Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Itens (724)
【抗击疫情】江铃福特全顺负压救护车 JMC Ford Transit Negative Pressure Ambulance
Criado por 硬施德Ngenschde
在此次新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间,被誉为“医护人员的移动口罩”的负压救护车挽救了无数人的生命,发挥了巨大的作用。疫情在武汉爆发后,作为中国最大的救护车生产厂商之一的江铃汽车做出了积极的响应,江铃全体员工主动放弃假期返回工厂连夜加班生产了一大批全顺负压救护车来支援武汉。 During the COVID-19 outbreak, the negative pressure ambulance, which is often regarded as "mobile masks" for medical staff...
Criado por Slicky
【快】交通实况路牌 by Slicky...
Criado por Slicky
十字路口 by Slicky...
Criado por Slicky
合流标识 by Slicky...
イベント用テント Japanese Event Tents
Criado por TOKACHI269
イベント用テント Japanese Event Tents イベント用のテントです。白色のみです。 Japanese tent for events. Only white. <Mesh info> Main triss : 528, 1000 tex size : 512x512, 320x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 14 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Am...
エスカレーター & 階段パック / escalator & stair pack
Criado por kasasasa
I use elevator asset in this pack. by 001HANNO エスカレーターと階段がセットになっているアセットです。 ペデストリアンデッキに接続して使用することを想定しています。 2F部分の高さが6mであり、ほかの方が作成されたペデストリアンデッキプロップとある程度の互換性があります。 This asset is a set of escalat...
フェンスパック Japanese Fences Pack
Criado por TOKACHI269
日本のフェンスです。まだまだ追加する予定あり。ほしいフェンスがあればコメントで教えてくれるともしかしたら作るかもしれません。 Japanese fences pack.There are plans to add more. <Contents> フェンス(1,2,3、門) ネット(白、緑) 橋 学校 線路わきの柵 ブロック(ノーマル、低、透かしブロック、門) アコーディオンフェンス 追加:ブロック2、入口、柵板杭1、2 追加2:16m ver 追加3:8m ver <Mesh info> main tri...
Criado por koma
Workman & Workman Plus Workman is a specialty store for work clothes, winter clothes, safety shoes, boots, and cook shoes. Workman Plus is a specialty store that deals with "outdoor, sports, and rainwear products" without handling work supplies. ワークマンは作業服・...
一汽大众捷达中国警车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Chinese Police Car
Criado por 硬施德Ngenschde
一汽大众捷达中国警车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Chinese Police Car Model Information Tris: 2348/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达出租车(涂装2红色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Painting 2 Red)
Criado por 硬施德Ngenschde
北京出租车涂装,若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 This asset is painted in Beijing taxi style. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达出租车(黄色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Yellow)
Criado por 硬施德Ngenschde
捷达是中国大陆最常见的出租车型之一,这个资产采用了最常见的双色配色。若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 Jetta is one of the most popular taxi in mainland China, This asset is painted in bio-color. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达15款 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta
Criado por 硬施德Ngenschde
这款捷达是一汽大众于2013年推出的一款中国特产的基于PQ25平台的A级轿车。 FAW-Volkswagen first released this car in 2013, it's called Jetta (Chinese version) and based on the PQ25 platform. Model Information Tris: 2224/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众 Jetta CL 方头捷达
Criado por Streamer
如果图片无法加载,请前往百度贴吧。 一汽大众方头捷达 Volkswagen Jetta CL 1997 普通轿车版本 Normal Citizen Vehicle Version 其他版本的一汽大众方头捷达 Other Versions 出租车版本 Taxi Version 标签:中国,中式, 大众,捷达 Tags: China, Volkswagen, Jetta...
一汽解放J6P 6x4 自卸车(新 ) FAW JIEFANG J6P 6x4 Dump truck (new) 渣土车 泥头车
Criado por 尹水涯
一汽解放J6P 6x4 自卸车(新 )FAW JIEFANG J6P 6x4 Dump truck (new)渣土车 泥头车 原形为一汽解放J6P 6x4 自卸车,此版本是其 可自动切换空载/满载 渣土车版本 2022.03.24更新 现此版本已可自动切换空载/满载状态,但为了之前订阅的小伙伴,将保留满载版本 你可在此处找到 自卸车(新 )满载版 你可在此处找到 自卸车(旧 )...
Criado por CASILLAS
万达车库 by CASILLAS...
上汽桑塔纳 刁民用车 Santana 普桑
Criado por ZM0263
上汽桑塔纳 刁民用车 Santana 普桑 by 醉梦0263...
上汽桑塔纳 教练车 Santana 普桑
Criado por ZM0263
上汽桑塔纳 教练车 Santana 普桑 by 醉梦0263...
上汽桑塔纳 温州出租车 Santana 普桑
Criado por ZM0263
上汽桑塔纳 温州出租车 Santana 普桑 by 醉梦0263...
上汽桑塔纳 警车 Santana 普桑
Criado por ZM0263
上汽桑塔纳 警车 Santana 普桑 by 醉梦0263...
上海和平饭店shanghai peace Hotel
Criado por CM.
上海和平饭店shanghai peace Hotel by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level of special buildings. 和平饭店是上海市地标性建筑,位于上海黄浦区南京东路20号,是上海近代建筑史上第一幢现代派建筑,拥有最具特色的九国式特色套房及众多别具特色的餐厅、宴会厅、多功能厅、酒吧、屋顶观光花园等。 和平饭店是中国首家世界著名饭店,2005年的营业额达到1.88亿元,创利6668万元,接待宾客101468人次...
Criado por CM.
上海市震旦国际大楼LED by CM. 此建筑是led版本,但是制作过程中因为bug过多不得不去掉了很多细节,整体来说影响不大。 This building is a led version, but due to too many bugs during the production process, many details have to be removed, and the overall impact is not significant. 注:想要原版细节的最好方法是放一个原版再放一个led版...
上海汇丰银行大楼 HSBC Bank building
Criado por CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third price special building. 上海汇丰银行大楼,在上海外滩中山东一路12号,又名市府大楼,1925年建造,今天是上海浦东发展银行的总部驻地。汇丰在1990年代曾经与上海市政府接触,想购回大楼,但最终因价格原因没有实现。汇丰银行大楼除了华丽,这还是一幢充满历史感的建筑,汇丰银行,市政府和浦东发展银行曾先后使用过此楼。 Shanghai HSBC Bank building, also known as...
Criado por 红米先生
上海火车站站(Shanghai Railway Station Station),位于中国上海市静安区上海站附近,是上海申通地铁股份有限公司管辖的地铁车站,也是上海地铁1号线、上海地铁3号线和上海地铁4号线的换乘站 。 上海火车站站于1995年4月10日通行上海地铁1号线 ;于2000年12月26日通行上海地铁3号线 ;于2005年12月31日通行上海地铁4号线 。 据2022年1月上海地铁官网显示,上海火车站站共开放有10个出入口,1号线站层为地下二层岛式站台,3号线、4号线站层为地上一层岛式站台 。 据...
不锈钢公交候车亭L-Stainless steel roofed bus stop
Criado por ZEIR
Criado por ZEIR
不锈钢护栏-Stainless steel guardrail
Criado por ZEIR
不锈钢站牌-Stainless steel Station Board
Criado por ZEIR
东风4D 金温铁路 YZ25G 5车
Criado por ZM0263
东风4D 金温铁路 YZ25G 5车 by 醉梦0263 警告:机车面数9700+ 车厢面数 10200+ 请酌情下载 车辆编组 DF4D-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G...
中国传统民居Traditional Chinese Bungalow
Criado por MC100
中国传统民居Traditional Chinese Bungalow by MC100 This asset contains 2 buildings, one is park building, the other one is Residential building. 2X2大小 size:2X2...
Criado por 红米先生
中国内蒙古锡林浩特政府大楼《现实原型大楼,略有差异,基本相同。 此建筑属于独特建筑类目,占地约25X18格子,大约为200x150米左右大小。贴图通过SUB分组子建筑组合而成,不影响建筑摆放,贴图大小为1024x1024,面数总数控制在1.2万以内。...
Criado por 红米先生
中国国徽 by 281775129...
Criado por 硬施德Ngenschde
Criado por 硬施德Ngenschde
Criado por 硬施德Ngenschde
中国风多层住宅 Typical Chinese Residential Building
Criado por 硬施德Ngenschde
Criado por 硬施德Ngenschde
Criado por 红米先生
中学男生宿舍 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
临街底商3 by 红米 每栋出门面牌内容不一样,其他均一样,此建筑是参考安徽省铜陵市第二中学对面商铺楼而制作完成。细节没有那么多,都是已经高清贴图为主 SUB(5个子建筑合并) 面数500左右一个, 4X4格子, 贴图分辨率1024X1024...
Criado por 76561198822036937
Criado por 红米先生
中式交通围栏 by 红米...
中式公安消防局, Chinese fire station
Criado por RAY
中式公安消防局, Chinese fire station 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 『han823zhi』 独资订制,LANXUEJS制作。 目前中国北京项目-北京CBD建筑合集资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙...
Criado por 红米先生
中式农村别墅 by 281775129...
Criado por 红米先生
中式古风路灯Ancient Chinese Streetlight
Criado por MC100
中式古风路灯Ancient Chinese streetlight by MC100 最近开学了,什么钉钉,学习通,腾讯课堂什么的转来转去的。所以资产更新速度会放慢一些 As the new term has begun,I can't make the assests as frequent as before....
中式商业街单层底商-A1 Chinese Style Commercial Podium-A1
Criado por FlyInTheSky
中式商业街单层底商-A1,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growables'(avoid th...
中式商业街单层底商-A2 Chinese Style Commercial Podium-A2
Criado por FlyInTheSky
中式商业街单层底商-A2,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growables'(avoid th...
中式商业街双层餐饮-B1 彭厨 Chinese Style Commercial Restaurant-B1
Criado por FlyInTheSky
中式商业街双层餐饮-B1 彭厨,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growables'(avoid...
中式商业街双层餐饮-B2 星巴克 Chinese Style Commercial Restaurant-B2 StarBucks
Criado por FlyInTheSky
中式商业街双层餐饮-B1 星巴克 StarBucks,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growa...
Criado por 红米先生
中式商住楼一体 by 红米...
中式围墙 chinese Fence(Road)
Criado por hikke
大家好 这次制作的是中式围墙 接下来还会制作一些配套的门,还有带窗花的 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ hi everyone~~ This is chinese Fence enjoy~~ have fun~~ if you like please rate~~ 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Remarks chinese Fence-hi 881 336 512x512 256x256 road ※The above data is calculated ...
Criado por 红米先生
中式围栏黑蓝色调 by Redmi(红米) 总高度2.2米,其中地面墙面70厘米,上面围栏1.5米,颜色搭配:白色+蓝色+墙砖贴图 属性道路公园属性,可以拉长...
Criado por 红米先生
古风宣传栏2 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
中式地下停车场 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
中式大门6 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
中式大门6 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
中式安置房16层-2 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
Criado por AsterRdh
中式小区大门 by AsterRdh...
Criado por 红米先生
中式小区大门-1 by 281775129...
Criado por 红米先生
中式小区6层 by Redmi(红米) 中式普通住宅楼6层,占地6X3格 经典红色楼顶, LOD:3000 分辨率:1024X1024...
Criado por 红米先生
底商4 by 红米 每个占地8X2,贴图尺寸1024X2048 ,面数LOD顶点攻击1500左右...
Criado por 红米先生
中式底商商铺楼10 by Redmi(红米) 共计10栋,其中 转角处共计4栋,其余6栋为直线建筑,每栋门面门头内容不一样 LOD面数:60 贴图:256X256 10栋建筑熟悉为独特建筑,可以在独特建筑里边找到。均为商业性质资产...
Criado por 魔芋爽
中式建筑工地组合套装1 by 无番和 【中式建筑工地组合套装1】包含以下六个资产: 1、工地大门(公园类型),三角形面数100; 2、工地员工通道(公园类型),三角形面数536; 3、工地两层活动板房(公园类型),三角形面数1678; 4、工地安全警示牌(道具类型),三角形面数292; 5、蓝色建筑工地围栏(围栏类型)三角形面数574; 6、绿色建筑工地围栏(围栏类型)三角形面数574。 由于在较远视角下“道具”属性物品会不可视,因此主要组件使用了公园类型,你可以通过【move it】和无碰撞模组来改变它们...
Criado por 红米先生
文化雕塑1 by 红米 属于公园类资产...
中式横幅宣传语 Chinese Banners
Criado por 言绥
中式横幅宣传语Prop,内含五条标语 - 改革创新,功在当代,利在千秋 - 开展先进教育,贯彻党的方针 - 高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 - 中国移动50G套餐只需238,200M宽带免费送! - 严厉打击黑恶违法犯罪行为...
Criado por 红米先生
洒水车 by 红米 属于道路养护类属于,需要放置道路养护站,车子可以显示出来并在道路上行驶...
Criado por 红米先生
中式现代中学 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
中式经典主题三种铺砖样式Three brick laying styles of Chinese classic theme-1
Criado por 红米先生
请自行订阅笔刷工具,在地图上可使用三种样式针对不同地方可以刷不同样式铺砖 Please subscribe to the brush tool by yourself. You can use three styles on the map. You can brush different styles and pave bricks for different places...
中式经典主题三种铺砖样式Three brick laying styles of Chinese classic theme-4
Criado por 红米先生
请自行订阅笔刷工具,在地图上可使用三种样式针对不同地方可以刷不同样式铺砖 Please subscribe to the brush tool by yourself. You can use three styles on the map. You can brush different styles and pave bricks for different places...
Criado por 忆起时
Criado por 忆起时
中式自建商住房2(五种样式)by 随风一御 ...
Criado por often
本套资产包括8个建筑,资产名字:zb3_4,zb3_5,zb3_6,zb4_4,zb4_5,zb5_4,zb5_5,zb5_6。 This assets includes 8 buildings, asset Name: zb3_4,zb3_5,zb3_6,zb4_4,zb4_5,zb5_4,zb5_5,zb5_6. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Commercial,Residential...
Criado por often
中式自建房prop包 3个太阳能热水器,资产名字:swh1,swh2,swh3 2个水箱,资产名字:lishi,woshi 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,住宅,广西,太阳能热水器,水箱,储水罐,水塔 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Residential,Guangxi,solar water heater,tank,water tower
Criado por 蓝血JS
中式警卫工作站 Guard workstation 可在警察建筑界面找到他,警察局属性。 占地面积:1*1 工作站内部含有小景,有工作椅子和桌子,可通过自己需求进行装饰。 The guard workstation can find him in the police building interface, which is the attribute of the police station. Floor area: 1 * 1 There is a small view inside the work...
中式路灯-Chinese Street Light
Criado por hikke
作品介绍: 中午去南翔吃小笼, 看到路灯挺好看 于是就做一个~ 模型信息: 三角形计数:198 贴图256x256 ======================================== Chinese Street Light Tris: 198 Texture: 256x256 ...
Criado por 红米先生
中式无道旗路灯 by 红米...
中式镂空围墙 Fence01-05
Criado por hikke
大家好 这次制作的是镂空中式围墙 一共五个花式 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone this is Fence-window A total of five versions if you like please rate~~ 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Remarks Fence...
中式高速龙门架 China Expressway Portal Frame V2.0
Criado por 狼少
中式龙门架高速公路高清重置版【带有应急车道】 China Expressway Prop Pack V2.0(has emergency lane sign) V1.0---------------------------------V2.0 20Mb ------90%OFF----> 2Mb LOD LOWWWWWWWWWW TRIS This is China Expressway Prop Pack Reset , it has less tris , and add luminous featur...
Criado por 红米先生
中式28层住宅楼 by 红米...
中车电动C10 新都蓉桂涂装
Criado por ZEIR
CRRC C10 XD by ZEIR 类型:载具 品牌:中车电动 系列:C10 涂装:新都蓉桂 颜色:可变 最大速度:140KM/H 载客量:100 贴图:2048*1024 搜索:中车,中国,公交车,新都,成都 Type: Vehicle Brand: CRRC EV Series: C10 Painting: Xindu Ronggui Color: variable Maximum speed: 140KM/H Passenger capacity: 100 Texture: 2048*1024...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:234 lod:48 ...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:214 lod:48 ...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:218 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:242 lod:52...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:240 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A6 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A6/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:218 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C10 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 店铺贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C10/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C6 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C6/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C7 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 店铺贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C7/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C8 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 店铺贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C8/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C9 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 店铺贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C9/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E8 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E8小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E7 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E7小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E6 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E6小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48 ...
Criado por 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Criado por 红米先生
Criado por 红米先生
乡村建筑Chinese villages-A1
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乡村建筑Chinese villages-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
五菱荣光 2014 乡村微公交
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五菱荣光 2014 乡村微公交 by 醉梦0263...
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五菱荣光 2014 刁民用车 by 醉梦0263...
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五菱荣光 2014 商业货车 by 醉梦0263...
Criado por 小翔xiang
人行道标志牌 by 小翔xiang 可在公园-道具栏中或使用find it 搜索标志牌找到此资产 如有任何问题请在评论区留言...
Criado por 红米先生
此主题主要是用来模拟中式现代铺砖效果 请订阅主题控制台MOD (Theme Mixer 2)和水,泥地MOD(urface Painter)水泥地MOD可对地面地表纹理涂刷。 通过此控制台在游戏左下角点击此主题MOD,并在第二列地形里找到人行道纹理点击替换纹理即可,同时人行道旁边有滑动快可以调节纹理大小。 如果您觉得颜色太亮可以通过此MOD (Ultimate Eyecandy 1.5.2) 来调节画面亮度,每个人电脑显示颜色显示不一样,必须通过调节颜色MOD调节。如果您还觉得颜色太艳太亮,请通过色彩校正模...
Criado por Sylveon着急
仓栏式半挂车车厢满载 by whale the hope...
Criado por 言绥
Criado por 红米先生
住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 普通住宅楼资产 占地8X2格 LOD(sub):3500 贴图分辨率:1080P 楼层搞14层 典型中式住宅楼 共计3个单元楼组合 ...
Criado por 红米先生
住宅楼B by Redmi(红米) 普通住宅楼资产 占地8X2格 LOD(sub):3500 贴图分辨率:1080P 楼层搞14层 典型中式住宅楼 共计3个单元楼组合 ...
Criado por CASILLAS
候车大厅 by CASILLAS...
Criado por 小翔xiang
允许掉头标志牌 by 小翔xiang 可在公园-道具栏中或使用find it 搜索标志牌找到此资产 如有任何问题请在评论区留言...
Criado por 红米先生
Criado por 小翔xiang
共享单车 by 小翔xiang 此物品为prop,并非vehicle,如需订阅vehicle版请搜索共享单车(vehicle)。 里面共包含4种共享单车,分别是ofo单车,青桔单车,摩拜单车,哈啰单车。 由于受游戏摆件三角形面数限制且为了减少对性能的影响,该物品并没有进行精细化处理,模型较为粗糙(中等距离看的话还是可以的)。 三角形面数:522,贴图:256x256 --- lod:三角形面数:69,贴图:64x64 可在公园-道具/地形调整-道具里面或使用find it 搜索小翔xiang或共享单车来找到...
Criado por 小翔xiang
共享单车(vehicle)版 by 小翔xiang 注意:!!!此物品需要after dark DLC支持,因为此物品模型套用的是after dark DLC 的自行车模型!!! 该物品属于vehicle中自行车部分,所以它只会出现在人行道和自行车道等非机动车道中,不会与机动车一样出现在机动车道上。 此物品为vehicle,并非prop,如需订阅prop版本请搜索共享单车(prop) 里面共包含4种共享单车,分别是ofo单车,青桔单车,摩拜单车,哈啰单车。 三角形面数:522,贴图:256x256 --- ...
Criado por 红米先生
农村自建房4X3 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
北京三里屯太古里 by 红米 想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129...
北京內城城牆(可拉式) | 北京内城城墙 | Beijing Inner City Wall (draggable)
Criado por Emperor Li
(English description below) 同高架人行道,市民可在城牆上行走,含橋部分 位於人行道選單下 城牆附件請到此處訂閱。 幾個須知項目: 請先鏟平地面 高度可自行調整,建設最高高度12m,建設過高城牆會變成懸空狀態 內不包含夜燈 強烈建議使用Move it!微調 交叉​口地板部份貼圖會有扭曲,所以不建議製作複雜的交叉​口 原模型長為4格(32m),拉過長的距離時城垛和橋墩也相對會過寬,請在適當地方加入節點,減少城(橋)段距離 同高架人行道,市民可在城墙上行走,含桥部分 位于人行道菜单下 ...
北京內城東南角樓 Beijing Inner City South East Corner Watchtower
Criado por Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-09-14*** Change roof color to grey with green edge 改屋頂成灰筒瓦綠琉璃剪邊 ****************************** 中國僅存的規模最大的城垣轉角角樓,始建於明朝正統元年(1436年) (from 維基百科) the largest corner tower still standing in China. It was built from 1436 to 1439. (from Wikipedia) 請...
Criado por 红米先生
北京国贸三期A座 by 红米...
Criado por 小翔xiang
医院红十字标志 by 小翔xiang 有正反面,夜晚可发光,距离拉远后背面会不显示,摆放时请注意 可在公园-道具栏中或使用find it 搜索医院红十字标志找到此物品 如有任何问题请在评论区留言...
Criado por 红米先生
升旗台 by 281775129...
Criado por 小翔xiang
半封闭货运农用电动三轮车 by 小翔xiang !!此资产为摆件!! 贴图和模型参考宗申货运载货农用电动三轮车 贴图大小1024 x 1024 lod:64 x 64 三角形数量:826 lod:36 如有任何问题请在评论区留言或私信b站账号...
Criado por 小翔xiang
半封闭货运农用电动三轮车交通工具 by 小翔xiang !!此资产为道路车辆!! 贴图和模型参考宗申货运载货农用电动三轮车 贴图大小1024 x 1024 lod:64 x 64 三角形数量:826 lod:36 如有任何问题请在评论区留言或私信b站账号...
Criado por 红米先生
南京汉中门如家连锁酒店(分店) by 红米...
南宁国际会展中心|Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center
Criado por yamei
南宁国际会展中心位于广西壮族自治区首府南宁市发展迅速的青秀区中心地带,总建筑面积约48万平方米,包含了18个大小不同的展览大厅,标准展位5500个。 设有可容纳1000人的多功能大厅3个,100人以上的会议室5个,各种标准的会议室8个,并配备餐厅、新闻中心等配套用房。项目于2001年动工兴建,2003年一期工程投入使用,二期工程于2005年竣工。南宁国际会展中心于2014年底启动了升级改造工程,2018年工程完工后,会展中心在展览面积、配套功能、服务设施、车辆停放、智能化建设等基础设施方面得到全面提升,形成...
博华医院 Bohua Hospital
Criado por amamIya
博华医院 Bohua Hospital by amamIya Hospital Real Glass AnimUV Model: Main:6088 Glass:2587 SubMesh:32008 Lod: Main:1381 Others:0 Texture: Main:1024 Others:256 LOD:64...
古风建筑 06-08 Antique Chinese Building
Criado por hikke
大家好 这次继续推出古风建筑 也是参照了古镇里常见的建筑类型。 一共三种式样 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------- hi everyone~~ This is Antique Chinese Building enjoy~~ have fun~~ if you like please rate~~ 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Re...
Criado por CASILLAS
售票大厅 by CASILLAS...
Criado por 红米先生
由于我第一次做道路,经验少,希望各位将用,后面将进一步完善 Since I have little experience in making roads fojavascript:ValidateForm()r the first time, I hope you will use them and further improve them later...
Criado por 红米先生
地下门面 by Redmi(红米) 由于比例原因,可能物件大小并不是您想要的,所以建议您订阅魔物PO,来配合使用即可调整武将长宽高比例,变能达到您想要的大小比例效果。...
Criado por 红米先生
垃圾分类 by 红米...
城市管理局大楼City Authority building
Criado por 红米先生
城市管理局大楼 by 红米 可执行城管执法功能,最好订阅执法功能MOD,或者不订阅也行...
Criado por 红米先生
城市雕塑1 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
多层住宅楼-1 by 逍遥子掌门人 3种一样风格,不一样贴图材质,展示三种多层住宅楼外观...
Criado por 红米先生
大棚蔬菜2 by 红米,长80米,宽15米,白色是半透明玻璃材质...
Criado por 红米先生
大门入口雨棚 by 281775129...
Criado por 红米先生
大门样式4 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
大门样式5 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
大门样式6 by 红米...
天安门华灯A01-CN Lantern A01(无泛光灯版/NO FLOODLIGHT)
Criado por 狼少
细节/Detail: This is no floodlight version , it only has 9 lights on the top 此为无泛光灯版本华灯,仅有9个光源 ...
Criado por 小翔xiang
太阳能路灯 by 小翔xiang 可在地形调整-lights栏中或使用find it 搜索太阳能路灯找到此物品。 该路灯可单独摆放,也可使用network skins 来替换原有路灯(注意:使用network skins 替换路灯后,由于两侧路灯对称性,太阳能板会分别朝向道路两侧两边,而不是一边,如果追求真实可以除去原有路灯使用该资产进行单独摆放)。 如有任何问题,请在下方评论区留言,...
Criado por 红米先生
太阳能 by 281775129...
宇通 ZK6128HQB5Z 原厂涂装 YUTONG
Criado por ZM0263
宇通 ZK6128HQB5Z 原厂涂装 YUTONG by 醉梦0263 公告型号 ZK6128HQB5Z 用途 客运客车,旅游客车,团体客车 车身长度 12000mm 车身宽度 2550mm 车身高度 3695mm 座位数 25-54 最高车速 100km/h...
Criado por 红米先生
安置房小区3-高层 by 红米...
Criado por Shiro
宣传板 农业 by Shiro...
Criado por 红米先生
宣传栏 by 红米...
宣传牌-建国70周年 by 我怎么还是个学渣 宣传牌长24米,高16米 欢迎大家订阅 如果有想要做的图片可以在下方留言或者加q2535387058发给我,有时间我给大家制作。...
Criado por 小翔xiang
封闭式电动三轮车 by 小翔xiang 新资产来啦,该资产为中式电动三轮车(封闭式) 原型和贴图取自淮海电动车 注意!!! 此资产为prop(摆件) 贴图大小:1024 x 1024 lod:64 x 64 三角形数量:700 lod:50 如有任何问题请在评论区留言或私信本人b站账号...
Criado por 小翔xiang
封闭式电动三轮车 交通工具 by 小翔xiang 新资产来啦,该资产为中式电动三轮车(封闭式) 原型和贴图取自淮海电动车 注意!!! 此资产为vehicle(交通工具) 贴图大小:1024 x 1024 lod:64 x 64 三角形数量:700 lod:50 如有任何问题请在评论区留言或私信本人b站账号...
Criado por 红米先生
小区中央公园铺砖 by 红米 共计6个资产,同属公园类资产,可以在公园类属性找到,可以任意角度摆放,也可以PO, 6个资产您可以参考现实小区平面效果图,拼接方式摆放 分辨率:2k LOD:6个资产分别占比不到500左右。 There are 6 assets in total, which belong to park assets. They can be found in park attributes, and can be placed at any angle or po, 6 assets, y...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B13A1
Criado por often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B13A1 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B13A1 建筑风格:欧式古典 样式:A1 三角形计数:4965 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Asset...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B13A2
Criado por often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B13A2 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B13A2 建筑风格:欧式古典 样式:A2 三角形计数:7924 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Asset...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B15A1
Criado por often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B15A1 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B15A1 建筑风格:现代/中式 样式:A1 三角形计数:724 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Asset...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B15A2
Criado por often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B15A2 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B15A2 建筑风格:现代/中式 样式:A2 三角形计数:3656 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Asse...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B3A1
Criado por often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B3A1 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B3A1 建筑风格:现代/中式 样式:A1 占地面积:4*16格 三角形计数:6861 贴图:2048*2048 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Repaint 1.0.2使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos ...
小区住宅Residential quarters-A1
Criado por kami§
小区住宅Residential quarters-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential quarters-A2
Criado por kami§
小区住宅Residential quarters-A2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential quarters-A3
Criado por kami§
小区住宅Residential quarters-A3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B1
Criado por kami§
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B2
Criado por kami§
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B3
Criado por kami§
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D1
Criado por kami§
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D1 by 西伯利亚猫...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D2
Criado por kami§
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D2 by 西伯利亚猫...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D3
Criado por kami§
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D3 by 西伯利亚猫...
Criado por 红米先生
小区宣传栏 by 281775129...
小区底商Podium Building-A1
Criado por kami§
小区底商Podium Building-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
Criado por 红米先生
小区蓝色围栏 by 逍遥子掌门人...
Criado por 红米先生
小广场 by 红米...
市图书馆 City Libary
Criado por amamIya
市图书馆 City Libary by amamIya...
Criado por UNFU
广州大剧院是广州新中轴线上的标志性建筑之一,是目前华南地区最先进、最完善和最大的综合性表演艺术中心。坐落于珠江新城花城广场旁,以璀璨的文化地标身份,为中国大胆探索着剧院经营管理新模式和改革发展道路。 广州大剧院由第一位获得“普利兹克建筑奖”的女性、英籍伊拉克设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计,是她进入中国的处女作和成名作 。广州大剧院宛如两块被珠江水冲刷过的灵石,奇特的外形充满奇思妙想。全球顶级声学大师哈罗德·马歇尔博士,为广州大剧院精心打造的声学系统,达到世界一流水平,使其传递出近乎完美的视听效果,获得全球建筑界及艺...
Criado por 红米先生
广州天誉花园 by 红米...
庆铃五十铃 ISUZU ELF KV600 货拉拉上装
Criado por 硬施德Ngenschde
庆铃五十铃KV600载货车是重庆庆铃汽车生产的中国版Elf轻卡。 Qingling KV600 is the Chinese version of the classic Isuzu light truck Elf made in Chongqing, China. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 3980/112 Textures: 1024*1024/128*128...
Criado por 红米先生
底商商铺1 by 红米...
Criado por yamei
CCSF系列 底商A1 羊咩ym制作...
Criado por often
底商B1 by 2027877373...
Criado por yamei
CCSF系列 底商A2 羊咩ym制作...
Criado por often
底商B2 by 2027877373...
Criado por yamei
CCSF系列 底商A3 羊咩ym制作...
Criado por yamei
CCSF系列 底商A4 羊咩ym制作...
Criado por yamei
CCSF系列 底商A5 羊咩ym制作...
Criado por 小翔xiang
德州市德城区政府大楼 by 小翔xiang 此建筑在原型上稍作修改。 三角形数量:1726 lod三角形数量:144 贴图大小1024 x 1024 lod贴图大小: 128 x 128 如有任何问题请在下方留言...
Criado por 小翔xiang
德州市政府大楼 by 小翔xiang 8.19更新,降低建筑亮度,略微缩小建筑体积 此资产参照德州市政府大楼建模,略微有所修改。 三角形数量:3444 贴图大小:1024 x 1024 lod三角形数量:102 lod贴图大小:128 x 128 如有任何问题请在评论区留言获或私信b站账号。...
Criado por 红米先生
Criado por 红米先生
新中式大门景观墙 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
新中式大门 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
原型是碧桂园住宅楼户型, 共计两种楼层一个高层30层, 另一个6层多层, 住宅楼属性, 欢迎订阅!...
新中式篮球场 排球场
Criado por 红米先生
新中式篮球场 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
新式小区大门 by 281775129...
Criado por 红米先生
旧城住宅楼样式-1 by 红米...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-A1
Criado por kami§
Chinese Old Apartment-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-A2
Criado por kami§
Chinese Old Apartment-A2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-A3
Criado por kami§
Chinese Old Apartment-A3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B1
Criado por kami§
Chinese Old Apartment-B1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B2
Criado por kami§
Chinese Old Apartment-B2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B3
Criado por kami§
Chinese Old Apartment-B3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-C1
Criado por kami§
Criado por 红米先生
早餐车3 by 红米(包括一个古代店小二人物)prop版本...
Criado por JenkinsLiu
智己L7 by JenkinsLiu Model Information Tris: 2432/150 Textures: 2048*2048/256*256...
月门 Moon gate
Criado por hikke
大家好 这次制作的是月亮门 一共二个版本,有门的和没门的 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 资产背景介绍: 月亮门又称月洞门或月门,为中国古典园林、住宅中在院墙上开设的圆弧形洞门,因圆形如月而得名,既作为院与院之间的出入通道,又可透过门洞引入另一侧的景观,兼具实用性与装饰性。月亮门两侧的墙体通常刷成粉白色,并在门的边缘处留有灰色的装饰边,下部做平不设门槛,上部则设计有点明意境的横向匾额。除用于院落之间的分隔与过渡外,亦可用于室内空间。 Hello everyone this is Moon gate A to...
条幅大气球(Big balloons)
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随风飘动的带条幅气球 A fluttering balloon with a streamed balloon...
Criado por 红米先生
杭州平海旺角2 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
杭州湖滨银泰in77-B by 红米...
松の落葉 PROP Pine fallen leaves
Criado por TOKACHI269
松の落葉 Pine fallen leaves 松の落葉です。Propなのでdecalと重ねてもチカチカすることはありません。 Pine leaves. Because it is a Prop, it will not flicker even if it is overlapped with decal. <Mesh info> Main triss : 32, 40 tex size : 256x512, 512x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 4 tex size : 64...
柴山第二~三ビル_Shibayama 2~3 Building(Fictitious)
Criado por shibakata
■概要(Overview) 柴山第二~三ビル 今回のビルは、新宿歌舞伎町にありそうな建蔽率80%、容積率800%を目一杯利用したペンシルビルです。 幅7m、奥行29m、高さ31mサイズで、ゲーム内で1×4マスとなります。 小柄ながらも、ベンチ、看板、貯水槽、換気フード、段ボール、雨除け、ペントハウス、物置小屋、避雷針、灰皿、TVアンテナにもこだわっております。 柴山第二ビルは、テナントがほとんど入っていない雑居ビルです。 一階の書店と四階の興信所のみしか入居しておらず、屋上看板も撤去されております。労働人口...
柴山第四~五ビル_Shibayama 4~5th Building
Criado por shibakata
■概要(Overview) 柴山第四~五ビル 第二~三ビルタイプを低くしたもので、正面以外は大きく変わりません。 テナントは1990年頃の大阪の恵美須町を想定しています。 懐かしいと思っていただければ幸いです。 柴山第四ビルは、テナントが多い雑居ビルです。 小さいながらも郵便局と電器店が入居しています。労働人口15名(RICO) 縦型屋上看板_Vertical rooftop sign をいれなくても、屋上がさみしくなるだけなのでお好みでどうぞ。 柴山第五ビルは、何が入っているかよくわかりませんので、繁華街...
校园广场Campus square
Criado por 魔芋爽
校园广场 by 无番和 6*8格的小广场,均使用原版素材无附加模型。 做出来是为了搭配我发布的“科技大学校门”资产使用。 订阅后你可以在“公园”列表中找到它。 —————— The small squares of 6 to 8 squares all use the original material without additional models. It is made to match the assets of "The gate of the University of Science and...
Criado por 听风说雨
桑園自動車学校(SOEN DRIVING SCHOOL) by 听风说雨 这次制作的是位于日本札幌桑園駅旁边的一座带有楼顶驾校的大型超商,同样的,为了让它更适合于天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的简化修改,本次建筑的主体部分并没有用到submesh或者sub building,所以你可以对他进行PO修改等操作,当然,透明玻璃部分依旧只能使用sub来实现,建筑总面数约为30000面,贴图大小约为2K多一点,我之后估计也会发布一个低分辨率的版本,若您需要的话请关注我,能实时获取相关动态,如果您有任何关于日本建筑的有...
Criado por 红米先生
欧式居民楼30层 by Redmi(红米) 共计三栋分别:30层一栋 17层一栋 8层一栋,属于住宅楼建筑类,风格偏向于闽南风格建筑...
Criado por 红米先生
共计两辆车:分辨率2K LOD:分别占用2200 车载属性。...
正陽門箭樓 | 正阳门箭楼 | Zhengyangmen Archery Tower
Criado por Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-09-14*** Change roof color to grey with green edge 改屋頂成灰筒瓦綠琉璃剪邊 ****************************** 正陽門箭樓 This is a new version of the gate with new wall texture. It's compatible with the draggable Beijing Inner City Wall. I recommand to use this...
汉代阙楼Han Dynasty(China) side tower
Criado por MC100
注意:新版本已经发布,请订阅新版本: Attention:The new version has come out,please be subscribed to the new one: 汉阙Han Dynasty(China) side towe...
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 农业
Criado por ZM0263
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 农业 by 醉梦0263 Type:agriculture; farming; ...
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 商业
Criado por ZM0263
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 商业 by 醉梦0263 Type:commerce; trade; business;...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 农业货车 标准涂装
Criado por ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 农业货车 标准涂装 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 农业货车 金坷垃运输车
Criado por ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 农业货车 金坷垃运输车 by 醉梦0263 整车尺寸 5.995米 2.13米 3.1米 货箱参数 4.07米 2.05米 2.05米...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 商业区货车 标准涂装
Criado por ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 商业区货车 标准涂装 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 工业区货车 标准涂装
Criado por ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 工业区货车 标准涂装 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-中通快递
Criado por ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-中通快递 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-申通快递
Criado por ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-申通快递 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-韵达快递
Criado por ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-韵达快递 by 醉梦0263...
Criado por 红米先生
河提走廊 by 红米...
Criado por 513751247
中式治安岗亭 by 513751247...
Criado por 小翔xiang
派出所 by 小翔xiang 资产萌新的第一个建筑资产,资产占地4x3 如有任何问题请在评论区留言...
混泥土搅拌机 Concrete mixer
Criado por liaupt
混泥土搅拌机 Concrete mixer by liaupt...
Criado por 红米先生
湖州从长兴紫金大酒店 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
长兴县博物馆即长兴太湖博物馆,成立于1976年7月19日。原馆址在长兴县雉城镇县前西街99号,现址位于浙江省长兴县太湖新城中央大道与滨湖大道交叉口南侧,由美国建筑师马歇尔·斯特拉巴拉设计。 2000年长兴县政府投资6000万元在雉城镇人民广场新建长兴会展中心,其中博物馆拥有馆室3500平方米,于2002年元旦正式对外开放。2003年博物馆又在浙江省县级博物馆中率先对外免费开放。 资产贴图:2K LOD:1500, 占地:10X8 高度:8层楼高...
Criado por 红米先生
湖州长兴皇冠假日大酒店 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
特色中式住宅楼32层-2 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
现代住宅楼20层 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
现代商铺底商 by 红米 现代中式底商,搜索词请直接复制标题搜索 分辨率2K,使用SUB方式制作完成 LOD:3000 高密度商业住宅楼属性,占地8X2格。楼房高度18米...
Criado por 红米先生
现代城市广场贴图1 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
现代小区围栏护栏 by 逍遥子掌门人 公园属性 LOD:1010 分辨率:1024X1024...
Criado por 红米先生
现代底商商铺样式-1 by 红米...
现代底商 Modern Shopping Mall
Criado por KimuXY
现代底商 Modern Shopping Mall...
Criado por 红米先生
现代新中式住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 新式现代住宅楼共计2栋,一栋为30层,另外一栋20层,属性是普通住宅楼属性 占地6X3格子 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K...
Criado por 红米先生
现代高层住宅楼27层 by 红米...
田んぼパック Rice field packs
Criado por TOKACHI269
Rice fields 4種類の田んぼアセット(3色)、休耕地、あぜ道、用水路、橋などを追加します。遠景でも表示されます。 add four types of Rice fields (three colors), fallow land, Rice field footpath, irrigation canal, bridge and so on. displayed in the distant view. 地面が貫通してしまうときはClipping Networkをお使いください。 Please u...
Criado por ELeven夜
申通快递电瓶三轮车 by 大福蝶...
Criado por 小翔xiang
电动三轮车 by 小翔xiang !!此资产为摆件(prop)!! 模型及贴图参考宗申电动车 三角形数量:780 lod:46 贴图大小:1024 x 1024 lod:64 x 64 如有任何问题请在评论区留言或私信b站账号...
电动伸缩门 Electric telescopic door
Criado por qiaokes
放置于门卫,可用于学校,工厂等场所。 包含两个资产,分别为关闭和打开状态的电动伸缩门。 The asset can be placed on the gate of school ,factory,etc. It consists of two assets, a opening one and a closed one. ...
石墩石球Stone mound and stone ball
Criado por 红米先生
石墩石球 by 红米 50公分宽度LOD在850左右...
Criado por 红米先生
石家庄未来时间商务大厦 by 红米...
石桥 Stone Bridge
Criado por hikke
大家好 这次制作的是石拱桥 古镇常见元素之一 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Remarks stone bridge 1895 398 1024x1024 512x512 park hi everyone~~ This is stone brtdge~ enjoy~~ have fun~~ if you like please rate~~...
石橋斎場_Ishibashi Funeral Hall
Criado por shibakata
■概要(Overview) 茨城県つくばみらい市谷井田にあるセレモニー石橋会館です。 遺族部屋11畳バス・トイレ完備、霊安室完備で比較的新しい施設です。 Ceremony Ishibashi Kaikan in Taniida, Tsukuba Mirai, Ibaraki Prefecture. Survivor's room 11 tatami bath and toilet fully equipped, it is a relatively new facility with a complete ...
Criado por 红米先生
碧桂园住宅楼 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
社会主义核心价值观 by 红米...
Criado por ZEIR
分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:福田 系列:BJ6128 涂装:北京公交 颜色:可变(电显Logo变色、后风挡顶部变色) 载客量:180 Category: Vehicle+Prop Type: Bus Brand: FOTON Series: BJ6128 Skin: Beijing Bus Color: Change Color Passenger capacity: 180 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel good, you can donate me ...
科技大学校门University gate
Criado por 魔芋爽
科技大学校门 by 无番和 其原型为武汉科技大学(黄家湖校区)西大门,模型三角形面数约为3170,自动生成的LOD。 左右两个门可以设置为进出的单行道,就像我在展示图里展示的那样。 同时我还做了一个6*8格的校园广场(点进我的列表中可以找到),适合搭配这个资产使用。 订阅后你可以在等级2的独特建筑下找到它。 —————— The gate of the University of Science and Technology The prototype is the west gate of Wuhan U...
站前广场Station Square
Criado por 红米先生
想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129 共计两个资产,属性同属公园类目,占地大小在16X10格,高度0.02米左右, 分辨率2K, LOD:只用了1000左右,因为就是一个平面铺砖形式,一张完整的铺砖地砖贴图而已,自己可以在上面添加任何物件,其中有一个广场铺砖带有两个地下坑,可供玩家自己摆放电梯商铺等物件,另外整个资产大小可以通过魔物模组任意改变大小。 There are two assets in total, belonging to the same category of ...
Criado por 红米先生
篮球场 by 红米...
篮球场1x3 Basketball Court
Criado por 魔芋爽
篮球场1x3 by 无番和 本公园由三个标准篮球场组成,长4格,宽2格,其中包含长椅和垃圾桶,四周有围栏防止球飞出去。 三角形面数2300(不含附加的灯光模组),自动生成的LOD模型。 注意,你需要定制我之前发布的“照明灯具组合套装1”才能正常使用里面的“双侧球场照明灯”。 —————— The park consists of three standard basketball courts, 4 squares long and 2 squares wide, including benches and...
Criado por 红米先生
红色墙砖围栏围墙 by 红米...
组合式古风建筑套装 Antique Chinese Building(modular)
Criado por hikke
大家好 这次推出的是组合式套装 一共三种宽度规格的房子+一个配套的马头墙 可以组合出多种形式,比如我预览图那种 还有就是我把占地调整了一下,移到河边应该不会影响地形 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 注:可以使用find it 单独调出来放置 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Remarks fgjz-3 577 216 1024x1024 512x512 building fgjz-4 633 184 1024x1024 512x512 building fgjz...
Criado por 红米先生
凯虹广场于2011年12月1日开张营业,隶属于浙江舟山凯虹集团,是浙江省舟山市东港街道一个集百货、餐饮、娱乐、休闲文化、观光于一体的大型购物中心,是高档次、高品位商业旗舰。凯虹广场经营理念深化购物中心核心的主题:时尚、休闲、人性化。 此资产为独特建筑大型商场,占地16X16,高度相当于5层楼高, 贴图分辨率2k, LOD:2000.配带LED彩色夜景 ,可PO放大缩小。...
萬里長城 The Great Wall of China
Criado por Emperor Li
(English description below) 同高架人行道,市民可在長城上行走,含橋部分 位於人行道選單下 樓臺和烽火臺請到此處訂閱。 券門請到此處訂閱。 幾個須知項目: 高度可自行調整,建設最高高度7m,建設過高城牆會變成懸空狀態 (原模型向地下延伸2m,用來覆蓋建於斜坡上可能會產生的縫隙) 強烈建議使用Move it!微調 交叉​口地板部份貼圖會有扭曲,所以不建議製作複雜的交叉​口(這是長城,不是馬路!) 原模型長為4格(32m),拉過長的距離時城垛和橋墩也相對會過寬,請在適當地方加入節點,減...
Criado por 红米先生
蓝色卡车 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
蓝顶小楼房2 by 红米,这里我是截图的,没有P过的,订阅后就看到了,空调啥的都有...
薄墙Filmy Wall
Criado por amamIya
薄墙Filmy Wall by amamIya...
Criado por 红米先生
西安交通大学附属中学起源于1896年建立的交通大学前身南洋公学及其中院,1981年恢复重建,1991年被命名为陕西省、西安市两级重点中学,2009年被评为陕西省首批七所示范高中之一,并先后获得 “全国青年文明号”、“全国创新型学校”、“全国科研兴校示范基地”、“首批全国中小学知识产权教育示范学校”、“全国体育工作示范学校”、“全国青少年校园篮球特色学校”、“全国青少年校园足球特色学校”、“全国学校艺术教育先进单位”、“陕西省文明校园”、“西安市普通高中课程改革先进单位”等荣誉称号。 The Affiliat...
Criado por 红米先生
西安交大附小航天校区钟楼 by 红米...
Criado por 红米先生
西安交大附小航天校区 by 红米...
Criado por 76561198822036937
Criado por Sylveon着急
解放jh6---oocl 后期我会出更多的国产集装箱卡车敬请期待,此车为石油类卡车,资产有什么问题的话请在下方留言---by whale's hope...
Criado por 红米先生
足球场 by 红米...
Criado por ELeven夜
本资产为森林防火警示板,内附4中背景与警示语的看板 游戏中在环境美化类的道具项目中可以找到 三角形:74 顶点:148 贴图:512*512 看板内容分别为: 1.放火烧山,牢底坐穿 2.植树造林美名扬,放火烧山进牢房 3.山上一缕烟,拘留十五天 4.上午一把火,下午派出所...
Criado por 红米先生
道路天桥大门版本 by 红米 类似PROP方式一样摆放即可,请开启道路无碰撞摆放安全。门型中间宽度为45米,适合超宽道路或者高速道路使用。...
Criado por 红米先生
重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(4节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (4car)
Criado por Kaeru教信者 载具信息 Information: 名称 Name 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(4节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (4car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(4両編成) 类型 Vehicle Type 跨座式单轨列车 Straddle monorail train 速度 ...
重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (6car)
Criado por Kaeru教信者 载具信息 Information: 名称 Name 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (6car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(6両編成) 类型 Vehicle Type 跨座式单轨列车 Straddle monorail train 速度 ...
Criado por 红米先生
铜陵恒玖金山广场大厦 by 红米 大型商场,商住楼,占地比较大,有100多米长宽度25米,高度70米,共计20层左右。...
Criado por 听风说雨
関電ビルディング by 听风说雨 制作不易,帮忙点点赞吧! 这个建筑是位于日本大阪市的关西电力总部大楼,我对资产几乎所有的部分都进行了细致的建模以及贴图的制作,对屋顶部分的刻画较为精细,但由于资料以及面数的限制,在大楼左侧部分的位于二楼的平台我就没有进行制作,取而代之的是一面带侧窗的墙,为此稍有遗憾,整栋建筑带有一个sub mesh以及一个sub building,所以整栋楼没有办法转化为PO,顶层部分的夜灯需要additive shader这个mod支持,请务必订阅这个mod。 该建筑在游戏中占地7×8格...
陕汽德龙Shaanxi Auto Delong
Criado por Sylveon着急
陕汽德龙来自中国陕西的卡车品牌 Shaanxi Auto Delong is a truck brand from Shaanxi China...
雅迪电动车Yadi Electric car(vehicle)
Criado por 忆起时
Criado por 红米先生
青岛百盛购物商厦 by 红米...
Criado por 言绥
韶山4型电力机车 + 25G型新绿皮硬座车 是的,你没有看错,这不是模拟火车,这是天际线的一个列车资产。 ...
Criado por 红米先生
马鞍山海外海集团综合楼 by 红米...
高层公寓楼high-rise block
Criado por 红米先生
公寓楼 by 红米 酒店式公寓楼可以大面积摆放,高都在100米,共25层左右。占地4X2格子...
Criado por 红米先生
高速服务区 by 红米 有服务区建筑+高杆灯两件资产,为商业型建筑,占地8X3格子,贴图1024X1024...
🎍門松🎍 Kadomatsu
Criado por TOKACHI269
Kadomatsu 門松 門松です。おまけでのぼりもついています。 Kadomatsu is the New Year’s decorative pine branches. a little something extra Banner. <Mesh info> Main triss : 314 tex size : 256x512, 320x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 12 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 http...
1*1 small stone lino
Criado por dabaofu
small stone lino by dabaofu unique Space:1*1 Cost: 600 Electricity:5 Maintenance: 50...
12 storey step corridor12层台阶走廊
Criado por 红米先生
12层台阶走廊,宽度为6米,长度无限 ,类似道路一样可以拉长,适合住宅楼或者办公大楼等建筑门口摆放拉长,作为景观使用。 The 12-storey step corridor is 12 meters wide and infinite in length. It can be lengthened like the road. It is suitable for the gate of residential building or office building to be lengthened fo...
Criado por 红米先生
18层中式经典住宅楼 by 红米...
Criado por LIME
Asset Type: Prop Thanks for the core79 plan Use of assets:
2012 Honda Goldwing
Criado por ninjanoobslayer
Ride a Motorcycle to Work, School, and Fun Update for parking fix! On a bright sunny day, what better way to relax than to cruise down the roads in the top of the line motorcycle in Honda's lineup. Starting at $24,699, it fe...
Criado por PeeKyboo
落实一户一墩,从我做起(顺便庆祝小论文EI期刊网络首发) 2022北京冬奥会吉祥物冰墩墩和雪荣融,高约10m,公园属性,自带夜光。 其他尺寸下次一定(doge) ...
Criado por 红米先生
33层高层住宅楼 by 红米...
35kV Power Line
Criado por Kollati
35kV Power Line by Kollati Cost: 40/cell Upkeep: 0.32/Week/cell Triangles: 810 LOD Triangles: 74 Texture: 512x1024 Lod Texture: 256x256 Prop: Triangles: 1494 LOD Triangles: 60 Texture: 512x512 Lod Texture: 32x32 (auto) Transformer prop on the first pole....
3x3C Kyoto Block #6 (Lv1 Office)
Criado por BachToBaroque
'Tamaribuchi Heavy Manufacturing Concern' office branch & 7Eleven on the ground floor. Tamaribuchi was once a joint venture company with Matsumura Fishworks but decided to split after a sharp decline in sales worldwide over their bestselling product, Mr.Sp...
Criado por LIME
4x3 Rusty Warehouse 3 - Growable + RICO
Criado por tentman
4x3 Rusty Warehouse 3 - with Color Variations - Screenshots were taken with Daylight Classic and Realistic II LUT. In-Game Asset - Generic Industrial Level 1 - Color variations for levels of rust on the roof - Ploppable with the Find It! or RICO Main Model...
4x4 Rusty Warehouse 2 - Growable + RICO
Criado por tentman
4x4 Rusty Warehouse 2 - with Color Variations - Screenshots were taken with Daylight Classic and Realistic II LUT. In-Game Asset - Generic Industrial Level 1 - Supports Color Variations, but they are subtle, and painted on the concrete, along with subtle s...
6-storey step corridor6层台阶走廊
Criado por 红米先生
6层台阶走廊,宽度为6米,长度无限 ,类似道路一样可以拉长,适合住宅楼或者办公大楼等建筑门口摆放拉长,作为景观使用。 The 6-storey step corridor is 6 meters wide and infinite in length. It can be lengthened like the road. It is suitable for the gate of residential building or office building to be lengthened for l...
Criado por LIME
62 Sai Yeung Choi St S, Mong Kok .Hong Kong 西洋菜南街62號
Criado por t1993810
suggestion to use mod of Ploppable RICO Prop Snapping Prop & Tree Anarchy AC Units...
7 eleven gas station ( ploppable RICO )
Criado por SvenBerlin
7 eleven gas station by Svenpotsdam inspiration= 7 eleven gas station San Diego, California size 5x6 triangles 1748 LOD 175...
Criado por Ronyx69
7-Eleven / Seven Eleven / 7-11 Japanese convenience store inspired by this one:,136.8844002,3a,41.1y,304.49h,91.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srEQIGLrQB5XtXtxwp-v4Jg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 It's a growable but sub meshes might not ap...
Criado por LIME
a small house
Criado por XDBX
a small house1 by XDBX 在公园一栏中可以找到 这是会所qq群推出的一个开源资产,来方便一些制作资产的初学者 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XDBX’都市天际线资产娱乐会所: Welcome to XDBX‘s G...
Ability to Read
Criado por REV0
Only modders will understand. Feel free to use in your mods as a required item. Provides 10K entertainment bonus. Only visible in Asset Editor....
AC Units
Criado por Emperor Li
3 AC Units Required props for my taiwanese commercial buildings. 模型資料 | model infos: Tris: 16-20 maps: 128x64 (d,a,i,s,c) LOD tris: 12 LOD maps: 64x32 (d,a,i,s,c) Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Air ducts 3
Criado por Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Airport Hangar
Criado por Ronyx69
Includes an airport hangar and door props. The doors are as seperate props so you can choose how open they are. Made by editing my logistics warehouse a bit. Main: 5448 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 56 tris 256x256 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Si...
Airport Runway 60m
Criado por amamIya
Airport Runway 60m by amamIya...
Airport Runway 80m
Criado por amamIya
Airport Runway 80m by amamIya...
Airport Taxiway 40m
Criado por amamIya
Airport Taxiway 40m by amamIya...
Alternative Parking Decals Pack
Criado por DeCzaah
You can find the functional park-version here. Also, take a look at the Youtube video for a better view! Alternative Parking Decals This decal pack is designed for people, who wants to give their parking lots a special look. Away from all those boring, sta...
Alternative Parking Pack (functional Park)
Criado por DeCzaah
You can find the decals for these parking lots here. These decals are recommended since these park assets are based on the parking decals, so make sure you subscribe to them! Else you will just have an empty space! Also, take a look at the Youtube video fo...
Ama Quay 24m
Criado por amamIya
Ama Quay 24m by amamIya...
American High School Football Stadium
Criado por Cristolisto
Update 2/23/2022: My second asset has been updated to current model standards. Crazy to see how I started. Pretty much everything has been remade but the name, asset size, asset stats remain the same. Ready for the Friday night lights? This stadium is perf...
Animated Billboard Pack #02
Criado por Stringer Bell
Another set of 10 animated billboards for your city. Again, do not be discouraged by the file size, since I'm packing 10 props into one workshop item, these billboards are really just 20Mb a piece. They are all low polys and the texture size is well within...
Criado por Ronyx69
Includes 4 antennas. Found in industrial props. Originally made for the japanese fire department, but usable for anything. Main: 59 - 150 tris 64x256 LOD: 8 - 12 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
ANZ Tower
Criado por Robert
The ANZ tower, also known as 161/163 Castlereagh St, or the ANZ Bank Centre, was completed in early 2013. This 193m tall recreation modifies the rear plaza a bit to work on flat surfaces. This has a couple of notable features - the whole north-eastern faca...
Apple Store Fifth Avenue
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Apple Store San Francisco
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Apple Store at Union Square, San Francisco. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 6,984 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / diff...
Aqua Fun Park
Criado por bennymedia
Aqua Fun Park by bennymedia (Updated V 1.3, ready for After Dark) The Aqua Fun Park provides huge bathing and swimming fun for everyone. Aqua Fun Park Park Info:13x8 plots Construction cost : 9500 Maintenance cost : 220 Electricity consumption : 5 Garbage:...
Asphalt Rural Road
Criado por Ronyx69
A simple rural asphalt road based on the vanilla gravel road. Includes 3 decals and a prop as well. The transitions to most other roads will look pretty bad, transitioning to the basic 2 lane road on a straight looks reasonable. Main: 4 - 128 tris 1024x102...
Azalea Bushes
Criado por MrMaison
Azalea Bushes by MrMaison Add more color to your landscapes with this 6 pack of generic Azalea bushes. These bushes are versatile and can be used for hedges too. STATS: All 6 bushes are 144 tris each with 1024 textures Strong Suggestions Tree LOD Fix by TP...
Criado por often
此模型为测试版本,请订阅正式版模型。 正式版链接:
Criado por often
此模型为测试版本,请订阅正式版模型。 正式版链接:
Basket Sofa & Cocktail Table Pack
Criado por marconok19
Basket Sofa & Cocktail Table Pack These props were requested by my friend on facebook. He lit up my idea about basket sofa for hotel and pool decoration. This pack contains basket sofas which is a wicker and fabric version. Each version has 4 different col...
Basketball Hoop (Prop)
Criado por Dennie Mok So what is this? This is probably the only stationary, permanent, metal framed basketball hoop design you can find in the workshop at the moment. HAHA Yep, very sadly it's the only choice you have now! So don't be picky! It'...
Bauhaus Dessau
Criado por Ronyx69
This asset marks the one year anniversary of my asset creation adventures. Bauhaus Dessau, Germany Walter Gropius, 1925 1925-1932: School of Design 1945: Partial destruction due to bombing 1972: First R...
Bauhaus Signs
Criado por Ronyx69
Bauhaus Signs for the Bauhaus Dessau:
Beijing Inner City Wall Accessories 1 北京內城城牆附件一
Criado por Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-09-14*** Change roof color of side gate 1 to grey 改閘門1屋頂成灰筒瓦 ****************************** ***UPDATE 2020-07-15*** Add 2 more buildings: enemy platform with ramps and watergate. (see last two pictures) 新增水門和敵台馬道 (見最後兩張圖) *******************...
Beijing Inner City Wall Accessories 2 北京內城城牆附件二
Criado por Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2020-06-16*** add light effect and change lantern's texture Custom Effect Loader now needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 更新燈籠貼圖和增加燈源 需要Custom Effect Loader!!!!!!!!!!!! ****************************** Including 5 props: One guard house (tris 490; LOD tris 14) 4 ...
Beijing Temple Props
Criado por Emperor Li
Including 13 Beijing temple props. Roof color of the main hall and temple gate can be change using PropPainter. Flag is animated. All props have 1024x1024 px texture (LOD: 128x128). Some of th...
Criado por notDONEyet
2 Versions Model Tris Count : 244 Texture Size : 512x1024 (shared)
Benetton Foggia
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 3x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the United Colors of Benetton building in Foggia, Italy. It works best as a wall-to-wall building. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this as...
Criado por Meow
A small Transformer Station Building for rural and urban areas: - ploppable anywhere - working as electricity building - produces a small amount of electricity - no noise, pollution, workers, water consumption, etc. - building cost: 3000, maintenance cost:...
Traditional Chinese market pack
Criado por RyanCat
Traditional Chinese market pack(props) by RyanCat Contains 14 props Support me here...
Traction Power Substation
Criado por REV0
Electricity - Substation Brig, Switzerland Portfolio on: Support via: Support via: Follow me on: Request, contact https://i.imgu...
Track and field
Criado por Tomas13TO
Athletics events for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,i (2048x1024) triangles - 5644 LOD triangles - 96 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 12x8 ...
Toyota Supra
Criado por Archie Cuntingham
Yay, Gran Turismo!! Updated for After Dark. model; 500 tris 256x256 textures lod; 43 tris 64x64 texture Model and texture converted from Gran Turismo ...
Toyota Pickup Farming
Criado por Beardmonkey
Toyota Pickup Farming by Beardmonkey This is a rework of my Toyota Pickup for farming districts. I've added a few details like a spare wheel and a bullbar. Lots of dirt of course, slightly bigger wheels and higher ground clearance. Tris: 976 Texture: 1024x...
Criado por kazuma76
TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 100 Triangle Polygon Count Main : 3284 Lod : 30 Support Ofuse (Donation)...
Tommy Hilfiger Cologne
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 1x2 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Tommy Hilfiger Store located at Schildergasse, Cologne, Germany. It works best as a wall-to-wall building. The model includes two giant animated displays each looping a short TH ad -- my first...
Tire fenders
Criado por Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic Tire fenders for my quays. The prop consists of 4 tires. A special thank you To my patron Pasi :D Model Tris: 376 Texture: 256x128 LOD Tris: 88 Texture: 64x32 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Col...
Tiny wood terraced planter pack
Criado por Avanya
Even more planters! This pack contains 3 tiny parks (1x1) with terraced planters nicely decorated. They can be plopped anywhere without complaining, which in turn means they don't get visitors (visitors = needs road connection). They're great for filling i...
Ticket Vending Machines with Touchscreen [Pack]
Criado por Polygon] Some tags: TVM, Ticket Vending Machine, Apple, Loki...
The Secluded Pavilion of Firmiana Simplex and Bamboo 梧竹幽居
Criado por Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
The Hall of Distant Fragrance 遠香堂
Criado por Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Hall of Distant Fragrance is t...
The Great Wall's Watch Towers 長城樓臺
Criado por Emperor Li
長城樓臺和烽火臺 內含兩種款式 放置需要無碰撞模組 位於石頭選單下 長城請到此處訂閱。 The Great Wall's watch towers including two variations You need any mod with road anarchy to build them. Found under Landscaping \ Rocks For the Great Wall itself, please visit here. -----------------------------...
Bentley Continental SS 2010
Criado por Lauby
Bentley Continental Supersport 2010 Polycount: 2672 Colors: Black, Silver, Red, Green ...
The Great Wall's Entrance 長城券門
Criado por Emperor Li
******Update 2017.11.29****** Asset is updated using the invisible pedestrian path from ako_ako. Because there is another invisible pedestrian path in the workshop and since it has more subscribers, I'll use that one in the future instead of mine ( invisiv...
Thai Tropical Contemporary + Modern House | Volume 1
Criado por Palm'sTime
Thai Tropical Contemporary + Modern House Volume 1 By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Contains 11 houses + 1 garage (for HBA620C house) Type Low density residential. Storey 1-3 Storey Tris 587 - 2,222 (Main) | 38 - 332 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 1,024 (Main) ...
Thai Shopping Mall Sign
Criado por NKZ.
Thai Shopping Mall Sign by NKZ. Info This pack contains 19 prop Major CINEPLEX Sign 01-02 : Movie theatre Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) : Bank Bangkok bank : Bank Krungsri Bank : Bank MC jean : Fast fashion KT Optic : Optical shop KAMU / Come reflect your moo...
Thai School Multipurpose Building (4 Pack)
Criado por Palm'sTime
Thai School Multipurpose Building 4 Pack By Palm'sTime Info: Contains 4 buildings – 3 x Multipurpose buildings – 1 x Semi permanent building Type Education (for semi-permanent building). Park (for Multipurpose buildings) Tris Multipurpose building: 592 / 8...
Criado por Ronyx69
Includes 5 different bikes - both vehicle and prop versions. Found in industrial props. The pedals spin (it's set as a wheel) but they will rarely match with the cim pedaling animation, as different cims have different animations and positions. Main: 914 -...
Big Decal Cargo Yard
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Exposed Rebar
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Grass
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal More Stains
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Mud
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Patched Cracks
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Puddles
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Road Damage
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Road Wear
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Skid Marks
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Tire Marks
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Wetness
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Retaining Walls
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Boat Trailer
Criado por Ronyx69
A simple boat trailer. Found in industrial props. This trailer was originally made in November 2016 for Fresh Popcorn, but was never released. That's why it has a San Minato plate. I am too lazy to make something right now but I still want to keep my relea...
Bollard for quay
Criado por Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A bollard intended for large ships. A special thank you To my patron Pasi :D Model Tris: 215 Texture: 256x256 LOD Tris: 66 Texture: 32x32 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however ...
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
brick iron gate
Criado por Sparks
brick iron gate by Sparks...
Brick laying style
Criado por 红米先生
现代铺砖,地砖,商业人形砖,共计6个,占地5X5格 属性:prop物件类,可PO魔物 分辨率:1024 LOD: 40 可以放在任何地方,专用放在办公楼,CBD写字楼商业区,作为大厦底座铺砖使用 There are 6 modern paving tiles, floor tiles and commercial humanoid tiles, covering an area of 5x5 squares Property: prop object class, which can be used to ...
Brick Wall 1 network
Criado por Lost Gecko
Brick wall Network based on the vanilla Castle Walls ruins (currently found in the water structure tab - to be fixed). Height: 2.5m by default. Can be raised up to 3.5m with the Move It! mod (link below). Follows the terrain but doesn't flatten it, so it c...
Brown dirt decals
Criado por Avanya
2 large decals made for my bulk storages One 4x8 with 2048x1024 texture One 4x4 with 512x512 texture Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributio...
BTB Caisses Sociales De Monaco (Office)
Criado por BachToBaroque
This asset is made for & part of PugGaming's 'Project Monaco'. More info here (Video) Based on the actual building located in Monaco(La Condamine). The building is not an exact replica, it has been modified to fit into the maximum 4x4 zoning. Info: - filen...
BTB City Recycle
Criado por BachToBaroque
Welp I got bored and started to doodle with assets again. Here's a mid sized recycling center suitable for low population cities. Unrealisticaly clean super-efficient, low noise/power/water consumption, and cheap to build. Basic Stats: Size - 10 x 8 Cost -...
BTB Community College
Criado por BachToBaroque
Starpoint Community College offers Technical Degrees & General Education Certs for drop-outs. The building also shares with a 24hr gym & a sushi bar. Basic Stats: Size - 8 x 5 Cost - 75 000 Upkeep - 880 /week Power Consumption - 448KW /week Water Consumpti...
BTB Cramschool
Criado por BachToBaroque
Cram school with a very generic asian style/color. This specific model is based off one in HongKong. Apparently 8 hours of normal school isn't enough so lets add another 5 hours and have dinner there as well. If there's one thing I don't miss about my chil...
BTB Firehouse 17
Criado por BachToBaroque
Tiny firehouse but covers a large area, suitable for suburbs or small towns. Basic Stats: Size - 3 x 3 Cost - 8 500 Upkeep - 136 /week Power Consumption - 160KW /week Water Consumption - 128m3 /week Trucks available - 3 Model Stats: Tris Main/LOD: 870 / 65...
BTB Music Academy
Criado por BachToBaroque
MAMA or Maurice Arnold Music Academy, for musically gifted kids/teens to refine their talents to reach virtuoso levels. Much cheaper and has much easier admission requirements than The Juilliard School. Basic Stats: Size - 5 x 6 Cost - 20 000 Upkeep - 280 ...
BTB Rehab Clinic
Criado por BachToBaroque
Figured some Cims really need some therapy especially when their lives are being controlled by their Schadenfreude-mayor. Basic Stats: Size - 6 x 6 Cost - 35 000 Upkeep - 200 /week Power Consumption - 382KW /week Water Consumption - 160m3 /week Curing Rate...
BTB Small Bus Garage
Criado por BachToBaroque
A Bus Garage with a small coffee& & bagel stand. If you put a bus stop infront of the building you can pretend the building acts as an end of the line stop. Also I feel like the model & textures could've been better but oh well i'm very lazy especially on ...
BTB Small Police Station
Criado por BachToBaroque
Small Police Post with a few holding cells for minor arrests. Suitable for smaller populations or suburbs. Covers a larger area but less patrol units. Optional: Police Car Prop Basic Stats: Size - 5 x 3 Cost - 8500 Upkeep - 200 /week Power Consumption - 24...
Bulk storage - Bauxite
Criado por Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Daylight Classic on Can't have too many storage options! Here's an ore storage building, which works just like the DLC ones. To the game, ore is ore, but I like having different visual options...
Bulk storage extension - Zoned ore products
Criado por Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Daylight Classic on A storage option specifically for zoned industry - ore products. This is what the zoned industry specialisation produces and what coal power plants use, so this is ideal to...
Criado por RyanCat
Bulletin prop Tris:302 Texture:256x256,d...
Burberry boutique
Criado por Spal
Burberry store opens now in Cities Skylines! Burberry is a British luxury fashion house established in 1856 by Thomas Burberry and headquartered in London, England. It currently designs and distributes ready to wear, including trench coats (for which it is...
Burberry Chicago
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 4x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Burberry building in Chicago. It works best as a corner building though with two sides facing the streets. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection...
Burger King
Criado por Raccoon
Burger King Please rate if you like the asset. Information: Burger King Corporation, restaurant company specializing in flame-broiled fast-food hamburgers. It is the second largest hamburger chain ...
Burger King, Telford England
Criado por Sakura
I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. What is this and why do I need it: A hi-commercial Burger King Building based on the one from Telford Engl...
Bus Terminal | 重庆菜园坝汽车站
Criado por RichardShi
Bus Terminal | 重庆菜园坝汽车站...
Canary Island Date Palm
Criado por MrMaison
Canary Island Date Palm by MrMaison I present to you a Canary Island Date Palm tree. This is good for decoration and any tropical scenes. This is a 2 piece set including small and tall versions. I plan to make other types of Date palm trees in the future. ...
Capital One Center (COC)
Criado por println_chui
Made by RedMi(红米). COC is the supporting building of FFC. COC provides different services include dining, leisure, and parking for people who work and live in FFC or neighboring communities. you can use RICO to define this asset as a high-density commercia...
Cart crates Pack
Criado por RyanCat
Cart crates Pack by RyanCat Contains 4, which share textures....
Cartier Ginza (Tokyo)
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 2x3 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Cartier flagship store in Ginza, Tokyo. It is meant to be a 2x3 corner building, but to avoid potential confusion that arises when players plop the building on non-corner tiles and the buildin...
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Terraforming Network
Criado por Ronyx69
An invisible functionless thin network for terraforming. You can raise it up with page up but you can't sink it so just use Move It! to lower it. You are still always limited by the resolution of the terrain mesh though. Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis ...
Terraced Planter Network - Wood
Criado por Avanya
A planter network for ultimate flexibility! It makes for some really cool decorative areas! The tree can be replaced using the vanilla tree replacer while you're stuck with my choice of bushes. But there's also an empty version included if you want to deco...
Terraced Planter Network - Brick
Criado por Avanya
A planter network for ultimate flexibility! It makes for some really cool decorative areas! The tree can be replaced using the vanilla tree replacer while you're stuck with my choice of bushes. But there's also an empty version included if you want to deco...
Tennis Courts Triple
Criado por Smilies
5x8 park with 3 tennis courts 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination, alpha 1034 tris LOD 10 tris 128x128, 5x8 lot size asset shares textures with previous tennis court assets, use Loading Screen Mod to enable texture sharing Models and textur...
Tennis Courts Single
Criado por Smilies
park with a single court 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination, alpha 712 tris 5x3 lot size asset shares textures with previous tennis court assets, use Loading Screen Mod to enable texture sharing Models and textures done by Smilies; cannot ...
Tennis Clubhouse
Criado por vilgard92
Tennis Clubhouse by vilgard92 Welcome to the tennis clubhouse ! Your residents will love to come and play tennis in this club with its covered and outdoor courts illuminated at night, and its terrace restaurant which offers a view of all the courts. The co...
TeaShop 奶茶店 | 商业建筑 Commercial | 蜜雪冰城
Criado por RichardShi
TeaShop奶茶店 蜜雪冰城 中式奶茶店 奶茶 底商 商铺 中式城市 Tea 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵 你爱我呀🎵我爱你🎵 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #3 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #3 馬辣頂級麻辣鴛鴦火鍋(漢口店) A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 3x3 Corner #3 等級3 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市萬華區西寧南路30號) in Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If you ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #2 A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 3x3 Corner #2 等級3 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市萬華區西寧南路62號) in Taipei. (馬辣用過了,所以改成對面的熊一燒肉) It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #1 Pants Kingdom 台灣商業大樓 褲子大王
Criado por Emperor Li
「再大的鳥都裝得下」 "Even the biggest of birds can fit in our pants" ------------------------------------------------------------------------褲子大王 Pants Kingdom A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 3x3 Corner #1 等級1 3x3 轉角 If you want to use it as generi...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 1x2 #1 台灣商店
Criado por Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 1x2 等級3 1x2 If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommended mods: - Find it! (keywords: "Taiwan") - Plop the Gr...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #3 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #3 馬辣頂級麻辣鴛鴦火鍋(漢口店) A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 3x3 Corner #3 等級2 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市萬華區西寧南路30號) in Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If you ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #2 A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 3x3 Corner #2 等級2 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市萬華區西寧南路62號) in Taipei. (馬辣用過了,所以改成對面的熊一燒肉) It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #1a 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2020-06-26*** add two new variations ****************************** 3 growable taiwanese commercial buildings Level 2&3 3x3 Corner 等級2&3 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台中市中區中山路2號) in Taichung, Taiwan. If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 Corner #2 等級2 2x3 轉角 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 Corner #1 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 Corner 等級2 2x3 轉角 Based on this buildingin Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density co...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 #2 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 #2 等級2 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 #1 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 #1 等級2 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 1x2 #1 台灣商店
Criado por Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 1x2 If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommended mods: - Find it! (keywords: "Taiwan") - Plop the Growables ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #2 A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #2 等級1 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市大安區敦化南路一段) in Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If you want to make it R...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1c 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #1c 等級1 3x3 轉角 A variation of my Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1b 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #1b 等級1 3x3 轉角 A variation of my Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #1 等級1 3x3 轉角 Based on this buildingin Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 2x3 Corner #1 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 2x3 Corner 等級1 2x3 轉角 Based on this buildingin Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density co...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 2x3 #1 台灣商業大樓
Criado por Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 2x3 #1 等級1 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 1x2 #1 台灣商店
Criado por Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 1x2 If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommended mods: - Find it! (keywords: "Taiwan") - Plop the Growables ...
Taiwan scooter - A3
Criado por YufuCharioteer
台灣機車A3 ▲"Additive Shader"必要(Prop Anarchy可取代) 一輛台灣的125機車,車輛原型是YAMAHA的JOG 125,因為遊戲中會有狗從車輛出現,所以將Ryuichi Kaminogi的女高中生與jaijai的柯基結合,感謝他們允許我修改他們的資產,因為遊戲限制所以機車會騎上高速公路飆車(´・ω・`) 道具 : here Taiwan scooter - A3 ▲This asset require "Additive Shader" Mod(Prop Anarchy ca...
Taiwan scooter - A2
Criado por YufuCharioteer
台灣機車A2 ▲"Additive Shader"必要 一輛台灣的125機車,車輛原型是YAMAHA的JOG 125,是個男性勞工騎乘機車的資產,因為遊戲限制所以機車會騎上高速公路飆車(´・ω・`) 道具 : here Taiwan scooter - A2 ▲This asset require "Additive Shader" Mod. Taiwan’s scooter, the prototype is Yamaha’s JOG 125, Taiwan’s law does not allow sc...
Taiwan scooter - A1
Criado por YufuCharioteer
台灣機車A1 ▲"Additive Shader"必要 一輛台灣的125機車,車輛原型是YAMAHA的JOG 125,因為沒有女性騎乘機車的資產,所以使用Ryuichi Kaminogi的女子高中生修改作為騎士,感謝他允許我修改他的資產,因為遊戲限制所以機車會騎上高速公路飆車(´・ω・`) 道具 : here Taiwan scooter - A1 ▲This asset require "Additive Shader" Mod. Taiwan’s scooter, the prototype is Ya...
Taiwan scooter - A prop
Criado por YufuCharioteer
台灣機車A道具 台灣城市一定要有的機車,可以裝飾騎樓和人行道(´・ω・`) Taiwan scooter - A prop Taiwan’s scooter prop, the prototype is Yamaha’s JOG 125 Vehicle : Taiwan scooter - A1 Taiwan scooter - A2 Taiwan scooter - A3 喜歡我的作品並想多多支持的話,可以使用PayPal贊助 Donate :
Table 01
Criado por Valex Table 01 by Valex...
Syuto Expressway Light-L(PAZU)
Criado por hakurai
Syuto Expressway Light-L(PAZU) by hakurai...
Syuto Expressway Light (PAZU)
Criado por hakurai
OKACHI269氏から依頼を受け首都高 SHUTO Expressway向けに制作したものです。その他の道路での使用は想定しておりません。その他の道路で使用したい場合は こちら を使用してください。 Syuto Expressway Light (PAZU) by hakurai...
Suspended Monorail Wide Station
Criado por Ronyx69
Includes a wide suspended monorail station. Simple suspended monorail station: Found in monorail menu. Can be plopped on the side of a road, fits some 4 cell roads under it - use anarchy or m...
Suspended Monorail Station
Criado por Ronyx69
Includes a simple suspended monorail station. Wide suspended monorail station: Found in monorail menu. Can be plopped on the side of a road, fits a 2 cell road under it - use anarchy or move ...
Suspended Monorail Shonan 500 Series
Criado por Ronyx69
Includes a suspended monorail engine and passenger car. Use Improved Public Transport 2 to set the train for your monorail line. Main: 1389 - 1674 tris 1024x512 LOD: 18 - 35 tris 128x128 Twitc...
Suspended Monorail
Criado por Ronyx69
Includes 2 double tracks, a oneway track, 4 station tracks for asset creators, 4 pillar props, 3 pillars and a lane prop. Tracks found in monorail menu. Search "susp mono" in Find It! to find props and pillars. Use anarchy and disable collision to plop tra...
Criado por RyanCat
Sundial prop Tris:698 Texture:512x512,d,n...
Sugar Maple Fall Set
Criado por MrMaison
Sugar Maple by MrMaison Introducing a 4 piece set of Sugar Maple trees with Fall colors. Even though this set is made primarily for Fall colors, the flagship version "Sugar Maple" is a green Summer variation and can be used in both Fall and Summer situatio...
Street Plane Trees
Criado por pdelmo
Street Plane Tree Set 3 Models one small and 2 large trees. Made for lining streets to fit between the road and buildings Textures 1024x512. Higher Poly Models not for forest. made for detailed streets. 1073tris Small 1958tris Tall 3259tris Large full High...
Street fence
Criado por RyanCat
Street fence by RyanCat terrain comfirming...
streamline ceiling-s2 张拉膜结构样式2
Criado por hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第二个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page
streamline ceiling-s3 张拉膜结构样式3
Criado por hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第三个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page
streamline ceiling-s4 张拉膜结构样式4
Criado por hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第四个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page
streamline ceiling-s5 张拉膜结构样式5
Criado por hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第五个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page
streamline ceiling-s6 张拉膜结构样式6
Criado por hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第六个~有四种颜色哦~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is streamline ceiling-s6(4 Colour) I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page http://i1....
Stone Wall Quay- Tiled
Criado por Pixel_monster
Stone Wall Quay- Tiled by Pixel_monster Stonewall Quay ideal for river and lakefronts. It has a sloped wall with stone block Roman masonry, a protective concrete wall, and a stone tiled pedestrian pathway with light bollards. Time to Make your waterfront g...
Stone lanterns
Criado por RyanCat
Stone lanterns 2 stone lanterns. lighted at night. Tris:780;492 Texture:256x256,d,n(shared)...
Stone fence 1
Criado por RyanCat
Stone fence 1 Contains the fence and end pillar. This one is much more detailed with much more triangles. For better performance,use Stone fence 2 instead Tris:490 Texture:256x256,d,n...
Stone fence 2
Criado por RyanCat
Stone fence 2 Contains the fence and end pillar Tris:42 Texture:256x256,d,n...
State Gymnasium
Criado por Valex 10x13 High School by Valex based on "Horoschool" Horoshevskaya Gymnasium (Moscow, Russia)
Standard Parking Garage
Criado por Badi_Dea
All I ask is for a slab of concrete, and a car to park on it. This Parking Garage will unlock with Parks, and can be found in the Roads menu under the Maintenance tab. This structure will function as a park, increasing land value and happiness of nearby bu...
Sport Court Fence (Prop) - Remaster of AliTarGz's Sport Fence
Criado por Dennie Mok
Abstract: This is the ideal fence for your sports ground! Original Author: AliTarGz Full Credits to AliTarGz So what is this about? This is a rescaled version (~35% deduction in scale, from 7m to 4.5m) of AliTarGz's "7F spor...
spiral underground parking lot
Criado por ELVIS
This spiral simcity 4 styled underground parking lot has unique style. Made by Elvis, subscribe and thumbs up please. Not working It's just modular park facilities, based on sunken plaza template -714tris 1024tex res -custom lod 256*512 tex res...
Spiral underground parking (large road version)
Criado por vilgard92
Spiral underground parking (large road version) by vilgard92 A 100% functional underground parking with real parking lots. Cars take the spiral ramp to get in and out of the underground car park and pedestrians access it via the central lift. A small park ...
Special shaped brick paving in s
Criado por 红米先生
Special shaped brick paving in s by 红米...
Chanel Ginza (Tokyo)
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 3x4 straight (non-corner) L1 building based on the Chanel flagship store in Ginza, Tokyo, featuring a massive screen in its front facade. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this asset by giving it a thumb...
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
Criado por mr.pixelcat
Rate my work! RBMK-1000 NPP - Chernobyl NPP NPP on this project - Smolensk NPP - Kursk NPP Rus: Чернобыльская АЭС, ЧАЭС Eng: Chernobyl NPP, CNPP The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is a closed nuclear power plant near the abandoned city of Pripyat in norther...
Chevrolet Camaro Z28
Criado por Archie Cuntingham
Another Gran Turismo conversion, this one has slightly modified model and bigger textures. Updated for After Dark. model: 604 tris 512x512 textures lod: 46 tris 128x128 texture...
Chez Geze
Criado por Gruny
Chez Geze is a gourmet restaurant that earned its 3rd Michelin star for its excellence in 2018. Its bistro-style lunch is a delight for active Parisians, while its discovery menu, as a temporary interlude, will take you on a journey through a multitude of ...
China flag
Criado por SvenBerlin
China flag by SvenBerlin...
China Flag [Dynamic Flag]
Criado por Toyota Land Cruiser
How to make your own Flag step by step Guide Waving Flag of China This Flags are waving. Both Flags use the same Texture. Use Loading Screen Mod for the half needed RAM. The Original Flag by APF Find the Flags by typing FFLGH in the Find it search bar. Fla...
CHINA FOXCONN factory building中国富士康工厂厂房
Criado por 红米先生
富士康工厂厂房 by 白米...
China Southern B787-8
Criado por abuchou
China Southern B787-8 中国南方航空 波音787-8 Other China's plane 其他中国航空公司 Air China 中国国际航空787 Hainan Airlines 海南航空787 Xiamen Air 厦门航空787...
Chinese ancient brick laying中式古代铺砖
Criado por 红米先生
此主题主要是用来模拟中式现代铺砖效果 请订阅主题控制台MOD (Theme Mixer 2)和水,泥地MOD(urface Painter)水泥地MOD可对地面地表纹理涂刷。 通过此控制台在游戏左下角点击此主题MOD,并在第二列地形里找到人行道纹理点击替换纹理即可,同时人行道旁边有滑动快可以调节纹理大小。 如果您觉得颜色太亮可以通过此MOD (Ultimate Eyecandy 1.5.2) 来调节画面亮度,每个人电脑显示颜色显示不一样,必须通过调节颜色MOD调节。如果您还觉得颜色太艳太亮,请通过色彩校正模...
Chinese Community Wall 1
Criado por amamIya
Chinese Community Wall 1 by amamIya...
Chinese New Year Package 春节装饰包
Criado por hikke
大家好这次的作品是春节装饰包 里面包含了5个小摆件 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家春节愉快~~ 别忘记点赞~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi everyone~ This is Chinese New Year Package It contains 5 items if you like please ra...
Chinese road signs中式路牌标牌
Criado por 红米先生
Chinese Rubbish Bin
Criado por amamIya
Chinese Rubbish Bin by amamIya...
Chinese style community gate European style中国中式小区大门欧式风格
Criado por 红米先生
Chinese style gate guard room中式大门门卫室
Criado por 红米先生
Chinese style gate guard room中式大中式大门门卫室 by 白米 本大门时候放置小区门口、政府办公楼门口、医院、警察局、消防局、工厂等,可作为门口大门使用,另外需要订阅32X32的提示不兼容不要管,不影响游戏体验。...
Chinese style large parking lot中式大型停车场
Criado por 红米先生
Chinese Style Sculpture Pack
Criado por amamIya
Chinese Style Sculpture Pack by amamIya...
Chinese style Transformer中式小区变压器A
Criado por 璃夜lili
model&texture:璃夜lili texture size:512px size in game :about 1.5u ...
Chinese underground parking lot中式地下停车场
Criado por 红米先生
中式地下停车场(可停车,人物可在地下逗留,同时可以通过第一人称视角进入地下室观看地下室内效果。表面可以用草坪树木花草覆盖,形成绿化效果盖住原有资产外观可与地面草坪混合。再独特建筑里可找到该资产,或者搜索中式地下停车场即可。(里边还包括了一座停车位岗亭资产)另外想告诉各位;目前车辆进入车库入口路径不是很完美,由于游戏没有合适的地下停车隧道道路,所以只能自己订阅隐形车道来从地面拉一条通往地下车库的道路来实现车辆从入口进入车库和出入车库的模拟情景。 隐形车道资产名称:Invisible Pedestrian Pa...
Chinese urban people's Hospital中式市区人民医院
Criado por 红米先生
中式市区人民医院 by 红米 资产多边形和三角形共计9千多面,占地为8X21格子,贴图大小为1024X1024,救护车100辆,救治人数3千人,治疗率达70%。...
Chloe Seoul
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 2x3 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Chloe building in Seoul. It works best as a wall to wall building. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this asset by giving it a thumbs up...
Citroën Dealership
Criado por Gruny
Citroën (French pronunciation: ​) is a French automobile manufacturer, part of the PSA Peugeot Citroën group since 1976. (Wikipedia) Specs Level 2 low density commercial 4x3 - growable Tris 424 / 24 (lod) Texture - 1024x1024 | D / I / S / C Lod Texture - 1...
Classic motorcycle
Criado por Archie Cuntingham
Just a motorcycle. Very shiny, very chrome. Spawns as a variant of the Scooter. 4 color variations. It has the default scooter driver driving it. 4306 tris 512x512 textures lod: 30 tris 64x64 textures...
Classic residential building 18
Criado por 红米先生
Classic residential building 18 by 红米 现代经典中式小区住宅楼,搜索词请直接复制标题搜索 分辨率2K,使用SUB方式制作完成 LOD:4500 高密度住宅楼属性,占地5X2格。楼房高度54米...
Classic residential building2 18
Criado por 红米先生
Classic residential building2 18 by 红米 现代经典中式小区住宅楼,搜索词请直接复制标题搜索 分辨率2K,使用SUB方式制作完成 LOD:4500 高密度住宅楼属性,占地5X2格。楼房高度54米...
Classical washroom 古香古色的卫生间
Criado por XDBX
你的城市有卫生间吗? Classical washroom 古香古色的卫生间 在公园一栏中可以找到 这是会所qq群推出的一个教学资产,来方便一些制作资产的初学者, ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XDBX’都市天际线资产娱乐会所:https://steam...
Coastal Rocks
Criado por Ronyx69
Rocks to go along with the Coastal map theme. Main: 762 - 1243 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 35 - 109 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Donate CSLModding.INFO ...
Coconut Trees
Criado por MrMaison
Coconut Tree by MrMaison Wanna fluff out your Tropical maps? Introducing a 4 piece set of Coconut Trees complete with coconuts! What's any tropical place without Coconut Trees? These are great for tropical natural settings as well as decorative assets. The...
Commercial podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B8A1
Criado por often
Commercial podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B8A1 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B8A1 建筑风格:现代 样式:A1 三角形计数:1554 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Assets na...
Commercial podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B8A2
Criado por often
Commercial podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B8A2 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B8A2 建筑风格:现代 样式:A2 三角形计数:4518 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Assets na...
Common Tree Set
Criado por pdelmo
A set of 4 generic trees to suit most environments. Each Tree has its own unique form. Designed the trees to be placed in the city parks and suburbs. added a lot more branches and better bark textures to hopefully make them more natural looking I work hard...
Community gate中式小区大门样式5
Criado por 红米先生
Community Park小区公园
Criado por 红米先生
Community Park小区公园 by 红米...
Concrete barrier - 01
Criado por jPRO Concrete barrier - 01 Elevatable: concrete_barrier_01_E Terrain conforming: concrete_barrier_01 Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube
Concrete Bench
Criado por Rex_Luminor
A stylish, robust but uncomfortable concrete bench. Can be found in the prop menu ingame. For your cims to actually sit on this (it has six sitting places), you need to place this in an asset, like a park for example. Find the 1x1 park version of this here...
Concrete Retaining Wall network
Criado por Lost Gecko
Network version of the Concrete Retaining Wall Prop based on the vanilla Castle Walls ruins (currently found in the water structure tab - to be fixed) Height: 2m by default. Can be raised up to 32m with the Move It! mod (link below). Follows the terrain bu...
Construction Equipment props pack
Criado por Tomas13TO
Construction Equipment props pack All stuff you can find under industrial structures tab. Recommended mods More Beautification Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you to place props in game. Prop Anarchy (& Tree Anarchy) Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you...
Some Rocks
Criado por Ronyx69
Includes 3 random rocks. Found in landscaping rocks menu. Note: scaled terrain conforming props act weird sometimes. Main: 200 - 300 tris 1024x512 + 1024x1024 + 1024x512 LOD: 20 - 47 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutori...
Soldyne's Guardian Lion Stone
Criado por soldyne
Also known as Fu Dogs in the American West or Korean Dogs in Japan, these creatures are used as guardians of important places. They traditionally come in stone or bronze variants. There is also a female version with a lion cub instead of a sphere, but, the...
Soldyne's Chinese Wall x4
Criado por soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Chinese Wall x1
Criado por soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Chinese Wall Window
Criado por soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Chinese Wall Moongate
Criado por soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Chinese Wall Corner
Criado por soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Criado por Kliekie
UPDATED FOR AFTER DARK! Who doesn't love Smart? Comes in 4 colors: Red, blue, black & white. 639 Polys 1210 Tris 641 Verts 512x512 Texture Although it's a Smart it can still fit 4 people (and a dog), It's not possible to change the amount of passengers (ye...
Container Feeder Ship
Criado por Lee Towers
The Cimskip Innovator will provide all your ports and harbours with goods. It tranpsorts containers of three companies: Cimskip (my own brand, based on Samskip), CIM (by Avanya) and Generic Industries (upcoming, by Beardmonkey). The ship is slightly larger...
Small wood terraced planter pack
Criado por Avanya
More planters! This pack contains 3 smaller parks (1 1x2, 2 2x2) with terraced planters nicely decorated. They can be plopped anywhere without complaining, which in turn means they don't get visitors (visitors = needs road connection). They're great for fi...
Small terraced planter Z - Wood
Criado por Avanya
A nice planter with decorations to fill in awkward spaces or empty plazas! It's a 2x2 park that can be plopped anywhere without complaints, and can be used alone or in combination to create larger plazas. It also comes in a brick and a concrete version. ht...
Small Substation
Criado por 220hertz
For your remote things that need a bit of juice. This is a small plop anywhere (on ground) generating station that provides 3 mw of power. Doesn't need to be roadside, so it might be a good thing for you ParkLifers. That was the idea at least. It's been do...
Small Stadium Lights
Criado por KingLeno
2 small high school football stadium lights with medium brightness and low (dim) brightness....
Small Decal Numbers
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Container gantry crane
Criado por Pirazel
Rubber tired container gantry crane Wide and tall enough for 5x5 40ft container. Building based object that stays visible zoomed out. Object tris: 4614 texture: 256 x 512 LOD tris: 152 texture 64 x 64...
Container stacks - Double pack 1
Criado por Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of 2 stacked 40 ft containers with 5 variations of 4 brands, including Cargo in Motion (CIM), CIMSKIP (by Lee Towers), Generic Industries Ltd. (by Beardmonkey) and a new giant in the shipping business K...
Container storage stacks - Large pack 1
Criado por Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Feel like your harbor is a bit empty? Got some empty space near your industrial area? Then why not fill it with containers! This pack contains 4 buildings that function as wa...
Container storage stacks - Large pack 3
Criado por Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Feel like your harbor is a bit empty? Got some empty space near your industrial area? Then why not fill it with containers! This pack contains 4 buildings that function as wa...
Criado por Ronyx69
Includes a portable conveyor and a big quarry conveyor. The portable conveyor is color matched with Avanya's stex/azure/owl/pdxco containers. The quarry conveyor can be raised up to 60m Main: 986 - 1306 tris 512x512 + 512x512 LOD: 82-90 tris Twitch YouTube...
Copenhagen Metro Roof Shelter [Prop]
Criado por meshd Keyword for Find It: "CPH metro roof" i just don't bother writing down the rest of the description. go enjoy yourself some platform glass roof canopy shelter thingy. if the shape of the props don't fit with your build, be a ...
Criado por LIME
Corrugated Sheet Steel Wall
Criado por amamIya
Corrugated Sheet Steel Wall by amamIya...
Council Estate Shops
Criado por Brammered
What’s this?: A low rise mixed use commercial and social housing block, this building is based on the central shopping units you can find in countless Council Estates throughout the United Kingdom. The ground floor features shopping units, some now closed ...
Small Decal Drains
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Criado por Siny
欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY 感谢您的订阅和使用,如果满意请为我作品点一个赞,谢谢! Thank you for your subscription and use, if satisfied, please click a like for my work, tha...
SINY-PARK 城市景观 Sights in China City 红旗纪念碑
Criado por Siny
SINY-PARK 城市景观 Sights in China City 红旗纪念碑...
SINY-PARK 城市景观 Sights in China City 大型标牌01
Criado por Siny
SINY-PARK 城市景观 Sights in China City 大型标牌01...
SINY-LED Billboard Pack XL
Criado por Siny
欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY 感谢您的订阅和使用,如果满意请为我作品点一个赞,谢谢! Thank you for your subscription and use, if satisfied, please click a like for my work, tha...
SINY-Express distribution center 快递分拨中心
Criado por Siny
SINY-Express distribution center 快递分拨中心 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:特殊建筑 Type: Special buildings 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod descripti...
Criado por Siny
欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY 感谢您的订阅和使用,如果满意请为我作品点一个赞,谢谢! Thank you for your subscription and use, if satisfied, please click a like for my work, tha...
Criado por Siny
SINY-CHINA 中国建筑食堂...
SINY-CHINA 中国建筑项目部
Criado por Siny
SINY-CHINA 中国建筑项目部 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 关键词匹配:施工 中国 工地 建筑 建设 工棚 ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ——————————————————————————————...
Siny- Module Escalator 拼装扶梯
Criado por Siny
欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY 感谢您的订阅和使用,如果满意请为我作品点一个赞,谢谢! Thank you for your subscription and use, if satisfied, please click a like for my work, tha...
SINY-中国科技 天猫广告牌 3X9 China Tmall technology company billboard
Criado por Siny
SINY-中国科技 天猫广告牌 3X9 China Tmall technology company billboard 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件、广告牌 Type: Prop、Billboard 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————...
SINY-中国科技 京东广告牌 3X9 China JD technology company billboard
Criado por Siny
SINY-中国科技 京东广告牌 3X9 China JD technology company billboard 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件、广告牌 Type: Prop、Billboard 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模...
SINY-中国特色 China dream billboard 中国梦广告牌 8x4.5m
Criado por Siny
SINY-中国特色 China dream billboard 中国梦广告牌 8x4.5m 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件、广告牌 Type: Prop、Billboard 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod desc...
SINY-中国建筑标志 CHINA Construction Sign
Criado por Siny
SINY-中国建筑标志 CHINA Construction Sign 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod description 这是一个广告牌合集,无夜间灯光效...
SINY-中国商业字牌合集 Chinese business card pack
Criado por Siny
SINY-中国商业字牌合集 Chinese business card pack 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件、广告牌 Type: Prop、Billboard 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod descripti...
SINY-中国军魂 PRC slogan pack 标语合集
Criado por Siny
SINY-中国军魂 PRC slogan pack 标语合集 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod description 这是一个标语合集,带夜间灯光效果。模型高度...
Simple Monorail Station
Criado por Kaeru教信者 A simple monorail station for 8-car trains. Recommend Vehicle Asset: 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(8节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (8car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(8両編成):
Short Grass
Criado por Ronyx69
Includes a short grass prop and a building version with 64 of them. Found in industrial props and parks. Color matched to the springwood map theme. Requires a lot of props to make it look reasonable. From certain angles and edges the polygon lines are visi...
Ship-To-Shore Crane
Criado por fml
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ship-To-Shore Crane ---------------------------------------------------------------------- As another part of my Container-Harbor Assets, this crane transfers containers from ships to t...
Shijiazhuang Fuli Center 石家庄富力中心(China HeBei ShiJiaZhuang)
Criado por 常山`白云
富力中心地处城市轴心,源起休门,城市文脉起源点,雄踞中山路与建设大街黄金十字中轴,紧邻北国商城,占据城市的商业中心,全维配套一触即享, 是省会的商业中心、文化中心、经济中心及交通中心,打造210米超高纯商务办公楼宇,建立城市形象新地标。 富力中心总占地2.89万m,总建筑面积19.5万m,涵盖两栋超高写字楼,其中T2共34层,158米,T1共计45层,210米,是仅次于石家庄电视塔、希尔顿的第三高建筑。 R & F Center is located in the urban axis, starting ...
SHELL gas station growable
Criado por SvenBerlin
SHELL gas station by Svenpotsdam commercial L1 4x4 growable triangles 2569 3D Shell logo takes some of them LOD 284 triangles unique version: ploppable version:
Shaxian Delicacies (沙县小吃)
Criado por WiseClock
Shaxian Delicacies, aka 沙县小吃. - 1x1 Level 1 Shop. - 2048 Texture....
Shared bicycle parking共享单车停车位
Criado por 红米先生
由于资产面数过多无法做Prop只能用公园属性代替,您在放置的时候请,配合moit it mod来实现位置移动...
Shanghai Style Bus shelter-hikke
Criado por amamIya
Bus shelter-HI by hikke...
Shanghai customs house 上海海关大楼
Criado por CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level of special buildings. Ps:此资产顶端并没有国旗,如果有需要国旗的需要自己摆放。 Ps:There is no national flag on the top of this asset. If you need a national flag, you need to place it yourself. 上海海关大楼是1891年拆除旧屋,于1893年建成一座英国建筑师设计、浦东...
SF Express
Criado por LIME
SF Express by Lost丶青柠...
Seat Site (PROP)
Criado por ManuRamos
I apologize, but I must separate "SeatSite Pack" into two parts: Prop and Park. Because For some obscure reason I can't understand, after hundreds of checks on my computer the pack works, but when I share it it stops working, again and again. this is Seat ...
Criado por TecniRanger
Scooter50cc(Prop) by jacrisaka Moto ideal para adorno de vuestra ciudad,para ambientar Institutos donde acude la juventud. NO aconsejable para computadoras de bajo rendimiento ( 1850 Tris. aprox.)...
Scooter50cc V2(Prop)
Criado por TecniRanger
Scooter50cc V2(Prop) by jacrisaka MOTO scooter prop para ambientar institutos o donde acude gente joven . No aconsejable para computadoras de bajo rendimiento (1850 Tris . aprox.)...
Scania R Streamline, agri
Criado por Jones
Stats: 2220 tris (truck+trailer) 1024x512 textures Changelog: 4/10/2015 - After Dark update ...
SAPS Ladder 6m
Criado por squirrelarmyuk
SAPS Ladder 6m by squirrelarmyuk...
Salvatore Ferragamo Ginza (Tokyo)
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 3x3 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Salvatore Ferragamo building in Ginza,Tokyo. It works best as a corner building, and comes with a video projection on one side of its facade. It is part of my Flagship Store colle...
Rusty Warehouse - Growable + RICO
Criado por tentman
4x4 Rusty Warehouse - with Color Variations - Screenshots were taken with Daylight Classic and Realistic II LUT. In-Game Asset - Generic Industrial Level 1 - Supports Color Variations, but they are subtle, and painted on the bricks - Ploppable with the Fin...
Rural Utility Line
Criado por Badi_Dea
You can't see it, It's electric! You gotta feel it, It's electric! Ooh, it's shakin', It's electric! This powerline behaves exactly like the default powerline. It's real life scaled, and as such can be hidden away in areas where you need electricity to rea...
Rural transformer tower - Trafoturm
Criado por Meow
A small Transformer Tower Building: - ploppable anywhere - working as electricity building - produces a small amount of electricity - no noise, pollution, workers, water consumption, etc. - building cost: 3000, maintenance cost: 50 A usefull asset to suppl...
Rujia Home Inn (如家酒店)
Criado por WiseClock
Rujia Home Inn, aka 如家酒店. - 2x2 High1 Residential. - 512 Texture res....
Criado por Lord Drol
Range Rover Evoque by ramoncontell - LIGHTS - Diffuse map - Specular map - Illumination map (turning, braking signals and headlights) - Alpha map - Color Mask (4 colors). Mod to change colors: Advanced Vehicle Options
Roundabout Roads
Criado por Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a road pack for roundabouts. There are three types of roads: one-way with the curb on the left, one-way with no markings, and two-way with no markings. About the production request I can accept asset request with commissions. You can request trains...
Covered Walkway
Criado por Cristolisto
People can now walk outside rain or shine. A simple pedestrian path with a metal cover over it. You can find this in the Paths section under Landscaping and Disasters. by Cristolisto...
CRH380B(BG)“和谐号”高速动车组(High Speed Train)
Criado por Go!Vnian
欢迎大家订阅REV0大佬制作的版本: CRH380B(BG)高速动车组 编组:拖+动+拖+拖+动+拖(2动4拖) 载员:430人 速度:300km/h 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 Formation:2 Motor cars + 4 Trailer cars Capacity:430 Speed:186mph It work...
CRS: 2-Lane Street With Trees
Criado por Silicon14
CRS: 2-Lane Street With Trees by Zuke_Hardcore...
CRS: Alley
Criado por Silicon14
CRS: Residential Road B by Zuke_Hardcore...
CRS: Residential Road
Criado por Silicon14
CRS: Residential Road by Zuke Hardcore...
CRS: Street Sign Pack
Criado por Silicon14
CRS: Street Sign by Zuke_Hardcore...
CRT Monorail station
Criado por CR
重庆跨座式车站,这种车站用于重庆轨道交通3号线居多。 Chongqing straddle station, which is mainly used for chongqing rail transit line 3 车站长度为100m,高为25m,宽为20m。 The length of the station is 100m, the height 25m and the width 20m. 支持CSUR双向4车道(有隔离带)居中铺设 需要mod (Fine Road Anarchy)。 Suppo...
CS Road Fence
Criado por amamIya
CS Road Fence by amamIya...
CSUR Basic Pack [R1]
Criado por amamIya
CSUR Basic Pack ...
CSUR Decal Pack
Criado por amamIya
CSUR Decal Pack by amamIya 28 types of decal...
CSUR Pillar Pack
Criado por amamIya
CSUR Pillar Pack by amamIya...
Curb - Concrete
Criado por jPRO Curb - Concrete Elevatable: curb_concrete_E Terrain conforming: curb_concrete Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube https://i.i...
Curb - Red/White
Criado por jPRO Curb - Red/White Elevatable: curb_red_white_E Terrain conforming: curb_red_white Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube https://...
Curb Network
Criado por KingLeno
Curb Network by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset functioning in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. A network curb asset for decoration and use with Curb Props 2. Thanks to everyone that helped me out witthis in...
Curb Props
Criado por Like_Mike
The first curb props I uploaded. They are nonconforming so they can be elevated. Includes curb/planters in 6 different sizes and shapes. Textures updated for 2018! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see how I create assets.
Curb Props 2
Criado por KingLeno
Curb Props 2 A set of planters for all your parking lots and landscaping needs. This is follow-up to the older Curb Props. Which apparently a lot of people already have. Watch the attached video to see how these compare to when I first made them. I think t...
Criado por ZGreenGaming
Cyperus collection consists of one plant and two props. Cyperus is a large genus of about 700 species of sedge's, distributed throughout all continents in both tropical and temperate regions. They are annual or perennial plants, mostly aquatic and growing ...
Daihatsu Hijet (Vehicle)
Criado por Ronyx69
Residential Vehicle - Daihatsu Hijet - Japanese Kei Car / Pickup Truck Color variations: White / Off-white / Gray / Blue Main: 1299 tris 1024x512 LOD: 56 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
Daihatsu Hijet Industrial (Vehicle)
Criado por Ronyx69
Industrial Vehicle - Daihatsu Hijet - Japanese Kei Car / Pickup Truck (with bed cover) Color variations: Light Green / Dark Green / Blue / Gray Main: 1392 tris 1024x512 LOD: 51 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tuto...
Rooftop Hvac System A
Criado por Leo Mystic Magic
Rooftop Hvac System A by Shroomblaze Main Model = 204 Tris 512x512 Textures D,N,S Lod Model = 80 Tris 64x64 Textures D,N,S
Daihatsu Hijet Snowplow
Criado por Jerenable
A snowplow version of the Daihatsu Hijet by Ronyx69 for proper japanse snow removal, Aint it cute. This pack includes a prop version with the same specs. main tri: 1948 main tex: 1024*512 lod tri: 66 lod tex: 128^2 -----------------------------------------...
Dark dirt decals
Criado por Avanya
2 large decals made for my bulk storages One 4x8 with 2048x1024 texture One 4x4 with 512x512 texture Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributio...
Digital Era
Criado por FancyArk
First time making a mod for Cities Skyline and sharing on steam workshop.It is a shopping center to buy digital products. Hope u guys like it~! 第一次为这个游戏制作mod,其实早就想去做了,只是总是拖延掉··········做的不算太好的话还多多包涵~但是还是希望你们都会喜欢!!! >ω<...
Dior Ginza (Tokyo)
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 2x3 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Dior building in Ginza, Tokyo It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 2,289 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / Diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha maps Custom LOD: 26 tris / 256x256 textu...
Criado por Ronyx69
Includes 26 dock / seawall / harbor / port / pier assets: 1 dock surface prop 6 main dock pieces 2 edge and 2 corner pieces 3 concrete blocks 2 curbs 2 railings 3 tie poles 2 bumpers 1 ladder 1 grate 1 water level marker Found in parks and industrial props...
Dodge Challenger Hellcat
Criado por Lauby
Dodge Challenger Hellcat Polycount: 4036 Colors: Black, Silver, Red, Green ...
Doel Nuclear Power Plant
Criado por Ronyx69
Doel Nuclear Power Plant - Belgium Includes a main building set, 12 individual buildings and 5 props. The big building is a power plant, all the others are decoration buildings. The big building requires a road connection, so drag a road to the main big ga...
Criado por RyanCat
Drum props 2 drum props Tris:875;832 Texture:512x512,d,n...
East 1st St Warehouses
Criado por Lightfooted
19th century industrial warehouses located near the riverfront. Primarily used for storing goods brought by boat and barge. *NOTE* Your gravel colour will vary with the map theme you are using. Gravel shown is from Arrowhead Valley. STATS: MODEL - 692 trai...
Emblem of China of Tiananmen (Small)
Criado por TAEMIN B
Emblem of China of Tiananmen (Small) This is a prop and small version on tiananmen, beijing. This prop means realistic emblem of P. R. China You have to subscribe a mod 'More Beautification' first. Thanks....
ETRO boutique
Criado por Spal
ETRO opens now in Cities Skylines! ETRO is a family-managed Italian fashion house founded in 1968. It is mainly known for its paisley patterns, which the company started making in 1981. Model inspired by: ETRO boutique, Jorge Juan street, Madrid (Spain). A...
Event Tents
Criado por Lost Gecko
This pack contains 4 event tent props (open/1/2/3 walls) with 4 colour variations each. They can be used in various events such as markets, fairs, exhibits, music festivals… These assets are modular: you can create bigger tents of various designs. Models m...
Events! People Generator
Criado por flexus
A small 1x1 invisible people generator that simulates the volume of people that visit an event. Basically, you'll finally be able to create imaginary events in your city and loads of people will visit it, creating a big flux in and out of a site. You can p...
EXAT Toll Plaza - Straight (4 Lane One-way / Functional)
Criado por Palm'sTime
EXAT Toll Plaza - Straight 4 Lane One-way Functional Info: Contains 4 items. – Vanilla Toll Roads with No-Props. (Edited Version) – Toll Booth for 4 Lane (One-way / Both LHT & RHT) Type Toll Road Tris 4,248 (Main) | 602 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 1,024 (Ma...
experimental primary school实验小学
Criado por 红米先生
中式实验小学,占地8X8格,64X64米,容纳1300名小学生。 模型LOD(sub):4500左右, 贴图分辨率:512X512. Chinese Experimental Primary School, covering an area of 8 × 8, 64x64 meters, accommodates 1300 primary school students. Model LOD (sub): 4500, map resolution: 512x512 ...
Criado por Ronyx69
FamilyMart Japanese convenience store inspired by this one:,139.7026407,3a,75y,338.8h,98.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sI4MMZ3jPaADI7gkP2jUOIA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 It's a growable but I only tested it by plopping it manually, I'm...
Fences Pack - Concrete Highways
Criado por clus
Fences Pack - Concrete Highways Prolog Hello community ! At first ... Sry, for the huge workshop - spam this evening. ;) I thought about releasing the roads as one big package, but as you can see, I didn´t do that. Why ? Because with individual uploads, yo...
Ferrari 458 Italia
Criado por Starkiller 6x
Ferrari 458 Italia by Starkiller 6x Model -Tris: 2400 -Textures: 1080 LOD: -Tris: 1517 -Textures: 128 I think the tris are a bit high, so let me know if you have any perfomance issues. In the meantime I'll be working on brining that down. Comes in red, yel...
Rockery Pack
Criado por RyanCat
Rockery Pack by RyanCat Contains 5 ,which share textures Tris:240-605 Texture:512x1024(All share 1) LOD: Auto generated Support me here...
Rockery landscape假山景观
Criado por 红米先生
Rockery landscape假山景观 by Redmi...
Road Mirror Rural 1
Criado por Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Retaining Walls - Pack#01
Criado por clus
Due to a BUG in CS1, which wont be fixed anymore in CS1s life time, I am going to update these networks AGAIN. If you used them via IMT, these network will vanish after the update. I´ll add a second version of every Network, which will be usable with IMT a...
Restaurant/Café Menu Pack
Criado por Pewex
Hi all, This is a pack of 5 restaurant/café menus. Kind regards, PEWEX --- Hej wszyscy, To jest zestaw 5 menu restauracjach/kawiarni. Pozdrawiam, PEWEX --- 118 / 56 / 80 / 80 / 170 tris 256×256 texture, except 5 which as 256×128 LOD: 1 tri (blank LOD) ...
Restaurant Tables and Chairs [Paris]
Criado por Gèze
Informations: This is a pack of super typical chairs and tables you can find in cafés and restaurants in Paris, but also most other french cities. Additional informations: Custom textures and LODs. This pack contains four different chairs (red, yellow, blu...
Residential Props 2
Criado por KingLeno
Residential Props 2 by KingLeno A new collection of loosely associated small props to use in future assets. Right now, it just consists of: Driveway Prop - similar to sidewalk props, but can be overlapped multiple times with no/minimal z-fighting. 1x2 conc...
residential district wall 小区围墙
Criado por hikke
大家好这次的作品小区围墙 里面包含了三种长度 X2 ,X4 ,X8 属于配套小区的一部分,也是最后一个部分~ 这套小区算是完成了~ 希望大家喜欢~~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Regular Trees 4 pack
Criado por pdelmo
4 Generic shaped trees Stats and info: Textures all are 256x256 Tris Small 380 Columnar 700 Full 928 Crown 800 Smaller Leaves and billbording for a more realistic look...
Regular bushes
Criado por pdelmo
3 pack small tri 116 medium tri 358 large tri 818 textures are d,c,a @256x256 snowfall...
Railway Props
Criado por Ronyx69
Basic set of props used for all Railway releases. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Truss Bridge (Wired)
Criado por Ronyx69
Wired generic truss bridge tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Racetrack Pits
Criado por Ronyx69
Includes racetrack pit lane "bus depot" for F1 cars, and also a decorative pit stop building. Main: 1038 - 1532 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 20 - 32 tris 256x256 This release marks my 2 year anniversary of asset creation. Racetrack:
QWall - themed quay surface network with modular walls
Criado por Tysk
Why?! First of all due to dark shadow all over lovely grass surfaces because of the slop underneath. Second I like the quay behaviour taking care of the gapes or irregularities in between. And last but not least, placing ploppable asphalt on mass and editi...
PUMA store
Criado por Spal
PUMA store opens now in Cities Skylines! Puma SE, branded as PUMA, is a German multinational corporation that designs and manufactures athletic and casual footwear, apparel and accessories. Now is the third largest sportswear manufacturer in the world. Mod...
Puma Osaka
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 4x2 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Puma store in Osaka. It can be placed on straight tiles but works better as a corner building, which the real building is. Thanks @cluskillz for the suggestion. It is part of my Flagship Store...
Private Pool
Criado por Modocero
Private Pool Park 3x2 Search by Pool Asset Info Main Tris: 1805 Total Texture: 512x1024 Diffuse, Alpha, Specular, Normal Custom LOD Tags: Pool, Swimming Pool, Park, Private Pool Discord: Modocero#5931
Prada Osaka
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Prada building in Osaka. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 4,160 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / Diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha, normal maps LOD: 58 tris / 25...
Ploppable Pavement (old props)
Criado por Ronyx69
This is a legacy pack for users/maps/saves that used them, they still work perfectly fine but I made a new fuller pack: ...
Ploppable Pavement
Criado por Ronyx69
12 ploppable pavement props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Square32, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, SSquare32, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Request...
Ploppable Gravel
Criado por Ronyx69
12 ploppable gravel props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Square32, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, SSquare32, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests ...
Ploppable Grass
Criado por Ronyx69
10 ploppable grass props: Square4, Square8, Square16, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests My Discord Donate CSLM...
Ploppable Asphalt + [Loading time Fix]
Criado por Masaki Kimura
This mod improves your loading time when using PloppableAsphalt + mod. This mod will decrease your loading time dramatically if you subscribe thousands of assets with loppableAsphalt + mod. Important! This fixed mod doesn't include original props. If you m...
Ploppable Asphalt
Criado por Ronyx69
13 ploppable asphalt props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Square32, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, SSquare32, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Transition (sunken to plain road) Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tuto...
Platform Light ( Lamp )
Criado por Ryuichi Kaminogi
Realistic fluorescent light that glows beautifully and lightly. Find It! -> "KEIKOUTOU" "platform light"...
Plant boxes with buxus
Criado por Gruny
Plant box with one buxus Plant box with two buxus Suggested mods Find It! (Search with 'buxus' or 'Lordgruny') Move It! Support If you like this pack and want more assets like this one, please consider a small donation as a token of appreciation. https://i...
Plane Street Tree Medium
Criado por pdelmo
Plane Street Tree Medium by pdelmo If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
Pine Forest Pack
Criado por Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 11 unique pine tree assets, including a variety of ages and densities to create a diverse and dynamic forest. These are relatively generic and should fit a wide variety of biomes. I licensed th...
Piles of garbage
Criado por Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A small pack of 3 piles of garbage ideal for any landfill! For better blended edges use my garbage decal. An actual working landfill is on its way too, but these were finished first. :) They all share textures and...
Criado por Ronyx69
Pier related assets including: Props - bench, fence beams, stilts, wood box, decals Fake Road and In-building path (used inside the buildings) Path A (ground, elevated(fenceless), bridge(w/ fence)) Path B (elevated) Buildings - Deck Large/Side/End and Gaze...
Picnic Bench
Criado por notDONEyet
Real Size!! Tris:164 Texture: 256x512...
Peugeot 5008 2017
Criado por Ma7heus
2017-Present Peugeot 5008 Asset's 3D and Textures Info (Main | Custom Lod): Tris: 1833 | 36 Textures: 1024x1024 | 64x64 >> PROP Version Here Support my works:
Criado por Lost Gecko
Simple wood and metal pergola to decorate public spaces. Comes in 2 parts (normal + 45° angle). Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUT: Colorful Summer Day Model (normal-45°) main model tris: 160-106 textures: 512x128 (diffuse-normal-specular) LOD tris: 46-32 UI p...
Pedestrian Sidewalk
Criado por Badi_Dea
This network is expiremental, there is a bug where the networing may sink into the ground; this occurs under seemingly random conditions, and is related to the 'flatten terrain' attribute. This network will not be removed from the workshop, as doing so may...
Pedestrian bridge Pack
Criado por 听风说雨
Pedestrian bridge Pack by 听风说雨 这个天桥包类似于kaminogi的天桥包 但内容较少适合于搭建一些普通的天桥也可以适配于我发布的那一个福冈的建筑,相当于天桥包的一些皮肤替换。如果你喜欢的话就请帮我点点赞,谢谢支持! This Pedestrian bridge Pack is similar t...
PAZU[10m] (高圧ナトリウム道路灯)
Criado por hakurai
岩崎電気PAZUの高圧ナトリウム照明(10m)です。従来のPAZUシリーズのアセットからモデルを大幅に改善しました。 PAZU(高圧ナトリウム道路灯) by hakurai...
Pavilion of Fragrant Snow and Azure Cloud 雪香雲蔚亭
Criado por Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Ferrous metal MRF
Criado por Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Note this one pollutes the ground! Scrap iron is stored, sorted and pressed into cubes in preparation for reuse. The cubes are then distributed to factories, and used as raw ...
Fire Station Cum Ambulance Depot #1 - Hong Kong
Criado por Dennie Mok Hey! Are you still finding a nice looking but high coverage fire station for your city? This is it! It's the kind of fire station you would expect in an urban setting! Not only it has a big g...
Fixed roof oil tank - Shell (Growable)
Criado por Avanya
A growable 4x4 oil tank for your oil industry - this one carrying the Shell logo. Not much else to say about it really - more oil tanks and buildings to follow.
Floor tiling
Criado por 红米先生
地面铺砖9种样式,偏现代风格,适用于楼房地面装饰使用。 占地4X4格, 32X32米, 分辨率1024X1024, 铺砖离地面高0.7毫米, 属性:prop风格 There are 9 styles of paving bricks on the ground, partial modern style, which is suitable for building floor decoration. It covers an area of 4x4 grids, 32x32m, Resolution 10...
Flower Planter Pack
Criado por notDONEyet
in Findit search with name Greek pot 5,7 "Work In Progress'
Fluffy Grass
Criado por MrMaison
Fluffy Grass by MrMaison Introducing a 4 piece set of Fluffy Grass! These are generic grass assets great for lawns and gardens. They look great from any angle. This set includes 2 short versions (green and dry) that are at a pretty realistic height and gre...
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
Football club
Criado por vilgard92
Football club by vilgard92 Welcome to the football club ! A low tris fenced football club illuminated at night with a covered grandstand (with real seating), visitor parking, goal cages. There are also 4 color variations to vary the pleasures ;) Invisible ...
Football field [Re-Upload] {AD}
Criado por N v K
Football field. Adds a new poppable public football field in the park section. AFTER DARK UPDATED¡ For the sports fans in the neighborhood, Raises land value. CONSTRUCTION COST 8000 FIRE HAZARD 0 FIRE TOLERANCE 30 GARBAGE ACCUMULATION 10 MAINTENANCE COST 8...
Forbidden City Wall
Criado por Emperor Li
The wall surrounding the Forbidden City. works as elevated pedestrian path, Cims can walk atop the wall. Including bridge segment. Can be found under pedestrian path menu. Recommend to flatten the terrain first. But it follows the terrain. wall heights adj...
Ford Focus
Criado por Lord Drol
Ford Focus 2013 by ramoncontell - Diffuse map - Specular map - Illumination map (turning, braking signals and headlights) - Alpha map - Color Mask (4 colors). Mod to change colors: Advanced Vehicle Options
Fountain jet props
Criado por Robert
A set of animated fountain jets, exported at 3 different scales - ~7m, ~14m, and ~20m (same mesh and texture) They run non-stop, no needs. It's just the nozzle and the water, and a 'pool steam' effect. Place them in existing pools or bodies of water (with ...
French Lamp Pack [Paris]
Criado por Gèze
Informations: This is a pack of the typical street lanterns found in Paris. Additional informations: The pack includes: -Single Lamp 9m (best for avenues and boulevards) -Single Lamp -Triple Lamp -Quadra Lamp -Penta Lamp Be advised that screenshots for the...
Gap Ginza (Tokyo)
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Gap store in Ginza, Tokyo. It can be placed on straight tiles but works better as a corner building, which the real building is. It is part of my Flagship Store collection. Please support the ...
Garden Clusters Pack.
Criado por pdelmo
Garden Clusters> 7 diffrent variations, Rate if you like ! HOME OF THE LEAFY GARDEN IHXAI special Includes Just green no flowers Red PinK Yellow White Pale Purple And Muliti colour 352 Tri for the fl...
Garden Prop Pack 02
Criado por Beardmonkey
Garden Prop Pack 02 by Beardmonkey This is a pack of eight garden props. Most assets in this pack has custom LOD:s. If you use the Find It! mod by SamsamTS search for BM for easy access. Get Find It! here:
Gas Station CNPC
Criado por azaza
growabled 3X4 China National Petroleum Corporation was established as a joint stock company with limited liabilities under the Company Law of the China on November 5, 1999, as part of the restructuring of CNPC. In the restructuring, CNPC injected into Petr...
Gas Station Sinopec
Criado por azaza
growabled 3X4 China Petrochemical Corporation is Asia's largest oil refining and petrochemical enterprise, administered by SASAC for the State Council of the China. 中石化加油站 Gas Station Sinopec by azaza...
Gate 小区大门
Criado por hikke
大家好这次的作品是一个住宅小区 其中包含2栋住宅,2种临街商铺,1个小区大门 这是小区大门 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家圣诞快乐~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Gate of the Zenith Sun 正陽門城樓
Criado por Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-09-14*** Change roof color to grey with green edge 改屋頂成灰筒瓦綠琉璃剪邊 ****************************** Gate of the Zenith Sun (Zhengyangmen Gate Tower) This is a new version of the gate with new wall texture. It's compatible with the draggable Beiji...
Generic Tree pack
Criado por Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 generic filler trees for all sorts of rural areas, highway sides or anywhere some random trees are needed. Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUTs: Cleyra/Colorful Summer Day Models main models tris: 332 - 374 - 438 - 504 - 814 - 878 textures: 512x512 (d...
Giant Wild Goose Pagoda tower
Criado por dabaofu
Giant Wild Goose Pagoda tower by dabaofu 6*6...
Giorgio Armani Ginza (Tokyo)
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on Armani Ginza Tower in Tokyo. It is meant to be a 2x4 corner building, but I have been getting questions from players with my other assets about why they disappear after being plopped and turns out...
Givenchy Seoul
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 2x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Givenchy building in Seoul. It works best as a corner building. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this asset by giving it a thumbs up! M...
Glamping Pack
Criado por Modocero
Glamping Pack 4 Asset Variation pack Who said that mountains cannot be decorated in cities? Asset Info All assets less than 600 Tris Texture: 512x512, Diffuse, Normal, Specular Glass Texture 32x32 Custom LOD Tags: Glamping, ...
Glass Elevators
Criado por Ronyx69
Animated functional-ish glass elevators in 6 / 9 / 12 meter variations. The elevator contains an invisible "underground" path and a "balcony". You need road anarchy enabled to place it. DO NOT place it close to roads (place it more than 2 cells away from r...
Go chess (Weiqi)
Criado por RyanCat
Go chess (Weiqi) prop Use seat site to make the stools work. Tris:814 Texture:512x512,d...
Grass Rural Road
Criado por Ronyx69
A simple rural grass road based on the vanilla gravel road. Includes a lane prop with 5 variations and an extra prop. The transitions to any other roads will look awful, hide it with props and decals or something. Main: 8 - 128 tris 512x1024 + 256x256 LOD:...
Green city square绿地城市广场
Criado por 红米先生
绿地城市广场占地8X8格子,64X64米,贴图分辨率1024X1024,通过SUB方式导入,模型LOD面数在6千左右.由于在资产编辑器里无法放置更多PROP,有上限要求,所有里边有一半地方为空地,需要自己在游戏中开启相关prop模组便可在广场上任意地方放置你想要的prop资产,比如常见的树木等。 另外广场外形已对角为起点,可以想象摆放方式,比如十字路口放置在一边,或者十字路口对角摆放,镜像最好,这样可以形成一个大型城市广场。 The Greenland city square covers an area ...
Green Office 😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒
Criado por Ronyx69
take out your cucumbers lmao 😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒...
Guard Building 01
Criado por Beardmonkey
Guard Building 01 by Beardmonkey This is a scale house for a highway weigh station but can be used as a guard building as well. Tris: 478 Texture: 1024x1024 px LOD tris: 47 LOD texture: 128x128 px...
Guard Hut Mini-Pack
Criado por DieHardHunter
Just a couple of different guard huts. Prop Version #1 Tris: 184 Textures: 512x512 Version #2 Tris: 258 Textures: 512x512 Model info: - Props - 2 different versions (all shown in the screenshots) - no props/vehicles included, only the 2 different versions ...
Gucci Seoul
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 3x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Gucci flagship store in Cheongdam, Seoul. It is a stand-alone building, but it can also work wall-to-wall with the help of mods. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please ...
H&M Seoul
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 3x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the H&M building located at the center of the busy Hongdae shopping district in Seoul. It works best as a corner building. I've tried to figure out how the roof glass canopies work 'c...
HanJing Financial Center [Real Glass]
Criado por amamIya
HanJing Financial Center ,Shenzhen , CHINA Tris:5700 Texture:2048p Lod Tris: 2058 Lod Tex: 64p Height:350m(1:1)...
Harbin Vientiane哈尔滨万象汇
Criado por 红米先生
大型购物商场:原名哈尔滨华润万象汇购物中心 独特建筑商场类型 占地32X16格 建筑分SUB方式导入,无法PO, LOD:3500 高模分辨率:2K,1080P, 256,LED夜景...
Hazel Trees
Criado por pdelmo
Turkish Hazel(Corylus colurna,) Set of 4 trees and 2 Bushes (all same texture) Made for AmiPolizeiFunk and His new map. Big thanks If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
Hedge Prop.
Criado por pdelmo
Hedge Prop. 3d Plant Prop for People that detail only. Includes one tall 8mtr hedge terrain conforming Short 7mtr hedge conforming and non-conforming Made using bilboaring leaves has double sided mesh as its a prop. So has twice the triangle count as a tre...
Criado por Ronyx69
A pack of hedge props and networks, also includes replacements for the vanilla hedge. Search for "r69 hedge" using Find It! If a network segment is too long, there might be a gap, simply split the segment into two by creating an intersection. Main: 350 - 9...
Hermes Seoul
Criado por Stringer Bell
This is a 3x3 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Maison Hermes building in Seoul. It is a stand-alone building, but it can also work as a wall-to-wall. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and...
High Mast Lighting Pole / เสาไฟถนนสูง (Prop Pack)
Criado por Palm'sTime
High Mast Lighting Pole เสาไฟถนนสูง by Palm'sTime Prop Info: Texture Size Main: 512 x 512 / LOD: 64 x 64 Tris Main Tris: 20 m : 1,531 25 m : 1,531 30 m : 1,531 30 m (Double) : 2,219 LOD: 20 m : 74 25 m : 86 30 m : 98 30 m (Double) : 98 Donations If you lik...
highway-sidewall 高速公路护坡
Criado por hikke
大家好 这次的作品高速公路护坡 根据游戏自带的护坡进行编辑 制作出了这个 中式护坡 特点是和游戏的一样 可以自己拉弧度 在也不用一个个扑通了~ 如果你觉得好 请给我点赞 支持我~~ ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is highway-sidewall I used the road editing function to make Characteristics and the game is the same as qu...
High School Football Stadium
Criado por KingLeno
High School Football Stadium by kingleno A small high school football field with track, stands, small concessions area. The team name/mascot has 10 random variations when plopped. If you don't want a name, keep plopping until an empty one shows up. Only 4 ...
High School Soccer Field
Criado por KingLeno
High School Soccer Field by KingLeno A small high school field for soccer/aka football (i don't watch or gaf about either :- ) Just includes the stands and the field. Lot size 10 x 10 Triangles 7631 Texture 512/1024x2048 ***color of the field changes color...
HK Cardboard fruit boxes
Criado por Uncle Misha
Cardboard boxes with fruits, 1970s. Three variations. Variation 1: Duckwall pears and Diamond apples. Variation 2: Taiwan guava and Sunkist oranges. Variation 3: Taiwan mango and Nordic apples. Variation 1: Model: 298 tris, 256x256 px. LOD: 10 tris, 64x64 ...
HK Pedestrian overcrossing 港式人行道天桥 Hong Kong
Criado por XDBX
这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第一条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the first one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“PageUp” HK pedestrian overcrossing onl...
HK Plastic bottle crates
Criado por Uncle Misha
Plastic bottle crates with bottles, 1970s. Three variations. Variation 1: Coca Cola and 7 Up. Variation 2: Tsingtao and Blue Girl. Variation 3: Kirin and San Miguel. All variations: Model: 222 tris, 256x256 px. LOD: 10 tris, 32x32 px. ...
HK Wooden bottle crates
Criado por Uncle Misha
Wooden bottle crates with bottles, 1970s. Two variations. Variation 1: Pepsi, Coca Cola, San Miguel. Variation 2: 7 Up, Dr Pepper, Canada Dry. Variation 1: Model: 318 tris, 256x256 px. LOD: 10 tris, 32x32 px. Variation 2: Model: 346 tris, 256x256 px. LOD: ...
Jinhu Suning Plaza金湖苏宁广场
Criado por 红米先生
金湖苏宁广场+广场铺砖格。 坐落与江苏省淮安市金湖县,商业核心地段,拥有国内超人气吃喝玩乐一体等大型商场,欢迎您的光临 资产为超大型资产,占地170米X80米,建筑属性:独特性(超大购物商场),贴图分辨率:2K 建筑无法PO,因为面数过多,LOD面数:3000,使用SUB方式组合而成,漂亮的外观,中式现代的风格,让你享受全新的购物天堂。 Jinhu Suning Plaza, located in Jinhu County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, is a comm...
KFC, Telford England
Criado por Sakura
I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. What is this and why do I need it: A hi-commercial KFC Building based on the one from Telford England. Thi...
Hong Kong Sign 1 香港招牌
Criado por t1993810
Hong Kong Sign 1 香港招牌...
Outdoor Elderly Fitness Equipment (Hong Kong)
Criado por Mikan
Description This asset pack includes several elderly fitness equipment commonly seen in Hong Kong parks. Hong Kong is encountering the problem of aging population. A designated area called Elderly Fitness Corner is usually zoned in parks in the city. This ...
上海迪美地下购物街主入口 Sunken Plaza / Entrance
Criado por KimuXY
上海迪美地下购物街主入口 Sunken Plaza / Entrance...
[CRCP] 中国铁路字符物件 1
Criado por 98ColdDew
中国铁路字符物件【自制教程】 中国铁路字符物件 0 中国铁路字符物件 1 中国铁路字符物件 2 CRCP = China Railway Character Prop 中国铁路字符物件 此工坊物品为中国国铁站房站名用字prop,包含国铁LOGO+250隶书汉字。4m,a贴图+叠面法。 ※ 强烈建议订阅 find it 并在搜索栏输入 crcp 及拼音以便于查找。例如寻找 “一”,输入 “crcp yi”。 ※ 必需物品 loading screen mod 可以优化内存占用,因为所有prop的模型、d贴图、...
[CRCP] 中国铁路字符物件 2
Criado por 98ColdDew
中国铁路字符物件【自制教程】 中国铁路字符物件 0 中国铁路字符物件 1 中国铁路字符物件 2 CRCP = China Railway Character Prop 中国铁路字符物件 此工坊物品为中国国铁站房站名用字prop,包含第251-500隶书汉字。4m,a贴图+叠面法。 ※ 强烈建议订阅 find it 并在搜索栏输入 crcp 及拼音以便于查找。例如寻找 “甲”,输入 “crcp jia”。 ※ 必需物品 loading screen mod 可以优化内存占用,因为所有prop的模型、d贴图、i...
Criado por 忆起时
滚动宣传栏 by 随风一御 在游戏里水平滚动...
Criado por Friedrich
Search Keys:gzhu 原型:广州大学计算机学院宣传栏...
CCTV Security Camera (Left)
Criado por chenobble
CCTV Camera pointing left. Places on the side of buildings for that extra-secure look....
Speed bump - PACK
Criado por jPRO Speed bump - PACK Elevatable: bumper_black_yellow bumper_black bumper_yellow Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube
Parking Spaces for Heavy Traffics
Criado por K_Green
대형차량 주차공간 Parking Spaces for Heavy Traffics 포함 항목 CONTENTS 1. KW-Parking spaces for HT (1 space) 2. KW-Parking spaces for HTx3 (3 spaces) 3. KW-Parking spaces for HT 45d (3-spaces, 45 degree) Model INFO. Asset NameMain ModelMain Tex Paring spaces for HT122...
Criado por amamIya
Masonry浆砌石护坡 by amamIya...
Spotlight Pink(prop)射灯,激光灯
Criado por 红米先生
Spotlight Pink(prop版本) by 红米 射灯,激光照射,射出距离600米,角度30度 共三种颜色,分别蓝、绿、粉,可以任意放置高度和物体上 LOD: 30 贴图分辨率:1024X1024 Spotlight, laser irradiation, shooting distance 600 meters, angle 30 degrees A total of three colors, blue, green, pink, can be placed at any height and ...
Ploppable Surface Pack
Criado por DeCzaah
Ploppable Surface Pack by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! This is a pack of 7 ploppable surfaces (4x prop, 3x park), you can use for a maximum creativity! CreativeDEX had this awesome idea for that. Looking forward ...
Flower bed 5绿化带物件
Criado por 红米先生
Flower bed 5 by Redmi(红米) 绿化带物件共计5个 纯中式造型 属于PROP版本 1:绿化带10米X4米 2:道路树木底盘2X2米,高度0.5厘米 3:街道花坛4X4米,高1米 4:街道花坛5X4米,高1米 5:树木支架:1.5X1.5米,高1.5米,纯木纹材质。 LOD顶点面数:各占200 分辨率:512X512 搜素物件请直接搜索英文标题名称 There are 5 green belt objects in total Pure Chinese style Belongs to p...
Stone quay
Criado por Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on I'm on a quay spree! A different type of stone and a lighter color than my other stone quay. It also works in a more modern setting. The bollard is fairly small and repeats somewhat...
Old stone quay - Fenced & decorated
Criado por Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A decorated version of old stone quay - fenced. If you'd like to change the trees or lamps to better fit your city, then I recommend Network S...
400型 中式信号灯合集B Lite 包含人行信号
Criado por 灰原哀厨
400型 中式信号灯合集B Lite 包含人行信号 by 灰原哀厨 Rhyt2m和灰原哀厨均为本人使用的ID 包含以下资产,请注意部分资产仅适用于含自行车道的CSUR道路。 👉正常信号灯(通过BOB替换,具有信号指示功能) 400型 1 灯组; 400型 1 灯组双面; 400型 1 灯组镜像; 400型 1 灯组 人行信号灯; 400型 3 灯组 组合方式 A/B/D/E 交通标识 人行信号灯(适用于包含自行车道的道路); 400型 3 灯组 组合方式 C/D/D2 交通标识 人行信号灯。 👉人行信号灯(...
Criado por Onlylove
健身器材01 by Onlylove...
Criado por Slicky
四车道分流指示 by Slicky...
JP Parking Lot Custom
Criado por SUGINOKO
ver.3.1 ■ 日本の駐車場です。以下の102種類が同梱されています。 ▪ It is a Japanese parking lot. The following 102 types are included. ■ このアセットは作成者の意向によって変更する場合があります。 ▪ This asset is subject to change at the discretion of the author. https://i.imgur.c...
small business fishing harbor
Criado por sabb
2x3 fishing harbor, now everyone can eat fish! pretty much inspired from generic maritime village in Asia, specially Indonesia, Japan, and Thailand 漁港 (Japanese Fishing harbor) (still waiting for permission) really fit on this, Thank you for making the pro...
DOT: Road Safety Equipment
Criado por Spence!
A set of road equipment props, including cones, barricades, delineator posts, and impact barrels (intact and destroyed versions). There are 29 props included in this pack. See the DOT Prop Catalog to preview the full contents, or for more information on fi...
Arrow Board Trailers
Criado por Spence!
Trailers with flashing arrows to redirect traffic for roadworks and such. Three versions included, pointing left, right, and left/right....
Criado por 听风说雨
GARND NIKKO TOKYO DAIBA by 听风说雨 这个建筑位于日本東京都港区台场的日航大酒店,是一座四星级酒店,为了最好的适应天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的修改,整体还原度比较高,如果你喜欢我的作品,请不要吝啬你的点赞,谢谢! 建筑中所使用的树木资产如果你不需要可以不用订阅,不影响使用。 This building is located in the Nikko Hotel in Daiba, Minato District, Tokyo, Japan. It is a four-star h...
Japanese Cushion Drums クッションドラム
Criado por ako_ako
道路脇によくあるアレです。道路工事のお供にもどうぞ。 Propの工業カテゴリに表示されます。 This is a japanese style impact attenuator. This pack includes 6 props show in the picture. These props are in the under of the Industrial props. Recommended Mod More Beautification Prop Precision Prop Line To...
road barriers pack
Criado por DeCzaah
road barriers / traffic barriers Like you maybe already saw at creativDEX' twitter channel, we were discussing about different versions of concrete and plastic road barriers. The features: - different sizes to save on prop count - prop will align to elevat...
Hong Kong Crash Cushions [香港風琴式防撞欄]
Criado por yauaa
This prop pack contains a collection of crash cushions in Hong Kong. Currently 2 of the QuadGuard crash cushions are included in this prop pack. 此模組加入了香港常見的兩種風琴式防撞欄。 One of the following mod combinations is REQUIRED for prop placement: 須安裝以下其中一組模組以放置物件: "P...
Numa coleção por liujiaxin285628
中式风格城市模组推荐-B站搜索 佳欣凯
103 itens