas, the Cult of Liberty becoming a anarchist movement, and the fallout in the Senate from Damocles.

Trying to unite Mexico under the stars and stripes or the Free Mexican government

And dealing with the political ramifications of New Victoria being seen as an American puppet by other Canadians.

And of course the various native American factions who are just so happy the US is back....

I have so much planned ON the map, everything overseas is just pointless.
DeathclawCock 2023 年 9 月 17 日 下午 12:23 
Honestly, you're right. More events in GENERAL would be great. It adds SO much flavor to the game world and in my opinion - the events that detail the reactions and interactions with the Enclave and the wasteland are one of the biggest things that make mods like this worth playing.

While the Chinese event line is great, more events on the American homeland would probably be more important. I'm very excited to see what you manage to come up with. If you need any help writing or coming up with events, I'd be willing to help if that is the sort of thing you need.

Love the mod dude, can't wait to see what you come up with.
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