ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Vegetation Planters
48 comentarios
Kerrschtein 14 ENE a las 4:46 a. m. 
Hi! I love this mod, I wanted to ask, is there the heather from Fjordur (or any other Fjordur foliage) in any of these? Or would it be possible to add it myself?
dragonsphotoworks 22 SEP 2023 a las 10:04 p. m. 
I am making a zoo on a single player game. And this would work great to turn my ugly stone pens into nice attractions. One questions I have is.. Is there anyway to place harvest-able plants and such? So can have harvesting dinos in their pens on wander actual do some thing?
Kelto 29 JUN 2023 a las 7:45 p. m. 
Hay ich hätte mal eine frage und zwar wie kann ich mehr pflanzen Töpfe aufstellen? Mehr wie acht gehen nicht was muss ich erhöhen, habe jetzt schon ein paar dinge versucht die aber nicht funktionieren. Ich bräuchte echt Hilfe, da die Mod richtig toll ist.
Danke im vorraus. ^^
Бочна 23 ABR 2023 a las 6:15 a. m. 
Do the plants have infinite health or something?
Blackcat 28 ENE 2023 a las 10:41 a. m. 
YES please add aberraation trees and stuff or am I missing the luminescent trees in one of the platers mods?
Banefizz 9 DIC 2022 a las 3:02 p. m. 
Just subscribed to this as it will hopefully hide away the "Witches House", what we are using on our server for dedicated storage since the rest of the builds are Medieval Village Style. Going for the 16-1700 Salem MA look. Like the idea of the creepy trees and webs. Guess we'll see how it goes.
Songbird 4 SEP 2022 a las 4:48 p. m. 
Such a cool mod! I love the ability to add all kinds of plants without adding to lag or slowing load time! I do also love Aeglasin's idea, it would be cool to have a variation with creepy stuff like the spider webs and spider nests and wrapped corpses, and maybe also dead trees and burned trees and stuff, for more creepy or Halloween type builds!!! Thanks so much for this!
VanZan 7 AGO 2022 a las 12:07 a. m. 
Can you make a mod that combines all the Planters mods?
Aeglasin 27 JUL 2022 a las 1:37 p. m. 
Just an idea, I admit I like playing creepy characters on roleplaying servers xD.
How about you add stuff like spider nets and so on to the mod? In think in the valguero files there should be a lot of usable assets for this.
That would be absolutly amazing, and a great way to ensure some people never come close to a your base xD
TheBogiman 24 JUL 2022 a las 1:08 p. m. 
Copy the .ini settings to gameusersettings.ini or game.ini? thanks
Lady_Rhaenys 2 JUN 2022 a las 4:32 a. m. 
stupid question cause I'm like this. Would something like this be capable with like water. water planter that adds different types of water to make ponds or waterfalls etc? mostly curious because I've no idea how all this stuff is done and your planters are amazing to say the least
TheEnderParadox 3 ENE 2022 a las 2:00 p. m. 
is there a way to edit the minimum and maximum size of foliage(s)?
oneirosuchus 24 DIC 2021 a las 8:08 a. m. 
Would you consider adding a pot item? Love this mod and its subsets, but I like houseplants and pots are hard to come by.
reinerSCT  [autor] 22 DIC 2021 a las 6:53 a. m. 
Base Seed is the parent class of any seed. So, you should be able to use any seed to craft them.
Maxsentia 21 DIC 2021 a las 9:36 p. m. 
What are base seeds exactly, and how can I use create them to craft the planters?
Shyv 2 DIC 2021 a las 2:30 p. m. 
I'm attempting to use the mod in single player, but when I go to build one of the plant pots, it says "base seeds: 0/10" how do I fix this?
robertburdick 23 NOV 2021 a las 12:28 a. m. 
Can I get .ini to allow building on a platform/saddle?
Isty 10 NOV 2021 a las 11:15 p. m. 
Nevermind, idiot confirmed, its R, i found it
Isty 9 NOV 2021 a las 8:23 a. m. 
I feel kinda dumb for asking this
How exactly do i choose a different tree from a single planter?
Scroll wheel rotates, r click switches mode, l click places, x toggles view
But its my understanding each planter has several trees within it, i can only access the first (default) tree
Ive tried all my various keyboard buttons - and pulled my pets all over the place by accidentally whistling them - but i cant figure out how to see the other trees
ViR 18 OCT 2021 a las 9:59 a. m. 
Best of the best plant mod from workshop!

Small request : add aberration :-)

Thanks for your work!
Smop95 12 OCT 2021 a las 7:36 p. m. 
Wonderful mod, but I'm pretty heartbroken to have just accidentally removed HOURS of work, I'm using the Building Helmet mod by Grebog, and picking up one object by accident means picking up every item tied to the same planter. Same goes for the demo gun added by Super Structures or S+. Please add something to prevent this from happening again. Maybe a warning message before pickup? Maybe make them immune to those pickup methods? Otherwise this is easily the best landscaping mod out there.
Nope-pyka 5 OCT 2021 a las 12:12 a. m. 
@reinerSCT sehr tolle Mod, ein wenig mehr Auswahl und vor allem mehr Blümchen wären super. Ein paar Steine,Pflanzen, Blümchen wie in der Eco Garden und Eco Trees Mod wären auch toll. Bessere Gestaltung von Gärten, Altären, Ruinen etc. und nicht nur die wilde Umgebung
Jean 2 OCT 2021 a las 6:24 a. m. 
Ob das jetzt an SS, oder sonnst einem Mod hängt ist ja schon ein Problem zwischen den Mod Kreatoren. Ich fogende es aber Toll, dass du eventuel etwas daran ändern kannst, damit es Funktioniert, wie Gesagt, denke ich mir, dass es am besten mit einer Einstellmöglichkeit im gus.ini wäre. Aber ansonnsten finde ich es schon Traurig, dass die Modder nicht mehr unter sich Ausmachen, was, wie, wo Einzustellen, dass solche Querschläger möglichst nicht passieren. Ihr habt ja auch einen Modder Discord um solche Probleme Behandeln zu können.
reinerSCT  [autor] 2 OCT 2021 a las 5:17 a. m. 
Ok, schaue mir das mal an mit der hotkey änderung.
Das problem ist, dass SS einfach global die taste für sich beansprucht. Das gibt halt probleme mit allen waffen die attachments haben.
Es wäre mmn viel sinnvoller wenn der author eine waffe benutzt wo man dann mit "N" den waffentyp ändern kann. Und schon wären alle probleme gelöst.
Jean 2 OCT 2021 a las 5:10 a. m. 
Hallo, danke für den hinweis, nur das Klappt nicht, denn, auch wenn ich diese Einstellung in Ark ändere, bleibt für beide Mods die Taste N, also klappt so gar nichts, sorry
reinerSCT  [autor] 2 OCT 2021 a las 4:53 a. m. 
@Jean Das PlanterMenu ist gebunden an das Waffen Input Event "Toggle Weapon Attachment" (Default "N"). Das solltest du frei ändern können.
Jean 2 OCT 2021 a las 4:41 a. m. 
Hallo zusammen, Interessanter Mod, nur haben wir ein Problem, und zwar nutze ich Super Structures, und nicht S+, und da ist die Taste N für das Pistolenmenu, wäre es möglich eine Méglichkeit in die gus.ini Konfiguration die Tastenwahl Einzubauen damit mann die Taste ändern kann?
DevilPrayer 18 SEP 2021 a las 11:25 a. m. 
@reinerSCT Thank you. Works fine now i know how to do it :D
reinerSCT  [autor] 18 SEP 2021 a las 7:16 a. m. 
@DevilPrayer You can remove all foliage of a type, by interacting with the planter itself. [Remove] menu.
Otherwise you'd need to use the PlantTool in "Remove" mode. It'll only remove the selected foliage type and you need to apply the changes once you're done. (I recommend to select the foliage in "Add" mode and switch to "Remove" mode afterwards. This way you can actually visualize the selected type first. Makes it a bit easier :smile:)
DevilPrayer 18 SEP 2021 a las 6:47 a. m. 
Hi, i realy love this mod, but i cant remove all planted vegetaion as flowers or little bushes. Any help for this? Thank you :steamhappy:
reinerSCT  [autor] 15 SEP 2021 a las 1:41 a. m. 
@ajl8090 That sounds pretty cool! We're sadly a bit limited to the range. We need to stay inside render range of the planter, since it's just a normal structure. I've tried to increase the planters render range, but that caused problems with resource respawning. :bummer:

@Stratus Yeah, go a head and post it in the Bug Reports thread if you like. :steamthumbsup:
peeper 14 SEP 2021 a las 12:35 p. m. 
I tested the mod on other worlds that don't have existing saves and it works just fine, i'm not sure why that is other than my insanely bad luck. ):
Should I move this to your bug reports thread?
Alcina 14 SEP 2021 a las 9:11 a. m. 
So... I found something cool, I'm actually using this mod in tandom with simple spawners on the Chasm map... If you've ever played Chasm, you know it is unfinished. Using this mod, and ss, I made an entire new biome arounf the unfinished city. It's now a "fire forest" biome that looks like it fits in with the Chasm aberrant vibe using orange lightning as opposed to green, blue, or pink... Thank you so much for making this, I'm going to finish the unfinished caverns soon too, the only two things that would help me is more building pieces, and most importantly is being able to build in a bigger radius so there aren't so many planters and so many "can't build, out of bounds" notifications... Anyway, love the mod and the addon! Thank you so much
reinerSCT  [autor] 13 SEP 2021 a las 10:11 a. m. 
@Quellcrest Just got a repro. Increasing the value does not let you place more planters. Going to work on a fix. Thanks for the report :smile:
Quellcrest 13 SEP 2021 a las 9:39 a. m. 
Referring to PlanterMaxStructuresInRadius. A value of 3 and 5 worked, but 10 did not. It appears it's <= 8. If that's intentional, might want to clarify the configs.
reinerSCT  [autor] 13 SEP 2021 a las 2:31 a. m. 
@Quellcrest Hmm, that's odd. Works for me in SP and MP.

@Stratus Should work in SP. Just tested it again on different maps and nothing vanished.
peeper 12 SEP 2021 a las 9:39 p. m. 
Is this mod compatible with singleplayer?
I was excited to use this mod as an alternative to Eco's landscape mod, and spent a few hours adding a lot from this mod to my builds.
I had manually saved and got off the game for a bit but when i logged back on, everything I had placed vanished, even the planters.
strangechilde 12 SEP 2021 a las 8:42 a. m. 
I've just been playing around with this and I love it. Wonderful work! Thank you! If you have plans for some more add-on packages, I would welcome those with gleeful abandon. You rock!
Quellcrest 11 SEP 2021 a las 9:50 a. m. 
Just an fyi. I didn't test the instance ini, but the radius one doesn't work in singleplayer.
Ask 10 SEP 2021 a las 3:26 p. m. 
Wisdi <3 Sparrow 10 SEP 2021 a las 1:51 p. m. 
is it possible to make the additions just added to this mod? its already sooooo small and so is the gen 1 addon, I know its the same load time, but seeing the extra mods loading is a lottttt for my server cause i would love to add them all and my server has 51 mods atm xD sooooo yea xD if you make them all separate ill be loading another like 10 mods haha
reinerSCT  [autor] 10 SEP 2021 a las 7:50 a. m. 
@Wisdi I'm just copying the answer from the discord here.
I'd like to keep the base mod size as low as possible. That's why it's only using assets already in the game. There might be a mod addon with custom assets at some point, but this is not planed right now.

@Tebo No problemo!

@marianomarsicofettolini @Kasarov I've just released the first addon with Genesis1 content. You can find the link above.
Kasarov 9 SEP 2021 a las 10:28 p. m. 
This is amazing! I hope there will eventually be support for Ab trees and Gen1 flowers!
Lord Dolor 8 SEP 2021 a las 6:49 p. m. 
Will you update it to use foliage from other maps than the island?
Tebo 8 SEP 2021 a las 2:22 p. m. 
Thank you so much for separating this into its own mod, this is fantastic functionality.
Wisdi <3 Sparrow 8 SEP 2021 a las 8:53 a. m. 
wow, I really love how there is FINALLY a mod like this to place stuff, is it possible to have stuff thats not in the base game in future updates? or it can only be stuff in game? Just lots of mods out there like RPE gardening, better farming, RPC that have all sorts of herbs, and lots of crops, like if you could make this to work with like blueberry bushes, watermelon, cantelope, raspberries, eggplant, mint, jalapenos, etc etc as well that would be phenomenal
reinerSCT  [autor] 8 SEP 2021 a las 6:41 a. m. 
Yes, pretty much every type of foliage you can find on TheIsland.
Bulk Biceps 8 SEP 2021 a las 6:33 a. m. 
So this uses vegetation assets already in the game?