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Items (79)
Created by 木木来啦
一个现代风格的中文命名MOD 人名姓是从百家姓里面抠出来的,名就是起名大全里的,随机组合应该会有很多奇葩的名字。 船名大部分取自城市名 殖民船取自航空公司名称 私人殖民船廉航 防御站三国兵器名 浮游炮山海经异兽 陆军古代中国军队名...
The bureaucracy reduces the size of the empire
As the title suggests, some class outputs have been changed so that Bureaucrats, Priests, and Managers now provide -2 Empire per position, and higher-ranking Politicians, High Priests, and Executives now provide -4 Empire Size per position...
FC's Faster Megastructure Building & Planet Decision Speed
Created by Stu6
Technology New technology: The industry standard for megastructure Upon completion of research, you will receive a 5% increase in the speed at which megastructures are built and a 5% bonus to the speed at which planetary resolutions are executed. Once rese...
FC's Faster Hyper Relays
Created by Stu6
更快的超空间中继器 新增科技:极速超空间中继器 研究完毕后,启动超空间中继器只需要1天就可以完成,从而可以几乎瞬间抵达超空间中继器的另一端...
Created by 630672881
吾杀汝,实救汝于诸苦也,吾实爱汝。这个mod允许玩家在选择星河卫士的同时选择文武天灾中的一种(文武天灾似乎还是不能并存),群星这款游戏是这样的,其他文明只需要老老实实等死就行了,而作为第四天灾,我们既要和其他三灾以及新出来的牢塞斗智斗勇,还需要攻入虚境or创造宇宙,要考虑的事情可就太多了。 如有任何问题,还请评论区及时反馈!...
Strengthening basic disciplines program
Created by Blorg
Strengthening basic disciplines program In-game English supported, this intro is translated by chatGLM-4, you got what I'm trying to say. —————————————————————————————— Feature Introduction: - Added the "Strengthening basic disciplines program" resolution ...
Created by 赤红之心
你是否觉得原版的特质点数不够用呢?反正我是这么觉得的。该模组增加了大量的特质点数和选项,将会解决您的这一烦恼。 本模组是在进入局内才会生效(用来防止AI使用),需要您在局内手动进行基因编辑(会附赠基因编辑),同时对绝大部分模组物种都有作用。 如果有模组物种无法使用,可以在讨论区里面告诉我,我因为地区问题无法回复,但还是会看讨论区的...
Parallel shroud patron
Created by Blorg
Parallel Effects of the Four Shroud Patrons In-game English supported, this intro is translated by chatGLM-4, you got what I'm trying to say. —————————————————————————————— Feature Introduction: - The prerequisite for using this mod is that you have signed...
Apocalypse No Diplomatic Punishment
Created by 橡皮泥的记忆
The diplomatic penalty of Colossus has been canceled to prevent the diplomatic collapse caused by cleaning up AI planets to relieve CPU pressure....
利维坦之主(Lord of Leviathan)
Created by 虚空本空
增加一个了一个国策"利维坦之主",选择该国策后击败的大部分利维坦都会臣服。(该国策可随时添加或移除,没有开局锁定,并且自带+1国民理念效果) 利维坦的臣服 1.在选择该国策之后,击败的利维坦会请求臣服,可以拒绝或者同意。 2.击败后可以臣服的利维坦:噬星者,以太巨龙,位面之魇,幽魂,蜂巢小行星,拾荒者机器人,虚空孳孽,缇杨奇族母,毒圣,裂爪巨龙,天龙,神秘堡垒。 利维坦的改动 原版利维坦有些太拉,因此做了些改动。 1.噬星者:现在噬星者可以执行吞噬恒星操作,执行操作后给目标星系添加10年的特殊修正,在该修正...
主宰战略 expand juggernaut
Created by 小松岗
The mod expands on the original Juggernaut by adding four upgraded versions of Juggernaut that can be obtained by clicking on the Ascension Ultimate Strategy and completing the Special Project Ultimate Strategy. ----Dock type juggernaut:Some of our scienti...
Real Space - Colour Out of Deep
Created by Annatar
Real Space - Colour Out of Deep v 1.3 Compatibility Patch Collection The purpose of this mod is not just to add more interesting skybo...
Real Space 3.9
Created by Annatar
Real Space v 3.9.5 This version is compatible with patch 3.12.5 Andromeda. This mod does not fundamentally change the game mechanics, ...
no ai hyper relay and remover
Created by Volatus
remover is in edict menu...
Created by 渡辺曜
UI Overhaul Dynamic
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ 📜 Changelog 📜Beta VersionOlder Versions3. Mods ⛓️ Mod Compatibility & Patches ⛓️🏗️ Submods 🏗️Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it! 🛠️ Interface Modified 🛠️ This mod ...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + SpeedDial
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ Compatibility patch between UI Overhaul Dynamic and SpeedDial. Updates SpeedDial for the latest version, as the main SpeedDial mod is outdated. Also makes the SpeedDial moveable, by clicking the space around th...
Planetary Diversity
Created by Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.12.* Not Achievement Friendly PD Discord Server Other Planetary Diversity Mods Unique Worlds More Arcologies Exotic Worlds Ascension Worlds Vanilla...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + Planetary Diversity
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ Compatibility patch between UI Overhaul Dynamic and Planetary Diversity so that Empire Creation matches the style in UIOD. It's still possible to use Planetary Diversity without this patch. 📑 Load Order 📑 Plane...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + Improved Font
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ It does require the main mod to run. Standalone submod/patch for UI Overhaul Dynamic, that includes Improved Font by Clazex. It uses the same fonts as present in the original mod, but with code adaptions toward...
本mod由在群星和mc世界行走的流浪商人团体出资600绿宝石汉化。 汉化名单: 1.Nomadic Lifestyle Finalized 游牧生活方式 2.Nature Traits Mod自然特征模组 Soldier Traits 士兵特质 Magic & Psionic Traits 魔法和灵能特质 3.Theta / Metropole大都会 4.Easy Pete's Civics, Origins, & Tweaks EP's Additional Megastructures EP的其他巨构(...
More Origins Mod
Created by Malthus
This mod adds multiple new origins to the game, most of which are once per galaxy and may appear in randomly generated ai empires if all conditions are met. List of content: by Malthus: A House Divided You start out with your two starting colony targets al...
Reduce AI Ships
Created by MyresMkG
Reduce the number of AI ships once a year, effectively improving mid to late game performance, while also providing corresponding balance compensation for AI Specific limitations for AI: Science ships: max is 10, adding 1 ship for every 10 systems Construc...
Loose casus belli
Created by Blorg
Loose War Justifications In-game English supported, this intro is translated by chatGLM-4, you got what I'm trying to say. —————————————————————————————— Feature Introduction: - Made the war justifications for "Requesting a Vassal" and "Requesting a Tribut...
NO Truces:Infinite War
Created by 小咕咚
Remove all truces time between player empire and AI empires You can launch another war against the same country after the end of a war Witness the birth of the True King of Star-Wars! The truces time between AI will not be removed, otherwise the game will ...
Created by NaCl
我签订互不侵犯条约、停战条约、没有开战理由≠我不偷袭 10年停战时间太长了,而且除了二次打击以外还必须遵守,很不真实。 修改了外交里的羞辱选项,改成了偷袭。 偷袭无视签订的条约,随时可以开战,类型是强制吞并。 与非灭绝政体开战后所有普通国家态度-50,堕落帝国中只有神秘观察者态度-20,会叠加。对灭绝政体开战不会减少其他国家态度,并会获得50点影响力。对于外交比较重视的玩家请谨慎使用。...
Fleet Transfer Mod
Created by Dimuch62 [RUS]
You have an outdated, extra fleet and you don’t know where to put it, and disband or modify is stingy? Your vassals suffer from internal feuds or external threats and they lack the fleet, and to solve their problems yourself - laziness? You want to covertl...
More Events Mod
Created by Malthus
COMPATIBLE with Stellaris 3.12.* Are you looking for more action and interesting events to show up while you are doing your day to day enslaving and conquering business? If, like us, you find the mid to late game a little lacking of interesting diversion, ...
! Immersive Loading Screens
Created by Kasako'小傘
125 exquisite loading images This mod is part of Immersive Beautiful Stelalris Suitble for any version of game IRONMAN compatible If you like it, promote it to more people! Features 125 brand new HD loading images Golden age sci-fi style which is in line w...
! Immersive Energy Shield
Created by Kasako'小傘
This is a simple mod, but it enhances one most important part of the game: the visual effects of energy shields. Modified the vanilla rudimentary shield to a more technological shield with animated hexagonal shape, and added more details on it. No more wor...
Created by 乐通
支持铁人/联机模式,不对版本号进行修改,与几乎所有MOD不产生冲突 乐通: 嗨嗨,来了,我花了一小时把考古遗址的效果也写名称上了,数据来源于英文wiki,修正的数据来源于中文wiki,不过在我写的时候我就发现这俩wiki都过时或者说错误了?仅供参考吧! 二级与部分三级异常没有写效果,因为负责的atr小姐和彩云还在,啊,还在收集数据。 也许我们可以自豪的说,这个mod会是群星两三百多个异常的百科全书 这mod在异常的名称上概括了这个异常最有用的效果,PSE分别对应物理学社会学和工程学,数字则代表了是多少月产 ...
Technology Tree (for Chinese Language)
Created by Sakuya Minagami
为原版拥有后置科技的科技显示它的科技树,稀有科技和危险科技分别用紫色和红色标出。 本mod可选择游戏语言为英语或中文启动,游戏中的科技树会显示为中文。 下面的全语言通用版mod同样有中文科技树,但不支持选择游戏语言英语来启动。 for English, Brazilian Portuguese, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean : Technology Tree 支持铁人成就。 为了更好的阅读体验,你可能...
Created by Fisher
 概要  这是一个较为简单的法令合集,提供了一些加速选项的同时也有一定的资源花费 没有维护费就能加buff良心上过意不去  内容  主要增加了以下几个法令: ###模块式太空建设(缩短恒星基地升级、模块建造、建筑建造时间//-30%左右//) ###快速设防(加快防御平台//+100%//、离子炮台建造速度//+200%//) ###陆军快速集结(缩短陆军招募时间//-30%左右//) ###有机行星建设(蜂巢特供,缩短行星建筑建造时间//-25%//) ###替换渗透(蜂巢特供,加破译,没什么用,好玩) ...
Created by 小咕咚
当玩家作为宗主国,附庸协议条款选择联合传感器时,ai会100%同意协议的内容(AI+9M的接受权重),并每月获得1000点忠诚度。 本mod仅修改了subject_gets_sensors中的数值,未修改defines的内容,无兼容性问题。 由于实现方法简陋,为了防止ai滥用,故为AI宗主国选择联合传感器添加9M的拒绝权重,这会导致AI为宗主国的附庸条款只会选择独立传感器,玩家狗开时无法选用联合传感器条款(~+yesmen可解决)...
One system one subject
Created by Blorg
One Vassal Per Star In-game English supported, this intro is translated by chatGLM-4, you got what I'm trying to say. —————————————————————————————— Feature Introduction: - Added the "Release the Star System" planetary resolution, which allows a single sta...
Oppressing Subject
Created by 小咕咚
Revised and expanded the terms of the ancillary agreement: 1. Adjust the upper and lower limits of resource clauses for all types of subject countries to -75% to+75% 2. Add cohesion, influence, rare cultural relics, star world threads, and all rare resourc...
47 Tradition Slots + 48 AP Slots
Created by Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same series mods...
Tradition UI 3.12
Created by Laquly 零者
Only for 3.12 Modified Tradition UI and added a button that costs unity to unlock AP slot The number of slots has not been modified, you may need the following mods: 15 Tradition slots + 16 AP slots 23 Tradition slots + 24 AP slots 47 Tradition slots + 48 ...
(-United Better Map-)
Created by Fugasas
The mod gives more flavor to the game. It allow significantly better display of empires in the map. It applies colors from Spectra Flag Colors mod and uses properly both colors to display empire. All credits for colors goes to author of "Spectra Flag Color...
UI Overhaul Dynamic - More Tradition Categories (16)
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ It does require the main mod to run. This is a submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that increases the amount of selectable tradition categories from the default 7 to 16. (The AI will also fully fill the new slots be...
Resolutions Expanded
Created by Gordon_CMB
Have you ever thought the amount of resolutions in the game is too underwhelming? Never fear, this mod adds around 50 new resolutions, ranging from simple cultural changes to extending your grip over megastructures! The mod includes 5 new categories with a...
Amazing Space Battles
Created by Chickenhunt
Compatible with V3.12+ This Giant mod combines my previous graphical mods + far more, in order to completely improve the graphics of Stellaris space battles. It impro...
Real Space - System Scale
Created by Annatar
Real Space - System Scale v 1.8.1 This version is compatible with patch 3.12 Andromeda. Attention! This mod should be located in the launcher list, lower than the main Real Space mod! https://imgu...
Real Space - New Arcologies
Created by Annatar
Real Space – New Arcologies v 1.0.3 This version is compatible with patch 3.12.1 Andromeda. Although Real Space is in the name, this mod is completely independent and...
Vanilla Chinese Improving
Created by 月华天星
———————————————郑重声明——————————————— 本汉化为公益性质,完全免费,任何需付费使用本汉化行为均与我组无关。 亦谢绝任何将全部或部分本汉化与下属独立汉化模组之内容用于盈利或其他商业用途,包括但不限于收费或收取任何形式赞助的模组、整合包、修改后二次发布、AI训练以及游戏内付费墙等。 鸽组对鸽组汉化、下属独立汉化模组及声明内容保留最终解释权。 ———————————————重要通知——————————————— 由于人手不足,本mod在一个或多个版本周期内会不定时多次更新,如果遇到翻...
Doves Chinese Localization
Created by 月都旅人
简介 翻译群星创意工坊的英文模组。仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 不包含替换了原版文本的模组,因为会导致文本互相冲突、覆盖。此类模组会内置汉化,或上传独立汉化补丁。 由于近来P社官中问题较多,原则上以本组制作的官中修正作为翻译基准。非模组玩家也可以单独订阅使用。 本模组没有的,可以看看创意工坊有没有其他朋友做的汉化 旧版鸽组汉化将不再更新,仅供旧版本玩家订阅。 汉化列表 列表有粗略分类与译名参考;合集订阅方便。两者可能更新不同步存在差别。 集中汉化:列表 / 合集 内置汉化:列表 / 合集 独立汉化...
Created by 小哀的哀愁
以原版小灰的模板制造 开局50天之后能呼唤爱莉希雅 也可以在法令处呼唤爱莉希雅 可以更改爱莉希雅的领袖类型,比如行政官,科研官,指挥官。 可以更改领袖立绘,一共6个圣痕立绘。 有防止领袖被解雇的事件以及意外死亡并复活事件 有一个专属的理想城——永世乐土,该星球提供大量的原版资源产出。 爱莉希雅成为领袖之后就能使全体领袖等级提升至10级、获得不朽,去除全部负面特质,在领袖池招募的领袖也能适用。 新增重置领袖选项,防止爱莉希雅因为各种事件包括但不限于流放而不在领袖界面。...
天体战舰 Celestial warships
Created by 小松岗
天体战舰 mod围绕天体战舰展开,通过巨构等方式建造特殊舰船和堡垒。 完成相关科技便可建造天体战舰和天体堡垒。 天体战舰和天体堡垒可在舰船设计器中进行设计。 提供八种战舰:小行星战舰,卫星战舰,行星战舰,巨行星战舰,恒星战舰,中子战舰,黑洞战舰,永恒天塔。 ----小行星战舰:需要星体重工飞升,在小行星上建造的特殊舰船,可设计,拥有少量的舰船三围和槽位,数值弱。 ----卫星战舰:需要星体重工飞升,在行星上建造的特殊舰船,可设计,拥有较少的舰船...
Created by 溯昔言
3.7更新:现在让堕落觉醒后的战力和天灾倍数挂钩,削弱了数值,改动了天堂之战。 一个简单的,加强堕落的mod,仅仅是刷舰队和数值层面进行的改造,不涉及具体的剧情。 如果你厌倦了小孩踏入了巨人的游乐场,同时怀念起萌新时期堕落带来的压迫感,欢迎使用本mod。 加强的方式如下: 1.请使用拆分8设置难度和细化设置,因为我不想再写一个菜单了。 2.为每个堕落增加一个巨型船坞,为失落帝国每年刷一次船直到达到预定的舰队实力。默认情况下堕落战力为2m,觉醒4m,天灾到来时6m。不过由于会与其他mod产生化学反应(堕落全m...
buffed Bubble
Created by 001
在遥远繁星这个dlc中你可以获得一只可爱的太空变形虫泡泡。但是他的战斗能力实在太差了,以至于它只能当一只小宠物。 但是现在军用泡泡再也不是梦! 这个mod狠狠地加强了百年变形虫的泡泡,它甚至可以用来单挑索林原虫! (注意:只有百年变形虫状态下的泡泡才会异常强大。因为太强了,所以最好加数值溢出修复:) 感谢此mod的启发: 这是我第一个mod,请多多包涵,谢谢 English ma...
Megastructure on Planet
Created by MyresMkG
The original mod, thanks to Grandyy: This mod works with 3.12. If you have experienced any bug, please comment. This mod adds several planetary features that can be built through planetary d...
此技术允许我们改造气态星球,使其成为空岛星球。 更新星球地区——星落之地,破碎空岛,飓风区。 使其更有随机性。 已修复ai生成的bug。请删掉原mod重新下载...
100% The Horizon Signal
Created by YIYE
必刷时之虫 第一次进入洞100%触发视界信号事件 The Horizon Signal event will must be triggered when you enter a black hole....
All Leviathans Spawns
Created by Nekko
This MOD increases the chance of Leviathan spawns. * All Leviathans can be found in galaxies with more than 400 Stars. * In galaxies less than 400 Stars, not all Leviathans may appear. * This MOD only works at start a New Game. Limitations in a Small Galax...
Unlimited Precursors
Created by Hibiki_RT
This mod removes the limitation that the event chains of Precursors can be triggered only one in each game. Updated:Reduce cooldown of artifact precursor clue actions from 1800 to 180. The Baol or Zroni Precursors sites will spawn at once if the planet is ...
Created by 幻灭暗影
星球决议:将这个星球上的外族人口全部变成你的主体种族,不管是生物机械石头人还是mod物种,种族洁癖福音。 顺便物种政策里把死灵dlc尸化机制修改了下限制,使玩家能随意使用,并大幅提高了转化速度,效果也是同化成主体种族. ai不会使用....
Created by 世界之轴
禁止ai建造居住站,将ai造居住站权重设为0 排序要放在最下边,以防止被覆盖失效...
遗珍掠夺是存在的!loot relics
Created by 溯昔言
在攻占首都后100%概率掠夺遗珍 咋的,我买了游戏,这游戏里所有的遗珍都是我的,你ai还想独占不成? Loot relics with 100% probability after capturing the capital...
3D Fleet Formation
Created by breloom1994
This mod is a rework of the mod: Fleet Scale once created by@Magog Since the former creator stopped updating anymore, and I personally believe this mod is a "must-have". So I decided to upload this new version and continue the update. I also made a little ...
Created by Vi Half City
舰队增援速度x20,跨星系增援惩罚减半 更新至3.10 兼容性未知 需要重开档才能启动...
Auto Move Unemployed To Synaptic Lathe
Created by 光圈辞职员工
- Open the function in edict screen with edict 'Synapsis Resettlement'. - Every 3 months all of eligible pops will be sent to CW. - You can decide whether one planet will send unemployed to Synaptic Lathe through planetary decision 'Synapsis Supplier' (off...
shroud magic girls strongershroud 玩了虚境五色梗的萌化mod= =,还有一些对魔法少女mod的补充 虚境的五个契约界面修改为了五色的画面 顺便将灵能界改回了虚境,五个契约也改了回去= = 以及对于虚境的一些强化 by 贴吧的虚境焰 【其实一般的版本更新不会导致这个mod失效的,如果出现失效,闪退等情况请在评论区反馈】 【注意!!!与魔法少女MOD一同开启时需要把本mod放在上面,魔法少女mod放在下面!】 魔法少女同盟国策来自于魔法少女mod(已经取得原作者酱油桑同意,接手...
Created by yqy
本顾问语音包兼容成就 感谢您的订阅和食用,希望大家喜欢这个语音包 Thank you for subscribing and using. Hope you enjoy this : ) 欢迎关注我的社交账号并给我留言,我会非常期待! Welcome to follow my social media accounts and leave me a message. I will be looking forward to it very much!
vassal can form federation
Created by 我不是人造革
A simple mod that made vassal can be invited by them lord to form a federation....
Neuro-Sama Advisor
Created by Neyko
添加Neuro-Sama顾问语音 台词和原机械智能一样 Add Neuro-Sama Advisor The lines are the same as the original mechanical intelligence...
碧蓝航线顾问语音 Azurlane Theme Advisor -「JK的语音MOD」
Created by Krifuji Nagisa
2022.05.24-FIX- 修改了版本号,现在它不会提示版本错误了 没有发现任何无法使用的bug,请考虑是否有冲突mod =============== 4.23-FIX- 提供了就算江田岛海军学院士官也能听清的音量增大 ==================== 碧蓝航线顾问语音MOD Azurlane Advisor Voice ---------------------------- 参与者 -【以下均为Bilibili 账户】: · 技术担当:重型机场 - B站主页:ht tps//space.b...
Gray with animated portrait
Created by Clesiram❀
如图所示,本mod提供了小灰的立绘替换。 As shown in thumbnail, this mod replaces the original portrait of Gray with AI generated illustration. 立绘来源: Pixiv 107157087 Author: earth aeolian...
KUROGANE 2.X ships and stations
Created by COLA
         Modeling and textures by Grafxbox              Add new choice to ship appearance.              船の外観に新しい選択肢を追加します。   This MOD is not compatible with achievement.This MOD is compatible with ironman.          実績に対応していません。鉄人モードに対応しています。 https://i.imgu...
Integrated Repeatable Technologies
Created by Laquly 零者
合并循环科技的同类项,双倍强化其余循环科技。 新增科技控制台,可以控制哪些循环科技该出现。 具体改动: 整合的科技: 防御平台伤害和船体值整合为一个科技; 爆炸武器伤害和攻速整合为一个科技; 动能武器伤害和攻速整合为一个科技; 舰载机伤害和攻速整合为一个科技; 能量武器伤害和攻速整合为一个科技; 陆军伤害和生命值整合为一个科技; 双倍合并的科技: 提升岗位能量币产出的科技改为岗位产出的能量币+10%; 提升岗位食物产出的科技改为岗位产出的食物+10%; 提升岗位矿物产出的科技改为岗位产出的矿物+10%; 恢...
开局查看L星团和机械爹好坏和一些特殊星系是否生成,因为增加了事件触发所以不支持铁人获得成就。如果需要更多刷开局查看变量请留言,我会添加到mod中。 本mod语法基本不会发生变化,如果提示过期直接载入就行,除非有新的特殊星系否则不需要更新。 不需要更新,无视黄感叹号无视黄感叹号无视黄感叹号! 封面出自b站up唯一正妻列克星敦,给大家推荐太太的视频()
[UMMS]Ultimate Modded Multiplayer Solver:null checksum
Created by is3mru4ma
!!!----Final dirty option after playlist's checksum failed to sync----!!! Alter the checksum management file by stellaris modloader system.Return null. For who want to have a nice day. You can put this mod at where you like....
Created by Salvacrimae
一个非常简单的小mod,包含才不是特意为你添加的一个(划掉)两个法令,可以让领袖负面特质上限-5,或者移除全部领袖的负面特质。 注:移除负面特质对mod特质可能无效。 mod制作背景:当我使用死灵人儿搞军国独裁和朋友们联机时我的统治者,居~然~在二十年内成为了鸽派II,随后被大家戏称为不死和平宇宙灯塔女王,然后超强的debuff让我差点就在早期边界争端中被隔壁一个ai干碎了,那时我一边猛吃奴隶一边看着+25%的造舰费用、+25%的造舰时间以及我伟大的宇宙灯塔女王那190才有可能暴毙的一生时陷入了深深的沉思。...
治愈强迫症-3 不再SL灵能科技
Created by Lonely_DM
再也不用一遍遍SL虚境刷灵能科技了! 完成灵能传统直接获得灵能三件套研究选项。 Get 3 shroud tech after complete psionic tradition....
Created by 溯昔言
殖民船的移动速度增加了3倍,原版的殖民船实在是太慢了 The movement speed of colonial ships has been increased by 3 times, the original colonial ships were too slow...
Created by 昊天2099
为灾飞最后一个阶段增加了一个选项,使玩家可以不炸星系继续游戏。(更新后重新增加了新的巨构文件和规则文件,应该不会和其他mod产生冲突了) 目前做到的: 1.天灾飞升建成以太相后可以选择第二个选项,能够继续游戏且结束全面战争; 2.以太相可以升级成稳定以太相,一个绝对对得起和全星系开战的巨构,产出极为离谱; 3.被指定天灾的国家可以加入共同体。 未来的计划: 1.仅限天灾国家组建的联盟(比想象的困难,还在弄) 2.增加一个飞升来平衡负一千多的外交(已达成) 3.天灾辖地附庸 4.一个可以炸星系的遗珍(如果找不...
Warship Girls Advisor
Created by Amatsukaze 本顾问语音mod为幻萌公司旗下游戏 战舰少女 中游戏角色 列克星敦(cv:@Sakula小舞)、赤城(cv:@紫苏九月)、维内托(cv:萝卜Cheddar)、长春(cv:@林簌SUSU)的角色语音包。 本语音mod中收录的台词均为氪金特别定制,以贴合游戏提供更好的体验。 本语音mod收录321句台词,...
Tech Tier Frames
Created by ipsec
This mod exposes technology tier levels with a colored frame around the technology icons. The colors red, yellow, green, blue, and purple are used for tiers 1 to 5 (in that order). White is used for tier 0 (starting tech). Compatible with multiplayer and a...
AI can't explore astral rift and archaeological site
Created by 小咕咚
The function of the module is shown in the title. Due to the absence of localized text, no additional translation is required. Please place the module loading order as later as possible to prevent the content from being overwritten. In order to achieve bet...