Not lazy But efficient
TheGrandN 23 May @ 9:37am 
Just the mod I was looking for. Was playing a campaign where I needed to have several key locations constantly manned. All the generals, busy defending the place mind you, got stupid lazy traits!
NO MORE! :lunar2019coolpig:
Jiraya  [author] 4 Mar @ 6:44pm 
This problem doesn't occur on my system...
I think that is advisor issue. You need to confirm whatever (everything) he said/wrote, otherwise you won't be able to close the pop-ups.
Saugir 4 Mar @ 7:49am 
I have an issue at start of turn when a character gets this trait. The window that pops up cant be closed...
Mirtar1 28 Jan @ 12:38pm 
DEEPLY APPRECIATED!! I too find it absurd that they regard our commanders as lazy when they are literally holding the line at the wall right next to the enemy's borders. You deserve an award for this my good sir. :DukeCash:
M1k3N3 2 Nov, 2023 @ 2:08pm 
i really like this mod. wish they had something to 3 kingdoms.
cniht 29 Oct, 2023 @ 8:19am 
I have always hated the 'lazy' trait. As the intent of it is to push a player into a certain play-style or force a negative consequence. Developers need to mind their own business. Kudos for this turnabout is fair-play mod.
RexJayden 3 Jun, 2023 @ 6:20pm 
Thanks for keeping this mod going! (Slow Clap) :TheDivineRedCrown::TheRedCrown::TheRedCrownEvil:
Shellbie 14 May, 2023 @ 8:35pm 
It's unfortunate, but this is a necessary mod.
Goatmaster3000 22 Apr, 2023 @ 2:25am 
Thank you! I play with the "recruit defeated lords" mod, and that kinda necessarily leads to having a ton of guys sitting around at very secure cities.
Lampros 4 Apr, 2023 @ 4:45am 
Why not change the names as well for the purposes of immersion?
Scipion 3 Dec, 2022 @ 2:22pm 
Awesome mod, no more micro managing and moving lord for no reason just to avoid a stupid trait.
Jiraya  [author] 22 Sep, 2022 @ 3:11pm 
To Joque DeLong:
True campaigners must have so many different bonuses like attack/defence/hp/melee/ranged. So real, active field generals will be stronger than governors anyway, despite those small bonuses. No need to nerf them.
Joque DeLong 22 Sep, 2022 @ 2:40pm 
Do wish you kept some of the negatives to campaigning along with the positives to admin work. Perhaps even added a few negatives to weapon damage or melee attack/defense. Slothful for example could have just had the admin buffs added to the campaign and battle negatives and been perfectly acceptable. Makes sense too since a Logistics officer should realistically never be able to flat out beat a Combat officer in a foot race
Aura 22 Sep, 2022 @ 1:39pm 
Thank you so much! i absolutely hate that trait. Why cant i just have a lord with a small army act as an "bonus" garrison? for those towns that specialize i buildings so i dont have the garrison bonuses.

well now i can. Thank you!
cniht 20 Sep, 2022 @ 8:17pm 
I've always hated the lazy trait line because it adds a negative to defensive play and puts a big red mark on lords you use to keep a not so pleasant neighbor pinned while your main army goes gallivanting across the map.
Jiraya  [author] 6 Sep, 2022 @ 7:53am 
To Xalderin
I tried to add immersion through the description ))
May be try to change not the core names of the traits themselves (it may cause problems), but how they are displayed.. I'll think about that.
Xalderin 6 Sep, 2022 @ 7:13am 
Is there a chance to have the trait names renamed to make it more immersive? Or were they already changed and I'm just misreading here. XD
Also, love this idea! :D
RexJayden 5 Sep, 2022 @ 2:26pm 
I REALLY like this mod idea. I like to use my lords as Governors between campaigns and I seriously dislike them getting punished for building and keeping the peace. :Monokuma2_DGR:
Skyrim id x 23 Aug, 2022 @ 8:59am 
I must say, I don't get arround giving him better campaign movement. If it would be in own region, than I would understand it better, but the skills of a govenor are in my opinion differnt than the ones of a field leader.
Everything else kinda makes sense, and is an interesting change.
Avlaen 9 May, 2022 @ 9:58pm 
+1 i find it odd that a garrisoned lord, on the border of DAEMON territory, whos worknig hard to keep the corruption down and order up is called "lazy"