Victory Conditions Overhaul
chuaxzn2006 13 hours ago 
Battle of the black pyramid has problem, after activating the quest battle the sikiders do not movr
kaesar_cggb 19 Jul @ 11:15pm 
Amazing mod, just want to see if you are thinking of adding the rest of LLs soon, I have been delaying a Teclis, Malekith and Orion campaigns.
Alan 16 Jul @ 3:07pm 
@obelus try deselecting your army. I've had this work when the message ends underneath the army panel.
Obelus 16 Jul @ 1:55pm 
uhh so the issued mission notification is too long and I can't find anyway to dismiss the message? I literally can't do anything until I can get rid of the notification...
sarumanthecursed 15 Jul @ 9:08am 
Like Jadwin’s old Nemesis Mod.
sarumanthecursed 15 Jul @ 9:07am 
Would be nice if the factions in your victory conditions to destroy, got some buff vs other ai factions. This way they don’t get wiped out by anti-climactic ai factions instead of you
Alan 15 Jul @ 8:36am 
@Oh_Man thanks for the quick response. I'm going to try this then.
Alan 15 Jul @ 8:15am 
Fozzrik's Verdant Burst says it doesn't affect allies, but it's a buff, not a debuff. What is the point of this?
Alan 15 Jul @ 8:08am 
Is the SFO quest battle crash guaranteed or just possible? If I'm playing Empire, should I not even bother turning VCO on, since Franz has the multi-faction battle?
Vũ Trí Ba Tá Trợ 14 Jul @ 8:40am 
pls make for Tehenhauin
tjwjdgnsdl2 14 Jul @ 4:42am 
NeoKorp 14 Jul @ 12:27am 
Good day

How do you unlock the Boris for Kislev in this mod?
Dragon32 13 Jul @ 9:01am 
There's a submod I think
Gilgamesh 13 Jul @ 8:39am 
Anyone use this with Old World?
SundayNebula 13 Jul @ 8:17am 
For whatever reason, when this mod is enabled, I cannot use Potion of Foolhardiness in battles.

Steps to reproduce:
1. only enable this mod
2. start a custom battle using Night Goblin Warboss
3. clicking Potion of Foolhardiness won't do anything
Kenjataimu 11 Jul @ 10:03am 
Can endgame crisis in IE still trigger with "Trigger on Long Victory" condition with this mod?
glospey 11 Jul @ 8:42am 
Short victory is vanilla and does not grant achievements to my knowledge. I believe you need a long victory or to complete one of this mod's routes.
David / Waveshaper 11 Jul @ 8:38am 
Am I doing something wrong? Achieved short victory with Vlad von Carstein but got no achievement.
=[NK]= Col. Jack O'Neil 11 Jul @ 7:13am 
There's an SFO submod
Omega Flux 11 Jul @ 6:55am 
does this work with SFO?
Red Axem Ranger 9 Jul @ 8:01pm 
Great, I see I was just a little tunnel visioned on the actual routes and did not realize some of the quests might appear outside of them. Awesome work again.
Oh_Man[TFE]  [author] 9 Jul @ 7:43pm 
Storm of Chaos you can see in the screenshot above
Oh_Man[TFE]  [author] 9 Jul @ 7:42pm 
Red Axem Ranger 9 Jul @ 7:01pm 
Oh, I didn't see a few of them in the existing paths for some characters. Are the others (like Storm of Chaos or the Oxyotl four) implemented as quest battles that will appear during campaign, even if they're not in the victory conditions?
Oh_Man[TFE]  [author] 9 Jul @ 5:42pm 
They already are.
Red Axem Ranger 9 Jul @ 4:55pm 
One of my favorite mods, thanks for all your hard work. Do you have any plans to implement the awesome miscellaneous quest battles you've made into the Immortal Empires campaign proper? They're great culminations to several campaigns like Karl's alliance or Oxyotl's four demon set.
Dragon32 9 Jul @ 5:43am 
See the submod Discussion
Blader 9 Jul @ 3:02am 
not work in old world
柒里寻风 8 Jul @ 11:56pm 
work with the old world?
Oh_Man[TFE]  [author] 7 Jul @ 9:32pm 
Starts with T and ends with ehenhauin.
The Spanish Inquisition 7 Jul @ 1:08pm 
Any hints on which lord are going to be updated next?
pelimaanikko 7 Jul @ 5:12am 
Hmm... province control goals are not registering as playing Helebron. Not direct or via military alliance.. Is it because I have enabled diplomacy with end game Khemri and I'm now allied with them..? Or 5.1 or SFO related?
Sanguinius [BS Librarian] 6 Jul @ 10:58am 
@MagicTurtleV, try out this mod , it allows Daniel to use normal items too
glospey 6 Jul @ 9:13am 
@MagicTurtleV, your answer is in the mod's description.
patryk_wesierski16 6 Jul @ 12:58am 
In Daemon Prince route of "Prince of the waste" We do recieve a lot of legendary weapons, but Daniel can't use them because of his unique body parts system

The Idea is, that after achieving this route, we are presented with the Dilema, where we either choose to distribute those weapons to other Lords and get them as items as usual, or Keep them for Daniel, in this case we would instead get those weapons as Daniel-exclusive main weapons with undivided category

I also thought of Having Belakor and Archaon recuited after finnishing this route, and getting abbility to confederate with other warriors of Chaos to show that Daniel is truly leading the Chaos Forces
MagicTurtleV 5 Jul @ 8:11pm 
Will this effect the achievements for completing the campaign on a high difficulty, For example the Legends Amongst Men Achievement
WineMom4Karl 5 Jul @ 2:58pm 
Super disappointed that the mainland Bretonnian Lords don't have new victory conditions. They desperately need them :(
Goodzilun 4 Jul @ 12:45pm 
Will you be working on lords that don't have overhaul yet? like Morghur or Durthu, would be really interested to see what you do with those 2 specially.
GabeSky 4 Jul @ 5:09am 
Thank you for clarification.

But bigger thanks for creating/maintaining this awesome mod!
Oh_Man[TFE]  [author] 3 Jul @ 7:06pm 
It costs more but is quicker to construct. It's a trade off not an across the board buff.
plotini2 3 Jul @ 3:24pm 
Hey there, just completed the short victory with Ungrim but I'm not receiving the respective buffs and instead I'm getting the vanilla ones. Any well known mod conflicts I should be looking for? Never had this issue before and I'm using the same mods. Thanks
GabeSky 3 Jul @ 8:47am 
For the vco_anc_enchanted_item_the_rock_of_inevitability should the effect wh_main_effect_building_construction_cost_mod be a negative number instead of postive?
glospey 3 Jul @ 7:34am 
@Ser Kezian, are you playing a supported faction?
GabeSky 3 Jul @ 7:33am 
Hey some of the unique IDs in unit_special_abilities_tables are the same as vanilla.
vco_wh3_main_army_abilities_fozzriks_flensing_discharge = 2085025702
vco_wh3_main_army_abilities_fozzriks_verdant_burst = 288097083
vco_lord_abilities_aureate_ambrosia = 2292

wh2_main_army_abilities_vortic_blast = 2085025702
wh2_main_army_abilities_vortic_enrichment = 288097083
wh_main_item_abilities_potion_of_foolhardiness = 2292

Maybe change to ?
vco_wh3_main_army_abilities_fozzriks_flensing_discharge = 946435154
vco_wh3_main_army_abilities_fozzriks_verdant_burst = 946435155
vco_lord_abilities_aureate_ambrosia = 946435156
Ser Kezian 3 Jul @ 7:05am 
Not sure if I'v done something wrong but I swear this isn't working for me even though it's green and ticked when I start the game.
HzT 2 Jul @ 9:16am 
Just curious
Anyone knows how will this mod treat the long victory condition when it came to the endgame crisis?
Gooch 1 Jul @ 10:46pm 
So basically you don't get any time to play with the rewards because by the time you do the victory conditions there's absolutely nothing left to do in the game and you finish all 3 victory conditions way too close to eachother.

It's not like other campaigns where you can turn the victory conditions into 3 distinct phases of the campaign when you want, and allow the rewards to slowly build up.

With the Changeling you get the rewards from all 3 all at once and then have nothing left to do with it. (2/2)
Gooch 1 Jul @ 10:46pm 
They need to update the Changeling.
I feel whoever made his Victory Conditions hasn't actually played his campaign all the way through with them.

Currently it goes like this:
You play to the Ultimate Scheme like normal which automatically gives you 2/3 of the Victory conditions.

Then after that because of the schemes you have 99% of the third one already done, since by that point in the game you'll have high level trickster cults in every theater which can quickly get you a high level army to hunt all 3 dragons with in less than 10 turns.