

Acolyte Job
Cthulhu77  [pengembang] 14 Des 2022 @ 1:09pm
Talent rework/Holiday update
Let me know what you think, what you like, what you don't like. Some things were originally designed with the idea that you would only be able to have up to four of the prerequisite talents and only go into one talent tree. Eventually they changed that, but I decided to keep all of the talents and make some adjustments. I moved some things around and adjusted numbers and effects.
Terakhir diedit oleh Cthulhu77; 14 Des 2022 @ 4:07pm
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Menampilkan 1-7 dari 7 komentar
Shino 14 Des 2022 @ 3:44pm 
noice :swlaugh:!
zai.en 14 Des 2022 @ 5:54pm 
What does the "Once Upon a Time..." skill do? It does not have a description. I am hesitant to level it without knowing.
Cthulhu77  [pengembang] 14 Des 2022 @ 6:01pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh zgantea:
What does the "Once Upon a Time..." skill do? It does not have a description. I am hesitant to level it without knowing.
Click on it and it will open up options. Gives you a backstory with their own effects. It is a way to kind of help fill out roles if you don't have enough people, or you want to role play.
Terakhir diedit oleh Cthulhu77; 14 Des 2022 @ 6:04pm
LEOwON 21 Des 2022 @ 4:02pm 
thanks I didn't know what "Once upon a time" did either
seems quite good but overmind's bonus for 100 helm and medical is quite lackluster along with power of prayer,

i'd say helm 100 gives 15% engine speed, 10% pump speed (could strip code from helmsman talent)
medical gets the health from weapons instead,
then the bonus that weapons gives could be maybe 10% ranged weapons firerate and 15% ranged weapons attack power and they all get to keep their 25% total bonus.

not sure what a good alternative to power of prayer could be, perhaps something tied to herbalist like ragdolling near plants applies fertilizer over time or increased plant output but prayer in it's current state isn't useless like some of the pinnacle hivemind buffs
Cthulhu77  [pengembang] 22 Des 2022 @ 5:24pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Zeel:
seems quite good but overmind's bonus for 100 helm and medical is quite lackluster along with power of prayer,

i'd say helm 100 gives 15% engine speed, 10% pump speed (could strip code from helmsman talent)
medical gets the health from weapons instead,
then the bonus that weapons gives could be maybe 10% ranged weapons firerate and 15% ranged weapons attack power and they all get to keep their 25% total bonus.

not sure what a good alternative to power of prayer could be, perhaps something tied to herbalist like ragdolling near plants applies fertilizer over time or increased plant output but prayer in it's current state isn't useless like some of the pinnacle hivemind buffs

Power of Prayer will most likely get another change. The change I made was mostly a band aid fix since there was a huge issue I did not think about and I could not make it work the way I originally intended it to work and I didn't want a dead talent to exist while I was thinking about how I wanted to change it

As for Overmind I will think about it. If I do change it, the changes most likely won't include those since other talents already give those effects and I don't want to stack them up too much. I also don't want the effect to include the sub in any way, just the crew.
Terakhir diedit oleh Cthulhu77; 22 Des 2022 @ 5:26pm
Diposting pertama kali oleh Cthulhu:
Diposting pertama kali oleh Zeel:
seems quite good but overmind's bonus for 100 helm and medical is quite lackluster along with power of prayer,

i'd say helm 100 gives 15% engine speed, 10% pump speed (could strip code from helmsman talent)
medical gets the health from weapons instead,
then the bonus that weapons gives could be maybe 10% ranged weapons firerate and 15% ranged weapons attack power and they all get to keep their 25% total bonus.

not sure what a good alternative to power of prayer could be, perhaps something tied to herbalist like ragdolling near plants applies fertilizer over time or increased plant output but prayer in it's current state isn't useless like some of the pinnacle hivemind buffs

Power of Prayer will most likely get another change. The change I made was mostly a band aid fix since there was a huge issue I did not think about and I could not make it work the way I originally intended it to work and I didn't want a dead talent to exist while I was thinking about how I wanted to change it

As for Overmind I will think about it. If I do change it, the changes most likely won't include those since other talents already give those effects and I don't want to stack them up too much. I also don't want the effect to include the sub in any way, just the crew.

right, that makes sense that it wouldn't affect the sub i was categorizing the upgrades as if repair speed/hull repair speed was sub related but i forgot the overmind tree is all about the crew, so whilst they may help your sub it's not an upgrade to the sub
Terakhir diedit oleh Skibidi Cumshot; 22 Des 2022 @ 5:48pm
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