Space Engineers
Scrapyard - Scenario
Коментарів: 498
GenJackO 15 черв. о 23:29 
have the new blocks been added into scrapyard yet? the action relay has interesting scrap potential
psionprime 12 черв. о 18:34 
I've been looking around but haven't discovered yet a list of what cannot be constructed. Does this exist somewhere and will someone please point me to it ?
psionprime 12 черв. о 13:46 
Mike ={JcC}= 12 черв. о 12:29 
@psionprime equip a block, point it at the structure until it lights green so you could build, then press SHIFT + P to copy the settings of the block you aimed at, including color and texture.
psionprime 12 черв. о 12:09 
Just trying this out. How to keep the "rusted" texture default ? I ripped off some framing from a building I found and when I rebuilt it it looked brand new.
JimTheSoundman 8 черв. о 20:35 
I think I found a bug. I had a friend who was offline and I was at his base, he was sitting in his rover when he was offline (I think it was the Buggy Cockpit) and I clicked on it thinking it was empty. Normally it would just do nothing, or maybe give you the "error" sound, but this time it appeared to try and fit me in the cockpit also. Immediately my game crashed, and possibly the server, not sure about that part. Now every time I try to log on the game throws an error and crashes. Maybe the game can't log me back in because I'm in an invalid situation?
StoneTiger 2 черв. о 8:42 
@gasboy I havent ever seen them on a wreak planet side but in space you will find them both large and small grid once in a while.
Gasboy 30 трав. о 14:17 
@Splitsie Are ion thrusters a possible "drop", like, showing up in wrecked ships and the like?
GenJackO 30 трав. о 8:26 
Is this mod broken? i have played a new start for the past 25 min and nothing is spawning in went to an old save and spawned in new area and same thing. experimental mode is enabled
Green_ya 17 трав. о 5:40 
Whats about new blocks? I cant find any of Signal blocks...
Greywolf 15 трав. о 20:32 
Found a bug with a grid. A container cannot be released. Even if you remove everything or use your grinder to release it, it floats in the air and even grabby hands cannot lock onto it.
Lewas 15 трав. о 13:11 
Доброго времени, после обновления перестал перетаскивать блоки на R, кто то сталкивался с этим? или как решить данный вопрос, подскажите?

Good time, after the update, I stopped dragging blocks to R, has anyone encountered this? or how to solve this issue, please tell me?
Jack Schitt 14 трав. о 23:40 
@Uncle Urdnot: There are config files. They should get created and show up in %appdata%\SpaceEngineers\Storage\ once the mod is launched and loaded. Several of them have timer settings in them. There's a timer element for <TimeoutDuration>60</TimeoutDuration> in the "Config-PlanetaryInstallations.xml" file. That might be the setting you're looking for.

If you'd be interested in increasing the text size on the screen, I have poor eyesight myself (age, always wore glasses or contacts), I've made a HUD mod that allows me to see and read everything I was able to make the text larger for. Click here for its workshop page.

If you run PluginLoader there are 2 plugins I use that increase text size for GPS and chat. Look for GPS Marker Scaling and Resizable Chat in the plugins list.
Wiking 14 трав. о 21:41 
Цербер, сначала просто посмотри видео про етот сценарий
Uncle Urdnot 14 трав. о 21:40 
ANyway to keep the gps for the scrap spawns on the screen longer? Its too quick for old eyes and slow reactions like mine.
[Dev] Цербер 14 трав. о 16:17 
Не понял как передвигать предметы - нигде не написано - крайне сложный вход в этот сценарий... Обучения нет.. гайдов нет...
Отпил деталь, не понял как ее переносить...удалил мод нахрен :steamthumbsdown:
Cy Arcturus 1 трав. о 16:07 
I would be interested in something like that too. It might add a bit more variety as currently with Scrapyard Survival you don't need a whole lot to make a rover work. Spacecraft based on salvaged parts would add a lot more challenge.
Naz 29 квіт. о 8:46 
All the items that are spawned are put together (or borrowed) by Splitsie. I think he tries not to use DLC items so that the most people can enjoy his stuff. If its tied to a paid DLC you probably wont see it. Otherwise, it's just dependent on him adding one to the scrap builds.
ATF_Coldblooded Carebear || 28 квіт. о 15:15 
I wonder if it will spawn in the wind turbine from the 3rd decors pack?
Goatroach 21 квіт. о 8:41 
I, too, would love food items from EDSR to be found. For now, gotta use admin menu.
DlriumTrgger 20 квіт. о 5:48 
how hard would it be to integrate a mod so food from EDSR could be found?
NoName 20 квіт. о 4:22 
Hi all.
Tell me, is there a landfill scenario in space?
Mike ={JcC}= 19 квіт. о 14:09 
@Nathan: Space Engineers is not a game, it's a toolbox.
Nathan 19 квіт. о 10:02 
If you want Space Engineers to become a driving game, this is the modset for you!
25iceking20020 12 квіт. о 15:51 
I would also like to increase the spawning as well
It would add more depth to my game
Snidely 12 квіт. о 15:41 
Naz, can you share how to do that? I'm not seeing anything spawning in on the Entity List and I'd like to check the timing.
Naz 12 квіт. о 9:24 
Keep in mind he edits out the very long periods in between finding stuff. The videos make it look like you should be getting goodies every 5-10 minutes. You have to drive long and far to get stuff. You can edit the MES files to increase your spawn rates though.
TanteTrude 11 квіт. о 9:25 
This works nothing like in the videos, i'm disappointed. Very.
Revale08 10 квіт. о 9:02 
Update: Think I have disocvered my issue, I was confusing your desert start as Pertam, which has 1.2g. where you are using a custom planet Satrius. In the meantime I adjusted <ExoskeletForce> to 10000 which seems to be a sweet spot for pertam.
Revale08 10 квіт. о 8:24 
@Splitsie, Can i ask you to check the improvised experimentation settings you wrote in description are correct? I ask as i altered them exactly to as you have them into the correct folder, yet I cant seem to be able to lift a single small grid gyro (its too heavy). Thanks in advance
Like a Boss 9 квіт. о 5:33 
I found out what my problem was, in case some1 else is having the same issues, turns out it was all my fault, since i hate darkness and didnt use the stop sun rotation i was using the admin tool "Time of the day offset", looks like its messes with the spawn mechanics, no more problems since i have stop using it.
Ragnarok42 8 квіт. о 23:46 
I have the same problem, as REV4666 with multiple grids in one place and as `like a boss` with beacon and battery. But did not change anything in my settings nor added any new mods, just started new game (2 times for this).

Any advice please?
REV4666 8 квіт. о 18:43 
is there a way to stop MES from spawning inside one another?

Most of the spawn I arrive to has at least 2-4 large grid inside one another and sometime a few small grids (mostly smashed) added to the mix

It is almost impossible to work with them as clang tend to send stuff flying in all direction when grinding something, sometime killing me sometime smashing my rover.

So when arrive at a location I have to go into the admin menu to remove one or 2 grids
and if they is any small grid stuff a lot of time they are just smashed to scrap metal

My guess is MES trigger a spawn too many time and end up just spawning them at the same location. But I could be wrong
drako1lv 8 квіт. о 16:26 
is it compatible with water mod?
Monster 8 квіт. о 11:09 
I was hoping to "leave the planet" as my end goal. Other people say they managed in 30 hours. I'm on Triton, bc literally nothing spawned when I tried Pertam. I played this for scenario for over *70 hours*, and found just 2 small-grid, small thrusters. When I'm done with a POI, there's basically nothing but "steel plates" left. I'm definitely not "missing" them. I have tons of resources and blocks. But it would take me *hundreds of hours* to get enough thrusters to leave the planet. I think I'm just going to have to give up.
25iceking20020 8 квіт. о 10:20 
That’s weird
Are you using the scenario?
Like a Boss 8 квіт. о 3:54 
Im having a weird problem, when i start a new game everything seems to be fine, wrecks appearing as intended, but soon the wrecks start appearing with a set of large grid beacon, large battery and timers underneath, and multiple instances of this set too, looks like the set responsible for spawning the wreck doesnt auto despawn. Any idea?
25iceking20020 7 квіт. о 14:31 
SandHuMan I tried on the Earthlike planet my first attempt but wanted to do the sand one. They do indeed spawn on the Earthlike planet.
SandhuMan 7 квіт. о 6:48 
Which planets does the salvage Spawn on?
SandhuMan 7 квіт. о 6:45 
I know refineries and assemblers are removed from the G menu in this mod, but can they still be found in the world with the Modular Encounters?
I'd like to use this mod but still have mining and industry still be an option if we can find the infrastructure.
25iceking20020 6 квіт. о 19:11 
How do i activate the cleanup. I cant seem to find it
Brewkids 6 квіт. о 11:03 
Naz 5 квіт. о 13:17 
I've actually got more large blocks than small at this point. Seem to be overrun with scav buildings. It all depends on what randomly spawns around you.
hitnec 4 квіт. о 21:43 
can you go big grid in this scenario?

I mean its not many blocks one can find for big grid.I found a hydro engine for big grid but no H2/O2 generator.

also no thrusters for big grid. it seems like you stucks with small grid for cars and big grid for base

it becomes boring fast :(
hitnec 2 квіт. о 1:58 
thx for info, I found some now in small containers :)
Naz 1 квіт. о 14:47 
There is the occasional shelf that has power cells too. also check all the small containers that show up in wrecks. they also sometimes have them
Mike ={JcC}= 1 квіт. о 11:16 
@hitnec By grinding Hydrogen Engines. They have 1 power cell that doesnt turn to scrap when you grind them.
hitnec 1 квіт. о 10:08 
how do you get power cells?
buzz 1 квіт. о 2:32 
Hey. Nice mod and YT sierie.
I have a question: how can I start this mod on a desert planet. I always start in mountains and it very dificult at start.
[]SoTH[] 31 берез. о 19:41 
For anyone else looking the New series scenario (2024) is