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Items (97)
【T.S.M】山河无恙 日月重光
Created by Lerentine
''如果九州都在沉睡,那么就让我们来做这第一声惊雷'' 背景介绍 重光是奇迹之海创立之初,为了应对外部势力组织的威胁而建造的打击舰,于甲乾33年,在奇迹之海重工建造改造完成。 重光从服役之初就不设立舰长,设立都尉这一职位,重光最高指挥权归都尉所有,仅次于奇迹之海总部。起初服役于红绯雨第一舰队,由于探渊者行动导致红绯雨第一舰队覆灭后,奇迹之海开始了整合运动,原先的九州第三舰队更改为九州第一舰队,残存的重光被划分到九州第一舰队。因其特殊的职能,所以她隶属于九州舰队但又脱离舰队,驻扎在无光海原86区,成为九州第一...
Created by 星稀
东方刀鱼级-武装运输艇 这是一艘代号 东方刀鱼 的中型潜艇,因其外形酷似一条刀鱼而得名。 其体长为55x20M,极限速度:水平:40km/h、下潜:20km/h。外表覆盖双层复合装甲,坚固耐用,防撕裂、抗压能力强。火力强劲,输出持久,且带有一定载人、载货能力,属于年轻船长们向老司机转变的好朋友。 潜艇设置思路与数据详解: 采用首尾双压载舱设计,均采用了防丘脑水泵,可以更安全的进行航行。在尾部压载舱还设立了弹药存放点,提升作战续航能力。 舰长室设于潜艇前方,安装了高强度复合材料制成的透明玻璃,能够增加舰长势态...
我们是卡巴尔,我们征服大地,我们畅饮江河 We Are Cabal, We Eat The Mountain, We Drink The Sea 神必的自动门!还可以通过点击导航终端旁的按钮切换手动模式! Automatic Door ! Also can Switch the manual mode by clicking the button next to the navigation terminal ! 自动线圈!出舱时记得关上! Automatic electrical discharge co...
Created by Caeures
正體中文版本 相容性 Europa Waifu++ Girlfrontline Gun pack...
Created by fnsXS
新手造船手的第一艘潜艇。请前往b站搜索暴风雪-被诅咒的冰封皇后观看视频。 最大航速:60 最大上浮:-16 最大下潜:24 搭载两门半自动系统电磁枪。一门轨道炮,一门连射炮。 皇冠狙击炮。能量散射系统。燃烧寄生植物。泡沫发生器,泡沫提炼器。 以及最核心的守卫者吊舱:可以使用生物武器,对接目标潜艇,慢慢绞杀敌人。关于吊舱的使用比较复杂,总体就是 离港,然后前往敌方潜艇的对接口,吊舱对接,释放吊舱中的怪物,实行生物攻击 还有一只被囚禁的迅猛龙,释放它可以跟你并肩探险 潜艇定位:pvp,剿灭海盗 潜艇功能:远距离...
Created by DarthCY
原mod: 删除了其中不需要的内容,避免产生汉化文字冲突,有待测试。 麻了,怎么改都一样,暂时弃坑了...
Created by Lerentine
精简平衡版请搜索 九州武库 群号:713011672 有问题尽量群里问,因为我很多时候没有办法在steam上回复...
Created by SinerSAMA
原版床铺回复速度从每秒0.05提升到每秒0.5,医疗床回复速度提升到每秒1.0. 所有床铺移动到杂物分类中. 床铺治疗以下损伤: 内部损坏(钝器伤,撕裂伤,咬伤,枪伤,器官损伤,深层组织损伤) 失血 / 流血 恶心 / 醉酒 阿片类药物成瘾 / 戒断 Original bed regeneration increased from 0.05 to 0.5, medical bed regeneration increased to 1.0. Move all beds to sundries. Beds t...
梭鱼级 [Barracuda Class]
Created by ChagatuAlin
- ENGLISH IN-GAME DESCRIPTION VERSION - - 性能指标 - 运输型潜艇 购置价格:7300马克 整舰规格:36x7米 载货总量:48箱 推荐舰员数量:3-6 推荐舰员经验:略有心得 ·轻巧玲珑的小型舰体 ·可观的货物运载效率 ·紧凑朴实的内部设计 ·出类拔萃的机动性能 - 简介 - 梭鱼级被设计用于站点之间的快速运输。受益于得当的紧凑设计,...
深海情人(DeepSea Lover)
Created by 苏大妈
You are free to use, modify and distribute the XML and SUB of all my mods in any way you like. 你们可以随意以任何方式使用,修改,分发我所有mod的XML和SUB. 『深海猛兽的欲望幻想』 2022.02.14,情人节特供 “男人的快乐,可以来点不一样的吗?”设计师想 “她应该像小野猫一样性感,还是如深海猛兽一样让人欲罢不能?” “敏感点的满足,来自绵密的挤压,还是紧致的包裹?” “柔软如肌肤的触感,是否能加速情欲...
Created by 星稀
游曵鲸(武装摆渡船) 这是一艘代号名为:游曵鲸 的中型潜艇,因其外形酷似一条游弋的鲸鱼而得名,游曵鲸的曵,比弋多了田,象征着本版本假装了自动锁定追踪开火炮台,极大程度上减轻火力和操控负担,锤头鲨2s,摩螺克5s带走(为节省弹药设定低射速)。 其体长为30x8M,覆盖双层复合装甲,带有双压载舱设计,仅下方设有单气阀,在尾部设立了单独的VIP包间,用以进行互送(押送)任务,在尾部与前部带有大量的载货位,可载货62箱,所有门(VIP放除外)皆为自动门,且可手动关闭锁死。 全船电路集中于中央舱室,大部分为明线设计,...
Created by 二次元战神
二次元战神的得意之作,萌萌二次元号已经准备就绪,确保你随时可以回归到温暖的二次元世界! 一艘比官船略微强一些的潜艇,拥有4门小型炮台,其中一门需要自行购买安装,没有放置放电线圈,即便如此,萌萌二次元也有出色的火力和媲美运输型潜艇的装载能力,所以二次元战神给予了它较弱的船体结构以及低功率的超级电容作为平衡 本潜艇收入的所有马克(Mark)都将用于捐赠国产3A级开放世界游戏《Genshin Impact》 12月23日更新: 修改潜艇类型为T2级运输型 略微削弱了超级电容器,使其更符合运输型 增...
Created by 猫鱼
Created by 法莎莉雅
高难度任务加入站点任务,奖励丰富(主要是我觉得,战斗不够嗨!所以增加战斗获得奖励的任务) 因为大型怪物直接还是会有碰撞,所以一次不能刷太多,不然会互相干扰无法正常进攻,只能控制在2~3只 目前有 黑摩螺克群,女妖,双或三女妖,末日蠕虫,毁灭蠕虫,双末日蠕虫,双毁灭蠕虫 提高了一下任务出现概率和条件,现在第一海域也可以刷出来了 增加了黄金之风任务,一堆黄金锤头鲨 增加了大棘刺群,精英迅猛龙群,大型爬行者,爬行者母皇的任务 增加捕钩兽的任务 增加三个高难巢穴任务(试验) 增加一个洞穴里清理画皮的任务(试验) 增...
Created by Clef
AFT-267 价格:5000 水平速度:50 km/h (未升级) 下潜速度:18 km/h 上浮速度:18 km/h 武器:电磁枪 x4 轨道炮 x2 电磁线圈 本潜艇还配备了一艘可遥控无人机 ...
Alicorn2 Stealth Light Cruiser
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This is a sub with extremely high strength (seriously, very seriously), all features are totally vanilla. It’s NOT recommended to use this sub (Alicorn2+) if you want a ful...
ATK-89 "Sardine"
Created by Doge the biologist
ATK-89 "Sardine" Technical details TYPE: ATTACK Tier II PRICE: 11000mk SIZE: 34 m * 8 m CARGO: 10 crates RECOMMENDED: 4-7 crews, experienced Weapon systemis (probably the only thing) what makes you feel so safe on this ship. With three coil gun and a rail ...
Created by ONE FOR ALL
智能反应堆 自动近防炮 自动放电线圈 刹车/跃迁引擎 紧急修补 备用电源 敌袭方向指示 全艇监控系统 54x13...
BaroDrama V5
Created by Jsoull
Take your one-way ticket to the bottom of the Europan Seas in Style, with this collection of brand new Diving Suits built to fulfill essential roles on-board your submarine. Each suit is lovingly crafted with both personality and function, helping to disti...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
Mod Summary Finding the game too easy and uneventful? Boring and repetitive vanilla monsters adding no variety or challenge to your life? Using Mods like EK that give you overpowered but fun toys, but there isn't anything to shoot? * THEN THIS MOD IS FOR Y...
Barotraumatic Creature Pack
Created by mikehagen22
Attention! If you have recently updated the mod and experience errors such as unable to join server with the current version and being prompted to download the mod, missing files in console, mod unable to be loaded due to errors and red in mod loader. Then...
Beacons Extended
Created by Sneaky Hermit
Welcome to the Beacons Extended mod page! The purpose of this mod is to make beacon missions less repetitive by adding new beacons from various authors in addition to the vanilla beacons. The mod currently consists of 56 beacons The current list of beacons...
Created by Ma'am
This mod overhauls the health interface. Notable changes include: Buffs are listed seperately from non-buffs Afflictions aren't wildly spazzing around in the health interface anymore More afflictions can be displayed at once The health window is bigger The...
[DEAD] CC's UAPM [deadNgore]
Created by Comrade Crab
Updated and combined version by SydWad Обновленная и объединенная версия от SydWad'a ...
CRUX 南十字 巡洋舰
Created by AURORA
极光工业“远望”工程的最后一艘战舰。由于建造巡洋舰耗资巨大,此工程在南十字建造完成后便结束了。与之前的战舰相同,南十字上大量使用了显示屏,并且对金属墙壁进行了遮挡。船内沿用了不少前期战舰的技术,并进行了优化。这艘战舰是专为对舰作战与对生物作战设计的,装备有复合炮塔与近防炮。南十字还没有实战经历,但即便缺少作战经验,她仍能用如同暴雨的弹幕淹没掉各种敌人。 规格:82×19m 价格:11000mk 运货量:32箱 推荐人数:6~10人...
Cs For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
ATTENTION THIS MOD DOESN'T DO ANYTHING ANYMORE, INSTEAD: Go to your MainMenu, Click on LuaCs Settings found top left, and check "Enable CSharp Scripting" This is still useful as a simple way to show that your mod uses CSharp. Description Addon for Lua For ...
DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser
Created by Zyleand
CN+EN supported! 写在前面 封面舰娘图来源:远行星号吧 因为是坟贴所以没有问作者要授权,感谢作者不杀之恩 建议多人游玩 Recommend to play in multiplayer mode 背景介绍 / Background Story 本船原型来源于“远行星号”恶魔航电mod的同名战舰-“漩流”级战列巡洋舰,是经过了缩小和改装的版本。因为没有人想开一艘竖着的船所以我把它横过来了(捂脸) This ship is created from a ship in Diable Avioni...
Detectable Alien Materials 可探测的异星矿物!
Created by Zyleand
这个mod只做了两件微小的工作:让异星矿物能够被矿物探测器探测到,以及让它们在黑暗中发光,使其更容易被玩家发现。可以兼容已有存档 This mod does only two simple things: made alien materials detectable to mineral scanner, and made them glow in the dark so that them can be easily found. Should be save to install/remove on ...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
ATTENTION Please read the description as it contains important information about features, patches and incompatibilities! Please be aware that in very rare cases a level might not generate a path to your destination. Please read this discussion HERE to hel...
DynamicEuropa CN
Created by DarthCY
为DynamicEuropa添加了简体中文汉化,这是一种外挂的汉化,里面不包含本体。 需要安装原mod,将此mod放置于原mod之后并勾选。 写了一篇简单的汉化mod制作教程,大家可以参考参考:
[Discontinued] EK Armory CN Patch
Created by Logic_530
原模组 EK Armory ...
[Discontinued] EK Dockyard CN Patch
Created by Logic_530
原模组 EK Dockyard ...
[Discontinued] EK Gunnery CN Patch
Created by Logic_530
原模组 EK Gunnery ...
[Discontinued] EK Utility CN Patch
Created by Logic_530
原模组 EK Utilitiy ...
[Legacy] EK | Armory
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, fortifications, and research centers; and many items to craft includi...
[Legacy] EK | Dockyard
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces a bunch of new structures and functional machines to build submarines or roleplay maps with. Diesel Generator Variants Reactor Varia...
[Legacy] EK | Gunnery
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces new types of armaments and defensive capabilities for the submarine. Ship ammunition & turrets balanced for vanilla Bonethresher, Ch...
[Legacy] EK | Utility
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, mines, and research centers; and many items to craft including place-...
Extract It!
Created by Lagmanor
/// If this doesn't work in your game, it is most likely due to the file conflict with the other mods you're using — see "Compatibility" for more info!!! /// Your medical cabinet is filled with bloodpacks and you don't use pulse laser, so alien blood is ba...
Fair Wind 顺风号货运潜艇
Created by KARIN
Fair Wind 顺风号货运潜艇 完全版v1.0 在此善意地提醒您,潜渊症不叫木卫二物流模拟器,只接受货运任务的话是无法体验到游戏核心内容的。不过谁又能拒绝什么都不用做就能得到几千上万mk的机会呢?向您介绍,顺风号货运潜艇。 您可能会想问,120箱货是不是有点太多了?那就要取决于您的人生态度了。真正的玩家会把海盗船修好开回港口,把站点氧气站破坏后把门焊死,拿螺丝刀猎杀嗜海女妖……您同时接受八个货运任务又算得了什么呢。 没有那么多任务?您再回去问问就有了。 ·载货量:120箱 ·动力数据:最大水平航速38k...
Genes+ Revived and Expanded
Created by Noble
Works in 1.0 Languages: EN,CN,PTBR The NEW update is here! Added 24 more gene splicers! Have fun! (will lock crafting later) Feedback much appreciated! Original mod If Original mod author does not want to have this mod up, gonna delete it Description! Curr...
Girls' Frontline Gun Pack
Created by flower
Adds 82 guns ripped from the Mobile Game Girls' Frontline Comes with Simplified & Traditional Chinese Translation! provided by misor63, Ludiniea and give you up, let you down. Patch #7.91 Changelog - Decreased drop- and spawnrate of all items across the bo...
[Deprecated] Girls' Frontline Gun Pack Chinese Pack
Created by Misor63
The original mod supports chinese now, This mod is deprecated. Girls' Frontline Gun Pack...
Improved Husks
Created by The Ninja Scout
Improved Husks The Improved Husks mod aims to improve and expand the influence of the mysterious "husk parasite" in the world of Barotrauma in many ways. Core Features -Almost every single biological creature in the game can now be turned into a husk. This...
Created by SinerSAMA
可爱的小宠物们不应该在遭遇怪物袭击时阵亡。 Cute little pets shouldn't be killed in battle. 参与无敌宠物实验的小家伙们:克苏鲁、花生、橙童、巨蟾、画皮寄生虫储存箱。 The little guys who participated in the invincible pet experiment: Cthulhu, Peanut, Orange Boy, Psilotoad, Huskified Storage Container. 实验内容:生命值修改为77...
Krait //BROKEN///
Created by DuckiestHydra
!!! SHIP IS NOT CURRENTLY FUNCTIONING !!! Ever since the abyss update some small gimmick systems I build my ships on have become unstable, the Krait has been hit especially hard and I don’t consider it to be in a usable state. Stay clear. A fixed and rewor...
Let Them All In
Created by heheboi
Creature Boarding Enhancement This mod makes the creatures of any size able to board submarine. Any creatures, be they modded or vanilla. Client-Side Lua is required for it to work on singleplayer. Both Server-Side and Client-Side Lua is required for it to...
LL-08-Elarrow 欢戚级
Created by 狼狼
初始最高水平速度:29km/h,最高下潜速度:22km/h。欢戚级为小型船员组合潜入深海提供了新的选择。她的火力与机动足够应付绝大多数危险,同时具备不俗的载货力并装备齐全,甚至挤出了小半间舱室用作船员生活舱。该型潜艇适合作为两三位手足朋友冰洋下温暖的家。Type Elarrow make themselves a new choice for a small number of crew members.Their arms and flexibility can handle most situation...
Lua For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
Updated for the v1.5.9.1 Summer Update + Hotfix + Hotfix 2 Discord: Consider supporting the project: This is a Barotrauma modification that adds Lua modd...
Material IO
Created by Biff_W
Supported Languages:English, Русский, 简体中文, 繁体中文 This mod adds a new container to store your materials —— IO Storage Container With this, you can have significantly less material instances in your game session which might be helpful for performance. Now he...
Meaningful Upgrades
Created by Videogames
A mod which improves the existing upgrade system and adds new ones. Upgrade cost scales more linearly with what you are paying for. More incentive to max out an upgrade category instead of buying a different sub. Some Items can be upgraded to +50% or +100%...
Meaningful Upgrades CN
Created by DarthCY
为Meaningful Upgrades添加了简体中文汉化,这是一种外挂的汉化,里面不包含本体。 需要安装原mod,将此mod放置于原mod之后并勾选。 写了一篇简单的汉化mod制作教程,大家可以参考参考:
Navalon Class Prototype Combat Cruiser 纳瓦隆级试做型战斗巡洋舰
Created by Zyleand
CN+EN Supported! 写在前面/Intro 推荐配合高难度mod使用,如Barotraumtic 推荐mod:高难狩猎 It is recommended to use with mod that greatly increase game difficulty, like Barotraumatic. 基本信息/Basic Information item数:1350(母舰)+103(无人机)=1453精罗落泪 售价:7000mk,应该不止这个价 大小:69*20m(实际尺寸60*10m) 武...
Created by Ma'am
okay, i changed my mind. this mod will now be receiving updates whenever i feel like it. which very well may be never again. who knows though, really. it's a free mod. Neurotrauma completely revamps the health of humans. This mod adds a lot of depth to the...
Pickable Diving Suits 潜水服可收入道具栏
Created by 五月
This mod allows you to carry divesuits, abyss divesuits and combat divesuits, and equip it when you want. 你可以把潜水服 深渊潜水服和战斗潜水服拿起来了,方便清理AI船员丢了一地的潜水服 Due to the changes in, diving suits can be hold by both hands, that makes this mod kind of useless. ...
Pirates of the European /扩展与更强的海盗船
Created by 雨望
注:此mod有了更强的海盗船,官船可能不是对手,请注意。 原版海盗船将奖励4400mk,且没有dugong海盗船了,可小心对战。 mod海盗船将在游戏难度30以上出现,并且比较强大,请谨慎对战。 海盗-锤击点:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-Orca护卫舰:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-U-1211海盗鱼雷舰:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-Kasrull指挥舰:50难度,5500mk。 海盗-Azimuth反潜艇舰:60难度,奖励5500mk。 且海盗npc将加多 而且接受反馈,也还在不断更...
Project HALO
Created by noctis
Update 2 : Project is on indefinite hiatus. My life has changed and I no longer have the time for this , though I may return. INFO ────────────────────────────────────── Project HALO is a revived version of my old mod , Project UNSC. This mod aims to adds ...
project shipwrecks
Created by rho-915
沉船计划---大型系列沉船模组 在木卫二的冰层之下,每时每刻都有新的潜艇崭新出厂,也无时无刻都有潜艇沉没至底。里面有无数财富宝藏,亦或是小丑教派改装的陷阱船。是能将财富带回到潜艇上,还是与沉船一同沉沦于这片渊洋之中,一切全凭你的智慧,勇气以及一点点运气,祝你好运,寻宝者。 Under Europa's ice, new submarines are being built and sunk all the time. It's filled with treasure troves, or clown cu...
Created by 时光
这艘潜艇在z86海域失事了,被打捞上来时全员已经奄奄一息,虽然抢救及时但已经不可能再次从事航行工作。根据日志描述,潜艇遭到了巨兽袭击。 经过修复并加装炮台后,这艘独眼巨人号将重新投入到木卫二的探索事业中。 解锁炮台权限需要密钥请仔细寻找线索。 海娥号mk1有舱门隐形按钮 海娥号mk2是普通按钮门 两者都需要爬隐形梯子才能出舱 The submarine was wrecked in the waters of Z86 and was recovered with its entire crew dying,...
[WD]迷你牛牛号工程型[第一届蓝海造船大赛作品][2022.2.13 更新 v1.8.1][CN]
Created by EX_WhiteDragon
※欢迎来蓝海Q群玩:333500142,HXD们来加群参与投票吧! 我敢说,这根牛牛是参赛作品中尺寸最小,功能却又毫不含糊,且最灵活的一艘潜艇。同时,我个人的喜好是不能丢掉一些能增添“航行感”的基本操作,所以在保有高智能电气水平的同时,许多基本操作是没有提供自动功能的(例如装弹)。欢迎各位使用本舰,保证为你的木卫二之旅提供优越的体验。 简介: WD重工的迷你牛牛系列紧凑高速艇的工程改进型。整体扩展了舰艇尺寸,增加了额外的载压仓与仓库,并将指挥室改为全景指挥室。延续迷你牛牛系列特性:整个潜艇都遍布了双层夹层装...
The Long John
Created by Ahpi
A stalwart vessel of The Coalition designed for long expeditions. It comes with various power management and saving capabilities and an observation deck to scan its surroundings. Many crews with arduous objectives intend for the Long John to carry them fro...
背景故事 锐冬级是御冬级的小号改型,搭载新一代高效核反应堆,小巧精致,高速静默。 和刻板印象不一致的是,锐冬级并不是新伊阿佩特斯的超钢船厂的产品,而生产于新上海的东亚重工。 东亚重工声称此船灵感源于一艘劫持来的海盗潜艇,而对网传的“锐冬级抄袭了海妖龙的构型”不予置评。 简介 基本性能 “锐冬级”深潜型潜艇 定位 单人/多人 价格 3599 规格 31*12m 载货量 58箱 推荐船员数量 4-7人 推荐船员经验 初窥门径 内容组合包要求 VisualVarietyPack 最大平动速度 39 最大下潜速度 ...
Created by AKA-蠢脸螈宝
背景故事 “如陨星般划过,撕裂大气,坠入渊洋” “血色彗星”由位于新上海的“东亚重工”与香港新南昌的“破碎穹顶”合作研发,为了相应木卫二联盟的号召,“血色彗星”级仅仅用了14个月实际上是三个星期半的时间完成研发到制造,其性能也极为优越,更加适合新船长驾驶,而外观方面参考了“宿怨级” 基础参数 定位:单人/多人 价格:4200 规格:41*13m 载货量:60箱 推荐船员数量:3-6 推荐船员经验:初窥门径 最大水平速度:54KM/H 最大下潜速度:21KM/H 最大上浮速度:18KM/H 武器:4+2标准型...
重要 Important - Support language: Chinese, English 本mod的Github:Raven-233486/Barotrauma-Animated 所有更新日志和早期版本 qq群号:322191319 223590606 Discord: 自由讨论区 兼容补丁 Compatibility Patch 与欧罗巴战争EuropaWar的美术兼容Visual Compatibility Patch 精神创伤Neu...
Created by Noking
简介:Nova级小型核潜艇,响应新的开拓航线需求而建造的全能型潜艇,在顶部安装有额外装甲,同时拥有强大的火力配置并开创性的加入了基因分析设备。如果你要潜入深渊,那她一定是你的好帮手。 定位:新手入门,多人联机,原版战役 售价:2888mk 大小:25x5m 载货:12箱 最高水平航速:30km/h 最高下潜速度:17-23km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:2-6人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947...
Shipwrecks Extended
Created by rav2n
Welcome to the Shipwrecks Extended mod page! This mod adds many new wrecks in addition to vanilla ones to the game. Some of them are more dangerous than others while others are completely harmless and useless. To some of them you can even dock! Happy salva...
Created by AURORA
"我仰头向上,视线穿过厚重的冰层,向璀璨的星空祈求祝福。" 以曾经的太空战舰造型为蓝图而制造的轻型驱逐舰。其内部被装修的干净整洁,船上大量的信息屏让人回想起以前那段傲游太空的岁月。 没人知道工业的那些人为什么要造出这样一个与木卫二的冰洋格格不入的怪物。整洁的内饰与大屏幕是经不起木卫二的考验的,一次次航行后这些东西最终都会变得残破不堪。而这艘船也一直停靠在工业船坞的那个角落里,静静等待着属于她的远航。 或许,她只归属于人们头上那片无垠的星海。 价格:8000马克 规格:57×19m 载货量:38箱 推荐人数:...
Stations from beyond
Created by rundoomer Description Are you tired of the monotonous outpost modules? Or do you just want to add some variety to your adventure? This modification expands the number of modules found at stations. There are more than 100 new variation...
Super Mining Sonar [UNMAINTAINED]
Created by LeDoux
Super Mining Sonar is a mod that aim in improving all type of player-usable sonar in the game, including the handled one. What this mod do exactly is increasing the range of all kind of sonar, make you able to pick sonar signature of every minerals and pla...
Sweet Pea
Created by Solbusaur
Remake of the Sweet Pea, originally created by SlipWhenWet. Link to the original: Capable of exploring the narrow crags and caverns of Europa which larger ships cannot, but ...
Týr Class Battleship [cn][en]
Created by FreeRider
The Lite version has been released! Your identity information has been approved, and all permissions in the driver's cab have been opened to you! Welcome aboard, Captain! Tyre (Týr) The USS is an experimental space/deep-sea dual-use vessel that the Allianc...
Created by Lerentine
Machine translation 英语不好,所以英语部分是机翻 有些mod会导致声纳面板(大小调为0.2)、轨道炮(大小调为0.3)和潜望镜大小(大小调为0.4)、电磁线圈耗能(耗能调为100)变回原来的参数,进编辑器手动调一下就好了 Some mods will cause the sonar panel (size to 0.2), rail gun (size to 0.3) and periscope size (size to 0.4), electromagnetic coil power...
天赋增强 - Talent Enhancement[CN-EN-RU-FRN]
Created by SinerSAMA
#天赋树修改-和其他修改天赋树的MOD互相冲突: #Talent tree modifications - and other mods that modify the talent tree conflict with each other: #Модификации дерева талантов - и другие моды, изменяющие дерево талантов, конфликтуют друг с другом: 通用天赋学习一个就可以解锁下一行,三条线的所有天赋都可以学习并且...
Created by Grafus™
The Torpedo is a fast and hard hitting attack ship.Developed and used mostly by pirates for its high cost efficiency. Contains: -Engine/reactor/engineering room/cargo -medbay/oxygen room -command room/gunnery compartment -diver compartment -airlock -dockin...
Type 23D Explorer w/Torpedo
Created by DuckiestHydra
----------------------------------------------------- DISCONTINUED This sub will not be receiving regular updates. I’m not happy with how this sub functions or performs and have decided to abandon it. ----------------------------------------------------- I...
Created by Galaxyforce
【Granite]】improved, added "deep diving mode", when opened will increase the speed of diving, convenient for deep sea warfare NOTE: ——Into deep submergence mode please: (1) open the deep submergence mode switch , (2) close the deep-well doors , can enter de...
Unlimited Items
Created by Misor63
Unlimited Items Unlimited Railgun<--Click here. Added unlimited versions of most items, as well as individual special items. All the items of this mod can be crafted and deconstructed. Support Languages : Help me improve the languages translation Simplifed...
Visual Variety Pack
Created by Plebibus Maximus
What's new in the recent update? Modular walls for the engine room. 4 base walls, generic enough to be used in any environment. + Separate layer of pipes, valve...
Created by Frederick
A large exploration ship with a lot of ammenities for long distance travel. Plenty of readouts to give it's users a lot of imformation. This Sub is quie well armed for a scout vessel with additional hardpoint for a larg weapon....
Wreck Locator
Created by Biff_W
Feature When there's a wreck in 1000m range, you will receive its "SOS" signal on your sonar monitor. This doesn't require starting a new campaign to make an effect. Note Shipwrecks may not be located in the following cases: 1.The shipwreck has no containe...
X-WT Kakodis卡柯蒂斯
Created by Fruit milk
简体中文 English 《这是 DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser 为基础的二改潜艇》 概述 一艘宇航战舰改装过来的潜艇,船外可见改装后一些机械暴露在外,她用于联盟的运输补给各站点的任务,为了减轻船体重量增加载货量,船上大部分武器被拆除仅保留部分轻武器防御,同时也运输核武器并且能在紧急情况下可以使用的唯一致命手段,拥有强大的反应堆和超速推进器可在短时间内机动回避。 规格 类型:运输型 价格:8500mk 尺寸:65x24 载货:76箱 水平速度:22...
Created by Ma'am
Ahoy Mateys! Welcome aboard me mighty vessel, the Yarrland!...
Created by AURORA
卡戎 驱逐舰 专为拦截,奇袭,支援而设计的小型炮艇,装备了连射炮和可通过驾驶室控制的爆矢电磁炮,能够对小型目标造成有效杀伤。可手动开启超载充能,电容器会以减少耐久为代价用最快速度充能。5-8人最佳 水平极速34-下潜极速17 售价8500 规格54X15 载货量48 ...
Created by AURORA
塔纳托斯(改) 战列舰 塔纳托斯在一次巡航任务中大破。因损坏严重,于是直接对其进行了改造翻新,应用了大量新技术。同时,针对旧版本的缺陷,新版本特意改进了储存空间以及舱室布局,大大改善了航行体验。应用了自动反应堆,全舰的供电更加稳定。在舰首安装了额外的装甲以及热熔炮,可以使用传统的撞击战术击沉敌舰。6-10人最佳 水平极速43-下潜极速12 售价14500 规格69X24 载货量127 ...
Created by AURORA
塔纳托斯 战列舰 该舰是由地球海军舰艇的设计图经过木卫二“本土化”改造后制造的。船内包含了制造,生活,医疗研究的全套设备,并搭载有大量火炮。但数量繁多的火炮也意味着弹药消耗量极大,这使得在独自出航时其上的船员需要承担繁重的后勤压力。由于不太合理的压载舱设计,这艘船在垂直方向上控制手感不佳,但基本上不会影响驾驶。6-10人最佳 水平极速22-下潜极速19 售价13000 规格69X24 载货量28 ...
Created by AURORA
灰鲭鲨 轻护卫舰 灰鲭鲨使用了新的内构风格。极简的结构,宽敞的空间,使其在巡航时体验更好。虽然灰鲭鲨没有坚固的外壳,其上的飞弹,加农炮以及防御光炮仍然能够提供良好的防御。搭载了两个小型的电浆炮无人机,可以侦察打击敌人或深入洞穴。安装有自动反应堆,船员的后勤压力也大大减小。5- 8人最佳 水平极速44-下潜极速15 售价6050 规格41X12 载货量36 ...
Created by AURORA
阿娜希塔 巡洋舰 在积累了一定经验后所建造的大型巡洋舰,其上首次搭载了无人机系统,可以远程操控小型穿梭艇。安装了直接消耗电力的光束炮,缩减武器种类的同时也减轻了不少后勤的压力。使用了角度切换炮塔的系统,可以用一个潜望镜控制多个方向的炮塔。6-10人最佳 水平极速29-下潜极速17 售价13500 规格75X28 载货量48 ...
Created by AURORA
阿尔忒弥斯 重型战列舰 专为对舰作战而设计的重型战列舰,拥有大量火炮与坚固的外壳。即使在炮弹耗尽时,依然能够保持一定输出。内部舱室大量连通,拥有庞大的储存空间。8-12人最佳 水平极速33-下潜极速13 售价13500 规格75X23 载货量107 ...
[15 Design Bureau] Phantom_Walker (LTS)
Created by 15.5T
What would you like to wish for? “どうだろう…”(I don’t know...) Then there will be no more video games, anymore. “願い事はいくつ叶う?”(How many wishes do I get?) As many as you want. The more wishes you make, the more magnificent the video games will become. “はて?”(Reall...
[Alliance Industry] Europa Ⅳ submarine
Created by zengkuncheng
Multifunctional cabins: the cabins of the ship are very complete, from the command area to the storage area, the living area to the power area, and there are all kinds of areas. Scientific and technological interior: cool color is the main tone, with exper...
[BOS]中文优化 停止更新
Created by Noking
中文优化 —— 停止更新/请勿订阅 新中文优化MOD请前往: 中文优化-核心包 此模组对游戏内所有中文进行优化,并翻译已大部分潜艇编辑器与角色编辑器文本! 【自动安装】 在设置中勾选启用后,重启游戏即可 ■可能出现文字闪烁情况,这是没办法的事情 :-( 感谢以下成员对此模组做出的贡献:(贡献排名不分先后) 雨望,下北泽,V1TIA7E,ANSEL,CTos,FZJEEP,老虎脱粒机汉化组,心儿 Github: --------...
Created by Noking
Diving 潜水模组 CN/EN “上九天揽月下五洋捉鳖” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加一套潜水服 2.增加一个水下推进器 3.增加一个耳机 4.增加一个球灯 5.潜水服面罩半透明化 ●●●参数●●● 1.堡垒潜水服:在深渊潜水服的基础上提高抗性到80%,增加眩晕,麻痹,自带声呐,略微减速,能抵御10000米水压 2.高级水下助推器:速度更快,并自带声呐信标功能,可开关灯光照明 3.增强耳机:提升通讯距离 4.球灯:一个便携灯,可大范围照明 5.半透明头盔被官方抄了 英化提供:DKAMX ---------...
Created by Noking
Backpack CN/EN ●●●Items●●● 1. Backpack: crafting material Small satchel + relic bag Capacity 20 compartments, waterproof, can be fitted with tool belt, medium deceleration 2. Shoulder pack: crafting material tool belt + tool belt Capacity 12 blocks, not wa...
火力不足 [Insufficient firepower]
Created by 苏大妈
You are free to use, modify and distribute the XML and SUB of all my mods in any way you like. 你们可以随意以任何方式使用,修改,分发我所有mod的XML和SUB. 制作中,更新频率高,可能会因为我移除/改动某些东西,控制台报一两条无影响的红字,请谨慎订阅。 Making, High update rate, Please Subscribed with caution. Because I remove/modi...