41 értékelés
苏大妈的自用联机中文合集 2.7+
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  • 随机替换/不替换预定宜居星球
  • 默认-所有巨型建筑出现
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  • 开始游戏
  • 所有的资源/资本战争
  • 125个mod
  • 10gb
苏大妈 eredeti hozzászólása:
  • 如果创意工坊下载提示"缺少已下载的文件",
  • 进入\Steam\steamapps\workshop\downloads\281990删除里的所有文件再点立即下载即可.
  • 开局前八个月1000星开最高速可能偶尔一卡一卡,八个月之后就正常了.

  1. !!Universal Modifier Patch (2.7.*) 通用补丁
  2. ~~Ariphaos Unofficial Patch (2.7) 修复原版各种bug
  3. !!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+] 显示更多战略资源
  4. Expanded Stellaris Traditions 传统扩展
  5. Planetary Diversity 行星多样性
  6. Planetary Diversity - Unique Worlds 行星多样性-独特的世界
  7. Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 行星多样性-异域世界
  8. Planetary Diversity - More Arcologies行星多样性-更多考古学
  9. Planetary Diversity - Planetary Habitats 行星多样性-行星栖息地
  10. Planetary Diversity - Reworked Habitability 行星多样性-重制宜居性
  11. UI Overhaul Dynamic UI大修
  12. UI Overhaul Dynamic + Expanded Stellaris Traditions UI大修-传统扩展
  13. 109 Ascension Slots 传统扩展-槽位
  14. UI Overhaul Dynamic + Planetary Diversity UI大修-行星多样性兼容性补丁
  15. UI Overhaul Dynamic - Checksum Schism Version UI大修-调整
  16. UI Overhaul Dynamic - Extended Topbar & Modbuttons UI大修-扩展顶栏+mod按钮
  17. SpeedDial 快速联系商人
  18. UI Overhaul Dynamic + SpeedDial 快速联系商人-UI大修兼容性补丁
  19. 36 Building Slots 建筑槽
  20. Tiny Outliner v2 紧凑概览
  21. UI Overhaul Dynamic + Tiny Outliner v2UI大修-紧凑概览兼容性补丁
  22. Dark UI 黑色UI
  23. Dark U1 - Blue Buttons 黑色UI-蓝色按钮
  24. UI Overhaul Dynamic - Dark UI UI大修-黑色UI兼容性补丁
  25. APSR: Anomalies, Planetary and Space Resources 战略资源事件链
  26. All Unique System Spawns 2.7.X 生成所有的独特星系
  27. Archaeology Story Pack 考古故事包
  28. Ziaskehorn: an Ancient Relics Story 添加崭新的考古故事古迹和特殊遗物
  29. Storypack: The Nyblax and the Collector故事,遗迹,文物,危机
  30. Precursor Story Pack 新增三个先驱故事和相关的遗迹遗物
  31. Expanded Events更多事件扩展
  32. Potent Rebellions 一个新预设国家,革命,动乱机制,事件,法令等
  33. LEX Temp Fix更多利维坦
  34. Just More Flags (Achievement Compatible) 旗子
  35. Flags in the void 旗子
  36. Astronomical Emblem Pack旗子
  37. Flag Background Pack 旗子
  38. Tier Numbers: Buildings 建筑图标等级显示
  39. Tier Numbers: Tech 科技图标等级显示
  40. EUTAB - Unique Buildings (Achievements Enabled) 建筑图标
  41. LLX's Mods - A Lot of Dimorphism (2.6 'Verne') 种族外观
  42. More Colours for Machines机械外观
  43. Extended Vanilla Clothes服装扩展
  44. *Remastered Human Portraits美颜
  45. Human Variety美颜
  46. SE - Human - Body 美颜
  47. SE - Human - Hair 美颜
  48. SE - Human - Modest 美颜
  49. SE - Human - plus 美颜
  50. Diverse Rooms房间背景
  51. Backgrounds+ Vanilla Add-on背景-原版
  52. Backgrounds+ Planetview 背景-星球
  53. Backgrounds+ Loading Screens 背景-加载
  54. Backgrounds+ Leaders 背景-领袖
  55. Backgrounds+ Anomalies 2.1+ 背景-异常
  56. Pinwheel Galaxy 风车银河系
  57. Quadrant Fixed 添加缓慢旋转的星区环
  58. No Names on the Map 移除星图势力名称
  59. Softer Hyperlanes 航道美化
  60. Light Borders边界透明细化
  61. Whiter Stars 星系白色外观
  62. Smaller Resource Icons 2.7.x 缩小资源图标
  63. Flat Nameplates 名牌平面化
  64. Reduce Aura Graphics 减少飞船buff可视
  65. Machine Shipset飞船模型
  66. STREGA Updated飞船模型
  67. TALL WHITE Updated 飞船模型
  68. United Fleet飞船模型
  69. [Outdated] Kurogane Expanded 飞船模型
  70. Talking Non-Humanoid Portraits 通讯音效
  71. LR303's GLaDOS Advisor 语音顾问
  72. Extended Soundtrack 扩展配乐
  73. Cinematic Camera 电影镜头
  74. Detailed Tech Tooltips Reloaded 详细的科技提示信息
  75. Guilli's Technologies 2.7更多可研究技术
  76. Automatic Pop Migration 人口自动迁徙
  77. Admiral Level Skills 将军等级技能扩展
  78. Governor Level Extended 总督级别扩展
  79. Ruler Level System 领袖等级系统
  80. Scientist Level Extension科学家级别扩展
  81. Planet Raider星球突袭者
  82. Fleet Transfer Mod 舰队转移出售
  83. More Insults口吐芬芳
  84. More Insult Chinese Localisation 口吐芬芳汉化
  85. Gigastructural Engineering & More (2.7)更多巨型结构
  86. Event Horizon Offset Facility 视界信号偏移设施
  87. EHOF - SpeedDial - UI Dynamic Patch 视界信号偏移设施-快速联系兼容补丁
  88. EHOF/Giga Compatibility Patch 视界信号偏移设施-更多巨型结构兼容补丁
  89. EHOF/Planetary Diviersity Patch 视界信号偏移设施-行星多样性兼容补丁
  90. Fallen Empire Megastructures 堕落帝国巨型结构
  91. More Origins Mod 更多起源
  92. More Events Mod更多事件
  93. Precursor Traits 先驱特质
  94. Just More Traits 2.7.x 更多特质
  95. Trait Diversity 特质多样化
  96. Advanced Ascension(No extra slot) 高级飞升
  97. Expanded Stellaris Ascension Perks 扩展飞升
  98. Dynamic Political Events动态政治事件
  99. Hemothep's Dynamic Difficulty 动态难度
  100. ~ StarNet AI星网AI
  101. !(Patch): Starnet AI - Planetary Diversity Compatibility Patch 星网AI-行星多样性兼容性补丁
  102. Extra Ship Components 3.0 [2.7+] 飞船组件扩展
  103. Extra Ship Components 3.0 - Overwrites [2.7+] 飞船组件扩展
  104. (-NSC2 Season 5-) 飞船改革
    [与视界信号偏移设施冲突,暂时移除]Colored Map Icons NSC2 Version! 彩色图标-飞船改革
  105. (-NSC2 Addon: Unlimited Supercapitals-)飞船改革+
  106. NSC - Dark UI Compatibility Patch 黑色UI-飞船改革+
  107. ! Starnet for NSC2 飞船改革-星网AI补丁
  108. Ethics and Civics Classic 2.7 思潮与国策
  109. UI Overhaul Dynamic + Ethics and Civics Classic UI大修-思潮与国策兼容性补丁
  110. Amazing Civics - Megacorp企业扩展
  111. Dictatorial Corporations企业选举
  112. Stellaris Enhanced Sound Project 增强音效
  113. Amazing Space Battles 惊人的太空战斗
  114. Epic Explosions飞船爆炸
  115. Battle Debris - Starship Graveyards 战斗碎片-星舰墓地
  116. Beautiful Universe v2.0 美丽的宇宙
  117. !! Bombardment patch 轰炸补丁
  118. Cloud Wu's Chinese Localisation 提高官方汉化文本翻译质量
  119. District Overhaul 2 更多区划
  120. 鸽组汉化 Flora Edition 汉化模组
  121. Guilli's Planet Modifiers 2.6 更多行星BUFF 描述 先驱者事件以及星球
  122. plentiful traditions chinese 传统扩展汉化
  123. [2.7]思潮与国策汉化 Ethics and Civics Chinese 思潮与国策汉化
  124. Extra Ship Components 3.0 chinese patch 飞船组件扩展汉化
  125. (-NSC2 Season 5-) Chinese Translation飞船改革汉化
Elemek (115)
!!Universal Modifier Patch (3.12.*)
Készítette: jasonpepe
Fix the modifier issue after the 2.2.6 update. With the release of 2.2.6, once again, Paradox fools buried countless of mods and modders into the abyss. This fix mod brings the missing modifiers that existed in 2.2.0 to 2.2.5 back to life. (via overweight ...
~~Ariphaos Unofficial Patch (3.12)
Készítette: Ariphaos
AI • Bugfix • Mod Support • Performance This mod corrects several hundred issues in vanilla Stellaris. The game is faster, the AI is smarter, mods are better supported, and fewer bugs will be encountered.
!!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+]
Készítette: Narvindar
Updated for 3.*.* Patch to display the added strategic resources from different mods. For Stellaris +2.4.* Thanks to the new launcher the order in which mods are loaded is changed, if you have trouble getting the mod to work try moving it to the bottom, di...
Expanded Stellaris Traditions
Készítette: Private Feelings
Currently non-maintained, see link for alternative version/h1] I currently do not have the time to maintain this mod as thoroughly as I would like. An update may happen in the future, but in the meantime consider this alternative version of it being mainta...
Planetary Diversity
Készítette: Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.12.* Not Achievement Friendly PD Discord Server Other Planetary Diversity Mods Unique Worlds More Arcologies Exotic Worlds Ascension Worlds Vanilla...
Planetary Diversity - Unique Worlds
Készítette: Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.12.* PD Discord Server This mod is currently empty! Why? Because I didn't have time to update it to the new version of PD, but it's coming back soo...
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds
Készítette: Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.12.* PD Discord Server This mod is currently empty! Why? Because I didn't have time to update it to the new version of PD, but it's coming back soo...
Planetary Diversity - More Arcologies
Készítette: Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.12.* Not Achievement Friendly PD Discord Server This mod is 100% stand-alone and will work without Planetary Diversity. This mod adds five new Arco...
UI Overhaul Dynamic
Készítette: Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ 📜 Changelog 📜Beta VersionOlder Versions3. Mods ⛓️ Mod Compatibility & Patches ⛓️🏗️ Submods 🏗️Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it! 🛠️ Interface Modified 🛠️ This mod ...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + Planetary Diversity
Készítette: Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ Compatibility patch between UI Overhaul Dynamic and Planetary Diversity so that Empire Creation matches the style in UIOD. It's still possible to use Planetary Diversity without this patch. 📑 Load Order 📑 Plane...
UI Overhaul Dynamic - Checksum Schism Version
Készítette: Orrie
For 3.8.X ✔️ - Abandoned ❌ It does require the main mod to run. Mod has been merged into the main mod, therefore it's now unnecessary and will be abandoned....
Készítette: MacAwesome
SpeedDial SpeedDial adds buttons at the top left of your screen once you establish communications with enclaves. The buttons act as a 'speed dial', allowing you to open a diplomacy window with them direct from the main screen without having to navigate to ...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + SpeedDial
Készítette: Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ It does require the main mod to run. This is a submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that mimics the behaviour from SpeedDial. Does not require SpeedDial to function. Also makes the SpeedDial moveable, by clicking the...
36 Building Slots
Készítette: Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ Just increases the buildings slots to 36, and that's pretty much it. Mod does not modify the branch office slots anymore. If you want to change the buildings slot amount: Goto: Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\...
Tiny Outliner v2
Készítette: Ivam
UI Overhaul Dynamic - Tiny Outliner
Készítette: Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ It does require the main mod to run. This is a submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that changes the outliner to mimic the look from Tiny Outliner v2. ⚠️ Do not run this with any other outliner mods. ⚠️ 📑 Load Order ...
Dark UI
Készítette: ButtJunkie
I'm not planning any further updates as I'm working on a space strategy game (if you're curious, a search for Ascendance4x should show the youtube channel or website). ------- Compatible with 2.8+ This mod is a UI recolour, giving it a more neutral, darker...
Dark U1 - Blue Buttons
Készítette: ButtJunkie
Compatible with 2.1 Changes the outline of buttons in Dark UI from light grey to light blue, for either personal preference or to make the buttons more easily distinguished from disabled (greyed-out) buttons. Will technically work without Dark UI, but will...
UI Overhaul Dynamic - Dark UI
Készítette: Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ This is a submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that changes the modified graphical files and style to match the one in Dark UI. Will also work with any other of my UI submods. It no longer requires Dark UI to run. 📑 ...
APSR: Anomalies, Planetary and Space Resources
Készítette: Dimuch62 [RUS]
Does the galaxy seem boring and monotonous? Are the planets different from each other? Do you want variety? Then you found what you need! This mod adds a lot of unique for the whole galaxy and very unusual resources, excitin...
All Unique System Spawns & Caravaneers 3.7.X
Készítette: Dr Nilsson 🖖
Now with 3.7.* support! Not compatible with Real Space This mod will hopefully spawn all unique systems with megastructures, leviathans, bosses, caravaneers and stuff. Compatible with all DLC and you can also play it without DLC. Should not affect any vani...
Archaeology Story Pack
Készítette: XVCV Stellaris v3.9.* Compatible A year ago, there was a contest to make archaeology event mod in my community. This mod is made as a reward for the contest. It adds 19 archaeol...
Ziaskehorn: an Ancient Relics Story [DEPRECATED]
A new archeology story, digsite, and special relic! Description This is an original story for Stellaris told via the the previously brand new digsite mechanics introduced in 2.3 "Wolfe" and the Ancient Relics storypack. The story includes a special relic e...
Storypack: The Nyblax and the Collector
Készítette: Complex Storypack! Digsites! Relics! Midgame Crisis - 2 New Midgame Crisis: The and - Lots of custom new events - 6 New original digsites - 7 New relics - Custom initializing empire to interact with - Unique mechanics for relics - V...
Precursor Story Pack
Készítette: XVCV Stellaris v3.9.* Compatible There was an ancient civilization before us... this is their story. This mod adds 3 precursor stories written by the community members. This is ...
Expanded Events
Készítette: Tovius
Adds more events, anomalies, and dig sites into the game. I would recommend that you use this alongside More Events Mod. Feature List Additions: New colony events - More Subterranean Civilization events - Dimensional Portal and other follow-up events - Rar...
Potent Rebellions (3.3 currently discontinued)
Készítette: Caligula Caesar
This mod significantly expands the Vanilla rebellion mechanics to make them a more significant threat to established empires. As it is, rebellions are fairly rare and pose virtually no threat whatsoever to your empire, as the revolutionaries start with hug...
Leviathan Events Xtended - Legacy
Készítette: Spacemike
2.0+ Update Note: there may still be bugs with this mod due to the massive changes in the latest update, please report any bugs to the bug discussion thread. Credits for everything in Leviathan Events Xtended but the port to 2.1 goes to: Forum user Bitterb...
Just More Flags (Achievement Compatible)
Készítette: EdFromEarth
Features: 93 Emblems & 25 Flag Patterns This mod adds a variety of new emblems and flag patterns for use with your custom empires in a slightly different style than the stock options. The included emblems are a monochrome white, similar to what you see on ...
Flags in the void
Készítette: Condutiarii
Compatibility version 3.10.4 (Pyxis) A collection of backgrounds to design the flags of your empires. Compatibility : Multiplayer - Ironman. - 130 background for flags. - Compatibility with any mods and your previous savegames. - Usable by AI players. Comp...
Astronomical Emblem Pack
Készítette: Cassius
WORKS WITH ALL VERSIONS, WILL ALWAYS WORK WHEN OUTDATED CAN'T SCROLL THROUGH EMBLEMS? What happened?: A bug was introduced in Stellaris version 2.6.3 that removed the ability to scroll through many of the UI elements in the game. See these bug reports: htt...
Flag Background Pack
Készítette: zraith
An additional 28 flag backgrounds for the game. Best used with mods that expand the color palette (selection) for the flag creation. Stellaris Tags: Graphics Mod name: Flag Background Pack Last updated: 2020.6.11 Updated for Stellaris 2.7...
Tier Numbers: Buildings
Készítette: BFNoise
I always had troubles to distinguish different tiers of Factories, Foundries and Research Labs, their icons look almost the same. Hovering mouse over and viewing tooltips is not very convenient. That's why I decided to make this little mod, mostly for myse...
Tier Numbers: Tech
Készítette: Oskar
Adds tier numbers to some tech icons. Spiritual successor to If you find any icons I missed please leave a comment and I will add them. Ironman/achievement compatible. Check out my other mod...
EUTAB - Unique Buildings (Achievements Enabled)
Készítette: Dumuzii
EUTAB - Unique Buildings This is a standalone module that replaces many of the reused building icons in the game, to make it achievement friendly no edits have been made to the event buildings file so a few of the icons that are in EUTAB aren't in this ver...
LLX's Mods - A Lot of Dimorphism (2.7 'Wells')
Készítette: nekollx This is a from my series of mods that merges the function of various other mods, in this case dimorphism and color mods to clean up your load order. Endorse and thumbs up the originals! Dimorphism+SF Dimorphism - Fox and Ca...
More Colours for Machines
Készítette: Forte
This mod adds in several new colours across each of the Machine species added in Synthetic Dawn, as well as adding multiple new colours for the "old" robots too. These new options have been carefully curated and tweaked in order to maintain a good balance ...
Extended Vanilla Clothes
Készítette: Fugasas
This mod adds more than 1100 clothes variations for vanilla species/races (up to 11 new color variations per clothes). It also randomises clothes of each vanilla race including plantoids species. Now every pop, species representing model, leader and ruler ...
*Remastered Human Portraits
Készítette: Deadrick
Updated for version 3.4 + The primary human race are using the old portraits from before 3.4 as base and have 70 portraits that replace the standard ones. The secondary human race is using the new human portraits and have 30 portraits replacing the standar...
Human Variety
Készítette: Okami
Human Variety adds 32 new male and female clothing options to human pops and leaders. Outfits are assigned to pops based on their individual ethics, meaning the population of two planets controlled by different empires can end up looking very different. Ad...
SE - Human - Body
Készítette: MnCnNn
Help the Mod at Paypal Details This mod adds 40+ male and female human bodies. The mod will be updated over time with the creation/editing/retirement o...
SE - Human - Hair
Készítette: MnCnNn
Help the Mod at Paypal Veteran Hearts of Iron modder, new to Stellaris. This is my first mod here. (second, somewhat as this is a reload of my last mod...
SE - Human - Modest
Készítette: MnCnNn
Help the Mod at Paypal Requirements This mod no longer requires UI Overhaul Dynamic. However, I designed the mod around it, it should work fine on its ...
Diverse Rooms
Készítette: LastLeviathan PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION FOR A SCROLLABLE ROOM LIST! Stellaris' basic rooms are just that: 'basic'. I've always found them a little uninspiring and bland. Every single empire you encounter talks to you from a similar rectangu...
Backgrounds+ Vanilla Add-on
Updated and working with Stellaris version 3.4 ("Cepheus" update). Features Adds the vanilla loading screens back into the pool. Includes new loading screens from major updates. FAQs I don't want a certain background image to show up? Go through the instru...
Backgrounds+ Planetview
Updated and working with Stellaris version 3.4 ("Cepheus" update). Features Replacement backgrounds for: megastructures, vanilla habitats, starbases, and more. FAQs Is it Ironman / achievement compatible? Yes, this mod is completely compatible to earn you ...
Backgrounds+ Loading Screens
Updated and working with Stellaris version 3.4 ("Cepheus" update). Features 130+ new, elegant loading screens for maximum immersion and space-iness. Including a couple Easter eggs (yes, those count as features now). FAQs I don't want a certain background i...
Backgrounds+ Leaders
Updated and working with Stellaris version 3.4 ("Cepheus" update). Features Replacement backgrounds for governors, scientists, admirals, generals, etc. FAQs Is it Ironman / achievement compatible? Yes, this mod is completely compatible to earn you achievem...
Backgrounds+ Anomalies
Updated and working with Stellaris version 3.4 ("Cepheus" update). Features Replacement images for events, notification, anomalies, etc.. FAQs Is it Ironman / achievement compatible? Yes, this mod is completely compatible to earn you achievements if you pl...
Pinwheel Galaxy
Készítette: Agami
Play in a real galaxy, Messier 101, or the Pinwheel. Achievement-compatible. Mod adds: - background texture visible from the start of the game - dust texture - golden nebulas - subtle particle effects in the core and the middle of the galaxy Purple version...
Quadrant Fixed
Készítette: Agami
Adds slowly rotating rings that make the galaxy just a bit more sexy. Works on any graphical settings. Achievement-compatible, standalone. Originally created by Dwaine: I fixed a few of the ...
No Names on the Map
Készítette: Agami
A simple mod that removes all empire and nebula names from the map. Achievement compatible. This is just my personal preference, I can't stand how the names clutter the map. If you don't need achievements, here's a mod for smaller names: https://steamcommu...
Softer Hyperlanes
Készítette: Agami
Makes hyperlanes more transparent the farther they are from the center. This way they are bright enough in the core but not too bright in darker areas. Also changes the color to white. Compatible with achievements. Blue version:
Light Borders
Készítette: Agami
Makes borders more transparent and thin. Achievement-compatibe. The mod also: - removes star pins - slightly raises borders - doesn't highlght borders under nebulas Alternative versions: - with star pins:
Whiter Stars
Készítette: Agami
Makes all stars on the map less saturated. Achievement compatible. Designed to be used with Elegant Galaxy collection....
Smaller Resource Icons 3.7.x
Készítette: DaTroll
Last Update: 2023.03.22 This mod was originaly created by Rathwill. I decided to continue his work because he didn't update for 2.2.x yet. With his deprecated Version it is not possible to see piracy. Features Simple mod to reduce the size of all resource ...
Flat Nameplates
Készítette: Agami
Removes gradient from the name plates and underlines the capital. Achievement-compatible. Designed to be used with Elegant Galaxy collection....
Reduce Aura Graphics
Készítette: Kondi
Compatible with 3.2 and older versions This mod will remove all the unnecessary graphical effects created by aura modules such as the shield dampener and shows only a faint glow on affected ships. Doesn't change how the modules work. Does not remove effect...
Machine Shipset
Készítette: AryxCami
The Automated Dreadnought guardian is a beautiful ship. Which makes it a shame that it's one of a kind and that there aren't many other ships in its style. Until now! Behold machine ships, a fully sectioned shipset! Machine Ships adds a new shipset in the ...
United Fleet Shipset
Készítette: PSIONIC海豹
关于本mod的更新日志与流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 downscale patch compatibilty : 本MOD是Warship girls R and M...
Kurogane Expanded
Készítette: Paragon
Please use the third party variant listed below for gameplay - this mod is outdated. Actively supported third-party variant by Gage here: I suggest you use this mod for gameplay. I am not a ...
Talking Non-Humanoid Portraits
Készítette: Chirumiru ShiRoz
Note : Certain voices in the sample video are louder than normal because some of the portraits in-game have lower volume setting for those voices, so if you are a headphone user, I suggest you to lower volume by a bit. Ever wish the non-humanoid species ta...
LR303's GLaDOS Advisor
Készítette: LordRegent303
Welcome GLaDOS - your favourite AI from the game series Portal! This mods adds a new advisor into the game - GLaDOS advisor. You can select it when creating an empire. It has it's own custom icon (courtesy of the talented DPh Kraken) and all of the custom ...
Extended Soundtrack
Készítette: shredtilldeth
Adds all tracks from the official soundtrack that aren't already in game. There are 5 total: Battle For Supremacy Faster Than Light - Featuring Mia Stegmar Distant Nebula - Featuring Mia Stegmar Infinite Being - Alternate Version To The Ends Of The Galaxy ...
Cinematic Camera
Készítette: Avel
This mod increasing zoom and gives more freedom to in-game camera. Compatibility: - Use it with any other mod freely and no fear. Bugs: - No. Report if you find something strange :) Achievements: - This mod changes checksum, so you wont get any achievement...
Detailed Tech Tooltips Remastered
Készítette: я Ксюша
Detailed Tech Tooltips Remastered This mod expands the tech description tooltip by showing you what future research a technology leads to. You’ll be able to see exactly what you’ll need to unlock in order to beeline for a specific tech (e.g. megastructures...
Guilli's Technologies
Készítette: Guilliman
Guilli's Technologies For version 3.7/3.8/3.9/3.12 of the game. Compatible with all DLC. DLCs not required. Compatible with all mods. English and German Localisation 125 new technologies Vanilla-like technologies Some rare technologies Some gestalt, hive o...
Automatic Pop Migration [Outated - 2.2]
Készítette: The Dadinator
Ambit has brought the mod up to 3.1+: Get it here: Is manually shifting around pops that are out of work and homeless getting you down? Want to get back to conquering the galaxy? This mod wi...
Admiral Level Skills
Készítette: jasonpepe
ALS makes your 6-6-6-6 Admiral dream come true! For Stellaris version 3.11+ --- --- As you may know in 3.10, admirals are now part of the commander group. That l...
Governor Level Extended
Készítette: jasonpepe
GLE let every governor owns visions! For Stellaris version 3.11+ ------ ------ This mod is rather small compared to my other mods (RLS, ALS, SLE), as the govern...
Ruler Level System - Classic
Készítette: jasonpepe
This is the classic version of RLS and will not continue to update. Will stay at 3.0 version. If you are looking for the rework version of RLS, click Here. ------ Compatibility Standalone, no vanilla files are edited. namespace = play_as_ruler global_flag ...
Scientist Level Extension
Készítette: jasonpepe
SLE makes your scientist folks to the next level! For Stellaris version 3.11+ --- --- Compatibility Standalone, no vanilla files altered. namespace = sls global...
Planet Raider
Készítette: jasonpepe
PR let you raid your enemy's planets! For Stellaris version 3.8+ ----------- This is the remake of my very first mod - Raid Empire Resource V1.4. And it's alrea...
Fleet Transfer Mod
Készítette: Dimuch62 [RUS]
You have an outdated, extra fleet and you don’t know where to put it, and disband or modify is stingy? Your vassals suffer from internal feuds or external threats and they lack the fleet, and to solve their problems yourself - laziness? You want to covertl...
More Insults
Készítette: Hong Meiling
Compatible with 3.12 "You wouldn’t dare!" Ever wanted to deliver some burns the strength of a thousand burning suns to some star slime? Wish to tell that fanatic spiritual moron next door that their god doesn’t exist? Tell some pacifist coward that they de...
More Insult Chinese Localisation
Készítette: PhiliaTheCat
This mod is to localize More Insult by .Del. Only Chinese translation included Achievement compatibility not guaranteed Compatible with game Ver. 3.0...
Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.12)
Készítette: Elowiny Do you like megastructures? I sure do! This mod aims to expand on the concept of megastructures by adding more megastructures you can build, with a wide range of effects, and sizes ranging from large space stations to system...
Event Horizon Offset Facility
Készítette: Kreitani
As of 2.8, this mod is no longer being updated. I have integrated it into gigastructure, where it will get further updates and features. All of the patches are also included within gigastructures. I will keep this version up for a while, so that you can wr...
EHOF - SpeedDial - UI Dynamic Patch
Készítette: Kreitani Ensure all compatibility patches are at the bottom of the mod list This mod adds compatibility for UI Dynamic AND/OR Speed Dial for the EHOF mod....
EHOF/Giga Compatibility Patch
Készítette: Kreitani Ensure all compatibility patches are at the bottom of the mod list This mod adds compatibility for Gigastructures for the EHOF mod....
EHOF/Planetary Diviersity Patch
Készítette: Kreitani Ensure all compatibility patches are at the bottom of the mod list This mod adds compatibility for Planetary Diversity for the EHOF mod....
Fallen Empire Megastructures
Készítette: James Fire
Gigas now has it's own version of this built into it. Do not use this with Gigas. Welcome to Fallen Empire Megastructures! This mod intends to make FEs more powerful, and the rewards for defeating them greater, while still remaining true to their ethos. Fe...
More Origins Mod
Készítette: Malthus
This mod adds multiple new origins to the game, most of which are once per galaxy and may appear in randomly generated ai empires if all conditions are met. List of content: by Malthus: A House Divided You start out with your two starting colony targets al...
More Events Mod
Készítette: Malthus
COMPATIBLE with Stellaris 3.12.* Are you looking for more action and interesting events to show up while you are doing your day to day enslaving and conquering business? If, like us, you find the mid to late game a little lacking of interesting diversion, ...
Precursor Traits
Készítette: zulu9812
TEST UPDATE for 3.10.2: Please give feedback! UPDATED for 3.3.2: Finally, I had to change the code because of a Stellaris update! I would appreciate some testing feedback. UPDATED FOR 3.0.1: Just a version number change. This mod will probably always be co...
Just More Traits 3.x
Készítette: DaTroll
Last Update: 2024.03.05 This mod was originaly created by EdFromEarth. I decided to continue his work because he didn't update for 2.6.x yet. Features Mod Adds various Traits Traits fixed up for Lithoids Known Issues none Compatibility NO Ironman NO Achiev...
Trait Diversity
Készítette: Lylant This mod adds 220 new species traits to the game: ■ 169 Biological Traits 113 common traits 46 non-lithoids only 10 lithoids only ■ 51 Robotic Traits 33 common traits 7 robots only 11 machines only
Classic Advanced Ascension
Készítette: scroll
Support 3.8 Added advanced ascension to all vanilla ascension The maintenance of this MOD has been taken over by 史黛拉芮丝の鼬子, no additional changes will be added If you need this MOD Remake Version Compatibility: ①Most Ascension MODs and tradition MODs are co...
Expanded Stellaris Ascension Perks
Készítette: Private Feelings
Stellaris 3.12.* /// Intro> This mod adds 45 new Ascension Perks to the game. Designate your planets as Forge Worlds or Garden Worlds, find new deposits and unlock special rare technologies to be discovered. Specialize your empire based on ideology and muc...
Dynamic Political Events
Készítette: Caligula Caesar
Описание мода на русском языке (Russian Description) Descrição do Mod em Português (Portuguese Description) Chinese Version Stellaris empires lack life. It often does not feel like one is leading a stellar empire with real citizens whose opinions matter. I...
Hemothep's Dynamic Difficulty (2.2. - 3.3.)
Készítette: Hemothep
Attention: The support for this Mod ends with the 3.4.update. Other modders are free to build upon it. This mod has been updated to 3.3. You can still use it under any version from 2.2.0 upwards. Just ignore the out-of-date notification. Ever had the probl...
~ StarNet AI
Készítette: salvor
Small announcement Heavily recommend trying another AI mod, Startech. It's more science-oriented and, I believe, will provide more fun experience for most players. Description This mod intends to create an action-packed experience with AI not only being ab...
!(Patch): Starnet AI - Planetary Diversity Compatibility Patch
Készítette: TechSY730
Compatibility Patch for Starnet AI and Planetary Diversity This integrates the AI weight changes colony designations with the colony designations planet types assignments of Planetary Diversity. 3.0 compatible (at least no parsing error) Has not been teste...
Extra Ship Components 3.0 [Actual]
Készítette: NHunter
Extra Ship Components 3.0 Other mod versions: - Stellaris 1.9: Extra Ship Components 1.9. - Stellaris 2.2: Extra Ship Components 2.0. - Stellaris 2.3: Extra Ship Components 3.0 - . - Stellaris 2.4-2.6: Extra Ship Components 3.0 . - Stellaris 2.7-2.8: Extra...
Extra Ship Components 3.0 - Overwrites [Actual]
Készítette: NHunter
This version is for current Stellaris version Stellaris 2.3.3 version is here. Stellaris 2.4-2.6 version is here. Stellaris 2.7-2.8 version is here. This mod is an optional addon to Extra Ship Components 3.0 that merges together vanilla and ESC tech trees ...
((( NSC3 - Season 1 )))
Készítette: CaptainX3
May 11, 2024 - Season 1 - Update 9 (Mod Version 1.0.9) New Save Game is Not Required Fixed a bug where the Nanite swarmer sections were missing. Fixed a bug that was causing the transport ship models for the new shipsets to not show up. May 8, 2024 - Seaso...
NSC - Dark UI Compatibility Patch
Készítette: Heyy_ItsCaitlyn
This mod recolors the UI elements added by NSC to match with the changes done by Dark UI. For proper mod installation, this mod should be LOWER in your mod order than both NSC and Dark UI....
! Starnet for NSC3
Készítette: salvor
Mod is for 3.12. Don't use with other versions of the game This is a mod which intends to make my AI mod, Starnet AI work better with NSC2 (New Ship Classes and more). It also works with starnet's fork, Startech. It requires NSC2 and Starnet to function (d...
Ethics and Civics Classic
Készítette: petruxa
Now More Compatible w/ Other Mods! Hello everyone! Joakim is sadly retiring from the modding scene. I would like to thank him for maintaining/updating the mod ever since Petruxa left, he was carrying the torch for so long, and I am honored to be carrying i...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + Ethics and Civics Classic
Készítette: Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ Compatibility patch between UI Overhaul Dynamic and Ethics and Civics Classic (Previously known as Cultural Overhaul). Doesn't add anything new by itself. 📑 Load Order 📑 Ethics and Civics Classic UI Overhaul Dy...
Dictatorial Corporations
Készítette: Fox
A very tiny mod that changes Corporate authority so that elections occur only on ruler death, rather than once every 20 years. Modifies existing Corporate authority; doesn't create a new authority type. This mod is most likely incompatible with any other m...
Stellaris Enhanced Sound Project
Készítette: Chirumiru ShiRoz
Link to soundcloud for weapon examples - You can also expect to hear new sound samples from my profile there Note : The soundcloud does not includes Apoc Titan or Fa...
Amazing Space Battles
Készítette: Chickenhunt
Compatible with V3.12 This Giant mod combines my previous graphical mods + far more, in order to completely improve the graphics of Stellaris space battles. It improv...
Epic Explosions
Készítette: Kondi
Compatible with 3.2 and older versions Does it feel wrong to you that ships equipped with unimaginably powerful fusion reactors quietly drift into the darkness after destruction? This mod will make them blaze like a star for one last glorious moment. Compa...
Battle Debris - Starship Graveyards
Készítette: mzilli
With this mod, ships destroyed in battle will (usually) leave debris behind. This is a purely visual change, meant to give large space battles and their aftermath a little more weight. This may lag your game a bit in systems with large debris fields, but t...
Beautiful Universe v2.0
Készítette: Avel
This mod changes vanilla skyboxes and brings more beauty to the game. As references were used NASA photos, EVE Online skyboxes, and various digital art. Compatibility: - Use it with any other mod freely and no fear. If you are using mod Real Space subscrib...
Cloud Wu's Chinese Localisation
Készítette: cloudwu
这个 Mod 基于部分官方汉化文本,着力于提高翻译质量。目前支持到 3.11。 这里有一个 Github 仓库方便校对文本,链接如下: 欢迎玩家们共同创作。 使用本 Mod 请将游戏语言切换到简体中文或英文。它不影响解锁成就(注意,群星必须在铁人模式才可以达成成就)。...
District Overhaul 2
Készítette: RevansSchatten
If you want to use District Overhaul in 3.0, you can use a nearly complete Test Branch for 3.0. District Overhaul 2 for Stellaris Version 2.7.* Make sure to put this mod at the bottom of the list in the Stellaris Launcher. If your resolution is lower than ...
鸽组汉化 Flora Edition
Készítette: 月都旅人
简介 翻译群星创意工坊的英文模组。仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 不包含替换了原版文本的模组,因为会导致文本互相冲突、覆盖。此类模组会内置汉化,或上传独立汉化补丁。 由于近来P社官中问题较多,原则上以本组制作的官中修正作为翻译基准。非模组玩家也可以单独订阅使用。 本模组没有的,可以看看创意工坊有没有其他朋友做的汉化 旧版鸽组汉化将不再更新,仅供旧版本玩家订阅。 汉化列表 列表有粗略分类与译名参考;合集订阅方便。两者可能更新不同步存在差别。 列表存在过时情况,修缮工作在做了 集中汉化:列表 / 合集 ...
Guilli's Planet Modifiers and Features
Készítette: Guilliman Guilli's Planet Modifiers For version 3.12+ of the game. A big content expansion mod focusing on Planetary Modifiers. With hundreds of modifiers and lots of content that interacts with them. DLC's not required though some fe...
plentiful traditions chinese
Készítette: Boost·Ocpus
2.7.2版本更新,有没翻译的及时指出。我可能有没看见的 鸽组汉化更新了,我就摸鱼了~~咕咕咕咕
【鸽组汉化】Ethics and Civics Alternative
Készítette: 月都旅人
本mod停止更新(鸽了),请大家订阅组员Miracle制作的新汉化 Ethics and Civics Classic / Alternative 3.x 经典 / 精简通用中文翻译 如果你发现文本奇怪甚至前后矛盾,那就对了,原文真TM就是这样,作者可能喝高了。 REDUX因为改的东西很多,所以建议不要使用本汉化,有很多对不上的地方。 本Mod仅提供翻译,仍需订阅原Mod使用:(任选其一即可) 经典版 Ethics and Civics Classic 精简版 Ethics and Civics Alter...
【停止更新】Extra Ship Components 3.0 chinese patch
Készítette: 兽耳娘是好文明
停止更新 ESC已内置汉化。...
(((-NSC3 Season 1-))) Chinese Translation
Készítette: Liyea
针对NSC3进行中文翻译的MOD,方便大家享受NSC3,本mod仅有文本,因此如果有文字、叙述缺失以外的问题的话请确认NSC3 mod与其他mod是否有发生冲突,如果汉化失败的话请把这个MOD放在NSC3的MOD后面 NSC2是一个增加船舰种类的mod,其中包括配套的恒星基地扩展、少量的武器以及大量的组件,增加舰队的变化性 由于本翻译发布时贴吧翻译尚未发布,因此某些名词翻译可能有所差异,如有差异欢迎提出 如果出现了只有局部汉化状况的话,请到MOD列表把这个MOD放到NSC MOD后面去 有一些玩法或使用上上...