Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire

Gambler: Aventurine
Showing 1-10 of 61 entries
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Update: 23 Sep @ 2:23am


-Special effects when winning "Winner's Reward"

-Fixed the bug where "Preparation" caused game crashes in English language environment
-Fixed bug where 'Liquidation' can stack infinitely

-"Shuffle" add new keyword: Gambling-skill
-"Final Victor" gain Blind-Bet: 1(2) -> 2, cost: 3 -> 3(2)
-Optimize some text

Update: 21 Sep @ 10:37am


-Animation special effects when meeting fortune conditions

-Fixed a bug where "All for the Amber Lord" would play VFX on dead enemies in some special cases
-Fixed a bug where "Miracle Hand" did not work properly in some cases
-Fixed bug where "Bustling Ambience" gained 2 Vigor in the first turn

-"Cat Among Pigeons" cost: 1->0

-"Reverse The End" cost: 2 -> 3

-"Cat Among Pigeons" : Each time you cast 2 dice, deal damage to ALL enemies equal to the total sum of the 2 dice.
-Reverse The End " now has tips for exchanging HP
-"Invitation To the Abyss+": Transfer all current suits to the Spades suit. If Activated, trigger its effect.
-"Professor's care+": Innate -> Retain
-Optimize the text description of "Winner's Reward"
-Now power "Winner's Reward" can exist independently
-Adjusted some animations

Update: 18 Sep @ 5:19am


-Fixed the issue where "Straight Bet" caused the game to crash

-"Heavy Stakes" rarity: uncommon -> common
-"Stag Hunt Game" the trigger time for this card to gain temporary power now is before rolling the dice.
-"Preparation" add effect: the cards move to top of the draw pile will be treat as dice.
-"Luck and Tricks" If you draw a Skill, gain 1(2) Blind-Bet. -> If you draw a Dice, gain 2(3) Blind-Bet.

Update: 13 Sep @ 10:45pm


-Visual effects prompt when cards are "treated as dice".

-"Invitation To the Abyss" cost: 2(1) -> 1(0)
-"Cat Among Pigeons" cost: 2(1) -> 1(0)
-Each power "Cat Among Pigeons" can exist independently
-"Bounded Rationality": Whenever you gain Block for the first time each turn, deal damage to a random enemy equal to the amount of Block gained. -> deal damage to ALL enemy equal to the amount of Block gained.

-"Rising Bet" add effect: Treat a random card in hand as a dice.
-"Rising Bet" rarity: uncommon -> rare
-"Check" text change to align with the effect of discarding cards first, then drawing cards.
-"Prisoner's Dilemma" add new keyword: Exhaust
-"Balance Ends": Choose a card, lose HP instead of energy to play it. If it is Status card or curse, exhaust it and draw 1(2) cards.
-"Divine Visage": Whenever you draw a Status or Curse card for the first time each turn, exhaust it and gain 3 Mantra .

-Fixed bug where "AWalkAmongTheTombstones" can be repeatedly upgraded
-Fixed the issue that "Shining Trapezohedron Die" is not a shared relic

Update: 13 Sep @ 1:12am


Added 11 relics (1 exclusive relic and 10 shared relic), reworked some poorly played relics, and fixed old bugs
I think if there are too many relics, they can be moved to a new mod

-exclusive relic "The Shackles": You keep your Blind-Bet between combats. Upon picked, add Normality to your deck.
-shared relic "The Moment Before Death": While your HP is below 10 , immediately heal 8 HP.
-shared relic "Bustling Ambience": At the start of turn, gain Vigor equal to current turn number.
-shared relic "Dreams-0110": Start each combat with 5 Strength , but at the end of your turn, lose 1 Strength .
-shared relic "Plaguenest": When an enemy inflicts debuff on you, they gain 3 times the poison of the debuff they inflicted.
-shared relic "Shining Trapezohedron Die": Whenever you draw a card, a random enemy loses 1-8 HP.
-shared relic "Fleeting Happiness": When you open a chest, upgrade 1 random card and heal 3 HP.
-shared relic "Murderer's Gaze": At the end of turn, ALL enemies with 6 or less HP will die. Whenever an enemy dies this way, this value permanently increases by 2 .
-shared relic "Paper Flower": At the start of each combat, heal 1 HP. This relic will burn out when you at campfire, then increase your Max HP by the number of floors you have passed while carrying this relic.
-shared relic "Tangible Luck": Upon entering a new room, if your Gold is less than 100 , it will be topped up to 100 .
-shared relic "Old Skin": Whenever you remove an Upgraded card from your deck, Upgrade 2 random card in your deck.

-"Punklordian Regards": Gain 1 energy at the start of your turn. At the start of turn, the cost of the leftmost card in your is reduced 1 , and the cost of the last card is increased by 1 .
-"King of Sponges": The first time you exhaust a card each turn, gain 1 energy .
-Modify the English name of the relic 'All or Nothing' to 'Daring Wager'
-Add hints for most relics.

-Fixed bug where "All the Sad Tales" can be repeatedly upgraded.
-Fixed a bug where "Layout" did not gain "Shot-Loaded-Right" when obtaining "Blind-Bet" with 7 or more layers at once.
-Fixed bug where "Dimension Reduction Dice" lost a card reward after SL.

Update: 4 Sep @ 7:49am


Restricted the strength of shuffling and jackpot, allowing for more choices of running cards instead of blindly grabbing these two ()

"All the Sad Tales": Gain 3(2) Vulnerable, Weak, Frail. -> Gain 2(1) Vulnerable, Weak, Frail.
"Reverse The End" remove effect: does not affect bosses

"Final Victor" At the start of your turn, gain 2(3) Blind-Bet. -> 1(2) Blind-Bet.
"Body As The Dice" Lose 2 HP -> Lose 3 HP
"Risk Reversal" cost: 4->5
"Shuffle+": Discard your hand, then draw that many cards. -> Retain. NL Discard your hand, NL then draw that many cards. NL Exhaust. (Testing adjustment)
"jackpot" new effect: At the start of turn, the jackpot resets .
"King of Sponges" yTemporary HP: 3->2
"Excess Nutrition" heal 50 HP -> heal 30 HP

When the "Ambiguity Aversion" condition is met, there will be a golden border prompt

Update: 4 Sep @ 1:44am


This update mainly optimized some card graphics and remade several cards with low capture rates (hopefully it can be more interesting)
And 5 brand new cards have been added!

"Ruby Valentine": Now it will indicate the amount of HP that will be lost
new card:"Cat Among Pigeons": Each time you cast 3 dice, deal damage to ALL enemies equal to the total sum of the 3 dice.
new card:"Luck and Tricks": Draw 1 card. If you draw a Skill, gain 1(2) Blind-Bet.
new card:"Invitation To the Abyss": Transfer all current suits to the Spades suit. Exhaust.
new card:"All the Sad Tales": Gain 3(2) Vulnerable. Gain 3(2) Weak. Gain 3(2) Frail. Draw cards until your hand is full. Exhaust.
new card:"A Walk Among the Tombstones": Cost changes with your hand. Deal 30(45) damage to ALL enemies.

"Ruby Valentine" cost: 1->2
"Flush" damage: 6(8) -> 6
"Villain's Roaming" damage: 77(99) -> 18(23)
"Turn the Fate": damage:6(9) -> 5(8)

"Attempt" -> "Balance Ends"
"Balance Ends": Draw 1 card. Discard 1 card. If you draw a dice, set its cost to 0 for this turn(combat).
"Danse Macabre": There are X enemies in combat, gain 3 Block X times. Whenever you play the card during this combat, its Block value increases by 2(3).
"Intelligence Gathering" -> "Layout"
"Layout": Exhaust a card. NL Gain Blind-Bet equal to its cost.
"Ambiguity Aversion" New effect: Discard all hands.
"Villain's Roaming" conditions: Can only be played when the sum of all suits is 21 -> Can only be played when the sum of all suits is a multiple of 7
"Card Blade" rarity: common -> uncommon
Replace the "Danse Macabre" card illustration
Replace the "Out" card drawing
Adjust the card drawing clarity of "Layout"
Adjust the card drawing clarity of "Gambler's Luck"
Adjust the card drawing clarity of "Card Blade"
Adjust the card drawing clarity of "Big Spenders' Mad Party"
Adjust the card drawing clarity of "Ante Up"

Update: 28 Aug @ 1:42am


"King of Sponges" For the next 4 combats, at the start of each combat, increase your Max HP by 20% , but take damage equal to 50% of your current HP. -> Whenever a card is Exhausted, gain 3 Temporary HP .
"Rotting Fruit of The Alien Tree": the specific value of the lost Max HP will now be displayed
The text description of "Ruby Valentine" has been changed, but the actual effect remains unchanged

"Fool's Mask": Upon pickup, Transform all cards, then Upgrade them. -> then Upgrade some of them randomly.

Fixed the bug where "Tab's on me" was treated as a dice and caused infinite play (this time it's really fixed!)
Fixed the bug of "Tab's on me+" upgrading text display bug

Next time may bring new events!

Update: 24 Aug @ 3:20am

V1.6.1 Patch2

Fixed a bug where losing life outside of combat would cause a crash when possessing the relic 'All or Nothing'

Update: 23 Aug @ 2:33am

V1.6.1 Patch

Fixed the crash caused by 'All for the Amber Lord' attempting to inflict damage on 'AwakenedOne' during the transition phase