Tabula Rasa
175 件のコメント
Sedrido 1 時間前 
is it 6 linked though
Mastersgt 6月8日 8時10分 
I was coming here to ask about the compat for sos2, but after doing a bit of research the incompat lable it has is from an older list and also says somwhere that a fair number of those mods need to be reevaluated.

Soooo long story short if theres no immediate issues then ya should be right.
Hanz 5月28日 21時27分 
Yay! You rock, thanks for making such kick ass mods!
Neronix17  [作成者] 5月28日 2時48分 
It says the afterlife vault scenario doesn't launch, yet it did just now for me with no issues. So I have no idea what the fuck they're on about.
Hanz 5月27日 20時00分 
There's a listed known incompatibility with this and Save Our Ship 2, specifically about one of the starting scenarios. Any chance for a potential fix? Really love using Outland - Genetics as my baseline genetics mod, and admittedly would like to have my cake and eat it too with playing SOS2.
CTH2004 5月7日 16時00分 
1. okay
2. alright, so what kind of code is it providing that can be used?
3. I was trying to remove the links, and then have one (with the links) that starts with:
<... Name="baseUpdate" Abstract="True"> and my others would start with <... ParentName="baseUpdate"> (forgot the name of your def, so I did ... instead. and also the end parts identical, so...
Neronix17  [作成者] 5月6日 11時00分 
1. Unreleased mods so still WIP
2. Shield Generators, literally the name of the mod using it, there’s also one in Outer Rim - Core.
3. No idea, I’m not psychic and cannot see what you’ve done.
CTH2004 5月6日 8時29分 
okay, 3 quick questions on features:
1. what is the "teleport network" for
2. what is the "shield generater" for?
for these 2, I have no idea where to start, so, just, where do I even begin ?

3. I tried using an abstract parent for the update log, but it didin't seem to work. Is it not possible? If so, why? Or, was I doing some sort of stupid mistake?
CTH2004 4月30日 14時38分 

Not quite sure what you mean by “any links on it are blocked temporarily”, but I shall use google! Thanks!
Neronix17  [作成者] 4月27日 4時31分 
I linked to it where I said, but some no life has reported that mod, inconveniencing everyone so any links on it are blocked temporarily. Posting the link again here would be a waste of time since they also seemed to have done it with this, so just use google and find the github for this mod, it's in the wiki of that.
CTH2004 4月27日 4時25分 
you mentioned (elsewhere) "documentation". Where is it? (especially on the update area)

Neronix17  [作成者] 4月13日 16時34分 
You're getting a lot of errors, and it's not this alone. You've got so many in fact it's likely a domino effect, which happens a lot, focus on fixing earlier errors first, it'll likely fix the rest. Try verifying files for the game through your Steam library first, as a couple of those errors do not make sense for an up to date version of those mods and it's possible they were only partially updated, Steam botches updates real often.

The RimWorld discord would be a better place to seek help for the absolute dumpster fire you have in that log.
TeH_Dav 4月13日 16時24分 
Getting an error. Used RimTest to find which mod that was throwing it, then made a HugsLib log. Here you go.

Neronix17  [作成者] 4月12日 23時06分 
Full Hugslib log, not single errors, thanks.
Les_fantome 4月12日 22時35分 
noticed that this mod and VFE is causing the debug menu to crash out with this error

at Verse.DebugWindowsOpener.ToggleDebugSettingsMenu () [0x00013] in <9b17790b066e46d08be4026d65926375>:0
at Verse.DebugWindowsOpener.DrawButtons () [0x0011e] in <9b17790b066e46d08be4026d65926375>:0
- TRANSPILER Neronix17.TabulaRasa.RimWorld: IEnumerable`1 TabulaRasa.Patch_DebugWindowsOpener_DrawButtons:Transpiler(IEnumerable`1 instructions)
- TRANSPILER OskarPotocki.VFECore: IEnumerable`1 VFECore.DebugWindowsOpener_DrawButtons_Patch:Transpiler(IEnumerable`1 instructions)
at Verse.ImmediateWindow.DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect inRect) [0x00000] in <9b17790b066e46d08be4026d65926375>:0
at Verse.Window.InnerWindowOnGUI (System.Int32 x) [0x001a6] in <9b17790b066e46d08be4026d65926375>:0
Knight 'Pink from the Outset' 2023年12月14日 23時14分 

Which git version of this would correspond to the Nov 26 steam release?
Raith 2023年11月29日 4時03分 
Okay, after some testing, it definitely wasn't this mod's fault. I apologize.
Raith 2023年11月29日 3時41分 
Then there must be an incompatibility in my mod list then, I dunno what's causing the problem though
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年11月29日 3時36分 
@Raith - If it was causing this issue (I know it's not), more than just you in the months since it was implemented would be reporting it out of the 134k subscribers.
Raith 2023年11月29日 3時23分 
Only reason I think it could be this mod is because of this

WildPlantSpawner.CheckSpawnWildPlantAt: PRE: TabulaRasa.Patch_WildPlantSpawner_CheckSpawnWildPlantAt.Prefix

A troubleshooter I talked with earlier said that this was the only thing modifying wild plants
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年11月29日 3時13分 
@Raith - Then I'm not sure what else to try, never heard of that happening before.
Raith 2023年11月29日 3時10分 
Verifying integrity didn't work unfortunately. Flora is still missing textures when I use Tabula Rasa
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年11月28日 22時43分 
Try verifying your games files through steam, no reason this would cause textures to not load properly.
Raith 2023年11月28日 22時31分 
Alright, so when I have this mod loaded, it causes the graphics of all the flora to disappear, turning them all invisible. Minus a few modded plants that is.

Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年11月26日 11時19分 
@Feilong - Don't know. If I did it'd be listed in the compatibility section.
Feilong 2023年11月26日 11時12分 
does this mod work with multiplayer or plan to work with multiplayer in future?
SalmonToastie 2023年11月26日 3時10分 
Ah nice i can cobble my local 1.3 mod back together. Loved using them.
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年11月26日 2時40分 
@SalmonToastie - It is yeah, iirc not used in anything public yet
SalmonToastie 2023年11月25日 21時01分 
Or rather have you utilised it for any mods
SalmonToastie 2023年11月25日 21時00分 
Does this still have that TP Stone code from Dragons Not Included?
RyArashi 2023年11月16日 18時42分 
Probably a harmless error... but this is still showing as HugsLib dependant, both in RimWorld and RimPy.
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年9月30日 10時30分 
@ElTwoFour - Knowing someone actually might is enough to motivate me to get it written up so shouldn't be long till I fill it out! If you end up just using the update log you can even do it with LoadFolders so it's optional, I've done that for a couple mods that didn't need anything else
ElTwoFour 2023年9月30日 10時23分 
Ohho, I love what I'm seeing in this. I can't wait for more of the wiki to be built out. I think I'm going to apply some of this to Mantodeans Continued as I feel it out. At the very least the Updater if nothing else.
ADanniMPA 2023年7月7日 8時52分 
crap wrong mod section sorry XD
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年7月7日 8時50分 
@ADabniMPA - Border? What are you even talking about? Did you even comment on the right mod?
ADanniMPA 2023年7月7日 8時45分 
I can't seem to rotate the border, no error in the log
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年7月4日 14時25分 
@True Mind - Tells you next to the preview image at the top what size it is, ~17mb. Every mod I've made combined wouldn't reach 7gb and I've made a lot of chonky mods :laughing_yeti:
True Mind 2023年7月4日 14時20分 
I clicked to subscribe to this mod and it started a SEVEN GIGABITE download for rimworld. is that just alot of mods updating at once or is this mod that big?
✪SHINOBI✪ 2023年6月28日 19時41分 
thanks a lot for this great mod !
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年6月12日 9時25分 
@Mitos Jr. - I think you're looking for Tweaks Galore.
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 2023年6月12日 7時56分 
does this include no fuel torches?
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年6月6日 9時44分 
@Arkrotluv - Up to them if they want to do that, I have no reason to contact them about it.
Akrotluv 2023年6月6日 7時43分 
Huh, if that's the case Neronix, is there any chance of getting in touch with Killathon who reworked the whole Android Tiers mod into it's own mechanical being framework named Mechanical Humanlikes Core, and seeing if there's any chance of their framework helping out your own project or being able to just straight-up make MHC not rely on HAR as well? There's also Smashphil, who made the Vehicles Framework, but dunno if Smashphil would be too keen on anything but VFw right now.
Either way, would be pretty swell to have an actual mechanical beings framework that isn't HAR's buggy legacy for once, and if it gets pretty big then all the more awesome.
Demopan 2023年2月28日 11時26分 
Yeah, its pretty rough with har and biotech
RandomEdits 2023年2月28日 5時03分 
Fair enough I guess.
Gerewoatle 2023年2月28日 4時15分 
Damn. Did 1.4/Biotech really do in HAR for good?
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年2月28日 1時52分 
@RandomEdit - Looks like I missed that one in adding the "It's done when it's done" notice to descriptions. It's coming when the rest of my robotics mods do, I'm having to code a whole new framework for them so I no longer need to rely on Humanoid Alien Races.

Nobody has permission to 'unofficially' update.
RandomEdits 2023年2月28日 1時21分 
I'm not sure has anyone talked about the Mechadroids yet, but are you planning on updating it? Otherwise, can someone unofficially update it?
Demopan 2023年2月26日 11時28分 
Yeah, nothing else can provide those logs and they are so useful
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年2月26日 11時26分 
@Ghost - And none of them are actually providing useful information to determine if it is just Hugslib. I've already looked into it, and I'm not removing it.

Like I already said, it's not a real dependency, nothing relies directly on it from me, but you just won't get any help with issues since you won't be able to provide a useful log, that's all.