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Items (24)
Guns of the Empire (5.1.1 - projectile options restored)
Created by Snek
This Mod adds 22 Gunpowder Units to the Empire roster. Though some are based on, or at least inspired by lore/fluff mentions most are inventions of my own. As a unit pack, this is savegame compatible. For details on skill/tech groupings, abilities, and som...
Imperial Armoury - Unit Upgrades for the Empire
Created by Dirty Dan
Adds several purchasable unit upgrades to Empire units similar to the Greenskin scrap system. The upgrades cost Treasury or a dedicated new resource named fine steel and are not exclusive. This means one unit can receive all possible upgrades at once. Fine...
Patch 2.2 Empire Politics Fix
Created by Firbydude
Fixing a bug in the empire politics script that was stopping all events from firing (including elector confederations) if an AI elector captured certain settlements. This is save game compatible. If you have encountered the bug, you should begin receiving ...
Better Imperial Authority & More Elector Count Units
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod adds two additional levels of Imperial authority, which will provide stat bonuses, and permanently boost the Elector Count units' replenishment rate and recruitment pool cap. Volkmar also can get Elector Count units' replenishment rate and recruit...
Grand Order of the Reiksguard - All In One Collection
Created by Nox
Welcome Everyone! This mod is a port of my "Grand Order of the Reiksguard" Collection from Total War Warhammer 1 & 2. I hope you enjoy using it but feel free to tell me what you think and leave constructive feedback so i know what's good and where things c...
Empire Greatsword Captain (Updated for 5.0/ToD)
Created by Snek
This mod adds a new subtype of the Empire Captain: the Empire Captain with greatsword. He has a bit better stat line from the Empire Captain, but some changes to his skill tree and a totally different mount system. He shares a unit cap with the Empire Capt...
Unique Steam Tanks
Created by ChaosRobie
Steam Tanks. Those glorious machines belching smoke and ramming through the hordes of filthy heretics, blasting out cannonballs and scalding steam. But have you ever felt there's something missing? That there's something lifeless about tanks that all looke...
Imperial Faith WH3: Blessing of the Eight Gods (Imperial engineers in action!)
Created by DarkSnowder
Elves and Lizardmen - their gods listen to them give their blessings, inspiring them to great deeds. And what is worse than the Imperials !? Reach level 10 with your Imperial General and accept the blessing of one of the 8 gods of the Empire: will Sigmar b...
TW Millennium: Modern Warfare
Created by Nightsaber
We now have an official Discord Server! Huge thanks to Nathan the Dwarven Shark for creating it ! With this Mod a new age of warfare has dawned in the world of Warhammer: The Empire has entered a new age of technology and received new units, buildings tech...
Empire Knights - HV Tweaks
Created by hooveric
The features are part of Hooveric Overhaul but it's a standalone mod. Some features have been excluded for compatibility. Features ○ Added a new recruitment mechanic for the Knightly Orders. ○ The Empire Knights won't be recruited by common buildings anymo...
[BETA] Sigmar's Heirs, an Empire Overhaul
Created by Xoudad
"Aye, together. I cannot do this alone; I need my sword-brothers with me. Swear with me, my friends. Swear that everything we do from this day forth will be in service of this vision of a united empire of man." —Sigmar Heldenhammer, the first Emperor https...
Sigmar's Heirs, an Empire Overhaul - Assets
Created by Xoudad
"Here in Nuln, art is not just décor; it’s an expression of one’s commitment to beauty and the finer things. Even the poor keep something in their hovels, some design or image that evokes the imagination and takes the mind beyond the circumstances of their...
Expanded Electoral Machinations and Intrigue
Created by prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Adds more options to the Empire Electoral Machinations panel and the High Elf Intrigue at the Court panel. You can use Prestige an...
Dogs of War Unit Pack
Created by Ser_James
This pack will combine all my current and future Dogs of War units. Recruitable by the Empire from the Regiments of Renown pool. Currently contains: Leopold's Leopard Company (new unit) Unlocks level 11
The Iron Colossus of Nuln (Updated for Thrones of Decay)
Created by Snek
"The Iron Colossus of Nuln. All that is known is that it fell over onto an imperial regiment and squished it." - Imperial Historian This mod adds a monstrous war machine to the Empire roster. This unit is also incorporated directly into Sigmar's Heirs. You...
Ironfist Legion (Vanilla)
Created by The Wild Hunt
Remembering the Legion As Immortal Empires is finally out for WH:3, I've decided to do an update for the unit mod that started it all and give it a place in the newest warhammer installment. Since it is an update and I wanted to have the essence of the ori...
Altdorf's Company of Honor, Uniforms and Heraldry of the Empire Regiments of Renown Series
Main Part This mod adds a new unique unit - Altdorf's Company of Honor. Can be hired by any faction of the Empire. To recruit, bring any character to Altdorf and open the recruitment panel for imperial troops. That regiment have 2 officers (mini heroes x10...
Homers Teutogen Guard & Knights of the White Wolf & Middenheim Units
Created by Homer_Simpson_TW
I created a mod with my two favorite units. Teutogen Guard & Knights of the White Wolf. Both units can be recruited at the Middenheim Great Temple of Ulric in campaign. (Temples of Ulric as Middenland). Knights of the White Wolf benefit from the Reiskguard...
General of the Empire with pistol
Created by Necrorise Description Three things make the Empire great; faith, steel, and gunpowder. This mod adds a variation of the empire general with a pistol. It will make a great addition to a ranged army or enhance the firepower of the Em...
Dead's Empire Unit Pack
Created by Dead Baron
Introduction After the recent update this mod got a small rework. It now adds Repeater Handgunners and Halberd with Shields. IT ALSO edits the anims for the Outriders and the Engineer so they have barrels that spin as well. Supports campaign and multiplaye...
Guns of the Empire - Garrisons
Created by Snek
Submod for Guns of the Empire to add troops to garrisons. Additions are mostly Ersatzsolder and Hakbutschutzen in garrisons appropriate for when they are recruited. I gave tier 5 Forts the Munitions Wagon to make them almost unassailable....
Empire Offices [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
Yep, they are back, reworked and updated. You can't have any lord both as Elector and Office holder!!! Load order: 1. This mod 2. Mixer Immortal Empires Expanded version is here: ...
Helfury Machine Guns (Machine guns/Gatling guns for Empire)
Created by Sturmageddon
"Dubbed the Helfury for ease, Manheim’s Miraculously Murderous Mechanism of Munificently Meting Multitudinous Munitions is the most recent creation of the Nuln College of Engineering to be put into active service within the armies of the Empire. Originally...