Conan Exiles
Оценок: 43
Angel's Mod Recommendations
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List of mods I am using on my private server (Reference Sheet)
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About this Guide
Hello, I am a fairly new Conan Exiles player and I am enjoying the game very much!
A big part of my enjoyment is due to the great community mods. I am very grateful to the creators and the very nice community who together make it possible for me to have the best Conan Exiles experience I can imagine.

This guide is a reference for myself, other players on my private server, and anyone interested in modding the game, to see what mods I use and why. To share insights, experiences and tips about mods that you might not have noticed before due to the sheer amount of mods available.

You can also take it as a big praise and act of appreciation I have for every mod I use.

Thanks for your time and enjoy the list!
P.S.: Sorry for my poor English, it is not my first language.

If you ever experience disconnection problems, please feel free to check out my other guide!
Chapter 3 | Age of Sorcery

This guide was written when I started playing Chapter 3, Age of Sorcery.
The comments and notes on the mods you will find here are based on the versions of the mods available at the time of writing.
How I pick Mods to Use
Well maintained Mods Only
I take great care to make sure that all the mods I use are well maintained and will most likely continue to work after game updates. Although the number of mods I use may require more than one server restart per day, as they are updated at different times, I can rest assured that I will not lose the modded content easily, as the mod creators take good care of it.

Do I understand the Mod?
Before I use a mod, I learn how it works, what it adds to the game, and what dependencies it might have. This includes looking at possible incompatibilities and loading order.

All the Mods I list work together
So you can be sure that all the mods mentioned here are mods which I am sure that they will work together without any problems.

I also tend to remove mods that I find interesting, but which may cause minor incompatibilities. One such example is the Aquilonian Passion Body.
While I like the mod very much, some of the outfit combinations, when combined with vanilla outfits, result in glitching body parts, which makes the mod much less appealing to me.

The mod and the customised outfits that come with it are really good - but being restricted to these specific mod items to avoid such glitches is unappealing.

Worth the risk?
While well-maintained mods are unlikely to break, or can be expected to be fixed if they do, there is always the possibility of loss - even total loss - if some mods stop working. I value mods that add to the vanilla game without changing the vanilla game (much), so that in the worst case, if I have to remove a particular mod, the rest of the game will still work. I avoid mods that change too much and create too many dependencies. With some exceptions, if they are "worth the risk" and are too good not to have them despite the risk.

For example such as Emberlight

Personal Preference
Last but not least: of course, only mods that I personally like will make it onto the list. While I am sure there are many more great mods out there, even some more must-haves, it does not matter if I do not like them in any way.
Base Mods | The must-haves
I consider Base Mods to be those that add so much value that it is a shame their features are not included in the base game. While you can enjoy the game fully vanilla, once you tried these mods it is hard to play the game without them ever again.

Pippi - User & Server Management (v3.9.10)
Pippi is more than just a simple management tool. It adds easy-to-use features for creating your own NPCs, quests, merchants and more! Want to set up portals to warp from a custom town straight into the dungeons? You can! Want to trade with other players when you are offline? Social Merchant NPCs make it possible! Pippi is THE tool to bring life and individuality to a server.

A "Profession Merchant" which I configured to act as a "Tool Dealer"

Less Building Placement Restrictions (v7.4.63)
Building restrictions are useful to prevent buildings from interfering here and there, or blocking important areas. But it also limits your options. I recommend this mod because it is also indispensable when it comes to constructing buildings where some parts are placed in such an unfortunate way due to the topography that you would not be able to build them without the mod.

Pythagoras: Expanded Building (v2.1.23)

LBPR - Additional Features (7.1.87)

While you might think of Pythagoras, LBPR - Additional Features and Pickup+ as building mods, their contribution to a great game is much more than that. Enough to consider them must-haves. Pickup+ in particular is a great addition, as it is easy to accidentally misplace items or not have them positioned where you want them. This mod removes any penalty for this and allows you to "just pick up" any item.

Unlock Plus (1.7.5)
Comes with a lot of features to make chest management easier. I don't use most of the features, but I wouldn't want to miss the ones I do use as they make things so much more comfortable.

Building Shortcut Bar (v1.5.2)
It says "Building Shortcut Bar", but in fact you just get more shortcut bars that you can use not only for building, but also for weapons/harvest sets. With this I can easily switch from a combat set to a harvest set or slaver set by pressing F9/F10.

Inventory Compactor (v1.0.6)
Sometimes I feel I can never praise this mod enough. One click and the inventory is easier to manage. No more losing track of something just because you lose sight of it due to all the empty slots in between. Yes, this mod is THAT GOOD.

RA: Visual Tweaks
A better immersion mod that changes the way you feel about the world so much that it is also a must-have mod. Better candle lighting is one thing, but hiding the GUI window for decorations is what makes this mod so special.

Better Thralls (v2.2.1)
On the one hand, this is a gameplay mod. On the other hand, it is a definite must-have mod. While it might be questionable on servers with a lot of players, this mod is essential for me as I play mostly alone. I know, thanks to Xevyr's explanation the other day, that the game is playable solo, and even the health pool of the boss monsters is not an issue that needs to be modded. However, playing alone in the vast world of Conan Exiles can often feel too lonely. And having a party with you, even if it is only made up of AI companions, greatly enhances the experience.
Better GUI
Hosav's Custom UI Mod (2.3.13)
Some features are currently disabled by the mod author. When I first started playing, Hosav's Custom UI Mod was one of the recommended mods mentioned by the server host. The changes it makes to the GUI are not only good looking, but very functional! It also comes with a minimap and a party health bar feature for teaming up with non-clan members. Overall a great mod that changes the simple basic GUI for the better and allows plenty of customisations.

Improved Quality of Life (3.4.9)
A good alternative to Hosav's, known as IQoL for short. While I do not use the features myself as I prefer Fashionist, it is still a great mod for new players, especially as it greatly improves the character creation GUI.

Simple Minimap (by Xevyr) (v1.1.7)
While Hosav's and IQoL already come with minimap features, I just like this one more. It is light, easy to use and very functional.

Armor and Weapon Stats in Bench - AWS (v1.0.7)
One of those little mods you never want to miss. Does what it says and ergonomically improves your line of sight. Not sure what I am talking about? Try it for a week and then try it without it!

The Damage Meter (by Xevyr) (v1.1.9)
In the midst of battle, it can be difficult to keep track of the damage you deal and the damage you take. Especially if you are in a fight with multiple players and thralls. This little tool helps you get a better idea of what is going on. It also adds a MMORPG feel to the game.

Proximity Party (v1.0.5)
A good alternative to Hosav's party feature.
Very comfortable, especially if you are playing solo with only thralls.

Actionbar Resize
Does what it says. Simple and clean.

If you want to tell other players where you are or where you want to go, you will quickly find yourself in a situation where navigating with the vanilla map becomes a hassle. This simple map overlay simply adds coordinates to make the map easier to read. Nothing more, nothing less.
Improved Gameplay
Navi's Extended Leveling Mod
Okay. This has a huge impact on the gameplay. But I dislike the attribute system so much, and I dislike not being able to skill in a satisfying way because of the way feats are distributed, that I really wanted this mod. Will it make my character superhuman? Maybe. But not much more than without the mod. Maximum strength, maximum health and maximum stamina are possible in vanilla. But not much carrying capacity? Less thrall damage? Having to choose between strength and agility weapons? The vanilla system just made me unhappy.

I prefer Navi's over others because it does not change anything about the first 60 vanilla levels. It is easy to use, easy to understand, and gives me exactly what I want: not being forced to choose between a perfect build but a bad quality of life, and a good quality of life but bad combat skills. Especially when playing alone, why should I have to choose?

Tier4 Followers - Always Spawn (v5.7.62)
A great help if you care about "collecting" thralls. It also helps to increase the difficulty a bit by the way it works. The downside is that you will see a lot of clones.

A good alternative if you want to avoid clones:
Tier 4 Followers - Medium Increased Spawn (v5.7.62)

Since thralls and how they work can be very confusing, have this link tip which tells you about the hidden multipliers the game will not tell you about:

Use Fragments of Power pre-60
When you find them, why wait until level 60? Enjoy them now!

Reliable Meteor Showers
Farming Star Metal Ore is such a pain. When the random number generator is working against you, it is just depressing. So it helps to be able to rely on some fixed variables.


SandstormEx and SnowstormEx are great additions to the existing vanilla sandstorm. They make the need for shelter more meaningful and help to "fix" the non-lore-friendly vanilla setting of sandstorm's path.
Improved Gameplay II
Javelin Improved (v2.5.32)
One of the first weapon mods I tried - and it is great! Adding variety to your combat styles.

3.0 (REFORGED) Yamatai Exiles - Assassin's tools (Ninja weapons)

3.0 Yamatai Exiles - Katana Family
These Yamatai Exiles mods really work together to give the game a samurai/shinobi feel. Together with the ExoticDecorations building mod, which I mention below, these mods are - in my personal opinion - better than the actual paid DLC Seekers of the Dawn Pack.

Undo Chapter 2 Katana Nerf
If you want to feel like a strong samurai, you should not be nerfed.

Follower Remote (v1.1.3)
Handy hotkeys add-on to manage your followers on the go.

Emberlight (v3.5.5)
Emberlight is such a great mod that at first I was afraid it was going to be a full overhaul mod. From a gameplay perspective, I use it mainly for the Homestead features, which make farming in the game a lot of fun. Aside from the additional decorations, which look great, the chroma feature for buildings is something you do not want to miss. All in all, a great add-on!

Found a better thrall? Seems like a waste to just "break the bond" with a thrall you no longer need? Turn them into a resource instead...

River Boats of the Exiled Lands
Adds a town, a dungeon and boats on fixed paths that you can use for transport.
Looks great and makes the beginner area more lively and interesting to explore.
More Immersion
Devious Desires
Sex Mod?
I do not know.
I mean, I can see why it looks like that, and what it means with the name and what it offers.
But I have not used it that way. Not yet?

It was one of the recommended mods and I was reluctant to use it, but very curious. And it turned out to be one of the most important mods for my decorations. Yes, you read that right. Decorations. Being able to give my thralls "custom" idle animations has greatly improved the feel of the game. They are no longer just standing around like "buff guys", they add to the atmosphere. When a thrall sweeps with a broom, stacks items in a cupboard or wipes the walls - and much more - they all feel more alive. The range of animations you can choose from is great and helps me give my thralls a lot of personality that they never had before.

As for the sex stuff... I do not really get it. Yet?

Sound Fx Overhaul
Not perfect, but a great improvement in comparison to the vanilla version.

With this it actually feels like your work benches are occupied by living NPCs.

Auto Lights Off (v1.0.1)
Does what it says. Better for the eyes. Better for immersion.
Character Customisation
Fashionist (v4.4.7)
Transmog, layered armour, skin, transmutation - call it what you will. Not only does this mod give you easy access to changing the appearance of your character and your thralls, but it also gives you the ability to make your armour look different without actually changing the stats, seemingly before it was a feature of the game. The ability to change the appearance of your thralls makes it one of my favourite mods.

Immersive Armor (v3.4.3)
Does what it says on the tin and more. Not only does it come with a huge variety of great looking outfits, it also comes with an accessory system that allows you to customise your outfits even more than you could without. Probably the best outfit mod around.

Barbarian Barber (v3.6.4)
More hairstyles! Yay!

Female New Faces

Male New Faces
For having a wider selection of possible faces. Nothing more. Nothing less.

High Heels System (v3.2.5)
I love this! Not only does this mod provide matching high heels for existing outfits, it also changes the height of the character accordingly. Simple but great! And very good looking!

You want to look good even while wearing nothing...

Conspirator Armor
A nice made outfit I like.

Sexy Silent Legion Armor
Good alternative for the vanilla Silent Legion armour.

My "personalised" thrall party.
Building Mods
Want the Seekers of the Dawn Pack building items without buying Seekers of the Dawn Pack? ExoticDecorations is what you want, and does some things even better than the official paid DLC!
In combination with 3.0 (REFORGED) Yamatai Exiles - Assassin's tools (Ninja weapons) and 3.0 Yamatai Exiles - Katana Family and Immersive Armor (3.4.3) there is hardly anything left where the paid DLC could compete. Love samurai and shinobi? These mods will satisfy you and more!

Northern Timber (v3.0.5)
A great building mod that fits the highlands and cold north of the Exiles much better than what is available in the vanilla game.

Limestone Buildings (v1.6.42)
A great addition to the vanilla sets available. Not necessarily needed when using Emberlight.

Placeable Water
Easy to use for making illusion pools and the like. It is buggy though, so do not expect too much. But the ease of use makes it worthwhile.

Beyond Stations

Beyond Decor

Beyond Decor: Rustic Edition

The Beyond sets are a solid addition of good-looking decorations, and Beyond Stations can help create compact bases and outposts.

Savage Steel

Savage Steel vol II

Savage Steel offers a wide range of additional decorations, many of which are great for immersive outdoor designs.
Building Mods II
Oblivion's Tome of Decor - Vol. 1
A solid and good-looking range of decorations to add variety.

Shadows of Skelos - Extended (v1.7.9)

Shadows of Skelos Vol. 2 (v1.4.3)
Shadows of Skelos brings some great big design objects. I particularly like the elements and visual effects related items that come with the mod.

Arena Pier (v3.0.5)

Sand and Stone (v3.0.5)

Asshuri Treasures (v0.6.2)
Arena Pier, Sand and Stone and Asshuri Treasures are great mods which can be a replacement for some paid DLC packs.

Mystical Travel Shelf
I have not seen the map room yet, nor do I know what the map room for your home will look like. But knowing the other mods by the same author, I am sure this mod will be a great addition.
Utility Mods
Only useful if you use mods which make use of it. Yes, I am using mods which make use of it.

Journey debug (v1.0.1)
The game's Journey system is... lacking improvement, if you want to put it nicely. This simple tool is a great help for me and my fellow players to "skip" and fix parts that we have already done or have not triggered correctly. As some of the Journey rewards are essential to the experience, this tool is a great boon!

My Server Settings
(I will only mention changes to the vanilla setup I have made)

PvE only
Creative Mode Server
Maximum Nudity
Night Time Speed Scale 0.1
Dawn Dusk Speed Scale 0.4
Catch Up Time 20
Everybody Can Loot Corpse
Thrall Wakeup Time 3600
Item Spoil Rate Scale 0.8
Harvest Amount Multiplier 2.5
Resource Respawn Speed Multiplier 2
Thrall Conversion Multiplier 0.5*
Purge Level 6
Purge Periodicity 1
Purge Delay 120
Restrict Purge Time
Purge Preparation Time 10
Purge Duration 30
Min Purge Online Players 1
Allow building anywhere during Purge
Clan Purge Trigger 25000
Purge NPC Building Damage Multiplier 5,5,10,10,10,10
Disable Thrall Decay
Animal Pen Crafting Time Multiplier 0.5*
Logout Characters Remain In The World false
Avatar Lifetime 120
Building Decay Time Multiplier 0

* in these cases the lower the multiplier the faster craftiing happens

No BattleEye and no VAC check, as it is a private server.

One of the more important changes for me is the night, dawn and dusk speed scales. The game lacked a proper sense of night in its default setting, which is now fixed with the custom scales.

Although Creative Mode could be abused, I do not mind offering it to all players on my server. With a limited number of players, it feels right to allow them to enjoy the game as they wish. And if, like me, they like to build a lot, it would not be right to stop them from creating great stuff for everyone to enjoy.

The increased multiplier on Harvest Amount was recommended to me and is designed to remove the need for "grinding a lot of resources". It allows players to focus on what they want to do rather than "what they have to do" before they can e.g. go for an adventure. Given how simple the survival aspect of the game is, it hardly contradicts the gameplay mechanics, it just removes something that could be considered unbalanced from the start. This has little effect on the satisfaction of collecting, as the more you progress in the game, the easier it becomes, even in vanilla setup. It is just about whether "to grind or not to grind".

For a better overall feeling of progression, it is recommended to set the experience multiplier to 0.2 (recommended by Xevyr). I do not have this on my server as by the time I read the recommendation it was too late for me.

How I play
I enjoy the game as a good mix of a creative game, where I build bases and cities and fill them with NPCs, and an adventure and exploration game. Mostly solo with two or more thralls. Sometimes my very well known acquaintance joins me for dungeons.

Server rent about 12-X EUD per month. Let us say 12 EUD for simplicity's sake. I wrote the 12-X because if you play with friends you can share the cost, which significantly reduces the total cost to you. I play with one I know very well, and one I know well enough to invite. So even though I write 12-X, I still pay the full 12 for convenience.

Why not co-op?
When playing with a friend, the question arises: why not play in co-op mode with a host? I thought about it for almost two weeks before I decided to rent a server. While it would definitely be cheaper to just use the coop mode, there is one big drawback: we have to be online and playing the game at the same time for it to work as intended. Which... is not really cool.

By having a dedicated server, I can rest easy knowing that the workload is outsourced. Especially with mods and stuff. But the most important reason is that it is the best way for us to always play independently of each other. So if I start playing while they are still in a Valorant game or Deceive Inc. or cannot play that day for some other reason, we can still access the same server whenever we want. This freedom is invaluable to my enjoyment of the game.

PvE only
It is a matter of preference, but having your own private world also means that not only do you have the right to make things PvE only - because I get stressed out just by the fact that PvP can exist - but it also makes the world feel like a place. It also makes the world feel like a great adventure when there is no competition.

Better with friends
Even though I enjoy the game a lot, even though I mostly play alone on my server, it is still important to have someone to talk to about the game. Even if it is just to be able to show off your creations one day.
What about...?
Monster / Boss Health Pool Mods
I was looking for such a mod because I was under the impression that the many bosses you encounter are only designed for multiplayer enjoyment. But then I was taught better (once again Xevyr gave me invaluable insight - many thanks!), that this was an early misconception, and that the monsters are actually all doable solo and with thralls, once you understand all the relevant mechanics. Over time, as my experience with the game has grown, I have come to not only fully understand this lesson, but to strongly agree with it. In fact, the vanilla game as it is is unbalanced and too easy for a long term satisfying game - from my personal point of view based on my personal experience with games. Hence the strong recommendation to adjust the experience multiplier for a more "meaningful" adventure game.

I would like to note here that it is hard to blame the core mechanics of the game for the lack of balance. It is simply too difficult to balance for every type of player with every possible personal preference. I only play player versus environment (aka PvE), and the default balances might feel very different in a competitive player versus player (aka PvP) setting.

This is why it is so important to get your server settings right, so that you can get the best personal experience out of the game!

The Age of Calamitous
Savage Wilds (1.4.42)
The Age of Calamitous and Savage Wilds look very interesting and are definitely recommended by the server host. However, as I am a new player, I was aiming for an "improved vanilla experience" / "close to vanilla experience" and did not want such a major game overhaul just yet. I plan to check them out later when I feel "finished" with the base game.

Thralls are alive
I am very interested in this mod and really want to use it. The idea of having my thralls patrolling the walls and perimeter is enough to make the mod very attractive to me. And using them to automate resource gathering and crafting? That would make the game Factorio-/X-like for me, with me setting up huge assembly lines of automated thralls!

But the comments make me worry about incompatibilities, and I am not sure it is well maintained. In fact, the comments so far give me a rather bad impression of the mod and the mod authors, as they have lots of comments, but their last reply was in February at the time of writing. It might be good enough for single player, but I will not risk it on a multiplayer server yet. For now, I will keep an eye on the mod and look forward to using it in the future.

RA: Character Customisation

RA: Fantasy Extension
Both look great and interesting. Unfortunately there were some incompatibilities with another mod I use. So I weighed up which one I liked more and decided not to use these.

ExilesExtreme (v1.5.53)
I do not understand this one. I have read and heard praise for it, but the description on the mod page makes it look suspicious and untrustworthy. The workshop mod page says almost nothing about the mod. And unlike WARRIOR Mutator for Conan Exiles, there is no link to a proper description page. I am not going to use something I do not understand and could risk my game if it breaks.

WARRIOR Mutator for Conan Exiles

Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal (EEWA) (v0.29.14)
WARRIOR Mutator for Conan Exiles and Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal (EEWA) look great and fantastic. But it does not fit what I am looking for at the moment, as I want a "close to vanilla" experience. Until I fully understand them, I will not consider them an addition to my game. Very similar to what I wrote before about The Age of Calamitous.
Also, the bigger the mod, the more I fear what will happen if it breaks.

These are the mods that I think are worth mentioning here, that I know about but do not use for various reasons. Although I may come back to them at a later date.