

NT Blood work
Kardagan 21 Jan @ 5:25am 
understandable. If i get something i will provide it to you. But later.
Dornam  [author] 20 Jan @ 12:25pm 
@Kardagan Feel free to volunteer some sprites then. I'm trash at art, so all mine are usually recolors or minor changes to existing images.
Kardagan 1 Jan @ 6:14pm 
I mean this mod need better sprites than now.
Dornam  [author] 1 Jan @ 3:56pm 
@Kardagan How do you mean?
Kardagan 1 Jan @ 3:09pm 
Awesome mod. Item sprites need to be updated.
Dornam  [author] 8 Nov, 2023 @ 8:48am 
Huh? The blood packs from the medic talent are normal O- blood packs that you can use normally.

But whatever, you do you.
rerk 8 Nov, 2023 @ 3:42am 
Oh no, completely understandable. But I figured that I might as well do that since my main supply of blood packs comes from spawned ones from a perk, rather than ones actually drawn. So I figured if I can't use them normally, might as well use them to craft blood plasma with (I made a blood plasma recipe as well). Plus in the crafting recipe I've added some more material requirements so kind of a higher risk-higher reward scenario whilst basically completely ignoring the normal blood packs
Dornam  [author] 7 Nov, 2023 @ 1:23pm 
It probably has to do with how vanilla blood packs are converted to neurotrauma blood packs when they spawn, and directly spawning them with commands might not do that properly.

Why are you making plasma reduce blood loss? IRL, plasma can't actually replace red blood cells, seeing as it missing the red blood cells is what makes it a bag of plasma instead of blood.

Bloodloss in neurotrauma represents missing RBC + blood volume, while blood pressure is only the liquid volume in your veins, so while bloodloss and blood pressure are related, they're not directly the same. If you don't have enough red blood cells, your body can't distribute oxygen properly, even if there is proper blood pressure, which is why blood plasma shouldn't help cure blood loss, only raise blood pressure, since it doesn't have red blood cells in it.
rerk 7 Nov, 2023 @ 12:33pm 
Right, tested it again further. Seems like any spawned blood pack (antibloodloss2) doesn't work when applied, and the other blood pack can't even go into my inventory anyway. However! If I extract blood with an empty blood pack, it works for some reason. I don't know how or why, but it does. Regardless, I'll just edit the stuff on my side and make the plasma packs also reduce blood loss, so it's whatevs
rerk 7 Nov, 2023 @ 12:06pm 
Yep, works on the sub editor. Just reloaded into the save and works there as well. No idea what might've caused the bug. Thanks for the help! All the best
Dornam  [author] 6 Nov, 2023 @ 2:09pm 
One of those is a remnant from neurotrauma when Mannatu was making a separate blood bag instead of overriding antibloodloss2, so it's obsolete. The other one currently works for me when I tested it after taking some blood with an empty blood bag. Try placing one in the sub editor and see if it works when you test it.
rerk 6 Nov, 2023 @ 1:53pm 
Hi, me again! :P
Having a similar-ish issue as with the other mod. This one's a weird bug though. I'm trying to get and apply O- blood packs, however I have two types of them loaded in the game from just this mod (using sandbox menu in order to see their IDs and filter out other mods' content).

I have one that's called "bloodpackominus" and when I spawn it, I can't pick it up and it doesn't spawn in my inventory. I have a 2nd one called "antibloodloss2" which I can interact with and apply, but it doesn't reduce the blood loss at all. Any chance you might have a look at this? Let me know if you need any extra info
Dornam  [author] 17 Jul, 2023 @ 10:56pm 
Currently works for me. I know that the manna buildables mod has caused problems before, Check if you have that loaded, or if you placed this mod below neurotrauma in the mod load order.

You can use identifiers or names in recipes. Just checked myself, and it still works in game with saline instead of antibloodloss1 in the blood cell culture recipe.

Otherwise, I'm not sure what your problem would be. The mod currently functions as it's supposed to on my pc.
碎语轻声 17 Jul, 2023 @ 9:32pm 
Red blood cell cultures are not found in medical fabricator, and I think saline is a wrong identifier
Dornam  [author] 19 Jun, 2023 @ 1:04am 
We figured it out. If anyone is experiencing what StarryGhost was, it's the manna buildables mod that's the problem.
Dornam  [author] 18 Jun, 2023 @ 10:49pm 
@StarryGhost I'm not sure what you mean. Do the items have no name? I can't replicate your issue if so. Do you have a screenshot you could link me showing what you're seeing?

Also, check to make sure you have this mod above neurotrama on your mod list.
StarryGhost 18 Jun, 2023 @ 7:50pm 
The types of blood plasma and red blood cell cultures arn't labeled is there something im missing?