Apparel Organizer (Continued)
Patch suggestions
Hey, if you've got any spare time, I'd have some mods to recommend patching. I allowed myself to create this topic to not spam the general discussion:
- Jetpack
- Jewelry
- VFE - Settlers
- VFE - Medieval
- Save Our Ship 2
- Rim of Madness - Bones
- Communicable Diseases (1.1)
- RimPlas
- Ivory and jade curbing (continued)
- What the hack?!
- Field Medic (1.0+)
- MiningCo. Mining Helmet
- Mercenaries For Me
- Jin-Roh Kerberos Panzer Cop Armor (Continued)
I don't expect you to do all of them, but just a few would be awesome :D
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Mlie  [Разработчик] 3 мая. 2020 г. в 12:31 
Ill add it to the todo-list, something to pass the time with when I dont feel like doing something advanced :)
No problem! Those mods add very few apparel anyway, so it's not a big priority :D
I thought of one mod that would be nice to add. Although this one adds a lot of apparel and might be a ton of work.

[CP] Rimmu-Nation - Clothing
Is there a mod that already does this, or a way to patch this to do the same? Is there a way to filter out the clothes, belts, e.t.c by which slot on the pawn they are on? Like say I have a lot of already made clothes from several different mods (Vanilla, Rimu, etc) and I want to see how many coats for example I have and look at their stats to see which is better for my pawn. The only way I know how to do that now is to click on each one on the ground, or in a dresser, and check the stats once by one. I'm thinking of some kind of Gui like the search inventory mod that you could set a filter for shirts, or middle slot, and be able to see what all clothes match that filter. And then could easily see which one would be best for each pawn. And possibly be able to do the same for weapons as well. I don't know much about coding, except a little entry level HTML, Visual Basic, JavaScript, CSS, and C++ in my first couple years in college. And that was about 10yrs ago. Does anyone know if a mod like what I'm looking for exists already? And if so, could you show me where it is? And if there isn't one like that, would that be something that you could add to this mod? Or make a new mod that does? I love playing RimWorld, especially with lots of mods on, but it does complicate things by having so many options of cloths and armor for your pawns and don't really know which would be the best to put on your pawns. A window that lets you filter out what clothes/armor you have in a stockpile by name, slot type, or bonus effect and shows stats for each would be a great way to see what shirt or duster to put on your main gunner or worker. And a way to filter the workbench windows to show only clothing items that fit on the Torso - Skin slot, or the Legs-Skin vs the Torsp-outer, Legs-outer. That would make choosing which items to make easier in the first place. If anyone knows of a mod like that please send me a message. If there isn't anything like that yet, then I would be willing to talk with someone that has the know how to put something together like that. I like the Apparel Organizer as it is now, I just wish there was a way to filter things down to slot type on the pwns inventory. It's hard to figure out which of the 6 different shirts you can make fit which slots sometimes, or pants for that matter. I have a couple pawns right now that have either no pants, or a pair of pants on the outer layer and nothing else for the pants section of their gear slots. Using the RPG style Gui for gear makes it easier to see what's missing and I always have either the pants-outer or pants-skin slot empty, or no pants at all. Even when I have like 10 different pairs of pants in my stockpiles. Anyway, if anyone knows anything just shoot me a like. Thanks for the mod. Keep up the good work.
Mlie  [Разработчик] 27 июн. 2020 г. в 0:02 
The issue is that there are multiple layers and also that apparel can cover multiple bodyparts. For example a uniform may have better stats compared to a jacket but the jacket does not cover the legs so it will depend on what you equip as pants to it, and then compare.
Some clothes can even cover multiple layers witch makes the comparison even more challenging.

I suggest using a mod like outfitted or outfitter to make the pawns choose the best gear themself.
Mlie  [Разработчик] 28 авг. 2020 г. в 13:11 
@Leri-Weill [FRA] Your requests should now be implemented! Sorry about the delay, been a hectic couple of months.
You owe me nothing, thanks for doing it at all man 😬
any chance you could add in the apparel added by the [O21] Pokemon mod? last few times I've used it the pawns refuse to haul it because no stockpile accepts it. Unsure whether it may be that this mod doesn't recognise the hats/clothing or if Neronix didn't categorise them.
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