Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

34 ratings
United Builders server collection
Most of the addons used on United Builders server.
Items (102)
3D2D Textscreens
Created by James
Create 3D2D text anywhere in the world. This addon is now open source! Contribute to development of this addon on GitHub. All pull requests are welco...
Addon Share
Created by Major Tom
Makes your friends to download same Workshop addons that you have, while they join your game. Significantly reduces amount of "error" models. Displays your subscriptions in Q-menu with links to Workshop. Limitations • Legacy addons are not supported • Moun...
Corpse B Gone
Created by TurtleP
Removes corpses without the need to get rid of everything! Credits to Reiko (2)...
Fading door tool
Created by Panthera Tigris
A tool that makes anything into a fadable door. Features - Can select material. - Can select sounds. - Wire support. - Can make NPC's, vehicles and props into a fadable door. Authors: Conna, Lexi and Panthera Tigris ID: 115753588...
Created by Bigwig
A big open city map. Fully noded for AI...
Improved Stacker
Created by Thomas
Improved Stacker Tool The Improved Stacker tool is a complete rewrite of the original Stacker tool and includes many bug fixes and new features that both clients and server owners can benefit from. Unlike the other versions of the tool, the Improved Stacke...
Keypad Cracker ReSkin[CSGO DEFUSER]
Created by elt @ kralking067
This addon adds a new swep called "Advanced Keypad Cracker" . It can be used to hack keypads just like default Keypad Cracker, but with better models and effects....
Keypad Tool and Cracker with Wire Support
Created by sophie
This is a nifty little tool for creating keypads for use with contraptions or bases. It is compatible with sandbox based gamemodes such as DarkRP and other roleplay gamemodes. The weapon class for giving the cracker to players or jobs is: "keypad_cracker"....
M9K Assault Rifles
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
M9K Small Arms pack
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
More Materials!
Created by Dr. Spicket
This simple little addon adds many stock materials to be selected on your material STool list. All materials come from either HL2 or Garry's Mod. CSS materials are also added, but only if CSS is mounted. You do not need CSS for this mod to work. This works...
Murderthon 9000 Administration
Here it the Murderthon 9000 Weapon Administration module I have been working on all this time. No new weapons, just a tool to change certain console variables. THIS ADDON ONLY WORKS FOR WORKSHOP-MOUNTED M9K ADDONS! LEGACY ADDONS ARE NOT SUPPORTED. Open the...
NPC Spawn Platforms v3
Created by Lexi
A highly customisable STool that allows the wielder to create a SEnt that will continuously spawn the specified NPC with the specified weapons until stopped, allowing them to stage huge NPC battles, either against themselves, or against rival NPC factions....
Nyan Gun
Created by Rubat
The Nyan Gun, the weapon of mass destruction and annoyance, updated! Now it plays the WHOLE song and you can shoot nyan cat bombs! To shoot Nyan Cat Bombs press RELOAD key. Do NOT reupload any modifications of this gun. The map on screenshots is ep2_outlan...
Created by
This is a client-side tool for building contraptions with extreme precision, aligning objects for either aesthetic or functional perfection. To accomplish this task a grid is projected onto the object you are pointing at and by pressing the use-button your...
SProps Workshop Edition
Created by shadowscion
Star Wars Lightsabers
Created by Rubat
Tool Search & Favorites
Created by Bell
A lightweight solution to look through your hundreds of tools! Update: Added auto-selecting tools! Turned on by default. Update 2: Right-click tools to make them your favorites! Update 3: Different ways to see your favorites! Update 4: Large refactor, atte...
Weight STool
Created by maesles
==== END OF SUPPORT ==== I am no longer putting time into this addon. Feel free to pick up development on your own. Link to source: http:// /va16 ==== END OF SUPPORT ==== EDIT: Here's a link to the original author's version of the STool. http://stea...
[Official] Precision Tool
Created by [XTT] General Wrex
IF YOU GET GETINFONUM ERRORS, DO THIS IN YOUR CONSOLE precision_defaultrestore Formerly 'Easy Precision', this tool allows exact movement of objects for accurate building. Push/pull, rotate, and snap props together at specif...
[E2] WireSpawn Core
Created by Doragon
Hello! Today I show you the WireSpawn Core for expression2. This core allow you to spawn some entity from the wiremod to spawn and use with your expression2 without the need to spawn them before. Here is a list of availlable functions/entities availlable (...
[E2] WeaponCore
Created by Sir Papate
For more information, go to the GitHub Page WeaponCore WeaponCore is an extension for the Expression 2 chip that allows you to manipulate weapons and ammo. It also allows you to run code when a player switches weapons or equips a weapon. Workshop Installat...
[E2] Beam Core
Created by Thomasims
THIS IS AN EXTENSION FOR WIREMOD, NOT CONSOLE COMMANDS Temporary Description: Allows you to draw beams "lasers" with an e2 these can either be relative to the world or to an arbitrary position and rotation set by you. Usage logic: You define points for the...
[E2] DamageCore
Created by Sir Papate
For more information, go to the GitHub Page DamageCore DamageCore is an extension module for the Wire Expression 2 Chip. It enables players to detect and/or deal damage to other entities. Workshop Installation The DamageCore is available on the Steam Works...
[E2] Doragon's AdminCore & other functions
Created by Doragon
Hello! Today I show you my extension for the expression 2 gate. This extension add powerfull functions for admins, and some non-admin functions. List of NON-admin only functions: - E:plyColor() return: vector description: return the player model color of t...
[E2] Better Bones Attachments
Created by Thomasims
THIS IS AN EXTENSION FOR WIREMOD, NOT CONSOLE COMMANDS Summary: This lets you get the position, angles and parent entities to player bones, These are the bones your player model uses, all I can say is that you'll be able to put holograms on any part of you...
[E2] VGUI Core
Created by Thomasims
THIS IS AN EXTENSION FOR WIREMOD, NOT CONSOLE COMMANDS Summary: As of the modular update, you can now create almost any type of derma. This extension allows you to select, manipulate and send to other players a vgui type from a template list. Usage Logic: ...
Advanced Duplicator 2
Created by WireTeam
Ground up rewrite meant to make up for some of the shortcomings of the first iteration of AdvDupe. Still considered alpha! Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord:
[E2] EntextraCore
Created by Sir Papate
For more information, go to the GitHub Page EntextaCore In this core, you can now detect a entity when it spawns or when it gets removed. It adds some useful functions too. And best of all, it adds a system of tag. So basically It allows you to set tags on...
Prop Shadow Remover
Created by Wolf󠀡
This tool has been created to aid builders in improving the quality of their builds. The tool can remove map generated shadows from props, it's not like the normal shadow remover tool that removes prop shadows. If you have a prop that turns pitch black bec...
Easy Bonemerge Tool
Created by Rubat
An improved bonemerge tool. Features: * Support for effects * Proper undo system * Ability to remove already merged props * Ghost preview * Duplicator support * Ability to bonemerge props to yourself * Is not limited to props at all. You can use ANY entity...
Patrol Routes STool
Created by Max Shadow
This tool allows you to create complex patrol routes for your NPCs. I made it mainly as a complement to my Stealth Mod. You can find it here: . This is my second project in LUA, I still have ...
Precision Alignment
Created by ./chosen
This is a reupload of the original precision alignment tool I don't work on this and this is now an unmaintained tool...
Multi-Parent / Unparent Tool
Created by nrlulz
A Multi-Parent tool with a few extra options and a functional reliable unparenting tool. Multi-Parent features: -Area select function - hold use + left click -Contraption select function - hold shift + left click -Added undo functionality -Option to clear ...
[E2] SentCore
Created by Ben66
Spawn scripted entity with E2. BUG REPORTS : Array = getSpawnableSents() ( Return all scripted entities we can spawn ) Entity = sentSpawn(string class, vector pos, angl...
Advanced Ball Socket Tool (Adv. Ballsocket)
Created by nrlulz
An essential tool for any builder, previously included with gmod but was for some reason removed in the latest update. Allows you to limit the rotation of props. An excellent video by 13igAdam2040 explaining how it works:
Created by CapsAdm¡n
ABOUT: Gives you the ability to personalize your player model's look by placing objects and effects on yourself. You can go from putting just a hat on your head to creating an entire new player model. PAC can also work on vehicles or props. You can wear yo...
Explosion Effect
Created by EP45
Not made by me. Just reuploading origianl maker : The Vman original post : To see the effect, Both Serverside and Clientside must have this stuff....
Model Manipulator
Created by Armanello
Allows you to change any props and NPC model to any other. You can also change your own model. Tool is in 'Construction' category. Using: Right-Click to get model from NPC/ragdoll/prop Left-Click to set model to NPC/ragdoll/prop Reload to set your own play...
Unbreakable Tool
Created by XxWestKillzXx
Ever want to build something out of boxes with out them breaking? Or want to use wood furniture from HL2 and not have it break? Well now you can! With this simple tool. Just left click on a prop and it will make any prop unbreakable :D It works on multipla...
GeoIP Connection Messages v2
Created by 0xymoron
Simple Advanced GeoIP based connect, spawn, & disconnect messages. This is version two of this addon Compatible with all gamemodes! Description When a player connects to the server everyone will be notified of their country, upon spawning into the server e...
Molotov Cocktail (w/ vFire Support!)
Created by kitsune residue
Let's burn it all down. A Molotov for GMod. Simple point and hold interface. Left click to throw, right click to toss gently. The Molotov can either be thrown hard at a surface to cover it in a fiery inferno, or it can be rolled or dropped into a room and ...
Enhanced Sandbox NPCs
Created by Blixibon
This mod enhances some of the NPCs spawned in the Sandbox gamemode. It's great for anyone who likes to fight NPCs or pit them against each other...or anyone who just wants to fight moving gunships on gm_bigcity. Unlike most enhancement mods, which have the...
Created by Malboro
PermaProps 4.0 What is the PermaProps: The permaprops is a lightweight addon written to save entities on a map. This is very useful to improve servers and help builders. How use it: Saving: Aim a entity and press left mouse. Remove: Aim a entity and press ...
Created by WireTeam
A collection of entities connectable by data wires, which allows for the creation of advanced contraptions. Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord: Ultimate Guide to Fixing Wiremod: ht...
Black Ops 2 Tactical Insertion (Sandbox) (2025 Update)
Created by Hoff
This is the Tactical Insertion ported from Black Ops II. Before asking questions in the comments, check if it's answered in the FAQ! What it does It allows you to set your spawn point using a device. When you die, you will respawn at the tactical insertion...
Flatbuild PBS
Created by Mornedil TTV
gm_flatbuild_pbs_2015 is a gmod13 remake of my old map gm_flatbuild_pb (which was designed for gmod12). -Expect a simple flat map with a huge grass area, a huge water area and a tall skybox! Do you need something other than ground, water & the sky? Build i...
Anti Drive
Created by Strange
Anti-Drive tired of minges driving props arround? use this script to tell them they are NOT allowed to drive the prop arround. nice simple and easy This is the official version of anti-drive if you see any other copies make sure to report them and link the...
Gmod Legs 3
Created by Valkyrie
Gmod Legs Works with most custom playermodels Actively maintained since 2012 Like this addon? Award it! and checkout my GmodRPG im working on This will allow you to see your legs in first person, just like in Left 4 Dead or any modern FPS Info: Hold you co...
Custom ULX Commands
Created by SirSmokerGollum
-- Original CULX Created by;u=6288 -- This is a updated and optimised version of Custom ULX Commands, we make sure it runns as best as possible and also complies to any Gmod Rule changes like the operat...
Strider & Gunship Cannon
Created by keke!
Strider & Gunship Cannon Trigger This is third addon from Half-Life 2 Roleplay collection made by me. I created this collection last year, now I'm fixed them and uploaded here. This addon will enable Strider & Gunship NPC cannon, As seen in Half Life 2. Th...
Sub Material Tool
Created by Kawoosh64
2015.03.05 Garry's Mod update brought a good feature with overriding submaterials. This is a simple tool to use it. Duplicator supported. Usage: select index, select material, apply tool. Right click to revert. You can copy current material with selected i...
Hunter-Chopper Carpet Bombing
Created by keke!
Hunter-Chopper Carpet Bombing This is fourth addon released in Half Life 2 Roleplay series made by me. This is a new tool I wrote, idea was suggested by TheKanyXX This addon will trig Hunter-Choppers Carpet Bombing behaviour, as seen in final battle in cha...
M9K Rifles+
Created by JustSomeSnow
*WARNING: For this to fully work you need to have M9K Assault Rifles and a copy of Counter-Strike: Source installed* Looks like i did it, after many delays and remasters, here it is: M9K Rifles+, one of my biggest projects yet. Erm, well let's get into it ...
M9K Pistols+
Created by JustSomeSnow
Warning: For this to fully work i recommend you download M9K Small Arms pack and get a copy of Counter-Strike: Source. Hello there! Long time no see! If you forgot about me... Then i dunno! Anyways, this is a addon pack that adds 9 new weapons to the M9K P...
E2 Viewer
Created by Knackrack615
E2 Viewer is a powerfull tool for server administrators It allows you to find spawned E2's on the map and do various things with them such as goto, remove, kick owner and remove all It has full integration with ULX, Evolve and Exsto Usage: Chat: !e2 Consol...
Track Assembly Tool
This page uses steam formatting. I prefer markdawn though. Description This script can give you the ability to connect prop-segmented track pieces fast. It is optimized and brings the track building time consuming to a minimum. It uses pre-defined active p...
RT Camera
Created by nrlulz
Fixed up the old RT camera from GM12 which was for some reason removed in the update. To create a display for it you can: -spawn the phx monitor (it's in Q > Browse > Games > Garry's Mod > props_phx if you dont have phx spawnlists) -use the on screen monit...
Smart Freezer Tool
Created by nrlulz
Instantly freezes or unfreezes entire contraptions. Especially handy for trying to recover a spazzing contraption or for build server admins to determine who's contraption is causing lag....
Physical Parent
Created by Catse
The parenting tool of the future! Don't you hate it when you flip your parented car and its body goes through the ground? Or having to use jelly welds to get any physics at all? Physical Parent allows you to parent entities while keeping perfect, rigid col...
Make Spherical
Created by daveth
Make Spherical gives most* entities perfectly spherical collisions that don't bounce when rolling or clip through the ground at high speeds like normal triangle-based collision meshes (meaning that it's perfect for wheels!). Simply left click on an entity ...
Playable Piano
Created by MacDGuy
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS AUTHOR! I've moved on from Garry's Mod and I am now making a full game based on GMod Tower called Tower Unite. This piano exists also in Tower Unite! ------- A completely playable piano that fe...
Ulx Set Utime [ UTIME REQUIRE ] !
Created by Yoshi
Not by me :P Just reupload Utime Hour Changer Introducing a plugin to change your Total Playing Hours, made by Mr. Apple and help from Shoop Da Whoop. This plugin is simple to use, doesn't have any bugs what so ever(99.8% Guaranteed). It's as simple to use...
Fin 2
Created by {-§RG§-} ravo
New fin tool! Check it out: FIN OS Tool *Please watch the video above if you have problems updating to the latest version.* This is fin 2 (Version 2.3) updated for Garry's Mod 13! I only updated the interface to make it work with Garry's Mod 13, and remove...
Created by Blueberry_pie
A quiet town lies near a mountainous forest littered with landmarks from a bygone era. No other games or addons are required! Features: - A large terrain (maximum map size) with a river, steep hills and dense forests - A town and various other buildings sp...
Lasers Pack Reloaded [Outdated]
Created by Leutner
Re-upload of my laser pack. This pack includes 6 powerful laser guns, with cool effects. After I fixed the glitched up viewmodels, I also added a new weapon. Includes: - Laser RPG - Laser SMG - Laser Pistols (2x) - Laser Rifle/Sniper - Laser Minigun Have f...
WAC Aircraft
Created by bop
A collection of several aircraft (mostly helicopters) that can be flown with keyboard and mouse. Even more aircraft GitHub Q: How do I download? A: It's one of the green buttons. Q: After starting it goes crazy and crashes! A: Neurotec conflicts with WAC. ...
WAC Community 1
Created by Divided
Welcome to my community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into steam ...
WAC Community 2
Created by Divided
Welcome to my second community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into...
WAC Community 3
Created by Divided
Welcome to my third community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 4
Created by Divided
Welcome to my fourth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into...
WAC Community 5
Created by Divided
Welcome to my fifth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 6
Created by Divided
Welcome to my sixth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 7
Created by Divided
Welcome to my seventh community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed int...
[simfphys] - Armed
Created by Jinxit Adds a weapon implementation system to simfphys vehicles. Included vehicles can be found in vehicles tab => simfphys => Armed Vehicles https://steamuserimages-a...
[simfphys] LUA Vehicles - Base
Created by Jinxit Original Description from 2016: After a long time i have finally converted my vehicle handling E2 to Lua and decided to share it with everyone. This addon will give you a very new feel of driv...
Axis and Ballsocket Centre
Created by ./chosen
I absolutely love these marvelous tools, and couldn't find them anywhere on the workshop. I can't possibly fathom Gmod without them... so I decided to share them amongst my fellow creators. The title pretty much says it all, they create an axis or ballsock...
aTags [Tags Creator]
Created by Tom^.
*ADVERTISEMENT* HogwartsRP powered by Garry's Mod | 300 + spells! Our network offers our very own online custom Harry Potter themed online multiplayer role playing video game powered by Garry's Mod. Within Magic School gamemode, you will be able to play re...
[ArcCW] Arctic's Customizable Weapons (Base)
Created by Arctic
"A weapon isn't good or bad, depends on the person who uses it.” -- Jet Li You asked for it, you're getting it - the ultimate customizable GMod weapon base, featuring procedural recoil, PiP scopes that finally don't suck or eat your framerate, full NPC sup...
NPC Attack Point
Created by LemonCola3424
A small script made in 5 hours. Can make npcs far away detect and attack it. Can be used in a npc attack&defend fight. Does not support SNPCs. Located in "Fun + Games" Folder. This is a editable entity.Its disabled at first. Hold C and right click to activ...
Falco's Prop Protection (FPP)
Created by (FPtje) Falco
Falco's famous prop protection, FPP. DON'T REPORT BUGS HERE, REPORT THEM ON GITHUB:
Created by Raxten
Welcome to Vyten A vast tundra worth conquering for it's resources, Vyten is set for capture the flag style combat. Based on the map Arctic Region from the popular game World of Tanks. Features - - 5 Outposts - AI Nodes - 2 Opposing towers - Winding river ...
[ArcCW] Gunsmith Offensive
Created by Arctic
"It's a hell of a thing; killin' a man. You take away everything he ever had and ever would have." -- Clint Eastwood 42 weapons. 247 attachments. The customization you crave. The quality you demand. Join the OFFICIAL Discord server here:
[ArcCW] Gunsmith Offensive Extras
Created by 8Z
Make GSO feel more customizable and more gamer. Adds new attachments, guns, and features to make the pack feel much more fun to use. Read the full list of changes here. Features CS:GO or all-in-one categories for tidier spawnmenus Per-player custom laser c...
Material Editor Tool
Created by zamboni
What is it? A tool that allows you to copy materials directly from the map and apply them to props. It features many options to control the appearance of your material. Why do I care? Because unlike the default material tool, this tool allows you to use an...
Extinguishing Water
Created by GaussTheWizard
End of Support: This addon will no longer be updated. Thank you for Mega Upload! This simple addon adds a mechanic that should have been made far sooner. Burning players and objects will be doused after getting drenched in water. Is your sweet base burning...
Created by Shtalker
Hell yeah hug em all!! addon works on ragdolls having original playermodel skeleton. That means other stuff you trynna hug could be bendy as hell. ...
Tank Track Tool
Created by shadowscion
With tanks being such a popular thing to build in gmod, it is sad indeed to know that realistic tank tracks are nearly impossible. This tool aims to, mostly, solve that issue. Please post pictures so I can add them to the images! Concept: - Wheels are defi...
[ArcCW] Firearms: Source 2
Created by mytton
arccw updates has fucked with this mod so a lot of feature has been messed with and no longer works: UI update- pistol optic flag no longer works ADS update- zooming is a lot closer so clipping issue when firing general base update - lots of feature such a...
VJ Base
Created by DrVrej
VJ Base, short for Vrej Base, was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting in the development of various addons. It is popularly used to create scripted NPCs, thanks to its highly customizable and sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. For an ...
Created by shadowscion
Procedural Props for Garry's Mod! This addon allows you to modify and customize a variety of shapes in real time with an ingame editor, with support for duplicator, constraints, and fully working physics. In fact, most tools that work on ordinary props sho...
[LVS] - Framework
Created by Jinxit
This is Luna's Vehicle System. It's purpose is to get all the different vehicle systems running on one and the same base so you don't have to code all the basic things over and over again such as seat switcher, damage system, exit scripts, weapon systems, ...
[ArcCW] Counter-Strike +
Created by Arctic
"I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it.” -- Clint Eastwood Please stop using this addon. Get Gunsmith Offensive instead. Join the OFFICIAL Discord server here: Inspired by...
[LVS] - Cars
Created by Jinxit
YOU NEED - Framework FOR THIS ADDON TO WORK Get more Tanks here Get more Cars here Get more Wheels here Main purpose of this Car Base is to be a solid can-do-it-all kind of base for wheeled gr...
[TFA] CSO2 Heavy Weapons Reupload
Created by Starlordryan
they pure took down the best gmod addons...
TFA Base
Created by YuRaNnNzZZ
Frequently Asked Questions Documentation for Developers Community Translations (and how to make one yourself) (all links dubbed in changelog tab above) For users: -A rich, thoroughly tested feature set including: Holographic HUD, reminiscent of FA:S2 Viewb...
[TFA] CSO2 Small Arms Reupload
Created by Starlordryan
they pure took down the best gmod addons...
[TFA] CSO2 Assault Rifles Reupload
Created by Starlordryan
they pure took down the best gmod addons...
[LVS] - Planes
Created by Jinxit
YOU NEED - Framework FOR THIS ADDON TO WORK Controls (Default) For Base-Controls see - Framework INSIDE VEHICLE: W or S = Increase / Decrease Throttle A or D = Yaw Left / Right or Roll Left / Right if Mouse-Aim Steering Meth...
[LVS] - Helicopters
Created by Jinxit
YOU NEED - Framework FOR THIS ADDON TO WORK Controls (Default) For Base-Controls see - Framework INSIDE VEHICLE: W or S = Increase / Decrease Throttle A or D = Yaw Left / Right or Roll Left / Right if Mouse-Aim Steering Meth...
Created by shadowscion
Finally got around to making this workshop-worthy The purpose of this addon is to reduce server entity counts and client draw calls by converting selections of props into one rendered model. It does not generate a collision mesh or hitbox. These entities c...