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Items (36)
Radious Total War Mod - Part 4 - Assets
Created by Radious
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Part 4 Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. This time for brand new Total War: Warhammer 3! https...
Created by arta_xerxes
简体中文汉化,置于原mod之上,本mod只是汉化mod,需要原版mod 目前除了战锤二各个派系外,战锤三已增加了震旦、基斯里夫、食人魔、恐虐、色孽、奸奇、纳垢七个派系的拓展 4/25 食人魔王国更新完成 5/10 恐虐派系更新完成 5/18 其他技能、事务官、领主之类的更新完成 5/30 色孽派系更新完成 6/26 奸奇派系更新完成 7/12 新增了七个大角兽群单位 7/20 纳垢派系,恐虐新英雄等 ...
Chinese Simplified Translation Submod - Radious 全面战争 - 简体中文翻译 Mod
Created by endofanty
排序在任何位置都可以,启用后汉化将覆盖本体的英文文本。 汉化团队解散了,欢迎志愿者参与翻译、校对与审核项目 更新注意事项 主模组更新后,请按照以下简单步骤操作: 1.重新订阅四个主要项目,以强制下载新版本(Steam的自动更新可能延迟) 2.在启用四个主模组前,确保没有其它模组处于启用状态,仅使用更新后的副模组调整您的体验 3.最好开新档 如果你遇到任何 错误/崩溃 或其它: 1.若不能确保100%兼容性,避免使用任何非Radious团队创建的mod 2.确保游戏的 data 文件夹中没有其它mod 3.确...
Radious Total War Mod - Part 3
Created by Synthetic Man
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Part 3 Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. The time has come for a brand new Total War: Warhamme...
Radious Total War Mod - Part 2
Created by Radious
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Part 2 Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. This time for brand new Total War: Warhammer 3! https...
Radious Total War Mod - Part 1
Created by Radious
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Part 1 Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. This time for brand new Total War: Warhammer 3! https...
战役危机 人口系统汉化 CRISIS ON CAMPAIGN - Population and Army Mechanics
Created by Niamh Chinn Óir
人口 游戏中的每个定居点都有人口,有多个不同的种族,定居点之间的迁移,以及人口决定了定居点的税率。人口被划分为不同的等级,如贵族、商人、平民、奴隶等等。人口需要被喂养,并且不喜欢生活在被劫掠和毁灭的地区。 叛乱 定居点不再当公共秩序为-100时叛乱。相反,负的公共秩序会使你的居民变成异己分子,如果不加以镇压,他们会组成叛军。镇压值是由贵族、当地军队和建筑提供的。将所有的贵族招募为军队,然后带着这支军队离开,你可以肯定任何不高兴的农民都会在你离开后造反 军队 在一个省内没有你的派系种族的人口,就意味着没有补员...
Living Dismemberment Remastered
Created by Armorchin
Updated for 5.0.2 "Tis but a flesh wound" Remastered version of my first mod ever from Warhammer 1 from scratch, Now that the modern tools are actually fun to use, Hope you all enjoy it like I do! Features Living Dismemberment FOR EVERYONE! (All vanilla in...
"Realism" mod
Created by kubuntu1
This version of "Realism" mod has been discontinued. This is an updated version of the "Realism" mod battle changes only:
Mixu's CN 汉化 合集(2-16 木精灵暗影舞者搞好了 推本杜鲁奇的小说,我写的。。)
Created by 鱼大仙
11-19 艾格林姆能玩了还差点零碎的这几天搞好 我在起点平台写了本《苟在战锤当暗精》 欢迎观看 _(:з」∠)_ 已签约 11-11 汉化了几个绿皮的技能词条 9-22 斯蒂尔比约恩在Strovengaard娶了很多配偶,因为许多诺斯卡的女性都渴望与带有黑暗诸神印记的战士同床共眠。在这些无数的妻子中,斯蒂比约恩繁衍了13个不同年龄的后代,其中包括Hrefna和Fraygerd,她们都是技艺精湛和致命的剑女(sword-maiden)。 作者:爱问1515
Stronger And Fairer AI 更强更公平的AI
Created by losrt
!!!Notice!!! If using this mod in competitions, Very hard and Legendary campaign difficulty are suitable for players who have added player buffs or need extreme challenges It is recommended to use NORMAL difficulty for the first game. The AI strength of No...
Created by Doggie No.201
【声明 Acknowledgement】 这是我时隔两年更新的mod。在此,我要特别感谢KunagisaTomo大佬:,在2023年更新了我的mod。这次也是看了大佬写的mod,我才知道新版本中怎么给领主添加技能的。愿神皇保佑您。 本Mod赋予升到50级的传奇领主三个强力的新技能,让传奇领主在对抗天灾的时候能够发挥出更强大的作用,并给你把领主肝到50级的动力。 【升格者】-为传奇...
Mod Configuration Tool [LEGACY]
Created by Groove Wizard
Welcome to one of the final instances of Vandy releasing a Beta! MULTIPLAYER UNSUPPORTED LEGACY VERSION. Use the New Version for multiplayer and other goodies! The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backe...
Runes of the Karaz Ankor——中文汉化
Created by Sato Nozomi
终于到了本精矮为矮人做点贡献的时候了。 感谢mod原作者的支持,本mod仅为中文汉化,请订阅原mod。 该mod为矮人派系添加了类似于绿皮废料升级的符文升级。升级会消耗誓约金,因此会使得誓约金更加珍贵。 针对同一单位的所有升级在ui上不会全部显示,但实际效果能够同时生效。 原作者也制作了针对帝国等其他派系的同类升级mod,有兴趣的玩家请移步原作者个人空间订阅。...
Runes of the Karaz Ankor - Unit Upgrades for the Dwarfs
Created by Dirty Dan
Adds several unit upgrades for the Dwarf factions in the game working similar to the Greenskin scrap upgrades. The upgrades are not exclusive and cost a varying amount of oathgold, which makes this resource even more valuable especially in the late campaig...
矮人科技购买1.0 Dwarf Technology Purchase
Created by 沙条爱歌
这个mod提供了对矮人全方位加成的额外科技,他们需要花费金钱与时间来解锁。 This mod offers additional technology with an all-round bonus to the Empire, which they need to spend money and time to unlock. 我的mod只能同时开启一个,请玩啥派系用哪一个mod不然会冲突。 新版本重置了科技树,改为新科技同款。 研发需要誓约金(科技提供了爆金币产量) 新增了仇恨清算的科技效果,新增军队技...
Attack Speed Boost & Stats
Created by MerVidiuM
This mod aims to make battles more "intense and immersive" Vanilla battles tend to be slow and every unit is just staring at each other forever. The mod changes the value of attack intervals for every unit in the game. - ASBAS is back for TWW3, artillery a...
Elf god:khaine
Created by Maoting
khaine, the god of the elves, now decides to punish the enemies of the elves and satisfy his bloodthirsty desire. Now the related legendary lords can become Kane in the battlefield and defeat the enemy! 2022.10.06: Updated the picture of the pawn card, and...
High Elves Tech-Tree
Created by Decky
What does this mod do? The mod adds over 50 new technologies and new Unit-Abilities and some more... to the High Elves Tech-Tree. DESCRIPTION Completely technologies with new effects have been added to the vanilla tech-tree. New technology groups were crea...
Tech-Tree Compilation (Old Version)
Created by Decky
What does this mod do? The mod adds new Technologies to ALL Tech-Trees: Beastmen, Cathay, Khorne. Nurgel, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Ogre Kingdoms, Kislev, Empire,Vampire Count,Vampire Coast, Bretonia, Dwarfs, Choas Dwarfs, High Elves, Tomb Kings, Wood Elves, Ska...
100% Success No Instability From Flesh Lab
Created by Alex Zhao
A sample mod that makes units won't get instability from flesh lab upgrades. The UI still show the chance but it is just text. Works for saved game and should be compatible with everything that doesn't edit the same script....
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Change Starting Settlement
Created by prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Allows you to start the campaign from any settlement of your choice: when you start a new campaign the mod adds a button (see firs...
Dark Elves Tech Tree Improvments for Daemonettes
Created by Nuff Nuff || Shazor
Felt like an oversight for me that CA didnt add any way to improve the daemonettes from morathi so i linked them to the witch elves tech and skill improvements since they are a similar unit. Since non morathi dark elves factions use the same techs and tool...
Mistwalkers and Imrik's Dragons Get Bonuses 迷雾行者与传奇龙吃领主与科技加成
Created by Alex Zhao
Mistwalkers will now get more bonus from lord skills and techs. Faithbearers will get bonus for rangers (except they will get spearmen’s level 7 red line bonus), griffon knights will get bonus foe dragons, and all other mistwalkers will get bonus for shado...
ATC 艾克的桌面数据大修 Arksaitace‘s Tabletop Codex Overhaul
ATC 艾克的桌面数据大修 Arksaitace‘s Tabletop Codex Overhaul !!!【注】:本mod并非一个平衡向mod,而是一个基于军书数据的大修mod,所以在本mod中,有些领主,兵种的数据可能会十分的抽象。大家在游玩中有不适感觉时,请理解。本mod只是给玩家另一种选择,希望大家玩的愉快。 本mod是以桌面数据为参考,对全派系,全兵种,进行的一个全方位大修。具体问题可以在讨论贴留言 本mod目前已经总体完结,之后的更新也是在微调技能数值,建筑收入加成,适配dlc等方面。目前完工的...
Ultimate Formations (DISCONTINUED)
Created by 泡泡茶壶
Still works but will not be updated, If anyone want take this mod over or use anything you want, no need to get my permission , just go wild! Intro Inspired by WHⅡ mod Crynsos's Unit Formations,so this mod finally come out! Want to experience a variety of ...
Immortal Empires Expanded 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod !! →和重返旧世界MOD不兼容,两者只能开其一 ←!! !! →必须开启MIXER ←!! 常见问题 关于有AI MOD的情况下,AI表现怪异:原作者C...
Immortal Empires Expanded [Requires Mixer!]
Created by ChaosRobie
THIS MOD REQUIRES MIXER! This mod expands and fills-out the Immortal Empires map: Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, the Lost Isles of Elithis, the Eastern Steppes, several smaller islands, and that part that looks like Korea which I've named Ihan. AND MORE! Descriptio...
Apply all Flesh Lab Augments to Units, Lords & Heroes - Clan Moulder
Created by DrSchrank
Description: With this mod you can apply any Infantry and Monster Augment on all your skaven units, lords and heroes using the Flesh Laboratory mechanic, when playing as Clan Moulder. Works with all skaven units from all DLCs, including RoR units, heroes a...
Guv's Eshin: From the Shadows - Tz'arkan in Immortal Empires Mod (Updated Patch 5.2 / 2024-08-22)
Created by Guvenoren
This mod is an extended port of Hocter's original mod from Warhammer 2: Eshin: From The Shadows (Skaven) - Tz'arkan in Mortal Empires Permission was granted by Hocter! Daemon Rat! Rather ununual mod for me to upload huh? Yeah, it was one of those mods I sn...
Weapon Teams on Walls
Created by Scicotheron
WH2 weapon teams can mount and climb walls. Affected Units: Skaven: --Warpfire Throwers (+RoR) --Warplock Jezzails (+RoR) --Ratling Guns (+RoR) Vampire Coast: --Deck Gunners (+RoR) Vanilla Units that can already climb walls: Dwarfs: --Irondrakes (not a wea...
High Elves Landmarks Overhaul (5.0 WORKING, UPDATE IN PROGRESS)
Created by Magician
Foreword Hello, friends. If you remember this. Yes, it is back in 2024. Features This mod adds 30+ landmarks for the High Elves race. Enjoy and have fun. Cheers ...
Victory Conditions Overhaul
Created by Oh_Man[TFE] Factions Currently Supported: 74/95 (77%) This mod adds custom victory objectives and rewards for each faction in the game. This mod is still under construction and does not yet support every faction in the game. Click here ...