Barotrauma 潜渊症

Barotrauma 潜渊症

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项目 (212)
СБЭУ [Discontinued]
МОД ЗАБРОШЕН MOD DISCONTINUED Мод заброшен, обновлений данной модификации больше не будет. Кто хочет, дорабатывайте, добавляйте что в душе угодно. Только в описании добавьте ссылку на оригинал . The mod is discontinued, there will be no more updates to thi...
创建者: 白杨本杨
实验性的先进侦查舰。“剑鱼”体积较小且功能齐全。其上搭载了生物雷达阵列、激光点防御等设备原型机,能轻易完成清剿敌怪、勘探搜救等各项任务。 ==== 我尝试过制作英语版本的潜艇,但由于这个潜艇的文字装饰风格很复杂,且我的英语能力不够,所以我没能完成。希望有能力的朋友能制作出这个潜艇的英文版本。 I tried to make an English version of the submarine, but I couldn't finish it because the text decoration sty...
创建者: 白杨本杨
极光工业为某科研公司设计制造的小型科研船。 谁会找一家战舰工厂定制科研船?这艘船的建造费用高昂——仅有小部分经费是用在科研设备上的。实际上,这艘科研船拥有全套完整的武装系统。但既然客户与工业都说这是一艘科研船,那她就是一艘科研船。尚且不知道她的船员们有什么科学突破,不过她击杀巨兽的事却是有目共睹。 “让船员们更有安全感。”看来,设计部门很好的贯彻了客户的需求。船内装有较先进的控制系统与不少大屏幕——这家客户与极光工业关系不错,否则工业只会像大部分联盟船厂那样直接将勉强能用的设备堆在船内。 价格:3850mk...
创建者: 233-1
------ “记忆也许会随洋流消失,苦痛只会随着时光沉淀。”------ ------“ 当航道再次被探照灯点亮,她的命运将与你共鸣。”------ ------ "Memories may disappear with ocean currents, and pain will only precipitate with time." ------ ------" When the channel is lit up again by the searchlight, her fate will res...
【Job】S级构造体 比安卡·深痕/BPO-87 【战双帕弥什】
创建者: 아코
因对游戏失去热情,此MOD或将不再更新 支持语言 Languages :中文(简体) 任何人制作其他语言版本都是允许的。 My English is not good.So anyone making other language versions is allowed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 在对母体碎片进行深度研究的基础上,由黑野制造的新型特化机体。机体...
创建者: crazyscv
新增基因:利维坦基因,让使用者无视水压,无需氧气,游泳速度增加90%,可以在自动贩卖机处花2000购买。 新增物品:微生物群荧光棒,因为有了基因后不需要穿潜水服,但是没有潜水服灯会很暗,原版荧光棒又太麻烦了,就弄了个不会被消耗的荧光棒,用一个荧光棒和一个生理盐水制作。 因为原版没有办法通过比较。。。“正常”的方式肉身抗水压,所以我做了这辆轮椅。 愿你不受海洋束缚,在深海中直面苦难...
北冕 星际巡洋舰
创建者: Azuru engine
A mysterious alien who dives into the ocean of Europa with the stars. Stress-free wheelchair boat with 50+ horizontal speed and 30+ snorkeling speed. Recommended number of participants: 2-4 people. Automatic reac...
南十字座 CRUX 战列巡洋舰
创建者: 白杨本杨
I'm very sorry, because there are too many texts and text decorations in this submarine, and my English ability is really limited, so I can't make an English version of it. 非常非常抱歉,由于这个潜艇里的文本量和文字装饰实在太多,且我的英语能力实在有限,所以我难以制作英语版本。 此船为南十字的翻新版本,不再有bug电路了。 价格:3000...
[StopUsingMe!!!]Playable Mudraptor Girl(TF Mix)
创建者: The Forgotten
Due to some tricky bugs, enabling this mod now will cause MudraptorGirl players to be unable to access the save files properly If you have enabled this mod, please do not select the MudraptorGirl profession Although the current version can generate charact...
创建者: ShiroKaze
使用电池供电的多功能工具,可以双持 This is a multifunctional tool, using mobile battery, Can be held with both hands 可以修复墙壁和设备,切割矿石和门 Can repair walls and equipment, cut minerals and doors 可以安装40mm枪榴弹并发射 Can load 40mm grenades and fire them 仅能在加工台制作获取 Can only be made on t...
晨曦 指挥型巡洋舰
创建者: 白杨本杨
晨曦 指挥型巡洋舰 极光工业专为指挥舰队作战设计的大型巡洋舰。首次在船上搭载了辅助AI,AI能够使用自动近防炮与电击线圈杀伤靠近的敌人。 晨曦 上配有重型速射炮、钢失近防炮与一门聚焦光束炮。聚焦光束炮由此前于南十字天佑上的光矛改进而来,可在一定角度内旋转。另有自动近防炮阵列,覆盖了船上下方向大部分区域。可选择开启自动近防炮阵列。 尽管船体十分巨大,得益于诸多自动化设计,晨曦所需要的船员数大大减少。若船长指挥得当,这将是一座坚不可摧的堡垒。 价格:30,000mk(反正也没法直接用她开局,价格高一些也没什么问...
松鼠快乐箱 [Insufficient Capacity]
创建者: 苏大妈
You are free to use, modify and distribute the XML and SUB of all my mods in any way you like. 你们可以随意以任何方式使用,修改,分发我所有mod的XML和SUB. 原生中文 添加一些与. (可在加工台制作) 物品 容量 功能 资源储存箱 99 单位资源 快速存取,可安装 物品储存箱 25格 防水防火,可安装 提示:随便拿一个物品堵住输出槽,使用1~0快捷键选择资源快速存放 注意:如果你未经授权私自修改本mod,将...
创建者: Breeze_caresses
CH/EN/RU 次元工坊 本模组改了原版怪加了任务目前任务只是为了获取材料和受虐(比较困难)因为装备也变态 还有一些工具装备等 ...
火力不足 [Insufficient firepower]
创建者: 苏大妈
You are free to use, modify and distribute the XML and SUB of all my mods in any way you like. 你们可以随意以任何方式使用,修改,分发我所有mod的XML和SUB. 制作中,更新频率高,可能会因为我移除/改动某些东西,控制台报一两条无影响的红字,请谨慎订阅。 Making, High update rate, Please Subscribed with caution. Because I remove/modi...
创建者: anaertailin
所有的爬爬都娘化了 享受和深海少女们的邂逅吧 If you like my work and want to support me 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话 在国内的朋友可以选择 ************* 可以获得赞助限定的迅猛龙大家族娘化 You can get sponsor-limited Mudraptor family girl...
盾牌座-Ⅲ 防卫火力平台
创建者: 白杨本杨
价格:7000马克 规格:51×14米 类型:T3 攻击型 载货量:8箱 推荐人数:5~8 item:约2.2k...
ZMEY Class
创建者: Kurisu
2024/5/21重置版更新 1、加入高精度超视距火控,远程打击精度超越旧版 2、重新设计双层火控室与军械库 3、取消种植室,加大压载舱,最大下潜提升至24km/h 4、加入自动电磁线圈,提高防御能力 5、部分电路的调整 信息 这是复刻自游戏《无畏战舰》的紫魅级无畏舰 切尔诺伯格号,该游戏已停服 整体性能强于官方潜艇,但不会过度破坏平衡性,增加实用功能与还原外观的同时尽可能减少item数量与装饰部件,对游戏性能影响较小 规格 item:900(裸船) 价格:7700mk 尺寸:51x12 载货:24 速度:...
超级基因! SuperGene!
创建者: AND16
还有带基因拼接器,全方位强化你自己,花点小钱即可在自动贩卖机拥有!你不再需要氧气,也无所谓水压,拥有更强的抗性以及力量,让你无所畏惧木卫二!(严重降低游戏难度,请谨慎使用) With GeneSplicer at Vendingmachine!Feel free to swim outside your submarine without worry about water pressure and oxygen anymore!THEN MAKE THE HAMMERHEAD KNEE TO YOU!(C...
踏风(Wind Walker)
创建者: Zyleand
【第二届蓝海重工造船大赛参赛作品】 更多参赛舰船点击以下链接: 第二届蓝海重工造船大赛作品合集 简介: 踏风级潜艇是御冬级的有力竞争对手,同样配备船载研究室,火力更强,但是速度更慢。 基本信息 item数:478 售价:33000mk 等级:T3 类型:侦查型 大小:57x14m 武器:1门连射炮,1门电磁枪,1个小型炮座,1门双联电磁枪,1门轨道炮,4具线圈(上下),1具深水炸弹发射器 载货:32箱 水平速度:19km/h 下潜速度:14km/h 推荐船员数量:4-8人 ...
雾凇 重型科研船
创建者: 白杨本杨
价格:9000mk 规格:44×15m 载货量:28箱 推荐人数:5-9人...
飞鱼座 VOLANS 蜂群无人机母舰
创建者: 白杨本杨
注意:这是一艘为多人游戏设计的船,不建议单人游玩! 由极光工业开发的蜂群母舰原型机改造而来,兼顾了各方面的性能。搭载了五台为战斗设计的无人机,能够应对各种敌人。 类型:T3 侦察型 价格:7000mk 规格:61×14m 载货量:12箱 推荐人数:6-10...
"Blue Shift" Class Fast Cruiser
创建者: Zyleand
All Language Supported!(Mostly) Intro All features all totally vanilla, but the thalamus tech in this sub is NOT compatible with the mod Movable and Sellable Wrecks, luckily, this didn’t affect other features. Basic Information Item number: 795(drones not ...
"Cold Star" Class Advanced Scout Ship
创建者: Zyleand
All Language Supported! well, mostly If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This mod contains 2 ships, of which the + version is a new generation of super OP ship, of course, as usual, Not recommended to players who expect a full game ...
ADV Beacon Stations
创建者: PsykokiN This is a pack of 48* beacon stations for more variety. It adds new stations in addition to the original ones. You can use it with other mods without problems. You can play it in campaign mode (solo & multi) even if you h...
Advanced Headsets
创建者: Arachno_Communist
This mod adds craftable items that are combinations of the thermal goggles, health scanner HUD, headset, and auto-injector headset. The idea is that this way, you can gain the benefit of wearing thermal goggles or the health scanner HUD without having to g...
Alarms Extended
创建者: Melsie
Overview This mod adds forty new alarms to the game without overwriting the vanilla ones. Check above for a YouTube demonstration. In the demonstration video, the first two alarms you'll hear are the vanilla ones, in order to give a reference point. The al...
Alarms, TCAS and GPWS
创建者: Jade Harley
A pack of various alarms, Traffic Collision Avoidance System warnings, and Ground Proximity Warning System callouts. Adds 26 alarms, 17 TCAS warnings, and 16 GPWS callouts. Each alarm item will sound out once with a pulse to its "Activate" pin. ...
Alicorn2 Stealth Light Cruiser
创建者: Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This is a sub with extremely high strength (seriously, very seriously), all features are totally vanilla. It’s NOT recommended to use this sub (Alicorn2+) if you want a ful...
All Access ID Card
创建者: Hyper B
THE ultimate ID card that gives unlimited access to every possible door and container in game This Identity Card grants you complete access to wrecks, outposts, pirate subs, locked doors, etc. It works with vanilla and even legacy submarines and in any gam...
All I want for Charybdismas is you!
创建者: LeCrazyy
Continuing in making cursed Abyss creature music, I thought this seasonal All I Want For Christmas fish would be a good idea, but to really hammer in the festive feeling, I put a scuffed Santa hat on the fish. Enjoy. Replaces Charybdis ambient sound with A...
All The Talent Trees
创建者: aaron.golder
Disclaimer! This Mod does not work with other talent tree mods and/or other jobs then the vanilla ones. ! After activating the mod via the mainmenu or by connecting to a server always restart the game, or the mod will not work ! Description Working on some...
Ammo Mod
创建者: Laryssa
Ammo MOD This is a modification what add several new ammunitions to different weapons and add some new weapons and equipment as well At this moment mod contain: 3 new railgun shells 2 new railgun canister shells 3 new coilgun ammunition box 2 new chaingun ...
Ancient Genes (More Genes)
创建者: Azure Nocte
This mod adds several new genes types: Ancient Genes, Thalamus Genes, Cyborg Genes and Gorgon Genes! How to get it They could be identified from Strange Unidentified Genetic Material and could be combined with any other genes. https://steamuserimages-a.aka...
anime girls
创建者: vadim
This mod adds pictures of anime girls that you can use in the submarine editor for your submarine. There is a few nsfw pictures, and 3 unrelated pictures, you can use them as well if you'd like. You can find the pictures by typing "anime" in the search box...
Anime Poster Pack
创建者: Saint762
Hey everyone! You ever look around your sub and wonder... What's missing? Well I'll tell you what's missing. Morale boosters. Anime girls. Encouraging slogans and lewd pictures of your crew's favorite waifu. Someone had to do it eventually, I noticed a SEV...
anime sound【cloud】+Weapon sound
创建者: 雲雪幽
anime sound【cloud】 我把游戏的声音改了 I change the sound 【還有公開招募各種攻擊的語音我手上只有三個】 【I just only has three attack voices ,if you guys have any other voice can tell me and send to me】 打开本mod所在位置【STEAM\steamapps\workshop\content\602960\2649949504】以开始进行替换安装mod 如果无法打开请确认你是...
Apo-5 "Chainsaw"
创建者: 江奈
For everyone having issues with pulse cannon while using Performance Fix - just add memorycomponent to the Client High Priority Items. It might help. Supported languages for now: 简体中文 繁体中文 English Русский Polski (translated by Frosteusz) 日本語(translated by ...
Aurora Class Interceptor
创建者: BravoSixGoingDark
Aurora class interceptors are highly compact multi-role light corvettes designed to fill in the strategic gap between the attack power of larger patrol vessels and the agility of shuttle fighter craft. Originally commissioned by the Coalition Navy for secu...
Automatic reactor
创建者: ✌::1/128­⑬™
This system reaches the required power much faster than standard automatic control and reacts much faster to changes in the load on the grid....
Barotronics - Turrets
创建者: Working Joe
It took me long enough, but I finally finished my collection of commonly requested turrets. With over 100 meter of turrets ranging from simple dual turrets or burst fire to autoturrets, converging turrets and shotguns, there surely must be one among them t...
Based Poster Pack
创建者: Eagle Strafing Run
Yes, very based poster pack. My first mod so idk, feedbacks are welcomed. Can also be bought from vending machine now....
Battleship KONGO
创建者: 09
Battleship Kongo The first ship of my battleship collection There will be more ships coming soon...
Beacons Extended
创建者: Sneaky Hermit
Welcome to the Beacons Extended mod page! The purpose of this mod is to make beacon missions less repetitive by adding new beacons from various authors in addition to the vanilla beacons. The mod currently consists of 56 beacons The current list of beacons...
Bengal class 孟加拉级
创建者: pigeon
自星际公民的“孟加拉级航空母舰” 拥有高度自动化的电路系统,并集成于舰桥内,使得舰桥成为舰长及其核心团队的常驻之地,为适应冰层之下的航行及战斗,拆除了机库模块并将其封闭,不过依旧保留了位于武器库上方其最具特色的装甲甲板,可以停靠木卫二海域常见的中小型潜艇,并且能够抵御中小型潜艇失去动力后的撞击,其他潜艇迫降在甲板上也能保证舰体安全并对其进行维护救援。全舰电路由APO设计建造,拥有APO系列潜艇一脉相承的控制电路,舰桥控制全舰火炮系统,到港对接自动充电备用电池,自动水密门等 欢迎各位对其进行二次创作以及改进!...
Better Exosuit with Platform 外骨骼优化和置物架
一个简单优化了原版机械师外骨骼(现在有小丑的乐子3000了!)的模组: A simple mod enhancing Mechanic's exosuit (now including Funbringer3000!) 外骨骼可以像PUCS一样使用房间中的氧气(船体中氧气含量大于50%),同时可以让AI穿上后不会主动脱下 Exosuit can use oxygen in the room like pucs(when Hulloxygenpercentage is above 50),also bot w...
Better Looking Defense Bot
创建者: INV
Introduction Revamp the Defense Bot visually and audibly. Experience a sleek new design and an turret that now resembles the SMG. With enhanced override visuals and sounds, your Defense Bot will look visually more appealing for sure! This mod changed the i...
创建者: Ma'am
This mod overhauls the health interface. Notable changes include: Buffs are listed seperately from non-buffs Afflictions aren't wildly spazzing around in the health interface anymore More afflictions can be displayed at once The health window is bigger The...
Black Prince AT-III
创建者: MØNØĿi†H
Attack-class it contains enough comforts that a submarine needs. MADE IN CHILE General information Type: Attack Tier III Price: 26000mk Size: 66*17m Cargo capacity: 40 crates Recommended crew size: 6-12 Shuttle Here:
Black Sea's Armory(BWeapons)
创建者: Bodevarc
Fixed,if you find any bug please let me know! Now with four language,English,Traditional Chinese,Simplified Chinese,Russian!Special thanks to Cain. Inspired by EK,i made this mod. Powerful Fractalguardian New Job with unique items: Iron Rider Weapons: Euro...
Blue Archive Arsenal 蔚藍檔案武裝
创建者: Black o Angel
新增蔚藍檔案裡的學生專武,通過製造取得 Add some weapon from Blue Archive,obtain from fabricator 所有遠程武器自帶可開關槍燈 All ranged weapon have switchable light 光之劍:超新星 Sword of Light:Super Nova 純屬整活,造價極度昂貴,槍燈有瞄準用雷射,有多種開火模式,發射軌道砲砲彈 A meme weapon,comically expensive,light include laser ...
Bodypillows for Barotrauma
创建者: Aldator
A selection of the best waifus/husbandos/things we could find to make your nerve-wrecking life of a submariner a bit more bearable. So whenever anxiety, loneliness or anything really gets the better of you just cuddle up to your favourite pillow. Or carry ...
Breaking Bad Guitar
创建者: ANONY'M
Replaces the guitar sounds with the breaking bad theme, now you can cook meth while playing this beautiful tune! Music used:
创建者: LeCrazyy
You'll know when the Latcher is approaching for sure. Replaces Latcher ambience with Caramelldansen. Inspired by and of course Fortunate Worm:, big thanks ...
Cast Iron
创建者: Doge the biologist
Cast Iron General information: SUB type: Attack Tier III Dimensions: 46*10 m Cargo capacity: 20 crates Recommended crew number: 6-10 (including bots) Price: 21000mk Cast Iron was primarily designed as a i...
Omega CCTV Security
创建者: OperadorOmega This mod adds a bunch of items that will help you keep your ship and your crew safe. All of these items can be bought in shops and/or fabricated. CCTV Monitor I...
Chicken Beatbox Fabricator
创建者: Hillmer
This mod replaces the sound of all fabricators to a chicken beatbox I don't know why i did this Leave a like, nerd...
Classic Storage Container (Obsolete)
创建者: Rather_Smashing
This Mod is now obsolete after the latest devlog The Devs have now decided to keep storage containers and will be reworking them as part of the storage rework. I have set this mod to unlisted so you can still use it if you want, but there's not really much...
Coaxial Turret v2
创建者: Biff_W
同轴炮塔,按住开火键发射连射炮,双击发射轨道炮。 改用计数原理。 使用方法:启用该mod,在潜艇编辑器的“组合”栏找到这个炮台,放在你自己的潜艇上,然后连电源线。 Hold fire button to fire the chaingun. Double click to fire the railgun. Try triple-click if unstable in a multiplayer game. Uses a different method from the first version. T...
Coilgun Ammo Shelf
创建者: Jasper
Adds a craftable Coilgun ammo shelf...
Collapsar GZ-X01
创建者: G-oD-Stai
Since the day that last refuge appeared under the ice, everything in Europa will be changed. This ship is the first submarine built by Oinsland to explore the new world. Collapsar, collapsed star. Also known as Black Hole. Although this ship carried almost...
CRUX 南十字 巡洋舰
创建者: 白杨本杨
极光工业“远望”工程的最后一艘战舰。由于建造巡洋舰耗资巨大,此工程在南十字建造完成后便结束了。与之前的战舰相同,南十字上大量使用了显示屏,并且对金属墙壁进行了遮挡。船内沿用了不少前期战舰的技术,并进行了优化。这艘战舰是专为对舰作战与对生物作战设计的,装备有复合炮塔与近防炮。南十字还没有实战经历,但即便缺少作战经验,她仍能用如同暴雨的弹幕淹没掉各种敌人。 规格:82×19m 价格:11000mk 运货量:32箱 推荐人数:6~10人...
Cs For Barotrauma
创建者: Evil Factory
ATTENTION THIS MOD DOESN'T DO ANYTHING ANYMORE, INSTEAD: Go to your MainMenu, Click on LuaCs Settings found top left, and check "Enable CSharp Scripting" This is still useful as a simple way to show that your mod uses CSharp. Description Addon for Lua For ...
Custom Icons
创建者: GophTheGreat
Bunch of icons. They are all under "Decorative" in the editor. Required for all of my subs. Feel free to use 'em for yours too....
创建者: 椎名黑冬
月读锁锁美; 只是宠物,饥饿的时候咬人比较痛,会定期产生钻石,镁。商店购买Sasami carrier打开即可,在杂项里面购买她的专用食物。 Tsukuyomi Sasami : A pet,her name is Sasami carrier and her food in shop.She produces diamonds. original author:锁锁美小姐@不好好努力(ささみさん@がんばらない) 月読 鎖々美...
DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser
创建者: Zyleand
CN+EN supported! 写在前面 封面舰娘图来源:远行星号吧 因为是坟贴所以没有问作者要授权,感谢作者不杀之恩 建议多人游玩 Recommend to play in multiplayer mode 背景介绍 / Background Story 本船原型来源于“远行星号”恶魔航电mod的同名战舰-“漩流”级战列巡洋舰,是经过了缩小和改装的版本。因为没有人想开一艘竖着的船所以我把它横过来了(捂脸) This ship is created from a ship in Diable Avioni...
Decotrauma - Antenna Edition
创建者: Psyduck
Decotrauma - Antenna Edition Decotrauma presents you their newest assembly, featuring a range of antennas, perfect for adding that extra level of detail to your submarine. With various styles and sizes available, you can customize your vessels to suit your...
Decotrauma - Engine Edition
创建者: Psyduck
Decotrauma - Engine Edition Introducing Decotrauma's newest addition: our remarkable submarine engines. Crafted with meticulous precision, these engines offer a remarkable boost to your underwater adventures. With their reliable performance and versatile d...
Decotrauma - Reactor Edition
创建者: Psyduck
Decotrauma - Reactor Edition This is gonna be dumbed down a bit since i now have to manage steam page :P And im useless at it! What's Included 100% Vanilla Assemblies - Reactors How to Use Its an assembly, so you can find it under "Item Assembly" tab after...
Decotrauma - Terminal Edition
创建者: Psyduck
Decotrauma - Terminal Edition This is gonna be dumbed down a bit since i now have to manage steam page :P And im useless at it! What's Included 100% Vanilla Assemblies - screens and terminals How to Use Its an assembly, so you can find it under "Item Assem...
DegreeRadar / Sonar [oClock Variant]
创建者: Triiodine //----------------------------------------------------- oClockRadar oClockRadar DegreeRadar //----------------------------------------------------- As requested, the Compass Degree & Cardinal v...
Detectable Alien Materials 可探测的异星矿物!
创建者: Zyleand
这个mod只做了两件微小的工作:让异星矿物能够被矿物探测器探测到,以及让它们在黑暗中发光,使其更容易被玩家发现。可以兼容已有存档 This mod does only two simple things: made alien materials detectable to mineral scanner, and made them glow in the dark so that them can be easily found. Should be save to install/remove on ...
Docking Fart
创建者: саи
Docking make fard sound....
Duffle Bag 2.0, Backpack & WaistBelt
Latest game update - I've updated the mod to work with the latest update (updating after 2 years) however, whilst everything is seemingly working again, the sprites need repositioning. the backpack is working perfectly but the duffel bag position in the ha...
Earth's Forgotten Arsenal
创建者: The Irish Ace
When travelers from Earth began their expedtion to Europa they left Earth with the best weapons on offer, this was short lived and the use of older battle proven firearms from past conflicts was an unforseen necessity, this became known as Earth's Forgotte...
[Old] EK Berith Mk-IV
创建者: Videogames
Berith Mk-IV Deep Diver The Berith class submarine is a rugged expedition vessel with a focus on long endurance and crew survivability. The Berith is capable of carrying large reserves of supplies and ammunition, key structural areas have been reinforced, ...
[Old] EK Kira Mk-V
创建者: Videogames
Kira Mk-V Multipurpose Vessel The Kira class submarine is the first of a series of next-generation multipurpose hulls. Designed for capability and versatility, nearly every aspect of the program has been designed from the ground up to produce a highly effe...
[Old] EK Matriarch Mk-VII
创建者: Videogames
Matriarch Mk-VII Attack Carrier The Matriarch is a carrier vessel for force-projection and wide-area patrol operations. It is equipped with the standard compliment of coilgun defenses and a moderately powerful single-turbine engine, but the Matriarch's tru...
EK Mods for 1.x.x.x
创建者: Commisar Jon Fuklaw
Introduction In order to warm up for an upcoming patch cycle for another title, I've decided to take some time to fix issues for the now-deprecated EK mod series. With that in mind, I'm going to keep this short and to the point: Here's a version of the EK ...
[Old] EKM Stiletto Mk-V
创建者: Videogames
Stiletto Mk-V Heavy Combat Vessel The Stiletto class submarine is an advanced attack vessel with heavy armament for its size and many cutting edge systems. Its main battery consists of two heavy railgun turrets equipped with instrument assisted fire contro...
Enhanced Armaments
创建者: SCP-966-1
A Heavily Armed Europa, para bellum. . . A large mod primarily focused on the instruments of death, from firearms to chemical and radiological weapons (and the equipment to protect against such instruments). https://i.imgur....
Enhanced Armaments Fuel for the Fire Expansion
创建者: [ST] SGT. Shorty
A Heavily Armed Europa, Pt. 2 - Military tension is on the edge of a blade, as new tech is developed to tear apart the competition. New NT Patch for EHA+FFE, which is Mutually-Exclusive from the original one. EHA:FFE adds: Radio Range Extender (throws your...
ERIDANUS Destroyer (English version)
创建者: 白杨本杨
Refurbished from the "Grey Mackerel Shark" destroyer, the interior is decorated in a style similar to that of the CRUX. Equipped with powerful automatic defense systems and heavy artillery, it is capable of shredding all incoming enemies. This is the Engli...
创建者: sharaj00
IMPROVED EuropaWaifu and some(over 160) anime sound from Gayshit Impact, Euphoria Have fixed many problem of original mod and added some new things, include male replacing Almost all clothes sprites have been redrawn or replaced What includes: AnimEuropa -...
EuropaWaifu++ (Slim and Texture-Only Edition!)
创建者: Fuko
Fully compatible with 1.0, with new textures added and adjusted for 1.0! The goal for this mod was to create a slimmer version of EuropaWaifu++ by Sharaj, while also removing some extraneous features to allow it to function entirely as a texture-only mod. ...
ABANDONED EuropaWaifu++ Enhanced Armaments Patch
创建者: SydWad
Just a lazy visual compatability patch just for Enahnced Armaments textures and Europa Waifu. Should be compatable with Neurotrauma + Waifu as well. Only added two diving suit textures to the mod and they are the only thing of value in this. All textures a...
EuropaWaifu++ Non-xpath Version
创建者: MBite
STANDALONE UPDATE OUT Vanilla non-xpath version for EuropaWaifu++ mod by Sharaj Changes - adds Eugen back to main menu. - updates pirates outfits to separatists - updates job gear - updates diving suits - updated afflictions - updated human and humanhusk x...
Extract It! (Waifu Genetic)
创建者: Luneyl
Extract It! that supports genes from Waifu Genetic (EuropaWaifu++) or Animal Genes All credits to original author of Extract It!. Chance to get one of 12 vanilla game genes: 0.5 Chance to get one of 4 animal genes: 0.2 Chance to fail and get nothing: 0.3...
创建者: Sovinsky
Some Country Flags (decorative/non interactable). Can Add more by requests....
Folksspulegewehr (handheld coilgun)
创建者: Wünterschlee№1
A new and fancy bootleg machinegun! It uses coilgun ammunition along with batteries to shoot! Simply put coilgun ammobox and any charged battery into the gun inventory. ... Profit! Changelog: Update 18.11.22: - Now bolts come out of the barrel, not middle ...
Fortunate Worm
创建者: Rey
Some folks are born, made to wave the flag Updated for Barotrauma 1.0! Sick of hearing your crew whine and beg for their lives as you're trying to kill some big ass alien bastards? Well, that Endworm just swallowed a radio, and when its jaws smash through ...
Fumo Mod
创建者: mstrrer
Adds 6 different fumos (Reimu, Cirno, Marisa, Patchouli, Reisen, and Yuyuko) that can be stuffed with various items. Also adds a C4-like nuke for functionality, as well as a memorial for Ted Gunderson. Items that can be stuffed: Explosives (IC4, C4, UEX, C...
Genes+ Revived and Expanded
创建者: Noble
Works in 1.0 Languages: EN,CN,PTBR The NEW update is here! Added 24 more gene splicers! Have fun! (will lock crafting later) Feedback much appreciated! Original mod If Original mod author does not want to have this mod up, gonna delete it Description! Curr...
Girls' Frontline Gun Pack
创建者: LinAAAAAHH ! 🌺
Adds 82 guns ripped from the Mobile Game Girls' Frontline Comes with Simplified & Traditional Chinese Translation! provided by misor63, Ludiniea and give you up, let you down. Patch #7.91 Changelog - Decreased drop- and spawnrate of all items across the bo...
Halo Weapons(UNSC)
创建者: 月目巳
 Halo Weapons(UNSC)  The First part . Content: Ⅰ. Weapons 1. Light Weapons M6H2 pistol (New*)MK50 Sidekick M7 SMG (New*)M20 PDW M6H2 Tactics Type1 Recurve Knife*2 2.Conventional Rifle MA5D Assault Rifle MA5B Assault Rifle (New*)MA40 Assault Rifle (New*)VK7...
Headsight [REDUNDANT]
创建者: Pyrodes
basically a mod that modifies humans to have their main limb be the head instead of the torso, making it so that your eyes are in your head and not your torso. pretty easy and beneficial fix ...
HMS Alliance
创建者: Bl4ck_Cr0ss
Based on the Great British U-Boat HMS Alliance....
HMS Item Assemblies
创建者: Captain 21
This is a collection of the Item Assemblies I have used in the HMS ship line. Item Assemblies Airlock Door: Automatically closes Alarm Panel: Status lights for meltdown, fire, oxygen low, flood, airlock(s) open, and backup power array status Auto Duct: Aut...
HMS Trident
创建者: Spitfire722
Heavily Inspired by Gato Class Revamped A lot of the internal design and arrangement are based from Gato class HMS Trident Based on WWII British T-Class Submarine, refitted and adapted for E...
HMS Triton
创建者: Bl4ck_Cr0ss
1930s Group 1 T-Class British Submarine HMS Triton. Interior Based off of the Gato Revamped by Zephyr....
Ho229 V3
高昂的维修费 轻装甲 极高的移动速度 优秀的火力 HO229 V3将被添加至潜渊症中,HO229装备两门30MM MK103机炮(破片加农)拥有极高的射速优秀的弹道以及毁伤在游戏内拥有出色的表现。同样两台500马力的引擎能为这架飞机提供最高120km/h常规70km/h的航速使得HO229拥有不错的机动能力能规避那些大家伙们的撞击和攻击。机身内搭载的电磁线圈也为不在mk103射击范围内的家伙们提供了一份惊喜。Ho229为二战时期由德国航空工程师霍顿兄弟设计、戈塔机车厂制造的世界上第一款无尾全翼喷气式战斗轰炸...
Hololive Poster Pack #2
创建者: puff diddy
Please rate up and favourite! Custom modded poster pack for 7W Crewmates. What it adds - Hololive Posters - Independent VTubers (Amatsuka Uto; Tenshin) - Socialist Propaganda Posters - Chinese Communist Posters - Anime Posters - Nora Cat Poster - Custom Gr...
创建者: Rocket
Whilst modest in its present state; the IKATERE is all about potential. Meticulously designed for survivability and expansion, she is packed full of monitoring sensors that make her truly fearsome when expanded and wielded by a hardworking crew. Central ba...
创建者: 无声萌狼
  Ammo is loaded and weapons control is online! Iona ready to navigate.  Information  Cost:8200Mk Item:3100 Velocity: 40km/h-70km/h Number of crew:3~5 【武装清单】 --Gravity gun (triple laser) --2 Railguns --1 Cannon --3 Laser --5 Coil guns --In-room laser --2 d...
创建者: Blacklight
UPDATED: 02/11/2024 Updated pathing for AI compatibility INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! THE IMC AEGIS Tier 3 Heavy Destroyer
Endfiled:Resonance warfare
创建者: Coffie making
终末地:共鸣作战 Endfiled:Resonance warfare b.1.5 正式版 终末地:共鸣作战是主要内容为少女前线、少女前线追放、明日方舟、明日方舟终末地为主题内容,再以灰烬战线、碧蓝航线等二次元和游戏向以及个人、朋友、画师私设等内容持续更新的二次元游戏模组。 正式版本更新内容已经更新,感谢大家的体验,祝你们游玩愉快 UI需要本地安装,安装方式如下: (1)任意磁盘:\STEAM\steamapps\workshop\content\602960\2853726750为终末地:共鸣作战模组路径...
Item IO Framework
创建者: shangjiaxuan
Info Use c# to implement a stacking box. The box's condition is used for de-spawning and spawning stack-able items. Stores up to 1024 items with one entity. Since this update introduces new implementation, a new mod is released for safety of user items. Ne...
JC-07 Scylla (UPDATED)
创建者: Javik
***now updated to*** Recommended experience level: Intermediate+ Recommended players: 4-10, mostly Bot-friendly For public servers I strongly advise to lock all wiring It has a talking ship AI, you can set the frequency of random voice lines, have ...
Kebab Accordion / Кебаб аккордеон
创建者: Bismarck
Power of Serbia Finally I updated it Added purchase at outposts Added the effect of playing the accordion, now relieves psychosis Added accordion crafting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Мощь Сербии Након...
Livelandr's Sandbox Menu
创建者: Livelandr
This mod adds a menu that allows you to spawn any items or afflictions from any mods Menu button is located at right bottom of the screen. YOU NEED TO HAVE CLIENTSIDE AND SERVERSIDE LUA!!! Installation: Also you ...
Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad
创建者: Tofu
Pilot your sub from anywhere with this "super durable" Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad. It still requires a navigation terminal to work. Can also be used as an improvised weapon, in case you need to stop people from consuming your precious oxygen....
创建者: Kov
A "toolbelt" with 56 slots in which you can put any item, including crates, ammo boxes, diving suits, railgun shells, etc. You can also place them on your hotbar, as well as hold one in each hand. Available at fabricators for 1 organic fiber. It does not r...
LRHI-Shadowsong 影歌 [EN/CN]
创建者: 二十二度幻月
影歌战斗潜艇 适用于多种任务的潜艇,搭载一艘小型武装穿梭艇 潜艇自带中英双语翻译文档 Shadow Song Battle Submarine Submarine suitable for multiple tasks, carrying a small armed shuttle boat Submarine comes with bilingual translation documents in Chinese and English 穿梭艇操控方式 ①只能由玩家进入驾驶,不允许远程控制 ②有外壳,1...
Lua For Barotrauma
创建者: Evil Factory
Updated for the v1.5.9.2 Summer Update + Hotfix + Hotfix 2 + Hotfix 3 Discord: Consider supporting the project: This is a Barotrauma modification that ad...
Lua For Barotrauma (with xpath patch)
创建者: shangjiaxuan
This is a version of Lua mod ( ) with the partial override patch merged: Install like you would install client side lua. Then mods ca...
Maddened Black Sea Armory
创建者: Mechnomancer
Welcome to the armory This revival mod was made possible through the combined contributions of 404, andyLony, CC, and Duke_Venator. Extended thanks goes to Bodevarc for their work on the original incarnation of Black Sea Armory. Without that, this wouldn’t...
创建者: InitialDesu
Class: Attack Price: 22 727 Tier: III Recommended crew size: 5 - 12 Dimensions: 94x24m Some of the features: Combat shuttle Light cargo shuttle Elevator (monorail) - stable version by Cryostasis Pneumatic pipes (item transfer system) Suck energy from outpo...
创建者: 法莎莉雅
实验品,增加了数个宠物和蛋还有她的产物 人鱼宠物拥有战斗能力,比宝石迅猛龙强大很多 幸福感上升后会有蛋和奶的产物,奶可以治愈伤害和烧伤,减少药物成瘾和阿片类药物成瘾,武器拥有避免友军伤害的能力,不用担心被宠物背刺 3.22 增加了食谱,现在也吃植物果实,方便喂养 增加出售人鱼蛋的范围,方便购买体验 3.23 三种人鱼的武器分开,各有一把神器的武器 加快了人鱼的进食速度,修复了重复的AI问题 给人鱼增加了一个只有4格但是什么都能装的包,但是离开人鱼就会无法互动 5.17 修复人鱼会破坏物品的BUG和冰霜雷电人...
Mishell Shuttle
创建者: MØNØĿi†H
It is a shuttle, with high-capacity batteries and good defense. is required for this submarine: Features: • Stealth mode. • Double strength walls. • Navigation terminal whith mineral scanner...
Moloch Milk
创建者: Working Joe Moloch Milk This mod adds to the game that what players have been wanting for a long time: Moloch Milk. The liquid item giving slight, long-lasting buffs in a well polished mod based on the Barotrauma lore. Includes a number...
More Unique Weapons (v1.1) [ENRU]
创建者: amphibian
notice: this mod will not be receiving any more updates atleast from me. everyone is more then welcome and have my full permission to make patches / reuploads of this mod or use any of the code or assets. ive just been trying to put my own time other place...
Movable and Sellable Wrecks
创建者: Evil Factory
Movable and Sellable Wrecks This mod introduces the capability to move and sell wrecks from any mod, including the base game. It also provides a heavy industrial hook for lifting wrecks in situations where you lack a lower docking port or the wreck isn't r...
Mystery's Arsenal (Big Update- Desc)
创建者: MysteryTaco
Latest changes: Merged with Multi-Tool + Powercore. Massive balance changes, antimatter chips, and more to come. An evergrowing and changing collection of weaponry, armour, gear, and anything in between. I've made this mod work with a lot of different mods...
Navalon Class Prototype Combat Cruiser 纳瓦隆级试做型战斗巡洋舰
创建者: Zyleand
CN+EN Supported! 写在前面/Intro 推荐配合高难度mod使用,如Barotraumtic 推荐mod:高难狩猎 It is recommended to use with mod that greatly increase game difficulty, like Barotraumatic. 基本信息/Basic Information item数:1350(母舰)+103(无人机)=1453精罗落泪 售价:7000mk,应该不止这个价 大小:69*20m(实际尺寸60*10m) 武...
New Wrecks For Barotrauma (With sellable wrecks)
创建者: heheboi
New Wrecks for Barotrauma Expand and enhance the world of wrecked ships with this high-quality mod. Discover 18 new wrecks and their variants. Encounter unique and perilous traps. Dock with any wreck, even those not from this mod. Experience more challengi...
Nokia Sonar Beacon
创建者: DuckieMcduck
Replace the Sonar Beacon with the reliable Nokia 3310. Also enables you to throw, or launch as a blunt projectile through most tube launchers (Rifle Tube/Grenade Launcher). Changelog: v1.0.2: - Added new ringtones (Nokia, Nocturnal, Mozart, Com Voce). - De...
O'Clock Radar (Lua)
创建者: Jade Harley
Alternate overlays graciously stolen from "O'Clock Radar/Sonar" by "Triiodine". Alternate blips graciously stolen from "Super Mining Sonar" by "LeDoux". Preview image graciously stolen from "oClockRadar (Alt.) - " by "Tonic"....
o'Clock Radar / Sonar
创建者: Triiodine //----------------------------------------------------- oClockRadar oClockRadar DegreeRadar //----------------------------------------------------- AKA: Clock/Time positions on the Radar/Sonar ...
oClockRadar / Sonar [Alt Appearance]
创建者: Triiodine //----------------------------------------------------- oClockRadar oClockRadar DegreeRadar //----------------------------------------------------- Alternative Version, featuring cleaner number...
Oreo's Tweaks and Items
创建者: Oreo
Oreo's Tweaks and Items A collection of small items and fixes that I wanted to implement, or suggestions from other users. This requires Lua for Barotrauma to function. Steps for installing can be found on their workshop page. Only the server needs that ab...
Performance Fix
创建者: Evil Factory
This mod will work in any vanilla or modded server that you join, regardless the server having the mod on or off What is this This is a very experimental Lua mod, so expect that things may break. This is mod can greatly improve performance, it works by dec...
Portal 2's Signage and Misc Textures
创建者: - ̗̀ Milix ̖́-
Part of the modpack “Portal 2’s Textures” Portal 2's Back Wall Textures: Portal 2's Back Wall Decals Textures: This mod is a...
创建者: Mour
The need of mercenaries is ever present, even under the icy crust of Europa. Here in Prometheus Shipyards we wont question your morals. We are however going to provide you with a ship worthy of getting the job done. The aptly named ''Privateer'' is made fo...
Quality Ammo Boxes
创建者: Azra
This mod enables craftable ammunition boxes to be of quality. Each quality level gives +10% max condition to a crafted box, making them last longer when used in turrets. For the purposes of crafting, the ammunition boxes are considered "weapons" so any tal...
Quality Ammo Boxes LUA
创建者: Azra
Requires LUA for both Server AND Client Introduction This mod enables ALL craftable ammunition boxes to be of quality; similar to my previous mod Quality Ammo Boxes but this one supports all ammo boxes and is way more compatible with other mods, thanks to ...
Quality Railgun Shells
创建者: Azra
Requires LUA for both Server AND Client Introduction This mod enables ALL craftable railguns shelss to be of quality; similar to my previous mod Quality Ammo Boxes+ but this one supports all railgun shells instead of ammo boxes. Requirements Lua for Barotr...
Railgun Sound (Yamato)
创建者: toesan
Sound from WoWS...
创建者: lordFrith
Welcome to "REALLYBIGMAP", trying to push the scale of Barotrauma campaign map to its limits whilst still being fun and playable. Features: - denser groupings of outposts make map larger and more complex. More locations, bigger biomes - Increased links to ...
Robotrauma [DEPRECATED]
创建者: Versus
THIS MOD IS NO LONGER BEING UPDATED, COMMUNITY RUN PATCH HERE heyyyyyy buddy, if you haven't noticed by now, the mod's development is finished. I'm not updating it anymore. Tired of your decaying flesh prison? Crave the strength and certainty of steel? Wel...
创建者: Chiko
It's a buyable roomba. You activate it by picking it up and throwing it against the floor or any surface. Its main purpose is to 'eat' corpses but it also comes with offensive capabilities such as a shock attack. Quite harmless on its own but a fleet of th...
创建者: jyjyjy11
A series of electromagnetic weapons from the Battlefield series The RORSCH MK1 is the battlefield equipped weapon of BF4, also known as the RORSCH railgun. It is single-shot loaded, charged for 1 second and can accelerate the projectile to 3,000 meters per...
Saber Personal Protection + EuropaWaifu++ Patch
创建者: Anomaly
A patch that makes the armor from Saber Personal Protection compatible with EuropaWaifu, along with adding crafting recipes for items that serve as a gateway to the rest of the mod's content, and making armor items deconstruct into their consituent parts (...
Saber Personal Protection REMAKE
Saber Personal Protection This modification is a remake of the mod Saber Personal Protection. Has been fixed: broken recipes, incorrect amount of protection, flashlight error, oxygen supply error, oxygen consumption in the room, incorrect pixel mapping, in...
Satsuma Gun Sound
创建者: toesan
Replace EK Heavy Railgun sound sound from WoWs original mod : EK Mods for 1.x.x.x
SCP-500 "The Panacea"
创建者: ashibot
Adds the SCP-500 pills which will instantly heal all afflictions and damages on your body. To use, press H and drag the pill anywhere on the body. This addon also adds a Cargo mission type in which you transport a container filled with SCP-500 pills. How t...
Shinkai Musume
*This mod is for pet skins. Skin art comes from: Voice taken from:Arknights...
Shipwrecks Extended
创建者: rav2n
Welcome to the Shipwrecks Extended mod page! This mod adds many new wrecks in addition to vanilla ones to the game. Some of them are more dangerous than others while others are completely harmless and useless. To some of them you can even dock! Happy salva...
12 Slots++ Deconstructor+Fabricator+Medical
创建者: iErr0r32
Deconstructor Medical Fabricator Fabricator 12 cells in 2 rows No translation is required. Replaces the file fabricators.xml Any other mod that changes the file will not be compatible. Client-server mod, must be installed for everyone, both the host and th...
Smith's Sub Weapon Sounds (BROKEN)
创建者: Acceces
Replaces all of the vanilla sub weapon sounds (except pulse laser) with gun sounds of the game "Highfleet" Shouldn't conflict with anything since its a simple sound replacement mod i dont plan on updating this mod anytime soon, maybe in the future i will...
Snoring Moloch
创建者: manchyy
Replaces Moloch's "bulbulbul" to the infamous "AAAHHHHH" sound....
Some vtubers posters
创建者: rednaxzio
Some vtubers posters. Will add more maybe....
Sonar Sweeper [Vanilla]
创建者: Crazy Ivan
As Crazy Ivan lay awake listening to yet another "veteran captain" pinging away with active sonar as they traversed Europa's caverns, an idea took shape: a passive sonar sweep display was born out of that moment, and Crazy Ivan's desire to see the seas of ...
Ssparky's Gunnery
创建者: ssparky
SUMMARY Felt like creating some custom submarine weaponry, and so I did. Here it is! The intent is for the guns in this mod to be fairly balanced with regards to vanilla, such that installing this mod is not an instant win button. Feedback with regards to ...
Ssparky's Gunnery Sound Override
创建者: ahz
sound replacing mod for Ssparky's Gunnery, inspired by Submarine Weapon Sound Makeover and using the same sound library please note this mod overrides part of ssparky's gun files because there is no other way to replace or extend item sounds currently outs...
SSV Hastings
创建者: BravoSixGoingDark
The Hastings class frigate is the bread and butter of the Systems Alliance Second Fleet. Stationed in the Terminus Systems, the fleet operates in some of the most remote and hostile regions of space known to humanity, where dreadnoughts and cruisers are si...
Stack Size 62x Lua
创建者: SydWad
Thanks to Gingerguy(id/somegingerguy) for coming up with the original mod, and EvilFactory(id/evilfactory) for making this possible. As with the original mod, disabling this mod or substituting it with any other bigger stack mod will not lead to loss of re...
创建者: 白杨本杨
"我仰头向上,视线穿过厚重的冰层,向璀璨的星空祈求祝福。" 以曾经的太空战舰造型为蓝图而制造的轻型驱逐舰。其内部被装修的干净整洁,船上大量的信息屏让人回想起以前那段傲游太空的岁月。 没人知道工业的那些人为什么要造出这样一个与木卫二的冰洋格格不入的怪物。整洁的内饰与大屏幕是经不起木卫二的考验的,一次次航行后这些东西最终都会变得残破不堪。而这艘船也一直停靠在工业船坞的那个角落里,静静等待着属于她的远航。 或许,她只归属于人们头上那片无垠的星海。 价格:8000马克 规格:57×19m 载货量:38箱 推荐人数:...
Stations from beyond
创建者: rundoomer Description Are you tired of the monotonous outpost modules? Or do you just want to add some variety to your adventure? This modification expands the number of modules found at stations. There are more than 100 new variation...
Storage Icons
创建者: Dr. Turtle
Adds an icon to storage containers that shows their most abundant item, any item with an inventory can be configured to have this effect (including modded) REQUIRES LUA FOR BAROTRAUMA, FOLLOW INSTALLATION GUIDE use the command 'storageicons' in the console...
Stronger Petraptor - 更强的宠物迅猛龙
创建者: SinerSAMA
像敌对的泥偶迅猛龙一样拥有护甲的宝石迅猛龙。 The Petraptor that has armor like the Mudraptor. 重写了宝石迅猛龙蛋,在放入盐水孵化时为其额外放入遗传物质(泥偶迅猛龙)后,遗传物质将被锁定,蛋的外观颜色发生变化,将会孵出更大只的宝石迅猛龙 Override Petraptor egg, after putting genetic material (Mudraptor) into the egg when incubating in saline, the ge...
Submarine Weapon Sound Makeover
创建者: lobster
A small and simple audio mod that overrides turreted weapons to give them custom sounds. All Audio taken from Mechwarrior Online and the "Chunky Guns" sound mod for it. If you disagree with a thing I did or something's wrong, please use the provided discus...
Subnautica - Background Fish OUTDATED / FORK IF NEEDED
创建者: Viktor Livingshield
A pack of Subnautica fish ported from both Unknown Worlds Subnautica games. All of these are background fish, which means that they cannot be interacted in any way. They're completely decorative Every fish has a set of biomes it can appear in, such as Arct...
SummonNight(compatible with Mudraptor family)召唤杖拓展(迅猛龙娘化兼容版本)
创建者: Xiao[CN]
========================CAUTION============================ ==召唤杖拓展的迅猛龙娘化兼容版本,此模组内不包含原娘化模组素材。==== ==请确保您拥有迅猛龙娘化模组本体!请确保您拥有迅猛龙娘化模组本体!== ==请确保您拥有迅猛龙娘化模组本体!请确保您拥有迅猛龙娘化模组本体!== ========================CAUTION============================ ===The compatible versio...
创建者: Red9
Red Sun Over Paradise "Log 42, Doctor Frank Marcos Signing in. I've been accounted as chief medical officer in a new prototype vessel "The Sundowner", seems like normal outpost folk don't quite make the cut for the type of crew the S.B.M.C are looking for....
Super Gene Splicer
创建者: Strawberry Amaranth
Ever wanted to reach for the stars? Oh wait that's right, we are on Europa. We are already at the point of technology. So why are these gene modifiers so trash?!?! Well this splicer aims to fix that issue! No more wishing you had the space for genes! (50 m...
Super Mining Sonar + oClockRadar [UPDATED]
创建者: aaron.golder
Disclaimer! This mod is an updated and fixed version of the "oClockRadar (Alt.) - " mod made by Tonic, which combines the "Super Mining Sonar" mod from LeDoux and the "O'Clock Radar Overlay" mod by Triiodine! Please show them support! If any of these mod c...
Týr Class Battleship [cn][en]
创建者: FreeRider
The Lite version has been released! Your identity information has been approved, and all permissions in the driver's cab have been opened to you! Welcome aboard, Captain! Tyre (Týr) The USS is an experimental space/deep-sea dual-use vessel that the Allianc...
TC Instruments
创建者: TC01
Instruments include: - Bagpipes - Clown guitar - Keep Your Rifle by Your Side guitar - Whistle - Slide whistle - Balkan accordion (plays both Remove kebab and Bosanska Artiljerija) - Kalinka guitar...
创建者: myru
I am very proud of this mod, each creature took me multiple days to complete, coupled with their own mechanics and sounds directly from Minecraft. Every creature works as they are supposed to. none of the creatures in this mod spawn naturally, so they must...
The Patchwork Minelayer
创建者: Kookoorooza
Brand new submarines are expensive. Cost efficient people just use whatever lies on the ocean floor. This one is made of a Humpback, a Typhon and a Dugong, with just a touch of Remora. You are Barotrauma veteran and about to go through the release version ...
The Peregrine
创建者: BravoSixGoingDark
A top of the range assault corvette, the A-12 Peregrine is the newest competitor to the market of Coalition strategic defense contracts. Equipped with both heavy firepower and manoeuvrability, the Peregrine is suited for heavy duty reconnaissance, fast ass...
The Stromson
创建者: gourdthing
The Stromson Background: The Stromson (EUCO-2788) is part of The Europa Coalition's newest line of TRCC-8G2B attack class vessels. Built-in the year 2381, The Stromson is the pinnacle of military submarine design. Sporting eight turret hardpoints, the Stro...
Tiny Dallas Pet, he's here to help
创建者: LinAAAAAHH ! 🌺
Dallas art by Leg4Me This is a custom pet, his name is Dallas. He is here to help. You will be able to find Medic Bags in the world of Barotrauma. Inject them with saline, and a tiny Dallas will pop out. Occasionally he will shit out some Morphine, and may...
U.N.T Aggressor
创建者: Atheon
A successor to the Aldhuma, the Aggressor is an attack class submarine featuring a powerful laser cannon, and many heavy turret hardpoints. While most other submarines use fission power, this one is outfitted with a new fusion generator which, altough more...
UCES-0512 Discovery
创建者: Hulio Aleksandrovich
Description was deleted by mistake, work in progress Expect another submarine soon...
Unbreakable Genetics (1.0+)
创建者: Marvin Heemeyer
Quick & Simple mod that stops genetics from breaking when removed from genetic splicers. Genetics should also be on your person/in your bodybag after you die. Working with all vanilla changes post 1.0 If you're playing on an older version for some reason, ...
Unfair Cheating
创建者: SplendorB
Cheating! -Added a new flashpower crafting using phosphorus and calcium. -Allowed carry metal crate in slots. -Allowed carry railgun shell in slots. -Allowed carry coilgun ammo box in slots. -Set elements max stack to 48. -Added AP railgun shell crafted by...
Universal Shelf
创建者: Bananaft
Just like a regular crate shelf, but you can store coilgun ammo, depth charges, suits, weapons, and scooters in it....
Universal Shelf 2
创建者: T-NT
A more flexible storage shelf, can contain: - Crates (just like Crate Shelf, adds to cargo space) - Ammunition Boxes - Depth Charges - Diving Suits This item mod is forked from Universal Shelf:
Unlimited Items
创建者: Misor63
Unlimited Items Unlimited Railgun<--Click here. Added unlimited versions of most items, as well as individual special items. All the items of this mod can be crafted and deconstructed. Support Languages : Help me improve the languages translation Simplifed...
Unlimited Railgun
创建者: Misor63
Unlimited Railgun Unlimited Items<--Click here Railgun Magazines : And the version carrying explosives Unlimited Railgun Magazine Unlimited Nuclear Railgun Magazine Unlimited Physicorium Railgun Magazine Unlimited Railgun Canister Magazine And a Turret Amm...
UNS Khopesh
创建者: BravoSixGoingDark The Orbital Deployment Ship Destroyer was the result of a multilateral effort across the major member states of the United Nations Colonial Authority to counter the problematic rise of the Europan Coalition...
UNSC Solemn Promise
创建者: Baumholder
Themed after the Paris Class Heavy Frigate from the Halo universe. The ship combines theme with practicality. -All three types of fab and a research station. -25 max velocity and 16 max descent with 21 total if you flood the prison. -From the bridge you ca...
USSR K-129M[探索真理号]
创建者: Electronic Evil
K-129“探索真理号”是一艘特殊的科考舰,在50年前席卷整个木星区域的亚空间风暴中 人们在一个冰川的夹缝里意外发现了她。 当打捞船靠近时人们惊奇的发现这艘潜艇编号、国籍均不属于这个世界的任何一个的国家,在打捞队员们的进一步探索中了解到了这艘船是来自于泰拉所生产的军用潜艇,由于亚空间风暴的影响她穿越了物质世界的时间与位面来到了欧罗巴的深渊。欧罗巴因为亚空间风暴的关系,已经与地球失去了50多年的联系,这艘神秘的潜艇自然是有着极高的价值,在进行了简单的修补作业后她被拖回了附近大型站点进行了维修与改造升级工作,包...
Visual Variety Pack
创建者: Plebibus Maximus
26/08/2024: This is a general State of Affairs update, as there are a couple things I need to touch upon: Asset re-use: I've been asked today by someone for my permission to repackage and alter content of my mod. While I initially refused on reflex(hey, mo...
Waifu addonpack 老婆装备包
创建者: Deep♂Dark
Including: A diving suit: 10k pressure protection, unlimited oxygen, swim faster but received more damage 1 pistol : faster firerate 1 SMG: faster firerate with flashlight 3 Helmet Bunny ear 3 long hair with 2 color 1 backpack Install: This mod do not need...
Waifu Genetic (EuropaWaifu++) [FIXED]
创建者: VigersRay
Inspired by the Catgene mod. Adds 4 new genes and genetic material for research. Does not overwrite HumanHusk. Genetic material Allows you to get a random gene from a mod at a research station. Sold at outposts for ...
Wreck Locator
创建者: Biff_W
Feature When there's a wreck in 1000m range, you will receive its "SOS" signal on your sonar monitor. This doesn't require starting a new campaign to make an effect. Note Shipwrecks may not be located in the following cases: 1.The shipwreck has no containe...
X-WT Kakodis卡柯蒂斯
创建者: Fruit milk
简体中文 English 《这是 DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser 为基础的二改潜艇》 概述 一艘宇航战舰改装过来的潜艇,船外可见改装后一些机械暴露在外,她用于联盟的运输补给各站点的任务,为了减轻船体重量增加载货量,船上大部分武器被拆除仅保留部分轻武器防御,同时也运输核武器并且能在紧急情况下可以使用的唯一致命手段,拥有强大的反应堆和超速推进器可在短时间内机动回避。 规格 类型:运输型 价格:8500mk 尺寸:65x24 载货:76箱 水平速度:22...
X37 Assault Carrier
创建者: BravoSixGoingDark
Service Bulletin - 2/10/23 Amoury security upgrade - Amoury doors are now resistant to crowbars - The Captain can lock open the armoury doors - An alarm will sound if the armoury door is forcefully breached - The brig now has a drop down hatch in the ceili...
Zidrom MKVI
创建者: DragonWolf569
-DEEP DIVER CLASS SUB- -ATTACK CLASS SUB-(TIER III) -------------------------------------------------- PRICE: mk 37000 Dimensions: 96x24m Recommended crew size: 5-16 Recommended crew experience: intermediate Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 18Km/h (Autopilot...
[少女前线]麦克米兰 TAC-50 枫月
创建者: Lycoris
增加一把少女前线中的TAC50武器,以及弹药 枪械本体在军事站点贩卖,标准价格80000mark,很贵,因为超模 但是哪有人挨了.50bmg的打还能活蹦乱跳的(这就是你超模的理由吗) 弹药可以在工作台合成 .50bmg标准弹:相对较低的结构伤,较高的对肉伤,低穿甲 .50bmg穿甲弹(AP):相对较高的结构伤,对肉伤略低于标准弹(因为过穿?但是.50bmg实际上过穿对肉伤害也很可怕的x),高穿甲 .50bmg高爆弹(HE):命中后会有一个小的爆炸,对肉伤相对低一些,眩晕很高(如果活得下来的话) 感谢 某个远...
创建者: 白杨本杨
卡戎 驱逐舰 专为拦截,奇袭,支援而设计的小型炮艇,装备了连射炮和可通过驾驶室控制的爆矢电磁炮,能够对小型目标造成有效杀伤。可手动开启超载充能,电容器会以减少耐久为代价用最快速度充能。5-8人最佳 水平极速34-下潜极速17 售价8500 规格54X15 载货量48 ...
创建者: 白杨本杨
阿娜希塔 巡洋舰 在积累了一定经验后所建造的大型巡洋舰,其上首次搭载了无人机系统,可以远程操控小型穿梭艇。安装了直接消耗电力的光束炮,缩减武器种类的同时也减轻了不少后勤的压力。使用了角度切换炮塔的系统,可以用一个潜望镜控制多个方向的炮塔。6-10人最佳 水平极速29-下潜极速17 售价13500 规格75X28 载货量48 ...
创建者: AZ003
在那个赤红的人工智能放声歌唱之前,战斗绝不会结束。 It's not over until the vast red artificial intelligence sings. 欢迎各位来到我们的新品发布会! Welcome to our new product launch conference! 经周密的商讨,飞雪武装与十五设计局合力开发了区别于两者以往商品的全新产品,双方的光能(命运2)生产线与船舶技术生产线共同凝结的结晶——“Overture 序曲”号武装商舰闪亮登场。 After careful...
[Beta V0.3.3]「木卫二文明计划」·往世乐土
创建者: Glitter0402
视频 show video 0.1.0版本:爱莉希雅 0.1.5版本:凯文 0.2.2版本:阿波尼亚&伊甸 0.3.0版本:维尔微 0.3.3版本:暂(时)停(止)更新通知 还请各位多多支持一下我的bilibili账户,你的点赞投币收藏和订阅对我来说就是远胜过金钱的鼓励。 如果你有什么好的建议和意见请下方留言或者去bilibili,最新制作动态可能会在bilibili发布。 本来打算以后做职业系统的往世乐土2.0,非常感谢用户“星际星光”以本MOD为启发先行一步,做了职业版往世乐土,(工作又减少了)感兴趣的...
[EHS] Nova
创建者: Dat_Templar
Europan Hulls n' Steelworks presents: EHS Nova A Battle-Sub capable of taking on the depths of Europa General Statisitcs Deep Diver; Maximum Velocity: 21km/h; Descent Velocity Range: -18 to 13km/hr; 60x18 meters; 12 Crate Slots; 23500 Marks Features Full F...
[FIX]火力不足-Insufficient Firepower
创建者: SinerSAMA
已获得苏大喵的授权。 特色 Features 全音效全贴图、弹匣显示,适配 Full Sound Full Texture,Magazine display, adapters 水下射击限制,因为是古地球武器,并非专为木卫二水下环境设计,只能进行有限的闭膛水密射击,之后需上岸倒水 Underwater firing restrictions, only limited closed-bore underwater sealed firing, after need to empty the water 持枪...
[Legacy] EK | Armory
创建者: Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, fortifications, and research centers; and many items to craft includi...
[Legacy] EK | Dockyard
创建者: Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces a bunch of new structures and functional machines to build submarines or roleplay maps with. Diesel Generator Variants Reactor Varia...
[Legacy] EK | Gunnery
创建者: Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces new types of armaments and defensive capabilities for the submarine. Ship ammunition & turrets balanced for vanilla Bonethresher, Ch...
[Legacy] EK | Utility
创建者: Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, mines, and research centers; and many items to craft including place-...
Meaningful Upgrades
创建者: Videogames
A mod which improves the existing upgrade system and adds new ones. Upgrade cost scales more linearly with what you are paying for. More incentive to max out an upgrade category instead of buying a different sub. Some Items can be upgraded to +50% or +100%...
[Old] EK Reliant Mk-VI
创建者: Videogames
Reliant Mk-VI Advanced General-purpose Vessel Updated to support campaign A mainstay patrol vessel designed with an emphasis on versatility and reliability. Low maintenance and streamlined system operation allows the ship to be run with a very small crew i...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Ammunition Box
创建者: Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : Unlimited Coilgun Ammunition Box Unlimited Piercing Ammunition Box Unlimited Depleted Fuel Coilgun Ammunition Box Unlimited Physicorium Ammunition Box Unlimited Exploding Ammunition Box Unl...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Gun Ammunition
创建者: Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : You can put them to original weapons. Unlimited Alien Power Cell Unlimited SMG Magazine Unlimited Depleted Fuel SMG Magazine Unlimited Exploding SMG Magazine Unlimited Assault Rifle Magazin...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Tool
创建者: Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : Toolbelt Mk.2 : The improved Toolbelt can carry most items, and the slots are increased to 30. Artifact Transport Case Mk.2 : The improved Artifact Transport Case has 6 slots. Welding Tool ...
[SGM]Start With 6 Jobs
创建者: Biff_W
这是一个面向单人战役的mod,这个mod修改了安全官、医生、助手职业,让你初始就能有6个角色。 主要是为喜欢用萌化计划的玩家做的,这样就不怕遇不到好看的角色了。 注意:与其他重写了助手、安全官或者医生的mod不兼容 This mod allows you to start your single player campaign with 6 jobs. In case you need to customize their appearance. Mainly for people who play wit...
[VH] The Iroh
创建者: Quint
Valhalla Shipyards™ is proud to present its new flagship, The Iroh. This all-purpose technological wonder is well equipped to face any danger presented by the seas of Europa, while leaving space for customization to progress with its crew. NOTE: The Iroh i...