Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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Creată de 牛奶大魔王
笨蛋,光订阅本mod是没用的!你要看下面教程!按照操作流程 贴吧教程: EXE在本mod里!去启动器里面找到这个mod然后右下角点【在文件夹...
Creată de 牛奶大魔王
简介 本项目专注于将AGOT的子mod翻译 已经汉化的项目 图片加载不出点这里 常见问题 你没有问题,你有问题那你往下看 汉化还是不生效?重新订阅试试? 文本缺失?请先尝试自行原模组内置的假中文。不会的话....我要活吞你这个笨蛋 排序?置于需要汉化的模组下方即可。 BUG?你找作者啊! 冲突?我这个只是汉化模组冲突你自己排查! 觐见Q群341955554 还看?就你问题多,给你一拳 ...
女仆之国/Maid Universalis
Creată de 文月瑠衣
English Patch: 女仆之国是来自群星的臭狗授权的一款青春战术类十字军之王模组,玩家将可以通过招募拥有独特立绘的女仆为自己的孩子获得更好的教育,并逐步接近那接近整个欧洲的乌云的真相 和合集中的HMI Al GF联动:可以获取对应mod的女仆角色 请订阅二向箔mod Anime Core Lib 哦 mod讨论群组:672678613(二向箔相关mod讨论群)...
幻萌入侵 Hm Invasion 立绘与角色包
Creată de 文月瑠衣
本mod是幻萌入侵的立绘包,包括最基本的获得舰娘,与舰娘誓约 和舰娘生小舰娘的内容,可以与大部分mod进行共存 并不影响主要的游戏体验 必须订阅二向箔和誓约MOD 如果想体验完整的幻萌宗教政体等其他内容,请订阅本mod依赖的幻萌入侵故事与机制拓展mod MOD群775821108 HM的信徒们,你们有福了,可以在CK3里见到自己的老婆(们) 二刺猿爱好者们,你们有福了,上百个萌妹供你娶回家 地图填色爱好者们,你们有福了,艾拉神选将粉碎所有敌人,让你三天之内重建罗马 大奸大恶爱好者,你们有福了,对着原版模型冲...
战舰少女语音包/Warship Girl Voice
Creată de 文月瑠衣
但是谁不喜欢语音包呢 Voice Pack For WSG mod...
幻萌入侵 一年战争异闻录(故事与机制扩展)
Creată de 文月瑠衣
English Patch: 本mod是幻萌入侵的事件与机制包,目标是在近似原版环境下深化游戏体验,主要包括以下内容: 1 全新的幻萌宗教 2 进行改革以唤醒沉睡的幻萌世界 3 全新的港区制政体 4 与神秘势力取得联系并获得超越时代的魔法 5 复刻ck2的法律体系 6 使用总督和帝国体制管理 你的封臣 7 与反幻萌势力展开恶战,并解放中世纪的诸多名城 8 全新的历史幻萌角色和相...
Creată de 牛奶大魔王
| 点我查看 | 如何删除假中文 玩家们,小心,与您称作朋友或敌人的对象谨慎相处;他们只有一线之隔。您的人际关系比之前更加重要,通过lulu的事件包,您可见证与您最亲近的人以最亲密的细节栩栩如生地活跃。 这个全新事件包中有超过四百种不同的中世纪爱恨情仇好戏等着您来发掘。从领主互动,到孩提的驱魔、池塘春色,还能以决定不同的分支走向。有了lulu的事件包以及牛奶汉化包,您的统治者日常生活会比以往更心事重重... 或者更精彩刺激。 最重要的是这可是免费的 朋友,还要记住:与钱包要保持亲密,与创意工坊甚至要更亲密。...
The Emperor's Happy Life 美人如玉珍藏版
Creată de TeemoOO
August Update: 1. Supports English version, currently 90% of content has been machine translated into English! 2. Knight Recruitment: The vassal cannot directly become your knight (you cannot send a batch of vassals to plague areas). You can interact with ...
蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive
这是一个基于韩国Nexon公司出品的游戏《Blue Archive》(别称:ブルーアーカイブ)所做的mod。 本mod的内容有: 1、碧蓝档案学生立绘和好感度系统及其对应的赠送爱用品互动 2、特殊宝物“什亭之匣”及其内涵的包括学生招募、学生羁绊、学校建筑等趣味机制,和学生们愉快玩耍吧! 3、基沃托斯风格的特殊文化传统(通过抽卡获得或选择初始文化),以及特殊的建筑和学院相关的专属决议。 4、新的剧本,可以扮演不同学院的学生。 之后小更新将放在改动说明之中 QQ交流群:518853470 有什么疑问或者建议可以...
明日方舟重制版 Arknights Reworked
Creată de 文月瑠衣
二向箔是必须的,秘书舰托盘目前暂时是非必需的可选项。 重新制作了模组机制和代码,加入了新的干员。 目前包括的内容:游戏内的全部313个(含异格和升变)可抽干员的获取(不会抽出已有),种族、遗传学和生殖隔离、源石病,罗德岛和相应的旅行选项。 TODO:源石技艺、角色模板完善、换装、精英化、升变 与秘书舰托盘一起开启时可以调出自选角色,并可于托盘中显示台词。 维堡二刺螈MOD讨论QQ群:672678613 Anime Core Lib is required, Secretary adds more featu...
誓约,看板&罗马医院 Hunjian, Secretary & Lesbian Birth
Creată de Saltfish
不玩纸片人只用女同功能的话不需要任何前置,并建议放在顶部。 现已支持RUI(自制兼容版本) RUI (Unofficial support version) is supported now. 这是维堡出品的某些二刺螈MOD的依赖MOD。 维堡二刺螈mod(二向箔,誓约,HMI,GF,AL,女仆)之间现已实现随便乱摆。不要再问排序了 包含屏幕下方纸片人看板、台词和语音的API。 引入了一个“誓约”的新脚本关系,以及麻瓜也可用的女同性恋生育的功能(规则可限制仅玩家)(懒得模拟遗传所以有点滥强) 关于兼容性: ...
Creată de 牛奶大魔王
诸王之始 诸王之始(奶皇の第十三个大型汉化包)是由Sinews of war模组作者基于上古之王2(EK2)世界观重新构造的大型修改模组(因为修改UI与大部分UI模组不兼容并从子项目汉化中独立出来,请将汉化放置英文mod下放),本mod包涵了 全新决议、全新兵种、全新传统 游戏规则大幅修改,可融合文化、可玩政体、发源地扩充、消亡文化再复兴 模拟帝国走向衰败的衰败机制 在游戏中添加天灾系统(火山、洪水、山崩) 文化和信仰的活力机制 动态法令,让你更好的控制伯爵领 全新文化垣墟,沉浸到EK2下斗摸宝物 http...
A Game of Thrones汉化(龙已更新)
Creată de ShaoYang
A Game of Thrones的汉化子MOD,排序时请放在本体下面。 汉化BUG请在评论区反馈,也可加企鹅群528108205交流。 简介 CK3AGOT是一款完全转换模组,以乔治R·R·马丁所著的《冰与火之歌》中的幻想世界为原型,讲述了各级领主争夺冰与火的土地的故事。本MOD的名字出自原著小说第一卷《权力的游戏》,正如其名,是野心勃勃之人和怀抱梦想之人争夺权力的「游戏」。 剧本:九铜板王之战 九人团在...
Creată de 牛奶大魔王
简介 本项目将N菌汉化与牛奶汉化全部合并兼更新(部分远古项目与文本过多项目不包含其中,以传送门已汉化项目为准,原汉化仍保留并更新 N菌那边不知道) 感谢一代N菌 他入伍了以及二代N菌kennyS 他摸了的贡献 点我查看 | 如何删除假中文 因为我们收录并修订N菌和汉化合集,所以不建议在游戏中启用此两汉化以免覆盖集成汉化的文本 已经汉化的项目 图片加载不出点这里 你想要请愿汉化的项目 (给你两拳,竟然要奶皇看...
A Game of Thrones
Creată de CK3AGOT
A Game of Thrones: Beta for CK3 Version 1.12.5 CK3AGOT is a total conversion mod set in the world of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, where lords great and small vie for control over Westeros. The mod takes its name from the first book...
AGOT - Armies of Westeros
Creată de Syrius
AGOT: Armies of Westeros is a submod for A Game of Thrones mod. Features Replaces all the men at arms regiment pictures with new ones. Adds 39 new regiments in total (so far). Some of them are cultural regiments, others are recruited in specific areas/cast...
AGOT - Valyrian Houses
Creată de Nobutora
Greetings Champions! I decided to release a submod for the great mod AGOT, this mod includes a character interaction to adopt a valyrian house of your liking, hope you enjoy! Load order: under mod AGOT Notes: If you have any other non-cannon / cannon Valyr...
Advanced Cheat Menu 简体中文版
Creată de Kuiwaiwai
20240616 1.12.* 版本正常使用 ~~~~ 本MOD为MOD:Advanced Cheat Menu的汉化版本,包含原MOD本体 并新增了部分功能 MOD描述 你可以为你的或其他角色 添加/删除 特质 又或是为角色 添加/删除 资源 你甚至可以在没有-debug_mode启动选项的情况下启用/禁用调试模式 改变你或其他角色的文化 改变你或其他角色的宗教信仰 生成角色、创造宝物、天降军队 .......
AGOT Coronation & Nickname
Creată de jim281062
AGOT Coronation & Nickname Event Kings of the Iron Throne will have their own coronation event and receive a custom nickname based on their personality! The event fires every time there is a new king whether it's you or the AI. Currently there are 211 tota...
AGOT - Volantis Man-at-arms
Creată de Biniu
This mod adds new unique Man-at-Arms units for Volantis, available for characters with the Essosi Valyrian and Volantene cultures. These units are based on the lore of A Song of Ice and Fire, and are designed to add more flavor to gameplay in the Essos reg...
AGOT unit gfx submod
Creată de VityViktor
Re-uses vanilla unit packs (both from core game and the DLCs) to cover the mods' cultures. -Northmen (except the Manderlys), Wildlings, Vale Clans, etc use Northern Unit pack (core game). -Ironborn use Norse/Viking unit models (Northern Lords DLC). -Ironbo...
AGOT | More Faiths of the Seven
Creată de heston15
Adds custom Faith of the Seven faiths to the Targaryens and the Dornish to reflect their beleifs and practices. - All Targaryen characters and Dragonstone follows the "Targaryen Faith of the Seven" - All Sand Dornish and Salt Dornish counties and character...
Creată de Anumaril
Updated to AGOT version: This is a submod for A Game of Thrones aiming to brush up the gameplay experience by providing improved CoAs, DNAs, localisation fixes, and much more. Note that many features are toggleable via Game Rules. Mod link for non-...
AGOT: Canon Children+
Creată de yeru AGOT: Canon Children has officially been integrated into the CK3AGOT mod, with new additions and more to come! AGOT: Canon Children will resume as AGOT: Canon Children+, a flavour submod for the now integrated canon children...
Anime Core Lib
Creată de alexis_stukov
用于在CK3实现纸片人肖像 附有完整教程和python自动处理脚本,理论上只需要抠图然后写个trigger。 如果你增加了新的条目,请把你的trigger放在评论区而不是覆盖接口文件。我会把这些trigger加入这个mod。 自定义角色需要设置光头、无胡须 For English user: This mod is a solution and interface for 2D portrait in Crusader Kings III, you can use it to add characters ...
Armor of the Kingsguard
Creată de Jedi The Kingsguard This is a simple replacement style mod designed to add the armor from HBO's Game of Thrones to CK3. Courtiers assigned to the kingsguard will be equipped with armor from the Game Of Thrones TV series. The armor...
Artifact Manager
Creată de Zipbreak
Artifact Manager This is a combination of some artifact-related mods I’ve been playing with. The mod list is getting a little too long, so I decided to combine some of them in one mod. Some features were inspired by other existing mods, and some are just t...
Azur Lane/碧蓝航线:风暴将至
Creată de 文月瑠衣
请订阅二向箔mod Anime Core Lib 哦...
Beautiful Females
Creată de PaleSoul
Is your wife so unattractive that you'd rather bang the pope? Is a tuberculosis victim looking more appealing than ever? Then this mod might be just what you need! ‎ This works with Ironman / achievements! Q.) What does this...
Better Character UI
Creată de BlackShip
Family Page -Move Secondary Spouse to row 2 (only show if you have Secondary Spouse) -Move Consorts to row 3 (only show if you have Consorts ) -Now Secondary Spouse can work with Consorts -Add scroll function -Make Consort & Secondary Spouse clickable like...
Better Battles - Robe Update (1.8+)
Creată de 3AGTTV
Thank you for your support! If you enjoy my work and want to give a tiny bit towards future updates, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Or, just leave a comment, feedback is always helpful! Patreon: THE PHO...
Better Executions Updated
Creată de FunGaming44 The original mod has a very old outdated character_interaction_events file which causes missing dialogs in game and missing features and events. Also some events got changed during game update...
Better Barbershop
Creată de Agami
Put the mod below CFP, EPE, AGOT or any other mod you use that changes the barbershop window. Tries to improve the new barbershop. Features: - a color picker for clothes! - hotkeys - green screens - you can scroll the panels - you can zoom in closer - visu...
Border Disputes
Creată de perl
Fight over neighboring contested regions with border disputes! If you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! This mod adds a new type of casus belli where countries can fight over neighboring territories along the bord...
Call for Trial
Creată de QQ
Call for Trial - Call Vassals to Trials New Update! -Updated for 1.10 Quill and DLC The Mod This mod enables you to call vassals to trials in front of the law. It also adds a new court position Justiciar, which decreases monthly tyranny based on aptitude. ...
Celestial & Illusion Emblems Pack
Creată de IU
Character beautification(人物美化)
Creată de TAMA小姐姐
----------------------------------------- Ver 0.5.8 2024年3月12日,更新! 兼容游戏版本1.12.2.1! mod自身没有变动,更新配适1.12.2.1游戏版本。 Mar 12, 2024, update! Compatible with game version! The mod itself has not changed and has been updated to adapt to the game ve...
Celestial & Illusion Flavor Pack
Creată de IU
当前版本简介: 【兼容内容】 兼容《东方王朝》(OE),若发生闪退,请排查error log文件。 兼容《变身大明》 本Mod不依赖OE本体,可单独使用。 若要完整展现本Mod的全部功能,本Mod的排序应该在《东方王朝》《A GRANDER Building Compatch》的下方 不兼容其他对地产GUI改动的MOD,已涵盖当前所有地产相关功能,详见下列新增内容介绍 已包含且仅包含《奇迹之城》的所有建筑,调整了对应中文本地化的建筑名称,调升了建筑的花费、调升建筑的建造条件 兼容《A GRANDER Bui...
Clear Artifact Levels
Creată de Lucas182
Masterwork is green, Famed is better? Illustrious? Whatever. Look at the little stars now hehe The nomenclature was too confusing for my little brain :P I also changed the UNIQUE artifact border to something bolder, so they really stand out. This is a grap...
Community Flavor Pack
Creată de El Tyranos
Community Flavor Pack aims to add a lot of historical portrait accessories for your characters, filling the many cultural lacks of vanilla CKIII. Dress up for war or court as you would be between 867 and 1453, impress your friends and subjects. https://i.i...
Early Medieval Eras
Creată de Tempted
Changes the dates when the different medieval eras are available. 700 Early Medieval Era (from 900) 890 High Medieval Era (from 1050) 1100 Late Medieval Era (from 1200) This creates a better flow where you spend longer in the early and high medieval period...
Decorous Loading Screen Pack
Updated and working with Crusader Kings III version 1.12 ("Scythe"). Features 210+ new, elegant loading screen backgrounds tailored for maximum immersion. All images are in a consistent style, grounded in period-appropriate realism in a similar style as th...
Eastern Etiquette 1.0 (OE prospect ver.0.161)
Creată de 李肆
This is an adapted version of Oriental Empire, which is incompatible with the original mod. This mod is committed to simulating the official system, ritual system and various social systems of Han, Khitan, Jurchen, Mongol, Tangut and other cultures in East...
Elder Kings 2
Creată de ElderKings Elder Kings Version: 0.14a Checksum: c6a0 Currently compatible with CKIII Version: 1.12.5 NO DLC REQUIRED, ALL DLCs SUPPORTED. Elder Kings 2 is a total conversion mod which aims to bring Crusa...
Fair Ladies
Creată de lindest
"Faint heart ne’er won fair lady." ~English traditional This mod uses a conversion of "Fair Skin Complexion" by HHaleyy as a base. Thank you for permitting conversion! All nine female textures (default, blush, sallow, moled, ruddy, light freckles, heavy fr...
Girls' Frontline/少女前线
Creată de 文月瑠衣
English Patch: 据说在古老而繁荣的过去,曾经有完全同人类相似的人偶“人形”服务自己的君主,为旧日的人类带来了繁盛的文明,但是在一场旷日持久的仙界之战中,最南方的大国与最北方的国家同归于尽,从此世界就失去了火焰的指引。然而,天宝年间,一支由范阳节度使安禄山资助的探险队在华亭县,一个名叫北兰岛的荒芜岛屿上找到了已经不知道封存了多久的旧日遗迹,探险队领导者史朝义不下心触...
Graduate Lifestyle
Creată de kReoSo
Contents When a character(including AI) has all the perks in a lifestyle, they graduate the lifestyle. It removes all the excessive perk points and xp and the character receives a permanent (relevant)stat buff(game rule 2) and -100000% xp gain debuff for t...
EPE CHNlocalization
Creată de Solomon YOOOOO
EPE汉化模组 Chinese translation submod for the Ethicities and Portraits Expanded(EPE) mod by Celticus,xangelo,Uber,Kagarino Kirie and other contributors:
Ethnicities & Portraits Expanded
Creată de Celticus THE MOD IS 1.12.5 COMPATIBLE! Ethnicities and Portraits Expanded is an expansive project aiming to bring the world of Crusader Kings 3 to life with a wide selection of custom ethnicities and custom 3D assets. From the Zoroastr...
Creată de Awakened
Translated by Google Overview Some interesting decisions/events/traits/nickname/buildings/character interactions Front row reminder: This is my first work, this mod is more for entertainment, and the values ​​are not in line with the vanilla version. If yo...
Great Conqueror
Creată de QQ
Great Conquerors New Update! -Updated for 1.10 Quill and DLC -Made the conquerors conquer more Introduction This mod seeks to make the game and map more dynamic, with great, ambitious people, rising from nothingness into great emperors and kings. How does ...
Immortality Improved
Creată de Paige 404
A mod for Crusader Kings 3 allowing players to grant any character immortality, and providing utilities for playing immortal rulers. Based on the currently abandoned Immortality mod by Slightly Productive
Impregnate Spouse
Creată de Der Große König
Impregnate Spouse allows a male ruler to impregnate his wife or, A female ruler to be impregnated For Men: -Impregnate spouse or concubine via interaction once every year -Adds a custom opinion to spouse -Spouse must be an adult 40 years or younger -Ai wil...
Invite Debutantes
Creată de perl
Invite talented debutantes of your culture and faith to your court! If you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! Invite Debutantes adds a balanced decision to invite debutantes to your court using prestige, similar to...
Lulu's Events
Creată de p.l.hebert
Series of low-key events (640 by now) to bring a little more variety to peace time. This mod is compatible with version 1.12.x and all DLCs. However it does not use unique DLC features. Thanks to Askil for permitting the use of his quality additional new b...
In My Humble Opinion
Updated for v1.12.* In My Humble Opinion shows the player character's opinion of others, for RP-inclined players who like to factor this in their decision-making. In My Humble Opinion is a Mostly Mechanical Mod. Join us on our discord ! to keep up with new...
Creată de 1368287280
MAX_RECURSIVE_DEPTH修复补丁 修复新版本中人名地名等处的MAX_RECURSIVE_DEPTH 使用方法:直接开启mod即可...
More Interactive Vassals
Creată de perl
Experience reworked civil wars, vassals that fight alongside their liege, and tons of new customizable game mechanics! If you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! Customizable Experience More Interactive Vassals is a...
More Single Combats
Creată de Dallan
The goal of this mod is to bring the SC system to places it felt noticeably lacking in vanilla. There are some other vanilla event chains I'm thinking of expanding it to, but currently it adds to battlefield duels, tribal claimant challenges, and Romance s...
Creată de Drago Duval
New Personality Events for Children
Creată de Ledabot
This is a mod that adds 12 new childhood personality events for a total of 38, so that you can get a little variety to your childhood or guardian experience. The events work the same way as in vanilla and the traits from the new events have been arranged t...
Oriental Empires
Creată de Chillshadow
New Bookmark in 1178, Try New Characters in Genpei War, Goryeo Musin Regime, seeing the Rise of Gengis Khan, Jayavarman VII, and Javanese! Try New Functions in Developer Edition This Mod has both Chinese and English language, and we truly need more help fr...
Princes of Darkness
Creată de Sparc
Dark Ages just got a whole lot darker. Play Crusader Kings III as a vampire, hunter, werewolf, changeling, mummy or demon! You are the Prince of the city! Inspired by the World of Darkness, Dark Ages: Vampire, Vampire: the Masquerade... "Hunters & Heists" ...
Quando Sumus - Decisions of CK3
Creată de idm
Compatible with 1.12. Quando Sumus - Decisions of CK3 adds a collection of new decisions to the game designed around reinforcing existing gameplay options and introducing new quality-of-life additions.
Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE)
Creată de cybrxkhan Current Version: 1.12.2.b Hotfix for "Palermo" (Released 8/31/24, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.12.X) Newest Flavor Pack: Sicily: Where Three Worlds Met Next Flavor Pack: TBA Discord Server for my mods Official Website for...
Creată de アステリオス
RUI - Reassembled UI "RUI:Character" is a MOD that reassembles the CK3 vanilla character window from scratch and makes it easier to see and use. Supported Language English Français Deutsch 한국어 Русский язык 中文 Español 日本語 (日本語化ローカライズはこちら) Italiano (Localizz...
RUI:Character + A Game of Thrones
Creată de アステリオス
This is a compatch for using "RUI:Character" in "A Game of Thrones" and "AGoT: Knight Tree". Place the load order from top to bottom, "A Game of Thrones", "AGoT: Knight Tree", "RUI:Character" and this patch これは「RUI:Character」を「A Game of Thrones」およびに「AGoT: ...
Show More Traits
Creată de FunGaming44 Adds A button to Show All Traits and Modifiers. For even more options on the Character Screen, check out my Character UI Overhaul Mod
Sinews of war汉化/新
Creată de OldBBBach
——————————由于原汉化模组无法正常上传,故新建此模组————————————— ——————————mod更新频率较快,汉化不能实时跟进请见谅————————————— Sinews of War是十字军之王模组制作者对经济系统的大胆尝试,主要聚焦于经济改良与省份人口。其中包含了商品生产,人口迁移,土壤肥力与天气,省份法令和文化信仰传播等新内容。 本模组为Sinews of War 的尝鲜汉化模组,需要搭配原模组使用。另外原模组ui文件内有独立文本,汉化模组需要排序在原模组之下,如预览图所示。 感谢...
Stop Leg Shrink
Creată de nolatency
Update: The original fix from this mod for the female Western legwear seems to have been added to the main game! Thank you to everyone for your support. However, this fix is still needed for some legwear - particularly the wooden leg from the one-legged tr...
The Holy Grail War
Creată de Eastern Sky
Mod is only semi-working atm as Im getting used to the new UI and event code structure In the meantime if you dont care about mechanics and just want anime portraits you can check out this mod
Sinews of War
Creată de Vertimnus Sinews of War Sinews of War is a vanilla gameplay overhaul centered around a completely redone population-based economy. Our goal is to make CK3 a more realistic simulation of the medieval world with the minimum possible com...
Till Death
Creată de Awakened
This description is provided by Google Translate Overview Unlock special character interactions through decision, establish a contract with your lover, and prevent a third party from destroying your lover's relationship About DLC: Enable the DLC "Royal Cou...
To Live And Learn
Creată de Feivel
This mod lets you convert excess lifestyle perk points to skill points. Whenever your ruler happens to complete all three perk trees of a chosen lifestyle, an option button will appear next to the respective Lifestyle-Points display, allowing you to conver...
Travel the Distance
Creată de pengoyo
This mod adds distance modifier to schemes, making it hard to pull off far away schemes. Finally makes it makes the AI less likely to accept distant marriages or partake in far away schemes. Distance Modifier: Schemes, Alliances/Call to Arms, and marriage ...
Unbound: A Submod for Elder Kings 2
Creată de Vertimnus Unbound: a Submod for Elder Kings 2 Unbound is an unofficial submod for Elder Kings 2 that adapts several features originally developed for my other mods to the world of Tamriel, including excavations, edicts, disasters, vig...
Unique Building Plus
Creată de 티에 Introduction 627+ Wonders from around the World! 'Unique Building list' 'Unique Building in Google Map Mod to add 'Unique Building' worldwide. This mod is working based on scripts. Therefore, except for a few exceptions, upd...
Unique Trait Decisions
Creată de Sketchy
Features: Adds 19 new character interactions and decisions available to characters with specific personality traits. Decisions: Arrogant: Spend 500 gold and build a statue to celebrate yourself, granting you prestige, renown, and the chance of a nickname, ...
Unique Trait Decisions 简体汉化
Creată de Next Door
本mod是Unique Trait Decisions的简体汉化submod,必须同时启动本mod和原mod。 Unique Trait Decisions为拥有一些特殊特质的角色提供了一些特别的决议,以及由此而来的一些事件。 而本mod为原mod:Unique Trait Decisions提供了简体中文汉化。...
Unit Packs Expanded
Creată de Xangelo7
THE MOD REQUIRES ETHNICITIES AND PORTRAITS EXPANDED TO WORK! Unit Packs Expanded is a large scale effort looking to bring the game-play and war of Crusader Kings 3 to higher immersion with an growing array of in game Units for different cultures map-wide! ...
Upgrade Artifacts
Creată de Valaddar
Updated to - Report Bugs on the Discord X Achievement Compatible ✔ Ironman Compatible Upgrade any artifact* you own through a unique and balanced decision! This mod is a replacement for my older mod Reforge Artifacts a...
Valyrian Steel
Creată de Jedi Spell-forged and dark as smoke This mod aims to add a avenue to gain several artifacts through a unique decision. The player will have the option to fund an expedition to Old Valyria and pick an individual from their court to...
Vampirism And Lycanthropy
Creată de Nope
First of all, thanks for checking out our mod! - Nope and the V&L Coven Please come back after playing to like and give feedback! Join or Discord to report bugs, discuss gameplay, view the lis...
VIET Events - A Flavor and Immersion Event Mod
Creată de cybrxkhan Current Version: 1.12.3 "Tripitaka" (Released 8/9/24, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.12.X) Discord Server for my mods Official Website for my mods Paradox Forum Thread Manual Download/Installation available on Github Parado...
War Veterans (Deprecated)
Creată de raguel
****IF THIS MOD STILL CAUSES CTD IT MEANS I AM UNABLE TO UPDATE THIS MOD DUE TO PDX'S LAUNCHER**** ****March 12, 2022: I think I solved the problems I was having with this mod. If you're reading this and using this mod with no problems please comment down ...
Weight of Crown
Creată de BigBen 当前版本已进行轻量化,仅保留了人口与经济机制,具体内容请以实际游戏内内容为准 欲戴王冠,必承其重。王冠之重让玩家更多的思考自己统治的目的和压力,你不仅仅需要管理你的封臣和宫廷,还需要管理和经营你的领地繁荣,你的人民需要你的帮助。我们重做了领地的经营和数据,并将人口带到了ck3的游戏机制里。目前自治度暂时不生效 ...