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876 Hours played
Stellaris is a very extensive intergalactic strategy game that few games seem to grasp. You get to select your own species, types of governments or even create your own. With the dlcs, you can even spice things up with a robot uprising or extra discoverable goodies throughout your playthroughs.

Not only do you have to manage your ships, and resources, but also manage how your worlds and populations on each planet works. not to mention trying to please several people depending on the type of government you run, and generals eventually even die of old age depending on the species. Its about as realistic as it could be in an intergalactic strategy game.

It starts off simple, the discovery methods like star trek to some extent, finding and exploiting new resources and species dotting around the galaxy. Its also a bit of an ever evolving one where primitive species evolve into getting involved with space.

Then it gets ridiculous where full out wars break out, rebellions and good ole disaster events.

If your craving some really good real time space battles and political, as well as intergalactic realism, Id recommend getting it
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DaoMuShin 2 Nov, 2021 @ 9:21am 
i added