Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (47)
宿命回响Destiny - 命运[珂赛特]demo
Created by 雨荧QAQ
命运-珂赛特 *穿戴除手部装备以外的装备不会显示贴图;【制作成员紧缺(对就我一个臭鱼烂虾在做),大量内容未能更进,如台词,立绘,其他装备道具能力等设计制作……敬请见谅/期待】 注:此次更新与先前版本区别可能较大,请见谅,如有建议欢迎进群交流 【欢迎加入Q群:953193150 交流讨论内容,设计等等等;欢迎有兴趣的画/码师共同参与】 【感谢命运交流群小伙伴们的建议支持,感谢某红温跑路画师(),感谢被我“霍霍”过代码or模组的各位大佬/前辈们!】 【以下为简介中的简介,若想了解具体内容,还请麻烦进群查看文档】...
🌍组合状态[最新/中文]-Combined Status
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎 原作者模组传送门:《Combined Status 》🔍 🔎 淘气值必须搭配Insight使用:《Insight (Show Me+)》 🔍 “组合状态”“综合状态”“状态显示”《Combined Status》《显示三维》《三维显示》《三维》《季节时钟》《显示季节》《季节》《更多状态》《状态栏》 原作者模组传送门:/n 自用,仅供学习与参考【汉化者:zhonger】 模组介绍...
Created by 九分之二十
掉落堆叠(Drop & Stack)
Created by 凉时白开
新模式: 真正的全堆叠. 旧模式兼容项: 标准掉落(砍树,挖矿,鸟笼,杀怪,等等); 交易(猪王,鱼王,蚁狮,神话聚宝盆); 猪人便便; 石果开采; 熊大毛丛;邪天翁羽毛;格罗姆黏液; 灰烬; 风滚草采集;包裹拆解; 地皮挖掘; 食物腐烂; 刮剃(牛毛人须). New Mode: The Really All Stacking. The list of supported drops by Old Mode: Standard drops(Chop, Mine, Birdcage, Kill, etc.);...
Created by 心悦卿兮
复活按钮和传送按钮的复制品 复活按钮点击复活,传送按钮点击生成传送面板。(二者均可单独开关) PS:如果你喜欢这个模组,就给作者点个免费的赞吧! 本模组是 复活按钮和传送按钮 的复制品,两个模组内容完全一致,原因请看文末。 咋说呢,由于原来的模组使用人数较多,频繁更新的话可能会影响太多人。本模组因为特殊情况才出现的,我也不知道怎么处理好。目前我计划一些优化性的功能先更新在这里,等完善之后再统一更新。 复活按钮: 1、死亡后,将会出现一个按钮,左键即可复活。 2、模组设置里可以设置 复活冷却时间 和 复活血量...
Created by 莫失莫忘
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎原版模组传送门:全球定位-Global Positions 🔍 🔎全球定位-汉化新版🔍 🔎模组ID:2199027653598521242🔍 自用,仅供学习与参考(原mod来源steam;后续更新mod来源WeGame) mod介绍 帮你找到小伙伴的位置! 这个模组能够将所有在同一世界探索地图在玩家的地图共享给所有人,并且能够用ALT+鼠标左键在地图上标记给其他人看(当然,这是可以配置的) @@@按住TAB键,可以选择是否将自己的地图共享给队友...
Created by 酴醾OwO
让猪猪学习玛玛哈哈说话 灬玛玛哈哈b站主页 关注玛玛哈哈喵,关注玛玛哈哈谢谢喵! 星河小巫女b站主页 关注星河小巫女喵,关注星河小巫女谢谢喵!...
Created by EsTrans
通过修改灭火器燃料持续时间9999天实现永久燃料 不再熄灭营火...
Created by 十三
功能: 1. 掉落物自动堆叠:新增更多堆叠对象和触发操作,同时兼容个人锁mod,加锁物品不会和无锁物品,其他人锁物品堆叠 2. 定期清理服务器: 定期清理地上的物品,清理名单可以设置 3. 批量给予:给与鸟笼、猪王、蚁狮物品能够批量给予,而不用一个一个给了 清理机制:以腐烂食物为例:假设整个世界有5组腐烂食物,他们各自的堆叠数量为(1,6,18,40,40),清理过程会将5组腐烂食物清理至2组,至于删除哪3组,随机。 所以服务器会清理的东西如果想不被清理掉:一定要放箱子里或者随手做个背包扔地上放背包里!!!...
Created by 冷青
模组说明 -----------------------------------------------------------------此版本的 Action Queue 是完全重写,著重在修复前版本所有的潜在问题,优化并最小化对于性能的影响,并添加几个新功能。 xiaoXzzz 移转 DST 版的 Action Queue 作为我的模组收藏,而在使用超过一年后,我决定要解决他的一些问题。 2014 年,DST 上原始版本的 Action Queue 是 simplex 所写,经过非常多的改版仍历久不衰...
Created by 皓武
基于此汉化版修改: 原版不支持对不可编织物品的分解,本优化版增加了可以分解不可编织物品的选项,默认关闭。...
Marbleshrub Rework
Created by 󰀰白令󰀰 沃姆伍德,孤独者 重做已发布! Wormwood Rework!!! -- 长大至第三阶段时不再过度生长 -- 第三阶段敲掉会倒退会第一阶段并掉落1-2个大理石 觉得不错就给MOD点...
😶‍🌫️自动整理物品 Automatic chest sorting
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
原更新:2021 年 3 月 15 日 - v:1.0.2 原作者:Automatic chest sorting ~~独乐乐不如众乐乐~~ 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述、配置语言自适应、
45 Inventory Slots [Fixed + EquipSlot UI expand] 整合版
Created by xuopleu
This update includes: *20240506 v1.1.5.2b Added: ENABLEINTERSEP. When off, all slots have equal horizontal spacing. Fixed: Backpack Merge Mode: After selecting this mode, the backpack now defaults to it after manual operation. Activating merge mode automat...
Animal Tracker
Created by adai1198
Version: 23.11.23 "Gotcha!" A button shows up when there's Suspicious Dirt Pile nearby. Clicking the button will lead you to the next Dirt Pile. Shortcut keys: Press F2 key (default) to follow the animal track. Press F11 key (default) to search for the los...
Auto Cooking
Created by Tony
GitHub Repo (check out README if you wanna make supports for modded cookwares): Usage To start auto cooking: Choose an Integrated Key in the mod settings Put the materials in to a cookware (cookpot, seasoning st...
Auto Walking
Created by 川小胖
How To Use 1.Trigger Autowalk: RightClick a point on the Map/Minimap HUD/Smallmap HUD to make your character automatically move to the target location(press Y to trigger it if use controller) 2.Trigger Original MapAction: DoubleRightClick a point on the Ma...
更多物品堆叠/More Items Stack
Created by 天涯共此时
【Introduction】 Compatible With 3.27.2024 UPDATED Version Chestupgrade tools set stackable now !!! All Stackable items can be stacked up to 100,000. Also, most items will be able to stacked. Max stacksize is configurable in mod, configuration (40; 99; 100; ...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
Created by IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
Don't Drop Everything
Created by Shang
If You like this, give a thumbs up! Hint: When a player dies, The player must have amulets, A will drop. Players into a state of the soul after death, not drop all the items. ...
Firefighter Auto Fuel / 灭火器自动添加燃料
Created by asingingbird
Firefighter has a container in which you can store fuel, it will automatically add fuel from the container when its fuel level drops to 0%. Left click on the firefighter will open its container. However, DO NOT left click on the firefighter while you are h...
Created by 💖gznc💖
Client side. Calculating farming pair. Press K to start. Don't forget rating me!...
Frieren at the Funeral
Created by C
Because a fool would praise the magic I have collected. Preface I won't answer or fix any compatibility issues!!! If you encounter such problems, please solve them yourself Need to translate the text of Ubel. Click here to join discord Stats Health: 150 Hu...
Created by 卓越与滇
Automate gathering resources! (for personal use only) * Support Simplified Chinese and English * Add collection range settings * Added G10MM-3R snoring sound effect switch when sleeping (off by default, a bit noisy) Original mod:
Unlimited use tents, summer tents, Walter's tent rolls, and fur bunks
Created by
You can customize the number of times you use your tent, summer tent, Walter's tent roll and fur bedrocks Do you want to play with people who play this Mod? Search tag "tent_use999" Based on a reply from a Sonic steam friend, I noticed a mistake on the tag...
Extra Equip Slots+3
Created by 郗水
This Mod is currently maintained by me, and the update frequency is about 2-3 months. If you need a faster maintenance frequency, please use the Beta below! Tencent QQ communication group:75...
Equipment Slot
Created by 朋也
Add a slot to some equipment that can be refueled or repaired. The slot will always be fresh, and when the durability is insufficient, the fuel will be automatically removed for refueling or repair Affected equipment - Miner Hat - Lantern - Moggles - Alarm...
Loot Pump 个人用修改
Created by 恶犬
本mod移植自 仅做略微调整,并汉化了配置菜单 由于原mod会对箱子里不存在的物品也进行拾取,导致会影响放在地面做诱饵的物品。做了简单优化,现在只会对箱子里有的物品进行拾取了,而且如果箱子满了不会硬塞。...
Minimap HUD
Created by squeek.
Adds a minimap to the HUD The minimap is fully functional; it can be zoomed using the zoom map binds (defaulted to the mousewheel) and can be panned by clicking and dragging. The minimap can be collapsed by hovering over it and clicking the "Close Minimap"...
Status Announce
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
Released for compatibility with Chinese language, Please go to the original author Status Announcements mods to subscribe, rewards please go to:
Epic Healthbar
Created by Tykvesh
Spice up your combat experience with this stylized health bar! Epic Healthbar is a new widget which provides information about the current boss: Displa...
Upgradeable Chest
Created by CCappu
upgrade your chest with boards. Larger content, same space. Woddie and Lucy rate this 5 stars. Q&A How Can I Upgrade? 1. Put at least 1 upgrade material in all the outermost slots. 2. Close the container. Degrade: 1. Clear your chest 2. Put 1 hammer into t...
Smart Minisign
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.1.4 Support Skin (Can be disabled in the settings) 1.1.1 Update Now can draw spiced foods. 1....
Quick Work/Action (Updated)
Created by 唯の小诺
This mod is updated as follows: This mod can cancel the stiff action and shorten the waiting time. Setting Description: -Quick pick: pick, pick up, harvest -Build & repair: build, decorate, ...
Simple Health Bar DST
Created by DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
Spussi Cat Replacer for Spiders
Created by Hiru
Spiders into Cats. This mod is for Arachnophobia players! ---------------------------------- UPDATED! - Fixed missing Nurse Spider. - All inventory images have been updated and it'll now show ingame. ---------------------------------- Mod created for Harri...
Snapping tills
Created by surg
Aligns plowing to the grid. LeftShift + RightMouseClick: Launch auto tilling on tile. Key "L": Toggle snap modes, off/optimized/4x4/3x3/2x2/hexagon. Optimized mode checks for an adjacent soil tile, if not found adjacent soil tile then uses 4x4 else uses 3x...
Tips Optimized
Created by 1023051439
original: Change the refresh time from 1 second to 8 minutes Tips for the arrival of hounds and bosses command: ● /tips what ● /help tips ...
Display Attack Range
Created by ClumsyNoob
Shows the attack range of mobs when they are targeting a player. The display will change color when they attack. Configuration options: Red, Green, Blue: Adjust the RGB color that shown for attack. Range appearance: Select range appearing while targeting p...
Wormhole Icons (Fixed as of Sept 2023)
The wormhole map icons have been completely reworked. The old/new wormhole art is no longer used, and now each wormhole pairs' colors can be customized (Default rainbow). This is a client-side mod to mark corresponding wormholes. The original version was c...
[Gorge] Victorian HUD
Created by vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! 18/03/2023 - HUD UPDATED GUYS, ENJOY!! Version 7.2 - Added CunningFox HUD Skins library, Missing textures and Wilson's Beard Morsel Ico...
[Client] Display ALL Range
Created by 呼吸
Clicking on the following buildings, etc. will display their coverage within 30 seconds. Snowball machine and catapult: blue Lightning rod: yellow Lumpy tree: red Pimple fruit/clamp winch: white Big Banyan Tree: Green Big knotted tree: white The display ra...
Show Me(中文)
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
For modules used by your own server, please move to the original author's module,For use and rewards, please go to: 自用,请勿搬运WeGame 就是Show Me(Origin)一样,将未能正确显示中文的修正,并兼容部分模组显示; showme v0.59.9.5 ...
Geometric layout zh
Created by 杏子熟啦
--------------------------你为什么会看见这个模组--------------------------------- 事情是这样的,有一天我自己建筑的时候发现没有网格了,搞了半天才知道 我订阅的几何布局作者删掉了,然后英文版的用不习惯,然后就自己边翻译边使用 取自最新版的汉化了一份,方便自己使用,当然别的小伙伴也可以用啦 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
JiShaGongGao - DIYb [DST]怪物击杀公告 Boss出现公告
Created by Shang
Sorry! This mod language into Chinese. =.= Temporarily does not support other languages. 如果你喜欢这个,请点赞,谢谢! 为了回应评论里的要求,困难模式功能已删除 查看玩家坐标推荐一个mod:Coordinate 修改内容如下: 海象、座狼、钢羊、电羊、蜘蛛女王和各大Boss的击杀公告。 各大Boss、赃物袋出现公告以及坐标位置。 威洛遭受攻击,攻击者会自燃,不可被点燃者除外。 格罗姆出现公告以及坐标位置,再也不担心错过...