Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire

(Moved to Downfall) The Guardian
174 comentarii
Swing 30 dec. 2022 la 15:22 
is it possible that the seperate mod of this character could be readded? I was trying to try and see if i could play downfall with the Spire with Friends mod, but unfortunately I can't seem to get that to work, and wanted to play that character.
Cade a Tampa? 1 mart. 2022 la 8:22 
Moosey Fate 27 iun. 2020 la 22:38 
I can't believe something this all-encompasing exists. Thank you Michael Mayhem and team!
VinTJ 15 mai 2020 la 21:21 
to whom it helps:
here is a crash temporary fix since the dev of this mod is currently busy/not working on updates: (helps fix crashes on older mod. including polybeam here or donu's power which crashed for me at some point. apparently fixes crashes on other mods including slimebound. (guardian chan mod. Turn your playable guardian or the enemy boss guardian into the ultimate spire waifu. You can still choose to play as OG guardian but activating this mod changes the boss, and changes slimes. I think hexaghost also turns into a girl and surprisingly, snecko alternates every turn. this should also fix the crash without 2.0 compatibility or so they claim, but I've never activated this alone without 2.0 compatibility)

you're welcome. it's better than nothing.

KnightmareRival 15 mai 2020 la 7:09 
When you activate poly beam it crashes.
Billy Bear Cave 16 apr. 2020 la 4:18 
I'm always glad to find out I'm not the only one having a problem with a card played with a mod. I was having a fun run until that stupid Poly Beam.
REME 16 apr. 2020 la 2:54 
I have been subscribing to this mod for a long time and really love this mod, but there is a bug that makes it impossible to continue
New card played: 极光射线 misc = 0(poly beam?)

Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: damageFlash
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: damageFlash
at guardian.actions.PolyBeamAction.update(
oriko_mikuni 14 apr. 2020 la 22:15 
temporal strike didn't count on a strike card.
King Joshington 12 apr. 2020 la 4:21 
I love this mod. It seems that the Stasis Engine is not working quite right -- but in my favor! It's supposed to give +1 energy for every three 0-cost cards played in a single turn. However, the turn counter carries over between turns (in the same combat, of course). So, in a combat, I get +1 energy for every three 0-cost, regardless of whether it's in the same turn or not.
I'm not sure if it's related or not, but I also have the *ice cream* on this run, which ends up being GREAT with this little blip.
moth 9 apr. 2020 la 8:46 
i got the same crash as LanderV
LanderV 27 mart. 2020 la 6:57 
Card: Poly Beam misc=0

Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: damageFlash
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: damageFlash
at guardian.actions.PolyBeamAction.update(
at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.actions.GameActionManager.update(
at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.rooms.AbstractRoom.update(
at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.rooms.EventRoom.update(
at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.dungeons.AbstractDungeon.update(
at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.core.CardCrawlGame.update(
at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.core.CardCrawlGame.render(
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication.mainLoop(
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$
Spungy 17 mart. 2020 la 8:52 
I get find gem cards in my other character runs. Is that intentional?
Physikbuddha 17 mart. 2020 la 7:09 
I've built and uploaded the mod with hotfix by @Gari for you guys here:
All credits go to @Michael_Mayham and @Gari. Please tell me if you want me to delete my comment.

Place the jar file in SteamApps/common/SlayTheSpire/mods

Problematic 13 mart. 2020 la 17:36 
I sent creator pull req. with fix for poly beam on git hub, if he accepts, rebuilds and reuploads it will be fixed.
rafael.dera 13 mart. 2020 la 10:32 
Poly beam crashes consistently :)
Bungus 7 mart. 2020 la 21:22 
Wheres that fix at?
Walidor 6 mart. 2020 la 2:09 
Poly Beam crashes the game for me
人就应该坑 5 mart. 2020 la 6:06 
shou 24 febr. 2020 la 17:00 
Shane 22 febr. 2020 la 6:54 
As stated earlier, Poly Beam crashes the game.
skye 19 febr. 2020 la 19:09 
It wasn't the original author Klice, not sure why they removed it. Thanks for creating this mod, hope someone gets it working with 2.0 :)
Bungus 17 febr. 2020 la 19:12 
Hey someone fixed the guardian and uploaded it, but now its missing. If this was you, can you at least patch this version so everyone can enjoy him?
Ladon 15 febr. 2020 la 16:02 
I've also had a crash, upon using poly beam with a quartz inserted.
Fervent Paeans 11 febr. 2020 la 21:12 
Please update for the new V2.0 of Slay the Spire!
Hamma 11 febr. 2020 la 14:28 
Very fun character! I did have an issue where the awakened one awakening crashed my game consistently though
Peeps 6 febr. 2020 la 22:04 
Poly Beam crashes the game.
The General - Born Naughty 6 febr. 2020 la 11:32 
WAY too overpowered
Lordrusty 4 febr. 2020 la 15:31 
Very fun.
A thin deck with the card which gives you blur is broken as heck. The fact you can put gems into sockets is so strong as you basically have the option to remove a card or two at every campsite while still gaining power.
Got to the point where I had 2 exploit gems cards with at least one card draw gem on each. I was rolling round my entire deck in three turns which meant I could just endlessly add block which never went away.
The stasis, defense mode and socketing mechanics are all really fun and interesting, but his kit feels really overloaded. I'd love to see 2 or 3 characters which really doubled down into these mechanics and were a bit more balanced because he's really fun to use.
fefe 3 febr. 2020 la 12:43 
love this mod, please update soon <3
雪花飘飘,北风啸啸 3 febr. 2020 la 11:29 
Somehow I did around 40 damage to myself and kill myself.. Happen two times in a row. I don't know why and how :(.
Stewshine Time! 3 febr. 2020 la 8:52 
Actually, "Poly Beam" without a Gem crashes the game too.
Love this mod, by the way!
Evil Derp-Derp 29 ian. 2020 la 22:44 
When I used Poly Beam with a gem in it, caused my game to crash.
EricStratton 27 ian. 2020 la 6:48 
This is a great mod! Well done! The Guardian is a ton of fun.

I did run into one problem with my current run in which playing Poly Beam+ (with one unsocketed socket) causes the entire game to lock up and I have to Force Quit it (on Mac).
vanadi910 16 ian. 2020 la 6:48 
compile error after sts 2.0 update
☾⎛sιтєʀ⎞☽ 4 ian. 2020 la 21:14 
Amazing. It feels underwhelming / underpowered though if you don't get the right setup, and it can get confusing but overall this character feels very rewarding once it gets started.
FaultLine 2 dec. 2019 la 19:11 
Love this mod, a lot. Satisfying, unique deck archetypes to play around with, and there's especially some amazing power cards.

but one suggestion: please let me disable the gem smithing encounter in configs. it's a bit of a waste of a question mark space when i stumble upon it with another character, or at least have it so the event can't appear unless there's a socket card in the deck
Atg115 24 nov. 2019 la 3:18 
This one is just so fun
dyth68 21 nov. 2019 la 12:52 
Most character mods seem to be stronger than the base ones, but this one's just ridiculous.
If you try and stay in defensive mode at all times and get cards based on making that better (a few 0 cost cards, particularly the gem that makes Ward) you'll completely steamroll the game, nothing is a threat to you and your thorns will eventually kill everything.
You're reliably generating 25-35 block per turn half way through act 1 thanks to being able to stash recurring shield cards (the fact that half your turns the enemy has Weak helps)!
And it only gets more ridiculous from there, with more thorns, the barricade type card and the "screw you, I'm completely immune for 3 turns" card.
Even the Heart is a joke.
Ninatendo64 4 oct. 2019 la 6:49 
Just checked it on the main branch, Poly Beam does not crash on the main branch. Guess I'll just have to avoid that card if I want to play guardian on the beta branch.
Ninatendo64 3 oct. 2019 la 11:55 
Poly Beam seems to crash the game, at least in beta branch. Haven't tried in main branch yet.
Xie Fenghua 21 sept. 2019 la 20:45 
Interesting and powerful character. Love it.
TwoFaceTony 10 sept. 2019 la 16:36 
This is a cool character, but it's crashing a lot. Every couple cards I play with a gem will crash the game.
GooseDove 9 sept. 2019 la 3:56 
Love this mod! Thanks for making it. The mechanics of stasis are really fun to use. Keep on doing good work!
brickey.8 24 aug. 2019 la 11:55 
This character has some really fun mechanics. The 1-cost cards that put themselves back in stasis indefinitely may be a bit too powerful (especially when they have sockets), but it's a great character overall.

You should really disable the events that grant/interact with gems when playing as other characters though.
yelobrix 21 aug. 2019 la 7:19 
Gems and socket cards make my favorite mechanic of any of the custom characters that I've tried. Very fun and unique.
Skilllettt 12 aug. 2019 la 16:41 
gems appear even when we don't play the guadian ... it's a little annoying :x
shyhhau 7 aug. 2019 la 14:57 
不錯玩 就是有點太簡單啦(角色太強了)
Aurian 3 aug. 2019 la 16:13 
My new favorite character, far more fun than any of the basic ones. I'm in love. Plus it feels really well balanced to boot!
highfive814 29 iul. 2019 la 18:17 
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ujkpgs 30 iun. 2019 la 10:09 
Hey there, is there any current way to disable Guardian Events with other characters ? Currently the only option is to disable the mod when you're not playing it, which is not optimal.

Thanks in advance !