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Items (89)
Created by 玻璃漓漓
自从我打上萌化星河mod之后,这个游戏的性质就发生了变化 该mod更新自Anime galaxy(萌化星河) 此处附上本模组另一个版本,选择性亲缘特化·《萌化星河·仅限人型》,有助于玩家在和美少女种族贴贴时保留攻击性: 比较推荐,占用空间较少,几乎每一个人型物种都经过了可爱筛选,基因飞升大幅增强。 排序建议 我只是一个修改外观的模组,理论上放在哪里都可以 可以消除内阁的全息投影效...
Azur Lane KANSEN species compatible
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
For species compatible,Usually no subscription is required This mod is a patch for Azur Lane Stellaris DLC. It is convenient for those who want to use other Lie MOD as the start of KANSEN race. Please load ...
Azur Lane repeatable tech integration
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
Azur Lane repeatable tech integration repeatable technology integration pack It integrates all circular technologies of physics, sociology, and engineering. To make them more balanced with each other, some adjustments were made to the correction. If you us...
Azur Lane Species KuRUMiiii Edition
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
此mod即为“需要三三限定特别版拓展包”的解锁条件 此mod即为“需要三三限定特别版拓展包”的解锁条件 此mod即为“需要三三限定特别版拓展包”的解锁条件 全新制作的碧蓝航线种族立绘 以及作者的私人内容。 只支持我自己的碧蓝航线主题DLC中KANSEN种族 其中大部分为皮肤立绘,整体观感为头像与半身像之间。 其中人口岗位的立绘为Q版小人。 完全根据我自己的喜好挑选 还原我账号中的婚舰以及偏好皮肤的数据~ 不存...
Azur Lane Species Mod
Created by 学園長さま!
Chinese then English 本mod取材自风靡全球的舰娘手游,萌豚界的灯塔,提炼有色金属的天堂——碧蓝航线! 简要说明: 加入356个立绘 预设命名(不是命名组)。 加入6幅载入画面 加入10个旗帜 此mod经过多次测试,理论上没有bug,也没发现冲突其他mod,如果有请向我反馈 最后是声明:此mod一切素材来自互联网,立绘著作权归画师所有,载入画面背景来自p站及萌娘百科 立绘异常变小的尽量调高画质和分辨率,以后不回答此问题! 扩展mod:
Azur Lane Stellaris DLC
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三 碧蓝航线主题DLC 2.9 新生 Language:简体中文,English 内置碧蓝航线精美立绘 本MOD内置了全新制作的专属KANSEN种群立绘,并有附有阵营区分。 并将碧蓝航线KANSEN作为独立的物种大类加入游戏(类似生物/机械/岩石) MOD中物种组别的第一个物种组是全部立绘模式。 第二组是由我精简领...
Azur Lane The Galaxy Idol
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
Recommended Star Oath~This will be updated later Azur Lane Stellaris DLC The Galaxy Idol This mod is an optional content expansion package for Azur Lane Stellaris DLC. It is mainly the unique content of μ series KANSEN in the Azur Lane game. A new UI inter...
Azurlane portraits
Created by rimu
this mod let your Azur lane waifus be with you in stellaris too. アズールレーンのポートレイト(外見)集。 碧蓝航线立绘头像 ironman support ver. ->Azurlane Universe (ironman) compatible with 3.8.2 Azur lane ver.追撃 シュペーちゃん(2022/10/13) Features: - new 1000+ portraits for all species 新增了...
The Nanites Revolution
此mod现在已可以独立运行,但不支持铁人模式 本mod现在提供的内容: · 一套新的纳米主题物种皮肤(一群白毛)(内置有机体及机械版的立绘) · 一整套纳米原版船模和纳米主题船模 以上内容开局可选,并且理论上可以兼容所有mod ------------------------------------------------------------------ 以下内容从7/7起已经全数搬迁至KDC事件包modmod中 · 新的纳米科技树 · 一个新的星团(开发中) · 新的纳米巨构,以及一个巨构超级武器 ·...
KDC Story Pack
Created by VVlolicon
目前本mod仍然在beta测试阶段,因此可能会有众多bug。如果你再游玩过程中发现bug烦请及时汇报。 此mod的灰风起源必须同时订阅另一个灰蛊种族mod:微械革命,才能正常游玩 (现在微械革命已更改为纯立绘船模mod,其它开发内容搬迁至本mod,但本mod关于灰风部分的内容依然需要订阅该mod) 该mod目前将包含一个新的起源:远星之歌,以及与此起源配对的4个全新飞升、种族特质、新建筑、武器、巨构、舰船、以及新机制:自动化巨构 并且,在这个mod里面我们将创新性地使用了类似GAL的界面模式来叙述起源里你与...
Star Wars: UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story
Created by 虚空雪狐 莎兰
关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道 如果您愿意支持我们的话 我们的爱发电: Starwars:UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story为是以星球大战为背景,讲述星舰舰娘们在遭遇天灾之后,重新在其他银河系重建文...
Created by haruna
欢迎加入群星中文频道 本Mod为角川游戏开发,DMM运营的传奇页游《舰队Collection》的群星衍生mod。 目前提供240个舰娘立绘。包含除去A士画的海伦娜与御藏和屋代的所有立绘(原因懂的)。本Mod强度宗旨为不依靠循环科技战胜25倍程度的天灾,所以谢绝军备竞赛。 This mod is a stellaris mod from the legendary page game kantai collection. At present, 240 shipyard drawings are provid...
Nirvana Empire Project
Created by StaVis
欢迎大家加入QQ群讨论MOD及汇报BUG,或提出建议~ 建了个本MOD的QQ群~166037843 MOD大概内容: 1. 新国家具备较大幅度的强化,非平衡性MOD,若玩家未扮演涅槃帝国,则涅槃帝国将由AI扮演; 2. 玩家在开局一个月时可以选择是否保留AI涅槃,除非想要挑战自我(或开启了其他玩家强度...
[United Fleet]Mobile Shipyard
Created by PSIONIC海豹
关于本mod的更新日志与流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 A huge mobile shipyard, unlike the Juggernaut, it is a new spacecraft dedicated to the production of ships in the true sen...
Warship Girls BGM
Created by PSIONIC海豹 This MOD is a collection of BGM from the game "Warship Girls R", created by Moefantasy. Currently, we have included 104 songs from official sources and ...
United Fleet Shipset
Created by PSIONIC海豹
关于本mod的更新日志与流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 downscale patch compatibilty : 本MOD是Warship girls R and M...
Clover Theater Species
Created by PSIONIC海豹 本MOD为幻萌旗下游戏《四叶草剧场》的延伸MOD 1.目前提供78个魔物娘立绘 2.31个不同的旗帜 3.10个领袖房间room 4.四叶草魔物娘通用(普通帝国通用头像) 5.四叶草智械(机械帝国通用头像) 6.四叶草舰娘(Warship girls R and MIST species 舰娘政体专用)...
Star Wars: Kuat Ancient Empire
Created by 清秋
评论区会被浏览,但不一定会追踪,有事请加入我们的QQ群:637596124 MOD内容及介绍 如果您喜欢这个MOD,请务必点赞和收藏,您的支持也是我开发的动力。 本MOD添加了大量来自星球大战的星级战列巡洋舰以及星际无畏舰的,你能够熟知的帝国舰船,都能在这里找到。同时,这些舰船的生产商——夸特动力船坞将...
Warship Girls Advisor
Created by Amatsukaze 本顾问语音mod为幻萌公司旗下游戏 战舰少女 中游戏角色 列克星敦(cv:@Sakula小舞)、赤城(cv:@紫苏九月)、维内托(cv:萝卜Cheddar)、长春(cv:@林簌SUSU)的角色语音包。 本语音mod中收录的台词均为氪金特别定制,以贴合游戏提供更好的体验。 本语音mod收录321句台词,...
Ancient Empire - UI Overhaul Dynamic Patch
Created by AetherGhost
Compatible with ANY VERSION of Stellaris Compatibility Patch for Ancient Empire and UI Overhaul Dynamic. Ancient Empire: UI Overhaul Dynamic.:
Ancient Empire 1.9 [Stellaris 3.13]
Created by AetherGhost
Stellaris 3.13.* Compatible 1 Introduction Ancient Empire Mod is a late-game/end-game event mod that introduces the story of an ancient civilization that was once mighty but eventually fall for unknown reasons, a series of related technologies, ships, and ...
[简中字体]旗黑 大字号(修复闪退21.11.02)
Created by donnyjie
Chinese Font 为了最大程度照顾可读性而制作的字体mod。 -正文与小标题等采用“汉仪旗黑-55S”和“汉仪旗黑-75W”字体,并使用16pt和18pt的大字号保证清晰度(其他中文字体包的正文字体大多为13pt)。 -星图、星区、大标题等采用“方正锐正黑”字体。 -正文数字部分换用“汉仪旗黑X4”字体。因为P社似乎默认没有给等宽数字留足够多的位置,只好换一个窄体版的了。西文其余部分则沿用中文字体。 -星球资源计数、舰种计数的数字采用“DIN 1451 Mittelschrift”字体,13pt。带...
UI Overhaul Dynamic
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ 📜 Changelog 📜Beta VersionOlder Versions3. Mods ⛓️ Compatibility Patches ⛓️🏗️ Submods 🏗️Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it! 🛠️ Interface Modified 🛠️ This mod is spe...
~~Ariphaos Unofficial Patch (3.13)
Created by Ariphaos
AI • Bugfix • Mod Support • Performance This mod corrects several hundred issues in vanilla Stellaris. The game is faster, the AI is smarter, mods are better supported, and fewer bugs will be encountered.
Bug Fixes 3.12.5√
Created by Dr. Addiction
This mod fixes some long-standing and recent bugs or unreasonableness in the game. I so want a thumbs up:p Details: · Bug fixes and improvements in rationality to the pacifist resolutions of Galactic Community: The Toxifier and Devolving Beam will now corr...
Enigmatic Fortress Fix
Created by FirePrince
This mod fixes the following vanilla bugs: • Enigmatic Fortress stuck in a re-enabling loop. (theoretically should not be needed anymore since 3.0.*, but some people reported that this can still happen sometimes or still useful for playing old games). • Ev...
!!Universal Modifier Patch (3.13.*)
Created by jasonpepe
Fix the modifier issue after the 2.2.6 update. With the release of 2.2.6, once again, Paradox fools buried countless of mods and modders into the abyss. This fix mod brings the missing modifiers that existed in 2.2.0 to 2.2.5 back to life. (via overweight ...
!!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+]
Created by Narvindar
Updated for 3.*.* Patch to display the added strategic resources from different mods. For Stellaris +2.4.* Thanks to the new launcher the order in which mods are loaded is changed, if you have trouble getting the mod to work try moving it to the bottom, di...
! Casako's Framework & Modmenu
Created by Kasako'小傘
This mod will always go with the last update of Stellaris <warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Current mod version for mod setting panel The basic framework of the sub-function of Infinite System Independent function...
! Better Performance & Utilities
Created by Kasako'小傘
Better Performance & Utilities Current version for Legacy version of Kasako's mods Up to 75% increase in game fluency in later game New pop growth control method (disabled by default) Automatic demotion function Express manual pop migration method Reduce t...
! Immersive Beautiful Universe !
Created by Kasako'小傘
117 New Sky Box New skybox system based on position and stars Beautify the Milky Way Spiritual sequel to Beautiful Universe v2.0 Change the appearance of the sky box according to the position of the galaxy in the Milky Way The color of the core object will...
Created by xTracr_Owen
Ship power overflow repair v1.2 Game version: v3.* ———————————————————— The power recalculated is basically equal to the original version Single ship power will not become 1, unless your dpd > 922M (damage per day used to calculate ship power is an interna...
Created by 溯昔言
3.7更新:现在让堕落觉醒后的战力和天灾倍数挂钩,削弱了数值,改动了天堂之战。 3.12更新:再次削弱了觉醒之后的数值 一个简单的,加强堕落的mod,仅仅是刷舰队和数值层面进行的改造,不涉及具体的剧情。 如果你厌倦了小孩踏入了巨人的游乐场,同时怀念起萌新时期堕落带来的压迫感,欢迎使用本mod。 加强的方式如下: 1.请使用拆分8设置难度和细化设置,因为我不想再写一个菜单了。 2.为每个堕落增加一个巨型船坞,为失落帝国每年刷一次船直到达到预定的舰队实力。默认情况下堕落战力为2m,觉醒4m,天灾到来时6m。不过...
机飞肖像不变 unchanged portraits after Synthetic Evolution 3.8
Created by 心流
如果mod不生效或者不想用这个mod,请修改如下内容。 If the mod does not take effect or you do not want to use this mod, please modify the following content. ->打开 D:\ProgramFiles\Steam\steamapps\common\Stellaris\events\utopia_on_action_events.txt ->找到 # The Synthetic Age ->找到 coun...
CG Fleet Formation
Created by Dr. Addiction
Make your fleet formation looks like the trailer of Apocalypse! It will be especially spectacular when you have a large number of ships in fleets(and move them together :P). Change Breakdown: common/defines/00_defines NGraphics = { SHIP_RANDOM_HEIGHT_OFFSE...
Downscaled Updated
Created by 法格恩·方庚
SUPPORT 3.13.X This mod supports Ironman Mode. This is an update patch for Downscaled Ships. Special thanks to the original creator Kondi. NOTE: This is a standalone mod, and the original DS mod is NOT required when using my mod/patch. As I will not offer ...
More Ship Sections
Created by Hibiki_RT
Updated for 3.7 This mod adds available Sections for all types of ships: Corvette added 3 Core Sections: Gunboat Core (S1M1), Barrage Core (P1T1) and Picket Core (P1M1) and more... Destroyer added 3 Bow Sections: Escort Bow(H1)、Barrage Bow(T2)、Picket Bow(M...
No Titan Limit
Created by 月羽狐
It is so cool to have a full-titan-fleet, just like paradox showed us in the trailer. Considering its cost, Titian is very under-powered and it is meaningless to set a limit. This mod only changes two parameters in one game file, it should be pretty stable...
Created by 清蒸葡萄糖
继承被摧毁帝国的遗产 Inheritance 简而言之,当一个帝国被摧毁的时候,它的遗产会被另一个帝国继承。 可以提供遗产的国家:必须是 普通国家 或 失落帝国 或 觉醒帝国。不能是特殊国家(野怪、土著、大可汗、天灾、飞地商人……) 可以接受遗产的国家:必须是普通国家 或 觉醒帝国。需要与提供遗产的国家建交。 任何方式灭国都可以触发,包括但不限于宣称占球、全面战争、附庸吞并、母星自爆、天灾打死、焚天炸死、换家后自己把自己净化死等各种各样奇奇怪怪的死法。 (只要能触发 on_action : on_count...
Under Siege
Created by MichaelMakesGames
Adds siege warfare to Stellaris! Have you wondered how that ecumenopolis feeds itself when you control the skies above it? How does that besieged forge world get all its minerals? This is the mod for you! When a starbase is controlled by a hostile country,...
Under Siege 中文汉化
这是 Under Siege 的个人汉化,内含大量半机翻内容 需要排序在本体后面 ---------- This is the simplified Chinese localisation of mod "Under Siege". This mod only has localisation file. 本体链接/original mod here:
[3.12] Loyal Subjects Have Nothing to Fear (From the Colossus)
Created by Toaster
Version 3.12.* Federation members and associated are perfectly OK with you cracking enemy planets. Your vassals, however, are not. This mod fixes that, by editing the world-cracking/assimilating/pacifying/etc. script to give your loyal subjects the same bl...
Real Space 3.9
Created by Annatar
Real Space v 3.9.6 This version is compatible with patch 3.13.0 Vela. This mod does not fundamentally change the game mechanics, creat...
Real Galaxy
Created by Annatar
Real Galaxy v 1.0 This standalone mod was created based on the galaxy model used in the optional Real Space - Color out of Deep mod. I...
Real Space - System Scale
Created by Annatar
Real Space - System Scale v 1.8.3 This version is compatible with patch 3.13 Vela. Attention! This mod should be located in the launcher list, lower than the main Real Space mod!
Real Space - Ships in Scaling
Created by Annatar
Real Space - Ships in Scaling v 1.9.7 This version is compatible with patch 3.13 Vela. This mod is an evolution of the Space Battles m...
BSB : Better Ship Behaviors
Created by BaBoFantasy
BSB : Better Ship Behaviors BSB is a vanilla-flavor mod that improves the ship behaviors in Stellaris and solves some problems in space combat. Please check the update log! UPDATE 20240530 This update is tailored for the Stellaris v3.12.3 update. I have ro...
BSB ADDON : Smarter Leviathans
Created by BaBoFantasy
BSB Addon : Smarter Leviathans This is an addon of BSB : Better Ship Behaviors. Improves the behavior of NPC entities including some Leviathans. This addon is not save-game-compatible. This ad...
Real Space 汉化包(鸽组汉化)
Created by jbdcr1234
───────────────── 模组概述 ───────────────── Real Space及其子Mod的汉化,由鸽组继续接手。 本模组仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 汉化模组永远可以使用,与版本号无关。原模组是否兼容最新版本与汉化模组无关。汉化模组只会在本体内容有更新或者群星更改了汉化方式或文件格式时才会更新。 RS及其子模组包含假中文,请自行删除以免出现随机英文内容。 翻译原则上以原版官中为准。 在此感谢KrukaL(Alpes Maritimae)与shouerma(兽耳娘是好文明)...
Planetary Diversity
Created by Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.13.* Not Achievement Friendly PD Discord Server Other Planetary Diversity Mods Unique Worlds More Arcologies Ascension Worlds Vanilla Replacement A...
Planetary Diversity - More Arcologies
Created by Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.13.* Not Achievement Friendly PD Discord Server This mod is 100% stand-alone and will work without Planetary Diversity. This mod adds five new Arco...
Planetary Diversity - Gaia Worlds
Created by Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.13.* PD Discord Server Check out my main mod Planetary Diversity. This is a stand-alone mod and does not need Planetary Diversity to work. This mod...
Created by Grandyy
 描述  添加了几种可通过行星决议建造的行星特征。你可以通过研究前置科技:地面巨构工程(出现条件为殖民集中、超流体材料、反重力工程三项科技)来解锁。 要想建造一座地面巨构(行星特征),你需要通过执行行星决议开始一项建造地面巨构局势,完成后就可以在该行星上添加对应的行星特征,它能够为你的殖民地提供某方面的大量加成。格式塔帝国无法使用部分地面巨构。 !!!警告!!!:这是一个新手制作的mod,未经过严密的兼容性和bug测试,不能保证高兼容性和稳定性。 *3.7版本可用*  支持语言 只支持中文...
[2.5D]灰风美化 Gray Portrait
Created by Oreland
v1.3 for stellaris 3.10 · 已更新对3.10游戏版本的支持,修复了因脚本落后造成的bug; · 更换了舰队司令界面肖像,需要注意的是,现行游戏版本灰风在变成战舰时不会再生成其舰队司令领袖,此mod保留了舰队司令领袖的生成,但等级为最低级且无法升级,相当于只保留了肖像; · 灰风现在会在通讯菜单和你通讯时(实际上是你去到了她的房间时)穿上另一件衣服。 · Updated support for game version 3.10, fixing bugs caused by outda...
More Events Mod
Created by Malthus
COMPATIBLE with Stellaris 3.13.* Are you looking for more action and interesting events to show up while you are doing your day to day enslaving and conquering business? If, like us, you find the mid to late game a little lacking of interesting diversion, ...
MEM - Real Space System Scale - Planetary Shields
Created by Emperor Neil
Compatibility Patch - Real Space System Scale/More Events Mod Planetary Shields More Events Mod: Real Space:
! Age of Wonder
Created by Kasako'小傘
Partial support for English 41 new megastructures added If you installed Gigastructural Engineering & More, it is best to choose one of the two mods to play, otherwise you will see conflicts such as overlapping models and partial functional failures. But i...
Age of Wonder: 6 System Scale
Created by Laquly 零者
奇观拓展与RS的6倍缩放兼容 排序 Real Space Real Space - System Scale 奇观拓展 奇观拓展:6倍缩放兼容(排在上述mod的下面) 考虑打赏 作者目前都是靠爱发电的,可能会因为各种各样的现实生活中的原因而拖更,不可能时时刻刻照顾mod。 如果有大佬打赏会激发作者的创作激情,加速更新哦~ 爱发电打赏链接...
Tidy Tradition 3.12
Created by Laquly 零者
3.12✔️; 3.11✔️; 3.10✔️; English✔️; 日本語✔️; Italiano✔️ The author cannot speak Japanese and Italian, so the translation of these two languages needs to subscribe to the following mods: 日本語の翻訳:
! Reworked Advanced Ascension
Created by scroll
Adapting to Stellaris 3.12 This mod is to add new advanced ascensions based on vanilla ascensions 30 new Advanced Ascensions The upper limit of the ascension slot has been increased, which requires UOD series for UI support Future development of this MOD h...
Galactic Imperium Origin
Created by 哈萨维682
This mod offers a series of new origins that allow players to experience a mid-game opening where the Galactic Imperium has been established. 2023/5/29 Update -Fixed Some Bugs. Galactic Sovereign -Start game as Galactic Emperor.(AI with this origin will al...
More Emperor & Custodian Resolutions, and Galactic Unification
Created by Nagasaki Soyo
This is a mod provides more resolutions for the Custodian and Emperor, to make their jobs not so boring. Any bug feedback, comments and suggestions are welcome! ] Custodian Reforms Science Cooperation Initiative Assist The Developing Countries Pioneering M...
Expanded Events
Created by Tovius
Adds more events, anomalies, and dig sites into the game. I would recommend that you use this alongside More Events Mod. Feature List Additions: New colony events - More Subterranean Civilization events - Dimensional Portal and other follow-up events - Rar...
Expanded Events Chinese patch
Created by Hua Zhang
本模组为Expanded Events【扩展事件】的汉化补丁,在鸽组汉化原本已汉化的基础上补充了新增内容的翻译(主要是机翻润色......)。限于本人水平,如有错漏请在下方评论回复,我会进行改正,祝大家游戏愉快(笑) 出于覆盖问题,排序时请将本补丁放在鸽组汉化的下面 原MOD地址:
Integrated Repeatable Technologies
Created by Laquly 零者
合并循环科技的同类项,双倍强化其余循环科技 新增科技控制台,可以控制哪些循环科技该出现 支持ESC NEXT模组的循环科技 具体改动: 整合的科技(双倍花费): 能量武器伤害和攻速整合为一个科技; 防御平台伤害和船体值整合为一个科技; 爆炸武器伤害和攻速整合为一个科技; 动能武器伤害和攻速整合为一个科技; 舰载机伤害和攻速整合为一个科技; 陆军伤害和生命值整合为一个科技 双倍的科技(双倍花费): 提升岗位能量币产出的科技改为岗位产出的能量币+10%; 提升岗位食物产出的科技改为岗位产出的食物+10%; 提升...
Elegant Chinese Random Names & Localisation Fix
Created by ChagatuAlin
A Chinese Localisation Mod ------------------------------------- 最后更新:3.12 尝试修复了随机名称包乱码的问题,在3.12运行正常; 由于在新版本下蠢户已经修正了大多数的汉化问题,因此撤销了大部分对原版格式的修改,仅修正少部分词组 新增了一个预设名称包 - 人类(中华); 既复古又未来的中国风预设名称包。 已经完成对新版本的重制与调整适应,模组正常运作,但是否还有隐藏问题仍旧需要游戏体验去测试。 暂时未发现与新版本的兼容性问题。 由于更改...
更好的中文随机名(better Chinese random name)
Created by 天亮了
本模组为免费模组,并反对任何模组收费与合集收费 生成的各种中文随机名将更符合中国人的语言习惯 修改内容: 1.删除了国家名和联邦名那些多余又难看的空格(比如“XXX 天命 王国”变成了“XXX天命王国”); 2.调整了国家名与联邦名的部分语序,使其翻译后更加通顺(比如“联合 XX 同盟”变成了“XX联合同盟”); 3.堕落/觉醒帝国拥有特殊的名字格式(比如圣卫的“XXX守望者”,军孤的“遗忘者XXX”,机械爹的“XXX-延续”); 4.部分圣地的名字改用了旧版圣地名(比如“至朴古珠”改为了“至纯瑰宝”); ...
Proper Names for Primitive Planets
Created by Elowiny
Have you ever noticed that primitive worlds have no unique names and just use the name of their star followed by a number? While it's a minor detail, it's a bit lame and is somewhat immersion breaking. After all, what species names their own planet with a ...
Created by Hua Zhang
给原版游戏中不够科幻的舰船配件重新写一遍本地化,兼容一切(除了可能会造成画风冲突),支持铁人获得成就。 ——大概就是把2200年还在用核裂变和化学推进器,以及观察土著给终极合金和全新宇宙的数学这种离谱的设定去掉了,再这么搞下去我都怀疑我们真上天了是不是就真的是异星歧途了.........
Ethics and Civics Infinity
Created by Hua Zhang
Incompatible Classic, Redux,Revolutions,Bug Branch These other versions of Ethics and Civics! If the mod does not take effect or the icon shows a question mark, please open the steamapps\workshop\content\281990\2810254780 file, delete and unzip the latest ...
特殊星球区划拓展 Special Planet Districts Expansion
Created by Hua Zhang
一款简单的星球区划扩充mod,为理想城星球、盖亚星球和环形世界添加了总计十余个新区划,丰富游戏玩法。 本MOD大部分设计来源于惠惠拆分模组-5——更好的理想城与盖亚,感谢 @不祈昔言 的工作。 兼容Planetary Diversity系列。 A simple planetary Districts expansion mod that adds a total of more than ten new Districts to Ecumenopolis, Gaia World and Ring World...
飞升路径重制:科技 Ascension Perks Path Reproduction: Technology
Created by Hua Zhang
将四大飞升后的传统树更改为科技树,省下一个传统槽以应对蠢驴不断增加的传统。 Change the trade categories after the four Ascension Perks to a technology tree, saving one trade slot to cope with the increasing trade of Paradox....
UI Overhaul Dynamic - Extended Topbar
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ A submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that overhauls the resources displayed on the top toolbar. Doesn't require any other mods, and can be used even without the parent mod. Minimum resolution width is 1600px (can b...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + Planetary Diversity
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ Compatibility patch between UI Overhaul Dynamic and Planetary Diversity so that Empire Creation matches the style in UIOD. It's still possible to use Planetary Diversity without this patch. 📑 Load Order 📑 Plane...
UI Overhaul Dynamic - SpeedDial
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ It does require the main mod to run. This is a submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that mimics the behaviour from SpeedDial. Does not require SpeedDial to function. Also makes the SpeedDial moveable, by clicking the...
UI Overhaul Dynamic - Tiny Outliner
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ It does require the main mod to run. This is a submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that changes the outliner to mimic the look from Tiny Outliner v2. ⚠️ Do not run this with any other outliner mods. ⚠️ 📑 Load Order ...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + Ethics and Civics Alternative
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ⚠️ Compatibility patch between UI Overhaul Dynamic and either Ethics and Civics Alternative - FunEFork or Ethics and Civics : Infinity. Doesn't add anything new by itself. 📑 Load Order 📑 Ethics and Civics Alternat...
MECR's Compatibility Patch with UI Overhaul Dynamic
Created by Nagasaki Soyo
Fix the issue of UI interface confusion when MECR and UI Overhaul Dynamic are loaded simultaneously. Sort this patch below both of them. Original Mod:
24 Building Slots
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ Just increases the buildings slots to 24, and that's pretty much it. Mod does not modify the branch office slots anymore. If you want to change the buildings slot amount: Goto: Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\...
! Immersive Simple map UI !
Created by Kasako'小傘
Animated New Icon Minimalistic Style Complete fleet information display Plus version add more details to fleet icons Simple Map UI Has been integrated in IBS Part of the content display
! Real Galaxy HD blue
Created by Ende der Sonne
I like the Real Galaxy very much, but there are still some flaws with this mod. Stellaris does not support image larger than 4K for particle FX, then when you put your camera too close to the galaxy plane, you will see rough pixels. So I made some improvem...
IBU Quadrant add-on & changes
Created by Daniellm
This mod adds the quadrant from IBS into IBU. It also removes the chinese from the quadrant and the greek from the core. Furthermore it brings back the old shader which makes the galaxy look WAY smoother...
Real Space System Scale/Planetary Shields Compatch 2.0
Created by Zipzopdippidybopbop
What Does It Do? This mod is an updated simple compatibility patch between the More Events and Real Space - System Scale mods to ensure that the planetary shields from the former work correctly. Load this mod after the other three mods (Real Space, Real Sp...
ConditionalLeaderBackgrounds (LEGACY - For v3.9.x)
Created by Pancakelord
This mod will give leaders different backgrounds based on their selected veterancy traits, class-focuses (Admiral-tactician, Governor-Pioneer, Governor-Industrial, Scientist-Researcher) and their Destiny traits. A different background has been created for ...
更多外交辞令(More DiploPhrases)
如果你有什么意见和问题,想修改和增加什么别的内容,请告知我,只要我能做到。 请检查后面的 更新日志 和 改动说明 以跟进和获取本mod的制作更新情况。 Chinese Only 简介 欢迎来到我的第一个mod,这应该是我的第一个正式的mod了,如果不算那些翻译和简单的数值修改的话。 这个mod增加了游戏中的外交辞令,拓展了其中的外交话语,以为大家的星海之旅带来更精彩的体验。 我希望借助此mod拓展和丰富原版中外交交流的表现,让你体会到星际交流的多样和情感表达,你可以从中感受到更生动、更具代入感的话语。 无论...
Civil Wars
Created by MrFunEGUY
Civil Wars: So you thought you could just build a galaxy-spanning empire and never have to worry about internal strife? Wrong. This mod makes it so that certain political operators and unstable planets will try to rebel against your authority. You can choo...
23 Tradition Slots + 24 AP Slots
Created by Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same series mods...
Tradition UI 3.12
Created by Laquly 零者
Only for 3.12 Modified Tradition UI and added a button that costs unity to unlock AP slot The number of slots has not been modified, you may need the following mods: 15 Tradition slots + 16 AP slots 23 Tradition slots + 24 AP slots 47 Tradition slots + 48 ...