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Items (54)
Lua For Barotrauma (with xpath patch)
Created by shangjiaxuan
This is a version of Lua mod ( ) with the partial override patch merged: Install like you would install client side lua. Then mods ca...
Cs For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
ATTENTION THIS MOD DOESN'T DO ANYTHING ANYMORE, INSTEAD: Go to your MainMenu, Click on LuaCs Settings found top left, and check "Enable CSharp Scripting" This is still useful as a simple way to show that your mod uses CSharp. Description Addon for Lua For ...
[EA-HI]Animated Barotrauma Xpath
-IMPORTANT- - This mod is the Xpath version of 木卫二萌化计划 made for those who want Maximum Compatibility. - The mod now is not fully completed, if there is any problem, please note me. - Lua with Xpath is the presupposition, you should first enable Lua with Xp...
Created by Loafer
For players of other languages: This is a language patch for Chinese players. 这是一个整合了潜渊症诸多模组的汉化补丁的整合包,旨在减少服务器模组列表的长度,以及维护原作者不再维护的汉化项目。 由于bug,过长的简介会被截断。...
Performance Fix
Created by Evil Factory
This mod will work in any vanilla or modded server that you join, regardless the server having the mod on or off What is this This is a very experimental Lua mod, so expect that things may break. This is mod can greatly improve performance, it works by dec...
Dont Open Debug Console On Errors
Created by Evil Factory
This is the stupidest mod i've ever made, but it's here, quite self explanatory, stops debug console from opening on errors while playing. Requires Client-Side Lua for it to work. How to install Client-Side Lua:
Created by whosyourdaddy
该mod为加工台添加了两个额外的过滤选项: 分类(医疗、武器、潜水、装备等...) 内容包(Vanilla、BOS、EK Pack、ITA 等...) 需要客户端LUA,与一切Mod物品完全兼容。 This mod adds two additional filtering options to the fabricator: Categories (Medical, Weapon, Diving, Equipment, etc...) Content Package (Vanilla, BOS, EK P...
Created by Ma'am
This mod overhauls the health interface. Notable changes include: Buffs are listed seperately from non-buffs Afflictions aren't wildly spazzing around in the health interface anymore More afflictions can be displayed at once The health window is bigger The...
Enhanced Armaments
Created by SCP-966-1
A Heavily Armed Europa, para bellum. . . A large mod primarily focused on the instruments of death, from firearms to chemical and radiological weapons (and the equipment to protect against such instruments). https://i.imgur....
Pickable Diving Suits 潜水服可收入道具栏
Created by 五月
This mod allows you to carry divesuits, abyss divesuits and combat divesuits, and equip it when you want. 你可以把潜水服 深渊潜水服和战斗潜水服拿起来了,方便清理AI船员丢了一地的潜水服 Due to the changes in, diving suits can be hold by both hands, that makes this mod kind of useless. ...
Pirates of the European /扩展与更强的海盗船
Created by 雨望
注:此mod有了更强的海盗船,官船可能不是对手,请注意。 原版海盗船将奖励4400mk,且没有dugong海盗船了,可小心对战。 mod海盗船将在游戏难度30以上出现,并且比较强大,请谨慎对战。 海盗-锤击点:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-Orca护卫舰:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-U-1211海盗鱼雷舰:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-Kasrull指挥舰:50难度,5500mk。 海盗-Azimuth反潜艇舰:60难度,奖励5500mk。 且海盗npc将加多 而且接受反馈,也还在不断更...
Improved Husks
Created by The Ninja Scout
Improved Husks The Improved Husks mod aims to improve and expand the influence of the mysterious "husk parasite" in the world of Barotrauma in many ways. Core Features -Almost every single biological creature in the game can now be turned into a husk. This...
Created by LeDoux
Hello there ! This mod add 8 different backpacks : - Backpack : 15 slots (regular items) - Heavy Backpack : 3 slots (large items) + 3 slots (for toolbelt and similar) + 3 slots (regular items) - Medical Backpack : 8 slots + 16 slots (medical items) + Boost...
Created by Lerentine
精简平衡版请搜索 九州武库 群号:713011672 有问题尽量群里问,因为我很多时候没有办法在steam上回复...
[Legacy] EK | Armory
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, fortifications, and research centers; and many items to craft includi...
[Legacy] EK | Dockyard
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces a bunch of new structures and functional machines to build submarines or roleplay maps with. Diesel Generator Variants Reactor Varia...
[Legacy] EK | Gunnery
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces new types of armaments and defensive capabilities for the submarine. Ship ammunition & turrets balanced for vanilla Bonethresher, Ch...
[Legacy] EK | Utility
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, mines, and research centers; and many items to craft including place-...
Created by Ma'am
okay, i changed my mind. this mod will now be receiving updates whenever i feel like it. which very well may be never again. who knows though, really. it's a free mod. Neurotrauma completely revamps the health of humans. This mod adds a lot of depth to the...
NT Cybernetics
Created by Ma'am
Neurotrauma Cybernetics is an expansion for Neurotrauma that focuses on mechanical body modifications and augmentation. It currently adds: - Cyberarms - Cyberlegs - Custom damage types for mechanical limbs - Custom hit sounds for cyberlimbs ...thats about ...
NT Pharmacy
Created by Ma'am
Neurotrauma: Pharmacy is a neurotrauma expansion that adds custom pill fabrication. The official guide can be found here. If you wanna ask questions, do it on the neuro discord...
NT Surgery Plus [busted [stop using me]]
Created by Ma'am
unsubscribe please, thanks this mod is unlisted and broken and i hate it. stop using it. This mod is kinda bad don't use it thanks oh and it also crashes if you select the first medic loadout for some reason so dont do that and surgery books dont give skil...
NT Blahaj Plus
Created by Ma'am
NT Blahaj Plus adds a new job, with a full set of custom talents: The Swedic, a plush shark obsessed lunatic that might just be onto something. Notable features include: - 21 custom talents - custom game mechanics such as ram ventilation - AOE submarine de...
Created by 佚名
神经创伤教程地图的完整汉化版! 设置内启用内容包“神经创伤教程地图:仁爱医院(完全汉化)”以及所需的前置mod,然后在潜艇编辑器里打开地图,便可进行医疗学习 本mod为单独mod,请勿同时搭载英文原版教程 四件套版地图:指基础mod(Neurotrauma),制药mod(NT Pharmacy),赛博mod(Neurotrauma Cybernetics),手术拓展mod(NT Surgery Plus)在内的高级教程,需要同时搭载以上子mod运行 不包括眼部拓展mod(NeuroEyes) 建议搭配老虎脱...
BOScore [Stop Updating]
Created by Noking
请将此模组置于模组列表最上方已停止更新,不需要此MOD BOS系列模组核心组件(未安装可能导致部分模组无法使用) Please place this module at the top of the module list! BOS Core Components (Failure to install may cause some modules to be unusable) ...
[BOS]中文优化 停止更新
Created by Noking
中文优化 —— 停止更新/请勿订阅 新中文优化MOD请前往: 中文优化-核心包 此模组对游戏内所有中文进行优化,并翻译已大部分潜艇编辑器与角色编辑器文本! 【自动安装】 在设置中勾选启用后,重启游戏即可 ■可能出现文字闪烁情况,这是没办法的事情 :-( 感谢以下成员对此模组做出的贡献:(贡献排名不分先后) 雨望,下北泽,V1TIA7E,ANSEL,CTos,FZJEEP,老虎脱粒机汉化组,心儿 Github: --------...
Created by Noking
Ammo 弹药模组 CN/EN “黄沙百战穿金甲” ●●●简介●●● 1.修改原版弹药材料 2.增加高级弹药 3.增加制作材料,底火 4.增加改装冲锋枪 5.增加照明鱼叉 ●●●原版●●● 冲锋枪弹药: 塑料+底火+钢筋 霰弹枪子弹x6: 底火+塑料+铁 左轮子弹x6: 底火+铜+钢筋 冲锋枪弹匣(再装填)弹匣+底火+钢筋 冲锋枪弹匣(分解) 塑料 ●●●高级●●● 被甲冲锋枪弹匣:塑料+底火+钢素块 弹匣扩容至25发,中幅增加伤害,小幅提升击晕时长 爆破霰弹枪弹药x6:底火+C4+塑料 对船壳墙体舱门伤害...
Created by Noking
Backpack CN/EN ●●●Items●●● 1. Backpack: crafting material Small satchel + relic bag Capacity 20 compartments, waterproof, can be fitted with tool belt, medium deceleration 2. Shoulder pack: crafting material tool belt + tool belt Capacity 12 blocks, not wa...
Created by Noking
Medical 医疗模组 CN/EN “人命至重,有贵千金” ●●●简介●●● 原版修改: 活性纤维x2 可在加工台制作成 绷带x3 新增物品: 1.小型医疗包 恢复60点出血、失血、烧伤、内伤 绷带+盐水+鸦片合成 医疗使用等级需求10 2.大型医疗包 恢复120点出血、失血、烧伤、内伤 皮肤+血袋+吗啡合成 医疗使用等级需求30 3.强化合剂 六项增益BUFF全满 内用辅液+酒精+广谱抗生素+麻痹治愈剂+加速粉剂合成 4.浓缩枭祸根精华 三秒杀死迅猛龙 枭祸根精华x3 5.抽血包 多次抽血增加耐久,抽血...
Created by Noking
Diving 潜水模组 CN/EN “上九天揽月下五洋捉鳖” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加一套潜水服 2.增加一个水下推进器 3.增加一个耳机 4.增加一个球灯 5.潜水服面罩半透明化 ●●●参数●●● 1.堡垒潜水服:在深渊潜水服的基础上提高抗性到80%,增加眩晕,麻痹,自带声呐,略微减速,能抵御10000米水压 2.高级水下助推器:速度更快,并自带声呐信标功能,可开关灯光照明 3.增强耳机:提升通讯距离 4.球灯:一个便携灯,可大范围照明 5.半透明头盔被官方抄了 英化提供:DKAMX ---------...
Created by Noking
Superman 超人模组 CN/EN “上天入地,无所不能” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加物品,超级方块 2.增加服装,超人服装 3.增加头盔,超人头盔 4.增加超级焊接工具 5.增加超级切割机 6.增加超级左轮 7.增加超级小刀 8.增加超级腰包 ●●●参数●●● 1.超级方块:在加工台无材料制造,可治愈所有疾病,同时也是弹药和燃料 2.超人服装:免疫所有伤害,可水下呼吸和免疫水压(需要穿一次潜水服),加快移速,增加全技能50点 3.超人头盔:免疫所有伤害,可查看健康状态,可查看潜艇状态,并且提供范围照明...
Created by Noking
Beacons 信标模组 “为后人指引方向” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加8个信标站变种 2.增加3个信标站类型 3.增加的类型为信标塔、中继站、改装潜艇 ●●●参数●●● 1.信标站(修建中/老化) 2.信标塔(正常/修建中/老化) 3.中继站(正常/老化) 4.改装潜艇(正常) ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用信标模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 ...
Created by Noking
Wrecks 沉船模组 “水能载舟亦能覆舟” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加15个原版沉船 2.包括所有原版潜艇与穿梭艇 3.增加一个沉船定位器,感谢Biff_W的代码,原MOD: Wreck Locator 4.将会持续增加,并且符合原版强度,无陷阱(非某些阴间沉船模组 注:此模组兼容其他任何沉船模组,也不会影响沉船生成 ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用沉船模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造...
Created by Noking
Map 地图模组 “方寸之地,精彩演绎” ●●●简介●●● 1.修改地图大小为原版的2/3,节奏更快 2.修改地图航道生成,更加美观合理 3.修改站点转变速度,转变为城市更慢 4.站点更加富有,调整为20000/10000/5000 5.新增一个繁殖地类型,会影响周围站点生成 注意:模组不能在战役进行中加入,需要新开存档! ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用地图模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持!...
Created by Noking
简介:Avo级小型核潜艇,凝聚了最新的异星力场护盾科技,轻松抵御大多数巨兽袭击,麻雀虽小但五脏俱全,让我们去探索,去征服,让它们领略创世之威。 定位:模组测试,好友联机,快速通关 售价:1888mk 大小:14x7m 载货:4箱 最高水平航速:55km/h 最高下潜速度:20km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-5人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:中 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机/同人交流QQ群:796185005...
Created by Noking
简介:Box级中型核潜艇,结构简单动线合理,内部电路均采用明线设计,适用于新手舰长,火力无死角,轻松构建航路,清扫怪物。 定位:新手入门,电路学习,模组测试 售价:4888mk 大小:24x7m 载货:16箱 最高水平航速:28km/h 最高下潜速度:18km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:3-5人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中低 维护难度:中低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机/同人交流QQ群:796185005...
Created by Noking
简介:Ero级中型核潜艇,采用仿生学设计,模拟了锤头鲨的外形,并且安装防撞隔舱和间隙外壳,使得无论是撞击或是爆炸都可轻松拿下,同时拥有惊人的货舱大小,如果想要通过运输来获利,那她一定不会让你失望的。 定位:运输任务,多人联机,原版战役 售价:5888mk 大小:50x8m 载货:72箱 最高水平航速:26km/h 最高下潜速度:18km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:3-6人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:高 维护难度:中 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:2003...
Created by Noking
简介:Nova级小型核潜艇,响应新的开拓航线需求而建造的全能型潜艇,在顶部安装有额外装甲,同时拥有强大的火力配置并开创性的加入了基因分析设备。如果你要潜入深渊,那她一定是你的好帮手。 定位:新手入门,多人联机,原版战役 售价:2888mk 大小:25x5m 载货:12箱 最高水平航速:30km/h 最高下潜速度:17-23km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:2-6人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947...
Created by Noking
简介:Rod级迷你核潜艇,俗话说天下武功唯快不破,独特的单层船体轻量化设计,赋予了她顶尖的航速,同时也让日常维护变得非常轻松,如果你没有那么多人手,又喜爱强劲火力的话,她一定是你的最佳选择。 定位:任务潜艇,好友联机,快速通关 售价:1888mk 大小:41x11m 载货:0箱 最高水平航速:65km/h 最高下潜速度:17km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-3人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:低 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:20030094...
Created by Noking
简介:Ula级大型核潜艇,三层重甲防护设计,人员动线经过充分优化,各类设施齐全,适合有一定经验舰长驾驶,强劲的火力配置搭配高度集成的指挥控制系统,她将是你驰骋深海的一座强大堡垒。 定位:主力潜艇,多人联机,高难模组 售价:6888mk 大小:41x11m 载货:16箱 最高水平航速:55km/h 最高下潜速度:18km/h 反应堆功率:50000kw 推荐船员:4-12人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:高 维护难度:中 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机...
Created by Noking
简介:Van级大型核潜艇,吸收新时代、蓝宝石、黑森林等潜艇优点设计的全能型潜艇。在这可以看到大胆的透明船壳设计,简单易上手的电子控制系统,还有标准的火力配置。当然,你需要一些好友与你一同驾驭这艘巨兽,若是孤狼,你也可以在站点招募些船员,与你共赴深渊。 定位:新手入门,多人联机,模组战役 售价:8499mk 大小:63x15m 载货:26箱 最高水平航速:40km/h 最高下潜速度:21-23km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-14人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中 维护难度:中 感谢使用!...
Created by Noking
简介:Xen级大型核潜艇,她是冰洋中的庞然大物,内饰精美,设备齐全,宛如一艘豪华游轮,只有拥有足够财力与能力的团队才能驾驭,如果想要一段精彩的旅途,那就是她了。 定位:难度挑战,多人联机,角色扮演 售价:8888mk 大小:57x12m 载货:32箱 最高水平航速:35km/h 最高下潜速度:12-20km/h(紧急下潜) 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:6-14人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:中 维护难度:高 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机...
Created by AKA-蠢脸螈宝
背景故事 “如陨星般划过,撕裂大气,坠入渊洋” “血色彗星”由位于新上海的“东亚重工”与香港新南昌的“破碎穹顶”合作研发,为了相应木卫二联盟的号召,“血色彗星”级仅仅用了14个月实际上是三个星期半的时间完成研发到制造,其性能也极为优越,更加适合新船长驾驶,而外观方面参考了“宿怨级” 基础参数 定位:单人/多人 价格:4200 规格:41*13m 载货量:60箱 推荐船员数量:3-6 推荐船员经验:初窥门径 最大水平速度:54KM/H 最大下潜速度:21KM/H 最大上浮速度:18KM/H 武器:4+2标准型...
早期作品,有空改进 贴吧版简介更全面详细 御冬级潜艇最初是由新伊阿佩特斯的超钢船厂制造的,只生产了一年就被联盟收购用于研究目的。许多现存的型号都配备有船载研究室,而且武装到了牙齿。 对于这型优秀而经典的款式,所有的自由船长都对其垂涎已久,但古早版本粗糙而脆弱的内部电网,和臃肿的船载研究仓带来的火力死角问题令人望而却步。 而现在,新上海的东亚...
背景故事 锐冬级是御冬级的小号改型,搭载新一代高效核反应堆,小巧精致,高速静默。 和刻板印象不一致的是,锐冬级并不是新伊阿佩特斯的超钢船厂的产品,而生产于新上海的东亚重工。 东亚重工声称此船灵感源于一艘劫持来的海盗潜艇,而对网传的“锐冬级抄袭了海妖龙的构型”不予置评。 简介 基本性能 “锐冬级”深潜型潜艇 定位 单人/多人 价格 3599 规格 31*12m 载货量 58箱 推荐船员数量 4-7人 推荐船员经验 初窥门径 内容组合包要求 VisualVarietyPack 最大平动速度 39 最大下潜速度 ...
Wreck Locator
Created by Biff_W
Feature When there's a wreck in 1000m range, you will receive its "SOS" signal on your sonar monitor. This doesn't require starting a new campaign to make an effect. Note Shipwrecks may not be located in the following cases: 1.The shipwreck has no containe...
Stations from beyond
Created by rundoomer Description Are you tired of the monotonous outpost modules? Or do you just want to add some variety to your adventure? This modification expands the number of modules found at stations. There are more than 100 new variation...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
ATTENTION Please read the description as it contains important information about features, patches and incompatibilities! Please be aware that in very rare cases a level might not generate a path to your destination. Please read this discussion HERE to hel...
DynamicEuropa - Stations From Beyond Outpost Pack
Created by MasonMachineGuns
An outpost module pack for Dynamic Europa. Introduces the modules of Stations from beyond to the outposts of DynamicEuropa. They have all been manually adjusted to feature necessary items and various other adjustments required for the intended gameplay of ...
Created by Ma'am
Adds items mainly for use by sub builders Core additions are: Omnidirectional engine (can go up and down!!!1!) An ammunition signal output for coilgun-, pulselaser-, chaingun-, railgun-, flakcannon- and depth charge loaders A chair that functions as a peri...
T.S.M MISSIONS-问君此去几时还
Created by Lerentine
T.S.M MISSIONS 奇迹之海任务包 Add English translation, the English translation is AI translation, there is machine translation phenomenon, it is impossible to translate completely according to the original meaning, but most of the text should be fine. This is a l...