Company of Heroes 2

Company of Heroes 2

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stuff idkwee
Items (359)
( 2 - 8 ) Panzer Strasse
Created by D3MAR
@ DEMAR 2017 -- Nice Tank map -- POP CAP ( 140 )...
(2 - 4) Battleships: Icy Arena (Small)
Created by Janne252
Official map for the gamemode "Battleships". This map should only be played with the gamemode "Battleships". Created by Janne252....
(2 - 6) Atlantic Wall
Created by Harvey_Jewface
In an attempt to repulse an Allied attack on Nazi-occupied Europe, Hitler designed the Atlantic Wall. A massive chain of minefields, concrete walls, concrete bunkers, barbed wire fences, and fortified artillery emplacements, this line of defensive structur...
(2 - 6) Bay of Pigs
Created by Tobeh
A remake of the classic map for Red Alert 2. This has always been one of my favourite maps for Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge. I decided to remake it for COH2, even though it's thematically ridiculous. The bridges can be destroyed/rebuilt, and the map is q...
(2 - 6) Lyon
Created by Rafterman
Epic Lyon: Contest of artillery, armor and infantry, this map is probably the best of its kind. Size, ressources and epicness is singular. Map is from Bogatyriwe. Some little changes like Starting Points and Population Cap edited by Rafterman. Population C...
(2 - 6) Mons [update 2]
Created by Game Genie
The goal of this map was to create a more authentic game experience. Territory points will grant control of roads, which serve as the only connectors between territories. You can move units right through the forest, but you will not be able to build main d...
(2 - 8) Barashka
Created by Mocco
Operation Zitadelle July 5, 1943… After the third battle of Charkow, the Germans regained the initiative. The Plan: A two pronged attack on Kursk to encircle and annihilate all Russian troops in the salient. The Germans, in the northern prong, crossed the ...
(2 - 8) H&G Forward Airfield
Created by [QwertyIT] Jodecary
The map is based on 'Forward Arifield' from the game Heroes and Generals. It is a mixture of close-quarters combat, open fields and woods. Be careful with the tanks in the small town, because the narrow streets could potentially be a trap for your armored ...
(2 - 8) Nemesis LongMap
Created by Iil
Tactical map in a long, but slim area. Pop-Cap: 125...
(2-6) Battlebürg
Created by LordCarmi
The river separates the valley: The Outskirts and The Forest. Holding the Main Road/Church is the key to victory, it isolates in half the map, so hold the Church to obtain the resources over the side of the river. The Castle dominates the Forest side of th...
(2-4P) Kriegspiel - Omaha Beach
Created by RebelSchutze
Omaha Beach adapted for Kriegspiel - Realism Overhaul...
(2-6) Wake Island 2142
Created by Der von Nebenan
A winter version of wake Island :-D...
(2-8) Achelous River WFA
Created by Craig
CoH Original Map, ported to CoH 2 by Ecarus & Cpl.Cookie. Updated for WFA and tweaked with an increase Population limit of 300. Best not to use US on the south east side of the map as the bases are just too big. I'm unable to find a proper way to fit the U...
(2-8) Horizon by Day
Created by Fuxulu
Die Stadt am Fluss gleicht durch den Tag einem Schlachtfeld. Created by Fux - PopCap 300 - high Starting Resources - High Ressource rate - Many abandoned Vehicles and Weapons - Public-Lights still on...
(2-8) MiniWarfare (Winter)
Created by ARIA
-Bridge Defend -MiniWarfare (Summer) -Cheack my other msp ----------------------------------- -Victory Point : 1 -High Fule Territory : 4 -High Munition Point : 4 I am planning to make a co-op round survival mission, but I've no idea about making .SCAR fil...
(2-8P) Kriegspiel - Myshkova River
Created by RebelSchutze
Myshkova River adapted for Kriegspiel - Realism Overhaul....
(4 - 4) Kursk: Operation Zitadelle
Created by Stauffenberg
The Battle of Kursk was the biggest tank battle in history! The battle of Kursk took place on the eastern front near Kursk, from July to August 1943. The Soviets under the command of General Zhukov, sent in 1.3 million men, 3600 tanks and 2400 aircrafts. T...
(4 - 4) Volcanic Island
Created by Stauffenberg
In mid-1943, the Allied command in the Pacific began "Operation Cartwheel". The key elements of Cartwheel involved Allied forces under General Douglas MacArthur pushing across northeastern New Guinea, while naval forces secured the Solomon Islands. Known a...
(4 - 6) Battle of Belgorod
Created by TeamSpeakAbuser
It was in the late summer of 1943 the Red Army executed a combat operation against the Wehrmacht forces situated in and around Belgorod. The Soviets had just emerged victorious from the battle of Kursk, and continued to push the germans further west. The g...
(4 - 8) Bottlenacken
Created by Howie Chill [f93t]
The town Bottlenacken on the coast of the Netherlands connects a narrow stripe of land. Expect brutal fights as you try to advance in the enemys territory....
(4 - 8) Pine River Dam Winter
Created by Ryan
This is a semi-linear blizzard map with expanding & contracting bottlenecks, the most fun of which is the massive hydroelectric dam at the map's center. The dam and the small island below it must both be held in order to connect territory across the broad ...
(4-6) Road to El Alamein
Created by Stauffenberg
The North African Campaign took place from 1940, after the Italian declaration of war, until 1943. It included campaigns fought in the Libyan and Egyptian deserts, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The Allied war effort was dominated by the British Commonwealt...
(4 - 8) Steps of War
Created by BlacKcuD
Two paths open up before you general, one up the hills and one down a valley. Both lead to the enemy base. Will you go down the steps and secure the vulnerable, but resource-rich valley? Or, will you ascend the scraggy mountain terasses and rain death down...
(4-8) The Reichstag (Battle of Berlin)
Created by Goose
The Reighstag by Goose Pop: 350 Resources: Standard Reichstag by Goose ( Mod Lazur Factory ) The Battle of Berlin, designated the Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation by the Soviet Union, It was the final major offensive of the European Theatre of World Wa...
(6 - 8) Carentan
Created by ★CasTroy★
D-Day Plus 3: On June, 9th 1944 advancing airborne forces of the U.S. Army tried to establish a continous defense line securing the U.S. beachheads at "Omaha" and "Utha". Aerial reconnaissance of Carentan indicated that the town might be lightly defended. ...
(6 - 8) Battle Of Smolensk
Created by birrebarre
I did not make this map, i do NOT take credit for it! This is a map from Relic's Theater Of War. Relic made this map, i am only publishing this to steam workshop because this map looks awesome to play online!...
(6 - 8) Desert Fox
Created by levoy1
Recommended for 2v2, 3v3, 4v4. 1-4 Allies 5-8 Axis starting positions for visual authenticity. Works great with mods that provide an realistic damage system such as "WORLD AT WAR (Akula)", "Wikinger European Theatre of War" and "Spearhead". But also tweake...
(4-8) Trench Bridge
Created by BlacKcuD
An L-shaped death bridge with trenches, bottlenecks, massive fortifications and plenty resources. Let the carnage begin!...
(6 - 8) Die Hochwaldbresche
Created by DD_Michy
Anfang Februar 1945 kämpfte die First Canadian Army zum ersten Mal auf deutschem Boden. Die britischen, belgischen, niederländischen, polnischen und US-Truppen stießen auf fanatischen Widerstand. Eine ganze Reihe natürlicher und erschaffener Hindernisse mu...
(6 - 8) Faceoff at Rostov
Created by steffenbk1
The city of Rostov-on-Don was occupied for seven months during 1942 and 1943 after being seized during the massive offensive of Operation Fall Blau. The city suffered so much damage that it took a decade to restore after Soviets retook the city during thei...
(6 - 8) Hell's Blood River
Created by Aprocotus
December 21st, 1943: "I was recently deployed to the front, we were able to capture many germans and secure multiple supply routes. So far there was not much fighting; I thought this was going to be a fast, easy victory for the Motherland, hoping that it w...
(6 - 8) Lake Zaverez
Many times during the war desperate commanders tried to achieve victory by finding a way to surprice enemy in a way they did not expect, and sometimes this meant sending an army over recently frozen lake, huge gamble which sometimes worked and other times....
(6 - 8) Lyon var. 3.1
(Original Map from Bogatyriwe // Edited by Großdeutschland) Changes : 1. Pop cap 250 2. Normal resources rate (Fuel 2x, Munitions 1.5x, Man 1.25x) 3. Remove several fx (smoke and dust) to increase performance. (PC performance friendly) 4. Remove Bug Splat ...
(6 - 8) Narva River
Created by Tobeh
Updated for Western Front Armies! Population limit is now 200. Narva River features a bridge near each base, with a central VP. The West base starts near Hermann Castle, and features many paths down to the church VP. Ivangorod Fortress is over the other si...
(6 - 8) Pitomnik Airfield
Created by ★CasTroy★
Eastern Front 1942: On 3 September 1942 Pitomnik was captured by the German 6th Army when it linked up there with th 4th Panzer Army. After several fights around the airfield at Pitomnik the Red Army had to retreat in order to defend the city of Stalingrad...
(6 - 8) Road to Ligneuville
Created by Starbuck
The original "Road to Ligneuville" was a 4 player, snow covered, night map that was included in the Ardennes Assault DLC. This version has been expanded and transformed to an 8 player, summer, daytime map. Created by Starbuck....
(6 - 8) Tali-Ihantala
Created by MonolithicBacon
With the sieges of Leningrad and Stalingrad in the process of a breakout, Soviet forces were once again on the attack, forcing the Continuation War into 1944. Woefully underequipped, Finnish infantry bolstered their defences and equipment with German equip...
(6 - 8) Stalingrad Railway Station
Created by Lund
The Battle of Stalingrad (August 23, 1942 – February 2, 1943) was the major battle of World War II in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in the southwestern Soviet Union. Marked b...
(6 - 8) Verdun
Created by Sitatop
"The Battle of Verdun is considered the greatest and lengthiest in world history. Never before or since has there been such a lengthy battle, involving so many men, situated on such a tiny piece of land. The battle, which lasted from 21 February 1916 until...
(6 - 8)Ebro
Created by Iñaki
-100 Pop Cap.(use mods for more). -3 Victory points. -2 Medical points. -2 Aditional enter points. I hope you enjoy it!!! Greetings!!!!...
(6 - 8) Wolfsschanze
Created by HAVOC
Wolfsschanze was the first Eastern Front military headquarter during World War 2. The top secret, high security site was well hidden in the vast Masurian forests, just a few kilometers from the small East Prussian town of Rastenburg. Hitler spend over 800 ...
(6-8) Stalingrad
Created by [RF]FullMetall
The German offensive to capture Stalingrad began in late summer 1942 using the 6th Army and elements of the 4th Panzer Army. The attack was supported by intensive Luftwaffe bombing that reduced much of the city to rubble. By mid-November 1942, the Germans ...
(6) Pavlov's house
Created by Nebaka
"This city is not Kursk... nor is it Kiev, nor Minsk. This city is Stalingrad. Stalingrad! This city bears the name of our glorious leader. It's more than a city, it's a symbol. If the Germans capture this city, the entire country will collapse. Now, I wan...
(6-8) Village Canal (PC:250)
Created by Piotr01234
August 30, 1944 – After advancing through several thunderstorms, Allied forces have reached the canal. A rail depot, and three key bridges are ahead. If they are able to secure it, they will be able to cut off the Axis supply line. Axis forces see the Alli...
(8) Russian Fields - Special for Spearhead and Wikinger
Created by Deviant
The creators of the original map: xxCOMPANY OF COWARDSxx List of changes: 1) The map has been expanded by 25% 2) Elevation differences have been removed 3) Strategic points have been moved 4) Removed radar points and repair points 5) Starting positions cha...
(8) Port of Danzig
Created by Von_Smedman
Take the freecity of Danzig, the Germans has tune this in to a "Festung" Strongpoint, expect heavy loses as this is a city fight. You will find territories to cut off at the bases and fuel point. Created by Von_Smedman...
(8) Siege of Paris
Created by Sabet シディキ
After getting across the causeway in Lyon, US 4th Infantry Division and British support forces headed out for Paris. The Allies were not only to flush out the German forces out of the city, but they also received a special order to find an NCO named Volk, ...
101st Airborne Division Faceplate
Created by Olanov
Gives you access to a faceplate rocking stylished 101st Airborne Division insignia to a US flag/PUC....
(8p) Battle Of Ouren
Created by birrebarre
I did not make this map, i do not take credit for it, all i did was converting it to online gameplay, reason why is because when i played Ardennes Assault i thought this map was very nice and that this map could be very awesome to play online battles on. B...
1st Polish Armored Division in NW Europe ,winged Hussars of WW2
Created by georider
The Polish 1st Armoured Division (Polish 1 Dywizja Pancerna) formed in February 1942 at Duns in Scotland leading by General Maczek. At Normandy. the unit was attached to the First Canadian Army. It entered combat on 8 August during Operation Totalize. It, ...
2B Faceplate
Created by WSB.CostyIsHere
Just try it...
2nd Panzer Division ( Osteer Fraction) historical Summer and Winter skin pack.
Created by Reallymadmaveric
2nd Panzer Division Improvised field applied Summer Tri-color and Winter white-wash skins with historical Divisional markings. Developed for use with my 'Achtung Panzer Lehr' Mod, but can be used without it. Use with my Blank Decal Removal mod http://steam...
4-6 Arras
Created by The Turrets Guy
"In the spring of 1940, the 5th and 7th Panzer divisions, lead by Erwin Rommel, advanced westward from the Somme in an attempt to cut off Allied forces in northern France and Belgium. In response, the British and French forces sent a counter attack from Ar...
2nd Armored Division- Free French
Decals of 2nd Armored Division (France) Not full realist, but close to history Work with British and USF The French 2nd Armored Division (French: 2e Division Blindée, 2e DB), commanded by General Philippe Leclerc, fought during the final phases of World Wa...
422Squad Decal
Created by Pathfinder-LTKE
Squad 422, also known as "The Nameless" , is a unit of the Gallian Army and the protagonists of Valkyria Chronicles 3. My other projects: Faceplates: Ankokuboshi KuromeV2: Ankokuboshi Kurome...
7th Panzer: Panzer Grey Skin
Created by Buckyball
7th Panzer: Panzer Grey Skin for Wehrmacht and OKW....
8p Attack on Schweinfurt
Created by DeadKennys
a deadkennys & skajellafetty coh1-coh2 conversion based on coh1 community map 'Attack on Schweinfurt' by 'Stealth' COH1 map download:;94953...
7th Panzer: Panzer Grey Winter Skin
Created by Buckyball
7th Panzer: Panzer Grey Skin Winter for Wehrmacht and OKW. **beta version**...
8_p Complex Of Bridges
Here you can find the 8_p Complex Of Bridges-Edge Here you can find my win condition Booby Trap. Here you can find my win co...
Created by Lerius Doman
Many paths to the enemy, some can only be traversed with feet. Now with more cover, should I add even more?...
8_Tank factory
Created by NoaH01
This map has been repaired... Thank you for reminding. Anyway,please enjoy the map ! Population Cap = 175...
Created by Stauffenberg
O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we ...
Created by Lerius Doman
Heavy Tanks cannot cross over, easy to defend and hard to push. Get the light tanks from the garage, wake the troops and set up the artillery!...
A bridge 2 small
Created by CR0NO
map made by: CR0NO -8 players -Popcap 150 -New camera height...
A Bridge to far- Arnhem -Version 2 - Map 3 of 3- Ver 1.2
Created by 58th CEC
The map is based on a series of 3 maps that will make up battles that took place on the way to Arnhem. (Arnhem - Rhine Bridge - Map -3 of 3. Using heavy or medium armor in Arnhem may not work well light armor on the other hand would be the best choice. Tan...
A Bridge to far- Nijmegen Version-2 - Map 2 of 3 - Ver 1.0
Created by 58th CEC
The map is based on a series of 3 maps that will make up battles that took place on the way to Arnhem. (Nijmegen Version-2) - Map -1 of 3. Now both bridges can now be rebuilt. This map has no obstacles only the ones you make. In most cases the obstacles wi...
A Bridge to far- Njmegen - Map 1 of 3- Ver 1.1
Created by 58th CEC
The map is based on a series of 3 maps that will make up battles that took place on the way to Arnhem. (Nijmegen - Map -1 of 3. This map has no obstacles only the ones you make. In most cases the obstacles will not work due to the armor being able to go th...
Achtung Panzer Lehr Decal Blank
Created by Reallymadmaveric
This is a Blank Decal remover which removes all in game vehicle markings. Developed for Mod Achtung Panzer Lehr and its 3 skin packs, but it can also be used for any other Historical skin pack....
Adolf Bong
Created by dangerously dense
Man lives in Japan and likes Italian food. Who else comes to mind who likes the Japanese and Italians?...
Afrika Korps "Rommel" Faceplate
Created by Eden Kim
Afrika Korps "Rommel" Faceplate I hesitated to upload this about 1 month(even I already made it), but I finally did it. Thanks for your visits, and Thanks for subscribing....
Ahegao OKW
Created by Elch
Made for a... friend ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) OKW - Oberkommando West Skin Pack, matching the ahegao hoodie your mom bought you. For light, medium and heavy OKW Verhicles Anime Animu...
Created by ACERNIS枫
Alicia Melchiott from Valkyria Chronicles. She is a non-commissioned officer with the rank of sergeant in Squad 7....
All Units (170 added)
Created by SneakEye
2014, 66 new units .. and a LOT of feedback from the community! 2024, 170 new units .. new upgrades / abilities .. customized artwork .. and new mechanics! This mod adds a ton of content while maintaining the vanilla gameplay. USF: 34 new units (49 total) ...
Allied Forces Variety of Summer Camouflage Patterns (use decal remover for best result)
Created by Waynes World Rox
Allied Assault Camouflage Patterns Summer Variety Skin Pack with Insignia for British, Soviet & US Forces, a lot of work goes into these skin pack so Support Modders - " Subscripe; Rate Up and Enjoy ;) " - Thanking you in advance ! Bring your game to life ...
American front World war 2
Created by Soppe S
Germany has got allied by mexico and they have made naval invasions on shouth of usa. Now they are ready to capture last parts of allies resistance. discord link for feedback
Among Us in 2022
Created by Huskie
Anime commanders faceplate 1
This is my first mod. Sorry i had to reupload this. I was testing something....
Anime commanders faceplate 2 v2
New wehrmacht faceplate...
Created by arkanium77
To destroy the Soviet "Liberator", the German industry created the Anti-Liberator: the most powerful creature capable of real cruelty. Here he comes. He will destroy all that is light and pure. Hail Hydra!...
Arctic Storm Winter Skin Pack
Created by fx
The default winterized skin uses a predefined layer of snow and ice that is sprinkled around the wheels, treads, and some of the lower edges of each vehicle. This custom skin goes much further, simulating the kind of thick frost buildup that happens on sur...
Appledorf (8)
Created by Knife
Different in property status, but the war is the same for everyone. Meet Appledorf...
Asanagi Kancolle Anime Faceplate
Created by TheRyderShotgun
A Kantai Collection image made by Asanagi Image source...
Assorted British Armored Divisions
Created by Starbuck
This skin pack contains vehicles represented from the 11th and 7th armored divisions, 3rd infantry division, and the 8th army corps. Most of the skins in this pack are historical with a few in which I used a bit of creative license. :) With additions of th...
Battle of Advanced Tanks
Created by RB33
This mod is based on the Tank Warfare mod. Uses tanks and other features of that mod. Battle of Advanced Tanks adds a couple new really powerful tanks to each army and removes all other units for a intensive tank battle experience. Supports all armies Late...
Battlefield Kursk, Prokhorovka
Created by Layndarat
Modded version of the 3v3 Midgetgiant remake of Poltava Station, great map mate, remade here for Battleground Europe. Team 1 is ideally Soviet with numerous defences, Team 2 Germany. Soviet defences are many and layered per Kursk courtesy of German delay. ...
Azur Lane
Created by TimesN
Azur Lane...
Battle Of Lublin (4vs4- Pop Cap 350)
Created by [TFA] SGT-BAKER
The Lublin-Brest region was first used as a feint, on 9–10 July drawing German attention away from Soviet offensive preparations at Lvov-Sandomierz Offensive. After the success of that offensive, clearly visible in the first days (from 13 July), Konstantin...
Created by Janne252
Battleships - "Sink the Ship" - themed gamemode for Company of Heroes 2. Your objective is to position your ships during the preparation window so that the enemy can't easily guess their locations. After preparation period your objective is to sink enemy s...
Blood Angels USF
Created by PeterThanPete
All USF vehicles in Blood Angels Red, with Blood Angels Insignia. *hiding decals in options, and by using a decal remover is recommended *logo art by jawaballs *not affiliated with GW, just a fan project...
Blank Canvas
Created by eliw00d
For use with historical skin packs....
beautifull city
Created by Yokozuna
In this map we will have bridges over a whole city with multiple canals, but there are invulnerable bridges to always have a possibility of action. I tell you good game "created by Yokozuna"...
BM-13 Katyusha
Created by Friendly ape
BM-13 Katyusha...
Brave Faceplate
Created by P+
Created by Proteus
British Desert Rat
Created by Waynes World Rox
British Desert Rat Summer Skin Pack Enjoy! Need more skins go to Waynes World 25 items rate up & enjoy;)...
British Armored Divisions skinpack, a "bridge to far" .....
Created by georider
British Armored divisions and independent brigades vehicles skins, from D-day , to operation market garden, the way into the heart of Germany, variations based in Drab and green colors patterns , light armor using occasionally the "Mickey mouse " pattern ,...
British Forces faceplate
Faceplate for the British Forces...
British Guards Armoured Division 1941 1945
Created by Waynes World Rox
British Guards Armoured Division 1941 1945 Summer Skin Pack with Insignia, Enjoy!!! Please note a lot of work goes into these skin pack so Support Modders - " Subscripe; Rate Up and Enjoy ;) " - Thanking you in advance ! There is also a Winter Vesion of th...
British Guards Armoured Division 1941 1945 Winter
Created by Waynes World Rox
British Guards Armoured Division Winter Skin Pack with Insignia Enjoy! Use a Decal Remover Mod example: BKII Mod Blank Decal Remover or Eliwoods Blank Canvas Decal Remover Need more skins go to Waynes World 24 items enjoy;)...
British King and Country skin
Created by fx
After a successful campaign in Tunisia, the 6th Armoured Division heads into Italy and eventually Austria. Displaying pride and confidence they boldly show off the Union Jack for all to see. Hail to the King, baby!...
British Summer Anime Skinpack
Created by Crystal
Contains anime summer skins for British....
British SAS Support Regiment
Created by Shifty
The fictional SAS Support Regiment, sporting woodland stripe camo and the "Who Dares Wins" insignia. Complete summer pack including skins for all British vehicles....
British Malta Stonewall
Created by SaintDaveUK
"British troops stationed in Malta developed a unique disruptive camouflage pattern to blend with the distinct Maltese architecture. The factory green undercoat was hand-painted with desert tan blotches in the shape of stone slabbing. From the air, obscure...
Bundeswehr Sumpf
Created by Rolf Hahn
Modern German army swamp camouflage for Wehrmacht und Oberkommando. Moderne Bundeswehr Sumpf Tarnung fuer Wehrmacht und Oberkommando....
Bundeswehr Flecktarnung
Created by Rolf Hahn
Bundeswehr Flecktarnung Tarnung fuer die Wehrmacht und Das Oberkommando. Camo pattern (Bundeswehr Flecktarnung) for the OKW and the Ost Heer....
Calamity Raven
Created by Pathfinder-LTKE
The Calamity Raven is an special Imperial military unit comprised almost entirely of Darcsen soldiers that serves as the main antagonist to Squad 422 in Valkyria Chronicles 3. My other projects: Faceplates: Ankokuboshi KuromeV2:
Created by The Bodyshot Bandit
Dam Daniel...
CheatCommands Mod II
Created by Janne252
The Ultimate Testing Mod Features Manipulate Selected Units Kill, Delete, Modify Health, Change Owner, Remove Criticals, Remove Upgrades, Toggle Auto-attack, Remove Slot Items, Add Veterancy, Add Suppression, Teleportation Alter Game & Resources Instant Pr...
Created by Pathfinder-LTKE
Chiara Faceplate Valkyria Chronicles...
Chronic River - Wrecked bridges
Created by Eddie
- Chronic River - 4v4 high resource comp stomp map. Enjoy!...
CoH2: The Unthinkable War
Prepare to enter a world teetering on the brink of complete obliteration. What is The Unthinkable War? CoH2: UW is a brand new alternate history conversion mod that brings you to the late 1960's and early 1970's in a fictional 'Cold War Gone Hot' scenario....
Classic RTS Style Skins - Soviet
Created by CMDBob
Relive the glory days of old RTS games, where units were solidly coloured in with a team colour! Inspired most directly by the early Command and Conquer games, mainly Red Alert. This is for the Soviets....
Chuckles Sovietly - Stalin faceplate
Created by CabooseNomerson
Mock your fascist opponents' completely unreliable attemps at Big Dick Energy with this period-correct Soviet faceplate. No really, that's what Stalin's eyes looked like, I'm not even kidding. Modernized Federation version available at: https://steamcommun...
Classic RTS Style Skins - Allies
Created by CMDBob
Relive the glory days of old RTS games, where units were solidly coloured in with a team colour! Inspired most directly by the early Command and Conquer games, mainly Red Alert. This is for both the US and UK forces....
Company of Gopniki
Created by pestmiez
For true slav-squat-power, blin! Because every slav needs Adidas-Stripes in their Faceplate.
Combat Command B, 10th Armored Division
Created by Reallymadmaveric
US Combat Command B, 10th Armored Division Historical summer and heavy winter skins sets. Vehicles display accurate Divisional Battalion and Company markings. Each skin has a unique USA serial number and vehicle ID. This US Fraction set can also be used wi...
Created by The Bodyshot Bandit
DDR NVA decal badge
Created by Gesetzwahrer
original east german army NVA decal badge 9. Panzerdivision HOFFMANN / 5. Armee Standort Eggesin color your army with a lot of NVA symbols...
Created by AlpineWine
One Pissed off Bird...
Desert Airfield at El Alamein
Created by «DoP»Orklord
I make Maps for free and its many,many work but it would be great if i could get some support by the Community ! If you want to support me for my Work you can Donate here :
DO I SMELL OIL? faceplate
Created by CabooseNomerson
Are you American? Do you like oil-- I mean, "freedom juice?" Well then, do I have a mod for you. Now you can throw the world's balance into chaos in style, with this stylish faceplate that warns any developing nation that yes, you *are* coming for their oi...
Created by Spaghet
Now you too can die inside!...
Downfall - Der Untergang - Fegelein Faceplate - The master of antics
Created by Flog in
The master of ANTICS has arrived. This is a Faceplate for all the Fegelein Fans. Its from the Movie "Downfall". ANTICS !!! ...
Eastern Front 1941-1945
Created by Soppe S
Axis has launtched their attack on Soviet union. join the fight and make your leaders broud of you! discord link for feedback
Created by CabooseNomerson
*BUM BUM BUM* If you somehow haven't heard this song, check it out: Other version here:
Created by levoy1
Erwin from "Girls and Panzer"....
Endsieg Graf Spee
Created by Lukvbp
My OKW faceplate with Graf Spee from Azur Lane ...
Faceplate Design 03- USF
Faceplate Design 03- USF...
Falaise Pocket - Ver 1.0
Created by 58th CEC
This map was made for armor. The armor can crash through trees in most areas but all. The map has no man obstacles only the ones you make. In some cases the obstacles will not work because the armor is able to crash through the trees. Dropping the bridges ...
Finnish Camo
Created by ADLER
Camouflage Skin - Finland Finnish Skin and Decals for all OstHeer and OKW vehicles. Summer and Winter patterns in two green tones, and the Finlandia black swastika with white border marking; plus tactical and vehicle number markings. *TIP* Disable decals w...
Finnish Decals
Created by Janne252
Show off your Finnish pride by decorating your vehicles and structures with the sisukas lion!...
Free France Armored Divisions Liberation Of Paris
Created by georider
General Philippe Leclerc's 2nd Armored Division (2e Division Blind?e, 2e DB) along with Generals de Lattre de Tassigny's 1st Armor Division Liberate France, enroute from the coastsof Normandy and Provence to Strasburg and Alsase. This skinpack contains Ski...
Geese Division
Created by Andervall
You have made contact with the famous Geese Division. It's operatives are known for a high level of efficency. You will forever remember the name "Blå gåsen"....
German Armored Divisions 44-45, Die Panzerwaffe im Krieg
Created by georider
German divisions skinpack focus on the last days of war, divisions armored units that fought to the major battles of 44-45 from Normandy bogaze , to flat fields of Nederland's, from the mud of the east to the cold of Ardennes and the final German offencive...
German Digital Camo
Created by Lilac Lightning
Digital Pattern For The Wehrmacht. For Both Ostheer Faction & Oberkommando West Faction. Check Out My Another Skin Mod! German Splinter Camo:
Created by Das Baum
The Gaben Faceplate...
German Empire Semi-Historical Decals
Created by ☦StrategXp7☦
Semi-Historical Decals of German Empire....
German faceplate N.12
Created by [BWR]Shturm pionier
German Faceplate Nr.12...
German faceplate DAK
Created by [BWR]Shturm pionier
Deutsche afrika korps...
German War Thunder
Created by Waynes World Rox
German War Thunder Summer Skin Pack for both Wehrmacht & OKW Please note: a lot of work goes into these skin pack so Support Modders - " Subscripe; Rate Up and Enjoy ;) " - Thanking you in advance ! Goes well with the following Tuning Packs, Deutsches Heer...
German Splinter Camo
Created by Lilac Lightning
Splinter Pattern For The Wehrmacht. For Both Ostheer Faction & Oberkommando West Faction. Check Out My Another Skin Mod! German Digital Camo:
German Improvised Ambush Camouflage (OKW/Wehrmacht)
Created by Starbuck
Improvised ambush camouflage designed to aid in the concealment of combat vehicles under trees and other such foliage. Created by Starbuck. *UPDATE 3/30/16* Sherman VC Firefly Beutepanzer(captured tank) added for Wikinger mod. (see below) *UPDATE 9/29/15* ...
German Winter Whitewash
Created by Starbuck
Winter whitewash was applied as a temporary paint finish to vehicles serving in snowy conditions to provide a semblance of camouflage. The paint was applied in a fairly haphazard fashion and tended to be water soluble too, which resulted in becoming worn a...
Girl 5th Kresowa Infantry Division
Created by Fingurd
The Polish 5th Kresowa Infantry Division was an infantry division of the Polish Armed Forces in the West during World War II. Formed in March 1943, it fought in the Italian Campaign as part of Lieutenant general Wladyslaw Anders Polish II Corps, affiliated...
Girls Frontline C-93 Faceplate
Created by Sir Walter Loli
A faceplate of the C-93 Borchardt pistol anime girl from Girls Frontline....
Girl of the Hungarian Army near Voronezh
Created by Fingurd
The Hungarian army took part in heavy battles for Voronezh in 1942-1943. , having suffered catastrophic losses Out of 200 thousand soldiers and officers, only 30 thousand returned to Hungary. The death of the 2nd Hungarian army went down in the history of ...
Girls Frontline Faceplate V1 "M1 Garand"
Created by Rodent
This is a first version that i removed but someone just request me. Girls frontline is chinese/japanese F2P mobile game gameplay similar to kancolle I will not make all wwii guns but if you want you can request me. Image source Wikipedia...
Girls tankmen US
Created by Fingurd
Girls tankmen US...
Girlsfrontline Kar98k (H) Vehicle Skins
Created by Crychic
Karabiner 98 kurz Westdeutsche(WestGerman) Heavy Vehicle Skins....
Girlsfrontline G43 (M) Vehicle Skins
Created by Crychic
Gewehr 43 Westdeutsche(WestGerman) Medium Vehicle Skins....
Girlsfrontline UMP45 (H) Vehicle Skins
Created by Crychic
Heckler & Koch UMP45 Westdeutsche(WestGerman) Heavy Vehicle Skins. モデル by SIMCITY3000SE...
Guards Tank Army
Created by Ghost of Makhno
Guards were the elite of the Red Army. They were experienced, possessed superior morale and were issued with the best equipment. Guards' vehicles were decorated with slogans and unit distinctions. This skin pack re-creates the look of a Guards unit. Each v...
GuP Kay Faceplate
Created by majokko
When you want to rub democracy in other player's faces...
Created by mintyboi
A little Hackerman Faceplate...
Heinz Beanz Faceplate
Created by Benzo Machiavelli
It's just about as close as you can get to pegging your opponent upside the head with a can of beans....
Created by Therion
Soviet frame with a bit of fun...
Created by Pathfinder-LTKE
Hafen Faceplate...
Heinz Guderian BDE faceplate
Created by CabooseNomerson
"I understand having a few more Tigers and Elephants wouldn't result in a German victory, but I just like their Big Dick Energy." - Generaloberst Heinz Guderian, probably Obviously the actual faceplate isn't censored but idk how Steam handles images with "...
Helping Hans Decal Pack
Created by B1337
Includes all the factions.
Hellfire Camo (Soviet skin)
Created by fx
Sometimes the purpose of camouflage is to hide. But sometimes a unique color scheme can help distinguish a specific armored division. It can be displayed proudly to inspire the troops. This camo pattern is all about making a bold statement, marching in wit...
Hey Mister Decal
Created by augustus
Hey Mister decal pack...
Herr Stening: Winterzeit
Created by arkanium77
In der Panzerdivision diente dieser Herr im kalten Russland dazu, die Dinge in Ordnung zu bringen....
Hilde Faceplate
Created by Kuyuru.xlsx
Commander Hilde from Counter:Side ============================= - A Vampire (Probably) - Short - Reckless - Cool AF - Neef A Buff Zilong Plss ============================== If anyone doesn't like the newly added details, feel free to tell me your opinion, ...
Created by CrackBaron
An diesem stürmischen Herbsttag wollen die Deutschen die geheime Panzerfabrik der Russen erobern, oder falls es sein muss, zerstören. Der Schlüssel zum Sieg ist das hochgelegene, gut geschützte Firmengelände!...
HKL West 6p
Created by «DoP»Orklord
Map Version : 1.2 Map Created by : Orklord 2021 Supported by : Starbuck ---------------------------------------------------- Link to all my Maps : The German Shortcut "HKL"...
Created by Knee Sung
HIMOUTO edited by DerronDez...
Created by Fritzchen
Camouflage for the 9th SS Pz-Div. "Hohenstaufen" ... it was a lot of Work - so keep in Mind : ___________________________ " Thumb UP's " always welcome ! ___________________________...
Home Depot Faceplate
Created by EliteStarWarrior
More saving. More doing....
Honest Work
Created by Mel
Sometimes you just need to plant a mine, more a few. It ain't much but it is honest work....
Hungarian Camo
Created by ADLER
Camouflage Skin - Hungary Hungarian Skin and Decals for all OstHeer and OKW vehicles. Summer and Winter patterns in three green tones, with tan mix and the Hungarian black square and white cross marking. *TIP* Disable decals when using this skin for best r...
Created by Friendly ape
F%@# Yes I did not draw this picture...
Horde Defense Mod
Created by Artig0
What is this mod? Twitch: Game examples Horde Defense Mod brings in RPG like elements and AI improvements to make the Player vs AI (PVE) loop more interesting, prolonging standard game times for epic large scale engagements. In vanilla COH2, the AI can be ...
I WANT YOU Faceplate
Created by limesimme
Derived from the classic stolen concept of the Brittish, the US Oncle Sam calling brave men to arms now avalible as a faceplate for Company of Heroes 2! The faceplate can be used with any faction but suits the USF most, naturally!...
Infantry Only Game Mode
Created by Trigg
Description: Re-implements the Infantry Emphasis Game Mode to make vehicles unafordable. You can use it with your favorite tuning pack that makes other kinds of changes. Features: Eliminates vehicles by making them too expensive. Exceptions: US ambulances ...
Imperial Japanese Forces
Created by RoastinGhost
This mod adds a Japanese faction to the game. They are competitively viable and carefully balanced. To use this, subscribe, create a custom game, and set this mod as the active tuning pack. The Wehrmacht (Eastern Front Germans) will be replaced by the Japa...
Imperial Japanese Army Skin-Pack
Created by Kel'Thuzad
Created for mods like Phylla's the Advanced Powers Mod, or the Imperial Japanese Army mod, this skinpack will work for any modification and allow you to (more easily) role-play as the Imperial Japanese, or at least have more believalble vehicles. To be cle...
Imperial Japanese Forces Skin Pack
Created by RoastinGhost
All skins were created by the super Warrior for this mod project. All credit goes to him!...
Infantry Only
Created by SirVancelot
This map is for infantry only, okay? So all you tanks and vehicles out there... GET OUT!!!...
Infantry Only Mod
Created by birrebarre
Island ( 2 - 8 ) Players
Created by Axlo
( 2 - 8 ) Players...
island hopping
Created by Tosh
Created by DKHarper
Japan 日本
Created by Trulte
Work in progress Hope you like...
Jill Stingray Drinks Beer
Created by GANGUM
This is faceplate...
Joseph Stalin Decal
Created by CastledCard
A decal for our glorious leader Stalin. Death before retreat comrades!
Kamui Skin Pack
Skins for the Pershing Design from the Kamui's in the anime "Kill la Kill" Summer: Senketsu Winter: Junketsu _____________________________________________________ If there is a demand I might revisit it...
Created by Pathfinder-LTKE
KaiFaceplate from vc4...
Kazuhira "Fiddle" Miller Faceplate
Created by FullCreamRat
They played us like a damn fiddle!...
Khaki USF
Created by PeterThanPete
All USF vehicles in Khaki color with USAF logo. *Created by PeterThanPete...
Kharkov Massacre
Created by Layndarat
The third battle of Kharkov, bombing and artillery strikes have rendered the center of the city of Kharkov devastated. Original epic map by ysoserious with eerie mood setting soundtrack, (map) remastered for Battleground Europe. No indestructible groves. N...
Kongou from Ishii Hisao
Created by Proteus
Chibi Kongo from Ishii Hisao NO COFEEEE DESUUUUUU!!!...
Created by Fritzchen
Camouflage for the 1st SS-Leibstandarte ... it was a lot of Work - so keep in Mind : ___________________________ " Thumb UP's " always welcome ! ___________________________ ...
Kinniro Mozaic (Ostheer Summer)
Created by [JP]くるみ
Kinniro Mozaic (Ostheer Summer) Opel Truck : Alice Sdkfz 222 : Honoka HT251 : Mitsuki X Kouta HT250 : Aya X Youko Stug III : Minasan Ostwind : Minasan Brummbar : Youko X Aya Panther : Karen Elefant : Minasan Tiger : Isami X Shinobu Panzerwerfer : Kuzebashi...
LIDL Faceplate
Created by Luminatas
Best prices for the best war criminals...
Created by Pathfinder-LTKE
Lucifer from Helltaker...
Long Path
Created by Zalta Noob
Lucky Strike
Created by Dude Nudem
THE Cigarette THAT'S Winning THE WAR Cigarettes became so integrated into life on the battlefield that these symbols of pleasure and comfort were also used as a form of currency. With the rise of World War II, tobacco companies continued to foster this cul...
Marin Kitagawa faceplate
Created by Dr. Girthquake
So spicy almost makes me want to be a better person...
MD The bridge
Created by dwayne
What can I say ? A wide bridge, a path for tanks, a narrow bridge, for a ruse? Let's kill them all!! MD...
MGS - Snake Eater Faceplate
Created by orinmeow
A faceplate I made custom for a friend. Features a motif inspired by Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Have thoughts? Requests? Place them in the comment section below! Special Thanks to all of you who are sub'd and upvoted~ <3...
Meme Decals
Created by Janne252
Includes the following memes, available as Decals: - Kappa - Doge...
Monika Faceplate
Created by Pathfinder-LTKE
Monika Faceplate Chatacter from Doki Doki Literature Club...
Mio Honda Battle of Berlin Faceplate
Created by Koko Zanzibar
The most moe war criminal makes her last stand for your faceplate! Thanks to giggj ( YouTube: ) for inspiring me to make this trash! Because I haven't a fraction of the skill required to mak...
mkgy bridge
Created by omatachop
Mush Potato Time
Created by Lmaster
The only thing better than capping a victory point is enjoying a steaming bowl of mush potato....
Natsuki Faceplate
A Faceplate from the DDLC character Natsuki....
NieR: Automata 2B decal
Created by Nero5th
A decal mod with the lovely 2B from NieR: Automata...
Nikola faceplate
Created by Pathfinder-LTKE
Nikola faceplate Valkyria chronicles...
Created by Caradr42
its just cirno but also nazi touhou ...
NieR:Automata 2B faceplat N1
Created by Nero5th
A simply 2B faceplat from NieR:Automata...
No Anime Faceplate 2
Created by Scrublord
Another version of the No Anime faceplate. Use this mighty faceplate to crush the filthy weeb degenerates....
North Korea
Created by mintyboi
A little North Korea Faceplate...
Oberkommando West faceplate
Faction faceplate for Oberkommando West (OKW)...
Oasis (4 - 4)
Created by Stauffenberg
July 1944: Welcome to a new expedition to Africa. The war leads our battles right into the heart of the black continent, where the deadly Sahara begins. Erwin Rommel troops are making progress in the north, while we are challenging an unknown battleground ...
OKW Hanf
Created by Reichskaiser
Mady by Kaiser des Reiches Tiger...
OKH Armor Divisions Skinpack - Waffen in The East
Created by georider
This skin pack includes different variation skins using by german armored divisions in eastern front after the batle of Kursk till operation bagration. The winter skinpack theme based on painting variations german army used at batle of karkov and the battl...
Omaha Beach
Created by «DoP»Orklord
I make Maps for free and its many,many work but it would be great if i could get some support by the Community ! If you want to support me for my Work you can Donate here :
One front
Created by Pabloxox
Ondrej Gemüse Faceplate
Created by arkanium77
The greatest commander Ondrej Gemüse, who served in 228 Cokbanner homorized gay division Gentle Spartan now on your Faceplates!...
Panzergrau USF
Created by PeterThanPete
All USF vehicles in German Panzergrau (dark gray). *Created by PeterThanPete...
Padoru Padoru!
Created by Versopa
My Very Very First Faceplate...
Panzerfaust Pinup
Created by nd4spd1919
"Is that a Sturmpistole mit Panzerwurfkorper 42 in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"...
Created by Sippbox
Patton Love Bug
Created by Sir
Patton driving Herbie the Love Bug (colorized)....
Pioneria - Пионерия
Created by Chehovskiy
Soviet pioner organisation Советский пионер/пионерка...
Polish Eagle - Complete Edition
Created by Zbirga
Click here to CURATED VERSION Polish eagle for all polish brothers! This is the 3rd version of the Polish eagle. Inscriptions on tanks: SOVIET RUDY Za Polskę! 102 Grunwald Na Berlin Polska Szachownica Pancerna USF SZTORM MONTE-CASSINO BRAWURA DZIELNY (stam...
Poland - 1st Armored Division
Created by Piotr01234
Poland - 1st Armored Division decal is only available for British and American factions. Don't forget to rate it. Polish armor skin pack for British forces Tags: Poland, Polska, PL, First, Pierwsza, Armored, Armoured, Division, Dywizja, Pancerna,...
Population Cap
Created by Nem
Victory Point and Annihilation population cap mod. Support for 125, 150, 200, 250 and 500 population caps....
Polish Armor British Forces
Created by Piotr01234
Polish armor for British forces. This skin pack is centered around Poland’s First Armored Division on the western front. It is not 100% accurate. For the most part, decals should not interfere with the markings on the vehicles. The link to the decal that w...
Pointe du Hoc
Created by «DoP»Orklord
I make Maps for free and its many,many work but it would be great if i could get some support by the Community ! If you want to support me for my Work you can Donate here :
Created by Kristina
Re-Class Battleship
Created by ♛Weeaboo Gamer♛
Re-Class Battleship from Kantai Collection...
Raubkatze Tiger Tarnung
Created by Reichskaiser
Makes your tanks looking like a Tiger! Skinpack for axis! Tiger stripes for the win! Like for more animal skins!...
Rear Echelon Troops Faceplate
Created by Aldator
On the front lines and deployable. For those who enjoy cheesing the AI with tank traps and barbed wire as much as I do....
Queen Artillery faceplate
Created by CabooseNomerson
UNLIMITED ARTY! Decimate the rowdy colonials with your completely unnecessary amount of 25-pounders with this faceplate. They won't know what hit them until their limbs are already splattered across the colony! EDIT: Holy fuck the Relic devs made me one of...
Red Alert 3 - Soviet Theme
Created by Arcadia
Red Alert 3 - Soviet...
Red Army Camouflages
Created by Starbuck
The Red Army used various types of paints and shades of green on their tanks. Rarely, in the summer, a two color scheme was painted green and dark earth. Even more scarce was a three color scheme of green, dark earth and yellow or red. This skin pack conta...
Created by Pathfinder-LTKE
Riley Faceplate...
Created by Loopback7084
RiverCrossing4v4 Popcap 200...
Created by AndRuuha
Best mouse...
RKKA tankmen
Created by Chehovskiy
Советский танкист-освободитель...
Created by Monovik
Created by Drogo HUN
Romania flag...
Royal Faceplate
Created by P+
Royal Tank Regiment
Created by --| Bonzer2 |--
Royal Tank Regiment Cap Badge Formed during World War One, the Royal Tank Regiment is the oldest tank Regiment in the world....
RSI/ Legione SS Italiana skin
Created by The super Warrior
The skin has been created with no political or other such intentions, conjunction to racial ideology or war crimes are not intended. The skin is for the historical knowledge and just for fun. I'm open for other ideas and badges. Have fun with it Discussion...
Russian Faceplate
Created by fistoblitzkrieg
Someone get my tracksuit...
s.Pz.Abt. 502 Otto Carius Faceplate
Created by Eden Kim
Schwere-Panzer-Abteilung 502 Otto Carius Faceplate Thanks for your attention, and subscribes. If you have some ideas or opinions, feel free to write down below, Thanks again. My next projects, Soviet: Zhukov German: Guderian U.S.: Patton U.K.: Montgomery ※...
Saber bath time!
Created by Nero5th
Bath time for the king!...
Sahara Camo (Soviet and British skin)
Created by fx
Nowhere is good camouflage more important than when you are out in the open. In the desert there is little cover to be found. Your best bet is to blend in. A simple leopard-inspired breakup pattern and a base color specifically dialed in to match the North...
Seine_River_Docks Revised - Ver 1.2
Created by 58th CEC
This map was revised by trying to balance the terrain and placed obstacles so that forces on either side would not have the advantage. The map should work well for infantry and airborne troops. Use your armor to break through followed by your infantry. Use...
Shark Skin
Created by Good Ol' Czepis
Shark skin for USF vehicles. All medium tanks are now painted, both summer and winter modifications. Only light vehicles have no shark mouth....
Created by Joakim
Skittish Bocchi
Bocchi but she doesn't want to be your faceplate...
Schultz's Tiger Ace - Skin
Created by Senseo1990
The classic Tiger Ace Camouflage from vCoH This is >not< a Skin for the Tiger Ace but for the regular Tiger. The Tiger Ace skin cannot be modified via a skinpack. It is adviced to use a decal pack that removes decals from Ostheer vehicles. A decal pack whi...
Soviet Guards
Created by Max Funn
Soviet Guards decal...
Soviet Summer Skin
Created by Fritzchen
SOVIET SUMMER - SKIN ... it was a lot of Work - so keep in Mind : ___________________________ " Thumb UP's " always welcome ! ___________________________...
Space Troops
Created by [RedR] pes7
by pes7...
Soviet Winter Skin
Created by Fritzchen
SOVIET WINTER SKIN ... it was a lot of Work - so keep in Mind : ___________________________ " Thumb UP's " always welcome ! ___________________________...
Soviet Armored Divisions Skinpack - Road to Berlin-Направление на Берлин
Created by georider
The Soviet Union after the first defeats in operation Barbarosa manage to stop German war machine in the gates of Moscow. It will take 2 long years to counter atack after the battle of Kurk and drove back the germans to berlin. This skinpack have many vari...
Spearhead I - Combat Overhaul (Redux)
Created by Achronos
A Few Announcements 12/24 With the release of CoH 3 and confirmation of mod tools on release, we are happy to announce that we will be working on Spearhead III! To celebrate, we decided to do another patch for Spearhead I, to fix lingering issues, improve ...
Spearhead I - Stoklomolvi Version v1.0.7
Created by Stoklomolvi
Changelogs Original Version More information on the Spearhead - Combat Overhaul mod may be found at its original workshop location. Due to the way Steam works, I have to ...
Springfield Faceplate
Created by Sir Walter Loli
A faceplate of Springfield from Girls Frontline...
Spearhead Win Conditions
Created by Ragnar
STANDARD GAMEMODES Victory Point - 500/750/1000, Population Cap set to 150 Victory Point Zoom + - Viscory Point with extended zoom Annihilation - Population Cap options 100/150/250 Annihilation Zoom + - Annihilation with extended zoom Attrition - Populatio...
SS Totenkopf Division Camo
Created by ADLER
Camouflage Skin - SS Totenkopf Division German Skin and Decals for all OstHeer and OKW vehicles. Summer and Winter patterns in dark green, with brick and grey mix on tan base. Adds Balkan Cross, tactical markings, identification numbers and the 3rd SS Tote...
Stahlgewitter 3 | German Summer Skin
Created by S.V.K.
A little update! Available for winterbattle: Wintergewitter 2 and Stahlgewitter 3.1 - Dirty Steel Winter skinpack contains the Stahlgewitter 3 skins painted wihte for winterbattle. Dirty Steel contains the SGW 3 skins, but dirty (with mud layer). Available...
Still Lost the War Lmao
Created by Dr. Girthquake
all that German pride. Like all those super tanks, guns, and soldiers seem really cool and all. Still lost the war though. AS SEEN IN @: 3:02 and 3:25...
Stuka Squadron Tactical Strike
Created by Eden Kim
A Squadron consists of Four Stukas will dive in and drop 50kg Bombs on the hostile HQ for the greatest finale. Exclusive for Ostheer and OKW....
Striped Woodland Camouflage Winter (OKW/Wehrmacht)
Created by Starbuck
Sand, green, and brown striped winter camouflage designed to aid in the concealment of vehicles in forrests and other wooded surroundings. OKW and Wehrmacht factions. Created by Starbuck. *UPDATE* 12/19/15 File size reduced by half. With all medium and hea...
Tank Warfare 8.6
Created by RB33
This mod makes only tanks available. Supports all factions. Adds new tanks You buy tanks with only manpower. A Panzer IV costs 100 manpower, a Tiger costs 1000 manpower. Current update: Version 8.6.5 (12/2/2017) - 1 new tank added: M27 Bliss (American) Pre...
Tank Battle
Created by Unclouded
SS HitlerJugend Division Camo
Created by ADLER
Camouflage Skin - SS Hitler Jugend Panzer Division German Skin and Decals for all OstHeer and OKW vehicles. Summer and Winter patterns in dark green, with brick and tan mix on olive base. Adds Balkan Cross, tactical markings, identification numbers and the...
Templar Decal
Created by Veteran
A decal for my friend Hummus, inspired by the Templar. All factions supported. The primary decal is the Lebanese Forces (Militia) from the Lebanese civil war from 1975-1990. The rest of the decals on your units will have various crosses used from the Templ...
This is a test for my first faceplate...
The Advanced Powers 3.4.0B
Created by Unusual Burb 🐦
ALTERNATE-HISTORY MOD HEAVILY-INSPIRED BY THE WOLFENSTEIN SERIES Current Version: 3.4.0B: The Continuation Updates (Part 3 - Patch) Check 'Change Notes' for update details and additional story-lore! Will you be able to overc...
The Bridge
Created by Avestan
The Bridge Where Boys Become Men!!!...
The God Emperor of Mankind
Created by Dj Pandup
I have so many things to complain about! a little tribute to "If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device" a series set in the universe of Warhammer 40k created by Bruva Alfabusa which can be found here:
The one bridge Heidelberg Crossings
Created by DedoAglar
(8 player version, originally based on Relic's map "(4) Heidelberg Crossings)" Allied forces intended to use Heidelberg as a forward garrison due to its excellent rail and highway infrastructure, sparing it from the full devastating power of the RAF and US...
The Town
Created by Falknargiados
Subscribe to download (4 - 8) The Town Popcap = 100 --------------------------------------------------- ...
The Advanced Powers
Created by 心如止水
EXPERIMENTAL MOD HEAVILY-INSPIRED BY THE WOLFENSTEIN SERIES Rate! If you like the modpack and what we have going on. If we see people actually enjoying this crazy mod, we will definetly continue updating it! Current Version: 2.3-?-E The Specializations Upd...
The Warsaw uprising
Created by
Varšavu už 5 let okupuje nacistické Německo. Varšavané jsou vystaveni aktům nelidského teroru a násilí. Mezi mladými lidmi toužícími po svobodě a novém životě roste nepokoj. V létě 1944 se k Varšavě blíží sovětská armáda, budí to naději na prohru Němců. Va...
Created by Pathfinder-LTKE
Tom Clancy's TheDivision Faceplate...
Created by Yokozuna
Tiger Ace Decal
Created by Senseo1990
To use in combination with the Classic Tiger Ace skin Be aware that this pack not only removes >some< decals from the Tiger Tank but other Ostheer Vehicles and Buildings as well....
Tommy Angelo Faceplate
Created by Pathfinder-LTKE
Thomas 'Tommy' Angelo, sir. Keywords: Mafia...
Trench Warfare 3.0
Created by RB33
Adds 40+ new units. These units are specialized in trench warfare. Trench Infantry: Good for both Offensive and Defensive. Trench Shooters: Good for Defensive. Assault Infantry: Good for Offensive. Squad sizes increased with 2. Makes infantry, machine guns...
Created by Fritzchen
All U.S. Tanks & Vehicles (Summer) / USA -Fraction ... it was a lot of Work - so keep in Mind : ___________________________ " Thumb UP's " always welcome ! ___________________________...
Tug Of War
Created by AllyOmally
Popcap 200... Straight up front line tactical map......
Ultimate Fatality Collection
Created by Reichskaiser
Ultimate Fatality Collection for every faction. Powerfull Strikes! Feel free to suggest your own unique strike. Made by Reichskaiser...
Ultimate Resource Gamemodes
Created by Glitshy
2x Resources 100 Popcap, (NEW) 2x Resources 200 Popcap, 2x Resources 300 Popcap, 2x Resources 500 Popcap, 3x Resources 500 Popcap, 5X Resources 500 Popcap, 5X Resources 1000 Popcap, 10X Resources 9999 Popcap victory-point 2x Resources 100 Popcap, (NEW) vic...
Ultimate Resource Gamemodes Expanded
Created by Glitshy
An expension to my mod "Ultimate Resource Gamemodes" which can be found here: Additional gamemodes: 2x Resources 150 Popcap, 2x Resources 250 Popcap, 3x Resources 200 Popcap, 3x Resources 300 ...
Unbalancer Mod Mark I
Created by Plum_Pudding71
The title says it all. makes things utterly ridiculous. Wehrmacht: - 8cm mortar fires in rapid bursts - Ostruppen squads are much larger, cheaper - Pioneer squads are size 8, and are all equipped with flamethrowers - Panzergrenadiers punch things to death,...
US Easy Company
Created by Max Funn
US Easy Company decal...
Unlock All Skins Mod by EBS
Created by EBS Official
THIS MOD UNLOCKS ALL CAMOS PRESENT IN THE GAME The mod use the same files that are current in the game, obviously they are "mods" so it doesn't work in ranked games, it works in custom, public, and bots games All skins are translated according to the game'...
US Forces faceplate
Faceplate for the US Forces (USF)...
US Olive Drab
Created by Starbuck
Standard paint for U.S. Army military vehicles. *UPDATE 6/30/16* Added US6 Studebaker (ZIS-6 model) for use with the Wikinger Tuning Mod(see below). *UPDATE 4/16/16* Added captured Panther and Sdkfz 251 for use with the Wikinger Tuning Mod(see below). *UPD...
US Forces Winter Woodlands 1943
Created by Waynes World Rox 2
US Forces Winter Woodlands Camouflage Pattern, Use Decal Remover, dont forget to Rate Up and Enjoy :)...
US Forces Three Tone Camouflage Pattern 1943 (Use Decal Remover :)
Created by Waynes World Rox 2
US Forces Three Tone Camouflage Pattern 1943 For Best Result Use a Decal Remover, Rate Up and Enjoy :) You know whats kewl its for freee........
US Olive Drab II
Created by Starbuck
Standard paint for US Army vehicles. All skins in this pack are historical. Only Medium armor. No light tanks or Pershing. This skin pack was made specifically for the Wikinger Tuning Pack Mod And for the Spearhead Tuning Pac...
UN Deutschland
Created by Rolf Hahn
Fun Skin. Die Vereinten Nationen UNO. Deutschland....
US Pershing Tiger Face
Created by 613559998
US Pershing painted to look like an M46 Patton, 6th Tank Battalion, 24th Infantry Division, Korea, 1951. Created by Starbuck....
USF M5A1 Stuart
Created by Landgraf
USF M5A1 Stuart...
VA-11 HALL-A Faceplates
Created by Tupper
Time to mix drinks and change genders...
US Pershing Tiger Face
Created by Starbuck
US Pershing painted to look like an M46 Patton, 6th Tank Battalion, 24th Infantry Division, Korea, 1951. Rumor has it that this tiger stripe pattern along with menacing face was applied to M46 Patton tanks in order to unsettle superstitous Chinese soldiers...
Valkyria Chronicles Eleanor faceplate
Created by ACERNIS枫
A cool and collected woman, Eleanor is the captain of Gallia's Militia and Welkin's direct superior. She is a veteran of the First Europan War....
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Faceplate
Created by ArcDestiny
A faceplate featuring Claude Wallace from Valkyria Chronicles 4....
Created by mintyboi
A little Vaporwave Faceplate...
Valkyria Chronicles Rosie faceplate
Created by ACERNIS枫
Brigitte was formerly a bar singer who used the stage name "Rosie", and now prefers to be called as such. As a corporal in Squad 7, she acts as its main shocktrooper...
Vasilevskiy - Василевский
Created by Chehovskiy
Легендарный советский маршал Великой Отечетсвенной Legendary Soviet marshal of Great Patriotic War...
Volksgrenadier Spezialist
Created by DocSavage
Volksgrenadier Spezialist Faceplate by GateauSec44 Discover the other stuff (cliquable) : ...
Waifu Material
Created by pagep
Valkyria Chronicles Selvaria Faceplate
Created by ACERNIS枫
Selvaria is a 22-year-old proud, noble, yet distant woman who serves Maximilian with absolute loyalty as a part of the Drei Stern. The blood of the legendary Valkyria flows in her veins, granting her superhuman powers in battle when she wields an artifact ...
Created by -Sev-
Wehrfu faceplate. "It's not like I wanted to annex poland or anything...b-baka."...
Wehrmacht 1939
Created by The super Warrior
The skin has been created with no political or other such intentions, conjunction to racial ideology or war crimes are not intended. The skin is for the historical knowledge and just for fun. I'm open for other ideas and badges. Have fun with it Discussion...
Wehrmacht Striped Woodland Camouflage
Created by Starbuck
Sand, green, and brown striped camouflage designed to aid in the concealment of vehicles in forrests and other wooded surroundings. Created by Starbuck. *UPDATE 5/16/16* Fixed missing skins....again. *UPDATE 3/30/16* Sherman VC Beutepanzer added for Wiking...
We Are Number One but it's a Faceplate
Created by Galakaston
Hey! We are Number One Hey! We are Number One Now listen closely Here's a little lesson in trickery This is going down in history If you wanna be a Villain Number One You have to chase a superhero on the run Just follow my moves, and sneak around Be carefu...
WhyCry's Polish Faceplate
Created by WhyCry
The most polished faceplace in COH2...
Welsh Dragon
Created by SaintDaveUK
Adds Welsh symbolism to all vehicles. This decal works for all five armies; * American * British * Oberkommando West * Soviet * Wehrmacht The design includes the Red Dragon, the Prince of Wales Feathers as well as the written text "Wales", "Cymru am byth" ...
Wikinger Skin Pack British
Created by Starbuck2 GET INVOLVED WITH THE COMMUNITY INTRODUCTION This pack is designed to work ONLY with the "Wikinger Tuning Pack Mod". Works for Winter and Summer maps and includes skins for the following units...
Wikinger Skin Pack OKW
Created by Starbuck2 GET INVOLVED WITH THE COMMUNITY INTRODUCTION This pack is designed to work ONLY with the "Wikinger Tuning Pack Mod". Works for Winter and Summer maps and includes skins for the following units...
Wikinger Skin Pack Wehrmacht 1.5
Created by Olhausen Kraus
Wikinger Skin Pack Wehrmacht 1.5. This skin pack contains skins for Otto Carius' Jagdtiger, a Jagdpanzer IV, Panther Command Tank, Panzer IV, Sdkfz 251/17 Flak Halftrack, Sdkfz 251/8 ambulance and Michael Wittmann's Tiger Ace. Created by Starbuck. Comments...
Created by mrmoor
A faceplate in the style of a german Wehrpass (service record book)....
Wikinger Soviet Skin Pack
Created by Starbuck2 GET INVOLVED WITH THE COMMUNITY INTRODUCTION This pack is designed to work ONLY with the "Wikinger Tuning Pack Mod". Works for Winter and Summer maps and includes skins for the following units...
Wikinger Skins US
Created by Starbuck2 GET INVOLVED WITH THE COMMUNITY INTRODUCTION This pack is designed to work ONLY with the "Wikinger Tuning Pack Mod". Works for Winter and Summer maps and includes skins for the following units...
Wikinger: EToW Decal Remover
Created by mongalong247 GET INVOLVED WITH THE COMMUNITY This is the Official Wikinger: European Theater of War Decal Remover. Equip this decal pack to add another layer of realism to the Wikinger mod, remove all the ...
Wikinger Supplemental Skin Pack
Created by Starbuck2 GET INVOLVED WITH THE COMMUNITY INTRODUCTION This pack is designed to work ONLY with the "Wikinger Tuning Pack Mod". Works for Winter and Summer maps and includes skins for the following units...
Wikinger: European Theater of War v3.5.2
Created by Olhausen Kraus GET INVOLVED WITH THE COMMUNITY INTRODUCTION Wikinger is a modification of Company of Heroes 2, it has a strong focus on historical realism while working to maintain game balance. Our goal is ...
Woods of Ypres
Created by pestmiez
For the flair of the trenches. Roughly 10 million soldiers lost their lives in World War I, along with seven million civilians. The horror of the war and its aftermath altered the world for decades....
Created by Fennec
World Front World war II
Created by Soppe S
Have you ever been thinking fighting 4 fronts at ones? now you can do it! join for World Front and fight for axis or allies! / discord link for map, for feedback
Workers Party of Korea
Created by Chehovskiy
We serve for people. DPRK troops are ready to destroy all invaders! Faceplate not have purpose to politics and violence. Enjoy!...
Zombies 1.12.6
Created by Sie_Sayoka
Fast-paced, large-scale zombie battles! This mod changes the Soviet faction into zombies that get stronger and more numerous as the game progresses. Meant to be played on 2x resources 200 pop cap annihilation against the AI with a 1:1 ratio of AI to player...
[RS] Battle of the Bulge
Created by M|o|H..RoyalRoys
By Stazen & RoyalRoys Our Discord : The Battle of the Bulge, also known as Battaille des Ardennes, was the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during World War II, and took place from 16 December 1944 to 25 January ...