

CTH2004 3 May @ 11:27am 
fair enough. of course, some sort of incubator, if done well, would be able to make this even more mad-scientist-y! but, that's neat as an egg as well!
EvilCrayfish 3 May @ 11:01am 
Could you please update to 1.5?
Visandar the Unliving  [author] 3 May @ 10:45am 
fine sir or madam, it is quite simple, simply craft the capsule and let it sit in room temperature until the creature emerges. You can basically treat this as an egg that you craft, need no nest or incubator, it will hatch all on its own
CTH2004 3 May @ 9:48am 
How does it grow? Does the flesh “hatch”? Or is there some sort of incubator?

Koshchei 21 Apr @ 12:42pm 
Cant wait to see this mod interact with the other freaks and weirdos in 1.5 rimworld XD
Visandar the Unliving  [author] 13 Apr @ 2:35am 
thank you very much for the information
marshmellowtree28 12 Apr @ 6:34pm 
I tested it out still works you create the "egg" at a drug lab in 6 days it "hatches" then its just a normal animal as far as I saw, looks cool but that's about it. can also be trained and does 15 damage a hit (decent damage)
Naptime Yeen 22 Mar @ 8:04am 
well think of it this way
it will just be a fun little project when the dlc comes out to make this guy fit :P
Visandar the Unliving  [author] 22 Mar @ 8:01am 
@Naptime #SAVETF2
would feel nice
though i have some artistic differences with the DLC
Naptime Yeen 22 Mar @ 7:58am 
hows it feel your mod is basically gonna be in vanilla now lmao
Noisy Koi 18 Mar @ 3:38pm 
Love how this came out less than a week before Anomaly was teased
Mitz 13 Mar @ 10:26am 
friends!! yay!!
Visandar the Unliving  [author] 13 Mar @ 4:18am 
Greetings, good sir.

The reasoning behind the homunculus only requiring neutroamine and glitterworld medicine is quite simple.

The glitterword medicine is so advanced that one might reasonably suspect it to contain components to induce tissue growth.
Now with randomly collected samples or simply spitting in a bottle you have now enough genetic material to start creating the very basic creature called a homunculus.
Originally the homunculus was a science project conducted in glitterworld universities to test the knowledge of the buddin genetic engineers, but got eventually banned and rediscovered in distant rimworld laboratories.

Your suggestions are, of course not bad and will be considered should i ever desire to expand this mod.

I do wish you a most pleasant day and farewell
Thundercraft 12 Mar @ 11:55pm 
So, the recipe is just 1 Glitterworld medicine + 25 Neutroamine? That's it? :lunar2020thinkingtiger:

I'm certain I've seen some other RimWorld mods that allow colonists to create new drugs by combining Glitterworld medicine with a certain amount of Neutroamine. (Now that I think about, I believe about a third of the new drugs added by mods require Neutroamine.)

Rather than just Glitterworld medicine and Neutroamine, shouldn't the secret and complex process of creating Homunculi (the plural form of Homunculus) also require another component? Perhaps it should also require something organic, like Nutrient paste, human Blood, or a Genepack? Or, perhaps Homunculi are a nanite-based creation and, thus, should require Luciferium? Or, perhaps it needs something from Mechanoids?
SmellyFishNuggets 12 Mar @ 5:33pm 
these are not little humunculi these are big boys
WiseArkAngel 11 Mar @ 5:46pm 
"Adds Zach Hadel into the game." Got it. :ujel:
MrPenguinchik 9 Mar @ 11:06pm 
We need Russian-Chinese dictionary!
Visandar the Unliving  [author] 9 Mar @ 7:03pm 
Thank you very much.
There are some absolutely beautiful textures in the mod, specifically my favourite animals as of yet, the mechalope, but many other textures in that mod make me want to tear out my eyes.

Spite alone might help me through this, even though the process of retexturing a maximum of 117 creatures might take more than a little while.
WeirdSkull 9 Mar @ 6:36pm 
@Visandar The Unliving A retexturing of genetics expanded would be absolutely awesome! The current art isn't bad but I do wish they were more... Well, genetic abominations rather than different flavor of animals.

If you do make one I'll be looking forward to it!
Visandar the Unliving  [author] 9 Mar @ 6:25pm 
An interesting prospect, yet even if i had the desire to do so i would lack the coding capabilities to do so.

There is a possibility of me retexturing Vanilla Genetics expanded, however, since i use it as well.
WeirdSkull 9 Mar @ 5:57pm 
Do you have plans on expanding on these guys? Like different sorts of hommonculus? I'll try out the mod later and would really like to be able to make a freakish army of science grown monsters (I know expanded genetics can essentially do that I'm just looking for new content)
Funy Birb Man 9 Mar @ 4:18pm 
They're so cute
Surasu Undying 9 Mar @ 4:54am 
My good sir, thanks for making my new favourite pet, i promise to take care of it and i will give it the rightful live it deserves!
Visandar the Unliving  [author] 8 Mar @ 4:23pm 
@Zombo Ze Zombie
Not to worry, fine sir or madam.
As much as he has the freedom to say whetever he wants as long as it does not directly endanger anyone do i have the freedom to ignore what is said.
A freedom i have most gleefully excercised to the point where i didn't even remember anything was said at all.

thank you very much for your concern. I do wish you and all the others a most pleasant evening
Zombo Ze Zombie 8 Mar @ 4:08pm 
I'd like to apologize for my cousin Ethan below. He's a bit... different in the head. He got picked on a lot, and he likes to take that out on random people. We tried to get him off the internet, but his mom is downright neglectful, which we think contributes to his shittyness. Awful person all around, but he's family you know?
Cahruen 8 Mar @ 2:34am 
Either that's a troll, or a live example of the reason why humanity still isn't colonizing the moon.
Milk. 7 Mar @ 9:45pm 
Whats a CE and why would your opinion ever matter to anyone?
Ethan 7 Mar @ 3:42pm 
Yep, this aint being added to my next playthrough. There are thousands of mods on here, and this is the best you can do? I'd be ashamed of myself if I were you tbh, at least add some functionality with CE... at the very least...
Noisy Koi 7 Mar @ 9:38am 
I love it, simple, straight forward, useful
Ordinary Bell 7 Mar @ 3:05am 
They're bizzarely cute. I love them already and can't wait for them to absolutely never betray me by devouring half the colony.
Teridax 7 Mar @ 12:17am 
Lmao that credit section
weed741 6 Mar @ 4:50pm 
Zmetek 6 Mar @ 2:00pm 
I am sorry to be the bothering one, but.. CE compatible?
Elseud 6 Mar @ 11:25am 
Thank you for bringing this wonderful crime against nature to life. I shall cherish it and call it gubbles
Commandant Tannenbaum 6 Mar @ 8:00am 
Can i defeat him with russian-chinese dictionary?
Fiendix 6 Mar @ 5:00am 
Hey thanks for the answer! :meepstarry:
Space Tendies 5 Mar @ 11:33pm 
@Vectrix summed up my experience, homunculus is real fascinating :praisesun:
Vectrix 5 Mar @ 10:17pm 
I'll be honest pretty decent when I first read the title I swore up and down it was going to be a Fullmetal Alchemist mod but this is still nice too
Roque the Rogue 5 Mar @ 9:20pm 
I love the idea of creating animals and pawns from worktables, the good writing cohesion is another layer of awesome, congratulations! Kudos!
Prophet 5 Mar @ 8:47pm 
they added me to rimworld
XxN1GHTMAR1SHDEM0NxX 5 Mar @ 6:44pm 
kid named cortical homunculus:
TurtleShroom 5 Mar @ 5:17pm 
Based. Wholesome. Adorable.

It's nice to see an experiment that isn't DARKER AND EDGIER for once.
starman.rc 5 Mar @ 5:13pm 
Aww that's the most beautiful little... thing I've seen in awhile! I'll call it 'Superstarmegaforce the First'
Visandar the Unliving  [author] 5 Mar @ 4:38pm 
Maybe in the far future, but i rather doubt it. I am perfectly content with this just being a simple, little critter you can grow in your lab for now.
Gunk_Bunkus 5 Mar @ 4:10pm 
Will you make other homunculi? I would love more horrors like pure combat, hauling/cleaning/ and a really nastly guy that you can shear for meat.
Vardath 5 Mar @ 3:32pm 
Hahahaha, fair enough.
LoggerC4 5 Mar @ 3:13pm 
Such a polite looking fella. I love him. I will take care of him.
Visandar the Unliving  [author] 5 Mar @ 3:10pm 
A most valiant suggestion.
While i am at it i can make them transform into pawns with the beautiful trait and maxed out psylinks all while randomly naming them after religious creeds or figures.

jokes aside, i prefer them rather simple and even if i would like to give them some cool power i certainly do not have the coding knowledge for that.

Without the good sir Sov, this creatrue would be mere artwork