Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Realistic State Integration
댓글 157
Mati (Oscar)  [작성자] 2024년 11월 12일 오전 11시 08분 
Also an update will be rolled out after the DLC. I'll see if I can make it so that it takes old guns instead of new ones, tho I believe this way makes it more balanced
Mati (Oscar)  [작성자] 2024년 11월 12일 오전 11시 07분 
That's what I was considering ngl. I was talking it to some friends and it's kinda split between keeping it the way it is, or placing it in the game rules.

I think I'm gonna change it to game rules tho
Capn' Phineas 2024년 11월 12일 오전 10시 56분 
Why not make the difficulty selector an option in the game setup?
Giovanni Giolitti 2024년 10월 25일 오후 12시 19분 
update pls
TK2030 2024년 8월 28일 오전 4시 49분 
Hola Mati, yo tambien soy del team de Rise of Nations y conozco a Harry. Tu crees que me puedas dar permiso para incorporar tu mod en un mod que estoy creando? (No Rise of Nations, otro) De ser asi, serias debidamente creditado en la descripcion con un link a tu mod. A la espera de tu gentil respuesta.
Mati (Oscar)  [작성자] 2024년 8월 27일 오후 3시 27분 
ahh, then I'm guessing you know Harry too, right? Friend of mine who also works for that mod, yeah you can integrate this mod no problem, just so long as proper credit is given
mikegent01 2024년 8월 27일 오후 12시 28분 
Do you mind if I can integrate this mod into mine if I give credit? The mod is called rise of nations its on the steam workshop. My username is mikegent on discord if you want more details on it
Mati (Oscar)  [작성자] 2024년 8월 26일 오후 1시 44분 
yeah, tho ive been more active on my other mod and life overall
mikegent01 2024년 8월 26일 오전 9시 19분 
are you still active in hoi4 modding?
thekc05 2024년 7월 14일 오전 3시 52분 
why does this mod say I only need 0 manpower 0 infantry equipment. and even though I have more than 0 resistance I can still peacefully integrate.
Fish Chomper 2024년 3월 6일 오전 9시 48분 
one of my favourite mods
un nombre de perfil 2024년 3월 4일 오전 10시 50분 
Hola! El mod me aparece como incompatible para la versión actual del juego. Solamente eso, gracias por tus aportes a la comunidad!
A_Gram 2024년 2월 28일 오전 7시 00분 
Hello! Does this work with EaW? It feels like it would really fit.
Dr. Baphomet 2024년 2월 6일 오전 8시 12분 
after some time it doesn't register infantry weapons in my stockpile anymore (+2 million in stockpile)
phob1978 2023년 12월 19일 오전 11시 51분 
For me, he doesn't work with MD
Zeus 2023년 12월 10일 오전 8시 14분 
This mod works with Millenium dawn?
lehnerwak 2023년 11월 8일 오후 12시 06분 
Hello again, can you please make it so when weapons are used, it will take from oldest weapons first. And if too many then oldest foreign weapons first. Right now it takes from the top of he list which often happens to be the newest weapons. So when integrating a state, in order to protect my best weapons, I queue new divisions for training so that all new weapons are taken from the stockpile, then integrate whatever, and then cancel the training. It would be helpful if I don't need to do that exercise.
Mati (Oscar)  [작성자] 2023년 11월 8일 오전 9시 55분 
Yes it works with RT56
SuperPaçocaAlado 2023년 11월 8일 오전 9시 48분 
Does this mod works with road to 56?
Mati (Oscar)  [작성자] 2023년 10월 29일 오전 8시 25분 
You're very welcome my friend, and I'm glad you enjoy the mod!
lehnerwak 2023년 10월 28일 오전 2시 44분 
Just noticed today the changed requirements and I come to tell you I love it. Makes more sense. Thank you very much for this mod!
Mati (Oscar)  [작성자] 2023년 10월 22일 오전 11시 21분 
Alright, so I was actually able to make it so that the costs are dynamic depending on the state population. I checked to make sure the decisions work and they do, they properly core the state once they're complete
Angelis Mortis 2023년 10월 16일 오후 6시 22분 
@BHL.Kriminel Samsies
Mati (Oscar)  [작성자] 2023년 10월 11일 오전 8시 51분 
I also did consider the idea of dynamic costs regarding state population, and while i think it is possible to implement, it would be really difficult as it would require a dynamic variable for EVERY single state in the game which would be constantly getting updated depending on the population.

Not the most efficient to say the least, but if y'all want I could give it a shot
Mati (Oscar)  [작성자] 2023년 10월 11일 오전 8시 49분 
ofc my friend, the mod has been updated
h.j.haller 2023년 10월 10일 오후 11시 19분 
update mod to the latest version thnx
im trash 2023년 9월 2일 오후 8시 06분 
crashes my game
BHL.Kriminel 2023년 8월 7일 오전 9시 07분 
It never worked for me, and i do not understand why...

When i reach the amount of compliance for a Peacefull or Forced integration, the button is showing up in colour on the map, but when i clic on it, nothing happens ...

Can someone explain me why ?
Drosselmeyer 2023년 5월 26일 오후 12시 36분 
Very good mod, but there should be a Pop based cost in there somewhere.
Otherwise you can core Java for the same price that you can Macau.
TechPower$ 2023년 5월 6일 오후 3시 16분 
Best mod to core
AtomicBlastPony 2023년 2월 18일 오전 10시 09분 
You should make the cost relative to the population, doesn't make sense for an island with 20 people to take as much resources to integrate as a 10M city
Akat 2023년 2월 5일 오전 10시 36분 
This mod is so useful, immersive and fun that I spent last 20 minutes looking for it while searching the wrong keywords and got annoyed at myself... (realistic core didn't work)
[NEO] P0pe0nD0pe554 2023년 1월 2일 오후 8시 33분 
Is this mod being continued?
Detrival 2022년 11월 29일 오전 4시 49분 
@Anthony Schaff-lIi, sorry for the late response but no. As of now, the AI do not use these coring decisions.
InThePaleMoonLyte 2022년 11월 13일 오전 6시 02분 
Apologies if this has been asked before, but does the AI make use of this feature? Do I have to worry about Germany coring all of Poland and (eventually) France lol.
Helgrindor 2022년 10월 29일 오전 4시 04분 
I find it too ez to integrate states with majors. I have to play with house rules to make it slightly more realistic. I only integrate neighbouring states and add a cap of one state per year.
Maybe this could be incorporated in the mod for us that want a even harder/realistic difficulty?
Other than that this mod is brilliant! Good work! :BalkanCross:
Chozer 2022년 10월 15일 오전 9시 40분 
very hard is good to core no need for more
Ratt 2022년 10월 15일 오전 8시 35분 
ender1324 2022년 10월 11일 오전 11시 24분 
does this work with 1.12
Mati (Oscar)  [작성자] 2022년 9월 11일 오후 9시 16분 
The problem with Millenium Dawn's compatability goes much deeper than just the infantry equipment. The decisions don't appear and the event that allows you to choose the difficulty straight up doesn't exist. I'm sorry to say this but compatability with MD simply will not happen.

As for the option to core territories with 0 resistance, it feels redundant more than anything to make a seperate decision for that. Also, the map will seem way too convoluted with 3 different decisions.
Burner345-BR 2022년 9월 10일 오후 10시 22분 
Add a option to core territories that by default don't have resistence
=(FGR)=Sentinel 2022년 9월 9일 오후 8시 51분 
I can confirm that the simple "replace x with y" method does work flawlessly. It's basically deleting a few letters from two lines of code and capitalizing two others.
Mati (Oscar)  [작성자] 2022년 9월 9일 오전 7시 51분 
... OHHHH, wait, I think there IS a way to make it compatible, but i'd have to check for myself, and I would be able to do it when i'm free
=(FGR)=Sentinel 2022년 9월 9일 오전 12시 09분 
Alright, I checked Millenium Dawn's files and it turns out that the guess was spot on. Millenium Dawn's small arms equipment (the MD equivalent of standard infantry equipment) uses a different equipment "archetype" than vanilla infantry equipment. For reference, vanilla's archetype for guns is "infantry_equipment" and MD's is "Inf_equipment" instead. In theory you can make this compatible with MD by simply replacing any reference of infantry_equipment with Inf_equipment instead, though I don't know if it'd work for a game in progress.
=(FGR)=Sentinel 2022년 9월 8일 오후 11시 59분 
I can confirm this doesn't work with Millennium Dawn. My best guess is that Millenium Dawn likely isn't compatible without adjustments due to using "small arms" instead of "infantry equipment" but I'd have to take a look at the files to verify it.
Burner345-BR 2022년 8월 31일 오전 11시 09분 
I think would be interesting to you verify if this happens with your game too, not just here.

Why don't you teach the AI how to use this mod? I mean, Britain coring Sudan wouldn't make much sense, but Italy coring french territories annexed would be realistic, for example.
thedarkerthehardertofind 2022년 8월 30일 오후 2시 03분 
to me it also seems that the mod does not work with Millennium Dawn, I was unable to core any states even with more compliance than necessary
Mati (Oscar)  [작성자] 2022년 8월 29일 오전 10시 44분 
That's very odd, the decision should be a generic one since the game scans for provinces. I will still take a look at it.
Burner345-BR 2022년 8월 29일 오전 10시 24분 
The option to intagrate Tannu Tuva playing with China doesn't appear
slavjan_14 2022년 8월 15일 오전 5시 20분 
It doesn't work in millennium dawn for me