Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

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author původně napsal:
  • 按照顺序订阅后第一次进入游戏创建存档是完全正确的顺序,第二次进入游戏创建存档就会完全乱掉,建议在订阅后多次手动备份多个老路存档备用,游戏加载后英雄进入到老路后再返回菜单即可。也可自己搜索教程在本地电脑上备份原始存档文件。mod乱序问题无法解决。

  • 部分描述闪烁,由中文文本翻译mod覆盖导致,暂无解决办法。

  • 在部分复杂情况下无法进行下一个回合,屏幕中出现无交互情况且无法移动。如在轮到下一个英雄行动时该英雄没有任何可行动的行动,本人只在战斗极端复杂的情况下遇到一次,返回到菜单再进入游戏即可解决。

  • 如果一个英雄有深红诅咒,或任何其他为英雄添加图标的修改怪癖/疾病,则会出现导致图标加倍和重叠的错误。它无法修复。

  1. 2023/1/11添加了“删去黄水晶”和“物品堆叠”,不再存在卑劣的黄水晶,物品堆叠是鼓励玩家在前期挑战高难度副本的高收益奖励调整
  2. 2023/1/12 添加了“马车微调”mod用以增加招募数量解决前期找不到减压、治疗角色,导致玩家回到老路的问题。
  3. 2023/1/13添加了“火枪手重置”mod,用以解决原版火枪手和弩手技能定位高度重合的问题,重置后其有近/远形态和技能的转换,近战形态下名为“aneartailin”其为作者用户名也用作近战形态的意思。删去了“物品一比一兑换”mod,原因是画像应该有着更高的获取难度。删去了“物品一比一兑换”mod,原因是画像应该有着更高的获取难度。
  4. 2023/1/18添加了诸如雪山的副本,农庄和庭院的支线,删去了“火枪手重置”mod,它虽然有优秀的机制,但数值和技能过于强大导致原版角色集体失业。添加了原版英雄集体强化mod。
Položky (115)
不要黄水晶!No Citrine
Vytvořil 折线
黄水晶滚出哈姆雷特!不再掉落黄水晶。 Citrine is removed. 推荐把这mod放较上面以免失效。 It is recommended to put it in the upper position of the mod list to prevent failure....
Inventory Unlimited Stacks
Vytvořil Supak
COMPATIBLE WITH "CRIMSON COURT" Update to patch 21142 Implemented the item of the Shieldbreaker "Aegis Scale" and full refund on sold provisions reverted to the default (by topics that I do not get to see if it works or not and not to make the game so easy...
Abundant Loot
Vytvořil Alex Poland
Mod Description Hello! This mod increases the amount of loot you gain effectively by double for players who want a quicker campaign. -All Gold Gains are doubled -All Heirloom Gains are doubled -All Gem Gains are doubled -Greater Chance to find better trink...
DD MOD Schinese Fix
Vytvořil ETO灬XL
注意: 本MOD是结合DD MOD Schinese Localization Reborn一起用的,请在订阅以后将其放在DD MOD Schinese Localization Reborn的上方。 假如你订阅了多个本地化MOD且出现文本闪烁的情况时 请尝试将此MOD放在所有本地化MOD的最上方 有一定概率能解决问题 MOD用处: 1.解决一系列的文本闪烁问题 2.缓解作者排查问题的难度,加强作者效率。 3.给作者保留宝贵的头发。【雾】 4.让作者心态保持冷静。【雾】 ...
DD MOD Schinese Localization Reborn Ver0.26.0
Vytvořil ETO灬XL
PS:在Reborn版本尚未超过1.0之前 不少原本包含文本的为了兼容官汉或者各种各样的原因会暂时下架,讨论中详细不一定能及时更新,所以可能会出现详细中包含,但实际并没有汉化的情况,尽请谅解。 目前的工作重点是在于把曾经有过的MOD相关补全 包括但不限于 MOD新添加文本的汉化/MOD官汉新增加但尚未翻译的文本/需要大修或者推倒重来的文本 写了一个汉化MOD且上传相关的教程 有兴趣自行汉化的人可以去看看 DD MOD 汉化教程 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...
Vytvořil 拜悼
请把本mod置于所有mod列表顶端:在mod列表里面,鼠标左键长按本mod然后使劲往上拖 否则会导致mod汉化失效。 ———————————————————————————————————————— 为了大家整理的更方便点,以后会9个9个汉化mod做一个合集。 而且合集里面的汉化有些小缺陷都被我补好了,单独的汉化是没有的。 ———————————————————————————————————————— 合集中包含(完全汉化): 弓箭手(the bowman) 舞女(the courtesan) 虫巢意志(...
Mod 简体中文化
Vytvořil 小凯先生
暗黑地牢是个好游戏,创意工坊上的mod也为游戏增加了更多的乐趣! 本人接触汉化不久,尝试着翻译了一些个人喜欢的mod,翻译质量如果有bug或者不合理的地方,希望大家在评论区指出,我会尽力完善。 本mod的汉化过程借鉴了创意工坊里其他大神的的汉化成果,在此表示感谢,如果侵犯了各位的著作权,请通知我,我会删去此mod。 以下支援汉化的mod部分原作者已经停更,不建议全部安装,避免出现bug。 01、腥红庭院加强 Courtyard+ (Beta) 02、无限宝石 The Infinity Stones 03、小...
Vytvořil Blaink
DLC完整汉化已经完成,有任何问题留言。 关于“糠秕”,引用dnqbob的原话: 收获简单来说就是,杀死这些体内有晶体的生物获得星晶 这也是,“只有通过辛勤的劳动,才能把麦粒和糠秕分开来”麦粒,就是星晶 糠秕,就是被寄生的劳苦大众,水晶怪甚至星彩神 只要能获得星晶,就用尽一切手段 20210917 V1.61-V1.65 修复翻译错误 20200823 V1.60 因为官方更新问题,修复空白词条。其他词条有空白的请留言。 20200811 V1.59 修复某个词条 伤害增加 改为 受到的伤害增加 20200...
Vytvořil foxical
請把本MOD放到所有的大型汉化的最上方,避免覆盖 可选择安装以下mod,不必全部安装。 以下人物mod选择性安装 本汉化介绍 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 【MOD人物篇】 王之刃基亚兰 完全汉化(对话部分完全汉化) 王之盾(魂二王大锤) 少许对话未...
Stacking Inventory
Vytvořil Maester Silvio
WORKS WITH CRIMSON COURT WORKS WITH COLOR OF MADNESS Hate that firewood and quest items don’t stack? Many do, and this mod will make them do so! Gems Jute Tapestries now stack to 2 Trapezohedrons now stack to 3 Pews now stack to 3 Quest Items All stack to ...
Marvin Seo Mods: Shared Assets
Vytvořil Marvin Seo
Introduction Welcome! If you don't know me, I'm Marvin Seo. I've helped balance Darkest Dungeon for Color of Madness' release and strive to create high quality mods that feel as if they belong in the base game. What does this Mod do? This mod is a collecti...
+50% Combat Speed
Vytvořil o'night
Increases game speed during battles, also affects animations. This mod works differently than most similar mods - instead of manually changing all files it simply enables speedhack in battles. This makes it much more stable and compatible with everything. ...
末世鼠疫 简体汉化
Vytvořil ump40
末世鼠疫 个人汉化 ...
the slayer屠戮者汉化mod
Vytvořil 死蝎幻想
对mod slayer的汉化...
the forlorn 轶猎汉化mod
Vytvořil 拜悼
感谢老哥帮忙做了后半段台词。 还得着手做下一个合集。 未测试,有问题务必告诉我。 有些bug是原mod的bug。 折磨的台词太千篇一律了,跟其他mod没什么区别 有问题进QQ群问:1016992762 合作的话个人QQ:1103936362 ...
我是Lanking Yuri,你可以叫我蓝镜。这是我第一次制作汉化,水平有限,而且也没有玩过游戏《血源诅咒》,所以文本中可能有一些游戏内的梗我没办法翻译出来,见谅。 如果你有更好的文本翻译,或者是其他建议BUG反馈,可以留言或在贴吧上直接发帖说明,我会时不时逛贴吧。 将此MOD放置在MOD本体上食用。...
Vytvořil 不是痞子
This MOD is an unofficial Japanese and Traditional Chinese translation. Caedwyn氏制作のMOD「Dragonslayer」に日本語訳を追加します。 本MODの利用の際、必ず本体MODの導入を先に行ってください。 導入時、読み込み順は本体MODよりリストの上側になるよう設置してください。 英語をベースに自分なりに訳していますが 訳者の日本語力のため訳文の随所に 意訳・誤訳・超訳等々が含まれたり、蛇足か違和感を感じさせるものもある可能...
the Rudiment 原初畸体汉化mod
Vytvořil 拜悼
起初,我还以为这个角色是个大聪明,知道去问了作者他应该是有逼格的,而非憨批。 肝了最久的汉化。 本来好几次想交给哥们,结果这个b懒得跟猪一样两天没动手。啧,果然这种事得自己来 QQ群:1016992762。...
the Dredge 破障号汉化mod
Vytvořil 拜悼
没做台词,这俩月八成是不会碰的了。 没玩过黑圣物也没怎么了解过世界观,孩子不懂瞎翻译的。 不在乎背刺了,先用着,等什么时候原mod给汉化了就删。 有问题进QQ群问:1016992762 合作的话个人QQ:1103936362...
the warlord 雪岭头牛汉化mod
Vytvořil 拜悼
是母的。 感谢好兄弟帮忙汉化了90%的台词 有问题进QQ群问:1016992762 合作的话个人QQ:1103936362 爱发电:https://afdian.net/@1103936362s...
Here Be Monsters: Koala's Creature Collection Compatibility Patch
Vytvořil Shay
Description ------------------------------------------ Here Be Monsters is a series of mods that will add new enemies to Darkest Dungeon. This optional addon adds interactions between it and Koala's Creature Collection, merging the two into a seamless mod ...
Level Restrictions Removal
Vytvořil Maester Silvio
WORKS WITH CRIMSON COURT WORKS WITH COLOR OF MADNESS The restrictions imposed on high-level heroes is an oft debated topic. Some desire that it be removed, and that's precisely what this mod does! Feel free to send any hero anywhere you choose!...
Faster Scouting
Vytvořil Rin
Should speed up the annoyingly slow scouting reveal animations....
Increased Quest Rewards
Vytvořil Alex Poland
Tired of only surviving but not thriving? Want a little boost to help you out? Here you go! This mod increases the amount of quest rewards you get from each quest! It also helps to reduce the grind for people who want a quicker experience. Want to join a C...
微调马车 trimming Stage Coach
Vytvořil 蕞嗳
工坊上的几个马车微调我都不喜欢,自己进行微调了一下。 1、第一周固定随机事件,马车里随机+5个人(仅第一周出现) 2、马车升级: (1)升级每周马车数量:4/6/8/10/12/14(相对原版翻倍) (2)升级名单数量:9/13/18/24/30/36(相对原版+0/+1/+2/+4/+6/+8) (3)升级英雄等级: 1级:1/5概率刷到1级英雄 2级:1/10概率刷到2级英雄,1/15概率刷到3级英雄 3级:1/20概率刷到4级英雄,1/25概率刷到5级英雄 不做English翻译了,反正支持任何语言。...
Better Stage Coach
Vytvořil o'night
Improves Stage Coach by adding upgrade levels and increasing chances of leveled heroes appearance. Increases number of weekly heroes by 1 (3 heroes for non-upgraded and 9 heroes for fully upgraded stage coach). Makes first 2 heroes random, one Plague Docto...
Weak Characters Enhancement
Vytvořil GUMP
I. Why use this mod 1. To keep vitality and control pressure is the key to your team's survival in the dungeon adventure, which directly leads to Vestal, Jester and other characters be irreplaceable in your team. This mod improves the team resilience abili...
Bits & Pieces:A Monster Trinket Mod
Vytvořil CutestGirlHere.
Brand new Rare trinket drops, each based around various monsters you fight _________________________ Bits & Pieces adds 28 brand new trinkets to the game, obtainable through random drops from 25 different enemies, with even more to come later. These trinke...
Vytvořil Caedwyn
Final overhaul. This mod has excellent synergy with Lord's Blade: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1433161277 Thank you, Geptor555, for the recent Spanish translation! Abysswalkers are knights who follow the precedent set by Wolf Knig...
Ashen Warrior - New Class
Vytvořil o'night
Ashen Warrior - New Class Ashen Warrior class is based on Kratos from God of War series. Being experienced at wars he excels at dealing indirect damage and tanking. He offers a unique way of dealing damage via reflecting, transfering DoTs, AoE dmg on crits...
Bogatyr Class Mod
Vytvořil Seal
Copyright 2020 S-Purple. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named S-Purple/Slightly Started Seal, I do not allow edits and redistribution of my work. The Bogatyr is tank with focus on stunning, debuffing, and h...
Cleric Errant
Vytvořil Badger
Introduction ------------------------------------------ The Cleric Errant is a durable frontliner who is adept at healing and buffing his allies. Passive Effect ------------------------------------------ The Cleric Errant heals all allies for 10% max HP wh...
Vytvořil Caedwyn
Now Updated for CoM! Big thanks to Typical Arthas for his Russian translation! Class Introduction: Dragonslayer is based on Ornstein from Dark Souls, though I interpret him more broadly. He's primarily a damage dealer which specializes in killing size 2 ta...
Dragonslayer 2.0 Town Event
Vytvořil Caedwyn
Huge update for Dragonslayer. New trinkets, overhauled abilities, tons of new art, and more. This mod gives a Dragonslayer on or after 5 weeks in the Hamlet. For more information, here's a link to the class: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetai...
Exaelus' Revenant Class Mod
Vytvořil Exaelus
The Revenant Class Mod Supports Color of Madness: Yes Supports Crimson Court: Yes Mod Version: 5.3a Language: English, Spanish, French, Polish, Brazilian, Russian, Korean Latest News Improved idling, walking and combat animations! Immortality skill REWORKE...
Exaelus' Enigma Class Mod
Vytvořil Exaelus
The Enigma Class Mod Supports Color of Madness: Yes Supports Crimson Court: Yes Mod Version: 3.8a Language: EN, FR, PL, S-CHN, KOR, RU, SPA Latest News Improved animations and attack sprites! Added a new Corruption remnant. Corruption remnant increases all...
Vytvořil snorlaxxo
““An extreme but necessary measure” https://i.imgur.com/Xvkt550.png Overview A professional in disease control and prevention, the Exterminator was summoned to the Hamlet to take care of a seemingly mundane rat infestation, only to find that the corruption...
Forlorn Class Mod
Vytvořil sasiji
Introduction https://i.imgur.com/nvG9nVf.png "Hello all! This will be my first class mod to finally reach is completion. The Forlorn - a Castlevania inspired hero, meant to be a heavy bleeding/flexible hero. Below will be a breakdown of his skills. Artwork...
Here Be Monsters: Full Release
Vytvořil Shay
"In coming to these cursed lands, you are no longer in the realm of the familiar. Ghouls and fiends of every conceivable form skulk and chitter in every shadow, ensnaring the bravest of men and breaking them over their knees into wailing madmen. Our troops...
Here Be Monsters: The New Shadow
Vytvořil Shay
"Do you remember my last missive? I wrote of unimaginable horrors and towering monstrosities. It would seem that despite the blood you've shed and the terrors you've extirpated, the land is hell-bent on churning forth the foulest of foes. A new shadow fall...
Marvin Seo's Thrall Class Mod
Vytvořil Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Thrall as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://imgur.c...
Lord's Blade
Vytvořil Caedwyn
CoM Compatible! Synergy with Abysswalker! https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1225113804 Class Introduction: Lord's Blade is based upon Lord's Blade Ciaran from Dark Souls. She is an assassin class with lots of set-up burst, attacking wi...
Lamia Quirks Mod
Vytvořil Marvin Seo
This mod is an extension to the Lamia Class Mod, which can be found here: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1130829365 This mod adds two new Quirks related to the Lamia that function similarly to the Quirks from Color of Madness that re...
Marvin Seo's Seraph Class Mod
Vytvořil Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Seraph as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://imgur.c...
Marvin Seo's Wraith Class Mod
Vytvořil Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), English ,French, Italian, Korean, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Wraith as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://i.imgur.com/T2K61bq.png If you...
Duchess Class Mod
Vytvořil Miraclebutt
All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
The Shinobi - Class Mod
Vytvořil Badger
Introduction ------------------------------------------ The Shinobi is a mobile damage dealer who is expert at stealth and applying status effects. Crit Effect On crit, the Shinobi stealths himself for 1 rd. Combat Skills Detailed information in teaser ima...
Weirwood Tree (Warden District)
Vytvořil Caedwyn
This district grants bonuses for Warden of the North. Class here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1709484026...
The Salamander Class Mod
Vytvořil Shay
"A marvel of technology! An engine of destruction!" Introduction ------------------------------------------ The Salamander is an all new class mod for Darkest Dungeon based on an original design by S-Purple. An accomplished mercenary from a distant land wh...
Warden of the North
Vytvořil Caedwyn
The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die. Theme The intention o...
Vermintide Mod
Vytvořil LEGO_Johnase
https://imgur.com/tTCK7QC.gif Introduction Not so far from the hamlet A mine there be, not to be known yet. No sights to be seen, you bet. But kids, they sing, in mocking minuet. "Rats! Rats! Horrible rats!" "Rats! Rats! in the streets!" "Rats in the house...
Vigilante - New Class
Vytvořil Badger
Introduction ------------------------------------------ This mod includes a hero with custom sprites, 4 palettes, custom sound effects, a unique skillset , ten trinkets, and over 500 custom dialogue lines. The Vigilante is an agile and highly adaptive dama...
The Veiled Class Mod
Vytvořil MetalGy
https://imgur.com/JHN0eLh.png "Tired of its senseless and endless life, it came here to seek its own demise." https://imgur.com/2ixj7wP.png A figure hidden behind veils. He keeps his secret as protection against the superstitious common men. The Veiled is ...
Acolyte of Sun - New Class
Vytvořil o'night
Role: http://i.imgur.com/uQzHlzm.png Healer / Utility Support / Semi Damage Dealer Skills: http://i.imgur.com/ENLKSil.png Dark Sun Arrow - basic ranged attack with bonus damage based on light level http://i.imgur.com/zilaT5H.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/zilaT5H.p...
The Warrior of Sunlight
Vytvořil CarnifeX
"Long may the Sun shine !" Mod Features Achieve Skill Mastery on Level 5 Skills 10 Trinkets: 6 class+ 2 Crimson Court + 1 CoM + 1 Head Start each run with Emberflask wich regenerates HP Early hero Town event included Interactions with the Order of Sunlight...
The Order of Sunlight
Vytvořil CarnifeX
"I will stay to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!" - the first knight of the order Mod Features 45+ new Trinkets Progressing "Faction" quirk line New positive dungeon encount...
The Viper Class Mod
Vytvořil Cerebralcloud92
The Viper: Summary A wayward serpent hailing from far off lands, the Viper has come to the Hamlet, both in search of refuge, and for relief from her affliction. She serves as a fairly-frail damage dealer, capable of more stationary or mobile combat. Due to...
Marvin Seo's Falconer Class Mod
Vytvořil Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), English, French, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Falconer as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://i.imgur.com/1lSBcwm.png If yo...
Marvin Seo's Lamia Class Mod
Vytvořil Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Lamia as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://i.imgur....
Marvin Seo's Sisters Class Mod
Vytvořil Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Disclaimer The Sisters are a complex class. Their move set requires that the player plan several turns ahead as well a...
The Rudiment Class Mod
Vytvořil Lafos
"Creator, God of Flesh, the first one and the last, He trapped another human's soul into metal shell. And now this monster's waiting to recall its past While trying not to lose the hope to dwell." Overview The Rudiment is a man-made monster with a human’s ...
Monk Class Mod
Vytvořil Hellintz
Chat ] This mod support Color of Madness This mod support Crimson Court This mod can be played without dlc's ] English, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Korean, French, Brazilian, Chinese ] Hello! This is the first mod that i have created for Darkest Dungeon (and...
Muscarine Fawn SkinMod
Vytvořil moon
Muscarine Fawn SkinMod 4/8 Error correction completed fawn_guild_header Error correction completed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, this time I edited the skin o...
Mediterranean Bounty Hunter
Vytvořil Cannoli
Alternate skin for the Bounty Hunter inspired by the "Camper's Helmet" trinket and various types of ancient middle eastern armor. If you find any issues with the skin, please let me know and I'll fix it as soon as possible. Thanks for the interest and enjo...
DD2 Warrens Enemies
Vytvořil McSkellington
"Tread carefully and quickly. This is swine country." Darkest Dungeon 2 introduced some great new monsters to be killed by, and thanks to this backport you'll now be able to lose runs to them in DD1 as well. More specifically, you'll be facing the Swine Br...
Sunward Expansion: The Night Parade
Vytvořil Seal
_____________________________________________ IMPORTANT PLEASE SEE _______________________________________________ This mod has to be loaded above base SI and have high priority in the load order. It has the potential to break your save if it is not. https...
The Sunward Isles (New Dungeon)
Vytvořil Seal
The Sunward Isles is a new dungeon that's modeled after Japanese history and culture. Fight new Yokai type enemies, explore the depths of the archipelago, and put an end to some of the ancient horrors of the Isles. =========================================...
The Raiju: A Sunward Addon
Vytvořil Seal
All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
Unhooded Shrew Mini-boss
Vytvořil Seal
This mod adds 1 new summonable dlc combined miniboss, a new trinket set, and 2 districts aimed at making crimson curse more viable for endgame. This mod is a collaboration with Sporozowen.(Phenomenal Artist) https://s5.postimg.cc/pryzngfaf/banner.png The H...
Lumberjack Miniboss
Vytvořil Seal
The Lumberjack Miniboss mod is a roaming miniboss that can appear in champion(lv. 5) Weald quests. First Encounter There's a town event that occurs once the player has 4 lv 5 heroes and is past week 12. This town event triggers a medium length plot quest i...
The Marcus Brothers
Vytvořil Seal
The Marcus Brothers Miniboss mod is a roaming group of elite enemies that can appear in champion(lv. 5) Ruins quests. First Encounter There's a town event that occurs once the player has 4 lv 5 heroes and is past week 12. This town event triggers a medium ...
Abyssal Horror Miniboss
Vytvořil Seal
The Abyssal Horror Miniboss mod is a roaming miniboss that can appear in champion(lv. 5) Cove quests. First Encounter There's a town event that occurs once the player has 4 lv 5 heroes and is past week 12. This town event triggers a medium length plot ques...
Farmstead Plus
Vytvořil Moon/Void Slime
~~~The Colors, so beautiful~~~ Farmstead Plus is designed to be an overhaul of the Color of madness DLC. It's main focus is to add onto the DLC, while trying to keep the base feel and flow of the DLC there. All feedback is welcomed. To access the content o...
Courtyard Plus
Vytvořil Moon/Void Slime
~~~Welcome to the courtyard, we have fun and games~~~ Courtyard Plus is designed to be an expansion onto of the regular Crimson Court DLC. It's main focus is to add onto the DLC, while trying to keep the base feel and flow of the DLC there. All feedback is...
Pet Cemetery (Dungeon Mod)
Vytvořil dem22
v1.3.9 *New Sacred Armaments *Languages: English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Russian https://i.imgur.com/VLL9xc1.png Something Wicked Stirs ... Just outside the hamlet, unholy creatures stir in the local Pet Cemetery. This burial ground is home to m...
Pets 2 (Trinket + Monster Mod)
Vytvořil dem22
Phase 2.9.3 https://i.imgur.com/zzwuEO2.jpg *2021: New French! *Recent: Banner Bearer, Banished Hunter, Oceanborn, Eternal, Librarian, Rescuer, Paracausalist *Live: Pet Store Patch Pets in the Hamlet! You can now bring a Pet adventuring! Pets help manage t...
The Mountain - Updated Version
Vytvořil Grim_Reaper
The Mountain This is an updated version of an old mod called 'The Mountain' made by Oks, with his permission I am taking over/updating Warning: Do NOT use this mod and the original Mountain mod together, this is an updated version with many conflicting fil...
The Advent of the Ghost
Vytvořil GriM
Introduction "One night like many others, snow starts fallind down the sky. Its soft white would soon cover the usual buzzing of the hamlet, and announce the arrival of a spectral visitor..." The Advent of the Ghost adds eighteen new trinkets, one for each...
The Ringmaster Bossfight
Vytvořil MetalGy
https://imgur.com/EJF7C0x.png The Ringmaster: the leader and undeniable champion of the Butcher's Circus. Watching your heroes butcher their former teammates for the sake of vainglory inspired her. Thus, she offers you a chance to challenge her in a more-o...
The Ringmaster's Prizebox | The Ringmaster Bossfight add-on
Vytvořil MetalGy
https://imgur.com/EJF7C0x.png The Ringmaster will set her time aside for a rematch anytime. Her prizebox will certainly sweeten the deal. https://imgur.com/aXIQ21g.png With this mod installed, a lvl 6 Ringmaster quest will spawn again after the two fights ...
Koala's Creature Collection
Vytvořil Anonymous_Koala
V.1.4 "You answered the letter... Now like me, you are a part of this place." After 2 years of development, Koala's Creature Collection is finally out! It contains 17 new monsters(among them a challenging new miniboss!), new trinkets, new diseases, new qui...
Mimic Miniboss
Vytvořil Chogex
The Mimic mod adds an heirloom chest curio that spawns a new miniboss fight, in a similar vein to TheAmazingGregor's Mimics! mod. Overview The 4 core regions have a ~13% chance to contain a mimic heirloom chest curio instead of a regular treasure curio. In...
Hollow Knight Class Mod
Vytvořil Kamit
Hollow Knight Losing his body from a farm monster, he became a living armor. A painless body would be a good candidate for a solid role in the front line of the team. == LOCALLIZED == English Korean Chinese Russian (Updated 2019-07-31) brazilian (Updated 2...
Riftwatcher - New Class
Vytvořil CarnifeX
"We keep watch on the brink of the darkest abyss, we are legion!" FEATURES New Move Ability "Swiftstep" 9 Class Trinkets + 2 Neutral Trinkets +CoM Trinket 2 Crimson Court Trinkets Legion Bonuses for bringing multiple Riftwatchers Search for 30 new Herb Ite...
The Voivode - Reworked
Vytvořil CarnifeX
"Evil is only a point of view my friend, isn't it ...?" https://imgur.com/ruBnBfw.png High Res Comic Features Custom Animations and Sounds New evolving Strain of Vampirism: Darkspawn Addon Mods: "The Cursed Grounds" & "The Nest" 10 class Trinkets, 3 shared...
Royal Aegis - New Class - Torchless Guardian
Vytvořil Caedwyn
Now updated for CoM! Class Introduction: The Royal Aegis is a guardian renowned for his strength. For many years, he defended his king's tomb in the darkness. It warped his faith, and imbued him with unique strengths when light disappears. He fights with a...
Slayer Class Mod
Vytvořil S-Purple
"All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
The Saw Hunter Hero Mod
Vytvořil Boldas
"Transcend the hunt..." https://i.imgur.com/l7bdttA.png Lore ------------------------------------------ The Saw Hunter is a new hero class inspired by the protagonist of Bloodborne, The Hunter. The Hunter wears a gray duster coat with a black bandana cover...
Golem Class Mod
Vytvořil Ooh Ah
"A hulking juggernaut from beyond the stars, ready to fight. The golem wields the ancient armor of a long dead hero to terrifying results, able to destroy any enemy in her path with splintering strikes and able to shake off even the mightiest of blows with...
The Warlord
Vytvořil Cerebralcloud92
“In the proper position, even the distant moon will shift the tide.” https://i.imgur.com/PYNteck.png The Warlord is a hardened commander at home in any position on the battlefield, moving easily between front and rear of the group. Her great mass and might...
The Rotting King
Vytvořil Seal
All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by Team Reliquary unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by Team Reliquary, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or tr...
The Dredge (Black Reliquary Teaser)
Vytvořil Seal
Disclaimer: The Dredge was designed around several features in Black Reliquary. This variant allows for her to be used in Vanilla DD, but there are several changes that were necessary to make to her design in order for her to function properly, some of whi...
The Bowman Class Mod
Vytvořil Cat
https://i.imgur.com/GlTIiIg.png Those skilled with the bow will never go hungry. https://i.imgur.com/3aJODnl.png The Bowman is a versatile ranged damage dealer. By default, all of his skills carry armor piercing. But with the skill “Change Arsenal”, he can...
The Banshee by Marvin Seo and Clair de Lune
Vytvořil Marvin Seo
Currently Localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to fight the Banshee as soon as possible? Download the Banshee Boss Missions mod below! https://i.imgur.com/QHhTj...
Banshee Boss Missions
Vytvořil Marvin Seo
This mod is an extension to the Banshee Miniboss Mod, which can be found here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1655294502 This mod adds unique missions to the Weald that allow you to immediately fight the Banshee. The mission will be...
The Thorn
Vytvořil Mhnlo
The Thorn is out ! Try it out and don’t hesitate to give us your feedback ! To have the full experience, and have sound on the thorn footsteps, please download this little mod. --------------- OVERALL DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------...
The Itinerant Cook
Vytvořil Mhnlo
The Itinerant Cook is a support class, based on healing and gathering food. Make use of her old recipes and her cooking experience, stack more food into her giant backpack and gather various ingredients on the corpses of your dead enemies. Bon Appétit ! To...
Vytvořil Mhnlo
DIE DIE!! --------------- OVERALL DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is Nerub, a Ruin only mini boss you can find in the sewers. You access the sewers in any level of difficulty and fight some rats, but Neru...
The Blackguard Class Mod
Vytvořil Shay
"No rest, no peace, for this wretched soul..." Introduction ------------------------------------------ The Blackguard is an all new class mod based on an original design by S-Purple. A silent, accursed undead knight with a penchant for the dark arts, the B...
The Incandescent Whisperer
Vytvořil Miraclebutt
"All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
The Ringmaster Class Mod
Vytvořil TheHolyChicken
"The Ringmaster demands a challenger!" Charismatic. Enigmatic. Barbaric. The Ringmaster leads The Butcher's Circus with a gleeful grin and an iron fist, with her unique set of skills able to delight and dismay in equal measure. Many have tried to usurp her...
Here Be Monsters: Ectoplasms Reworked
Vytvořil Shay
"Corruption has soaked the soil, sapping all good life from these groves..." Description ------------------------------------------ Here Be Monsters is a series of mods that will add new enemies to Darkest Dungeon. This instalment follows in the footsteps ...
Here Be Monsters: Gargoyles Reworked
Vytvořil Shay
"Even the cold stone seems bent on preventing passage!" Description ------------------------------------------ Here Be Monsters is a series of mods that will add new enemies to Darkest Dungeon. This instalment is a little different: it aims to rework the G...
The Beastmaster
Vytvořil sasiji
"Each broken twig will be paid with a broken bone" Introduction https://i.imgur.com/5NDFeFV.png High Res Comic ---------------------------------------------------- Mod Features Custom Animations and Sounds New Gameplay mechanic: Summoning and Doublestrike ...
twilight knight Unique animation
Vytvořil anaertailin
. Replaced the original Twilight Knight animation file, so you can't see the original art. No other color matching, if you are interested, you can use any art software to try color matching....
The Twilight Knight
Vytvořil Balgin Stondraeg
No stranger to crossovers the Twilight Knight has been seen in numerous other franchises. Hell Dorado, Wrath of Kings, Myth & Super Dungeon Explore to name a few. Well now she's brought her crazy sentient blade into the world of Kingdom Death to slaughter ...
the wanderer 浪剑汉化mod
Vytvořil 拜悼
与忍者并称我的翻译巅峰之作,纵然热度不够高,但是还是非常认真地翻译了两周多 个人描述:独特的死亡之门赌命无重创和高致死抗性。个人综合实力和吸血能力也很强。比较灵活。...
The Wanderer
Vytvořil MrGuySenpai
The weight of a sword Leads every man to his death Will his journey end? Introduction Welcome to the page of The Wanderer class mod! Features include: Original Art Barks(dialogue) for almost every vanilla and sunward isles event Custom animations A lot of ...
Moonlit Dungeon - Ruins Enemy Pack - Reuploaded
Vytvořil certi
Reuploading for preservation in anticipation of future takedown of the original mod, in accordance to and as per this message from Clair de Lune, the original uploader, with all credits maintained. "All of my mods will be removed from Workshop soon, approx...
Winter Wonderland
Vytvořil Maester Silvio
Enjoy this holiday-themed visual overhaul brought to you by the fantastic Monsoontide, uploaded and maintained by Maester Silvio! THIS MAY OR MAY NOT WORK AFTER THE CC UPDATE...