Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Предмети (492)
Đuro Đaković housing settlement Sarajevo
Автор equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian Paket sadrži: -tri različite zgrade za ravni teren i jednu za padinski teren -samoposlugu -nadstrešnicu -četiri veličine ukrasnog trga Stambeno naselje „Đuro Đaković - Ciglane“ bilo je primjer moder...
Автор Mauser_NATO
АТ-Т Тяжолый тягач на базе танка Т-54, Также на базе тягача Инжинерная машина БАТ-М. 1- Бульдозер 2- С закрытым кузовом 3- Лесовоз 4- Бульдозер для уборки снега Года выпуска 1950 - 1979 ---------------------------------------------- AT-T Heavy tractor base...
БеЛаЗ 75710
Автор Дима
БеЛаЗ 75710 Производитель БелоруссияБелорусский автомобильный завод Годы производства 2013 — настоящее время Сборка ОАО «БелАЗ» (сборка ведётся, как правило, на месте эксплуатации) Класс карьерный самосвал Дизайн Компоновка переднемоторная, полноприводная ...
Garages of special equipment
Автор Tesmio
And again, a modular mod designed to once and for all solve the problems with snowplow and supply of enterprises. Garages for special equipment! Due to the lack of collision during construction, you can place them close to each other in as many as you like...
Каменная шахта с дробильной установкой (Big Gravel Mine )
Автор Tesmio
Stone mine with built-in crushing apparatus. At the exit, you immediately get gravel. Included in the ZTM complex. 100 Workers Productivity 13 tonn\day Excavators 3 things ------------------------ Каменная шахта с встроенным дробительным аппаратом. На выхо...
ГорТранс. (city transport infrastructure)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Мод на разные станции, полустанки, депо, и прочее. Mod to different stations, stop stations, depots, and more. !!!! The use of mod materials is prohibited. !!!!...
Запорожець ЗАЗ - 968 (ZAZ - 968)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Роки виробництва 1971 -1979...
Дворец культуры
Дворец был построен в начале 70-х годов для посетителей Припяти и Чернобыльской АЭС. «Энергетик» являлся частью целого комплекса городских центральных зданий, куда входили сам дом культуры, универмаг, гостиница «Полесье», ресторан, кухня для детей, кинотеа...
Реактивная система залпового огня (РСЗО)- БМ-13. В простонародье...
МАЗ-537 (MAZ-537)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Четырёхосный седельный тягач разработки Минского автомобильного завода. 1 - МАЗ_537 с ТЗ-60 2 - МАЗ-537 с ЧМЗАП-5247М Года выпуска 1959—1989 3 цвета ------------ Four-axle truck tractor developed by the Minsk Automobile Plant. 1 - MAZ_537 with TZ-60 2 - MA...
ЛуАЗ-969М (LuAZ-969M)
Автор Mauser_NATO
ЛуАЗ-969М "Волинянка" Лёгкий многоцелевой внедорожник. Есть 8 разновидностей: 1,2,3 - Пассажирские версии. 4 - Самосвал. 5 - Открытый кузов. 6 - Закрытый кузов. 7 - Автоцистерна. 8 - Бетономешалка. 16 расцветок. Года произвоцтва: 1972 - 2002 --------------...
Набор магазинов - Pack of stores.
коллекция магазинов. store collection...
Автор Дима
автобус ПАЗ-3237 пасожиров 17 сидячих мест обьщее число в мещаемости 54 пасожира Год выпуска 2002-2014 можно купить за РУБЛИ...
Плакучая Ива
Ресторана «Плакучая ива»,на самом деле не существовало, его соорудили в павильоне на киностудии Мосфильм,специально для этого фильма. Restaurant...
Пластиковый цех (Plastic Factory)
Автор Tesmio
Пластиковый цех научно-производственного предприятия "Резистор". Списочное количество сотрудников цеха - 88 рабочих. По производительности немного превосходит обычный ванильный завод. Потребляет химикаты, нефть, производит пластиковые корпуса для электрони...
Поликлиника | Polyclinic
Автор Podolskiy
Вологодская детская поликлиника №1. Не рассчитана на транспортировку больных, но в игровой версии были добавлены кареты скорой помощи. Рабочие - 40 Доктора - 40 Транспортных средств - 5 ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 28.09.2020: Добавлена стоянка для карет скорой помощи Рабоч...
Почтовое отделение | Post office
Автор dimndroll
RUS Теперь для граждан республики доступна почта (в комплекте киоск “Союзпечать” и старый советский уличный телефон). Поскольку в игре нет почтовой инфраструктуры, это здание работает как кинотеатр. Сотрудники: 30 Посетители: 68 В качестве бонуса киоск “Со...
Распределительный центр / Distribution Center
Автор Vilaxe
________ Распределительный центр _________________________ !!Склад!! Вместительность: 7750 тонн + 355 тонн (Хранение мяса) ✅ Без коллизии. Соединение с зданием: пешеходные дорожки/заводские соединения/дорожные соединения. !!"Открытое" хранилище!! Вместител...
СОВХОЗ / Real soviet farm
Автор Benser
СОВХОЗ / FARM Новый Совхоз в советсом стиле. Техника - 18 мест Хранилище - 350 т New Farm in real soviet style. $WORKING_VEHICLES_NEEDED 18 $STORAGE_EXPORT RESOURCE_TRANSPORT_COVERED 350 26/12/2020 add version without rail and with 12 vehicles Другие мои р...
Серия 1-515 (1-515 series fragment)
Автор Tesmio
Support me: Панельные дома серии I-515 являются лидерами распространения в 50ые года по всей РСФСР. Годы строительства с 1957 по 1973гг. Во время прокладки линий метро, некоторые дома данной серии треснули, поэтому большинство...
Серия 121 60 25 В
Серия 121-60-25 – крупнопанельные дома, распространенные в городах, строившихся в качестве обеспечения жилой инфраструктуры крупных энергетических объектов (ГЭС, ГРЭС, АЭС). Дома имеют специфический внешний вид, в связи с крестообразной планировкой этажа. ...
Серия 91 (series 91 fragment)
Автор Tesmio
Support me: Новый цикл работ, включающий в себя типовые секции жилых домов, из которых вы можете быстро собрать красивое здание нужной этажности. Именно так должен был работать Building Editor. Включает в себя несколько элемен...
Социалистическая стройка (Socialist construction) PART - 1
Автор Mauser_NATO
"Социалистическая стройка" Сборник разных зданий в стиле "Советский модерн" Это 1я часть Socialist construction. Collection of different buildings in the style of "Soviet Modern" Part 1 PART 2
Социалистическая стройка (Socialist construction) PART - 2
Автор Mauser_NATO
"Социалистическая стройка" Сборник разных зданий в стиле "Советский модерн" Socialist construction. Collection of different buildings in the style of "Soviet Modern" PART 1
Спиртзавод (Distillary)
Автор Tesmio
Support me: Обнаружилось, что в мастерской практически вообще нет спиртзаводов. А те два с половиной огрызка, что есть - имеют неподходящий стиль, мыльную модель или кривые конфиги. Я исправляю эту ситуацию! Спиртзавод, основа...
Спорт | Sport
Автор Podolskiy
Стадион 1 Рабочих - 10 Посетителей - 120 Стадион 2 (2 версии) Рабочих - 15 Посетителей - 210 Баскетбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 24 Волейбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 18 Футбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих...
Стела ЧАЭС им В.И.Ленина
Стела ЧАЭС им В.И.Ленина.может использоваться как церковь. The stela of the Chernobyl NPP named after V.I. Lenin can be used as a church....
Типовые панели 1-132.1
Автор Tesmio
Трехслойные железобетонные панели с эффективным утеплителем и гибкими связями разработаны для наружных несущих стен крупнопанельных 5 - 9-этажных жилых зданий. Исходя из комментариев под моими предыдущими работами в серии "Собери сам", я сделал вывод, что ...
УАЗ - 452 (UAZ - 452)
Автор Mauser_NATO
УАЗ 452 Буханка Грузовой вариант Автобус Личный транспорт Амбулатория 22 расцветки Параметры: Буханка Скорость: Буханка! Вместимость - Буханка!!!! Грузоподьёмность - БУХАНКА!!! Прочее: БУХАНКААА!!!! Года производства: 1965 - тепловая смерть вселенной ...
УАЗ - 469 (UAZ - 469)
Автор Mauser_NATO
УАЗ - 469 Бобик. 2 варианта 13 расцветок 7 посадочных мест. Производился 1972 - 2003...
Универсам | Universam (grocery supermarket)
Автор dimndroll
RUS Универсам (универсальный магазин самооблуживания) – это один из первых советских супермаркетов в современном понимании слова. Правда, в отличие от универмагов, там продавали исключительно продукты и хозяйственные товары. Такие магазины массово строилис...
Химический цех (Chemical Factory)
Автор Tesmio
Support me: Химический цех научно-производственного предприятия "Резистор". 78 рабочих и 10 инженеров из битума, топлива, урожая и целлюлозы производят высококачественные отчественные химреактивы для микроэлектронных нужд НПП ...
Химический цех (Chemical Factory)
Автор Tesmio
Химический цех завода тяжелого машиностроения. Потребляет битум, топливо, уголь, производит химикаты. Цех - не является автономной единицей. Все комменты тех кто будет писать "а как я буду вилкой чистить" без коннекта сыпучих и жидкий грузов, будут удалять...
Школа | School
Автор Podolskiy
Это прототип настоящей школы в Вологде, Россия. Я учился в ней и теперь ваши товарищи тоже смогут. Рабочие - 20 Учителя - 30 Максимум учеников - 300 Также, это мой первый мод, так что я надеюсь, он вам понравится) P.S.: Если вам не нравится асфальтная площ...
Электроносборочный цех (Electronic Factory)
Автор Tesmio
Support me: Цех окончательной сборки продукции (ЦОСП) научно-производственного предприятия "Резистор". Здесь из электродеталей, пластика и механических компонентов создают радиоприемники, телевизоры, компьютеры, доступные для ...
Автор Дима
карьерный самосвал грузо-падъёмность 70т годы производства 1990-2010 можно купить за рубли точной инфо не нашол названия и даты ,если кто подскажит добавлю как автора...
жилой дом
Автор Дима
3 этажный дом на 120 человек ,был построин в 2015 города красноуральска в Свердловской обл...
"Stalinist" houses series II-18
Автор Raysione
This mod adds 8 options for large-block houses of type II-18: 1-5 sectional nine-story buildings and 1-3 sectional five-story buildings. I must say right away that my houses are not those richly decorated palaces for workers, but Stalin's of the late perio...
"Stalinist" houses series II-18
Автор Raysione
This mod adds 8 options for brick plastered houses of type II-18: 1-5 sectional nine-story buildings and 1-3 sectional five-story buildings. Unlike the first version of these houses, brick is used in the construction. The houses themselves are joked and qu...
1-201 series
Автор NightWarrior
SERIES 1-201 VERSIONS OF 1950. The prerequisites for mass model housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of the decree of the Government and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on streamlining and reduc...
1-201 series (original silver)
Автор Raysione
SERIES 1-201 VERSION 1950 (original silver) The prerequisites for mass standard housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of a decree by the Government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist ...
Đuro Đaković housing settlement Skins
Автор equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian Kolekcija skinova za naselje Đuro Đaković English: A collection of skins for the Đuro Đaković housing settlement...
1-235 blue
Автор NightWarrior
series 235 blue...
Автор Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
Автор Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
Автор Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
Автор Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
Автор Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
Автор Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
1930s Electric Components Factory
Автор Comrade Joe
The Elektroapparat factory is a real life factory located in old Leningrad. It produces electric components for the heavy and energy industry. Originally set up by German Capitalists in the late 19th Century, it was gloriously confiscated by the Revolution...
30m Hard Shelter
Автор Nyxyx
A small shelter for keeping your planes safe. -By Nyxyx...
2k22 Tunguska
Автор Krinkov
2k22 Tunguska with Armor Cage Works as a bus until they add military vehicles Cost: 35000 RUB ...
3 into 1 Conveyor Transfer
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
3 into 1 Conveyor Engine...
Affordable starting ships
Автор Sepis
There are 3 types of ships: Open Cargo (1054 tons of cargo) Oil Tanker (1454 tons of liquid) Aggregate (1357 tons of ore) All of them cost ~250,000 rub to buy, for each one. If you buy licence to buy one of them, other licences will cost ~80% less. Note: O...
AlG Oil Storage Pack
Автор AlGames
Oil Storage Pack. Capacity: 5000 and 10000 tons...
Ampir brick houses PACK
Автор Benser
ПАК кирпичных сталинок начала 50-х с высокой детализацией по мотивам серии домов в Дарницком районе, г.Киев, Украина. Состоит из 3 домов: 1. Ampir brick house S - пятиэтажный дом на 100 жителей 3. Ampir brick house М - пятиэтажный дом на 220 жителей 4. Amp...
Animal Farm V2
Автор archiver213
The Animal Farm V2. x3 production, 1/3 consumption. x3 storage....
Armenian corner stalinka
Автор abelyanhayk852
Corner stalinka based on a real building in Yerevan, Armenia. Accommodates 208 workers with 97 percent living quality. Has small pool inside. --- Угловая сталинка на основе реального здания в Ереване, Армения. Вмещает 208 рабочих, имеет качество жилья 97%....
1-235 series
Автор NightWarrior
TYPICAL SERIES OF CINDER BLOCK RESIDENTAL BUILDINGS 1-235 Built since 1951 in various variations In 1954 reworked and standardized by the State Institute of Standard Design and Technical Research The projects were approved on October 9, 1954. Ministry of C...
Автор Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
AlG Open Storage 4K.
Автор AlGames
Open storage 4K. Capacity: 4000 tons...
Armenian Stalinka
Автор abelyanhayk852
DECREASED THE SIZE! ---------- Stalinka based on real building in Yerevan, Armenia. Accommodates 62 workers and provides 93% quality. --- Сталинка основанная на реальном здании в Ереване, Армения. Вмещает 62 рабочих с качеством жилья 93%. MODEL IS NOT MINE...
Armenian stalinka
Автор abelyanhayk852
DECREASED THE MOD SIZE! ---------- Stalinka residential house based on real building in Yerevan, Armenia. Accommodates only 77 workers but provides 98 percent of living quality. --- Сталинка на основе реального здания в Ереване, Армения. Вмещает всего 77 р...
Asphalt filling
Автор Shotkey
Filling with asphalt is carried out in two stages: marking the perimeter with special sections (angular and straight) and filling the inner area. Features Overlap roads, merges with the blind area of buildings Never overgrown with grass Never casts a shado...
Asphalt Plant Big
Автор Okota Harinezumi
The "large" version of Asphalt Plant V2 from archiver213 Bitumen storage 150 t Gravel storage 300 t Asphalt storage 100 t...
Автор Augusto_Panalitico
Версия автомобиля (автобуса)/Version of the car (bus) На русском АСУ-85 — советская самоходная артиллерийская установка созданная на основе легкого танка ПТ-76Б, для противотанковой обороны Воздушно-Десантных Войск и мотострелковых подразделений. Разработа...
Automobile troops of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. Part 1
Автор Salty
The mod includes samples of automotive, construction, and special equipment that were in service with the Soviet Army. Thank you to everyone who points out the shortcomings and flaws in the mod's work. Together, we will make the mod even better. Peace to a...
B1000 Ambulance Versions
Adds real color variants for the fire department ambulance and the Schnelle Medizinische Hilfe. See also my SMH 3 - Mod: (Adds the vehicle type B1000 SMH3 to the game!)...
Balanced steel mills
Автор abelyanhayk852
The pack contains 2 steel mills with balanced consumption. This question was discussed here: Ingame consumption of iron and coal is much more high than real life numbers. So, I edited...
Bauxit processing plant
Автор pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. A factory with railway trac...
Автор pascha.frolow1990
Bauxite mine. Quarry for the extraction of bauxite ore by open method. Attention! Updating the mod. It does not require: electricity, drinking water and sewerage. Parking has been removed as unnecessary (it takes a long time to load, the trash can interfer...
Автор vinnikandry
Serial production of BelAZ 540 was launched at the end of 1965. The main feature of the car is the ability to transport up to 27 tons of cargo (or 15 m3)....
Автор Toman
Based on Czech gas station Benzina Works like Normal Gas Station. Enjoy Comrades...
Позначений несумісним ]  Better Conveyors
Автор Savant
Basic information This simple mod makes the conveyor engines better by placing the output points at the same level as the input point. This means that chaining conveyor engines should be easier. For the sake of clarity, the following has been changed in co...
Bitum Powerplant
Автор painkillerlexar
BitumenPowerstantion Bitumen means Mazut ("heavy fuel oil") , we no have no mazut in game but Mazut its close to Bitum so we can have one more resource for get Electricity! ...
Bitumen heating plant
Автор DirrrtyDirk
Large heating plant with 600 GJ/day heating power and 10 big connections. The plant is fueled with Bitumen, consuming maximum 5 tons/day with maximum power and need 50 workers to run. The costs to build it will be around 145.000 RUB without inflation. Gene...
Автор Augusto_Panalitico
На русском БМП-1 — советская гусеничная боевая машина пехоты. Первая в мире серийная боевая машина пехоты плавающая, предназначенная для транспортировки личного состава к месту выполнения боевой задачи, повышения его мобильности и защищённости и поддержки ...
BMP-1 (auto)
Автор Augusto_Panalitico
Версия автомобиля (автобуса)/Version of the car (bus) На русском БМП-1 — советская гусеничная боевая машина пехоты. Первая в мире серийная боевая машина пехоты плавающая, предназначенная для транспортировки личного состава к месту выполнения боевой задачи,...
Автор Soviet
BMP-2 (GBTU index - Object 675) - Soviet and Russian tracked infantry fighting vehicle, designed to transport personnel to the front line, increase their mobility, armament and security on the battlefield in conditions of the use of nuclear weapons and joi...
Автор KsenoN
Решил немного добавить военной техники, исключительно для производства на автозаводах и дальнейшей продажи зарубеж. Если вам такая идея по душе, напишите комментарий и какую технику хотели бы видеть у себя. БРДМ-2 — бронированная разведывательно-дозорная м...
Boeing CH-47 Chinook
Автор Mauser_NATO
USA heavy multipurpose transport helicopter. Manufactured since 1962 10 Colors. As long as there is passenger and cargo (I'll add a hanging ramp later) Currency USD...
Bread factory
Автор Gerbilskij
A medium sized bakery, don't get fooled by its appearance comrades, here we produce only the freshest bread out of the finest chem... WHEAT FLOUR, made from our glorious republic golden fields. Thank you to Ryantheskinny for the help fixing some errors. NB...
Brown Brick
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Residential Brown Brick Re-skin by Off The Rails. This is a re-skin of the in game block of flats that were previously white, picture shows a before and after. Capacity 174. With many thanks for the help I had in making this from Pak Rat...
Bucket Dredger
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Instructional video on placement provided. Today I present to you a Bucket Dredger. An excavation boat meants for gravel mining in shallow waters. In game version, it acts as a factory, where you send fuel to power the boat and get gravel out of it. It con...
Автор Soviet
BTR-80 is an 8×8 wheeled amphibious armoured personnel carrier designed in the USSR. It was created in the early 1980s as a further development of the BTR-70 armored personnel carrier, taking into account the shortcomings of the latter identified in the Af...
Автор KsenoN
БТР-60 стал первым в серии советских четырёхосных бронетранспортёров, развитие и производство которой продолжается до сих пор. Поставлялся как СССР, так и Румынией в десятки других стран, применялся во множестве региональных конфликтов и, несмотря на посте...
Building II-60
Автор Holodets
Panel house for 190 residents. The series is known for an abandoned house in Pripyat. Tolyatti is also full of them. Creator of the house model: kowkamurka...
Bus - Construction Office Skins
Автор CTRx
Construction Office skins for some busses. I made these skins for my personal use, but I decided to publish them. Someone may find them usefull as well. The reason I made them is because I like having some distinction between regular busses and ones I use ...
Bus stop
Pripyat. The central part of the colonnade in the town square....
Bus stops
Автор Vikom
Three bus stops from Brno. A duo of two tiny basic structures. A basic structure plus one concrete functionalist building from 60s. A basic structure plus one steel structure. The basic structures are already super rare in Brno. The concrete building is in...
Автор painkillerlexar
Very Small BusStop VilageSmall Busstop some visual problem with Vehicles overcrossing , but work ) Bus stop for vilages where imposible place standart bus station...
Автор Benser
Автобусная остановка с мозаикой (мод, не текстура) Bus station with Ukrainian mosaic (New mod ) (model vanilla version)...
Автор Benser
Автобусная остановка с мозаикой. Busstop mosaic. 12.10.2021 добавил одностороннюю остановку (add version of one way busstop ) Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
CarGo Tram | Dresden
Автор βlu∃_βrO
CarGo Tram kindly commissioned by Bo.Om!# . Thank you very much for my support. IRL its a tram for transportation of car parts in Dresden. In game, it can be found in the train depo, costing USD. Stats: Power Cars: Cost: 104,000 USD Pow...
Cat 797B
Автор Дима
Производитель Caterpillar Годы производства 2002—2009 Сборка Северная Америка Класс самосвал Дизайн Тип кузова 2‑дв. самосвал Компоновка переднемоторная, заднеприводная Колёсная формула 4 × 2 / 2 Двигатель Caterpillar 7, 117 л V12x2 (турбонаддув) (3370 л. ...
CAT Pack
Автор KsenoN
Caterpillar Inc. «Ка́терпиллар» — одна из ведущих корпораций по производству крупнейшей спецтехники в мире. В данном моде присутсвует техника CAT: автогрейдер, погрузчик и каток. Caterpillar Inc. Caterpillar is one of the leading corporations for the produ...
Автор pascha.frolow1990
Updates: 1. New textures; 2. The factory model has been modified; 3. Added fixtures: 4. Fixed lighting of buildings. Cement Plant It is intended for the production of cement from clinker in a dry way. Clinker is a product of lime and clay firing. Cement is...
Challenger 2 Tank
Автор Krinkov
Challenger 2 TES Variant Nicknamed the Megatron ...
Автор Tesmio
Checkpoint. The game is set like a small warehouse. Not a hindrance to transport. It interacts well with fences from other mods. UPD 28/03/20 - Completely redesigned model of the guardhouse. Контрольно-пропускной пункт. В игре установлен, как маленький скл...
Checkpoint v.3 (КПП)
Автор Tesmio
Новый контрольно-пропускной пункт, улучшенная версия предыдущего. New checkpoint, improved version of the previous one. Подписывайтесь также на мою группу в ВК: Warning! Вы можете обратится ко мне в личные сообщения с предложением как...
Chemical plant
Автор robs074 Chemical plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 2.4 t of gravel, 2.8 t of wood, 2.6 t of crops and 4 t of oil ...
Chornobyl Conmemoration
Автор Rod.Zam
35th Aniversary of the Chornobyl Disaster English On this day 35 years ago, the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant suffered an explosion due to operator error and design failure. In the ensuing days, thousands of people would lose their lives due to Acute Radia...
Children`s Hospital series 2-05-22
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several hospital buildings made according to the project 2-05-22 GIPROZDRAV. Approved August 10, 1953 CHARACTERISTIC The main building Building type - hospital 68 teachers 32 workers 16 parking spaces Serves at least 262 visito...
City warehouse
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a warehouse similar to the one in my city (see screenshots). Such a warehouse is quite spacious, it can be placed in the city for storing food as a distribution point for food or for other needs (second building). CHARACTERISTI...
Civil rural building / ПАК сельских зданий
Автор Benser
Пак гражданских обьектов для сел и маленьких городов в стиле второй половины 50 х годов. Состоит из: 1. автобусная остановка с мозаикой 2. 4 памятника: вьездная стелла, чайник, колосья пшеницы и "мой завод моя гордость" $MONUMENT_GOVERNMENT_LOYALTY_RADIUS ...
Coal & Iron Mines(Auto)(Aluminium mine was added)
Автор 他敬爱的琛爸
Completely Automatic Coal mine and iron mine,only need diggers for production ,need to be placed on rocks 全自动化煤矿和铁矿,有挖掘机就可以工作,需要放在岩石上 2019.11.13 the problem that diggers don't refuel automatically has been completely fixed,just make the gas station and the...
Coal mine
Автор pascha.frolow1990
Coal mine Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. Coal Mine Designe...
Coal processing plant
Автор pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Game crashes are possible. Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. ...
Collection of various cranes
Автор MC Bonito
KB 100.1 (Tower) 1965-1982 RUB Kato NK 200 (Vehicle) 1975-1980 USD KB 504 (Tower) 1976-2000 RUB LG 1280 (Vehicle) 1974-1976 USD RDK 250-2 (Tower) 1980-1991 RUB UPDATE K-161 (Road) 1961-1975 RUB KATO NK-360B 1970-1975 USD KATO NK-1200S 1980-1994 USD Models ...
Concrete filling
Автор Shotkey
Filling with concrete is carried out in two stages: marking the perimeter with special sections (angular and straight) and filling the inner area. Features Overlap roads Never overgrown with grass Never casts a shadow Compatible with any terrain Can fit wi...
Construction Machinery Base
Автор SerpPort
Hello everyone!!! I would like to present to you my next masterpiece. Hope everyone likes it. How many times have you wanted big construction companies? And construction offices that could be put somewhere well, very far away, and quite cheap. Or maybe you...
Construction Prop Pack: Misc
Автор Lex713
Information This prop pack includes total of 17 static construction related props for all your decoration needs. Just like all my ploppable packs, "buildings" from this one can also be placed everywhere and can be found in monuments. What this pack include...
Construction Prop Pack: Vehicles
Автор Lex713
Information This prop pack includes total of 36 static construction related vehicles from vanilla game for all your decoration needs and it's only first pack of little construction series I'm gonna release for our great republics. Just like all my ploppabl...
Construction site assets
Автор Knudsen
Construction site aces for decorative purposes. So far included are: 4 construction site scaffolds Pipes Barrel I will add more assets to this mod in the future. You will find the assets in the monument tab. A little tip, to place small assets like the bar...
Conveyor Road & Rail Crossings
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Easily connect up your conveyor belts over the top of roads and rails. 6 roadside towers with a combination of inputs and outputs and 10 crossings with 3 inputs and 3 outputs, all are symmetrical so can be placed either way round. Includes roadside towers ...
Conveyor Engine 2RC
Автор Igi_PL
Default conveyor engine wiht one additional road connection and allowpass. The vehicles pass through the pillar, but I want to keep the building as unchanged as possible. UPDATE: 2021.07.25 Added option $WORKING_SFX buildingworking_gravelengine. ...
Container Wagon
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Train production in screenshot made by OffTheRails: Containers kindly provided by Nyxyx :). Brand new redesign of my container wagon with 7 different variations of skins. Ca...
Conveyor towers
Автор MTandi
An alternative to the standard conveyor engine that makes your conveyor spaghetti better organized. Differences: - All conveyor attachments are elevated - Has 2 footpath connections that can be used instead of road connection after construction is complete...
Cooperative school series
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a cooperative school made according to project No. 52-07 (CITP No. 1071) CenterUnion. Approved on September 16, 1952. Such a small building can be conveniently located in a village or city to provide residents with a higher edu...
Country club series 2-06-40
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a typical club 2-06-40 made exactly according to the project around 1954-1956 CHARACTERISTIC. 3 workers serves at least 100 people Such a village club will ideally fit into any of your village, subscribe :)...
Decor elements
(Рус) Элементы декора для оформления тротуаров и площадей. Установка в любом месте. Дорожка прокладываеться до или после декора. Замена асфальтных площадей под зданиями, тротуарной плиткой. Отдельное спасибо BORO, за помощь в создании мода. (En)Decor eleme...
Department Stores 2-07-11/12
Автор Raysione
This mod contains two typical department stores of series 2-07-11 (frontal) and 2-07-12 (corner) made exactly according to these 1952 projects (see screenshots). CHARACTERISTIC. 60 workers Minimum service 324 people Food storage 35 tons Such department sto...
(рус)________________ Депо железнодорожного транспорта, длинные поезда не поддерживает. (en)________________ Railway depot, long trains are not supported....
Decorative Sidewalks\Декоративные тротуары
Автор kgon
Декоративные асфальтные тротуары и площадки. Созданы для скрытия уродливых пешеходных дорожек вдоль автодорог. Включает 10 элементов - 5 асфальтных площадок, три прямых тротуара и два угловых. Вероятно сделаю варианты с двумя бордюрами. Также планируется н...
Distillery / Спирткомбинат
Автор Benser
Лохвицкий спиртовой комбинат (ЛСК) — предприятие спиртовой промышленности в городе Заводское Полтавской области Украина. Производил спирт, ликеро-водочную продукцию и биотопливо. Lokhvitsky alcohol plant is a factory of the alcohol industry in Zavodske tow...
Distribution offices & techical services
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 6 buildings of car depots (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32 parking spaces) and 3 buildings of technical services (4, 8, 12 parking spaces). Such buildings have no analogues, I came up with it myself :) The same buildings that act as const...
Double decker container wagon v2
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Second version of my "Double decker container wagon". Now works with the in-game containers. Double-stacking ability is kept, so you can transport twice as many containers in one train! Enjoy making long and awesome-looking monsters going throughout your r...
Double-decker Car-carrier Wagon
Автор βlu∃_βrO
A blue double-decker car-carrier wagon. Finally updated, so its possible to load vehicles onto upper deck! It is recommended to only load personal cars due to other vehicles clipping onto upper deck. Modrý vozeň na prepravu vozidiel. Konečne aktualizované,...
Dry Bulk Mid Height Transfers
Автор Twiggy
This is a set of Dry Bulk Mid Height Transfers for Aluminium oxide and Cement. ...
Автор KsenoN
ДТ-75 (75М) — гусеничный сельскохозяйственный трактор общего назначения. В 2013 году Волгоградский тракторный завод отметил полувековой юбилей со дня начала производства ДТ-75. Трактор приобрёл хорошую репутацию благодаря удачному сочетанию высоких эксплуа...
Автор vinnikandry
Early soviet EMUs
Автор ZIMA
Baku–Surachany EMU This is the first electric multiple unit produced in the USSR. It was intended for Baku–Sabuntschi–Surachany (Azerbaijan) and produced by Mytischtschinsjy Wagon Plant. This plant had no any experience in EMU, but have been one of the mai...
Electronic component factory
Автор robs074 Electronic component factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 2 t of plastics, 2 t of steel and 1.6 t of chemi...
Автор olDen
DU-47 roller SPEED 20 SKILL 22 AVAILABLE 1971 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
Electrical Organizers
Автор Nyxyx
A set of equipment for more organized electrical grids. The combs are especially useful for powerplants. Edit: So it turns out the game has some dumb restriction where buildings cannot route more than a total of 19MW through them. I don't know why the deve...
EN-57 yellow-blue
Автор EmilenX2 "Dzik"
EN-57 more yellow and more blue like in 80s I'm open to suggestions that's my first skin ;)...
Exportable Yak38
Автор Sulphart
The Yakovlev Yak-38 was the Soviet Naval Aviation's only operational VTOL strike fighter aircraft in addition to being its first operational carrier-based fixed-wing aircraft. It was developed specifically for, and served almost exclusively on, the Kiev-cl...
Country club series 093
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a typical village club series 093 made exactly according to the 1954 project CHARACTERISTIC. 7 workers serves at least 200 people Works like a movie theater Such a small club in the Stalinist Empire style will perfectly fit into any of yo...
Extra Large Grain Elevator
Автор Pyro
An even larger grain elevator built from prefab panels. It stores 48,000 tons of grain. Check out my smaller grain elevator here https://steamcommunity...
Double-decker Container Wagon
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Another container wagon to my wagon callection, this time huge, double decker one. Extreme capacity of 92t due to the sheer size of it, costing you 45,300 big ones. For balance reasons, the overall weight of the wagon has been increased significantly. Avai...
Farm v2
Автор r63Slam
24 working vehicles. x2.5 storage. Added fuel in storage Added fertilizer in storage...
Farm Fuel Tank
Автор Doristela
Fuel oil reserve for refueling your Kolkhoz vehicles. 3 tanks of 8 m3 = 20t of fuel. Functions as a service station, must be refueled. Should be placed on a flatened ground....
Factory Watch Tower (Заводская вышка)
Автор Tesmio
Заводская смотровая вышка. Тип здания - завод. Требуется электричество и 1 рабочий, чтобы зажечь фонарь. Factory observation tower. Building type - factory. It requires electricity and 1 worker to light the lantern....
Extra Barbed Wire Fence
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Another version of my barbed wire fence, this time with extra barbed wire coil going in the middle. 6m high, suitable for any kind of building worth protecting in your humbble, peaceful rebuplic. Comes in a set of 1, 3 and 10 pieces for easy placement. Ďal...
Fences and arches
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a pack of fences and arches: Yard fence 1, 3, 8 sections + arch to it. Park fence 1, 3, 8 sections + arch to it. With the help of my mod, you can perfectly decorate courtyards and parks with these lovely 1950s style fences. P.S (arches an...
Flower beds
Автор robs074 Decorative flower beds in five different variants. Collision disabled. They may look strange in the winter, I can't give them custom winter textures. Dekoracje kwiatowe w pięciu różnych wariantach. Kolizje wyłączone. Mog...
Flower beds - skins (part 1)
Автор robs074 Skins for my flower beds. Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Flower beds - skins (part 2)
Автор robs074 Skins for my flower beds. Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
FMZ Bizon Z040/50/56/56-7
Автор xlimeee
FMŻ Bizon combine harvester pack with different paintjobs. Harvesting skill ranging from 25 to 32, cost is simmilar to E512 Paczka kombajnów zbożowych FMŻ Bizon Z040/50/56/56-7. Szybkość koszenia od 25 do 32, koszt podobny co E512 Z040 Z050 Z056 Z056-7 poz...
Food Factory V2
Автор archiver213
Food Factory V2 2x Production & Export...
Автор wild
Freightliner Coronado – североамериканский магистральный тягач, с 2001 по 2009 года выпускаемый компанией Freightliner. Тягач обладает классическим «Американским обликом» продаётся за USD баксы вместимасть цестерны 62 тонны добавил самосвал 50 тонн The Fre...
From Russia with Love - export.
Автор Salty
The mod allows your republic to establish the production and export of automotive, construction, and special equipment from the modification packages: "Military Construction Detachments of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR" and "Automobile Troops of the ...
Frostsey's Restaurant
Автор Ternet18
Frostsey's Bar and Restaurant. Its an updated version of Frostsey's original building, with some quality of life improvements and balance. Created by Frostsey: Model from his mod: https...
Автор BORO
Гаражи для личного транспорта. На 8, 16 и 32 машины. Тип здания – стоянка Garages for personal vehicles. On 8, 16 and 32 cars. Type of building - parking Дорога транзитная. При большом трафике машин, могут появиться пробки на дороге. The road is transit. W...
Gas (fuel) power plant
Автор Comrade Sky
This is an advanced NG/PG power plant that burns the lightest and cleanest fossil fuels in the motherland (and on the planet), but it is expensive to build and requires engineers to maintain the advanced equipment that prevents the release of most toxic po...
Gas Station Pack
Автор Benco54
This is my gas station pack, it contains 14 different gas stations. The textures were taken over by the developer. I hope you can customize your game perfectly so that not every gas station looks the same. Please check our discord server: https://discord.g...
Gas station with connection
(En) A gas station with piping, for four cars, in the Soviet style....
Автор BORO
Сторожка. Можно строит в любом месте. Построенные здания и дороги мешать не будут. Gatehouse The constructed buildings and roads will not interfere. Can be built anywhere. Тип здания – завод. Подключение к дороге - нет. Подключение к пешеходной дорожке - д...
Gaz 2975
Автор acc
Газ 2975 "Тигр" Создавал для себя,может кому пригодится,колёса крутятся,свет в салоне в ночное время суток убрал, т.к. не очень реалистично выглядит,особенно для военной техники. Работает как личный автомобиль 10 пассажиров макс скорость 135км/ч...
Gaz 66 Shishiga
Автор MC Bonito
Just took it from game files and added "bus" version. Enjoy, friends 1964-1996...
Автор paster88
Gazeta iskra pravda...
Geothermal heating and power plants
Автор Comrade Sky
Now you, comrade, can access energy life has used since the beginning. Volcanic vents may have spawned life billions of years ago, but now it can keep the proletariat warm and the lights on in the factories. Geothermal energy is gaining popularity because ...
Graf & Stift VoV-II standart
Автор gachimuchiman
Я решил сконвертить из CiM несколько моделей австрийского производителя Graf & Stift стандарта VöV-II Buses Gräf & Stift LH202 M11 - городской высокопольный 11-метровый автобус Характеристики в игре: Макс. скорость - 80 км/ч Макс. мощность - 155 кВт Масса ...
Granite embankment
Автор BORO
Гранитная набережная. 21 элемент для постройки набережной. Эти элементы можно размещать не только у воды. Granite embankment. 21 elements for building an embankment. These elements can be placed not only near water. 1. Набережная 12 метров (спортивная площ...
Gravel filling
Автор Shotkey
Filling with gravel is carried out in two stages: marking the perimeter with special sections (angular and straight) and filling the inner area. Features Overlap roads Never overgrown with grass Never casts a shadow Compatible with any terrain Can fit with...
Gravel Mine v2
Автор r63Slam
x2 production. x10 storage. +10 workers (50) Add 2 conveyor output. Added fuel to storage...
Gravel plant
Автор pascha.frolow1990
ATTENTION GLOBAL UPDATE! The model of the plant is adapted to the grid, roads and railways, pedestrian paths, conveyor connections are combined with the grid. For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one....
Gravel Processing v2
Автор r63Slam
At your request, I removed the increase in production. Added only workers. Add conveyor input, vehicle station and connection road. x5 storage (50t import, 650t export) +5 worker (20 workers) If you need to return back with a boost, write in the comments ...
Автор painkillerlexar
Greenhouse 2 type of greenhouse complex Use Coal for Warm Electro for light Chimical for save growing Greenhouse Complex for your Comrades Warning! Now in balancing resources!...
Gym 1950s style
Автор Raysione
This mod contains 3 gym buildings (small, medium, large). I just took such buildings out of my head, unlike previous mods CHARACTERISTIC. Small: 4 workers serves at least 42 people Average: 6 workers serves minimum 62 people Large: 8 workers minimum servic...
HAL IW84 WBS70 (Plattenbau)
Автор Brammered
Model and Texture by the wonderful MeisterMonis. Converted for Workers & Resources by me. What’s this?: Made from blueprints of the original buildings, this is a collection of 5 and 6-floor, filler and end block buildings from Halle (Saale) from Cities Sky...
Gym(nasium/Sportshall) - GDR like
Adds a gym, working like a normal football field, but serving much more people. Employes 5 people, serves approximately 35 people....
Hammer and Sickle Monument
Автор equinox.nova A Hammer and Sickle Monument from Satka, Russian SSR....
Hangar huge
В моде есть 5 большие ангары: 1 большой ангар 2 большие ангары 3 большие ангары 5 большие ангары Простой и большой ангар, который вмещается большие самолеты. Примечание, ширина вороты ангары небольшая, что некоторые самолеты, например АН-225 'Мрия', не мог...
Hardau Commercial Pack
Автор Benco54
The Hardau Commercial Pack is the addition to my other mod hardau pack. It contains: 2 gas stations ( 1 is one way) ) 2 shops 1 hospital 1 school Disclaimer: Parts of the in-game models and textures created by the game developers Google Maps Link for the o...
Heat distribution pumping station
Автор pascha.frolow1990
Update: 1. Added connections to the power grid; 2. Added tasks with underground connection of pipelines; 3. Added a heat point (for small settlements). There are no pipeline connections; 4. An underground building has been added for installation under a po...
Heating arrays
Автор MTandi
The mod includes two new buildings for the heating infrastructure: 1. Heating pump (switch) with an option to connect up to 6 big pipes (arrays of 3 on 2 sides). Can be used to merge 3 small pipes into 1 big pipe. 2. Heating station with an option to conne...
High & Low In-Out Conveyor Recolour Set.
Автор Twiggy
This pack is Two parts if you would like the Wooden effect. Firstly you can have just the Conveyors (without) the new effect on the conveyor Connections.(Just do not change the dds file) Or if you would like the whole effect you will need to copy the inclu...
High voltage railroad electric connection
Автор Emhyr var Emreis
This mod allows you to connect high voltage (power up to 13MW) to your rail system. Trains propel all Soviet republics! This mod allows you to power them up properly, comrade. Using default railroad electric connection our construction bureau was able to p...
Historical Water Tower (Attraction)
Автор Comrade Sky
This water tower is based loosely off multiple water towers found in Poland. Such water towers were once common in virtually every city in Europe, though few remain. Today, the remaining water towers are mostly abandoned, but some have been converted into ...
Hospital (VII-70)
Автор kostas667
The city hospital, massively built in Moscow from the late 1970s to the late 1990s. The project was developed by the Moscow Research and Design Institute of Culture, Health and Sports. Architects V. Fursov, I. Abaev, I. Moseshvili, E. Chuchmareva. Workers ...
Hospital O-GPZ-M05
Автор pascha.frolow1990
For the hospital there is a set of textures with English names at the link below. Attention!!! Updating the mod. Fixed bugs ...
Hotel Continental
Автор Vikom
Hotel Continental, a luxurious 12-floors hotel with a heliport (just a decoration), inspired by a real life Hotel Continental in Brno, which was built between 1961 and 1964 (opened on 4th May 1964). Architects: Zdeněk Řihák, Alois Semela, Vladimír Kovařík....
House of culture (Belorechensk)
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a house of culture located in Belorechensk and built around 1948-1955 Unfortunately, this building is an example of how the post-Soviet space does not value their architecture. It has changed its appearance many times. At first...
House series 1-216 & 1-164
Автор Raysione
I decided to make several simple houses in the late Stalinist style (series 1-164 was approved in 1954, and 1-216 in 1957, that is, after Khrushchev's decree in 1955 to eliminate architectural excesses) as well as some decor for them. The houses of the 1-1...
House series 1-994 Part 2
Автор Raysione
House series 1-994. Part 2 Greetings! This mod consists of 6 houses, made according to the projects of the series 1-994 Giprograzhdanpromstroy (part 2). The houses are different from the previous ones. They are large-block, quickly erected, their designs w...
Brick factory
Автор pascha.frolow1990
ATTENTION GLOBAL UPDATE! Recycling fashion for coal. Given the latest updates, the bauxites need to be opened, so just coal, I apologize profoundly for the mod updates. The model of the plant is adapted to the grid, roads and railways, pedestrian paths, co...
Brick Flats
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of brick flats in 5 different styles. Available in 3, 4 and 5 stories with single and double length units. 30 buildings in total, ranging from 48-160 capacity....
Huge Coal Plant
Автор Novu
The ultimate coal power plant it employs 428 workers and can produce 30000MWh per day on a 500MW circuit breaker. Based on the Battersea Powerstation which operated in the UK between 1933 to 1983. The powerstation was shutdown due to high maintenance costs...
Huge Fabric Factory (NEW)
Автор KArantukki
Huge Fabric Factory Based on a cotton mill in Leipzig (east Germany). - 2 railroad connections - 2 road connection - 500 places for workers...
I-447 4 storey
Автор kostas667
I-447 is the most massive series of brick houses, which was built throughout the USSR from the late 1950s to the mid 1960s, and modifications by the end of the 1970s. In this mod there are two-section, three-section and four-section versions of this buildi...
I-447 5 storey
Автор kostas667
I-447 is the most massive series of brick houses, which was built throughout the USSR from the late 1950s to the mid 1960s, and modifications by the end of the 1970s. In this mod there are two-section, three-section and four-section versions of this buildi...
Автор painkillerlexar
I-447c различных версий 9 ти этажные жилые здания качество 85 количество рабочих- от 120 до 2000 I-447c various versions 9 floor residential buildings quality 85 workers - 120-2000 ...
Ikarus 256 tourism skin pack
Автор Frantic_Monkey
Intourist (Russian: Интурист) is the primary travel agency in the Soviet Union, specialized in traveling abroad and working with foreign tourists. Sovtransavto (Russian: Совтрансавто) was a Soviet transport company engaged in international cargo transporta...
Ikarus 260-280 reskin
Автор dimndroll
RU Жёлтая окраска "Икарусов", которая использовалась Мосгортрансом. Оригинальный мод был создан пользователем Admiral и опубликован на портале Transport Games: Я только перенес его в Мастерскую для ...
Ikarus GDR Textures
Adds striped colored and fully colored Ikarus 260/280 Busses like they where used in GDR (German Democratic Republic) times. All contents so far: Ikarus 260/280 - striped color blue, orange, red - fully colored blue, orange, yellow, red...
Ilirska Bistrica Spomenik
Автор equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Početkom 1960-ih, lokalna samouprava i boračke grupe (uz pomoć jugoslovenske vlade) planirale su stvaranje kompleksa komemorativnog spomenika i kosturnice u Ilirskoj Bistrici. Pokrenut je javni kon...
Industrial Embankment
Автор BORO
Промышленная набережная. 23 элемента для постройки набережной. Эти элементы можно размещать не только у воды. Тип здания – монумент. Industrial embankment. 23 elements for building an embankment. These elements can be placed not only near water. Building t...
InterCity-Express 1 | ICE 1
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Statistics: Power car: Price: 146,091$ Max speed: 160km/h (limited by game) Power: 4800KW Empty Weight: 80t Passanger Wagon: Price: 57,029$ Capacity: 71 passangers Weight: 53t Restaurant Wagon: Price: 64,487$ Capacity: 40 passangers Weight: 60t Wiki page f...
Iron Mine
Автор pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. Iron Mine. The mine is desi...
Iron processing plant
Автор pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Game crashes are possible. Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. ...
Автор Mauser_NATO
Soviet shipborne multipurpose helicopter. Production started in 1980. 10 Colors. Currency RUB...
KAMAZ 5320 reskin
Автор dimndroll
RU Оранжевая кабина для самосвала КАМАЗ. Такая окраска была наиболее распространённой в СССР. Оригинальный мод был создан пользователем kuzya07 и опубликован на портале Transport Games:
Kamaz 5320 skin pack 1
Автор Gerbilskij
Here is the first set of skins for the Kamaz 5320, which includes the first three variants of the Kamaz 5320. In detail, this pack includes: Kmz 5320 Covered - yellow - orange - blue - red Kmz 5320 Open - yellow - orange - blue - red Kmz 5320 Oil - yellow ...
Kamaz 5410 SovTransAvto
Автор Gerbilskij
Two repaints for Kamaz 5410 (covered) in SovTransAvto livery (red and blue) ....
KAMAZ 6350
Автор KsenoN
Прололжаем тему военного автопрома. Автор модели: неизвестный. КамАЗ-6350 — бортовой тягач повышенной проходимости, выпускаемый Камским автомобильным заводом (КамАЗ). Унифицированный армейский полноприводный автомобиль многоцелевого назначения семейства «М...
Автор MC Bonito
RUB 2010-present Max speed: 110 km/h Kamaz author: AleX_BY Some trailer made by bacr1492 and Mauser_NATO Finally modern tatarin for modern times...
Автор wild
Извиняюсь но названия не на шол каток можно купить за USD год выпуска 1990 2010 I'm sorry but the names are not on Shol Katok you can buy for USD year of manufacture 1990 2010...
Автор Zyx Abacab
Attention! This mod has been updated since its initial release. If you want to play on the classic version of the map, see the Internet Archive link at the bottom of this description. A three-island archipelago, with sharp coastlines and moderately rugged ...
KAVZ 685
Автор olDen
bus_kavz685 $MOVEMENT_SPEED 90 $COST_RUB 4700 $RESOURCE_CAPACITY 21 $AVAILABLE 1971 1993 the model is created by Oleg Gordienko...
Khrushchovka variant
Автор Comrade Joe
Variant of the game's vanilla Khrushchovka housing building. This reskin uses some elements from the reskin posted by user Raysione on
Kindergarten Teremok
Автор Benser
Детский сад "Теремок". Kindergarten "Teremok". Add more workers, serve more children. * (retexture WR version). Update 22.08.2020 $WORKERS_NEEDED 10 $CITIZEN_ABLE_SERVE 30...
Kindergarten variants
Автор Comrade Joe
This pack proposes 2 reskins for the kindergarten mod created by Comrades Gerbilskij and Pashka2125 ( ). One is brick-based, the other tile-based. Stats are the same. NB: as always there are...
Kirovets K-700 pack
Автор oleksii.kapustin
«Кировец» К-700 — советский колёсный трактор общего назначения повышенной проходимости, тяговый класс 5. Мощность двигателя 220 лошадиных сил. Первый трактор покинул сборочный цех и вышел на поля страны 13 июля 1962 года. В 1975 году Кировский завод начал ...
KMZ5410 tractor trailer in orange
Автор ryantheskinny
Orange Kmz 5410 cabs for route identification...
Kolkhoz club 088
Автор Raysione
Kolkhoz club series 088 Greetings! This mod contains a collective farm club, made according to the standard project 088. Such a club is well suited for the center of your village CHARACTERISTIC Building type - cinema 7 workers Serves 379 visitors You can s...
Kozara Spomenik
Автор equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Memorijalni kompleks Kozara Memorijalni kompleks Kozara, podignut je na dijelu Nacionalnog parka Kozara pod nazivom Mrakovica, općina Pri...
Krasnozemsky Socialist Federal Republic
(Map without population) Hello comrades! I bring to your attention my first map of the Krasnozem Socialist Federal Republic! Her creation took me a lot of time, I tried to make it as realistic as possible. I can not express gratitude to AlexDad, who throug...
Landscaping Blocks - Grass
Автор Lex713
Information Requested mod - landscaping blocks aka curbs. Nothing innovative but significantly expands the possibilities of landscape design. In couple with my other mod - Ploppable Asphalt you can make fancy squares, parks or just decorate your road sides...
Large Chemical Plant
Автор KArantukki
Large Chemical Plant - 500 workers - 4 railroad connections - 1 road connection...
Позначений несумісним ]  Large Farm
Автор KArantukki
Large Farm - 768 tons storage - 24 vehicles - 2 railroad connections - 2 road connections - 5 factory connections...
Large Grain Elevator
Автор Pyro
A large grain elevator built from prefab panels. It stores 24,000 grain tons of grain. - 6 factory connections - 2 road connections - 2 vehicle stations Thanks to the the W&R modders discord for help building and debugging: https://...
Large Harbors Pack
Автор Sulphart
Pack of large harbors for gigantic ships (around 300m). It contains: - A large dock with 3 slots - A large container terminal - A large cargo terminal I made it especially for my aircraft carrier mod:
Large Clothing Factory (NEW)
Автор KArantukki
Large clothing factory made out of bricks - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - 250 places for workers...
Large oil storage
Резервуар на 12.000 единиц топлива Oil storage for 12.000...
Large Oil Storage
Автор Sam
Large Oil Storage 13500T Storage Facility 2x Input 2x Output 1x Road Connection Now with rail loader option Big thanks to ryantheskinny for help/guidance throughout. Any bugs please message me....
Large Oil Well
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A large Oil Well, which started out as a bit of an experiment in Blender. I liked how it came out so I thought I'd share it. More expensive than the vanilla oil well but also about 70 percent more productive. This is in the mod category as a mine, I can't ...
Large Plastic Factory
Автор KArantukki
Large Plastic Factory - 250 workers - 1 road connection - 1 pipeline input - 2 factory connections - 3 pedestrian connectionsN...
Large Storehouse (Brickstone)
Автор KArantukki
Large storehouse made of brickstones - 650t capacity...
Large Warehouse
Автор KArantukki
Large Warehouse in 2 different variations: - Warehouse for covered goods with 1600t of space. - Warehouse for open goods with 950t of Space. ...
Lenin Monument
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A Lenin bust monument. Made from the original model and texture from the game....
Lenin Technical University
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Based on a real building at the Krasnoyarsk hydro-electric power station, which I have repurposed (with a little artistic license) into a Technical University for up to 100 students....
Автор Admiral_Mar_Denzis
ЛиАЗ-5256 — советский и российский высокопольный автобус большого класса производства Ликинского автобусного завода. Предназначен для крупных городов с интенсивным пассажиропотоком. По состоянию на август 2019 года выпущено около 25700 таких автобусов. Они...
Автор gachimuchiman
ЛиАЗ-677 - советский городской высокопольный автобус, производился на Ликинском автобусном заводе с 1968 по 1982. Появился на смену модели 158 и был заменен модернизированной своей версией 677М. В игре имеет 6 вариантов окраса. ЛиАЗ-677Б - советский пригор...
Livestock Hall Storage V2
Автор archiver213
Livestock Hall Storage V2. x2 storage....
long rail depot
Автор BORO
long rail depot Длинное здание железнодорожного депо. В двух вариантах исполнения. 1 - здание без лозунга. 2 – здание с лозунгом «Решения партии в жизнь» На здании без лозунга вы можете написать собственный текст. The long building of the railway depot. In...
Long Vehicle Depot
Автор Fiend
Longer, thinner vehicle depot, for squeezing into narrow spaces. Looks better with smaller vehicles....
Lybrary series 2-06-22
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a sample library 2-06-22 made exactly according to the project around 1955-1957 CHARACTERISTIC. 7 workers serves at least 100 people Such a library will perfectly fit into any of your village, or urban area, subscribe :)...
LZ 677 Route Colors
Автор ryantheskinny
LZ 677 in multiple colors for visual identification of different lines ...
Автор Mauser_NATO
М1070А0 Американский военный тягач начала 90х 3 версии: 1 - Открытый прицеп М1000 2 - Самосвал. 3 - Просто грузовик ( искать с галочкой "показасть всё") 5 цветов Года Произвоцтва 1992 - нынешнее время. Валюта USD -------------------------------------------...
M1A2 Abrams Tank
Автор Krinkov
M1A2 Abrams Tusk Variant ...
Make your own farm
Автор SerpPort
First attempt at making parts for the Building Editor from the developers of the game. If you like it, I will supplement the mod with new sets of building parts or the buildings themselves. There are not many mods dedicated to this topic. I use all the par...
MAN Lion's City A21 NL273
Автор Admiral_Mar_Denzis
MAN Lion's City - это серия городских автобусов с низким полом и низким входом, производимая немецким производителем грузовых автомобилей и автобусов MAN Truck & Bus (ранее MAN Nutzfahrzeuge) с 1996 г. в основном для европейского рынка, но также доступна в...
Maritime Infrastructure Pack
Автор Mayor__Defacto
Assorted Harbours to improve maritime infrastructure in your republic. Goes well with my Motor Barges Pack....
Mauser_NATO's Co to Distribution Offices
Автор MC Bonito
Model author: Mauser_NATO Textures: Raisyone Distribution offices with 4, 20 and 32 vehicle capacity...
Mayor__Defacto's Old Grain Storage Pack
Автор Mayor__Defacto
A collection of Grain Storage Warehouses ranging in size from 500 to 3000 tons capacity. Measurements are realistically based, and they each have 3 nonblocking spaces and 2 factory connections....
MAZ 2050
Автор Pyro
With the use of compact anti-grav units MAZ has produced a truck suitable to carry massive loads quickly and efficiently across long distances. This is...
Автор Gerbilskij
MAZ-5432 is an evolution of the MAZ-5429 4x2 tractor-trailer, manufactured at the Minsk Automobile Plant from 1981 to 1988. The MAZ-54323 is an upgraded version that become available in 1988, the main differences from the base 5432 are a more powerful engi...
Автор olDen
Maz 200 SPEED 65 WEIGHT 6.5 AVAILABLE 1951 1965 the model is created by Inknown...
Meat Storage V2
Автор archiver213
Meat Storage V2. x2 storage....
Medium Waterfront Store
Автор Fiend
Medium sized store, capacity 600. It has two docking stations for ships, two railway lines, and two vehicle stations....
Mercedes Benz Monobloco O-362
Автор mocma
Mercedes Benz Monobloco O-362 is a city bus manufactured by the Brazilian subsidiary of this brand in the early 1970s. Its single-block body technology made it a revolutionary bus at a time when most were built in parts on adapted truck chassis. Available ...
Автор Mauser_NATO
I think there will be demand for it. Soviet transport and attack helicopter. The armament has been removed. Production started in 1972 7 Colors. Currency RUB....
Автор Mauser_NATO
Soviet heavy multipurpose transport helicopter. Manufactured since 1980 8 Colors. As long as there is passenger and cargo (I'll add a hanging ramp later) Currency RUB...
Mi-8 military skin pack
Автор Gerbilskij
FOR TEST BRANCH ONLY Military skin pack for the Mil Mi-8 helicopter, it currently includes just two skins from Hungary, but will be updated in the future with more liveries. At the moment the pack includes: MILITARY - Hungarian People's Army - Hungarian Pe...
Mid Height Conveyor Set
Автор Twiggy
Easy to connect Mid Height Conveyors. With added Pass Through road connections...
Mig 21 Monument
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Mig 21 Monument. My own version of other similar Soviet era monuments. Due to the shape of the model I have had to put the footpath at the back but this is only needed if you want to build it with a construction office. Monuments serve no purpose other tha...
Автор General Phanton
The classic Mig-15, the most iconic fighter from the vietnam war. The perfect export for your growing soviet republic No landing gear animation for now The 3D model was provided by friend of the Soviet union: Vermishel ( und...
Автор Nyxyx
The famous MiG-21 Fishbed fighter aircraft. Produced in massive numbers throughout the USSR. Would make for a good export. Features several skins. Max speed: 2229kmph Cargo: 1 passenger or 0.58t of steel Takeoff Distance: 830m Empty weight: 8t Engine power...
MiG-25 Monument V2
Автор Minister of Wolves
*This item has been updated with Loyalty and 0 Collision* MiG, any member of a family of Soviet military fighter aircraft produced by a design bureau founded in 1939 by Artem Mikoyan (M) and Mikhail Gurevich (G). (The i in MiG is the Russian word meaning “...
MiG-31 Foxhound
Автор General Phanton
The Mikoyan MiG-31 (Russian: Микоян МиГ-31; NATO reporting name: Foxhound) is a supersonic interceptor aircraft that was developed for use by the Soviet Air Forces. Max speed: 3000 Km/h...
Mil MI-24 or HIND Monument V2
Автор Minister of Wolves
*This item has been updated with Loyalty and 0 Collision* The Mil Mi-24 (Russian: Миль Ми-24; NATO reporting name: Hind) is a large helicopter gunship, attack helicopter and low-capacity troop transport with room for eight passengers. It is produced by Mil...
Mil Mi-8 Soviet Air Force
Mil Mi-8 Soviet Air Force...
Mil Mi-V-12
Автор Nyxyx
The famous Mil Mi-V-12; the largest helicopter ever built; can carry 40t of cargo and comes with 4 skins. Now features the 196 seat passenger version. -By Nyxyx...
Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 1
Автор Salty
Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 1 This mod is a set of objects of the field camp of the military construction detachment of the Ministry of defense of the USSR. An attempt was made to recreate the structures and struc...
Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 2
Автор Salty
Continuation of a series of mods dedicated to military construction units of the Soviet Army. I thanks everyone who points out the shortcomings and shortcomings in the work of the modification. Together we will make the mod even better. Peace to all. ...
Автор Augusto_Panalitico
In English Monument to Minin and Pozharsky. The monument to Minin and Pozharsky is a sculptural monument dedicated to the leaders of the Second national militia in 1612, as well as to the end of the time of Troubles and the expulsion of Polish intervention...
Ministry of Culture
Автор KArantukki
Ministry of Culture This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
MN TG 18.4
Автор 3division
Transport capacity: 21 tons Empty Weight: 7.5 tons Engine Power: 320 KW Transport type: Covered Country: Germany Available: 2000 - present Available for purchase for dollars...
Monuments from the world of stalker
Автор Sahsa_STALKER
Monuments from the world of stalker....
Multi Connections Conveyor Transfers.
Автор Twiggy
High and Original connections in one Conveyor Transfers. With added Pass through road connection...
Multilevel Garage (32 places)
Автор Holodets
Garage box for 32 cars. Works without any problems. Parking lot...
Multilevel Garage (45 places)
Автор Holodets
Garage box for 45 cars. Very well suited for residential areas away from shops, cinemas, schools and so on. It is not suitable for the last places, as it can form a cork and hang the machine. cars should not get stuck. This bug is gone. Try it, but be care...
Multilvl Garage (62 places)
Автор Holodets
Attention! The game does not support simultaneous access to the Parking, so put this garage in a residential area. Don't use it as a Parking lot near the store. There will be traffic jams. Or use at least 2-3 such garages near the store. It is also possibl...
Автор paster88
Монумет Наука monument glory to Soviet science...
Neurological Department
Неврологическое отделение медсанчасти 126 (Припять), находится по ул. Огнева, 4 Neurological department of the medical unit 126 (Pripyat), located on the street. Ogneva, 4...
Neftekonektor Линейное соединение ("pump")
Автор paster88
Neftekonektor Соединяет трубы за недорого Увеличь свой трубопровод без регистрации и смс. :)) Пока работает от Электричества, как разрабы починят возможность работать без розетки в тестовой версии, будет работать без подключения к сети. ОНО СОСЕТ!!!...
New Checkpoints
Автор Tesmio
КПП - контрольно-пропускной пункт для транспорта, направляющегося на режимный объект. Создан в кооперации с Blue_Bro специально для его забора. В игре представлен как остановка. Checkpoint - a checkpoint for vehicles heading to a secure facility. Created i...
New Customs
Автор SerpPort
I still cannot work with 3D models (my monitor does not allow working normally in building editors), but I can correct the parameters of the original buildings, in my opinion. Whoever likes it - subscribe !!! So, I added 5 new customs posts to the game. Th...
Nuclear Reprocessing Plant
Автор Benco54
This is the recycling plant for nuclear waste. It requires a lot of chemicals and, of course, nuclear waste for reprocessing. This will then produce the UF6 for nuclear fuel fabrication. Nuclear fuel was recycled in the USSR. Mainly in the so-called RT-1 p...
Nuclear Storage / Ядерное хранилище
Автор EZ88
A repurposed missile silo that can be used as Nuclear Storage facility. Small in size as the containers are stored underground. Has room for 26 containers. Переназначенный ракетный бункер, который можно использовать в качестве хранилища ядерных материалов....
Obninsk Nuclear Power Station
Автор Novu
The Obninsk Nuclear power station was the world's first nuclear power plant. Operated by the USSR it first opened in 1954 and was decommissioned in 2001. Employs 20 workers and 15 engineers and only produces 300MWh of electricity on a 5MW circuit breaker. ...
Off Shore Oil Platform
Автор Novu
Off shore oil rig. Now you can drill for oil under water. Comes in two versions. First version is found under mining and works the same as land oil rigs but will look weird if placed in deep water or entirely on land. The 2nd version is found under factory...
Offshore Pack
Автор Lex713
Information Allow us to introduce this offshore pack that will make your sea ways feel more alive. This pack include 3 version of offshore oil platform: all of them are basically same but slightly different in a way game see them. You can find one under fa...
Old merchant ship
Автор Mauser_NATO
Старое торговое судно Года выпуска 1941 - 1968 Валюта USD ----------------------- Year of production 1941 - 1968 USD currency...
Old RBMK-1000 with 2 reactors
Автор Vikom
...wait, don't we already have this one? From one half...yes. The default single-reactor powerplant is one elergoblock of an early generation of RBMK-1000 (reactors 1 and 2 in Chernobyl, for example) and they're usually built in pair, having only one chimn...
Ortachala Firestation
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Inspired by Ortachala Fire Station in Tiblisi, Georgia. Capable of using up to 10 fire engines....
Outdated: Farm Fueling Station Pack
Автор ryantheskinny
A collection of farm themed fueling stations, in green, reds, yellow and the old white color scheme. new items for updated game mechanics (building skins)
Outhouse Model-1
Автор ryantheskinny
Outhouse Model-1, Wood with tin roof. acts as a monument, so a decorative piece for your rural communities and worksites....
Overpass of a big heating pipe 2
Автор BORO
Эстакада большого теплопровода 2. Тип здания – теплопередаточный пункт. Не воспламеняется. Overpass of a big heating pipe 2. Building type - heating transfer. Not flammable. Сделано на основе теплопередаточного пункта. Требует подключение электроэнергии. В...
Pak buildings: Telecentre
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several buildings of the Vorkuta television center. The main building is quite large and has a rich decor typical of the Stalinist Empire style. Unusually, a photo of this building is much easier to find than photos of other mo...
Pak fire stations 50s
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 4 fire stations of the 4-16 series (Central design office of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs approved in 1955) for 1, 2, 4, 6 parking spaces CHARACTERISTIC Building type - fire department Options for 1, 2, 4, 6 cars No he...
Pak supermarkets
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 4 department store buildings (grocery + department store), made according to projects: 51033, 51034 SoyuzGiproTorg (Approved by the Ministry of Trade of the USSR on February 14, 1952) and 53-122, 51-41 Center-Union (Approved on...
Pak wooden buildings
Автор Raysione
Pak wooden buildings Are you missing cheap buildings to start the game? Couldn't find buildings for felling? Then this mod is for you :) He will add 14 different buildings and residential and infrastructure, which will be perfectly compatible with each oth...
Panel factory
Автор pascha.frolow1990
ATTENTION GLOBAL UPDATE! The model of the plant is adapted to the grid, roads and railways, pedestrian paths, conveyor connections are combined with the grid. For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one....
Panther D Bunker
Only for test. let me know how to make Mod...
Park asset pack 1
Автор Comrade Sky
Basic set of things you might find in a city park. Most are based off real things in Polish parks, but are rather universal. NO buildings allow cranes, which means NO building can burn. This will make the amphitheater take longer to build, but you can remo...
Park Monuments and Buildings
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of monuments and buildings to add some decoration to your cities, towns and park areas. Pack includes: Trimuphal Arch, 2 Flags, Obelisk, Red Star Monument, Clock Tower, Amphitheatre, Pavilion, Greenhouse, a selection of fountains and urns and ...
Passages through buildings
Автор Vikom
This mod allows you to build pedestrian tunnels through buildings. The pack contains 10m, 20m, 30m, 40m and 50m versions. The main idea is ability to make passages through buildings. But, obviously, you can use it as a "free get out of jail card" if there'...
Passenger Locomtive TEP60
Автор ZIMA
ТЭП60 Пассажирский шестиосный тепловоз с электрической передачей постоянного тока, производившийся в СССР на Коломенском тепловозостроительном заводе с 1960 по 1987 годы. дизель: 11Д45 (3000 л.с.) Вес 126 т Нагрузка на ось 21 т Скорость 160 км/ч Выходная м...
ГАЗ-13 Чайка (GAZ-13)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Газ-13 Чайка. Членовоз министерского уровня. 7 посадочных мест 6 цветов Выпускался 1959 1981 --------------------- GAZ-13 Seagull (GAZ-13) Gas-13 Seagull. Nomenclature transport ministerial level. 7 seats 6 colors Issued 1959 1981...
Автор MTandi
A small-class bus for regional and suburban routes. Available in the beginning of the game (1960 start) until 1968 when replaced by its successor, PZ-672 (orange vanilla bus). Stats: Passanger capacity: 30 Top speed: 80 km/h Engine power: 66 kW (90 hp) Ava...
Pedestrian crossings
Pedestrian crossings, above ground and underground....
Pedestrian paths\Пешеходные дорожки
Автор kgon
Декоративные пешеходные дорожки, набор из 9 штук. Не горят. Pack of 9 decorative pedestrian paths. Fire is off....
Pipeline overpass
Автор BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада. Шесть арок для автомобильных дорог. Шесть арок для железных дорог. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Pipeline overpass. Six arches for highways. Six arches for railways. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Не воспламеняет...
Pipeline overpass 2
Автор BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада 2. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Не воспламеняется. Pipeline overpass 2. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Not flammable. Сделано на основе насосной станции. Требует подключение электроэнергии. В данной версии арка р...
Plain Concrete Fence
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Plain version of my barbed wire fence without the barbed wire, so not so suitable for protection but only for sepataration of your land or buildings. Comes in a set of 1, 3 and 10 pieces for easy placement. Planá verzia môjho ostnatého plota, tentokrát bez...
Plants package
Завод Юпитер - завод на окраине Припяти. Официально выпускал лентопротяжные механизмы для бытовых магнитофонов и другие аналогичные мелкие детали, но в большинстве цехов производилась совершенно другая продукция. В условиях строжайшей секретности на террит...
Ploppable Farming Vehicles
Автор Koziu UwU
In this mod I added a lot of ploppable farming vehicles for decorate yours republics. Send com for new ideas for ploppable vehicles ;3...
Ploppable vanilla resources
Автор Knudsen
All vanilla resources as ploppable object for decorative purposes. - Aluminium - Boards - Bricks - Prefabpanels - Steel - Wood - Resource pile You will find the assets in the monument tab. A little tip, to place small assets like the steelpiles precisely, ...
Podgaric Spomenik
Автор equinox.nova Spomenik revolucije naroda Moslavine Spomenik revolucije naroda Moslavine je monumentalan spomenik kod mjesta Podgarić u Moslavini, rad kipara Dušana Dža...
Poliklinika pr. VII-40
Автор Gerbilskij
Soviet medical building project VII-40, originally designed in 1963, it was built until the early 1980s. Generally used as a local medical clinic, in game it works as a smaller hospital. The main model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skyl...
Polish State Railways Pack part 2
Автор mattslodki
This is the part two of the PKP Polskie Koleje Państwowe Pack (eng. Polish State Railways) This set contains freight waggons used by the Polish railway operators throughout the years. The types included are 7 open waggons, 9 gondolas (hoppers) and 10 cover...
Polytechnische Oberschule (School)
Автор KArantukki
Polytechnische Oberschule / GDR School...
Power plant
Автор pascha.frolow1990
Power plant Many thanks for the advice and help of andrei777z! Thermal power plant with a capacity of 300 MW. Cooling tower connection-3 39 pins of 110 kv high voltage 10 pins of average voltage 22 kv Large-scale industry-180 jobs, 60 engineers With a capa...
Автор frostsey
Small powerplant coal...
Prefab apartments element
Автор 3division
This brings the new elements to build vanilla game like prefab panels apartments with balcony Purpose of this item is for modders - as sample file for custom elements for building editor...
Prefab apartments skins
Автор 3division
This item brings to game the skin for vanilla game prefab apartments. The skin is not a big change.. just instead red color, it give you green or blue. Purpose of this item is for modders - as sample file for building skins....
Primorje / Blanc
Автор Новичок
The map contains mountains, highlands, valleys, plains, sea, islands and more picturesque places waiting to be domesticated. Also chek out inhabited map:
Pripyat Bread Shop
Автор Sternradio
"Колосок" is a bread shop near the city entrance of Pripyat, featuring the Mosaic “BEFORE A LIGHT” by Ivan Lytovchenko. There were two similiar buildings on Lenin Avenue which i'm currently working on. More Information on the window-patterns on these build...
Автор olDen
project-903 Bulk cargo SPEED 18 RESOURCE CAPACITY 543 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
Автор olDen
project_585 COOLER SPEED 7uzla CAPACITY 350 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
Автор Augusto_Panalitico
На русском ПТ-76 - советский лёгкий плавающий танк. Принят на вооружение в 1951 году. За время серийного производства, с 1951 по 1967 год, неоднократно модернизировался, всего было выпущено 3039 ПТ-76, а также ряд машин на его базе. Танк состоял на вооруже...
PZ 3205 Route Colors
Автор ryantheskinny
PZ 3205 in multiple colors for visual identification of different lines I am going to discontinue making large packs of vehicles, due to the current Limit on skins, but will re release these as smaller packs...
PZ-672 - Blue/White Roof
Автор geoitj
Stop 27 for the Blue Line. New Soviet Ladies & Gents only on the Blue Line, please....
PZ-672 - Construction Yellow
Автор geoitj
Someone's gotta get Apartment Block #94 built, and, well, a ride on this thing at least beats spending a long shift indoors at the racism factory....
PZ-672 - Primer Grey
Автор geoitj
Bit of an ugly little duckling, isn't it? This one should horrify other road users a little less, at least until they slam into it at full speed because it blended into all the other depressing grey bricks around here....
PZ-672 - Union Red
Автор geoitj
It occurs to me, having done this, that I should have written some slogans or pasted some stars or hammers and sickles or something along the side. Sounds like work, though....
Radio Tower
Автор Mayor__Defacto
This is a Radio Tower. Add Sophistication to your Republic!...
Rail station PACK
Автор Benser
PACK провинциальных жд станций. Первая станция двухколейная, остальные одноколейные. PACK of provincial railway stations from Ukraine. The first station is two-track, the rest are single-track. Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
Railway metal gate
Автор BORO
Железнодорожные металлические ворота. Тип здания – монумент. Подключение к железной дороге - да. Подключение к пешеходной дорожке - да. Не воспламеняется. Railway metal gate. Type of building - monument. Rail connection - yes. Connection to the footpath - ...
Автор juan_chiw77
Автор olDen
$MOVEMENT_SPEED 24 uzla $COST_RUB 50000 $RESOURCE_CAPACITY 66 $AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Vladimir Vitaro adapted by Oleg Gordienko...
RBMK-1500 Nuclear Power Plant
Автор DirrrtyDirk
RBMK-1500 nuclear power plant. The main carachteristics of this mod are as follows: - 110 workers needes - 90 engineers needed - 15 High Voltage connections - 1 road connection with two loading spaces - 3 factory connections - 2 perdestrians connections Th...
Residential buildings (121 series)
Автор Holodets
A set of 9-storey panel buildings with a different number of entrances. Buildings can be built close to each other, thus creating a line of buildings of different curves. Unfortunately, due to the mechanics of the game, some buildings can not be placed clo...
Residential buildings type 1-464А
Автор Billman007 Description I present to you one of the most common series of standard residential buildings in Russia and the CIS countries. Buildings of this series in various modifications were built in many cities of the USSR in the per...
Residential buildings type 1-464AM
Автор Billman007
Greetings! I present to you panel residential buildings of type 1-464AM. Residential buildings of this series are a late modification of the all-Union series 1-464, the houses of this series were built mainly in Arkhangelsk and the Arkhangelsk region (Oneg...
Residential buildings type 1-464DM
Автор Billman007 Description I present to you one of the most common series of standard residential buildings in Russia and CIS countries. The presented houses type of 1-464DM series are a local modification of the All-Union series of houses...
Residential buildings type 75 (5-6 floors)
Автор Billman007 Description I present to you, panelized residential buildings series 75. Residential buildings of this series were built in many cities in Russia (Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Togliatti), in the period from 197...
Retexture: Socialist constraktion 2
Автор Raysione
Обновленный текстурный мод от Mauser_NATO часть 2 Некоторым товарищам не нравилась текстуры его постройки, а вот мне, пожалуй, и вовсе не хотелось ее скачивать. Но благодаря моим исправленным текстурам, вы можете увидеть чистые здания в этом моде, они стан...
Retexture: Socialist constraction
Автор Raysione
Updated texture mod from Mauser_NATO Некоторым товарищам не нравилась текстуры его постройки, а вот мне, пожалуй, и вовсе не хотелось ее скачивать. Но благодаря моим исправленным текстурам, вы можете увидеть чистые здания в этом моде, они станут еще лучше!...
Retexture - Gravel Processing
Автор Hutch
Ретекстур завода по переработке гравия. Заменил материал крыши на шифер, убрал метал где было возможно с основного здания - заменил на бетон. Оставшийся метал перекрасил в серый. Добавил несколько цветовых вариаций конвееров: черный, синий, зеленый, красны...
Restaurant series 51046
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a typical restaurant 51046 made exactly according to the 1952 project CHARACTERISTIC. 15 workers serves at least 150 people (tourist restaurant has 4.8 * attractiveness) There are two options: works as a restaurant (for tourists) and a ba...
Residential buildings type 75 (9-12 floors)
Автор Billman007 Description I present you the second part of the set, panelized residential buildings series 75. Residential buildings of this series were built in many cities in Russia (Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Togliatti)...
Retextured: platforms
Автор Raysione
Updated texture mod from Mauser_NATO Some comrades did not like the texture of its construction, but I, perhaps, did not want to download it at all. But thanks to my corrected textures, you can see clean buildings in this mod, they will become even better!...
Retro gas station V.2
Автор Benser
RETRO GAS STATION / АЗС Бензин АЗС из кинофильма Королева бензоколонки (3 версии), который снимался в городе Пирятин, Украина. 17.01.2021 полностью обновленный мод, все машины могуть заежать на станцию Gas station from the movie "The Queen of Gas Station "...
Road Barriers Pack
Автор Lex713
Information Let me show you my new road barriers pack as a continue of my previus publication - road markings pack. Again it's purpose is pure decoration of your roads, industrial arreas and so on. Pack includes total of 8 barriers, which is: >Concrete bar...
Road Sing Pack
Package of traffic signs. Priority. One-way road. Service Signs. Prescriptive Signs...
Rural Building Collective
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of small rural industrial buildings. Available in two textures, old stone and red brick. Includes: Farm: Space for 4 vehicles Bakery: 30 staff - Produces up to 6t of Food Brewery: 30 Staff - Produces up to 2.3t of Alcohol Textile Mill: 50 staf...
Rural Bus station
Автор Benser
Автостанция Модель основана на реальном здании в городе Заводское, Полтавская обл, Украина. 07.02.2021 полностью обновленный мод автостанции: 1. почти полностью решена проблема с травой (немного все еще растет) 2. добавил неблокирующиеся станции и теперь и...
Rural hospital series 993-2
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a typical 993-2 hospital made exactly according to the 1948 project CHARACTERISTIC. 3 workers 2 workers with higher education serves at least 12 people Such a rural hospital will perfectly fit into any of your villages, subscribe :)...
Rural school
Автор Raysione
Rural school Greetings! This mod contains a rural school, made according to a project from the 1950 album of rural and collective farm construction projects. Therefore, this school is ideal for rural construction in the period 1945-1965. CHARACTERISTIC Bui...
Ryan's Farm Buildings Pack
Автор ryantheskinny
Another pack from yours truly. This time i got a pack of large silo's losely based on the famous grain elevator located in Stalingrad (now Volgograd) i made it suitable for the game with six truck slots all with the coding for flowing traffic and also two ...
Ryan's Transport Pack
Автор ryantheskinny
1. medium aggregate unloader, similar to the vanilla unloader 2. small aggregate unloader. 3. petroleum terminal for trucks 4. a single and dual track locomotive fuel station...
San-epidem station 2-05-26
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several hospital buildings made according to the project 2-05-26 GIPROZDRAV. Approved August 16, 1954 CHARACTERISTIC The main building Building type - hospital 18 teachers 10 workers Serves at least 67 visitors Service building...
San-epidem Station 2-05-27
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several hospital buildings made according to the project 2-05-27 GIPROZDRAV (Kiev branch). Approved August 16, 1954 CHARACTERISTIC The main building Building type - hospital 14 teachers 10 workers Serves at least 54 visitors Se...
Распространенная типовая постройка школы A common standard building of a school ...
School 2O-PNZ-03, 2O-PNZ-04 (2S-02-7, 2S-02-8)
Автор pascha.frolow1990
School 2O-PNZ-03 (hybrid of schools of standard projects 2C-02-7, 2C-02-8) 2O-PNZ-03(PE-PHB-03)-the public educational panel H-shaped building is three-storeyed. Employees-18 Teachers-27 Educational places-810 School 2O-PNZ-04 (hybrid of schools of standar...
School fance
Автор BORO
Забор школы и ворота для него. Забор можно строит в любом месте. Построенные здания и дороги мешать не будут. School fence and gate for him. The fence can be built anywhere. The constructed buildings and roads will not interfere. Модель основана на советск...
School series 2-02-30
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a school made according to the project 2-02-30 (U-1) SAKB APU Mossovet. Approved by the Moscow City Executive Committee on May 26, 1954. Such a school is worthy of the capital of your republic! And this is so, because the build...
School type 221-1-149/174
Автор Billman007 Information I present to you the school of the project 221-1-149/174. Schools of this project were built throughout Russia in the period from the 70s to the 80s of the XX century. The school building is divided into the scho...
_______________ (рус) отель + бар магазин + бар предыдущие публикации этих зданих, с их функциями, не затронуты. _______________ (en) hotel + bar shop + bar previous publications of these buildings, with their functions, are not affected. _______________...
Set of small playgrounds (monument)
Автор Vanok [RUSMNB]
A set of small playgrounds in three variations. Each playground includes a sandbox, a bench and a swing. The models are extremely compact and will fit even in small yards. They work like monuments. It is built from a small amount of resources - boards, ste...
Shooting gallery
shooting gallery.Chernobyl Exclusion Zone....
Автор Raysione
A small shop, made exactly according to a real building, located in my city, I really like it. I tried very hard to make the store what it was in the 50s of the last century, so to speak, restored. Characteristic. 4 workers serves minimum 75 people...
Shopping centre
Автор pascha.frolow1990
Shopping center O-TPZ-K03 Lade till en byggnad utan tecken, med möjlighet att skriva text. A fictional shopping center project, with a retail area of 2900 m2. Includes a department of products, clothing and footwear, household goods, household appliances. ...
Автор tomtomtotal
Support ME > < Support ME you are welcome to support my workshop work, I like to invest in new tools ** **Update flower_&_fountain 1/3 1) Basic objects release 09.04.2021 (10.04.21 bug fixing) 2) flower pot objects beta >> htt...
Автор tomtomtotal
Support ME > < Support ME you are welcome to support my workshop work, I like to invest in new tools ** Hi all, this will be an extension of my mod...
Автор tomtomtotal
**, you are welcome to support my workshop work, I like to invest in new tools ** expansion pack SidewalkSET Concrete elements to tinker with can be used as a sidewalk or pathway...
Автор tomtomtotal
expansion pack SidewalkSET Concrete elements for tinkering can be used as a sidewalk or as a way, these skins are needed...
Автор tomtomtotal
expansion pack SidewalkSET Concrete elements for tinkering can be used as a sidewalk or as a way, these skins are needed...
Автор tomtomtotal
expansion pack SidewalkSET Concrete elements for tinkering can be used as a sidewalk or as a way, these skins are needed...
Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion
Автор Mauser_NATO
Heavy Military Transport Helicopter. Produced from 1965 to 2012 10 Colors. Currency USD....
Simple Forwarding Pump
Автор KArantukki
A simple pump for long distance pipelines, one input and one output connection. Comes in two versions with different connections on both sides....
Skin options
Set of colonnade skins with bus stop function...
Skins for Checkpoint v3 (Скины для КПП)
Автор Tesmio
Скины для КПП v3 - Skins for checkpoint v3 - Подписывайтесь также на мою группу в ВК: Warning! Вы може...
SKINS for Hangar huge
Перекраска для большого ангара SKINS FOR HANAGR HUGE ...
Skins for harbor and dokcs
Автор BORO
Скины для пристаней, доков и портов. Скины меняют текстуру пирса. Для работы нужна версия игры 0.8.3 или выше. Skins for harbor and docks. Skins change the texture of the pier. To work, you need game version 0.8.3 or higher. На завершающей стадии находитьс...
Skins for resource pile
Автор Knudsen
Skins for resource pile - Asphalt - Coal - Raw coal - Iron - Raw iron - Bauxite - Raw bauxite - Uranium - Raw gravel - Dirt You will find the assets in the monument tab. I look forward to yo...
Skins Industrial Embankment package 1
Автор BORO
Скины «Промышленная набережная» пакет 1 Эти скины, позволяют прятать отдельные элементы на построенной набережной. Skins «Industrial Embankment» package 1 These skins allow you to hide individual elements on the built embankment....
Skins Industrial Embankment package 2
Автор BORO
Скины «Промышленная набережная» пакет 2 Эти скины, позволяют прятать отдельные элементы на построенной набережной. Skins «Industrial Embankment» package 2 These skins allow you to hide individual elements on the built embankment....
Slaughterhouse V2
Автор archiver213
Slaughter V2. x3 production, 1/3 consumption. x2 storage....
Автор Frantic_Monkey
S class is the first large-scale production class of the Soviet electric multiple units. The Sm (Russian: См) is a DC 1.5 & 3 kV modification which was in production from 1947 to 1952. In parallel a similar trainset Sr was produced in Riga. The total produ...
Small admin building
Автор Gerbilskij
A small administrative buiding, functioning as a town hall with reduced personnell requirements comapred to the original one. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full...
Small Brick Factory / Малый Кирпичный Завод
Автор EZ88
A small brick factory with a "classic" look. Produces a smaller amount of bricks than the regular factory but needs less workers. Workers needed: 30 Consumption: 9 ton coal per work day Production: 15 ton bricks per work day Небольшой кирпичный завод с «кл...
Small Cement Silos
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of small cement silos. 75 tonne capacity. One parking space, one way in and out. 4 colours with mirrored versions for easy placement....
Small clinic ('50s)
Автор Gerbilskij
A small clinic building, in a typical Soviet style from the '50s. It also has a backyard parking for a couple of ambulances. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full ...
Small Fire Station
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small rural fire station for up to 3 vehicles. No heating requirement...
small Firestation, 1 fireengine
Adds a very small firedepartment for rural areas of your town. Can hold only 1 fireengine. Quickly built and cheap. Not heated....
Small kindergarten (80s)
Автор robs074 Small kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers and serves about 150 children. Małe przedszkole wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 15 pracowników i obsługuje około 150...
Small kindergarten (80s) - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my small kindergarten. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small Open Storage
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small open storage facility, available in 4 colours....
Small orphanage
Автор robs074 Small orphanage based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 22 workers and houses 66 children. Mały dom dziecka wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku...
Small orphanage - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my small orphanage. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small radio station
Автор Vanok [RUSMNB]
Compact building of a regional radio station. Drawn from the head, real prototypes are missing. Maybe someone will find her too small, but it suits me perfectly. In addition, until inspiration came to me to draw a normal antenna, I might fix it later. Para...
Small secret police
Автор robs074 Small secret police based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers and can be equipped with 5 vehicles. Mały gmach służby bezpieczeństwa wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 25 pracownikó...
Small Secret Police
Автор KArantukki
Small Secret Police Station - 20 (high educated) Workers - 6 Cars...
Small secret police - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my small secret police. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small secret police building
Автор Gerbilskij
Small secret police building that can be suited for smaller towns and/or a 1950s time frame. This model is based on the 1950s clinic, originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines" and ported to W&RSR by me, edited and retextured by me to fit the ...
Small tank storage
Автор Gerbilskij
A smaller tank storage, made from existing ingame models, edited and adjusted. Capacity: 300t Original 3dArt: 3Division...
Small town Stalinka
Автор Comrade Joe
This 1940s-1950s residential is inspired from an existing pair of mirrored buildings in the mining town of Minyar, located in the Urals. The courtyard side facades and entrances are improvised. Self-heating is available. Has 3 pedestrian connections, place...
Small Transformer and 4 way Switch
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Two cut down versions of the power transformer. One with High Voltage throughput, 2 High Voltage and 2 Medium Voltage connections. And one with 4 Medium Voltage connections. Larger version with High Power throughput also available - https://steamcommunity....
Small warehouse
Автор Raysione
Small warehouse Such a small warehouse will be very useful for you to expand a warehouse for a store, an example in the photo. Also I think it is suitable for storing small amounts of goods. Of course, in the style of the 50s :) Has no collision Characteri...
Small warehouse
Автор Gerbilskij
A small warehouse, may be useful as a storage for consumers' goods and/or to connect to department stores. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full permission from th...
Snowplow station
Автор MTandi
Small technical services building with 3 parking slots for snowplowers. Textures by 3division....
Soviet educational institutions
Soviet educational institutions....
Soviet Military Hangar(Военный ангар)
Автор Tesmio
Советский военный ангар, использовался как склады, стоянка техники или самолетов. В игре присутствует в вариантах трех видов складов (обычный, для сухих грузов и для стройматериалов), а также в качестве автобазы, снегоуборочной станции и стоянки техники. S...
Squares, lawns, flower beds
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 21 lawn areas, squares and flower beds. You can beautifully decorate your cities by placing such objects on squares, avenues, in courtyards. Attention! I have no collision objects, so I recommend leveling the surface before pla...
Stalinist Empire style stations
Автор Raysione
This mod contains 13 options for stops in the Stalinist Empire style: BUS: Single one-sided room - 150 people Double one-sided - with a capacity of 300 people Single two-sided - with a capacity of 300 people Double sided - with a capacity of 600 people + b...
Stalinist style school
Автор Comrade Joe
Reskinned school in the style of Stalinist architecture. Textures from Benser on Credit goes to him/her for the artistic choices and UV-mapping. I did the scripting that allows this school to be used as a standalone item via the Worksho...
Stalinka variant of Type 1-447
Автор Comrade Joe
This mod is a reskin of the type 1-447 5-storey apartment buildings made by Comrade kostas667, in the style of Muscovite stalinkas. Credit for the 3D work and unwrapping goes to Comrade kostas667, and it is posted with his permission. All stats are the sam...
Автор Niss Tagm
Пак элементов редактора зданий для постройки здания в сталинском стиле. Помимо несущих элементов есть колонны, балконы, декоративная лепнина, арка с кессонами, скатная крыша, барельеф, карнизы. Делитесь своими сталинками в мастерской. Pack of building edit...
Steel Mill V3(The electric furnace steel mill)
Автор 他敬爱的琛爸
半自动化电炉炼钢厂,提取地下矿床中的铁矿到仓库中,通过电炉消耗巨大的电能炼制成钢,不再直接需要煤炭作为生产原料,但还是需要工人。 一定要放置在铁矿资源区才有产出,产量取决于原料质量(机制类似于铁矿),百分之百质量时每人每天产量约为0.4吨,为原版钢厂的5倍。耗电量极大,满负荷生产约为69mw左右。也就是说,必须直接接4个及以上电厂才能保证生产。 (无情的工业机器.jpg) 在部分丘陵地图可能不方便使用,但是可以通过产量来弥补。 分类在矿井标签下,而不是工厂。 有意见或建议可以写在评论区。 The semi-...
Students Dormitory No. 8 (Hotel)
Автор Sternradio
The Student's Dormitorys and for the City's Vocational Technical School #8 in Pripyat. The School has been already built ingame and is to be found here, together with other fantastic mods: D...
Автор General Phanton
After the succesful deposition of gorbachev by comrade yanayev the people rejoiced for the soviet union had survived its most difficult trial yet, now at the dawn of a new millenia your soviet republic is in dire need of modernising its military, but this ...
Submarine Monument
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A Submarine Monument for a bit of decoration....
Substation 110/20kV type 407-3-191
Автор Shotkey
OBSOLETE MOD – CHECK UPDATED VERSION: This modification includes 16 versions for power transmission lines of different power, and several dead-end versions (one high-voltage input) + two all-purpose substations without wires...
Substation 1950s
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a transformer box, which is very unusual, in the style of the Stalinist Empire. This is a prototype of a real building (see screenshot) located somewhere in Moscow. Such a transformer box will ideally fit into your microdistric...
Substation 1950s №2
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a transformer box, in the style of the late 1950s. This is a prototype of a real building (see screenshot) located somewhere in St. Petersburg. Such a transformer box will ideally fit into your microdistricts of late Stalinist ...
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod consists of 12 custom-made houses and series 1-104. Such houses have a rather unusual urban look, so you can place them in the suburbs, or on the main streets of the village. The projects are dated 1949, they have a lot of decor, comfor...
T-34 Monument
Автор KArantukki
Monument of the famous soviet T34 tank....
Автор Augusto_Panalitico
Версия автомобиля (автобуса)/Version of the car (bus) На русском Танк Т-72А — это усовершенствованная модификация легендарного танка Т-72. В частности в башне теперь применялась комбинированная броня, вместо литой. Также усилена защита верхней лобовой дета...
Автор oleksii.kapustin
RU: ХТЗ Т-74 — советский гусеничный трактор, выпускавшийся Харьковским тракторным заводом с 1962 г. по 1983 г. Полная масса - 5,91 т. Мощность - 75 л.с. (55 кВт). Добавлен ХТЗ Т-74 с плугом вместо отвала. EN: HTZ T-74 is a Soviet caterpillar tractor manufa...
T678.0/T679.0 SKIN PACK
T678.0/T679.0 Skin Pack Czechoslovak State Railways T679.0009 T679.0025 T678.0005 ...
Tanker Wagon
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Large tanker wagon for liquids. 150t carrying capacity (can be subject to balancing, for being longer than normal wagons). Available from 1965 and costs 8300 rubles. Diffuse for the cisterns has been reused from original wagon files, otherwise its my origi...
Автор frostsey
Автор pascha.frolow1990
The quarry. Quarry for the extraction of stone rocks. Attention! Updating the mod. It does not require: electricity, drinking water and sewerage. Parking has been removed as unnecessary (it takes a long time to load, the trash can interferes, there is only...
The quarry
Автор pascha.frolow1990
The quarry. Quarry for the extraction of stone rocks. Large-scale industry-60 jobs The number of special equipment-6 units Parking for cars-1 Conveyor connection-9 The fuel reserve is 15 tons. In the folder(D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\784150...
tiny cargo station
Автор Lac_M
If You don't have much space to fit regular sized cargo station, and need more trucks waiting to unload in shop...
Tiny Farmstead
Автор Novu
A small farmstead for villages, it is made from primitive materials such as rough hewn logs and rubble stone. Good for early starts and cosmonaut mode. Room for 7 Vehicles. Added Horse Feeding Station. Added Stone Silo....
Toprus Rural Passenger Stop
Автор Toprus100
Hi! So here's a small project I have done. It is a one platform, one track rural passenger station. The platforms are out of prefabs and the hut is out of steel. The project isn't standardized, however you could see platforms with steel huts like this acro...
Toprus' EN57 Reskins Pack (2)
Автор Toprus100
Hello and welcome back to episode 2 of the epic pack of PKP EN57 reskins. Today we'll experience some newer liveries used on said Electric Multiple Units for example on suburban railway lines. Be sure to download Part 1!
Television tover
Автор Sahsa_STALKER
Television tower...
Toprus' Electric Substations Pack
Автор Toprus100
Hi! This is a small pack of substations over the course of the last few days. The point of this pack was to make some smaller ones and make them have a different position of connections relative to eachother compared to the default substation. The pack con...
Toprus' Multifunctional small shed
Автор Toprus100
Hello there! Another mod, the same day, simmilar theme - new open beta branch (but not only). Here I present to you, the Multifunctional Small Shed. It comes in 4 different versions. Most importantly: -TECHNICAL SERVICES (feature added in the new update) -...
Toprus' PKP Wagons pack
Автор Toprus100
My large pack of the basical Polish wagons. It includes: -110A sleeping coach (Blue+white stripe) -111A 2nd class passenger coach (Green+Beige stripe) -112A 1st class passenger coach (Red+Beige stripe) -Jwx restaurant wagon (Red+Golden stripe+ WARS) These ...
Toprus' Ruda Śląska Coal Loader
Автор Toprus100
Hi guys! Another industrial building from my streak, this one is an aggregate loading station for trains, built in Ruda Śląska in southern Poland. It has 2 conveyor connections, 2 road connections (for building) and 2 train tracks. It is quite high so you ...
Toprus' S200 Reskin Pack
Автор Toprus100
Hi peeps! So here's just a quick one-day project I made, it wasn't that hard. This pack contains a few modern Polish reskins for the locomotive S200 (Or in-game CME3). These locomotives were imported from Czech Republic to Poland and found use in private c...
Toprus' Smolna 8 Hammer highriser
Автор Toprus100
Hi guys! After a long pause in building mods, here's a big project I've been working on for quite a while. The building at Smolna 8 in Warsaw, nicknamed Hammer (because of its characteristic shape). The construction was finished in 1976. originally, it was...
Toprus' Trekking Trails Pack
Автор Toprus100
Hi! This pack is my attempt at something a little unusual. Did you sometimes think about how the mountainous part of your country has unused potential? Do your mountains feel a little empty? This might be the solution! The pack contains 6 buildings, all of...
Topus' PKP ST44
Автор Toprus100
My skin for the M62 diesel locomotive remade for the PKP (Polish National Railways) style....
Trafostation - Electric Substation & Switch
Автор Bref
THIS MOD INCLUDES TWO BUILDINGS (Electric Switch and Electrin Substation) WHICH BOTH USE THE SAME MODEL AND TEXTURES WARNING! Even though the substation has three points to connect to the power grid, it won't work as an Electric Switch. NOTE This is my fir...
Tram/road crossing
Автор thorstein92
This is tram track/road crossing. Provided to avoid traffic strucks on realistic looking cities. It is rail crossing with anarchy mod. Vehicles will overlap. But no more permanently blocked roads because trams. Set as forklift building to be easy to find i...
Transition stations pack
Автор Shotkey
OBSOLETE MOD - CHECK UPDATED VERSION: The modification includes various transition points (TP), which allow you to convert overhead power lines (OHL) into cable (CL) realistically, and two 110 kV substations with cable sleev...
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Transformer with altered connections to provide a high power throughput...
TROLZA-5265 Megapolis
Автор Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Тролза-5265.0* «Мегаполис» — семейство российских низкопольных троллейбусов большой вместимости для внутригородских пассажирских перевозок, серийно производившееся с 2007 по 2019 год на ЗАО «Тролза» в городе Энгельсе Саратовской области. Год выпуска: 2005—...
Tu-154 Arstavia
Автор Heidong
Tu154 by Arstavia Arstotzka National Airlines...
Tu-154 side number 101 | Polish Government Tu-154
Автор PieoPlay
-==- Modyfikacja dodająca malowanie Tupolewa Tu-154 Rządu RP. Modyfikacja nie ma na celu nikogo obrazić. Katastrofa w której uczestniczył była wielka, zmarły tragiczne wybitne osobowości - modyfikacja nie ma na celu wyrażać pośmiewisko, tylko być swoistym ...
Tupolev TU-134
Автор oleksii.kapustin
RU: Ту-134 (по кодификации НАТО: Crusty — «Резкий») — советский пассажирский самолёт на 76—80 пассажиров для авиалиний малой и средней протяжённости, разработанный в начале 1960-х годов в ОКБ им. Туполева и выпускавшийся серийно с 1966 по 1984 год на Харьк...
Type 1-447 variants
Автор Comrade Joe
Variant of the type 1-447C-8 apartment buildings originally created by Comrades Gerbilskij and Pashka2125 (original mod: Stats are the same. Special thanks to Gerbilskij for assisting in t...
Type 1-447C33 redbrick
Автор Comrade Joe
Red brick variant of the Type 1-447C33 apartment building, initially posted by Comrades Gerbilskij and Pashka2125, reproduced with permission. It requires less asphalt and concrete, and more bricks, for construction. Apartment quality lowered at 80 percent...
Typical rural school
Автор Raysione
Typical rural school Greetings! This mod contains a typical rural school, I have met this school project more than once, because most likely this school is typical. I don’t know the series numbers, but it looks quite interesting. CHARACTERISTIC Building ty...
Автор Wild Bunny
a merchant submarine to bypass seablockades or sanctions, build during ww1 General Cargo Ship Capacity: 750t speed: 8 kn available from 1916 to 1995 for ₽ for more content from me my workshop...
Автор Mauser_NATO
Us army multipurpose helicopter Production started in 1977 11 Colors. Currency USD....
Underground Garage Cooperative
Автор Holodets
Very small building under the guise of check-in. Made so that you can fit a lot more personal transport of residents in a small area. The capacity of 32 seats. Parking lot Big parking (54 places)
Underground Parking
Автор Pyro
A large capacity underground parking garage. Capacity: 32 cars (Update: I've noticed that the problems with this start when the vehicle population increases more than 32 cars. I have now limited the number to 32. Lets see if this cuts down the number of is...
Construction offices pack
Автор Gerbilskij
We cater for all sizes: this package conveniently includes the updated versions of all my construction offices. Main changes are updated models, lighting and texture mappings, plus other small fixes. UPDATED 02/08/2023 using new 3D Models from vanilla COs ...
URAL Soviet Army Skin Pack
URAL Sovětská armáda URAL Soviet Army Урал Советская Армия ...
Uranium mine
Автор pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. Uranium Mine. The mine is d...
National Museum
Автор Benser
ДЕКОММУНИЗИРОВАНО! А так все прежнeе:) Рабочий и колхозница» — памятник монументального искусства. Представляет собой скульптурную группу из двух фигур, мужской и женской, которые устремлены вперёд. После декомуннизации с тризубом, так как серп и молот в У...
V3S Civilian Skin Pack
Автор Bref
This addon/mod aims to make V3S's look more civilian, by adding several new skins for all the variants of this truck....
Vacuum Tube Factory
Автор Novu
Back in the mid 20th century electronics were not made from plastics but instead were made from glass and ceramic tubes. Vacuum tubes made in the USSR and Warsaw Pact were considered some of the finest in the world. Factory employs 100 workers and uses cem...
VDNH (Expocentre of the republic)
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a pack of buildings with which you can build your expo center of your republic. All pavilions have the names and styles of a certain branch of the gaming industry, for example, "metallurgy" or "agriculture". The mod is based on...
Village Builder Elements
Автор Novu
Some building editor elements for creating custom village buildings. Features stone walls and wooden roofs. Added Chimney. Added Floating window and door. Added more roof parts. Added Wood Pile. Added Log Cabin Textures. Added Stucco Texture. Added Narrow ...
Village council
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a typical building of the management board of a kolkhoz series 137 made exactly according to the 1953 project Such buildings were very common in the vastness of Ukraine. CHARACTERISTIC. 6 workers Such a building will ideally fit into any ...
Автор oleksii.kapustin
RU: ВЛ60 (Владимир Ленин, тип 60, до января 1963 — Н6О, — Новочеркасский 6-осный Однофазный) — первый советский магистральный грузо-пассажирский электровоз переменного тока, запущенный в крупносерийное производство. В 1960-х наравне с ВЛ8 и ТЭ3 являлся одн...
Автор oleksii.kapustin
ВЛ8 (Владимир Ленин, 8-осный; до 1963 — Н8 — новочеркасский) — советский магистральный грузовой электровоз постоянного тока с осевой формулой 2о+2о+2о+2о, выпускавшийся с 1953 по 1967 год. До 1961 года (до появления ВЛ10 и ВЛ80) был сильнейшим локомотивом ...
Автор Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Волжанин «СитиРитм» — семейство российских городских низкопольных автобусов, производимое на автобусном заводе «Волжанин» с 2005 года, разработанные на базе автобусов Волжанин-5270 и Волжанин-6270. В 2012 году проведён рестайлинг линейки. Обновленная верси...
Volunteer Fire Department Medium, 3 fireengines
Adds a building inspired by volunteer firestations in east Berlin. Can hold 3 fire engines. Quickly built and cheap. Can be placed really near a living quarter to feed with workers....
Volvo F12 F10 HF12 HF16
Автор wild
Volvo F12 контенеро-воз(крытый) продаётся за USD грузоподъёмность 25 тонн Добавил Volvo F10 Бортовой 18 тонн Самосвал 24 тонн Бензовоз 18 тонн Рефрижератор 18 тонн Бетономешалка 30 тонн годы выпуска 1977-2001 Добавил volvo HF 12 Доступны с 1993 по 2012 Доб...
Volvo N10/N12 Series
Автор Rockatansky
- Produced by the Swedish company Volvo between 1977 and 1990. - Produzido pela empresa sueca Volvo entre 1977 e 1990. N1020 - Available: 1977-1983 - Cargo Type: Concrete Mixer - Capacity: 15t - Max Speed: 90 km/h - Empty Weight: 6t - Engine Power: 191kw N...
Vulykh tower block
Автор Gerbilskij
A 14-storey brick residential building, originally designed by Soviet architect E. Vulykh (officially: series II-67). A modernised variant with white tiles and slightly higher quality of flats is also included. This model was originally developed by Pashka...
VVER-1000 V-320 nuclear heat- and power plant
Автор DirrrtyDirk
This mod is the combined VVER-1000 V-320 nuclear heat- and power plant (NHPP). This plant is based on the already released VVER-1000 V-320 NPP and is now upgraded with a heat extraction application, which is a separate free placeable building to be found u...
VVER-1000 V-320 nuclear power plant
Автор DirrrtyDirk
VVER-1000 V-320 nuclear power plant. I tried it do design it as close as possible to the original units, so some things like the personal need is close to the original amount needed to run the VVER-1000. The main carachteristics of the plant are as follows...
VVER-1000 V-320 Skins
Автор DirrrtyDirk
The mod comprises different skins for the VVER-1000 V-320 nuclear power plants and nuclear heat- and power plants. It's mainly change the skin of the reactor building, not of the turbine hall and inspired - if not actually - by the real running nuclear pow...
Автор painkillerlexar
Колесо обозрения Работает как элемент культуры , заменяет кинотеатр Работники - 3 максимум посетителей - 88 Ferris wheel type in game - cinema Workers - 3 maximum visitors - 88...
Автор Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Волжанин «СитиРитм» — семейство российских городских низкопольных автобусов, производимое на автобусном заводе «Волжанин» с 2005 года, разработанные на базе автобусов Волжанин-5270 и Волжанин-6270. В 2012 году проведён рестайлинг линейки. В 2012 году в про...
Watch Tower
Автор archiver213
Wooden Watch Tower completed with grateful assistance from RyanTheSkinny....
Wood Heat Plant
Автор Benco54
This is the wood heat plant which is based on the original one in Zurich, Switzerland. here are some facts about the work: Wood is considered a non-fossil, climate-neutral raw material and only releases as much CO2 as it previously bound. This means that t...
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Upgraded the woodcutting post to have an extra factory connection for easier connectivity and a footpath for the peeps No heating requirement...
Working steam train coal fueling station
Автор Comrade Sky
This is a single working coal loader for steam trains. It uses coal to run your steam trains! It stores 350 tons of coal for use by your trains. I may add a version with a conveyor as well, but I haven't decided yet. I am not too happy with the texture of ...
Yard heating plant
Автор Raysione
A small boiler room that can supply your buildings. It can be put right in the yard, it does not spoil the view, the pollution is very small. + you won't need pipes around the city;) Characteristic. 10 workers Max. productivity 100 MJ water heater 500 m3 s...
Zil 158 Route Colors
Автор ryantheskinny
zil 158 in multiple colors for visual identification of different lines I am going to discontinue making large packs of vehicles, due to the current Limit on skins, but will re release these as smaller packs...
ZIL Pack
Автор KsenoN
Всеми долгожданные ЗИЛы седельники :) В будущих обновлениях добавим автопоезда. Автор моделей: CHEEKI BREEKI (Gohan) Основные характеристики: Скорость - 90 км/ч Мощность - 110 кВТ Грузоподьемность: ТЦ-4 - 8т; ОдАЗ 794 - 7.5т; ОдАЗ 885 - 7.5т; ОдАЗ 826 - 5....
ZIL-130 Kolhoznik
Автор KsenoN
В данном моде представлен автопоезд (зерновоз) для ваших Совхозов. ЗИЛ-130 — советский и российский грузовой автомобиль разработки и производства автомобильного завода имени Лихачёва в Москве. Один из самых массовых автомобилей в истории советского автопро...
Автор KsenoN
ЗИЛ-130 — советский и российский грузовой автомобиль разработки и производства автомобильного завода имени Лихачёва в Москве. Один из самых массовых автомобилей в истории советского автопрома. Основные характеристики: Максимальная скорость - 90 км/ч Мощнос...
Автор olDen
zil_130 SPEED 90 AVAILABLE 1962 1994 the model is adapted by Inknown...
ZIL-131B + trailers
Автор oleksii.kapustin
ЗИЛ-131 — советский и российский грузовой автомобиль повышенной проходимости Московского автозавода имени Лихачёва, основная модель. Являлся заменой грузовика ЗИЛ-157. Значительная часть этих машин производилась для Советской Армии. Производился с 1966 г. ...
Derevo Druzhby Narodov
Located in the southern part of the hostel microdistrict...