Garry's Mod
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Предметы (94)
Accurate Collision Models Pack (Half-Life 2, Episode 1, Episode 2)
Создатели: Rapthos
Accurate collision models for Half-Life 2 props. What does it do? This addon replaces only physical model for props from list (.phy). Is this causing lags? I dont think so. Does this work with "Props HD Overhaul" or any other retexture addons? Yes. List: H...
Advanced Duplicator 2
Создатели: WireTeam
Ground up rewrite meant to make up for some of the shortcomings of the first iteration of AdvDupe. Still considered alpha! Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord:
Battlefield-ish Suppression
Blur your vision when you get shot! // A neat little script to add a touch of immersion to your server. Battlefield-ish Suppression attempts to replicate being suppressed in Battlefield 3 and 4. Since I couldn't get a vignette effect, I made do to try to u...
"Tried to use a NULL CTakeDamageInfo!" Fixer [Fixed again re-upload?]
Создатели: Wade
Actual Screen Blood [Fixed]
Создатели: hurter
This is an edit of screen damage, puts blurry blood on screen. Screenblood. Edit: Thank you so much DGtle and Defrective for fixing the multiplayer bug! If anyone has any idea to make settings for this, like transparency, fade out time, etc. please feel fr...
Barricade SWEP
Создатели: LemonCola3424
Located in "Other" weapon tab. Board up your windows/doorways with wooden planks, or simply repair and break things. Hold M2 to switch placement mode and plank size. Dustruct mode breaks any breakable thing in one hit, players and npcs not included. Repair...
Better Particle Enhancer (MysterAC + FA:S2)
Создатели: еwd
IMPROVED PARTICLES FROM THE BEST ADDONS This modification combines addons that improve particles from MysterAC and Spy (FA:S 2.0) I have edited some LUA files of the addons to better match them. MysterAC - Improved explosions - Improved burning effect - Mu...
Создатели: аБИБАс
BRUTALIST bloodmod - blood with brutal bright textures, Great for mess, killing NPC, and also for dismemberment, I recommend using enhanced blood splatter system Features -1024x1024 textures -no green squares Credits: GalaxyHighMarshal - original textures ...
Better Colors
Создатели: Beelzebub
The addon improves game colors. Use the `better_colors 1-3` cvar to choose a better color-scheme. Аддон улучшает цвета игры. Для выбора цветовой схемы используйте конвар `better_colors 1-3` Cvar Modes: 1. Default 2. Better 3. Crazy Присоединяйтесь к моему ...
Создатели: relaxtakenotes
if you came here after your ragdolls started flying dont worry... change bulletforce_max to 1000... Compatible with fedhoria or any ragdoll mod. Doesn't work? Mess around with your weapon base settings or with this mods settings which are below! The blood ...
Complex Death Animations
Создатели: Hari
Complex Death Animations A complex death animations addon. Whenever a NPC/Player dies, a animation gets applied to their ragdoll. This allows them to interact with the environment and therefore is superior to BSMod. Features Over 100 different death animat...
Citizen Finger Animation Fix
Создатели: Texas Steve!
Tired of your fellow rebels constantly having tea drinking finger poses while gesturing or aiming their weapons? Then this fix is for you! I went through hopefully almost all of the animations that had missing poses for the ring and pinky fingers which inc...
Construct North
Создатели: shortnamesalex BEST PLAYED ON HDR A small edit of gm_construct, now set somewhere in the North near 6pm. This edit features different exterior lighting, new soundscapes, snowy textures and the Aurora Borealis. Elevate your sandbox experien...
Custom Blood Bleeding
Создатели: аБИБАс
Hello everyone, this is my new addon for blood, which adds custom bleeding, it is an edited version of the addon universal smod bleeding effect , I thought for a long time how can I make a blood texture that could be stacked with each other, and also that ...
Custom Homigrad weapons [full bug]
Создатели: frouzent
models taken from PWB, PWB 2 or gamebanana original addon Old Homigrad Weapons 2024 I will sometimes update this addon and add new weapons models taken from PWB, PWB 2 and gamebanana ----EN IF YOUR NEW CAMERA BREAKS, SWITCH TO ANOTHER WEAPON AND THEN AGAIN...
Damage Players in Seats
Создатели: Cédric GÉRILLE [GiletJaune]
MAYBE OBSOLETE ADDON Intro By default players cannot be damaged when they are sitting on seats. This addon allows bullets (and only bullets) to damage the player when they hit the chair. I know no more efficient way to do the job. This addon does not work ...
Death Sound Remover
Создатели: Originope
Tired of the annoying HEV Suit flatline that plays when you die? This addon will replace that annoying sound with no death sound at all!...
Door Removal Areaportal Fix
Создатели: OnTheMatter
Now works with door-destruction addons! This quick-fix addon stops the visual oddity which sometimes occurs when a door is removed, where the door will appear to lead into the void. This works for double-doors as well if one of the side doors are removed. ...
Dynamic Weapon Reverb
Создатели: relaxtakenotes
DWR V3 If your weapons sound too dull or boring, this mod is just for you! This addon brings more or less realistic weapon reverb into the game that is complemented by these features: Outdoors/indoors state checks Distance checks Ammo type checks Bullet cr...
Dynamic Bloodpools (feat. GalaxyHighMarshal)
Создатели: аБИБАс
Originally this system appeared in next gen blood 2 and I liked the idea of this system, so I made it standalone as a separate addon. The mechanics are dynamic pools of blood that follow a corpse's last bullet wound until they expire This addon does NOT re...
Enhanced PlayerModel Selector
Создатели: LibertyForce
It's the playermodel selector from Sandbox... but better! And available everywhere! Like your playermodel? Want to easily use it in all gamemodes? Annoyed that nowadays even maps overwrite it and block the spawnmenu? Then stop reading, you're in the right ...
Enhanced Proximity Voice Chat
Создатели: sergeant
Now the player's voice volume depends on whether they are behind a wall or at a great distance. Features: Adjust the radius in which you can hear players: proximity_radius (by default 3000) Adjust the volume of players when they are behind obstacles: proxi...
Explosion Light
Создатели: Dishings
ConVars: Explosion_Light (0-1) Explosion_Light_Red (0-255) Explosion_Light_Green (0-255) Explosion_Light_Blue (0-255) Explosion_Light_Range (0-2147483647) Convars will save. Convars can only be changed by whoever is running the server. Yes it works on sing...
Extended Spawnmenu
Создатели: Rubat
A small script that extends abilities of your spawnmenu: * Allows you to browse through Garry's Mod 12 / Legacy addon models * Allows you to browse through Game, Addon, Legacy Addon materials and sounds * Gives you detailed information on installed Worksho...
Extended Properties
Создатели: Rubat
This addon adds a lot of properties to Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod entites such as turrets, rollermines, suit chargers, flashlights, dynamites, NPCs and anti-antlion thumpers. There are over 72 different actions for different entites and NPCs. UsageHold C ...
Fire Light
Создатели: Dishings
ConVars: Fire_Light (0-1) Fire_Light_Players (0-1) Fire_Light_Red (0-255) Fire_Light_Green (0-255) Fire_Light_Blue (0-255) Fire_Light_Range (0-2147483647) Convars will save. Convars can only be changed by whoever is running the server. Yes it works on sing...
Eye Hud
Создатели: JC Bent'em
Eye Hud is an extremely simple hud addon that replaces the ammo counter with an unintrusive fadeout ammo counter with customizable colors and replaces the health counter with post proccessing effects. It is based off of how the human eye reacts to low amou...
Fixed Citizen Animations
Создатели: Zippy
Fixed Citizen Animations - Fixes male and female pistol animations - Fixes shotgun reloads for all human NPCs - Fixes male medics - Fixes Alyx's animations with her gun - Faster shooting transition animations - Consistency between male and female swing ani...
Fading Wounds Fix
Создатели: Zippy
You can now shine your flashlight on NPCs and ragdolls without their wounds fading/disappearing! Small issues: - It might cause slight performance drops while your flashlight is active and there are many NPCs/ragdolls nearby - Wounds might not get applied ...
Flame Light
Создатели: Dishings
ConVars: Flame_Light (0-1) Flame_Light_Red (0-255) Flame_Light_Green (0-255) Flame_Light_Blue (0-255) Flame_Light_Range (0-2147483647) Convars will save. Convars can only be changed by whoever is running the server. Yes it works on singleplayer too lol. In...
gm_underground (Night + Day)
Создатели: CodeOrange
13.09.24 Content was fixed and new features has been added on the map! gm_underground The map I've been working on for 2 weeks is my best if not the best map. I had the help of some people to whom I am extremely grateful. The map is mostly designed for Z-C...
Fly By Sounds (Fixed again)
Создатели: NextKurome76TheSoldier
Fixed an error that happens sometimes and the lag with lots of props around. ConVars: -sv_flybysound_minspeed 100 -sv_flybysound_maxspeed 1000 -sv_flybysound_minshapevolume 1 -sv_flybysound_maxshapevolume 300 -sv_flybysound_minvol 30 -sv_flybysound_players...
Flyby Shake
Создатели: Wontairr
This mod adds in a configurable shake effect that occurs when a physics object flies past a player quickly Clientside! -Console Commands- shakeflyby_distance - How close the prop needs to be to cause the shake shakeflyby_intensity - How intense the shake i...
FPS Saving Fog
Создатели: i work at tower of bauble Fog that actually culls things you can't see! Meaning things beyond the fog do not render (Yes, kind of like Minecraft...) For some reason the in-game fog editor does not do this by default. Only...
GodSentTools GPU Saver
Создатели: Spar
"GPU Saver" disables rendering entirely, when the game window is not focused or minimized. This helps to reduce GPU load and maybe save you from VRAM crash. Settings This addon has settings in "Utilities -> GodSentTools -> GPU Saver". Convars ConVar Descri...
Half-Life 2 Tools
Создатели: Rubat
A set of Half-Life 2 inspired/themed tools. Fully compatible with duplicator. Tool list Headcrab canister tool ( sbox_maxenv_headcrabcanisters ) Ammo crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_ammo_crates ) Item crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_item_crates ) Thumper tool ( sbox_m...
Hide Death Notice
Создатели: Seefox This addon hides death notice in top right corner....
Hide ULX & ULib Commands
Создатели: Name
This addon will hide all commands that has been registered with ULib (and ULX) Works with commands added by custom ULX or ULib extensions Won't interfere with non-command messages prefixed with ! It doesn't affect ULX's Fancy Log system (eg. You granted go...
Hide names and death notice
Создатели: detectiveLosos
Script hides players names on your server. So nobody can see name and health % of his target. This also hides death notice in top right corner. Use console command "toggleHideNames" to turn on and off. Default is on....
Hide Name and Health percent [Optimized]
Создатели: Seefox Script hides players names on your server. So nobody can see name and health % of his target. Server-side convars dti_sv_disablemod - disables mod for everyone on the server - default 0 This addon is not a reupload ! It's an...
Homigrad Melee
Создатели: аБИБАс
I was asked to make a melee weapon from chomigrad, here it is, here you go, and play with it, enjoy and kill your friends! Have a good game, guys FEATURES -melee hits waste stamina -included 11 melee weapons CREDITS: sadsalat - code useless - code aBIBAs -...
Homigrad Weapons |DEPRECATED|
Создатели: pokumeka
addon is no more supported, sorry for such late announcement, also, use malinograd weapons if you wanna get more realism/better weapon models, thanks. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤSTRONLY REQUIRES THISADDON ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ what fixed or changed Added sighting accumulations...
Improved Default Cubemap
Создатели: Rush_Freak
The fallback cubemap that has plagued incomplete and broken maps since 2004 finally gets a makeover! I made one that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb in most lighting conditions. Now you can use broken maps without burning your eyes out before they're f...
Создатели: John Helldiver
NOTICE: We have reports of the config auto-migration not working sometimes, so if you see errors, try running "jmod_resetconfig" (on server or as admin). We are working on the config issue. JMod is a content pack aim...
Improved FPS Booster
Создатели: Inj3
Essential for your players ! ⇨ Opening at first connection. ⇨ Status, if enable or disable. ⇨ Returns your current FPS, and gives your maximum, and minimum rate. ⇨ Returns your "Gains" of earned FPS if Improved FPS booster is enabled. ⇨ You can manage all ...
Keep Decals On Death
Создатели: Zippy
Makes server ragdolls keep their decals on death. Join the discord server (by clicking the image below) if you want to discuss my addons!
Lua Integrity Checker
Создатели: NextKurome76TheSoldier
Picture this scenario, you got a bunch of code based weapon and entity addons, but you notice some of them are missing, thats because you've hit the internal limit for lua files. The only hint the game would give you is a line in the console that goes some...
Lua Patcher
Создатели: Piengineer12
Formerly known as Piengineer's Lua Repair This addon fixes the most common Lua errors, but has the potential to cause performance issues. Only use this when addon creators are unresponsive to your error reports. Developer Note: If you want to just hide the...
No Collide Everything
Создатели: ...YEAR OF AOKO?
Make an object have no collisions with everything including or except the world. This tool can also disable self-collision on ragdolls and other objects with multiple collision meshes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
No Bunny-Hopping
Создатели: денис кайф в сочи
A very simple addon that adds a customisable delay between jumps, blocking a bunny hop. It already works by default, the delay between jumps is 5 seconds. But if you want to change it change it: bunny_hop_block <number in seconds> - Change the delay betwee...
No Door-Spamming
Создатели: денис кайф в сочи
A very simple addon that fixes a bug with doors, preventing them from repeatedly opening and locking when the "E" key is pressed frequently. It already works by default, the delay between using doors is 1 second. But if you want to change it : door_abuse_b...
No Standart Crosshair
Создатели: денис кайф в сочи
Tired of these stupid standard sights that can only be cut off by disabling the WHOLE INTERFACE.... Introducing a new addon gleck0706 (aka King of Suits) in a new mod that simply cuts it off (without touching everything else). If the addon does not work re...
Noclip Invincibility
Создатели: Zippy
Makes you invincible in noclip....
NPC No Weapon Drops
Создатели: Zaktak
A Simple addon that prevents weapon drops from NPCs. - If enabled(enabled by default) NPCs will not drop their weapon after dying. - This will improve server's performance. - This is quite simple code and therefore will not ...
NUC - Fuck Pickup History (sound include)
Создатели: YohSambre
My addon makes the history of weapons or ammunition recovery hidden and removes the sound , practical for scene rendering or just to not have its screen invaded by annoying visual notification...
NUC - Fuck Vanilla Voice Panel
Создатели: YohSambre
this addon allows to hide this dialog box (say fuck to the basic game dialog box)...
Old Homigrad Damage
Создатели: аБИБАс
I fixed the addon and fixed some things. changes and bug fixes: -medicine is now available -weapons are picked up after a shot to the arm CREDITS ...
Pain Sounds
Создатели: LordiAnders
An addon that makes players play sounds upon getting hurt/killed, you can customize models and voices for custom player models, or add completely new sounds to said player models through a settings menu in the spawnmenu. You can customize the addon in "Spa...
Player Flinching
Flinching animations when a player is shot. // More combat immersion, everyone loves it, yeah? Player Flinching adds some "emotion" to getting shot in Garry's Mod. Whenever a player takes any bullet damage, their model will play an animation based on where...
Poly's Booby Traps
Создатели: Polymorphic Turtle
An addon in development with the goal to add semi realistic booby traps to gmod and aid with guerilla tactics. List of Booby Traps (More on the way): Interactive: Spring Gun Tripwire Grenade Incendiary Grenade Nitrous Oxide Jet Directed Shrapnel Mine Quick...
Realistic Breaking Crates
Создатели: NextKurome76TheSoldier
From maker of Realistic Leaking Barrels, another quality of life script that makes crates drop more gibs, just like in Half-Life 1. The props will vanish over time and won't collide with the player. ConVars: -real_crates_fadetime 20 | in seconds, when prop...
Realistic Hit Impact 2.0
Создатели: joeapril17th This mod changes the blood impact on humans to something more akin to reality. A successor to the previous Realistic Hit Impact, this removes the limitation of the same smoke effect being shown no matter where you hit on the...
Realistic Leaking Barrels
Создатели: NextKurome76TheSoldier
Quality of life script that makes shot oildrums leak oil. Theres a 75% chance an oil drum spawns filled and a 30% chance that its contents get fully drained on hit, it will lose 5 units of mass when draining (full drums will have 35 weight units). Explosiv...
Realistic Bullet Overhaul 2.0
Создатели: SpatulaPride
This add-on simulates bullet trajectories like the first version. It will not simulate bullet penetration and it will not override particles, instead, it is intended for server use such as Military RP. If you plan on using this on a server, make sure it ha...
Realistic Movement Speed Mod
Создатели: gekon
"get real" - someone Realistic Movement Speed Mod is a mod that changes player movement speed to be more realistic. You can easlily adjust speeds in .lua file of this addon. Commands: Command Description sv_rms_enable 0/1 Toggle speed changing Feel free to...
Realistic Muzzleflashes
Создатели: LastZlo
Not cartoon "HD" muzzleflashes! Сredits: Materials: 4Echo...
Realistic Shooting System
Создатели: Saint Pierre
V 1.0.2 OUT : - NOW SUPPORTS ArcCW Improvements added according to your feebacks Thanks to my wonderful girlfriend for the visuals READ ME *** PLEASE CONSIDER LEAVING A LIKE IF YOU DO LIKE IT *** If you guys digg the addon, I have some features in mind tha...
Rest of the Refugees / all of the refugees
Создатели: eggnood11es
Know how garry didnt add the rest of the refugees as playermodels well this mod adds them in...
Remove Door Shadows
Создатели: Zippy
Removes shadows from doors on maps. It just bothered me as it looks pretty dang stupid. ...
Screen Shake FX
Создатели: Isemenuk27
This addon adds screen shaking after the explosions damage. CVARS scrsk_enable_cl - Enable/Disable addon for you scrsk_enable - Enable/Disable addon for everyone scrsk_amplitude - Amplitude multiplier. def: 3 scrsk_frequency - Frequency. def: 3 scrsk_durat...
Seat natural leaving [University RP]
Создатели: Cédric GÉRILLE [GiletJaune]
This add-on improves the exit position when leaving seats. Instead of letting the game find an exit spot, the player will be positioned on the seat slightly further back. To achieve this and for comfort, seats do not collide with players anymore. Universit...
Server & Client Optimization | FPS Boost
Создатели: Sadge
This workshop addon is designed to significantly improve the performance and frame rate on both clients and servers by fine-tuning hidden settings and eliminating unnecessary and resource-intensive hooks. The addon modifies settings in Garry's Mod related ...
Simple Useful Scripts
Создатели: V92
A collection of simple-yet-useful scripts I've made. Includes Drop weapon script with selectable animations Drop weapon on death Third-person use animations with selection animations Silent kill command & server-side toggle Vanilla suicide disabler Knock f...
SkibidiClub Weapons
Создатели: аБИБАс
weapons from skibidiclub Features: -HD Models -nice recoil & spread ORIGINAL Credits: Smug Hat Kid - porting to workshop...
Smooth Out Stairs
Создатели: Trench
Game already smoothes out steps, however this does it even smoother and you can configure it to your liking. This should be compatible with almost every mod out there. cl_smooth_steps - 1/0 cl_smooth_steps_speed - any number These commands are only useful ...
Stealthy Door Opening
Sneak down and open doors quietly. // Stealthy Door Opening allows you to crouch down and open doors almost completely silently! Once this addon is installed, simply crouch down next to a door before opening it, and it will open in a stealthy way. When ste...
Stopping Power - Damage slows you down
Создатели: It's alxl! c:
What is this? This is a simple, lightweight addon that makes players temporarily slow down when they take damage, similar to the movement of the Left 4 Dead or Counter-Strike games. This should make combat more realistic and immersive and visceral and all ...
trigger buttons with guns (CinematicButtonsFR)
Создатели: NextKurome76TheSoldier
Quality of life script that lets you trigger buttons with gunshots or melees (explosions excluded for exploit reasons). 75% chance for the hit button to cause a spark. Unhitable buttons (which dont have a bounding box) can still be activated when having th...
Создатели: [ULX] Megiddo
The official ULib. Please see our website at for information and discussion. For the most bleeding edge up to date versions of ULX and ULib, please download and use our github versions: ULib: ULX: https://...
Создатели: [ULX] Megiddo
The official latest release version of ULX admin mod (the same you'd get from our website). Please see our website at for information and discussion. Only servers need to use this, not your individual joining players. YOU MUST ALSO SUBSCRIBE...
Ultimate Workshop Downloader
Создатели: ceifa Send Workshop addons from your server to your players automatically. How to use Dedicated servers: add UWD to the server's collection and start the server. Done. Listen servers (p2p, in-game multiplayer): the host player n...
ULX Force Respawn Workshop Port
Создатели: Непослушный како
Original by Bite that Apple...
ULX NPC No Target Command
Создатели: Zaktak
A Simple command that lets you no-target players from NPCs. - Very simple, NPCs do not "see" the player that is no-targeted. - Even if the player attacks the NPC they will not respond. !notarg...
xdReanimsBase (GMod) Anim Mods base
Создатели: xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for player models and NPCs. Alone itself it does nothing. This is solely client side thing. It is intended to allow to replace existing animations, not to create new ones. Server owners should not install ...
Voice Icon Hider
Создатели: мансематик
RU: Убирает оранжевую иконку над головой EN: Removes the orange icon above the head...
Zippy's Library
Создатели: Zippy
Also known as Convenience/CONV! 'Zippy's Library' is a GLua library required for my addons! Join the discord server (by clicking the image below) if you want to discuss my addons! Check out my new NPC Base! https://steamcomm...
[Enhanced Audio Resources] x [The Gmod Sound Overhaul Project] - Best Mix
Создатели: RG Studio
A combination of the two best sound replacement addons. The Gmod Sound Overhaul Project and Enhanced Audio Resources....
[FIXED] Mormens' Bullet Hole Pack v1.4+
Создатели: Marwan ✖ Credit to him for giving me inspiration. generally a nice dude! helped me with getting some of the decals working. Be sure to check him out. You'll be needing to look at someone who has real talent ...
[LVS] - Cars
Создатели: Jinxit
YOU NEED - Framework FOR THIS ADDON TO WORK Get more Tanks here Get more Cars here Get more Wheels here Main purpose of this Car Base is to be a solid can-do-it-all kind of base for wheeled gr...
[LVS] - Framework
Создатели: Jinxit
This is Luna's Vehicle System. It's purpose is to get all the different vehicle systems running on one and the same base so you don't have to code all the basic things over and over again such as seat switcher, damage system, exit scripts, weapon systems, ...
[LVS] Vehicles from Snowdrop escape Swelter
Создатели: E34D-FSD2-FN2J
Adaptation of vehicles from Snowdrop escape and Swelter for the LVS base. The list of ready-made vehicles: ZAZ-968 ZAZ-968M GAZ-24 GAZ-24 KGB GAZ-24 Police AZLK-412 AZLK-2140 VAZ-2105 VAZ-2108 VAZ-2109 VAZ-21099 VAZ-2109U VAZ-2109 Police VAZ-2108 cabriolet...
[Modified] Realistic Combine Soldier AI
Создатели: relaxtakenotes
Small optimizations and changes for Realistic Combine Soldier AI. List of things that I did: 1) Localized things that should be local (including things that are predefined in global scope, VERY EPIC PERFORMANCE UPLIFT 1000% MORE FPS) 2) Swapped entity loop...
[xdR] Fists - Reworked Cut Variant
Создатели: xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Might require game restarting for taking effects. Alternative, less 'exaggerated' variant of fists animations exists in source files and probably was in consideration, and then something went wr...