

Not enough ratings
performance fix真好用啊家人们,服务端可以不装客户端一定装一个

在服务器可执行文件中选择Lua For Barotrauma - DedicatedServer并创建服务器,
Items (100)
Performance Fix
Created by Evil Factory
This mod will work in any vanilla or modded server that you join, regardless the server having the mod on or off What is this This is a very experimental Lua mod, so expect that things may break. This is mod can greatly improve performance, it works by dec...
Multiplayer crew manager
Created by Oiltanker
Link to the sources on GitHub for anyone interested: link Thinking about adding MCM to your ongoing campaign? Read the thread below Adding MCM to an ongoing campaign Features For the mod to work, the server must use the Lua executable file All game clients...
Created by Loafer
For players of other languages: This is a language patch for Chinese players. 这是一个整合了潜渊症诸多模组的汉化补丁的整合包,旨在减少服务器模组列表的长度,以及维护原作者不再维护的汉化项目。 由于bug,过长的简介会被截断。...
Created by Noking
Rice 稻米模组 CN/EN “稻花香里说丰年” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加种子:水稻种子 (种植方式同其他作物) 2.稻穗 (稻穗分解获得稻谷) 3.稻谷 (在加工台制成米饭,分解获得水稻种子,可堆叠x32) 4.米饭 (可治疗一切负面效果,在治疗界面食用) 英化提供:DKAMX ---------------------------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用稻米模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船...
Created by Noking
Beacons 信标模组 “为后人指引方向” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加8个信标站变种 2.增加3个信标站类型 3.增加的类型为信标塔、中继站、改装潜艇 ●●●参数●●● 1.信标站(修建中/老化) 2.信标塔(正常/修建中/老化) 3.中继站(正常/老化) 4.改装潜艇(正常) ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用信标模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 ...
Created by Noking
Diving 潜水模组 CN/EN “上九天揽月下五洋捉鳖” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加一套潜水服 2.增加一个水下推进器 3.增加一个耳机 4.增加一个球灯 5.潜水服面罩半透明化 ●●●参数●●● 1.堡垒潜水服:在深渊潜水服的基础上提高抗性到80%,增加眩晕,麻痹,自带声呐,略微减速,能抵御10000米水压 2.高级水下助推器:速度更快,并自带声呐信标功能,可开关灯光照明 3.增强耳机:提升通讯距离 4.球灯:一个便携灯,可大范围照明 5.半透明头盔被官方抄了 英化提供:DKAMX ---------...
Created by Noking
Medical 医疗模组 CN/EN “人命至重,有贵千金” ●●●简介●●● 原版修改: 活性纤维x2 可在加工台制作成 绷带x3 新增物品: 1.小型医疗包 恢复60点出血、失血、烧伤、内伤 绷带+盐水+鸦片合成 医疗使用等级需求10 2.大型医疗包 恢复120点出血、失血、烧伤、内伤 皮肤+血袋+吗啡合成 医疗使用等级需求30 3.强化合剂 六项增益BUFF全满 内用辅液+酒精+广谱抗生素+麻痹治愈剂+加速粉剂合成 4.浓缩枭祸根精华 三秒杀死迅猛龙 枭祸根精华x3 5.抽血包 多次抽血增加耐久,抽血...
Created by Noking
Planting 种植模组 CN/EN(基础代码来自于Hydroponics) “听取蛙声一片” ●●●简介●●● 1.可以种植海底的植物/细菌 2.新增大号种植箱和五种生物样本 3.需要使用大号种植箱培养生物样本收获植物/细菌 ●●●大号种植箱/生物样本●●● 大号种植箱: 1.可以自行制造或者在科研站点购买 2.需要安装在地面,并接电源使用 3.属于电器设备,请注意防水 4.供电状态可以通过是否发光来区别 生物样本: 1.在加工台制作,放置到大号种植箱生长 2.样本制成后耐久会快速降低,请及时放到种植箱...
Created by Noking
Record 唱片模组 CN/EN/RU “音乐无国界” ●●●简介●●● 1.新增一个唱片机,可手持可放置,可调节音量,无需供电 2.包含28首歌曲,唱片可在前哨站柜子、废弃前哨站柜子、沉船打捞获得 3.可在任意前哨站购买《Astronomia》 ●●●唱片●●● 01《白いスーツのテーマ》 02《Astronomia》 03《Auld Lang Syne》 04《Bad Apple!!》 05《Boom Boom Boom Boom!》 06《海阔天空》 07《BRODYQUEST》 08《Califo...
Created by Noking
Wrecks 沉船模组 “水能载舟亦能覆舟” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加15个原版沉船 2.包括所有原版潜艇与穿梭艇 3.增加一个沉船定位器,感谢Biff_W的代码,原MOD: Wreck Locator 4.将会持续增加,并且符合原版强度,无陷阱(非某些阴间沉船模组 注:此模组兼容其他任何沉船模组,也不会影响沉船生成 ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用沉船模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造...
重要 Important - Support language: Chinese, English - Github:Barotrauma-Animated - Discord: - Change Note:Steam Changelog - QQ群号:322191319 223590606 兼容补丁 Compatibility Patch 欧罗巴战争EuropaWar Compatibility Patch 精神创伤Neurotrauma Com...
Created by AimFriends
EuropaWarAnimated Recommended Mod Order: 木卫二萌化计划 木卫二萌化计划+EuropaWar兼容补丁 EuropaWar Description This mod provides compatibility between the 木卫二萌化计划 and EuropaWar mods, including all characters from the four major factions and a few costumes. It enhances visua...
Created by 时光
萌化自用魔改版。 修改了所有潜水服 进入摸鱼期 更新内容请查看改动说明...
[OUTDATED] Larger Cabinets (More Slots)
Created by Genetic Dead End
doubles the size of all cabinets, yay changes: Supplies Cabinet (6 -> 12) Medium Steel Cabinet (15 -> 30) Medium Windowed Steel Cabinet (15 -> 30) Steel Cabinet (30 -> 60) Secure Steel Cabinet (15 -> 30) Medicine Cabinet (30 -> 60) Toxin Cabinet (20 -> 40)...
Created by 頭文字 撅
-Barotraumatic -Barotraumatic Creature Pack 以上MOD的挂载汉化补丁 已汉化并润色了所有游戏里能见着的MOD物品,以及所有MOD任务描述(真多啊)。 部分怪物名字还没翻译(其实BT里自带大部分了) 有错误请在留言指出.. 关键词:Barotraumatic汉化...
Created by Smartcirno55
已经同步官方配方,所有炮弹,深水炸弹,弹药箱都可以放进物品栏。感谢贴吧大佬Kalthuzad的帮助。我已经不玩这个游戏了,如果因为版本更新出现了bug请留言,我会尽快修复( 我又回来了)...
Created by 星尘水螅体
描述 一个超模的56格手提大容量箱子,方便单人在换船、捞沉船、剿匪时搬东西。 可装物品 除了基础的物品,还能装 工具箱、弹药箱、轨道炮、大型枪械、潜水服,等等 无法直接放 特殊的异星遗物,需要内套 异星遗物箱 购买与贩卖 基础价格 1000,基本多数站点的商人处都能购买与贩卖 构造与解构 构造材料:摄魂块 x 1,刚素块 x 1,雷素块 x 1,铅 x 1 解构返还:摄魂块 x 1,刚素块 x 1,雷素块 x 1 特性 防火; (防水); 可悬浮在水中;(官方bug,防水与悬浮二选一,观望中) 水中发出荧光...
Created by 法莎莉雅
奇迹之海和高难狩猎的兼容模组,可以同时刷出两种NPC PS:不要中途加入!可能会导致报错! 4.25 因为高难狩猎已经取消了事件表,改为道具触发事件,不再和任何站点事件冲突,所以MOD作废...
Created by 法莎莉雅
高难度任务加入站点任务,奖励丰富(主要是我觉得,战斗不够嗨!所以增加战斗获得奖励的任务) 因为大型怪物直接还是会有碰撞,所以一次不能刷太多,不然会互相干扰无法正常进攻,只能控制在2~3只 目前有 黑摩螺克群,女妖,双或三女妖,末日蠕虫,毁灭蠕虫,双末日蠕虫,双毁灭蠕虫 提高了一下任务出现概率和条件,现在第一海域也可以刷出来了 增加了黄金之风任务,一堆黄金锤头鲨 增加了大棘刺群,精英迅猛龙群,大型爬行者,爬行者母皇的任务 增加捕钩兽的任务 增加三个高难巢穴任务(试验) 增加一个洞穴里清理画皮的任务(试验) 增...
Created by 绫音爱衣
画皮增强 高难狩猎
Created by 法莎莉雅
高难狩猎的针对Improved Husks制作的任务模组 目前增加的任务有 摧毁腐化的爬行者巢穴,摧毁腐化的迅猛龙巢穴,摧毁腐化的虎尾煞巢穴 4种对应画皮深渊异兽的深渊腐化任务,2个超级深渊任务 腐化风暴,猎杀腐化摩螺克群,破伤风,腐化迅猛龙阻击战,腐化虎尾煞阻击战,变异藻鬃爬行者阻击战,变异泥偶迅猛龙,变异虎尾鱼蛇阻击战,变异碎骨鲨阻击战 还有不能加入普通站点任务的废弃站点任务 腐化迅猛龙大型繁殖地,腐化爬行者大型繁殖地,活骸 添加了DynamicEuropa的兼容,现在新增的站点类型也能刷新高难任务 D...
Royal Transport 皇家货运
Created by Dino Legend
More Cargo & Escort Missions! ================================== This Mod will generate 3 NPCs: 1.Cargo NPC: Able to release 12 cargo missions at one tour. 2.Escort NPC: Able to release 8 Escort missions at one tour. Note:6 of them are Optional faction mis...
脊刺娘化 Spineling monstergirl
Created by anaertailin
享受和深海少女们的邂逅吧 If you like my work and want to support me 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话 在国内的朋友可以选择 上面有很多有趣的mod。 There are a lot of interesting mods on it...
Created by MUJN
此mod仅做了些小改动,让海带,声呐干扰植物,洞穴喷雾和洞穴海草可以被破坏; 海带能够被爆炸破坏,其他三种物品能被爆炸或者切割机破坏; These are some minor changes that allow the kelp,the sonar-flora,the cave-spray and the cave-seaweed in the map to be destroyed. The kelp can be destroyed by explosions, and the others can...
Created by anaertailin
所有的爬爬都娘化了 享受和深海少女们的邂逅吧 If you like my work and want to support me 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话 在国内的朋友可以选择 ************* 可以获得赞助限定的迅猛龙大家族娘化 You can get sponsor-limited Mudraptor family girl...
Created by Lerentine
精简平衡版请搜索 九州武库 群号:713011672 有问题尽量群里问,因为我很多时候没有办法在steam上回复...
天赋增强 - Talent Enhancement[CN-EN-RU-FRN]
Created by SinerSAMA
#天赋树修改-和其他修改天赋树的MOD互相冲突: #Talent tree modifications - and other mods that modify the talent tree conflict with each other: #Модификации дерева талантов - и другие моды, изменяющие дерево талантов, конфликтуют друг с другом: 通用天赋学习一个就可以解锁下一行,三条线的所有天赋都可以学习并且...
Created by 笼目深沙希
代码和贴图都是从Lite+偷的 外骨骼的属性与Better Exosuit with Platform 外骨骼优化和置物架相同,但不添加其他内容,仅对外骨骼本身进行修改,可以与Better Exosuit with Platform 外骨骼优化和置物架一起使用...
物品描述 (新人推荐)
Created by 销夜匿迹
增加了官方没有的物品描述,以便(新人)玩家了解游戏内容。 数据主要来自官方维基百科,少量为实际测试。(数据可能因为官方更新不及时等问题错误)...
Created by SinerSAMA
优化物品: 装载集装箱:容量提升到12格,同时具备防水(集装箱可以安心放在压载舱了) 轨道炮炮弹架:可以制造、放置、拆卸和解构 箱子货架:可放置深弹 连射炮装弹器:可放入电磁枪系列弹药箱 大型潜水服柜:增加50KW电耗,可为存储其中的全部潜水服补充氧气 研究终端:提高一倍的鉴定速度,可以在机械分类中找到 大型钢柜:容量提高到42格 新物品: 导航终端:添加额外的按钮,目前导航终端有最多6个可用按钮 整合MOD: 更好的床铺:
中文优化-[Optimized for Simplified Chinese]
Created by SinerSAMA
Because the official Chinese localization has too many errors, so I made this Chinese localization optimization MOD, in reading this English you can skip this MOD. 此模组对游戏内所有中文进行优化(部分文本基于原MOD: 中文优化 ),并包含 角色/粒子编辑器汉化 内容 感谢以下成员对此模组做出的贡献:(贡献排名不分先后) 雨望,下北泽,V1TIA...
ADV Beacon Stations
Created by PsykokiN This is a pack of 48* beacon stations (42 classic & 6 bandit) for more variety. It adds new stations in addition to the original ones. You can use it with other mods without problems. You can play it in campaign mode (sol...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
Mod Summary Finding the game too easy and uneventful? Boring and repetitive vanilla monsters adding no variety or challenge to your life? Using Mods like EK that give you overpowered but fun toys, but there isn't anything to shoot? * THEN THIS MOD IS FOR Y...
Barotraumatic Creature Pack
Created by mikehagen22
Attention! If you have recently updated the mod and experience errors such as unable to join server with the current version and being prompted to download the mod, missing files in console, mod unable to be loaded due to errors and red in mod loader. Then...
Created by Poppy
Beacons Extended
Created by Sneaky Hermit
Welcome to the Beacons Extended mod page! The purpose of this mod is to make beacon missions less repetitive by adding new beacons from various authors in addition to the vanilla beacons. The mod currently consists of 56 beacons The current list of beacons...
Better Connection Panel UI
Created by Daria
Client-side Lua Script to add an UI to connection panels with functionality to keep wires highlighted even when the panel is unselected and UI to show panel IDs. Changes: A button at the top left to toggle KeepWireHighlight. If on, the last selected wire o...
Better Exosuit with Platform 外骨骼优化和置物架
Created by MKSERY
一个简单优化了原版机械师外骨骼(现在有小丑的乐子3000了!)的模组: A simple mod enhancing Mechanic's exosuit (now including Funbringer3000!) 外骨骼可以像PUCS一样使用房间中的氧气(船体中氧气含量大于50%),同时可以让AI穿上后不会主动脱下 Exosuit can use oxygen in the room like pucs(when Hulloxygenpercentage is above 50),also bot w...
Created by whosyourdaddy
该mod为加工台添加了两个额外的过滤选项: 分类(医疗、武器、潜水、装备等...) 内容包(Vanilla、BOS、EK Pack、ITA 等...) 需要客户端LUA,与一切Mod物品完全兼容。 This mod adds two additional filtering options to the fabricator: Categories (Medical, Weapon, Diving, Equipment, etc...) Content Package (Vanilla, BOS, EK P...
Created by Ma'am
This mod overhauls the health interface. Notable changes include: Buffs are listed seperately from non-buffs Afflictions aren't wildly spazzing around in the health interface anymore More afflictions can be displayed at once The health window is bigger The...
Created by icarus
Tired of stashing your harpoon gun in a cargo scooter by accident while a mudraptor is eating your face? This client-only mod changes the behavior of hotkeys and double-clicks to equip weapons and tools rather than storing them in a held container. It will...
CombinableAmmoBoxes (LUA ONLY)
Created by Ghostsheet
Client-Side Lua is required for it to work on singleplayer. Both Server-Side and Client-Side Lua is required for it to work in multiplayer, and all players must have Client-Side Lua installed, or they can have desync problems. Changed to work with LUA scri...
Creaosis' Pirates and Wrecks
Created by Goblin Conscript
Wrecks and Pirates fashioned from workshop submarines to serve as challenging enemies and encounters in a server I frequent. Also includes a couple beacon station variants, a rare pirate mission variant and overhauls of the weak vanilla bandits included in...
Cs For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
ATTENTION THIS MOD DOESN'T DO ANYTHING ANYMORE, INSTEAD: Go to your MainMenu, Click on LuaCs Settings found top left, and check "Enable CSharp Scripting" This is still useful as a simple way to show that your mod uses CSharp. Description Addon for Lua For ...
Detectable Alien Materials 可探测的异星矿物!
Created by Zyleand
这个mod只做了两件微小的工作:让异星矿物能够被矿物探测器探测到,以及让它们在黑暗中发光,使其更容易被玩家发现。可以兼容已有存档 This mod does only two simple things: made alien materials detectable to mineral scanner, and made them glow in the dark so that them can be easily found. Should be save to install/remove on ...
Dont Open Debug Console On Errors
Created by Evil Factory
This is the stupidest mod i've ever made, but it's here, quite self explanatory, stops debug console from opening on errors while playing. Requires Client-Side Lua for it to work. How to install Client-Side Lua:
Duffelbag Fix / 遺物袋補丁
Created by Jin_Shou
Created by MasonMachineGuns
ATTENTION Please read the description as it contains important information about features, patches and incompatibilities! Requires a new campaign after first installation! Can't be added or removed to and from an ongoing campaign! Features: Unique Location...
Created by Hunter
由于DE的中文翻译没更新所以自己翻译了缺失的部分,机翻+润色能看就行了,要什么自行车:P 外挂翻译,放在原mod之上使用 --20230315-- 适用于DE的1.0正式版更新。由于作者还没玩过更新的内容,有错漏或者不合适的请在帖子下面留言指正 --20230403-- 原DE作者已将HungryEuropan作为单独mod拆出,本翻译其中包含HE的部分仍会保留,不会单独发布针对HE的翻译mod。 --20230531-- 先放一个机翻更新版本,作者目前比较忙,过两天有空了会人工校对。...
EK Armory Remastered(EK Armory重製版)
Created by Lucifinel
・Introduction・ EK Armory Remastered True to its name, I've gone through the entire mod, addressing issues wherever possible, and ensuring it functions smoothly in the latest version of Barotrauma. Even in the remastered edition, this MOD still belongs to t...
EK Dockyard Remastered(EK Dockyard 重製版)
Created by Lucifinel
EK Dockyard Remastered 顧名思義就是整個模組我都看過,盡可能地修改了問題、平衡性,並匹配新版本 即使是重製板,這個模組依舊是屬於原作者Videogames的 以下是他的原模組 ・安裝順序・ 已經不需要EK Mods for 1.x.x.x和EK Mods 繁體中文了(很多內容的註解已經大幅度變動),四個EK重製的順序可以隨意調換,基本上沒問題 但有一點需要特別提...
EK Gunnery Remastered(EK Gunnery 重製版)
Created by Lucifinel
・Introduction・ EK Gunnery Remastered True to its name, I've gone through the entire mod, addressing issues wherever possible, and ensuring it functions smoothly in the latest version of Barotrauma. Even in the remastered edition, this MOD still belongs to ...
EK Utilities Remastered(EK Utilities 重製版)
Created by Lucifinel
Since my English is not very good, the following content relies on ChatGPT, DeepL, and Google Translate, so it may contain errors. ・Introduction・ EK Utilities Remastered True to its name, I've gone through the entire mod, addressing issues wherever possibl...
Created by 椎名黑冬
EN/简/繁/Russian/Polish More than 40 kinds of enemies A number of human enemies will appear in the course, including human enemies like pirates, Jokers, separatists, new alien enemies, and some of the fearsome creatures of Cthulhu mythology Warning:! monster...
Extract It!
Created by Lagmanor
/// If this doesn't work in your game, it is most likely due to the file conflict with the other mods you're using — see "Compatibility" for more info!!! /// Your medical cabinet is filled with bloodpacks and you don't use pulse laser, so alien blood is ba...
Genes+ Revived and Expanded
Created by Noble
Works in 1.0 Languages: EN,CN,PTBR The NEW update is here! Added 24 more gene splicers! Have fun! (will lock crafting later) Feedback much appreciated! Original mod If Original mod author does not want to have this mod up, gonna delete it Description! Curr...
Highly Advanced Gene Splicer
Created by Deltλ "Are you sure this will work? | I have no idea!" - Hoovy and Meem. This adds a whole new gene splicer that can hold 3 genes at once! This is not sold at research outposts, but it sells for a lot! Don't worry, it's completely...
Hungry Europans
Created by _]|M|[_
A foods and drinks Mod for casual play and roleplay Load Order: - If you're playing with DynamicEuropa, it is important to put Hungry Europans ABOVE DynamicEuropa in your load order! - If you're playing with Neurotrauma, it is important to put Hungry Europ...
Improved Husks
Created by The Ninja Scout
Improved Husks The Improved Husks mod aims to improve and expand the influence of the mysterious "husk parasite" in the world of Barotrauma in many ways. Core Features -Almost every single biological creature in the game can now be turned into a husk. This...
Created by Kov
A "toolbelt" with 56 slots in which you can put any item, including crates, ammo boxes, diving suits, railgun shells, etc. You can also place them on your hotbar, as well as hold one in each hand. Available at fabricators for 1 organic fiber. It does not r...
Lua For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
Updated for the v1.5.9.2 Summer Update + Hotfix + Hotfix 2 + Hotfix 3 Discord: Consider supporting the project: This is a Barotrauma modification that ad...
Material IO
Created by Biff_W
Supported Languages:English, Русский, 简体中文, 繁体中文 This mod adds a new container to store your materials —— IO Storage Container With this, you can have significantly less material instances in your game session which might be helpful for performance. Now he...
Meaningful Upgrades
Created by Videogames
A mod which improves the existing upgrade system and adds new ones. Upgrade cost scales more linearly with what you are paying for. More incentive to max out an upgrade category instead of buying a different sub. Some Items can be upgraded to +50% or +100%...
[Discontinued] Meaningful Upgrades CN Patch
Created by Logic_530
原模组 Meaningful Upgrades ...
Modding Toolkit
Created by NeckRopeMancer
A toolkit providing GUI, configuration with Settings Menu integration, networking and Assembly-based plugin system for Barotrauma. Currently in Alpha. ...
More Beacons for Europa
// ENGLISH ///////////////// The Mongolian company came to Europa, thus building 31 beacons in the places to help in the expansion of the city. But these beacons are going to need maintenance from time to time by a brave crew. More may continue to be built...
More Level Content
More Level Content中文补丁
Created by Poppy
本MOD为汉化补丁,需要订阅原MOD使用。以下为原MOD页面翻译 更多巡回内容WIKI MOD安装 翻译 页面顶部有一个链接合集,包含我所知道的所有翻译。如果你希望添加您的翻译MOD,请在评论中留下链接或在Discord上给我留言(Dak#0001) 加入Discord! https://...
More Outposts for Europa
// ENGLISH //////// Since Mongolian Corp arrived in Europe, new installations have been made to the Outpost for greater comfort and quality of life. For now there are 27 new installations but if we count the ones that were altered by the ruffians in the ab...
More Pirate Vessels for Europa
// ENGLISH //////// The pirates took advantage of the technology presented by the Mongolian company to add more submarines to their ranks. At the moment, 31 types of submarine variants were reported, already from the same European Collision as from the Mon...
More Wrecks for Europa
// ENGLISH //////// Since the Mongolian company arrived, 22 shipwrecks of their company have been registered. There is valuable equipment waiting there to be rescued by a team of brave sailors. Over time we will see if we detect more wrecks. // ESPAÑOL ///...
project shipwrecks
Created by rho-915
沉船计划---大型系列沉船模组 在木卫二的冰层之下,每时每刻都有新的潜艇崭新出厂,也无时无刻都有潜艇沉没至底。里面有无数财富宝藏,亦或是小丑教派改装的陷阱船。是能将财富带回到潜艇上,还是与沉船一同沉沦于这片渊洋之中,一切全凭你的智慧,勇气以及一点点运气,祝你好运,寻宝者。 Under Europa's ice, new submarines are being built and sunk all the time. It's filled with treasure troves, or clown cu...
Created by SinerSAMA
Enhanced version of PUCS, which greatly improves combat effectiveness, reduces oxygen consumption, and can resist radiation and fire hazards, and has built-in advanced drug injection, noise reduction, thrusters and sonar systems, which can Give users stron...
Quality Ammo Boxes LUA
Created by Azra
Requires LUA for both Server AND Client Introduction This mod enables ALL craftable ammunition boxes to be of quality; similar to my previous mod Quality Ammo Boxes but this one supports all ammo boxes and is way more compatible with other mods, thanks to ...
Quality Railgun Shells
Created by Azra
Requires LUA for both Server AND Client Introduction This mod enables ALL craftable railguns shelss to be of quality; similar to my previous mod Quality Ammo Boxes+ but this one supports all railgun shells instead of ammo boxes. Requirements Lua for Barotr...
DynamicEuropa - Stations From Beyond Outpost Pack
Created by MasonMachineGuns
An outpost module pack for Dynamic Europa. Introduces the modules of Stations from beyond to the outposts of DynamicEuropa. They have all been manually adjusted to feature necessary items and various other adjustments required for the intended gameplay of ...
Shipwrecks Extended
Created by rav2n
Welcome to the Shipwrecks Extended mod page! This mod adds many new wrecks in addition to vanilla ones to the game. Some of them are more dangerous than others while others are completely harmless and useless. To some of them you can even dock! Happy salva...
SIN Beacon Stations
Created by Suportik
-Another mod that tries to add unique designs of beacon stations. -All beacons are balanced with items, and you won't actually find too much stuff on them, only if you look enough. -All beacons are made within the same limit counts as vanilla beacons...
12 Slots++ Deconstructor+Fabricator+Medical
Created by iErr0r32
Deconstructor Medical Fabricator Fabricator 12 cells in 2 rows No translation is required. Replaces the file fabricators.xml Any other mod that changes the file will not be compatible. Client-server mod, must be installed for everyone, both the host and th...
Sort Container UI
Created by Daria
Client-side Lua Script to add an UI to containers which has sort functionality. There are 5 buttons in total: Sort by Alphabet, sort every item in the container by alphabetical order Sort by Category Merge Stacks, if possible, merge identical items togethe...
Ssparky's Additional Ores
Created by ssparky
Overview Adds a couple of extra ores, mostly for minerals that previously only had one or two ores containing them. The mod features 13 (technically 15) new ores, and I do not plan to add any more at this point. Featured ores Magnesite MgCO₃. More common i...
Stations from beyond
Created by rundoomer Description Are you tired of the monotonous outpost modules? Or do you just want to add some variety to your adventure? This modification expands the number of modules found at stations. There are more than 100 new variation...
Storage Icons
Created by Dr. Turtle
Adds an icon to storage containers that shows their most abundant item, any item with an inventory can be configured to have this effect (including modded) REQUIRES LUA FOR BAROTRAUMA, FOLLOW INSTALLATION GUIDE use the command 'storageicons' in the console...
Submarine Weapon Sound Makeover
Created by lobster
A small and simple audio mod that overrides turreted weapons to give them custom sounds. All Audio taken from Mechwarrior Online and the "Chunky Guns" sound mod for it. If you disagree with a thing I did or something's wrong, please use the provided discus...
T.S.M MISSIONS-问君此去几时还
Created by Lerentine
T.S.M MISSIONS 奇迹之海任务包 Add English translation, the English translation is AI translation, there is machine translation phenomenon, it is impossible to translate completely according to the original meaning, but most of the text should be fine. This is a l...
Universal Turrets 通用炮塔
Created by Goostave
去他的炮塔装载点限制 ! mod内容: 使用此mod,你将能够在商店自由切换目前的六种炮塔, 不受大小装载点的限制 。单人/多人模式都能用,此前多人连不上服的问题并不是由此mod引起的 已知问题: 目前简单测试了官船和旧版mod船,都能生效,不过一些对炮塔有针对性装饰的船可能会因为换了大/小炮而显得奇怪,功能性上不会有什么问题。 兼容性问题: 此mod是通过覆写( 且仅覆写 )三个大炮塔的item实现的(id分别为coilgun,flakconnon,doublecoilgun),因此会与其他覆写它们的模组...
Waifu Genetic (EuropaWaifu++) [FIXED]
Created by VigersRay
Inspired by the Catgene mod. Adds 4 new genes and genetic material for research. Does not overwrite HumanHusk. Genetic material Allows you to get a random gene from a mod at a research station. Sold at outposts for ...
Wreck Locator
Created by Biff_W
Feature When there's a wreck in 1000m range, you will receive its "SOS" signal on your sonar monitor. This doesn't require starting a new campaign to make an effect. Note Shipwrecks may not be located in the following cases: 1.The shipwreck has no containe...
DynamicEuropa - Default Level Size Patch + Frith's Biomes
Created by _]|M|[_
Frith's Biomes
Created by lordFrith
Features - Remastered textures. - Additional level hazards. - More immersive caves. Known Issues - Made and tested for singleplayer. High numbers of level objects can cause increased loading times and desync in multiplayer. Compatibility - Compatible with ...
Hungry Europans - Enforced
Created by _]|M|[_
Requirements: Lua For Barotrauma is required. Client side lua is not needed! This mod is intended for multiplayer only. What it does: Enforces the otherwise optional hunger and thirst mechanics for all players. Everyone connecting to your game will automat...
可储存的大枪(Big guns in pocket)
Created by Med-Pon3
这是一个简单的mod,不改变任何原版武器属性,但允许你把突击步枪,霰弹枪和裂变枪这三个本来只能背负的武器保存到物品栏和柜子里,就像是smg和一样。 This is a simple mod, didn't change any status of defult weapons, but allows you store assault rifle ,autoshotgun and nucleargun in your inventory and lockers, just like smg....
As its name suggests, copies the current campaign save file to the mod folder at the start of each round. Which allows you to roll back to an earlier save in case of unexpected issues. The no. of backup saves can be adjusted in the config file. This mod is...
More Artifacts 中文补丁
汉化包简介 由老虎脱粒机汉化组汉化 More Artifacts (AOCS) 的外挂汉化包,要连同本体一起订阅。仅包含 More Artifacts (AOCS) 汉化,不包含其他。 如果发现问题,请告诉我们,我们会即时修改。 以下为 Mod 原简介汉化版 嘿! 你有没有感觉这个游戏中和异星遗物相关的东西太少?虽然原版的这些异星遗物也很有趣,但总是让我感觉有些许奇怪。比如解构外星垃圾可以得到一块钢筋和两块塑料什么什么的··· 所以,我决定要填补游戏在异星内容上的缺失,并尽量将我的想法顺利的展现出来。 说了...
More Artifacts (AOCS)
Created by Irradaven
Hi. What if it turned out that there were more than five artifacts? What if there were more than three alien trinkets? What if they began to find in the ruins not only traces of an ancient race? Maybe the answer is here somewhere. So what does this mod off...
Dead Space Improved
Created by 法莎莉雅
死亡空间MOD修复BUG版 怪物道具素材来自 原MOD Dead Space 解决了武器只能射出第一发的BUG 增加解药 增加了开火和命中的特效 节约了刷怪表失效问题 解决了空间动力甲无法放入潜水服柜的问题 解决了空间动力甲贴图缺失的问题 解决了尸变以后原玩家道具消失的问题 2.22 增加6种怪物(实验品)强度不好...