

Recruit Slaves
Garwel  [author] 23 Apr @ 4:16am 
@Shuro When a recruit attempt fails, a floating message appears next to the slave showing the actual success chance.
Shuro 23 Apr @ 3:35am 
It was multiple months of no recruiting, but i noticed weak social characters had also wardening active, so it was their fault. Thanks for clarifying.
Garwel  [author] 23 Apr @ 12:22am 
@Shuro Oh, and the success chance is always at least 1% and at most 90%.
Garwel  [author] 23 Apr @ 12:21am 
@Shuro It's just a relative value. Under the hood, the formula is this:
<chance to recruit> = <recruiter's negotiation ability> * (<slave's opinion of the recruiter> / 200 + 1) / <difficulty> / <recruitment difficulty setting> / 10

So in your case, assuming default settings, slave is neutral towards the recruiter and the recruiter's negotiation ability stat is 100%, you'll have the chance: 1 / 1.4505 / 10 = 6.9%. It's not bad at all: on average, you can expect the recruitment to take about 15 days. If you use the recruiter with better stats and relationship with the slave, the chance may be even more.
Shuro 22 Apr @ 2:59pm 
So my difficulty looks like this:

Base Value: 100%
Multiplier for mood 63%: x91%
Rested: x100%
Terror (0%): x100%
Multiplier for age 18: x100%
Opinion of Colonists (+36): x91%
Fiance is a colonist: x50%
Storyteller: x348%

Final Value: 145.05%

So it is basically imnpossible to recruit the character? Or do I missunderstand something?
Garwel  [author] 17 Apr @ 11:18am 
@Derko Damn, that was an embarassing mistake! Fixed it now.
Derko 16 Apr @ 4:46pm 
Could you please release the mod with the assembly in RELEASE mode and not in DEBUG mode ? because the recruitement always fail with a nice message in the debug log when the recruitement is successful:

[RecruitSlaves] The recruitment was successful, but not enforcing it due to being in DEBUG mode.
Garwel  [author] 16 Apr @ 1:06pm 
@Aziz Can you explain what it means that it doesn't work for you?
Aziz 13 Apr @ 7:55am 
Thank you for making this important mod

Sadly, it doesn't work with me
I have tried to unsubscribe and re-subscribe and I have changed the mod order a couple of times but still doesn't work

Does anyone know how to fix it?
Garwel  [author] 29 Mar @ 3:13am 
@lakefishHAXX No.
lakefishHAXX 28 Mar @ 8:36pm 
This mod doesn't add a function to convert slaves, does it?
东方彩虹🌈 26 Feb @ 4:01pm 
yes it is,Slaves are bought,is recruit
Garwel  [author] 26 Feb @ 1:01pm 
@东方彩虹🌈 Is her interaction mode set to "Recruit"?
东方彩虹🌈 25 Feb @ 10:31pm 
One of my slaves has been in the colony for 20 years or more and I haven't ever seen a warden try to recruit her.
Meyar 2 Dec, 2023 @ 9:24pm 
Sadly doesn't appear to work for me either.
Talyn 8 Oct, 2023 @ 2:59pm 
I must have something that interferes with this mod. One of my slaves has been in the colony for 5 years or more and I haven't ever seen a warden try to recruit her.
The Blind One 7 Aug, 2023 @ 11:52am 
Maybe as an option that can be enabled in the options menu? That way it won't impact anyone that doesn't want that added. It's just a counter balance and I think it might add a bit to the roleplay and consequences of how you decide to recruit. Just wanted to say, thank you for this mod, awesome work <3
Garwel  [author] 7 Aug, 2023 @ 8:47am 
@The Blind One Hmm, I'll think of it. Balancing this against different play styles is a tricky task.
The Blind One 5 Aug, 2023 @ 7:43pm 
I was thinking maybe for balance; An option for adding a time based social debuff with the warden and possibly other colonists when the pawn was enslaved.

Something like

'X was enslaved by Y -50 opinion'
'Y is a part of a slaver gang -25 opinion'

(applicable depending on slavery precepts)

This way if you enslave a pawn and then recruit them, he'd still remember his slavery days and resent the other colonists for having been enslaved. It would promote players to recruit directly from prison to prevent this social debuff from sticking around and causing social fights if they become full colonists (slaves do not social fight with colonists so the social debuff will not cause problems as long as they are still enslaved but only if they are 'freed' and still resentful, this encourages players to make a choice)

This mod was on my wishlist for a long time. Awesome work! :steamhappy:
Garwel  [author] 11 Jun, 2023 @ 10:39am 
@Narlindir The chance is not static. As the mod description says, it depends on many factors, which change over time (but not always to the better). Of course you don't have to use this mod if it doesn't fit your play style.
Narlindir 11 Jun, 2023 @ 5:07am 
so its a gradual "keep asking and maybe theyll fold one day" kinda thing?

i was gonna say the longer the slave is there the more likely it becomes
but the chance is completely static

I dunno how I could make that work with my head canon

also didnt realize this from the mods description alone
Garwel  [author] 10 Jun, 2023 @ 2:30pm 
@Narlindir It works completely separately from resistance. The point of this mod is to provide an alternative to the vanilla "imprison > lower resistance > recruit" route. The difficulty of recruiting slaves doesn't depend on resistance of the same pawns when they were prisoners; nor is prisoners' resistance affected by this mod.
Narlindir 10 Jun, 2023 @ 10:33am 
it doesnt lower resistance thus making it super hard to recruit people
Garwel  [author] 21 Apr, 2023 @ 1:48am 
@TheEpicTroll Recruitment attempts only happen once per day for each slave (you can adjust it in the settings). Suppression interactions are also considered for this cooldown (so if someone tried to suppress the slave, then you switched to recruitment, you'll have to wait a day).
TheEpicTroll 20 Apr, 2023 @ 3:40pm 
I dont think this mod works for me. I'll set a slave to be recruited but no-one will ever take the time to actually recruit them, even if they have nothing else to do.
Yashеr 11 Apr, 2023 @ 11:04pm 
Сool preview picture
Cool mod =)
Garwel  [author] 25 Feb, 2023 @ 12:54am 
@KemonoAmigo I'll see what I can do about it. Thanks for reporting.
KemonoAmigo 24 Feb, 2023 @ 7:15am 
Okay so think I might have found not bug an annoyance.

I bought a slave from a trade ship and set her to be recruited, but none of my colonists went to her at any time for like 3 days, so I arrested her to recruit her the old way. Thing is, she's Unwaveringly Loyal, so she can't be recruited.

I don't suppose you can add a way to let the player know when a slave is Unwaveringly Loyal? I'm fine if they can't be recruited, but it would be nice to know right away.
Lukebig222 4 Feb, 2023 @ 12:05pm 
Completely agree with KemonoAmigo. When the slave develops a good relationship with the rest of the colony, it's heart breaking when a prison break happens and they are part of it.
KemonoAmigo 27 Jan, 2023 @ 1:06am 
Thanks for this. I kinda hate it when a colonist falls in love with a slave. But love is love... and I can't do whatever I want with them anymore, so might as well recruit them.
Watershine 5 Jan, 2023 @ 2:51pm 
Thank you for this Mod! I kept two slaves just to harvest their Genes and then intended to free them (my Ideology is against keeping Slaves but sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good...) and when I was about to get the last Gene needed... one of my Colonists fell in love with a Slave... I'm of course happy for them, but it put me in a weird position. So thanks for that Mod, now I can work towards them being happy together for good! ♥
Garwel  [author] 13 Dec, 2022 @ 1:21am 
I regret to inform you that Alexandria, who was the inspiration and the main test subject in creation of this mod, died last night. She was eaten alive by a megawolverine. She will be missed by her husband Llama for exactly 60 days.
alditpra 10 Dec, 2022 @ 11:24pm 
can you make convert slaves too?
Garwel  [author] 25 Nov, 2022 @ 12:06am 
@KaptainZ You can only try to recruit or suppress a slave once a day. Perhaps, they've done it in the last 24 hours, so you'll have to wait (or change the recruit cooldown in the settings).
Kaptain Z 24 Nov, 2022 @ 6:09pm 
my wardens dont interact with slaves at all suppress or recruit. and wardening is their only priorty
ParasiticSquid 20 Nov, 2022 @ 11:07am 
@Garwel Unless your using prison labour like quite a few players do. Slaves are more useful if you need a quick meat shield since they can be drafted and won't try to run compared to working prisoners but doesn't make much sense not being able to convert when prison labour has the "work and convert" option itself
Garwel  [author] 17 Nov, 2022 @ 1:05am 
@TurtleShroom I mean, from the game perspective, it would be too OP to be able to convert a slave while he/she is also doing some useful work compared to converting a prisoner who just sits there and eats your food. So there should be a downside.
TurtleShroom 16 Nov, 2022 @ 5:36pm 
It would make sense to convert Slaves for the same reason you can convert Prisoners. Besides, that literally happened in RL. Converting Slaves wouldn't eliminate converting Prisoners. It would just prevent you from having to arrest them and THEN convert them and THEN enslave them back.
Garwel  [author] 16 Nov, 2022 @ 2:47pm 
@TurtleShroom It doesn't work with 1.3 and I don't plan to backport it. As to converting a slave, I may add this option later, but then it will need to be rebalanced (otherwise it will make no sense to convert prisoners).
TurtleShroom 16 Nov, 2022 @ 2:10pm 
If it's possible, do you think that you could add a Work Type to regularly convert a Slave's religion to yours, too?
TurtleShroom 16 Nov, 2022 @ 2:09pm 
Does this work with V1.3 ? Would you be willing to do so?
Garwel  [author] 16 Nov, 2022 @ 1:10pm 
@Komissar Rudinov But they can try. I didn't say they would succeed)
Komissar Rudinov 16 Nov, 2022 @ 12:09pm 
> they may choose to leave (as any colonist may)
You don't arrest or shoot your colonists who try to leave?
Sylon 16 Nov, 2022 @ 11:15am 
Just what I was looking for, I hate having to arrest a slave just to spend time wearing down it's resistance
Garwel  [author] 16 Nov, 2022 @ 10:48am 
@Doktor My interpretation of recruiting slaves is that you are convincing somebody to choose to *freely* stay with the colony, even though they may choose to leave (as any colonist may). So it's more about showing your goodwill and offering them a place among equals. What you describe sounds to me more like the slavery RimWorld already has. Maybe someone else will make a mod for "evil cults" that brainwash their adepts and turn them into mindless thralls, but it's beyond the scope of this mod.
Doktor 16 Nov, 2022 @ 10:28am 
Sorry for the machine translation. It's a good mod.
I wish there were more benefits to adopting slaves.
For example, how about making a fellow ex-slave fanatically loyal to his master?
They depend on their masters with strong affection and maintain a high mood.
If you brainwash your enemies and turn them into useful companions that you can throw away at any time,
Make evil organizations and cults appear.
Garwel  [author] 13 Nov, 2022 @ 11:38am 
@Komissar Rudinov No, it uses a different mechanic. Instead of "wearing out" resistance, you have a chance of success + cooldown. The chance varies between 1% to 90% and depends on many things, which I found more or less plausible. So depending on circumstances and luck, you may be able to recruit the slave really quickly or spend years trying to do it.

You also can't recruit and suppress (or terrorize) the slave at the same time. So you have to decide if you want to recruit them sooner but risk an escape/rebellion or you want to take your time.

@Khalagar I also have this on my mind, but not sure I'll find the time to add the convert option.
Komissar Rudinov 13 Nov, 2022 @ 4:02am 
Do slaves have resistance like prisoners that has to be worn down or is this just significantly easier (bring down 1 will instead of 20 resistance and then immediately go for recruitment attempts)?
Kenpachi 12 Nov, 2022 @ 3:10am 
Cool mod, but slave harem > buddy harem.
Khalagar 11 Nov, 2022 @ 12:51pm 
This is fantastic, and a way to "convert then recruit" would be even better!