The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Ultimate Skyrim Mod Hell Super Edition
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Items (146)
The Official Poketador Mod
Created by pokesterone
This mod changes the names of Aela the Huntress, Jarl Balgruuf the Greater, and Meeko to "Pinkta the Huntress," "Jarl Hodor the Greater," and "Poke the Dog" respectively. Frequently Asked Quesions Q: Should I install this? A: Absolutely. Q: What else does ...
Kama Pulya Sound Replacement
Created by UtkaBulka
This replaces every (or almost every) attack sound with Kama Pulya's SHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!11!...
(Some) Flags of the world - Breezehome
Created by smu_dude07
Are you feeling like a patriot but don't have the means to express yourself? Are you lonely and missing a certain country? This mod will add the flag of a nation that you choose to the outside of Breezehome in Whiterun. With your flag I can guarantee you a...
Little Robot of Terror
Created by Laserspewpew
It's basically a dragon inside the body of a tiny centurion. Pick up the spellbook on the well in Whiterun. As a warning, I made this mod as a joke a few years ago. It's not intended to be used in normal gameplay as it makes things incredibly unfair... for...
Feminists in Skyrim
Created by Shiro 史郎雪
Replaces Hagravens with Feminists... I swear, I know it's hard to tell. Hagravens will now show up as "Feminists" in combat.
Supreme Ragdolling Murder Bow
Created by Dafini
Remember those "SUPER" arrows from Oblivion? They hit a guy so hard they die and their whole body flips the everliving f*ck out? They were definitely rediculous and fun... but there wasn't one quiiiite like that for Skyrim yet... arrows aren't the most enc...
Nazeem Unleashed!
"All throughout skyrim, Nazeem has spread. No one knows how he did it, but now Nazeem is everywhere, and only You can defeat him!" This mod adds Nazeems everywhere. Each Nazeem is a little bit different however! There are Bandit Nazeems, Guard Nazeems, Nec...
Nazeem Whiterun Interactions Nonsense Project
Created by BarghestStalker
Replaces Nazeem's voice in npc's interactions with nonsense conversations....
Bruh Shout Effect #2
Created by Mike
Replaces Unrelenting force with bruh. cough check out my other mods Vsauce Shout Vsauce Sneak Attack leave a rate or somethi...
The Book of Wheel-y Bad Puns
Created by MrBlackHearse™
100% pure hijinks and stuff Its located in Riften, where exactly? on a gr8 cr8 m8 PS: This Books is dedicated to one of my best friends. Please rate :D...
Alvor And His Family Of Nudists
Created by Ø
I'm gonna need some therapy after this one. I'll probably try to put more effort into the next one. Maybe. Possibly. Probably not....
Riverwood Mudcrabs
Created by Chocolate Milk
I'm sure everybody who reads this has gone to Riverwood and thought that the main characters who resided there were simply not quite right - there was just something off about them. Well, during my modding stream, one of my viewers figured out what that so...
Created by Chocolate Milk
I hosted a stream, just yesterday. And I was honored that RLSD showed up. When I asked my viewers which insane mod I should make next, RLSD himself was one of the first people to respond."Make a mod that adds me to the game!" he said. I asked how, since I ...
The Iron Sworp
Created by Chocolate Milk
This mod literally does nothing except make all iron swords have max range and two times faster. I thought that only switching the "d" to a "p" in sword would make sense becasue I changed so little in the game that it seemed fitting to change only a little...
The Big Kids
Created by Chocolate Milk
Have you ever sat at the dinner table with your parents with the big kids sitting at a different table? It was lonely, wasn't it? All alone, your parents refusing to let you enjoy the company of the big kids. Well now, you can fill the terrible loss of aff...
Created by Chocolate Milk
I'm sure we've all been in a situation in Skyrim where we've had this one character that we just can't kill. Well, fret no more my dear friends, for now you kill them like the immortal being you are! With this mod, you can play as a race that can instantly...
Extremely Cute Dogs
Created by Chocolate Milk
Here's one question that should certaily be asked more often: what makes something cute? Well, as a matter of fact, the answer is clear and obvious. If something is small, then it's adorable - no exceptions. And the dogs of Skyrim, in my personal opinion, ...
Some Really F*cking Weird Potion
Created by Chocolate Milk
Literally, this was by far the worst idea I've ever had. And trust me, that's really saying something - you should see my other "Really F*cking Weird" mods. They're pretty messed up. But this one really takes the cake for the most f*cked up mod I've made y...
The Mad Libs Mod
Created by Chocolate Milk
My friend (username ShadoStriker15) and I decided to make a mod together. I mod Skyrim, and he, too, mods Skyrim. I suggest you check out his mods. Anyway, he liked my idea of the "Some Really F*cking Weird" mods, in which I blindly click around in the Sky...
Several Very Large Cows
Created by Chocolate Milk
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has a very nasty habit of leaving the world void of any high quality cows. Or, for that matter, any cows at all. I've noticed that many times. In fact, once, I tried to make a mod about cows, but I couldn't test it to see if it ...
Perth Has Been Turned Into a Dog.
Created by Chocolate Milk
Well, here it is. Yet another unnecessary Workshop mod you've looked at, made by Chocolate Milk. Why did you click on this? You knew it'd be useless, you knew it would not add to your experience of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim at all; and yet, nevertheless,...
83 Nazeems
Created by Chocolate Milk
When I thought of this mod, the first thing that popped into my head was 'I can never have too many Nazeems!" Well, with this mod, I managed to prove myself wrong. This mod adds 83 Nazeems to Dragonsreach, The Drunken Huntsman, and pretty much any other pl...
Iron Swords but They're Worth One More Gold
Created by Chocolate Milk
This mod changes absolutely nothing except make iron swords worth one more gold piece. Enjoy your +1 gold pieces, you greedy sh*ts....
Tiny Bears
Created by Chocolate Milk
This mod makes all bears in Skyrim unnecessarily small, deal half as much damage as they do normally, and have half as much health as they do normally. Obviously, this mod is an absolute necessity to enjoy the fullest experience of The Elder Scrolls V: Skr...
Basic Steel Weapons but They're Giant Boulders
Created by Chocolate Milk
THE HALF-TRUE STORY BEHIND IT ALL: It was around 12:30 AM. I was bored, sitting in my room, wondering what to do, until I suddenly thought of something: rocks. Well, what about rocks? I asked myself. Of course, it's important to understand that I'd had a l...
Some Really F*cking Weird Goats
Created by Chocolate Milk
Oh boy, guys, I've really done it this time. And I mean it. I mean business. Actually, y'know what? I'm not even gonna lie anymore. This time it was totally on purpose. I modded the living sh*t out of the goats of Skyrim, and I don't regret it for an insta...
Elevator Combat Music
Created by Chocolate Milk
So, one day, as usual, I was listening to one of my favorite YouTube videos: "Elevator Music 1 hour". It was, of course, just a video of nothing but bossa-nova elevator music. My favorite kind of video. Anyways, I was calmly listening to my elevator music ...
Billy Mays' Voice
Created by Chocolate Milk
BILLY MAYS IS HERE AND BETTER THAN EVER, BABES! Perhaps the most legendary aspect of Billy Mays' acting career was his uneblievable, golden voice. Hearing his voice was like a chocolate frosted donut with angel wings playing All Star by Smash Mouth on a ha...
Silent Balgruuf's Kids
Created by Chocolate Milk
Mod requested by @bugscuz ! Nelkir and Dagny, the children of Jarl Balgruuf, are notorious for their spoiled, annoying voices and voice lines. For that reason, I didn't only change their voice lines--I straight up silenced them. They're just silent now. Yo...
KidPix Combat Music
Created by Chocolate Milk
In our elementary school childhood, many of us remember using one software. We would use this art and drawing software daily, whether it be to create images of small cottages along farms or images of mass destruction and mayhem (I am more fond of the latte...
Sh*tty Infomercials
Created by Chocolate Milk
YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST, FOLKS! INFOMERCIAL: Are you frustrated with your Skyrim music? Upset, disappointed, or outright clinically depressed? And is it boring, sad, or just too darned dramatic? Of course! Hi, I'm Chocolate Milk. I'm here to talk to you al...
Yakety Sax Combat Music
Created by Chocolate Milk
COME ONE, COME ALL, AND BE SERENADED! Too often, I find myself in situations where I'm being chased by a mob of angry Whiterun guards solely for having fired a single arrow at a guard (he deserved it). And you know what blasts in my ears? This absurd, melo...
Reese's Puffs Rap Menu
Created by Chocolate Milk
Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs, Eat 'Em Up, Eat' Em Up, Eat 'Em Up! Replaces Skyrim's main menu music with the Reece's Puffs Rap, replaces main menu image with demented image seen in photos above. God knows why I made this mod, frankly. I've given up trying ...
Anyway, Here's Wonderwall
Created by Chocolate Milk
Skyrim is fun, sure. It's won a few awards, sure. Its main menu music may be recognized as iconic, sure, fine, whatever. But Skyrim is missing something. Something it was always supposed to have, but it never got. Wonderwall. Imagine it. You're playing thr...
Hulk Hogan's Descendant (Playable Race) (Read Description)
Created by Chocolate Milk
WHAT IT IS: This is a one-of-a-kind mod that allows you to customize your character with a new race: one of Hulk Hogan's descendants. This changes almost nothing, except for a new hair color and automatic leveling up of certain skills. If you wish to know ...
EXTREME Iron Sword
Created by Chocolate Milk
Not just any iron sword... WHAT IT IS: This appears to be just a normal iron sword. It weighs the same. It looks the same. It's a one-handed weapon. But there's a couple things that make it particularly special: it's damage is 10,000. It has a 50% critical...
Some Really F*cking Weird Chickens
Created by Chocolate Milk
This gives all chickens in Skyrim 10,000 health. It also makes them slightly larger than normal. They're extremely different from normal chickens. Alright, here's the truth. I screwed around with the chicken race. Honestly, I don't even know what I did. I ...
Hulk Hogan's Distant Cousin (Playable Race)
Created by Chocolate Milk
WHAT? If you choose this race, you play as WWE Star Hulk Hogan's third cousin twice removed who has--quite literally--no body. You are simply a floating head. Furthermore, you are only allowed to have extremely bright neon hair for your character. Bright n...
Unnecessarily Powerful Kitchen Knife
Created by Chocolate Milk
This makes the basic knife in Skyrim (which is normally extremely weak, weaker than the starter weapon in Skyrim) EXTREME. With this mod, you can use your basic knife as an EXTREME way to completely demolish your enemies. If you see a Whiterun guard who's ...
Bigger Giants
Created by Chocolate Milk
This mod makes all giants 2x larger. They seemed too small to be realistic giants, so I fixed that. NOTE: I'm nobody better than my subscribers; I'm a person, too. If you comment a question, I guarantee I will answer you....
Hulk Hogan Follower ;))))))
Created by Chocolate Milk
Have you ever desperately wanted WWE Star Hulk Hogan to follow you like a stalker? Well, then this mod is the mod for you! This mod creates a follower identical to Hulk Hogan in Dragonsreach in Whiterun! He can help you with any of your daily tasks, includ...
Billy Mays and the OxiClean Cleaning Solution
Created by Chocolate Milk
Jarl Dogruuf the Greater
Created by Chocolate Milk
Have you ever looked at the Jarl of Whiterun (Bulgruuf the Greater) and thought that he was incredibly boring? Perhaps you thought that if Jarl Balgruuf had suddenly become a domesticated dog, he would instantly be the most popular kid in school! Well, the...
Outragoues Race Names
Created by Chocolate Milk
Have you ever stared at your screen during character creation and thought to yourself, "These race names are so unoriginal! I certainly wish there were a way to alter the names of the races to be more entertaining!" Well, then today is your lucky day! Here...
Elisif the Tiny
Created by Chocolate Milk
I'm quite sure that every person who's ever played The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has looked at Elisif the Fair and thought, "My goodness! This woman is far too large! I wish there were a way to make her tiny!" Well, at the request of a Steam user that goes b...
Gum F*ck Mc. Stumble Duck
Created by Chocolate Milk
I'm just gonna skip straight to the truth: I messed around with the creation kit again. I decided I would make an NPC. And that is what I've done. Of course, this NPC had to have some sort of hilarious name. What else than Gum F*ck Mc. Stumble Duck? And he...
Jonathan of Garlic
Created by Chocolate Milk
STORY: Jonathan was never liked much by anybody. His skin was crimson and his hair was teal. Luckily, his face was spared from odd discoloration. However, it was not spared from ugliness and deformity. He was often teased by family, friends, and even stran...
Unrelenting Force (Fus Ro Dah) No Recharge Time
Created by Chocolate Milk
We've all been in a situation where we've loved to use Unrelenting Force. It's just so fun! We get to hit characters so hard they go from Skyrim to Mars, which doesn't even exist in this game - so that means it MUST be powerful! But with this mod, you won'...
HEY KIDS DO YOU LOVE GUARDS 'COURSE YOU DO ARE THEY BORING HELL YEAH LET'S IMPROVE THEM A LOT ------------------------------------- Nice,I caught your attention.Listen up because you might want to install this mod.Here is some information about why and how...
Wub Wub Clubs
Created by Chinoborous
ATTENTION BREHS: This mod was updated to WubWub MkII !!1 Have you ever wanted to walk into a tavern and hear some wubs? Are you a Soule-less individual? Do you hate Sven? If your response is anything but "no" then download the wubwubs out of this mod. This...
Loading Memes
Created by manlethamlet
Replaces loading screen texts with ironic memeing, because any proper Dragonborn needs something to spice up those blanks in his memory. Includes such classics as: - I'm deleting you, daddy! - Gucci Gang - Roblox - below hella gay...
RGA Races 2.0
Created by FancyPants
RGA Races 2.0 ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard Note: You don't actually need dawnguard for this fix. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This plugin adds a spell that will give the player reversed ...
Skeletons To Boners
Created by Imwe Todded
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, skeletons to boners. Turns all skeletons into boners, including the ones in Dawnguard. Features: -Changes the names of skeletons to "Boners" -Changes all references to "skeletons" or "bones" to a variation of "boner" dependant...
Swordplay Finishers
Created by Flippetized
Like using swords? Downloaded too many mods and made the game too hard? Wanna spice up your combat and be a super overpowered killing machine using awesome swordplay finishers? Then this mod is for you! ================ What is this Mod? ================ T...
Ultra Instinct Shaggy Follower "UPDATED"
Created by DanteSonOfSparda666
Hello, this is my first follower mod for Skyrim. the follower is The Meme Character Ultra Instinct Shaggy. which is a Dead Meme. but long overdue. i decided to make a follower of UI Shaggy! he is overpowered and he has a spell based on the meme. the spell ...
Immersive Seizures and Diarrhea
Created by FancyPants
This plugin will give the player and all NPCs seizures and diarrhea... for immersion. The player won't experience the fun until after they finish the cart/dragon scene. Other NPCs however will start their own fun before you. This might break the intro scen...
A Small Loan Of A Million Septims
Created by fozza
This mod overhauls the sound of gold, picking up gold. The old boring sound is no more with this mod. Remember when you completed a dungeon and found some stash of money, how excited you were? But as you picked up the gold it make the same dingy sound, wel...
One Punch Man Saitama
Created by The Gr8> Added HDT Physics support for Saitama Cape (IF YOU SUBSCRIBE THIS WILL NOT WORK). Go to the link provided in description and download for a realistic cape. In order for Cape to work you need in...
Super Unrelenting Force
Created by Shiro 史郎雪
Makes the Unrelenting Force Shout 5x Stronger. Really throws people incredibly far... extemely satisfying.
Creepy Housecarl
They are creepy. You have been warned. Always recommend Facelight AND ENB. Replaces the vanilla female housecarls (Lydia, Jordis and Iona) with 3 creepy looking girls. Lydia specializes in One-handed weapon, Jordis in two-handed, and Iona, archery. If you ...
Godzilla and Co - Mounts and Armies 1.6.1
Created by gg77
This mod adds Godzilla, MechaGodzilla and Rodan in Skyrim (No DLC required) Godzilla and Mechagodzilla are also in Godzilla Replacer Player Only , Mechagodzilla Replacer Player Only and in my mod Werewolves House - WILD ANIM...
Minikit Nirnroot: Ambient
Created by sandwichwolf
Replaces the default sound effect for nirnroot with that of the minikit from LEGO Star Wars I recommend using this with the pick up sound:
Knights of the Nine V2.6
Created by Maty743
Please note that this is a very old mod from when I was still learning how to do everything so please don't see it's quality as a representation of my more up to date and future projects. Either become a knight that shows the merciful side of the Nine divi...
Left Hand Rings
Created by duggelz
Left Hand Rings by duggelz, version 1.5 Adds rings that are worn on the left hand. You can wear two rings at once, one on each hand. These rings can be crafted, enchanted, bought from merchants, and found randomly as treasure. == How It Works == This mod a...
Horse Armors
Created by Dartanis
This mod is now open as a mod resource. I likely will not be updating it, so tweak, fix ,integrate and redistribute as you please!! Just leave a credit ;) Happy modding, - Mystikhybrid Version 1.5: - Frost has a new Custom Armor! - Shadowmere Now uses a Da...
Bandolier - Bags and Pouches
Created by Sai'Raks
SSE ! Table of Contents: Description What does this mod have to offer How to get Uninstall Version History Works with these mods Known mod conflicts Known issues and bugs Does NOT require any...
Have You Heard of the High Elves - A Follower Mod
REQUIRES HEARTHFIRE DLC Now with revamped appearance! Have you ever wanted to be warned of the Daedra, citizen? Do you feel like your stolen goods have been forfeited? I have just the mod for you, introducing: Emmett LaFave Find him at the Bannered Mare in...
Caillou Moon
Created by DriveOffTheCliff
Its a Caillou Moon!!!!! Note: -Small Moon texure not included - data file is named AsianCaillouMoon.esp Nexus Link (Skyrim) Nexus Link (Skyrim Special Edition)...
Magicka Sabers
Created by Davo 0=Yin 1=Yang
Adds Magicka Sabers to the world of Tamriel that have to be crafted and one two handed saber lying somewhere in Markarth for the taking. Requires Daedric smithing perk for crafting. Also one at Broken Fang Cave now and a small chance of finding one to buy ...
Smooth Jazz Tavern Music
Created by Mike
Basicly it adds Smooth Jazz to Taverns i know it doesn't work with bards I am fixing it Playing Skyrim feels so good...
Bazinga Shout
Created by Hero of Kvatch
This mod changes the audio for the unrelenting force shout (Fus Ro Dah) to the comedy gold punchline: BAZINGA! Complete with studio audience to help you laugh at bad jokes. This mod will likely conflict with any mod that replaces sound files relating to th...
Project P.E.W.
Created by Biggi
This mod replaces bow firing sounds with "PEW". I take no responsibility for your sanity, install at your own risk....
Lord Gaben Brothel Massacre
Created by Friar Jim
DISCLAIMER The views and ideals displayed this mod do not necessarily match those of the mod author/s. The content is not intended to be discriminatory to any particular party and was created for entertainment purposes only. Please take note of this before...
Heavy's "NOM" eat sound
Created by BunOnTheFun
This mod changes the eating sound to Heavy's "NOM" voice responce from Team Fortress 2. Here's another "great" mod made by me. Soldier's "MINE" item pickup sound: Mod image made by Papa Bear. ...
Really Useful Dragons
Created by Trainwiz
So you're probably thinking "Man, you know what, after Brhuce Hammar, Call of Trainwiz, and Transportato, what I really need is more trains!" and you're also probably thinking "Man, dragons suck, I wish someone would replace them with Thomas the Tank Engin...
69 Nazeems
Created by DamienDaSanta
Warning This is pure shit and agony. This mod adds 69 Nazeems in total to Whiterun! They are scattered all around the city and in local buildings (everything is inside the gates). Its your goal to find every one of them and execute them. The real Nazeem ca...
Nicolas Cage - The One True Follower
Created by UfiDog
In this mod I have added a new follower - Nicolas Cage. Nic Cage himself can be found living in The Bee and Barb in Riften, and he is ready to follow you on adventures! He relies on archery and magic at long ranges, but isn't afraid to pull out a sword up ...
Shing! Sparkle, Sparkle.
A dumb mod that adds Plankton's "Shing! Sparkle, Sparkle" to the sounds played when drawing one-handed swords. This is my very first "mod", so apologies in advance if any issuses arise....
Weird Weapons Mod
Created by Pirate Shark
This mod is a stand alone of my other mods, it only has the weapons and some new weapons right now there are 6 new weapons ingame. ranking from normal weapons to plain weird or funny weapons. You even can get the famous CLEAVER from the fallout universe. o...
Tommy Wiseau Defence Force
Created by FancyPants
Tommy Wiseau Defence Force Includes 4 summonable creatures, one of which you can ride. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: 1.0 Initial Release ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tommy Wi...
mudcrabs will hentai moan when damaged or killed
Created by Ø
why did i make this...
ZERO time between Shouts!
Created by Shiro 史郎雪
Every Shout, Even other Modded Shouts, Will Cost ZERO!!! This is Lore Friendly, You need either the Blessing of Talos or The Amulet of Talos for this Effect to Take Place. Thanks to BrainyJuan for sharing this idea!...
Metal Gear Detection Sound
Created by Serpiente Sólida
RIIIIIINGGGG! Replaces the sneak attack to the Metal Gear alert It changes for all non-invincible NPCs. strawpoll for add a music: The youtube channel is fake so don´t suscribe please :) Nexus Link:
Roblox Death Sounds
Created by Chunky is dead
Replaces most animal death sounds with the Roblox Death Sound. Guaranteed to fully break immersion....
Created by D474TH3D357R0Y3R
PLEASE DONATE: "Click Here to Donate" I am doing design work full-time now & want to upgrade existing modifications, plus, create more! "AND I AM BACK! I GOT A WHOLE 'NOTHER MODIFICATION. HASHTAG FUCKING BRUTALITY." ||||||||...
N.U.K.E. Bow / Arrow
Created by emex1337
JUST FOR FUN :D Adds the -- N.U.K.E. Bow -- Spell. The Book is right in front of whiterun when you enter. The N.U.K.E. explodes in a BIG area. Warning: This Mod might crash your PC and / or Headset/Speakers Seriously: DON'T STAY TO CLOSE !! No DLC needed...
Created by spawnie
KILLABLE CHILDREN Killable Children is a mod that lets you kill all the children you want! This also works for custom children NPC's. Requirement This mod requires only the base game. Compability This mod is compatible with every mod that doesn't alter the...
Crimes against Nature 5.1.1
Created by FancyPants
Crimes against Nature 5.1.1 Includes a bunch of races, powers, and summons. Nexus Download Nexus Download - Special Edition ---------------------------------------------------------------- Not required, but highly recommended: SKSE and SkyUI - Needed for M...
BIG: Earlier Decapitations! (a Better Improvements for Gameplay mod)
Created by sp0ckrates
Why wait to decapitate? Even if you're level 1, you can start chopping off heads now! If you're like me, you hate to wait. Waiting in line. Waiting for summer vacation. Waiting to get the skill perks to have the thrill of decapitating foes. It's frustratin...
Loading Screens With Extra Sarcasm
Created by demonjanitor
UPDATE: LSWES is now on Special Edition! -Nexus- Ever wanted your game to be a little bit more sarcastic? Do you think the loading screens are really boring? Well this addon is perfect for you! (It took lots of science and math to make this.) -------------...
Created by Judge Dredd
Dollarydoos in Skyrim Changes the currency from Septims to Dollarydoos aswell as ads Steve Irwin and a ripped roo on the back...
Skyrim Shadows and FPS Fix
Created by D474TH3D357R0Y3R
PLEASE DONATE: "Click Here to Donate" I am doing design work full-time now & want to upgrade existing modifications, plus, create more! This is a modification that has been through extensive research, and development. The purpose of this mod is to increase...
The Ring of Pharkiu
Created by Ass Mage
If you're not a stealth archer are you really playing skyrim? To get the ring open the console "~"and type the following: help "pharkiu" After that you can use the player.additem command. Alternitively, you can use Towawot's AddItemMenu available at: http://...
Minecraft Music Discs
Created by Mike
Adds 12 music discs from minecraft as spells you can purchase at the riverwood trader and might find somewhere else i dont know. must have spell equipped or it will cease cough check out my other mods Mr. Mudcrabs
Rattling Skeletons
Created by Mike
Bone noises cough check out my other mods Bruh shout Vsauce shout leave a rate or something...
The Elder Scrolls V: Phantom Blood
Created by Mr. Grey
Jojo music in Skyrim baby! Mainly tunes from part one but there are a couple from part two. If this recieves enough attention I'll make parts for the rest of the series. Song List: A couple versions of roundabout 02 Hikiyose Rarete Ike Unmei 03 Jousutauka ...
The Lusty Argonian Maid: Enhanced Edition
Created by sepa
This mod trains your One Handed skill when you read either volume of The Lusty Argonian Maid. ...
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Summon Stand
Created by Solar
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Summon Stand This mod adds few stands from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders in skyrim. Currently only Star Platinum, Magician's Red, Silver Chariot, Hermit Purple, and The World Edit: There is an FAQ in the discussion ...
Necromancer gamer robes
Created by Ya Boi Mao
SKELETONS RISE UP Replaces the textures for the necromancer robes, hooded and not. I always felt that the necromancers of skyrim would be redditors. now this rich fiction has come to life. As always, please let me know if there are any mods you would like ...
Loading Screens With Extra Sarcasm [DLC Version]
Created by demonjanitor
Ever wanted your game to be a little bit more sarcastic? Do you think the loading screens are really boring? Well this addon is perfect for you! (It took lots of science and math to make this.) --------------------------------------------------------------...
Posh Mudcrabs
Created by Manic Zombie
Replaces the models of all mudcrabs in the game with a mudcrab with a top hat and monocle....
Assin's Weapons
Created by yogkuvxwb
A simple story. A Dunmer merchant from Morrowind. A failed assassination attempt. The dead assassin's powerfully enchanted weapons. Three sides of a story: Elven Bow of Fiery Paralyzation: Roast and toast 'em from afar off...How about from the comfort of y...
Harambe Mod(Broken Sorta)
Created by Goose
***************WARNING*********************** It like, works... but a large portion of whiterun is under water. It is a glitch in the toolkit, I cant get rid of it. Message/comment if you want the mod re-done and I may fix it sometime. ********************...
Glowing 1000 degree KNIFE VS Chickens
Created by yakub
It's in the Ysolda's house in Whiterun. I don't know why but it also has range attack....
Three Bladed Sword
Created by Deika
UPDATE: I really need to make a remake.... Maybe I'll start working on it during college This is the three bladed sword from that cheesy movie The Sword and the Sorcerer. Now someone on nexus was already doing this but he or she never finished making the m...
Rick Coral - Walking Dead Follower
Created by Turrim
Help this man find Coral in the strange world of Skyrim! Who is he?This is Rick, he needs to find Coral. He was once an Imperial guard, but when the corpses started rising from the ground he snapped looking for "coral". What does he do/stats?He is a Imperi...
Macho Giants (a sound mod)
Created by ❅Sir Fróstíe★
This replaces most sounds with the legendary Randy Savage....
Dwarven Ban-hammer
Created by Jimmy Havel
Adds a high strength banhammer with extreme damage to the game. The Banhammer is located behind riverwood trader leaning against the wall. the id for the weapon is "banhammer" and please let me know what you think, through rating and comments...
UNO - Ultimate Nazeem Overhaul Alpha WIP
Created by amusquiz
You've defeated Miraak, Alduin, and even The Emperor. But there is one boss you'll never be ready for fellow Dragonborns... and his name is NAZEEM! It took YEARS but eventually Nazeem gathered the true cult he's always wanted. The Nazeem cultists will foll...
Sheogorath's Handy Helpful Hints: Dragonborn Edition
Created by Lord Cortex
Hello, Hello, Hello, please thank you good bye, I have brought all the pertinent knowledge of Dragonborn together to make this simple LITTLE mod for you! It modifies those helpful hints you may have noticed while traversing the world and makes the so much ...
25,000 Septim Sweetrolls!
Created by Gul'dan
It makes sweetrolls the most valuable thing in Skyrim, you could probably pay for a house with it!...
Goofy Loading Screens
Created by Moohoo
Just some dumb loading "tips" mostly stolen from Divekick and I forget where else. Does not replace any vanilla loading screens....
Ocean man Lurker (A sound replacer)
Created by ❅Sir Fróstíe★
(reuploaded because I accidentally deleted it.) It basically replaces the breathing sound of the lurker to ocean man. For the Distorted Verison:
Goat Lord Garglzargl
This mod adds a giant goat known as Goat Lord Garglzargl. He is quite a powerful foe, but if you defeat him you will find that the rewards are numerous... Goat Lord does respawn so murder him as much as you want...
Samurai Jack Robes
Created by edenooo
Someone reqeusted me make this so here it is, Thx "Jonker" for the idea and enjoy! It was just for "Jonker" but anyone else can subscrbe, and I know "No pics No clicks" It is behind jarrvasker? whatever it's really called, And I did this for a fan base so ...
Normie Chickens
Created by Winter
Do you find the normal death sound for chickens boring? If yes, Then this is the mod for you! Instead of the normal sh*tty chicken sound, They now say F*CKING NORMIES REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ...
Blade of OWO-E
Created by Ya Boi Mao
I AM NOT A FURRY This pun was in my mind ever since I found the original blade. Send your targets mixed signals while gutting them with the new Blade Of OWOE Forged in Elsweyr by a band Khajiit Roleplayers, the blade of OWOE will sap the life force out of ...
Created by Phxuibs
This mod adds calzone to Skyrim! A calzone is equivalent to an elixir of vigor, providing 100% faster stamina regeneration for 300s. Requirements: HearthFires DLC How to use: To cook calzones, you will need sack of flour, salt pile, fly amanita, goat chees...
Useful Spells
Created by chicken ramen
3 (more coming soon) great immersive spells that are very useful and definitely fit with the Elder Scrolls lore. All of my spells have "USpells" at the beginning so if you type in (without square brackets) you should get all of them. They are located in th...
SJW's in Skyrim
Created by Shiro 史郎雪
WHAT DOES IT DO? I found SJW's in Skyrim! Unfortunatly Bethesda accidentally named them Trolls and Horkers, SO I changed the names back! Thanks to BESSE JABA for inspiring this mod! Feel free to comment and ask questions! Not...
Created by tombombadilthe3rd
AF's COURIERGONIAN!!! <^> Lets be honest.. The Vanilla Courier is laaaaaame AF's COURIERGONIAN!!! <^> FIXES ALL THAT AND MORE!! In this FULL OVERHAUL I have ONLY made Courier an Argonian (as he should have always been) and SURELY you can trust that i've do...
Created by Lolerooz
Silly little idea I had for a mod, I think most children know how terrifying a flip flop in the wrong hands can be. In order to craft this sword, you need to combine 1 Steel Sword, 2 Leather Strips and 2 Silver Ingots (Requires Steel Smithing perk). To spa...
Alvor's House Is Pretty F*cked Up Now
Created by Ø
Fucks with Alvor's house quite a bit. Includes but is not limited to, Alvor's secret chest that's disguised as a certain weapon, a happy man made of gold, Alvor's army of chickens, Dorthe's dessert, and a few books hidden within their namesake....
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Created by Mo
This mod makes skeletons play Spooky Scary Skeletons by Andrew Gold when you get near them. #2spooky...
Dogzilla for Whiterun
Created by NIGHT
A giant dog that lives in whiterun...
Meaty Boners
Created by Imwe Todded
Find the original here: ( ) ***AS SEEN ON "Skyrim Odd Mods #1: POWERFUL FORKS" by RLSD*** By popular demand, here is the continuation of Skeletons To Boners- Meaty Boners. Changes the names of...
The Minecraft Mod
Created by Kyzer
THIS IS A HIGH QUALITY MOD IN PROGRESS KEEP READING, I UPDATE FREQUENTLY. WATCH THE VIDEOS, ESPECIALLY THE "HOW TO" ONE (it walks you through this mod) This is my Minecraft Mod. It is still under construction. Unsure if I'll finish it. It's been so long......
Yoshi the Argonian
Created by Obtuse
WARNGING! This mod hasn't been updated in a while, use at your own discretion! DISCLAIMER! Yoshi is (of course) property of Nintendo and all rights to his name are reserved by them blah blah blah... Hello and welcome! I would like to personally thank you f...
Jesus Follower
Created by epikstare
This is my first upload on the steam workshop and it adds Jesus and he is a mage, He can be found in the Sleeping Giant inn in Riverwood....
Gandalf the Grey(beard)
Created by Scott
Gandalf is moving to Skyrim! He was done with all that other stuff so he became a greybeard. ========================= So it doesn't sound like gandalf, but I felt like adding Gandalf. ========================= He's in High Hrothgar, being a greybeard and ...
Fuck! Bow
Created by Vruk
^^^ love this guy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yeah i made a lazy mod about that guy who yelled fuck in a classroom, its a bow... it says fuck when you fire a...
Whirlwind GAS!!! Shout replacer
Created by Ya Boi Mao
Be as quick as a flash with this mod that changes the very nature of the whirlwind sprint Step on the gas and be a hero to tamriel Please inform me if there are any issues (this was a suggestion from a person on discord. If you have an Idea for a mod (pref...
Kill The Racist's
Created by ♛Prince Salt♛
Allows you to kill those pesky raciest's that roam around skyrim talking shit to people. >>>People you can kill<<< - Olfrid: Patron of the great clan "no one gave a shit" - Rolff: Cause fuck that guy - Elenwen: Just make sure you kill her after the quest "...
Todd the Liar
Created by Fine
This mod changes M'aiq into Todd Howard, the man responsible- I mean the man to thank- for Skyrim. (Dialogue is unaffected because I'm not going to re-record all his lines in my best Todd Howard impersonation just to have him say "Todd" instead of Ma'iq.) ...
Frosty-chan -- Frost Troll Follower --
Created by arasaari
Meet Frosty-chan, the tiny op frost troll/ orc follower, that isn't super slow, just kinda slow... Frosty-chan has a lot of health and deals a good amount of damage so he is perfect for you if you want to clear a bunch of dungeons with a follower that isn'...
AlCHEMY SMASH! Alchemy sound replacer mod
Created by Ya Boi Mao
Ever wish the thrills of alchemy could be more triumphant? Wish no longer with this new mod! Replaces the vanilla potion and poison creation sound with the satisfying exuberance of the Super Smash Bros: Melee announcer! Be wary, for failure will also be ca...
Immersive Davin pack
Created by TheSourceOfTheNile
blah blah blah...
Skeletor Follower Update 1.0
Created by SteelBallz
This is an updated file for Skeletor follower mod! I had to seperate it because the workshop would not let me just update the file correctly! You will need to unsubscribe to the original mod and subscribe to this one!!! Update notes for 1.0 Redone for the ...
Created by Peralllax
You drank them, ALL of them, and so did everyone else. GG WP. NO new models, NO new functions, NOTHING of actual worth, just ALOT of speedchanges. Might be playable, might not be, venture into the flask and drink yourself until you pierce the heavens...
Cold Wars: Vladimir
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim ===================== Presents... Cold Wars: Vladimir A Skyrim Mod by M7. 2018. ------------------------------------- Found in a strongbox inside Dragonsreach (Whiterun City) is a spell tome to summon your Cold War Villain, Vlad...
Pure Waters
Created by Laast
This is a pure, clean, and natural water, as it should be in the cold mountains of Skyrim. This mod provides water with complete overhaul: - Colors enhancement: natural, wild and various water colors. - Realistic transparency: big shorelines improvement. -...
Created by snakster
Elegant, PC-friendly UI mod for Skyrim with many advanced features. All improvements seamlessly integrate with the style of the original interface. Version 5 includes better crafting, enchanting, alchemy and smithing menus and several other enhancements. h...
[OUTDATED]Enhanced Blood Textures 3.6b
Created by BakaKemono
NEW VERSION HERE: You need to make a "clean save" to use the new version. Uninstall the mod by following the instructions, load your game without the mod installed, save, then install the ne...
Random Alternate Start
Created by Syclonix
Don't forget to vote if you like this mod! Be anyone you want to be. Choose from 21 different loadouts then get randomly thrown somewhere in the vast land of Skyrim. Will you end up in the royal court of Solitude's magnificent Blue Palace or will you end u...
The Weeaboo Slayer
Created by VividLight
The final weapon you'll need, eliminate all weeaboos with prejudice Spare none of them -Located in the riverwood trader, on the table-...
Vivec Follower
Created by Trainwiz
So like, I wanted a Vivec follower. Because why not. So I made one, because why not. He's fairly basic, definitely no Brhuce Hammar, but hey. Features ____________________ -Fully voiced follower, able to follow you (obviously) and marry you (why) -Custom t...