Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

댓글 48
schizophrenio 2024년 3월 7일 오후 10시 08분 
wow i just peed myself because of how cool this is
rotten testicles 2023년 7월 1일 오전 7시 08분 
silly goober
mining away 2023년 6월 24일 오후 7시 12분 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More- government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best of your life(im braindead)
vasili.putom.kamenka1999 2023년 6월 5일 오후 6시 25분 
Been looking for this map for a while. Really good
SnowTangerine 2023년 6월 5일 오후 1시 24분 
I played the old 2008 version for many years. Well done!
Frisk #FixTF2 2023년 6월 4일 오후 12시 24분 
This map is awesome! Just finished having a look around and I love how the map changes depending on what points have been capped, opening and closing different paths for both teams. Not sure if it would ever get added as an official map but I guess it's possible now that we can get maps that aren't Halloween or Christmas related. In a weird way it reminds me of older maps. I can't really describe how though, but either way nice work! :balloonicorn:
have a good day 2023년 6월 4일 오전 10시 57분 
this is pretty cool map
King Orbi 2023년 6월 4일 오전 10시 56분 
Very lovely map, I love the closed-in but heavy usage of props to make the scenery feel once-populated and not empty, I hope this reaches first place as a fellow Zombie Survival mapper!
Sweden is the Best 2023년 6월 4일 오전 1시 26분 
Take Two 2023년 6월 3일 오후 3시 21분 
Forgotten_soldier 2023년 6월 3일 오후 12시 08분 
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 6월 3일 오후 12시 00분 
damn this damn discussion I have to play it again
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 6월 3일 오전 11시 38분 
*fps games
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 6월 3일 오전 11시 34분 
I remember how I played brink for the first time, it was very different from traditional ffps and it was not far from being better than call of duty, I always enjoyed the dynamic gameplay, oh God, I hope I will live to see the sequel..
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 6월 3일 오전 11시 15분 
Hello again, I can't believe it, I thought all the masters of the idtech engine had died and they was forgotten. I like Doom 3, I don't know why everyone doesn't like him so much, yes, he is a bit different, but not for the worse in my opinion back to topic, so I never played it on xbox, but it was good on pc. I also like the original rage, it's a nice headless ripper. And as for the game brink, how can I say it, it has a special place in my heart I would sum it up like this: brink is completely trash and hidden game at the same time. So if you enjoy the idtech 4 engine, I recommend playing brink, not that it would be fun, but in terms of processing, even today after all these years, I am always fascinated by what they were able to get out of the "dooom3" engine. Brink has a amazing sci-fi aesthetic, (like doom 3 but its mutch different) they have reached the maximum limits of that engine, I always enjoy doing nothing and just observation the environment in the game. Its unbelievable.
Zoomy! 2023년 6월 3일 오전 9시 50분 
Hola Skala!.. you will find this amusing.. i worked on Doom 3 for original xbox.. after that I wanted to learn hammer so I made cp_blackmesa.. Funny that you too worked with id tech.
Dorknugget 2023년 6월 3일 오전 9시 12분 
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SiMpLe <3 2023년 6월 3일 오전 6시 24분 
Good map! :)
Grilled Cheese 2023년 6월 3일 오전 5시 38분 
ah yes my favourite level shldow flcility:steamthis:
Irtis 2023년 6월 3일 오전 4시 04분 
VixeyExessist 2023년 6월 3일 오전 3시 42분 
▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Valve , ░░░█
▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░Add This ░░█
▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please ░░█
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 6월 3일 오전 3시 28분 
I greet you too. Yes, the map has been modified and is based on the basic version of 2008. Some errors have been fixed and some have remained due to the fact that it is very difficult and impractical to work with the hammer editor. I only work in the id tech 4 editor for the brink game with my own servers, so I decided to take the old map as a basis and work with it, because most of the knowledge can be converted into the new interface. Since it's been a while, I think this map deserves to be in the workshop or even in the base game. So I will definitely link to the basic version from 2008. Best regards, Skala
Zoomy! 2023년 6월 2일 오후 7시 23분 
Greetings, I am the Dragonhill that created the series of blackmesa maps for tf2. While I have no issue with you modifying the map as your own creation you prob should add the fact in the description. To be honest even my version was inspired by a map from natural selection called co_blackmesa. But mine were created from scratch and nothing from that map ever made it into mine. Side note: the map does not belong to EGO. But they do love playing it and this version suffers from the same issue i need to fix. it uses too many brushes for the small details like platform lights and radiator fins in the glass tunnels.
Zenitsufacha 2023년 6월 2일 오후 6시 41분 
не дрочил 1 день 2023년 6월 2일 오후 5시 27분 
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 6월 2일 오후 2시 53분 
Hi, thanks for the feedback. Well, not every map can be like an "airport" :D
The-Best-Purple-Potato 2023년 6월 2일 오후 1시 24분 
I like the map for it's originality, and is very well balanced, except I felt it was too small and cramped in most spaces except C while looking around by myself. The party was fun.
Custom Radio station 2023년 6월 2일 오후 1시 20분 
captdonut 2023년 6월 2일 오후 1시 19분 
Gordon freeman is screwed, we got TF2 to deal with him
Kopernik 2023년 6월 2일 오전 11시 51분 
Hazardous Νλno 2023년 6월 2일 오전 11시 14분 
parece um mapa de modo história, eu gostei
15 sweatshop workers 2023년 6월 2일 오전 10시 56분 
awg hell naw they got the tf2 mercs to clean up black mesa :gordon:
nikolawolanowska00 2023년 6월 2일 오전 8시 14분 
oskar Hejo
KebabBoy 2023년 6월 2일 오전 1시 49분 
bum bác 2023년 6월 1일 오전 11시 06분 
This map gives me old map vibes and nostalgia, I want this map in game.
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 5월 31일 오전 5시 37분 
Hello, I don't think so, the map has been repeatedly tested with full cast and has also been adjusted accordingly.

If we take, for example, a Turbine for comparison, on ShadowFacility there are 6 ways to get to the headspace, not to mention that there are at least 3 or more access routes to each point to be avoided.

The problem was that all the players ran around the map (because it is too open) and the main area around point C was half empty.

That's why several areas have been modified and covered with a barricade that disappears after occupying point C so that the players can get closer together.

The problem is not pyro or sniper (Harvest, for example, is much worse), near point C, here the obstacles are adjusted so that the player is 70%-75% covered and there are only a few free angles for the sniper.

So the only problem on this map is the engineer and again nothing that a demoman or a medic can't handle..
Crowley 2023년 5월 30일 오후 11시 07분 
it is cool, but there's will be alot of spam and phlog, that could be even worse then Mercenary Park or Turbine or dustbowl.
Moose-tache 2023년 5월 24일 오후 11시 41분 
omg so good
xiodition 2023년 5월 13일 오전 4시 48분 
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS SPOOKY BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ COPY AND PASTE HIM,
░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄░░░ SO, HE CAN TAKE
░░░░░░░▀███▀█░▄░░ OVER THE WORKSHOP
Gagulko11 2023년 5월 9일 오후 12시 41분 
very cool
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 4월 20일 오후 3시 55분 
(But I have to admit that I prefer programming in the hammer engine rather than 3D modeling, it's done terribly, I'm used to working in the IDtech4 engine for the game Brink)
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 4월 20일 오후 3시 49분 
I'll take a look at the page tomorrow, I can still think of the textures of the points marking, k and l. Thank you for the subject, yes, the map looks different from the original, as stated by 'gamebanana' it is 'feel free to use', so I start from it with the fact that the map is converted to the minimum the standard of 2015+, the original textures are replaced with new ones with greater resolution and sharpness driven through artificial intelligence, and the entire 'game logic' is deleted and made from scratch so that the map has better playability and does not run out of capturing the point prematurely and subsequent bugging is also 'easier logic' the ability to modify different doors and other passages based on the state of the game, also the entire map lighting has been deleted and is done completely
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 4월 20일 오후 3시 49분 
from scratch using better rendering that could not be achieved in 2008, I still have other versions that use 'simulated' ray tracing and dynamically converts the differences of shadows and highlights unfortunately this version does not work well in the part with ventilation when the game evaluates reflections and light intensity poorly, also certain sections of the map are modified for the terrain of 'sniper' and 'engineer' also the rooms are changed after the test so that there are no constant 'stalemate' but the map had smooth gameplay and there were always at least 3 ways to get to the checkpoint. Thank you for your understanding, I do not use the new version of the map used by team =(eGO)=, specifically cp_blackmesa_V7beta2, so there is no copyright infringement, I am based on the first public version from 2008.
PrivateerMan 2023년 4월 20일 오후 2시 03분 
Textures are still broken, and one other issue is the broken out-of-bounds area near the staircases on BLU's side.

Rather curiously, these problems didn't exist in cp_blackmesa []. If you're gonna repost other people's maps while making poor edits, the least you can do is credit and link the original.
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 4월 20일 오전 6시 05분 
Yes you're right i forgot to add the glass and metal texture pack it's fixed now.
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 4월 20일 오전 5시 00분 
Specifically, what do you mean by "other bugs" if you have come across any I would be happy if you mention them and I can fix them.
SloppySausage  [작성자] 2023년 4월 20일 오전 4시 59분 
I'm sorry, yes the map uses a lot of textures that are specifically made only for this map, all the textures are in the package with the map, it is possible that I forgot some package and it is not included with the map. Fix is on the way.
PrivateerMan 2023년 4월 20일 오전 12시 25분 
Map has broken textures and other bugs.