Space Engineers

Space Engineers

MES - Earthlike animals
167 comentarios
Chipstix213  [autor] hace 21 horas 
I've not seen that one good to know it works. Daily needs was made before there was vanilla consumables so it's less compatible.
Reigdaer 1 JUL a las 7:35 
i've being using a new one called "iSurvival" which is a very basic "needs" mod right now, but it works fine with MES and Vanilla creatures spawning
Chipstix213  [autor] 30 JUN a las 23:30 
"Eat sleep repeat" and "Vanilla Survival Experience" both work fine it is just" daily needs survival" that causes the infinite eating glitch.
Reigdaer 30 JUN a las 15:30 
@Chipstix213 the problem with the food might be an old reference in the mod, because i have been using other "needs" mods which are newer and they dont have that problem
Chipstix213  [autor] 3 MAY a las 11:09 
You must be lucky using this mod with daily needs used to automatically consume all your food and constantly deplete the stats
I'll look into the targeting issue it might just be Keens issue against characters
DoubleTap829 3 MAY a las 9:26 
@Chipstix213 I am currently using this mod and it works wonderfully even with Daily Needs! My issue that I'm running into is with the animal's hit boxes. I noticed that my turrets are firing slightly above the animals and of course missing. Is there anyway to correct this? I don't want to turn off shoot characters on my turrets because I'm using another mod that spawns people and robots. However when a animal comes into my perimeter I'm shooting out all my ammo on them.
Chipstix213  [autor] 21 ABR a las 3:21 
This is being caused by a mod load issue swap the two around in the list is should change it
Dedlock420 21 ABR a las 2:37 
@Chipstix213 Thanks! I finally got this and the aliens working but noticed an issue with the loot dropped by the white spiders. They give S-10 pistol ammo as loot but the ammo is not usable at all. Can't reload with it or stack it with other S-10 ammo I've looted or started with. I can provide logs if needed. Thanks for any help!
Chipstix213  [autor] 21 ABR a las 0:35 
No, it needs to be disabled
Dedlock420 20 ABR a las 16:35 
@Chipstix213, So do I need to "enable" Combat Phase in the MES config to get these animals to spawn?
Chipstix213  [autor] 12 ABR a las 12:21 
Use /MES.GESAP and see if combat phase has started. I need to revise this mod to ignore combat phase
KailIzzraham 12 ABR a las 12:04 
I have been trying to get animals to spawn on the planet (modded planet), but no matter what I do nothing spawns. Is there a setting in MES I need to set to get them to work? Almost all the tutorials I have found are only for ships/space, nothing really for creature spawning. Any help on this would be great. Thanks. :)
Chipstix213  [autor] 9 ABR a las 22:48 
If using daily needs you must use the non mes version of earth like animals. Or use eat sleep drink repeat
Joew 9 ABR a las 19:11 
Modular Encounters Systems is not compatible with Daily Needs Survival Kit ( DNSK - Mk4.1a ) ?
I am using those 2 mods and would like to use all ur animals mods.
Isn't that possible?
Chipstix213  [autor] 3 ABR a las 9:42 
If it's changing wolf loot then it will change this also
Space Ace 3 ABR a las 9:11 
Does Plant and Cook change the drops of these animals too?
Chipstix213  [autor] 9 FEB a las 9:32 
Wolves should be limited to snow areas.

But check your game settings as MES creature spawner fiddles with that
Rouge Sable 9 FEB a las 9:28 
I'm unsure it's a bug from this mod, but wolves started again to spawn after I installed this mod. I removed it, but wolves are still there :'(
Chipstix213  [autor] 2 FEB a las 23:18 
I have actually recently figured this out. Combat phase is active in MES I need to make adjustments to ignore this
Rouge Sable 2 FEB a las 16:31 
I'm not able to find the reason why animals don't spawn o_o any idea please?
Xnetsrac 12 DIC 2023 a las 5:21 
Moin, ich habe MES, MES - Earthlike animals und Planet Creature Spawner am laufen. Es funktioniert super. Nur eine Frage habe ich, was muss ich in der "Config_creatures.xml (MES) eintragen, das alle Tiere (Pferd, Kuh etc) spawnen jedoch keine Wölfe. ich hab schon unter der <SpawnTypeBlacklist> "Space_Wolves" eingetragen, nun spawnt aber nix mehr
Chipstix213  [autor] 25 SEP 2023 a las 11:37 
There is a false error that has no impact on the mod.
matdhouse 25 SEP 2023 a las 11:03 
i seem to be missing the .dds texture files. any idea how that happens?
Chipstix213  [autor] 18 AGO 2023 a las 9:53 
It would have to be a new one made.
Mizkana 18 AGO 2023 a las 9:29 
It uses MES and Agaris II is what it calls the planet in game, what spawn profile would we be looking for?
Chipstix213  [autor] 18 AGO 2023 a las 2:53 
If Cpt Arthur has a spawn profile I can add it in
Mizkana 17 AGO 2023 a las 16:26 
Is it possible that this would work with Agaris for the Ares at war scenario adding EDSR adds a bit more challenge, just lacks any meat
Chipstix213  [autor] 4 AGO 2023 a las 5:35 
I've been seeing people have bad downloads again recently it might be that. Look at the game logs.

Without information about what's wrong there is no solution
Fabeco 3 AGO 2023 a las 6:21 
I understand. But I installed only the requirements and it to see if it worked. and it didn't work
Chipstix213  [autor] 2 AGO 2023 a las 23:05 
Nope no recent affected bots it's likely a incompatibility another mod
Fabeco 2 AGO 2023 a las 17:28 
I have a question, I'm a recent player of the game, I've been trying to make certain mods work for 3 days, and my biggest problem is the animal and mob mods, I wanted to know... did the new update break the mods? I tried to make them work by testing them one by one, and I can't get them to spawn. I've even tried enabling spiders and wolves but it doesn't work. I installed the dependencies too and nothing.
Irish Mad Man 23 31 JUL 2023 a las 0:12 
Sheep also gave the turrets great difficulty, drained ammo right quick.
Chipstix213  [autor] 30 JUL 2023 a las 0:18 
🤔 might be a change I've missed from a recent update
Irish Mad Man 23 29 JUL 2023 a las 21:47 
Deer hitbox seems to be incorrect, turrets are dumping all their ammo at it and failing to hit.
[AURORA] WALTER34 18 MAY 2023 a las 10:37 
concerning the problem presented by "venser",
I checked my saves but couldn't find the mod configuration file
Chipstix213  [autor] 17 MAY 2023 a las 23:06 
@[Aurora] WALTER34 never edit a mod it'll get reset the next time it's updated or verified.

What is it your trying to do?
The creature spawner has a configuration file per save if that's what you're asking.
[AURORA] WALTER34 17 MAY 2023 a las 21:25 
Hi, do I have to edit the files inside the mod or inside the save?
Chipstix213  [autor] 17 MAY 2023 a las 13:34 
Come over to the keen discord and I can instruct further
Venser 17 MAY 2023 a las 12:56 
if it's not too much to ask can you tell me how to add them ? that way if i pick another planet i can be auto sufficient in fixing the problem without bothering others :)
Chipstix213  [autor] 17 MAY 2023 a las 12:40 
I'll see if I can add it into the spawn profile
Venser 17 MAY 2023 a las 12:30 
one is this one

but we got others
if it change something with the water mod and the industrial overhaul
Chipstix213  [autor] 17 MAY 2023 a las 12:10 
Post the link to the planet your using
Chipstix213  [autor] 17 MAY 2023 a las 12:09 
This is limited to only spawn on the planet called "earth like" modded planets need additional spawn tags
Venser 17 MAY 2023 a las 12:02 
ok maybe i found the problem, i got some modded planet (they are planet like terra remake etc) where the animals didn't spawn, probablu becuz there's no earthlike tag but just terra ...could be this the problem ? and if yes any idea on how to fix it ?
Venser 16 MAY 2023 a las 14:21 
yep it seem to work it give all the eligible spawn point
Chipstix213  [autor] 16 MAY 2023 a las 13:45 
Try /MES.GESAP into chat to make sure it's working
Venser 16 MAY 2023 a las 13:16 
i got a little problem , gor the mes, the pcs, this and the ESDR ...nut seem the animal are shi and don't want to spawn
Chipstix213  [autor] 14 MAY 2023 a las 0:00 
@Twyxel_Blitzbrieg some interesting stuff, although the spawning mechanism is disabled the bots are spawned in the same way just the tmieing and condition of the spawn is different in PCS. DNSK needs to update how their extra stats are being synced as it's this part that's broken by PCS.

I invite you to try out the Eat sleep drink repeat mod as it is compatible with PCS and feel free to contact me via Keens discord if you want to discuss more.
TwyxelMyumi 13 MAY 2023 a las 14:52 
I am in no way a Programmer and am barely able to learn to change configuration files for desired results in modded games so i tip my hat to those who can. These are just my thoughts on this mod and is not considered a demand but just a request. I respect The Mod Dev's Choice they make for their mods as majority of the time they are balancing their life and hobbies and will always prioritize living. Much like words are hard, Programming is harder.

part 3/3
TwyxelMyumi 13 MAY 2023 a las 14:51 
I do hope to See some changes that will add compatibility to DNSK as i know MES and it's sister mod PCS Overrides and Disables the vanilla Spawn mechanics which older mods relied on, from what i know is MES and PCS are both API mods and seem to be a fav for new mod development as it adds a bit more functionality that the base game lacks.

part 2/3