Georgia, United States
Jesus loves you and died for you!
Unapologetic Christian fundamentalist, nonviolent rightist, Dixie, and gamer. Celibate by vow. Let's Go Brandon!

My interests, passions, and hobbies are turtles, mushrooms, politics, and religion, but not necessarily in that order. I hope one day to be a librarian.


Joseph McCarthy was an American hero whose only mistake was being twenty years too early.
Edward Snowden is a modern day Nathan Hale who deserves a pardon and a medal. Martha Stewart did nothing wrong.


I strongly encourage you to speak your mind to me, be it support or criticism, anger or celebration, at your will. Unlike much of the Internet, I value the right of people to comment and say things I may not agree with. No amount of criticism will be suppressed. However, I do have rules one needs to follow if they wish to say something.

My policy for commentary is as follows:

1. Anything I deem sexually obscene, sexualized, or otherwise related to sex or bodily impropriety will be deleted without notice.

2. Any use of swear words will be deleted after a grace period; the author of the obscene comment has until that time to rewrite the comment.

3. No slurs, racial or otherwise. We are on a public forum and should conduct ourselves as gentlemen, and also, I don't want to run afoul of Valve bylaws.

4. Any death threats or threats against my person, or threats against others, will be reported.

5. No advocacy of violence or genocide against the innocent. No exceptions. Anyone who calls for the injury or death of any innocent person, any group, or any demographic will have their comment deleted without notice, but not before it is reported. Any call to harm any innocent person, group of innocent people, or otherwise commit violence against any person or group who has not first acted aggressively will be deleted upon sighting.

7. No Fed Posting.

Anything else is fair game.
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7,689 Hours played
NOTE TO PARENTS: Under no circumstances should anyone under eighteen play this game. If you are over eighteen, you'd better play this game.

"Rimworld" bares the title of my favorite video game. It is the greatest video game I have ever played in my twenty-six years of gaming. As indicated by my hours, I clearly do not have a problem and can obviously stop anytime I want!

In "Rimworld", players play colonists, sadly called "Pawns", and direct their lives. You feed them, clothe them, house them, and build them shelters. Develop an emotional attachment to them, as I do, and make them happy... or don't, and execute them for throwing a temper tantrum and smashing your stack of end-game essential Advanced Components, or form a firing squad and do it for fun.

Raiders, cruel and ruthless, will come and try to kill and hurt you (even your children if you have the Expansion Pack), and you can exact justice on them in countless ways... or forgive them and let them go. Some will actually stop hurting you if you do this, while others will never do anything but hate you.

The beauty of this game is that you have the unlimited potential to do good or evil (and this is why the game is not for kids). You will likely question your morals if you go far enough; the game neither rewards you for good nor punishes you for evil. Your conscience is the regulator.

The more you play, the more you might be willing to try certain things. For example (and this is also why the game is not for kids), you can butcher radiers like animals and dine on the flesh of men. Unless you elect to play as a cannibal, though, they will despise you for this. You can harvest organs, either for fun and profit, or to save the lives of the innocent when their organs are damaged from those raids. Make drugs and get your colonists hooked on Totally Not Cocaine, then be a kingpin that rolls in money, or make medicine and give it to beggars.

As an example of the breadth of moral choices, I have a rule to never, under any circumstances, harm a child. I have kept this rule for as long as children have been in the game. (Children are added with the "Biotech" Expansion Pack.) The only time I have ever done something to a child is by accident, when I failed to check the character's age before making my move. On the flip side, I regularly harvest and sell the blood of my prisoners who were captured in raids, and then dismantle them for their organs. I butcher them and then use their flesh to feed my livestock, or deceptively mix that stuff into other stuff to remove the ability of my colonists to recognize what's in it.

"Rimworld" negates gore and violence in favor of an adorable, cutesy art style. This dampens what would otherwise be too obscene for me to play, and increases emotional attachments to my characters. This is perhaps one of its crowning features: for those into sadism, it is much easier to torture a character who does not scream or show his entrails when you extract his liver (in a rare example of default morality, the game automatically anesthesizes anyone for any surgery). For those into kindness, it makes one even happier to make them happy.

"Rimworld" adds three Expansion Packs to the game. Note that I said "Expansion Pack", as it is ridiculously dishonest to call it Downloaded Content. In a manner reminiscent of better times, each EP adds a plethora of content that is immense and good for replaying over and over again. Even solely using the base game, you will find hundreds of hours of fun.

"Ideology" adds religion (or simply values) to the game, letting players choose to be cannibals, or dwarf-like cave dwellers, and everything in between, with the same potential for good and evil.

"Biotech" adds genetics and traits innate to characters, and most of all, allows for characters to produce children! This is one of my favorite parts, because I love raising children and watching them grow and play together.

"Royalty" adds an Empire Faction, which can bestow onto you multiple titles and psychic powers. Most people aren't a big fan of this game unless they download fan-made content that expands it, but I've always enjoyed it profusely.

Then there are the Mods. Oh glob, the MODS.

For those unfamiliar with gaming lingo (or automobile slang, as this term predates the invention of the PC), "Mod" is a proper noun that is short for "modification". Individuals can, and are encouraged, to create their own content for the game. The potential is infinite, and I myself have made content for the game for years. If you can make a spreadsheet and use basic image editing software, you can write XML files and watch your dreams come to reality as your favorite food or beloved pet shows up in the game. If you are a programmer that knows the C-Sharp programming language, you can add entirely new ways of playing the game.

There is no limit to how many Mods you can have, and I abuse that, with over one thousand one hundred different Mods installed. I tell myself that when my computer starts spitting fire, ONLY THEN will I have installed enough Mods. I have upgraded my computer solely to play "Rimworld" on larger settings, with more colonists, and using more Mods. Twice. That's how much fun I've had with the Mod making scene.

To conclude, I wish that I could do more than simply recommend the game. I wish I could buy it for any adult that asks of it, just to share the joy I've experienced in it over the years. I have never been disappointed by the game. I have never run out of things to do; boredom only sets in when I have so many things that the game slows down and I have to watch my colonists crawl to do basic tasks. I have had so much fun playing this game, and God willing, I will have many more years of fun going forward.

To anyone over eighteen, I tell you, get this game! You will not be disappointed!
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((((Semyon The Great)))) 19 May @ 1:03am 
I used to work at a tire factory, but I quit that job since I felt tired all the time. So I started working for an exhaust factory instead, and I ended up quitting that one since I was so exhausted. Then I switched fields and went into banking, but that job did not last since I lost interest. Next, I worked for the IRS but quit that job too since it was too taxing. I then got hired at a crematory, but I got burnt out. But after all of this, I finally found a job that I can really see myself doing at a mirror factory.
((((Semyon The Great)))) 16 May @ 2:47pm 
well, now he won't tell you
flee 16 May @ 2:01pm 
I'm a woman and yes I am a cheater, not a liar.
TurtleShroom 16 May @ 1:43pm 
Flee, it is very rare that I block anyone, but I cannot add a man as a Friend who confesses to being a cheater. I am sorry.

(Note: By "cheater", I mean that you cheat in multiplayer games, not in single player.)
flee 16 May @ 7:49am 
Turtle, saw you have been updating the "WesternizationProject", add me I'd like to talk to you about a mod I am working on.
TurtleShroom 14 May @ 1:29pm 
Yes I do! Why didn't you say so earlier? I re-sent your invitation. Thank you for remembering! :peace_hoi: