Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Items (144)
[xdR] Hunter Beatdown Animation (Insane Version) - Mixamo
Created by ChapCanai
This is the sped up version of: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2740362706 Replaces the Hunter's Pounce Attack Animation and each Survivors' Struggle Animation with Mixamo Motion Capture Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 040 C...
【明日方舟】推进之王武器 替换 警棍 (Siege's weapon Replaces "Nightstick(Tonfa)")
说明 · 【明日方舟】推进之王武器 替换 警棍 (Siege's weapon Replaces "Nightstick(Tonfa)") · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) :金牛褶 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
「 粉色系列 」number.20 - 电锯 | 夜光版/「 Pink series 」Chainsaw | Luminous dynamic
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.20 | 替换电锯,(replace the Chainsaw) 淡粉色电锯,部分锯身作夜光处理,含锯齿、立绘动态 已做锯身血液去除处理 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.20 | Luminous dynamic | I love pink Thank you for your use ...
「 粉色系列 」number.24 - 小刀 | 夜光版/「 Pink series 」Knife | Luminous dynamic
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.24 | 替换小刀,(replace the Knife) 【 早期自学枪皮制作的实验品之一,当时是为了学夜光动态的来着】 粉色小刀,含渐变色夜光,仅替换原版皮肤 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.24 | Luminous dynamic | I love pink Thank you for your ...
【原神】CODMW MP7—八重神子(消音冲锋枪) / 【Genshin Impact】CODMW MP7—Yae Miko(Slience smg)
Created by 洛兮
替换消音冲锋枪mac-10 ,replace Slience smg 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap);高光贴图 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636145235 origin model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=...
【原神】M13—珊瑚宫心海(Desert Rifle)/ 【【Genshin Impact】M113—Kokomi (Desert Rifle)
Created by 洛兮
替换三连发SCAR步枪 ,replace Desert Rifle 之前那个有同学反应似乎贴图有点问题,所以我删除重新上传了一下!同学们可以重新订阅使用。 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap); 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1959743765 origin model:https://steamcom...
【明日方舟】COD:MW M680 —铃兰(木喷) / 【Arknights】 M680—Suzuran(pump shotgun)
Created by 洛兮
替换木喷,replace pump shotgun 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap);本来想做官模的,但是,官模那个贴图~~~~,做过的都懂的!! 原版COD MW m680 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1924745206880463891/BC8B84E8F3C14E4E85C9E42CDA996C1A87CDD370/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Let...
Created by 死萌
替换了原版木喷皮肤 萌新的第一个mod 跟着教程走花了十二个小时摸爬滚打做出来的 关键字(梦梦奈,兽耳科技,兽耳助手,木喷,单喷,单发霰弹枪,单发散弹枪) 铁喷版 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2516823444 2021/6/14: 修复了少添加了几张图的问题 目前没找到教怎么做出夜光皮肤教程,等以后会做了后会更新出夜光版本 2021/6/15: 添加了夜光皮肤,现在暗处也可以欣赏武器了!...
Created by KOU.MIAO
太烧了太烧了,丧尸都要被烧死了🥵🥵 模型:KOU.MIAO 贴图:KOU.MIAO 替换燃烧瓶...
Created by Kamome
Mika mp5sd (replace mp5) 碧蓝档案 圣园未花 MP5SD 替换 MP5 外观贴图,夜光贴图(还是5%的亮度,不瞎眼),正对太阳可能比较亮(白粉系皮肤通病了) 声音修改为csgo的mp5,删除了原作者的高光贴图,代码采用了洛兮老师常用的代码 删除了原作者内置的mp5脚本 封面作者:井上たくや 用户ID:99697 插画ID:96852262 握把插画作者:鬼针草 用户ID:6049901 插画ID:100715289 Original mod link:https://steamcom...
希儿 鲍伊猎刀
Created by 洛兮
替换:砍刀 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 沿用CSGO的鲍伊猎刀的模型与动作,刀身较长,所以刀身的部分对称了一下! 希望你们喜欢!...
恢复原版小刀属性!还我小刀!Recover Original Knife(最终决定版)
Created by 超天酱
恢复削弱前的小刀属性。 难以忍受新小刀巨大落差QAQ 订阅后恢复原版小刀属性,包括判定线,攻速等一切属性 更新包含动作,原版小刀已经完美恢复。 好用给个好评吧~QAQ 可用于服务器 Recover Original Knife!!! Give me old knife now! Can be used in server....
恶臭先辈音效 替换 尸潮音效
Created by 帅 大陈子 帅
这个mod。。。 太臭了QVQ ...
明日方舟 煌的链锯 替换铁锹/Arknights Blaze's Chainsaw Replacing Shovel
Created by ShrinLEI
链锯延伸模块 煌喵喵的链锯,你值得拥有。替换铁锹,不要以为是电锯就能砍舌头了。 如有需要可以订阅右侧的自定义音效,是从L4D2的链锯音效里截出来的,未来可能会用方舟里煌喵本来的电锯音效重制一下。 感谢三进制Mio制作的链锯音效MOD,已添加至右侧,可以在两个自定义音效中选择自己喜欢的。 如果喜欢,请点赞+收藏 原本想替换电锯的,但是模型匹配不上,自己K的动画又太难看。原版铁锹动画的编译后也总是出问题。VMT代码效果依旧不佳,看起来好像没什么反射效果。后续大概想办法修复的,大概。 Credits Animat...
明日方舟 近卫小车替换激光盒(laser)
Arknights 近卫小车Castle-3替换激光盒/红外线盒 Castle-3: 合金框架,强劲电机,配以高效能铩源策略,坚固,耐用,续航持久。高模块化配件任您选择,只为最大程度契合客户需求。雷神工业向您保证,雷神存在者,存在,即完美。 夜光贴图 黢黑的地方也能看清楚 很难想象这么一个小车顶点数能达到六万多 而且百分之八十都在底盘部位 可以看出模型作者真的用心了 还有个医疗小车 但我想不出替换什么好 借物:落古雷鸣 祝游戏愉快 ...
明日方舟 医疗小车替换弹药堆
Arknights 医疗车Lancet-2替换弹药堆和弹药罐 合金框架,强劲电机,配以高效能源策略�?坚固,耐用,续航持久,高模块化配件任您选择 只为最大程度契合客户需求,雷神工业向您保证 雷神存在者,存在,即完美 应网友的意见做了弹药堆 依旧感谢模型作者的精致建模 这个模型的点数依然达到了五万+ 别问为什么不是医疗包的MOD 猫娘药包天下第一 借物表 模型:落古雷鸣 祝游戏愉快 10.19更新说明 将车身的红十字替换为弹药标识...
明日方舟Arknights霜叶武器 替换 消防斧 v2.0重置版
Created by 凯茜帕鲁格
这次为大家带来的正是之前所发布的霜叶武器的重置版,模型添加了战损痕迹以及更多的细节贴图。 首先非常感谢大家能够喜欢和支持我制作的这个Mod,因为当初旧版Mod做出来的时候真的非常简陋,而我当时的技术水平也确实无法更进一步了,本以为这个Mod会无人问津,最终被埋没下去,但是没想到居然会有这么多人喜欢,评价甚至还达到了五星,这是我完全没有想到的情况,也正是因为大家的支持才给了我足够的动力,在时隔大半年后的今天我也算是学有所成,自然也会回来兑现我的承诺。 此模型由我独自制作完成,非常感谢大家的支持,以后也请大家多...
Created by mmi开心
Created by KN巨蟹
yu~~~~~boom! 替换了榴弹发射器开火与爆炸声音 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/bv1rT4y127RC...
Created by PAFF
伤害提高 200(80) 射速提高 精准度提高 弹夹降低备弹量降低 6/800 碎尸 大幅提高了距离伤害衰减 基础伤害较高,射速很快并且秒杀小僵尸。伤害衰减很严重(除非贴脸不然很难打出最高伤害),远距离伤害会变的很低。不能补充备弹量但能捡新枪 马格南脚本太多了玩不出什么新花样了...
Created by KOU.MIAO
臭黄豆流的浓竟然能吸引丧尸,真是太恶心了捏 整的什么烂活,扎不多得嘞 模型:KOU.MIAO 贴图:百度 替换胆汁...
Created by Azhe
对原版进行了简单的汉化 也修复了原版的一个小BUG 游戏内菜单拓展 可以在游戏内暂停菜单内进行各种调节: 准星颜色与透明度或粗细的调节, 动态与静态准星切换 网络状态显示的模式以及位置,字体大小的调整 可以调节游戏声音和背景音乐的大小 调节亮度 开关字幕说明 开关游戏提示 调节手臂长度 接武器皮肤MOD定制 联系方式见个人资料 原版名称:Urik InGame Menu Supplement for Mutation Mod version 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/s...
碧蓝航线 夕立(椿)煤气罐
夕立系列应该弄完了,明天开始我要准备弄本命二妹了(先从BGM下手),等我改了哈曼就弄一套哈曼的。 (谁反对夕立就砸爆他的哈曼!) 神教套装: 夕立(椿)门:http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1082968290 夕立(椿)安全门:http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1083285844 夕立(椿)医药箱:http://steamproxy.net/shar...
碧蓝档案 泳装白洲梓 替换 黑妹 Rochelle Blue Archive
快来这理发店! 本次mod我又是修了好久,我现在就要开始发癫了。 包含 飘动骨骼 人物表情 手臂vrd 模型来源:恋活提取 如果觉得作品侵犯了原作权益,请联系我,我会及时删除。 本mod为了能够把模型塞进求生,进行了大幅度调整,视觉上会有一些瑕疵,还请谅解。 祝使用愉快,本人b站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/39492638?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 给孩子留个赞吧QAQ 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eW...
神楽七奈Chrome Shotgun
Created by mmi开心
Created by mmi开心
蔡徐坤jockey语音+皮肤(KUN sound)
Created by 蒜蓉炒面
替换了游戏内jockey的贴图与语音,虽然没有改模型(改模型影响联机)但是大致像蔡徐坤了。 全民幸存者大家好,我是感染病毒时长两年半的个人感染者蔡徐坤,喜欢骑人,挠人,烦人;music!篮球! 未发现幸存者:我是练习两年半的练习生蔡徐坤,篮球,music,喜欢唱跳 发现幸存者:(跟上面差不多) 骑上幸存者:music bgm:鸡你太美 死亡:请多多投票 更新:一骑上就鸡你太美 希望大家多多支持哦 预览:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av48455942...
Created by 小陈
霰弹枪加强 木喷+铁喷+一代连喷+二代连喷 伤害提升,范围缩小 适合大佬专家单通用 ...
鬼畜全明星僵尸语音包1.2(Zombies sounds)
Created by 蒜蓉炒面
对上一个版本增加了一些万恶之源, 面筋哥,波澜哥,i m gay ,博美犬等, 僵尸没注意到人的时候会唱《我的烤面筋》,,大家请静静等他唱完在打。。。。。。。。。 1.2更新,敖厂长,AIPC, 每日一更,喜欢请三连 用户留言 (4)私人开发者留言 (0)...
Created by 蒜蓉炒面
替换了一半的小僵尸语音 声源:元首,小黄,葛平,刘醒,上下床神技,大力,诸葛亮,王司徒,天德池,吴克,百元哥,van样,木吉,比利,魔男,金馆长,金坷垃, 还有..............那声...尖叫 ....其实是.........羊驼声 ...
(R18)【vtuber】rurudo 替换 路易斯 replace louis
Created by 流歌Ruka
モデル製作:TararaTarako © TararaTarako 2022 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘骨制作:流歌Ruka 该模型包含:第三人称 第一人称 倒地图标 乳摇 臀摇 耳朵晃动 更多福利内容请订阅后再细细品味 是的没错 这次rurudo是直接替换的八个人 而且都是单独上传 方便一些只想替换一个或者两个单独角色的朋友使用 订阅两个或者以上的话在附加内容会提示冲突 这是因为贴图路径一样导致的 不影响使用 在此感谢在这个mod制作过程中提供帮助的MLUI老师以及群里的各位大佬 我只是个垃圾mod作...
AK47加强 AK47 enhanced
Created by Yuki_Cat .da!
AK47 伤害58→60 后背弹夹360→650 弹夹40→50 射速0.13→0.09 后坐力降低0.5 射击精准度全面提升 Damage 58 → 60 Spare clip → 650 Bullet 40 → 50 Firing speed 0.13 → 0.09 Recoil reduced by 0.5 Shooting accuracy has been comprehensively improved...
Apex Legends - Raven's Bite
Created by Twilight Sparkle
So after some time, i forgot i done this.. oops. but in any case, here it is so it doesn't get abandoned, but anyways, so this is the Raven's Bite, and its Bloodhound's signature melee weapon, this will replace the Crowbar as it comes with its original ani...
Apex Legends - Stim
Created by Twilight Sparkle
After getting many request, i finally decided to work on Octane's stim and give it a try, cuz why not?, well, anyways so this is Octane's Stim and it will replace the ("Adrenaline"), as usual it comes with its original animations and sounds, tried to also ...
Arknight Main Menu【明日方舟主界面菜单UI】
Created by Disound
Arknight Main Menu【明日方舟主界面菜单UI】 修改主界面 视频演示:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mh411Y7QD Background: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2501336737 微云链接:share. (防止删除) weiyun.com/ntSuy3jR 新人物立绘DLC:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/file...
Arknights - Medic Operators pain pills 明日方舟 - 罗德岛医疗部止疼药系列(随机21种)
Created by SHArknight
罗德岛的核心部门是医疗部门,理论研究与实践救治都需要医学人才,外勤行动所需的医护人员也在不断增加,请记住,之后的时间里,你需要招募更多的医疗干员。 -------------------------------------- 替换材质,音效 replace texture,sounds 罗德岛出品源石病抑制药丸 21种口味 包含以下干员版本: 凯尔希,闪灵,夜莺,流明,华法琳,赫默,白面鸮,末药,嘉维尔,调香师,苏苏洛,锡兰,微风,清流,亚叶,絮雨,图耶,桑葚,蜜莓,濯尘芙蓉,touch 凯尔希,闪灵,夜莺...
Arknights - Mudrock's hammer(replace golfclub) 明日方舟 - 泥岩·黑曜石 锤 替换 高尔夫球棍
Created by SHArknight
沃土磐石,站起来吧。 -------------------------------------- 替换模型,动作,音效 是泥岩新皮的锤子,为啥不做原皮的锤? 我会告诉你是因为3D萌新不会做飘带吗?(理直气壮) 下图的泥岩角色mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2787182300 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1813273200190585292/76764E6A8D...
Arknights chen bikini [coach]
Created by kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time is chen bikini from Arknights,it replace coach in game. 这次是明日方舟中的泳装陈替换了coach。这次沉默表示闲得慌于是弄了表情。 想要属于自己的专属老婆就来找我定制鸭!喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces coach. 替换 coach ----------...
Arknights - Nightingale AA-12 Skin(spas) Glow 明日方舟 - 夜莺·灿阳朝露 AA-12 替换spas 夜光
Created by SHArknight
夜莺宝贝儿生日快乐!!! -------------------------------------- 原模传送门:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614151942 Original Model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614151942 侵权删除 If the infringement occurs, I will delete this...
Created by 那一世的悲伤
simple HUD 基础上修�? 无头像版�? https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2399440220 modify Simple HUD without survivors Icons version https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2399440220 关于准星�? 没有去做准星的UI,我是认为自带的完全够用,除非是形状奇怪的准星,如果你要搭配其他的...
Chainsaw script(电锯脚本)
Created by 寒枫Feng
Strengthen the electric saw. reduce the noise, increase the attack speed, 3 times the fuel capacity, reload the fuel, and have unlimited ammunition. Note: please do not use until the fuel is exhausted, otherwise it will be discarded automatically. Remember...
Charger AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH charging sound
Created by Pentree
A simple edit that replace your usual Charger charging sound with AUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH voice instead. not sure if anyone had done this before but if no one didn't, then im the one who will do it Bug: There's a bug where the sound won't play at all (not sure if...
cons-Girls' Frontline Blackcat loliHK416 Vending machine
This time, the vending machine cover was replaced by the beautiful picture of little 416 (with a color chart and 18X chart in it). Because the simple dynamic change chart is not meaningful, this time we made a random change chart, every time you see the gr...
Creeper (Boomer)
Created by Salvador_DS
Only appearing where the sun don't shine comes the Creeper. Although with no arms in sight, these 4 legged creatures leave a trail of destruction where ever they go. Make sure to kill them quick before they either leave a crater or leave you in pieces insi...
CS:GO print stream AWP
Created by 多乐美
replace the awp The copyright of the skin belongs to the author of the CSGO print collection, not the author. Because the AWP works map file in the print collection is not available now, this skin is my imitation. Please forgive me if there is any defect. ...
CSGO Desert Eagle(csgo沙漠之鹰丨印花集)
Created by nacho
Add reload operation to the original version Support the original author https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2331189386...
Enhanced Blood Splatter Overlay
Created by ember
This mod does exactly what it says on the tin, it improves the blood splatters that get on your view/screen when killing things at close range. (Melee weapons or shooting at point blank) The blood will refract what is behind it, and it does not have any gl...
Girls Frontline Baseball Bat[少女前线logo棒球棒]
Created by 劳伦缇娜
这个mod替换了原版棒球棍【Baseball Bat】 加了少女前线的夜光logo 【有大神跟我唆不能太花里胡哨】 看着logo被鲜血染红的样子 是不是想和感染者来厮杀一场呢 希望大家订阅的时候大大点赞qwq 阿里嘎多 ...
glow electric guitar
Created by TiO2 EvoLve
electric guitar...
High Velocity Flesh Impactsound
Created by PolisMassa
I really want better flesh impact sounds, this is an try to get it little louder and more character of speed, to enhance the feedback of shooting....
Hunter's rainbow
Created by fox.57005
Hanter rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For charger...
Improved Blood Textures Reduced
Created by BakaKemono
Adds higher resolution textures for splatters and wounds. Splatter textures cover a wider area while splats/blobs of blood are cover less which helps to diversify the way blood appears. This version will decease the blood size. Note: Blood not layering on ...
improved common infected gibs(僵尸高清内脏)
Created by 年轮
本人不是mod作者,很久没玩了,原作者出处已经找不到了,我以前的收藏备份,纯搬运,分享一下看有没人有人需要 ...
Insurgency: Sandstorm AKM「Printstream Imitation」
Created by Kokkorylien
Original Mods: Insurgency: Sandstorm AKM Credits: New World Interactive - AKM Model/Textures/Audio/Animations New World Interactive/Yogensia - Flashlight model/textures katka - Original Compile/Ripping/Textures/Animations mav - run&idle&helping hand&item A...
lord dragon [spitter]
Created by kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's lord dragon replace spitter in game. 前排兜售r18mod 加群 945760874 这次是mua猫装替换了jockey 希望大家喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces spitter. 替换 spitter ------------------------Then/胡说...
Japanese devils replace ordinary infected people.(日本鬼子替换2代小僵尸)
Created by Sarubia NOP-03
抗日战争是指中国在1937年至1945年期间,对抗日本侵略的一场战争。 抗日战争的简史: 1931年,日本发动“九一八事变”,占领了中国东北三省,并建立了伪满洲国。 1937年7月7日,日军在卢沟桥附近制造了事端,随后开始了全面侵华战争。 1938年,日军攻占了南京,进行了大屠杀,导致数十万中国平民死亡。 1939年至1941年,中国军队发起了多次反攻,但由于战争物资短缺和国共内战的影响,取得的成果有限。 1941年12月,日本袭击珍珠港,美国参战,使得日本战线进一步扩大。 1942年,中国远征军在缅甸战役...
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Created by Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
Lycoris Recoil Concert
Created by Sora Harewataru
ALIVE replace midnight rider 花の塔 replace one bad man ALIVE(instrumental) replace midnighttank 花の塔(instrumental) replace onebadtank...
M60 变态版本
Created by Yuki_Cat .da!
M60 伤害50→55 0.01射速(相当于每分钟6000发) 主弹夹一亿发(游戏内最高显示255,第一次捡起武器显示0,但是没有任何影响,如果想把主弹夹打完可能需要11天12小时 Ps:中间是可以换弹的) 后背弹药无限(可以换弹) M60 Damage 50 → 55 0.01 firing rate (equivalent to 6000 rounds per minute) 100 million rounds of main magazine (the highest display in the ...
Mia Replace Jockey
Created by Vaz0w
This addon replaces Jockey. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: Hamuketsu --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; First person arms; ------------------...
Michael Rosen Spitter Voice Revived
Created by mortis
Recently, a Michael Rosen voice replacement mod for the Spitter by Rullisi disappeared from the Workshop out of nowhere. This is the second time a Spitter mod I thoroughly enjoyed using was snatched away, and frankly I'm not taking it anymore. This is not ...
MIKU doll(Gnome)
Created by 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD changes the gnome old man in the game?,She is MIKU model,I hope you will like it,Welcome to my WORKSHOP,thank you. 修改了游戏中的侏儒老人,像个手办MIKU哈哈,希望你能喜欢,欢迎关注我的创意工坊...
Miku Zatsune&GLaDOS (Witch&Witch Bride)
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
This one originates form a Well-known witch model https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=126001534 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=322584371 This is a reskin of it.I didn't make it,I just combine them together as a vp...
Minecraft Zombies
Created by Splinks
Nothing a steel door can't fix ^^ ~~~~~~~~~ATTENTION~~~~~~~~~ If you would like more of my mods not hosted on workshop please feel free to visit the following link. http://www.l4dmaps.com/profile.php?id=149303&user=splinks...
Mist, Shu's Power Key [Pitchfork]
Created by Kokkorylien
Replaces Pitchfork. 替换干草叉. Credits: Lt. Rocky - Modular Default Animations ..."Mist" is a spear whose blade is partly wrapped in thick fog, and its true appearance is hard to see. This weapon belongs to Shu (The creator has deleted the survivor mod) : 【深空之...
Created by FallFox
This simple mod adds a blood overlay to all limbs, guts, wounds and gibs for a more realistic look, you will no longer see clean looking dismembered arms, legs or torsos. Overlay uses the melee/hunter bloodmap, so if you use something like Ellie's HD Blood...
Nachoneko/Bus Stop
Created by 花の韵❄
甘城なつき 公交站/巴士站/汽车站 15张每16秒换一张 15 images replaces every 16s ...
MWR M4A1 W/M203「Printstream Imitation」
Created by Kokkorylien
Original Mods: MWR M4A1 M203(M16) Credits: Activision - M4A1 M203 models/textures/Animations Denny凯妈/Activision/zmg- Audio griggs - Ripping Odeca3D - Anpeq15 model/textures Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/animation editing/fixing Kokkorylien - material re-modificati...
Nachoneko/Loading background
Created by 花の韵❄
说明 进入"官方"章节时显示的图 安全屋:主图8张 左侧6张 加载图标、下一关信息位置 蓝色排行面板 画师:甘城なつき https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif explain Pictures displayed when entering the "official" chapter Safe house: 8 main pictures, 6 loading icons on the left, blue ranking panel of next level informati...
Nachoneko/Posters Collection
Created by 花の韵❄
甘城なつき Replaces C1,C4,C5,C6 Billboards,Grocery,Mall and Posters 20 Images of Large Poster Replaces every 32s 替换了C1,C4,C5广告牌;C1广告牌,杂货店和购物中心海报;C6酒吧海报 20张大海报12张小海报(部分) 32秒换一次 ...
Nekopara Medical Cabinet(R-18)
Nekopara Medical Cabinet(R-18) Replaces the Medical Cabinet You`ll get a surprise when you open it! Welcome to my group https://steamproxy.net/groups/2233xxoo 替换医疗箱贴纸为Nekopara! 打开它,你会发现惊喜~...
OBO: Rifle, M60 - M134 Minigun script
Created by Lankycide Book
OBO: Pronounced "oboe" (yes, like the instrument), it stands for "Overseer's Balance Overhaul for Weapons". This is a script that overhauls the M60 special weapon, turning it into an M134 minigun. This is a specific version that fires 1000 rounds per minut...
Created by Hoffman
“大家好啊,我是电棍” “这个生还者的走位我就觉得NM离谱,你老惦记这你那B急救包干什么玩意” “冲刺冲刺,走位,cnm,走位” “A一下,WD再A一下,哎卧槽” 喜欢的大伙点个欧西给西阿黑一露斯一把米诺西给 欧西给 欧西给!旧日;̨̡͇̲͙̞̺̪̯̯̗̯̯͔͖͖̞̤͗̊͐̋ͭ̇̒̔͐́̀f̵̛̹̩͍̹̼͚̯̞̤͔̟̦̱̯ḑ̡̖̝͈̯̘͈̱̬̣̝͈͔͕͓̳̱̗̙̃͒̇ͪ̄ͥ̋̈ͬ̌͞ͅl̢͈̣̯̯̯̘̩̹̱̣̣ͦ̂ͣ̅̒ͪͤͮ͛͜ςj̛͆̃͗̑ͩ̏ͮ̋͐̾̆ͫͧ͌̓͏͡͏̸̩̻͇̙͎̞̭̪͚̩͖̪͔l̛͛ͯ...
Created by Yumehi
更换物品拾取音poi?poi? Replaces the item pickup sound with the lines"poi?" ...
Realistic Shield Hitting
Created by AnkaThefool
Make your shield more real! If you hit zombies,their body will fly a little distance with your hit angle. README:This script will unlock shield at the same time,if you already have one unlock mod,please unsubscribe it. Warning:This script may conflicts wit...
Senator Armstrong Hunter
Created by DoppelDuffer
From Metal Gear Rising: Revengance comes Senator Armstrong as Hunter. How can he jump so far? He played college ball you know? Armstrong Hunter Voicelines - https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2759988306&searchtext=armstrong Credits: Kon...
SG552 Kou-Glow
Created by 花の韵❄
替换不常见武器sg552 夜光 删除瞄准镜&手电筒 model:SG552 Animated 立绘/character:lowiro 抬手选择物品动作丢帧 做完测试才发现 ╮(╯-╰)╭ 好在没什么影响 下次还敢直接做.png...
Stronger Flashlight (LOCAL SERVERS ONLY)
Created by H.U.N.K
////////// READ BEFORE USING IT!!! ////////// This ONLY works on "Local Servers" YOU MUST BE THE HOST!!! A combination of 2 "CVARS" "CVAR1" "cl_max_shadow_renderable_dist" 0 "CVAR2" "r_flashlightfov" 120 Credits: Help with the script: Nines And You! Thank ...
The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area - Main Files
Created by мяFunreal
This map pack is made to test your work-in-progress mods without having to load a campaign and use console commands to stop the director from throwing infected your way. You can simply spawn and pick up any weapon, item, upgrade and carryable object. You m...
Toilet plug / thunderbolt dynamic transformation replace pitchfork
Toilet plug / thunderbolt dynamic transformation replace pitchfork Change the color periodically for about 30s Sometimes it's stinger, sometimes it's toilet plug Super long toilet plug / stingray must be good for zombies The mod includes a luminous map mod...
USP-S (sakura)
Created by 洛兮
替换初始小手枪,replace the pistol 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 “呐,你知道吗?听说樱花飘落的速度是秒速五厘米哦。" 秒速5厘米,那是樱花飘落的速度,那么怎样的速度才能走完我与你之间的距离? 欢迎加入L4D2mod制作交流群:1016787637 ...
Van Darkholme Smoker Sounds
Created by NGJ
This mod replaces Smoker sounds with your favorite Dungeon Master: Van Darkholme....
van's chainsaw sound
Created by 蒂国交警
This chainsaw holds the spirit of your favorite dungeon master Van Darkholme, enjoy...
Vtuber Nachoneko Zoey Version
Bilibili Inferior product...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Created by xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
[Advanced Bot AI] 更多生还者AI功能
Created by LGPLv3
各种奇怪的功能 1. Bot的战斗方式有整体的提升,提升清特感和清小僵尸能力(优化一部分被包围后处理小僵尸能力)。 2. 更快的救人速度。 3. Bot能够丢一部分的投掷物。 4. Bot能够使用除颤器。 5. Bot能够使用弹药升级包。 6. 手持投掷物右键Bot可以交换Bot身上的投掷物。 7. 如果玩家没药没包的时候,Bot还会主动把自己的资源递给玩家,不管是药,包,或是投掷物。 8. 避免一些Bot踩痰救人的情况。 9. 更快的反应速度。 10. 玩家死了之后又没有包,Bot就会plan b(会自己...
[Arknights] La Pluma theme FMG9 replace uzi
Created by 假的蛋糕蛋糕
La Pluma theme FMG9 replace uzi La Pluma is TOO cute for me So i decided to make a Mizuki theme UZI Used Overly Cool Animation - FMG9 (UZI) made by IIopn The texture is made by myself Original Model: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2...
[Azur Lane] Shimakaze theme Flash Grenade replace Pipe Bomb
Created by 假的蛋糕蛋糕
Shimakaze theme Flash Grenade replace Pipe Bomb I have made a Shimakaze theme Pipe Bomb Used RE8 Village Rheinmetall MK13 Mod 0 BTV-EL Flashbang (Pipe Bomb) made by 8sianDude The texture is made by myself SOOOO~ If you like it please leave a good comment w...
[Honkai 3rd]MAG-Typhoon replaces Cricket Bat
Created by 遗世紫丁香
【崩坏3rd】重磁暴·斩替换板球棒 Replace the cricket bat with MAG-Typhoon in Honkai Impact 3. I only replaced the model. Animations are all original. 只替换了模型,动作还是原来的。 Among melees now there's only the chainsaw, knife and riot shield left unHonkai-lized. 现在近战武器只剩链锯、匕首和防爆盾没...
[Lycoris Recoil]Takina Inoue Replace Bill 井之上泷奈 替换比尔
Created by Hesh233
井之上泷奈替换Bill Takina Inoue Replace Bill 包含/Features -飘动骨骼/JiggleBone -zoey动作/Zoey's animation -表情/flex -第一人称手臂/FPS arm -UI Mod源于/Mod from 8sianDude 感谢大佬授权 制作/Credits: - Chisato model by:TararaTarako - Backpack model by: coffee ice, mesh and textures edited b...
【Left 4 Dead 2】[WACTOR]星奈铃/HoshinaSuzu replace Nick
Created by ERROR
XUG_xiaoxuegao制作,替换二代生还者尼克 本模型为同人二创作品,是虚拟主播【星奈铃-官方WACTOR】的形象 主播主页 https://space.bilibili.com/1089059487 直播间 https://live.bilibili.com/23089686 配布视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1LA4y1979y =================== ◇使用模型请在简介中或片尾署名作者: 模型:Francesca 表情/绑定:客官IIII...
【原神】胡桃主题 玻璃门医疗箱 Original Medical Cabinet with glass
说明 · 【原神】胡桃主题 玻璃门医疗箱 Original Medical Cabinet with glass · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:sheq · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1709663927...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2019 Vector 蒲牢 替换 Uzi
Created by FenLan.
替换 Uzi 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 Nstrey 制作的 COD:MW2019 Vector 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2809672914 ——以前我总觉得,只有握着武器的时候才能安心,但是现在,像这样握着指挥官的手,就好像能获得面对一切困难度勇气……现在的我们,可是什么都能办到的!指挥官你说是不是啊?...
【L4D2】Ultimate Special Spawner Training
Author:是我星魂哒 【CN】 Uploader : 雪が落るCarmel 【CN】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933815190129255998/51A4926FE00F816B3EDAEA47AAC96003F8F72CAA/ 1. Automatic blood return system (completed) 2. Self rescue system (completed) 3. One button bhop system (c...
伊蕾娜喷漆 Elaina Paintings
Created by 绀香望
自制的三张伊蕾娜喷漆 更新了两张喷漆 请在 设置 —>多人联机 —> 喷漆 进行替换 希望喜欢 ...
加强榴弹发射器 [Enhanced grenade launcher ]
Created by Yuki_Cat .da!
加强榴弹发射器 0.1的射速 200的弹容量 无限后备弹夹 伤害不变,小心光污染 Enhanced grenade launcher 0.1 rate of fire 200 bomb capacity Unlimited backup ammunition The damage remains unchanged. Be careful of light pollution...
Created by 偷跑仙人
替换斧头 带夜光 有珠光效果 不可沾血 演示视频https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1k3411R7Wo/ ...
Created by PAFF
替换初始手枪脚本 伤害降低 30(35) 射速提高 精准度提高 弹量修改 12(24)/无限 换弹速度提高 秒杀小丧尸 打小僵尸是没什么压力了比马格南还好用,至于打特感嘛,看你手速有多快了...
改善棒球棒和板球棒空刀问题(Improve bat)
Created by 诚宝
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png 此MOD改善了 棒球棒 和 板球棒 的空刀问题,并且增加了断肢断头断舌属性 PLEASE http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
明日方舟 澄闪 Arknights Goldenglow COD MW:RE Ak47 Tactical(夜光/Glow)
Created by 42Hitchhiker_AID
即使这片大地仍旧灰暗,至少在此时,苏茜·格里特眼中看到的,是一个澄净闪耀的未来 替换了模型,材质,枪声,感谢原作者:Aslier/普若 Replaced the model, material, gun sound, thanks to the original author:Aslier/普若 推荐手臂长度:80 控制台输入:cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 80 即可调节 枪声取自于:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?i...
甘城猫猫 nachoneko 水手服 替换coach vtb
这次的mod简介,我想先写点不一样的东西 我是个不被一些人看好的作者,他们说我的mod质量不行,其实我听多了倒也无所谓了,毕竟我就是 专门搞恋活模型的,模型的效果肯定不如他们的vrc模型那些,我只是想将我的快乐分享 出来,我做mod就是为了快乐,或者给别人带来快乐,那些说我mod质量不行的人,大可以试试来玩恋活模型,你会发现你顶破天都不如那些vrc模型效果好。 我认真对待我的每个mod,我每一个mod都会尽我所能加上东西来提升质量, vrd骨骼编写 人物表情 飘动骨骼 我是一样不差,但是就有人说我质量不行,...
Created by faidao
移除smoker所有烟雾及粒子特效/remove all smoke and particle effects for smoker 纳西妲替换烟鬼的附属mod,模型mod如下/Nashida replaced the Smoker's attachment mod, the model is as follows. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2894571141...
Created by faidao
纳西妲语音替换烟鬼声音/Nahida voice replace smoker sound 纳西妲替换烟鬼的附属mod,模型mod如下/Nashida replaced the Smoker's attachment mod, the model is as follows. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2894571141...
Created by faidao
纳西妲E技能替换smoker拉人/Nahida's E skill replace smoker dragging action 纳西妲替换烟鬼的附属mod,模型mod如下/Nashida replaced the Smoker's attachment mod, the model is as follows. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2894571141...
美游替换弗朗西斯/Miyu Replace Francis
模型作者已授权上传到创意工坊 The original model author has authorized to upload to the workshop 原模型作者:MoMo_Rui Origin Model Author:MoMo_Rui 作者B站有号 Mod作者:我 Mod Author:Me 好久没发mod了,发一个证明自己还活着 预览视频 Preview video b23点tv点EvTX3Rk 点自己加(举报的人没妈^^) 美游替换弗朗西斯 Miyu Replace Fransic 包括...
麻薯替换TANK(带表情)/Mashu Replace Tank(With expression)
此MOD视为创意工坊“群限” 故使用时请不用与下面链接提到的作者的mod一起使用,以免变成直立牲口 https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561199123455699/myworkshopfiles/ Mod已经更新(2023.5.3) Mod Update(2023.5.3) 添加了一代坦克和牺牲中的坦克皮肤/New cloth added for tank in L4D1 and C7 优化了布娃娃物理/optimize ragdoll physic Credit...
Admin Menu 2.0(Simplified Chinese)
Created by 药糖
English Version For more details about THIS addon, check this page in Simplified Chinese....
Another R18 spray pack
Created by Xx_Dr.Lee_xX
My 2nd 18+ spray pack. YOU must be 18 to use this thing. :)...
Arknights - Irene RE8 SGR-12 skin (auto shotgun) glow 明日方舟 - 艾丽妮 SGR-12皮肤 替换一代连喷 夜光
Created by SHArknight
我的灯将净化邪恶! 我的剑将劈开海潮! 我的眼将找出真相! 我的心会作出判决。 原模传送门 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2510910208 Original Mod - 8sianDude 原图 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace XM1014 model,animation,sounds 小鸟新的手炮(bushi) 需要微调手臂长度才能达到截图效果 本来是打算等艾丽妮出皮了再做的。。。 出皮了到时候直接用这个另改一...
Arknights Rhine Lab Oxygen Tank (Glow)
Created by 42Hitchhiker_AID
莱茵生命有限公司(Rhine Lab, LLC.),又称莱茵生命实验室、莱茵生命医学研究所,通称“莱茵生命”,是一家位于哥伦比亚的科技公司,致力于拓展生命科学、化学制造、生物应用等技术领域,也是哥伦比亚重点扶持的科技团体。 只替换了贴图,可以搭配其他非贴图模组使用 Only the textures are replaced and can be used with other non-textured mods https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1768...
Arknights: Sora (Swimsuit) [Nick] [V5] [DL for ALL Survivors]
Created by Kokkorylien
Credits: 製作者/Modeller - Sour暄 Original Model Distribution - www🐟aplaybox🐟com/details/model/7NqcqJZYrd9I 画师/イラスト/Illust - 幻象黑兔 Copyright - 「Arknights」 Compiler - Kokkorylien (bilibili UID: 2100612) Content: character model (W_model). arm model (V_model). an...
Charger's rainbow
Created by fox.57005
Charger rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For hunter...
chrome shotgun mao yu na
Created by 多乐美
replace the chrome shotgun with cartoon skin Thanks to: Design source: 甘城な つ き Effects: PioneerZ1Z ...
CRYSIS3 SCARAB(Desert Rifle) Skadi (动态+夜光)
Created by 老瑞瑞
CRYSIS3 SCARAB-浊心斯卡蒂【动态+夜光】 替换 scar 一直想做一个好一点动态武器,今天终于做完了,一套流程下来感觉人都虚脱了,还是有许多细节可以硬扣,我实在懒得做。原谅俺家弱小的电脑吧,今天它都崩溃六七次了。蒂蒂啊,快治愈我一下!!! 展示:>>B站视频展示(点击)< https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/02/E4vFojq5Ys2HCWk.gif 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/02/u2X1d5Se3q9hpkg.gif mod制作此...
CS:GO M4A1-S | Printstream(replaced m16)
CS:GO M4A1-S | Printstream(replaced m16) Includes Original Model,Animations, Textures and Sound On the basis of the original model, I adjusted the positions of the flashlight and infrared ray to make them look more harmonious, and integrated the new HUD Or...
Improved Blood Textures
Created by BakaKemono
Adds higher resolution textures for splatters and wounds. Splatter textures cover a wider area while splats/blobs of blood are cover less which helps to diversify the way blood appears. Reduced blood size version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/fil...
infected damage display
Created by 星魂桑丶
Translate By Google! Support language: Chinese & English Language Code:0 = Chinese,1 = English。 Defalut Lang:Chinese(0) You Can Change Defalut Lang In Here:Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/ems/idd/lang_setting.txt Defalut lang in lang_setting.txt is 0 ONLY ACCEPT ...
Kagura Nana Medical Package
Created by 十年公交男
Kagura Nana Medical Package https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305627046496592/AEDE780B961BC312726B3D00758CBAC3A4865ED2/ Included:       V mode, W mode, Glow. Description:        QAQ Statement:       Model from : scream        Textures:十年公交男   ...
Kagura Nana's Healing sound effects
Created by 十年公交男
Kagura Nana's Healing sound effects Included: Sound effects. Description: Mom! Mom is here. Statement: Sound from :Kagura Nana Make:十年公交男 At last: AWSL https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305627042377028/D75ECC1501834F02BEF94E023B6AFEB88C757D02/...
Nahida replaces the smoker(Generic version)
Created by faidao
Link to Luminous version:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2931057629 Important note The Genshin Impact Nahida replaces the smoker of L4D1 and L4D2. As follows the solution to this problem that Server is enforcing consistency for this ...
OKcf's Script Pre File Libs
Created by 洛圣都改猫王
Manager... Never conflict with other mods now!...
R18娇喘替换主页面UI声音(r18 sound replace the main page UI sound)
Created by 叫我MAX
这个....算是R18吗?我也不太确定,虽然音源是从黄油里面截的就是了,替换了主页的"选择","返回"和划过各个选项时的音效(不知道有没有解释清楚),欢迎各位老板订阅,如果有什么意见或者改进的地方可以在留言板和或私信告诉我,谢谢老板. I don't know if that's R18?(Although the audio source is extracted from the hentai game),this mod replaces the "accept","back"and focus so...
R18+Arknights amiya magazine/book_rack
I made a MOD instead of bookshelves and books. There are two kinds on the shelf and three kinds of books. Perhaps every 10S will change the chart. This MOD contains a total of R18 and various good pictures. ...
Remove Explosion Flash
Created by Rainy
Remove the flash of explosives. This mod removes the screen flash of all explosives. All explosives in l4d2 have a red flash on the screen when they explode. It obscure the screen momentarily, so it interferes. Therefore, this mod removes it to provide a c...
Setting Lock (ConVar Reset)
Created by MANACAT
This add-on prevents the variable value settings of the game from being changed when you create a local server after connecting to some steam community server(=dedicated server). In other words, after entering & leaving the dedicated server, you want to pl...
TTI Benelli M4 Super 90 Suppressed Printstream Imitation [SPAS]
Created by Kokkorylien
Replaces SPAS-12 Combat Shotgun. Credits: Animations: Infinity Ward, VOID Interactive, ported and edited by mav Sounds: Navaro, =.KoG.= kiraTonic, Infinity Ward (for Suppressed Shotgun) Modelling, materials, textures, porting, rigging, animation edit (look...
Umaru the Jockey Sounds and BGM
Created by Flactine
Replaced jockey's sound with Umaru's sound in "Himouto! Umaru-chan". If you want model, you can try: Mini Umaru Doma (Jockey) ...
VRC Meiyun美云 初始旗袍RNG 夜光 替换罗谢尔 replace rochelle
replace rochelle !替换罗谢尔 更新B站宣传地址:B站搜索 椎名小夜音就有了 我自费花钱买的模型 花钱找人定制的谢谢。 谢谢UI大佬制作的mod。 漂漂亮亮美丽好看模型。猫儿不香吗? 内容 RNG 夜光 表情 小尾巴 模型从BOOTH买的。 前几天因为不明原因我自己删掉了,后面还是决定重新传 她太可爱了, 我TM社保 起信誉了。 谢谢 你好 再见 爱 来自瓷器 要留言得切美区加速器才能留言 我也不知道为什么 ...
[CSGO] Desert Eagle | Printstream
Created by 深月
As you can see, we restored the pearlescent effect as much as possible. Don't forget to rate it and add it to your favourite if you like. Have fun! Original texture: JTPNZ Model/Animation/Sound: Twilight Sparkle Effect: 松果...
[CSGO] M4A1-S | Printstream
Created by 深月
As you can see, we restored the pearlescent effect as much as possible. Don't forget to rate it and add it to your favourite if you like. Have fun! Original texture: JTPNZ Model/Animation/Sound: Twilight Sparkle Effect: 松果...
[Honkai Inpact 3rd]Pardo Felis Replace Hunter with sound
Created by RX0615
Pardo Felis in Honkai Inpact 3rd replace Hunter with sound 崩坏3帕朵菲莉斯替换Hunter(带语音) 喜欢被帕朵扑到的感觉吗 关于部分玩家可能出现的进不了图的情况,在进入游戏后打开控制台输入sv_consistency 0即可,或打开游戏目录,然后打开left4dead2文件夹,再打开cfg文件夹,最后打开autoexec.cfg文件,在里面输入sv_consistency 0然后保存后关闭再进入游戏即可 For some players who ...
[WTF] Dual Katana
Created by LE37
replace katana...
[xdR] California Girls
Created by xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Also install Francis and Louis Reanims Compatible variants or search Reanims Compatible replacement models of them. Replaces healing animation with *California Girls (aka The Chad Dance)* emote ...
[xdR] Kip Up Get Up Animation - Mixamo
Created by ChapCanai
Replaces Each Survivors' Getting Up Animations from Tank, Hunters, and Chargers to do a Kip Up from Mixamo Motion Capture Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 035 Let's say if you do not want Bill to have animation, then you can unpack this workshop it...
[xdR] Stagger Roll - Mixamo
Created by ChapCanai
Replaces each Survivors' stagger/shoved animations with Rolling animations from Mixamo. Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 038 Problems: Chainsaw not holding properly even though I copy pasted the grip animation from vanilla. Credits: Mixamo.com Mr F...